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Home > Baphomet Solve et Coagula Ceremony

Baphomet Solve et Coagula Ceremony

By andrieh
Created 05/11/2011 - 9:47am
Submitted by andrieh[1]on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 9:47am egregore creation [2] Transformational [3]

Written by Andrieh Vitimus

While the original Mass of Chaos Baphomet ritual appears in ?Liber Null and Psychonaut? by Peter Carroll,
this particular ritual variation comes from my personal work with the egregore and represents a practical
synthesis of the materials within Hands On Chaos Magic.

This ritual works with the Levi concept of Baphomet expressed by the phrase ?Solve Et Coagula? which
translates to dissolve and reform. This ritual utilizes my experience of dissolution in a stepwise ritual that ends
in creation of a new form. This requires some experience with servitor creation, evocation, banishing, and sub-
modality work (NLP). This should be considered an intermediate to advanced ritual. Baphomet is such a
complicated entity that I can't even justify a short introduction. Just do a google search when you have a
couple hours. Needless to say, this ritual calls for working with Baphomet as referenced by Levi?s phrase, not
the satanic version nor the ?monstrous version?.

Before doing this ritual, all participants should have a positive group purpose. This is a multipurpose ritual and
does have to be adapted to different ritual purposes. Each participant should have an issue in their lives that
they are willing to transmute. We have performed this ritual with several deep seated issues. This ritual will
personify those issues into external entities. More on this technique for those who have not had the
opportunity to attend the workshops in person can be found in the book ?Hands On Chaos Magic? by Andrieh

Cauldron or flame proof container to burn paper in
151 Rum or other Highly Flammable Non-Toxic substance
Black paper
An image or statue of Baphomet
Red Paint
Chaos Star picture or icon.
Small table
Ritual Robes are helpful.
Fire extinguisher (remember- safety first!)
White paper or nice parchment

Set up an altar and place the cauldron at the center of the table. Each participant should bloody a piece of
black paper extensively, using the lancets before the ritual begins. (Be careful and no stabbing your fellow

Each participant should be placed around the table and cauldron in a circle. Ritual robes are helpful. Because
of the presence of an open and continuous flame, ritual nudity is not recommended for this.

Predefined Roles (this ritual could be done as

listed with as little as 2 people)

All: Banish by your preferred method. ?Hands On Chaos Magic? has several available.

All: State your intention: To dissolve a negative aspect of our lives and create a new entity to ?Do X?

Participants: Pick up their black piece of paper, and start using random speech (glossolalia). They should
imagine the black sheet as an endless plane much like the mirrors that trapped General Zod [4] in Superman II.
As they continue to use the glossolalia they should see, feel, hear, and even smell memories of the issue
troubling them and imagine all of that flowing into the plane created by the blood and black paper. They
should continue with the glossolalia as they hold the paper- filling with the vibe and memories that are
attached to the issue they are transmuting. The Glossolalia should continue until each participant gets stuck
chanting a name for the entity that represents the issue. They should at this point continue to chant the name
of the entity they discovered while allowing a form, possibly a sigil, or even more appearing before them, while
imaging the entity inside the paper.

Once they have fully evoked the entity into the paper, they should place the paper inside the cauldron and
continue to evoke the entity now trapped on the paper in the cauldron. Evocation of this sort is more fully
covered in ?Hands On Chaos Magic?.

Celebrant: While the participants are creating their entities, the celebrant will draw Chaos stars (8 pointed
stars) over the table at each line of the following Enochian:



The English version of this is not used but for information's sake here is the translation.

I - Reign - Over You - Saith

The Dragon - Eagle - of - the Primal Chaos
I Am - the First - the Highest - That Live In - the First Aether
I Am - the Terror - of the Earth - the Horns - of Death
Pouring Down - the Fires of Life - On the Earth
(The final line cannot be translated)

(This is Peter Carroll?s Original Invocation of Chaos). On each line of the Enochian, the Celebrant should
imagine with all 5 of their senses, the chaos star being drawn and becoming crackling and powerful lightning
in all directions that fork out and thunderstrike and empowers each participant while helping them dislodge the
entity and issue from their lives.

The Celebrant will continue with the Invocation of Chaos repeatedly until each participant has placed their
entity within the cauldron. At this point, the celebrant will keep going with the Invocations of chaos and
imagining with all five of their senses the chaos star appearing above the cauldron and then acting as a
electric fence holding the entities within the cauldron.

Participants: All participants will use all five of their senses to imagine Baphomet descending into the
Cauldron while seething and chanting ?IO Baphomet?, purposely out of sync with each other. Once the fire is
lit, they will imagine with all 5 of their senses that Baphomet will be evoked into the flame (mounting the fire).

Celebrant: At this point the Celebrant will pour the 151 or other alcoholic substance into the cauldron, and light
this on fire. A few important points here- USE your common sense. Speaking from years of experience and a
few charring moments in time- DO have the fire extinguisher ready, and DO be sure to use a long lighter. DO
NOT ADD 151 or flammable liquids to an open fire.

At this point, the Celebrant will fully evoke Baphomet into the flames, by poetically and emotively stating:

In the first aeon, You were the Great Spirit.

