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Bulls eye No.

System Review Test 1


1. What is the digit in the unit’s place of 251?

1. 2 2. 8 3. 1 4. 4

2. A hundred digit number is formed by writing first 54 natural numbers in front of

each other as 123456…………….5354. Find the remainder when this number is
divided by 8.

1. 4 2. 7 3. 2 4. 0

3. If n = 1+x, where x is the product of four consecutive positive integers, then which of
the following statements is/ are true?

1) n is odd 2) n is prime 3) n is a perfect square

1. 1 only 2. 2 only 3. 3 only 4. 1&3 only

4. A, B, C are three distinct digits. AB is a two digit number and CCB is a three digit
number such that (AB)2 = CCB where CCB > 320. What is the possible value of the
digit B?

1. 1 2. 0 3. 3 4. 9

5. Convert 1982 in base 10 to base 12?

1. 1129 2. 1292 3. 1192 4. 1832

6. In a 4 digit number, the sum of first 2 digits is equal to that of the last 2 digit. The
sum of the first and last digit is equal to 3rd digit. Finally the sum of second and
fourth digits is twice the sum of other 2 digits. What is the third digit of the number?

1. 5 2.8 3. 1 4. 4

7. In a number system the product of 44 and 11 is 1034. The number 3111 of the system,
when converted in decimal system becomes

1. 406 2. 1086 3. 213 4. 691

8. Number S is obtained by squaring the sum of digits of a two digit number D. If

difference between S and D is 27, then the value of two-digit number D is

1. 24 2. 54 3. 34 4. 45

9. What is the remainder when 496 is divided by 6?

1. 0 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

10. If 146! is divisible by 5n, then find the maximum value of n.

1. 34 2. 35 3. 36 4. 37 1
Bulls eye No. System Review Test 1

11. Find the unit’s digit of the expression: 55725 + 735810 + 22853.

1. 4 2. 0 3. 2 4. 6

12. Find the value of x in

x  2 x  2 x  2 3x = x

1. 1 2. 3 3. 6 4. 12

13. The highest power of 45 that will exactly divide 123! is

1. 29 2. 30 3. 31 4. 28

14. Find the lower of two successive natural numbers if the square of the sum of those
numbers exceeds the sum of their squares by 112.

1. 6 2. 7 3. 8 4. 9

15. If P = 71 × 73 × 75 × 77 × 79 × 81 and Q = 766, which of the following can be said

about P and Q?

1. P > Q 2. P < Q 3. Both are equal 4. Nothing can be said

16. Find the lowest of three numbers as described: If the cube of the first number exceeds
their product by 2, the cube of the second number is smaller than their product by 3,
and cube of third number exceeds their product by 3.

1. 31/3 2. 9 1/3 3. 2 4. Any of these

17. Find the last two digits of the product: 122 × 123 × 125 × 127 × 129.

1. 20 2. 50 3. 30 4. 40

18. The last 3 digits of the multiplication 12345 × 54321 would be

1. 865 2. 745 3. 845 4. 945

19. Find GCD of the number 2n + 13 & n + 7.

1. 1 2. 2 3. 5 4. 4
20. Find the remainder if 1818 is divided by 7.

1. 4 2. 2 3. 1 4. 3

21. A particular number ‘N’ is divided by 7 and the remainder obtained is ‘R’. What
shall be the unit’s digit of R2 × 189234 × 13471892 ? [Given N = 22225555 + 55552222]

1. 0 2. 2 3. 4 4. 5

22. Find remainder when 43101 + 23101 is divided by 66. 2
Bulls eye No. System Review Test 1

1. 2 2. 10 3. 5 4. 0

23. What is the total number of positive integral solutions of the form (p, q) that satisfy
the equation 8p + 6q = 240?

1. 9 2. 11 3. 10 4. 8

24. Using 1 kg, 3 kg, 9 kg & 27 kg stones, what is the number of different weights one
can weigh using simple balance?

1. 4 2. 10 3. 40 4. None of these

25. Using 1kg, 2kg, 4kg, 8kg and 16kg, what is the number of different weights one can
weigh using simple balance? (Given that weights can be kept only on one side)

1. 31 2. 32 3. 5 4. None of these

26. A hockey team in a certain year played 45 games. The team has never lost 3 games
consecutively never won five games consecutively. If N is the number of games won
by the team, then

1. 12 ≤ N ≤ 42 2. 15 ≤ N ≤ 36 3. 14 ≤ N ≤ 38 4. 10 ≤ N ≤ 40

27. By how much (approx) is the following function more than one?

2  ....

1. 2.414 2. 2 3. 1.414 4. 1.555

28. From each of the two numbers, one fourths of the smaller is subtracted. Of the
resulting numbers, the larger is twice the smaller. What is the ratio of original

1. 3 : 1 2. 7 : 4 3. 3 : 2 4. 2 : 1

29. The sum of three positive numbers is three times one of the numbers. The product of
the least and the greatest is 261. How many such number sets are possible if all
numbers are less than 100?

1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

30. The number 45327942*@ is exactly divisible by 11. Then how many numbers of this
form are existing, given * and @ are two different single digit numbers?

1. 9 2. 10 3. 12 4. None of these

31. Seed number is defined as the corresponding single digit number obtained by
successive addition of digits of original number till we arrive at a single digit.

E.g.:- Seed number of 1489 = 1 + 4 + 8 + 9 = 22 = 2 + 2 = 4 3
Bulls eye No. System Review Test 1

So which of the following numbers is completely divisible by its Seed number?

1. 5555 2. 3254 3. 6666 4. 7071

32. As defined in the above question, how many two-digit prime numbers are having
their seed numbers as prime again?

1. 9 2. 10 3. 11 4. 12
33. How many digits will be there in 100100 ?

1. 2,00,001 2. 1,00,00,001 3. 201 4. None of these

34. The HCF of two numbers is 28 and the HCF of two other numbers is 82. Find the
HCF of all these four numbers.

1. 2 2.14 3. 7 4. Data Inadequate

Directions for Q 35 & 36: Read the information given below and answer the questions that follow.

Neha is very fond of natural numbers. Once she writes the first ‘n’ natural numbers on a
sheet of paper and gives it to Chandarkanta to play. Chandarkanta a keen arithmetic lover
gets interested in calculating the average of those natural numbers and finds it to be 44 4/5.
When she tells the average to Neha, she gets shocked. Analysing this Chandarkanta says,
her average is absolutely right, the only error is that Neha has written one number twice.

35. Which of the following is the number that Neha has written twice?

1. 50 2. 74 3. 69 4. 27

36. How many numbers did Neha actually write on the paper?

1. 89 2. 90 3. 88 4. 91

37. If we write down the digit 5 side by side 777 times, we get a large number of 777
digits. If this number is divided by 101, what will be the remainder?

1. 0 2. 5 3. 50 4. 96

38. If last two digits of A, A2 & A3 are the same, then what is the digit at unit’s place of

1. 6 2. 5 3. 1 4. Data Inadequate

39. 216- 1 is divisible by

1. 11 2. 13 3. 17 4. 19

40. In a rectangular auditorium, chairs are arranged in rows & columns. The number of
chairs in each column is more than the number of chairs in each row by 5. If there are
300 chairs in all, find the respective number of chairs in each row and column.

1. 25, 20 2. 30, 10 3. 23, 18 4. None of these 4

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