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Topic: Cleaning and
Maintaining Kitchen
Learning Competency:
Follow cleaning schedule
Tools, Equipment and
on enterprise Premises

Writer: Maria Melanie M. Loto

Illustrator: William Robles
Layout Artist: Maria Melanie M. Loto
Evaluator/s: Maria Nina M. Manrique

Department of Education • Schools Division of Marinduque

Illustrator: Gerry Lacdao
Layout Artist: Dennis S. Ibahan
1.5 Kitchen Cleaning
1 Schedule

What’s New

Food businesses must maintain their premises and all equipment in a

clean and sanitary condition in order to comply with the
Food Standards Code. The standard of cleanliness
expected must ensure there is no accumulation of food
waste, dirt, grease or any other visible matter. When
handling food on or with dirty equipment, bacteria can
be transferred to the food product. This has the potential
to cause food poisoning. To help minimize the risk of
food poisoning illnesses, all food premises must be kept in a clean condition.
Cleaning schedules are utilized to ensure all food preparation areas are
kept clean and sanitized. A cleaning schedule is an easy and effective way of
demonstrating all equipment is regularly cleaned.
A comprehensive cleaning and disinfection is vital if the buildup of
bacteria and food residues which could ultimately lead to infections and food
poisoning. The purpose of a cleaning schedule is to assist in ensuring that a
premise is always maintained to this level of cleanliness and ensures that no
item is forgotten.

Importance of Cleaning Schedule

1. A schedule for cleaning house allows you to get the housework done, and
then have more fun!
2. A housekeeping schedule allows you to enjoy your home and family without
worrying that you should be cleaning right then.
3. You become proactive, instead of reactive.
4. Safety in your home will also be increased, with less junk and clutter laying

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
5. Home cleaning schedules, when followed, will allow your home to be more
comfortable for all family members.
6. You won't have to do a mad dash when visitors come unexpectedly, or feel
embarrassed if they see your home without warning
7. A written schedule allows everyone in the home to be assigned a task or
two, and participate in the cleaning
8. Making a home cleaning schedule gives you the time to sit down and really
prioritize what needs to be cleaned.

Cleaning Schedule of Activities

Schedule are clearly defined plans aided with timetable which can help
keep home, offices, or business clean, tidy and organized. This will give advice
and guidance on how to put together an efficient cleaning schedule that will
make cleaning easier and faster.
Activities Purpose
Wipe counters right To prevent food contamination and
after using them bug infestation
Cleaning kitchen tools To prevent food contamination and
and equipment after bug infestation
Inspect the refrigeratorTo have an inventory of food
To dispose foods that are past
their “use by” date and also left-
over food
Wipe off stove and oven To get rid of food residue and
tops inside and out sticky film, spill and soil
Sweeping the floor To pick-up food particles and
other debris
Empty trash To avoid pest and insects

Activities Purpose
Cleaning small To remove spills, grime, and
appliances grease that have accumulated
Dusting wood and To avoid accumulation of smudge
cabinets and cleaning and restore shine
glass mirrors
Mopping floors To help loosen dirt and cut
through tough stains and grime on
the floor before they become
deeply embedded
Wash garbage bins To avoid foul odor and dirt from
sticking, and to kill bacteria
“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines
Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
Activities Purpose
Deep clean oven To remove sticky grease and other
and stove mess
Deep clean To remove withered fruits and
refrigerator and vegetable and expired foods
Deodorize To give fresh smell to utensils
Free up drains To prevent clogs
Shine up the To remove dirt and grime and
kitchen floor leave a fresh scent
Purge and clean To empty cabinet of stale, rancid
cabinets and unusable food and to wipe
away crumbs.

What I can do
Directions: Tell whether the following task were done daily, weekly or monthly.
1. Washing cooking utensils after cooking
2. Changing and washing curtains
3. Checking of electrical cord of appliances
4. Disposing garbage
5. Cleaning cabinets

Directions: Make your cleaning schedule for a week.

Days Activities Purpose

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines
Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”

Directions: Write true if the stament is correct and false if wrong.

1. A cleaning schedule is an easy and effective way of demonstrating all
equipment is regularly cleaned.
2. Making a home cleaning schedule gives you the time to sit down the
whole day.
3. The standard of cleanliness expected must ensure there is accumulation
of food waste, dirt, grease or any other visible matter.
4. Home cleaning schedules, when followed, will allow your home to be
more comfortable for all family members.
5. To prevent food contamination and bug infestation wash immediately the
kitchen tools and equipment after used.

Additional Activity

Directions: After making your daily cleaning schedule, perform the task for the
whole week. Put remarks if you successfully accomplish the task or not at all.
Days Activities Purpose Remarks

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
Key to Correction

Activity 1:
1. Daily
2. Monthly
3. Monthly
4. Daily/weekly
5. weekly

1. true
2. false
3. false
4. true
5. true

Peralta, Joana C. Technology and Livelihood Education Modules in Home Economics Cookery. St.
Bernadette Publishing House Corporation, 2014
Learning Module in Cookery 9, 2017
CLEANING SCHEDULES Environmental Health Services
Para sa mga katanungan o puna, sumulat o tumawag sa:
Kagawaran ng Edukasyon – Schools Division Marinduque
T. Roque St., Malusak, Boac, Marinduque
Email: or;
Tel. No.: (042) 332-1009 / 332-1611

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”

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