In the second aeon, Men knew you as the Horned God, Pangenitor Panphage.

In the third aeon, You were the Dark One, the Devil.

In the fourth aeon, Men know you not, for You are the Hidden One.

In this new aeon, You appear before us as Baphomet. The God before all gods who shall endure to the
end of the Earth!

(This is modified from Peter Carroll again, to be an evocation as opposed to an invocation).

The celebrant should be able to get into a deep trance state and when they are convinced that Baphomet has
been evoked into the flames, they should ask Baphomet to dissolve the entities in the cauldron through the
fire. This is a type of talismanic mounting into a fire, originally Andrieh?s experience of this technique derives
from Hindu religious sources.

ALL: At this point, all should continue to chant Baphomet while imagining the various troubling entities being
dissolve, transmuted and burning in an alchemical fire that begins to reduce them to a potent magical sludge.
Everyone should continue to chant Baphomet even as the fire dies out. People may feel that part of
themselves that is dying or dissolving- this is perfectly natural.

Once the Fire is out.

Celebrant: Once the fire is out, the celebrant will gather the ash and literal sludge from the cauldron and add it
to the red paint while continuing to chant Baphomet. When all the ash and sludge has been mixed with the red
paint. This mixture should look like primordial blood.
NOTE: The color of paint is largely optional for aesthetic reasons. It should be noted that depending on what
the new egregore is for, herbs, stones and other powders can be added to the paint mixture to strengthen the
group purposed egregore in its new purpose. This would depend on your herbal/oil experience.

The celebrant should continue chanting Baphomet while seeing, feeling, sensing Baphoment to help form the
new egregore.

All participants should focus their chanting and energy on the paint being mixed. At this point, participants
familiar with Baphomet should shift into a highly creative energy which essentially means pure sexual
(kundalini) energy by seething. If you need help with this, basic anchoring techniques are covered in ?Hands
On Chaos Magic?.

At this point the celebrant should go into Glossolalia, while the increased sexual energy of the paint leads
towards a birthing. When the celebrant gets stuck on a name through glossolalia, they will write that name on
the parchment imagining that they are taking that primal blood to pull together a new egregore for the pre-
established purpose. Once the name is written, all participants will continue to excitedly chant the egregore?s
name over the parchment. At this point the celebrant will try to scry a sigil and a form for the entity (if they
haven?t already). Everyone will continue chanting the name of the entity visualizing it being evoked over the
parchment until they are unable to continue.

At which point, all participants will banish by laughter.

Here is a picture of the last time we did this ritual ( altar picture)
NOTE: We also transubtiated the wine into the "Blood of dissolution" as a talismonic way to allow for people to
dissolve issues or energy blocks later. This aspect of the ritual is a little beyond the scope of the ritual release
but is certainly advanced level magical training offered by the Quantum Life Science Institute.

The group of magicians that I work with and students of the Quantum Life Science Institute have done
variations of this ritual several times. This is a far more difficult ritual than it seems and participants generally
do experience phenomenon such as temperature changes, radical room pressure changes, various extreme
body sensations etc. This ritual does require some competency with Evocation. ?Hands On Chaos Magic?
has the training set needed to acquire skill in this area. Andrieh does run semi-private monthly trainings as
well. Email [5] for more information.

About Andrieh Vitimus

Andrieh Vitimus first book, Hands On Chaos Magic, is an internationally acclaimed masterpiece of practical
magic as well as a meaty tome on self-transformation. He is the founder of the Quantum Life Science
Institute, a multidisciplinary think tank dedicated to developing individuals and companies through training on
the use of solid cognitive science, NLP, hypnotic marketing principles, effective change management, self-
transformation, metaphysical principles, persuasion, and other aspects integrating active and meaningful
spirituality with results driven transformation. Andrieh?s clients become successful. Andrieh has recently
decided to make the Quantum Life Science Institute public and carry the specialized life-coaching to the
general public to begin the process of cultural transformation needed in our current difficult economic times.
Andrieh Vitimus is an intiated Houngan in Haitian Vodou, a certified hypnotist, a NLP practineer, a result
obtaining metaphysican for over 16 years, and a Usui Reiki Master Teacher. In addition, Andrieh holds a
formal degree in psychology and computer science. Andrieh has the technical mindset, social and
metaphysical skills, and drive to transform the lives and business of his students and client companies that
hire him.

Andrieh?s bleeding edge metaphysics has lead to the development of a unique system of being called Reality
Artistry. Advanced members of the Quantum Life Science Institute will soon be teaching beginning courses in
areas across the country.

Get more info at [6] or [7]

Hands on Chaos Magic ( Lewellyn 2009)

is available at occult and pagan stores. Support the local stores and ask them to order it by name. If you do
not have a local store, it is available here atHands-On Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation through the Ovayki
Current [8], though Amazon.

Interested in Hearing More, TUNE IN! [9]
Listen to the cutting edge metaphysics and paranormal Internet radio show Deeper Down The Rabbit Hole
hosted by Andrieh Vitimus on[10]Monday Night at 8pm EST or via [11]

Get the podcast rss from our site at: [12] or the Apple Store: [13]

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