Nguyen Ngoc Han Statistic

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FINAL EXAM                   SEMESTER 2B      

  ACADEDMIC YEAR: 2020 - 2021 

This section to be filled out by the student

Full name: Nguyễn Ngọc Hân ID:199041040
Course: Statistics Group: GSTA101.B03
Date of submission: 20/7/2021 Time:03.00
Note: m is equal to 14
Question 1 (1 mark)

In a distribution of 8m values with a mean of 6m, at least 6m falls within the

interval 5m – 7m. By the Chebyshev’s theorem, aapproximately what
percentage of values should fall in the interval 4m – 8m?

If m = 14
6 m 84 3
At least: = = =75 %
8 m 1 12 4
X́ =¿84
We have 1 − ( )
x 100% = 75% => K = 2

[ X́ – Ks; X́ + Ks] = [70;98] ↔ X́ – Ks = 70 ↔ s = 7

We have [56 ;112 ]

By Chebyshev’s theorem

[ X́ – Ks; X́ + Ks] = [56 ;1 12]

↔ X́ – Ks = 56 ↔ K = 4

By Chebyshev’s theorem 1 − ( )
x 100% = 93,75%

In conclusion, at least 93,75% of data value will fall in the interval [56 ;16 ]

Question 2 (1.5 marks)

Let the frequency distribution

Class limit Frequency

41 – 45 2m
46 – 50 8m
51 – 55 10m
56 – 60 5m
a) Construct an ogive for the frequency distribution.
b) Find the sample variance and sample standard deviation
Class limit Frequency Class boundaries frequency
Lower Upper   Lower Upper  
41 45 28 40.5 45.5 28
46 50 112 45.5 50.5 140
51 55 140 50.5 55.5 280
56 60 70 55.5 60.5 350
Ogive Graph
Cumulative Frequency

50 28
40.5 45.5 50.5 55.5 60.5
Class Boundaries


Class boundaries frequency f Midpoint X m f . Xm f X 2m

Lower Upper        
41 45 28 43 1204 51772
46 50 112 48 5376 258048
51 55 140 53 7420 393260
56 60 70 58 4060 235480
∑ Xm =
f .
    ∑= 350   18060 ∑ f X 2m =938560
 Sample Variance
n ( f ∙ X 2m ) − ( ∑ f ∙ X m ) 3 50. ( 938560 ) −(18060)2
s= = =19,09
n ( n −1 ) 3 50.(3 50 −1)

Sample standard deviation: s= √ s2 =¿4,369

Question 3 (2 marks)

Blood Types and Rh Factors In addition to being grouped into four types, human
blood is grouped by its Rhesus (Rh) factor. Consider the figures below which show
the distributions of these groups for Americans.

Rh+ 10m 15m 40m 10m
Rh- 28m 12m 30m 8m

Choose 1 American at random. Find the probability that the person

a) Has B or Rh-

b) Not Rh+

c) Has Rh+ given that the person has type A

  O A B AB Total
Rh+ 140 210 560 140 1050
Rh- 392 168 420 112 1092
Total 532 378 980 252 n(s)= 2142

a, Has B or Rh-

P (B or Rh-) = P (B) + P (Rh-) – P (B or Rh-)

P (B) P( Rℎ −) P ( B∨Rℎ− ) 980 1092 420 1652

¿ + − = + − =
n(s) n(s) n (s ) 2142 2142 2142 2142

b, Not Rh+


 P (not Rh+) = 1 – P(Rh+) = 1 – 0,49 = 0,51.

c, Has Rh+ given that the person has type A

P ( Rℎ+ ¿ A) n( Rh+¿ A)/n(s) 210 /2142 5

P (Rh+/A) = = = =
P( A) n ( A ) /n( s) 378 /2142 9

Question 4 (2 marks)

A football team consists of 5m freshmen, 6m sophomores, 7m juniors, and 4m

seniors. Five players are selected at random to serve as captains. Find the probability

a) All 5 are juniors.

b) There are 3 freshmen and 2 seniors.
c) At least 1 player is freshman.
d) At most 4 players are sophomores.

A sample space: S = {(5 players)} => n ( s )=C 5308

a) All 5 are juniors
A = {(5 juniors); n ( A ) =C598
n( A) C98
P ( 5 juniors )= = =¿ 0,00304
n(s) C 5308

b) There are 3 freshmen and 2 seniors.

B = {(3 freshmen and 2 seniors)}
n ( B )=C 370 . C256
3 2
n(B) C70 .C 56
P ( 3 fresℎmen∧2 seniors )= = 5
n(s) C 308

c) At least 1 player is freshman.

H: at least 1 freshman: ≥ 1 freshmen
H́ : less than 1 freshman: 5 not freshmen
H́={(5 not fresℎmen)
n ( H́ )=C534
n( H́ ) C34
P ( H́ )= = 5
n (s) C 308
 P ( H )=1 − P ( H́ )=1 − ≈ 1.

d) At most 4 players are sophomores.

E: At most 4 players are sophomores
É : All 5 sophomores
É={ ( 5 sopℎomores ) }
n ( É ) =C584
n( É) C 84
P ( É )= =
n (s) C 5308
C 584
 P ( E )=1 − 5 = 0,99

Question 5 (1 mark)

A lottery offers one $5000 prize, one $2000 prize, and m $1000 prizes. One thousand
tickets are sold at $50 each. Find the expectation if a person buys one ticket.

X 4950 1950 950 -50

1 1 14 9 86
P(X) 1000 1000 1000 1000

1 1 14 9 86
EX=∑ X × P ( X )=4950× +1950 × +950 × +(− 50)× =− 29
1000 1000 1000 1000

The expectation when a person buys one tickets: -29

Question 6 (1 mark)

College Education and Business World Success R. H. Bruskin Associates Market

Research found that (m+5)% of Americans think that having a college education is
important to succeed in the business world. If a random sample of 5 Americans is
selected, find these probabilities. (binomial distribution)
 Exactly 3 people will agree with that statement.
 At most 2 people will disagree with that statement.

X: the number of people who think that having a college education important to
succeed in business world.

 Exactly 3 people will agree with that statement.

P ( X=3 )=C kn × p k × ( 1− p )n −k =C 35 × 0. 143 × ( 1 −0. 14 )5 −3 =0.0 2029

 At most 2 people will disagree with that statement.

- X ≤ 2 (0 or 1 or 2)
- K=0 => P ( X=0) = C 05 × 0,140 ×(1− 0,14)5 −3=0,7396
- K=1 => P ( X=1) = C 15 × 0,141 ×(1 − 0,14)5− 3=0,51772
- K=2 => P ( X=2) = C 25 × 0,142 ×(1 − 0,14)5− 3=0,1449616
- P ( X ≤2 ) =P ( X=0 )+ P ( X =1 ) + P ( X=2 )
=0,7396 +0,51772+0,1449616=1,4022816

Question 7 (1 mark)
The average waiting time at a drive-in window of a local bank is 12 minutes, with a
standard deviation of 2.1 minutes. Assume the variable is normally distributed. If a
customer arrives at the bank, find the probability that the customer will have to wait

 Less than 15 minutes

 Between 6 and 8 minutes
μ = 12, σ = 2,1
 Less than 15 minutes
15 −12
P ( X <15 ) =P Z <( 2,1 )
= P ( Z <1,43 )

 Between 6 and 8 minutes

P ( 6< X < 8 )=P ( 62,1
< Z<
8 −12
2,1 )

= P ( −2.85< Z< −1.904 )=P ( Z <−1.904 ) − P ( Z< −2.85 ) .

¿ 0,02839 −0,0021183

¿ 0,0262717

¿ 2,627 %

The probability that the customer will have to wait between 6 and 8 minutes is

The end of the essay.

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