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Name stream Id No

Kibur Amanuel Design 0682/10

Advisor name: Ins. Merera

October, 2021

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


I hereby declare that this internship report is an authentic record of my own works as
requirements of Industrial Training during the period from 28/07/2021 to 06/10/221 for the
award of degree of B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Addis Ababa Science and Technology
University, Addis Ababa, under the guidance of Mr Merera.

Date: 10/10/2021 GC

Kibur Amanuel
ID No: 0682/10


First of all, we would first like to thank GOD next to that I would first and foremost I would like
to express my sincere appreciation to Addis Ababa Science And Technology University which
prepares this internship program. Next I would like to thank to the company (Enyi Construction)
for their acceptance which accepts me intern ship placement.

Moreover, I would like to acknowledge my Advisor Mr Merara, department of mechanical

engineering, for his support, advice and I would like to give special thanks Mr Darga for his
relentless help and guidance in the internship journey.

Executive summery

The central aim of this study is to attempt the back ground of the internship hosting company,
Enyi Construction Company and tries to discuss about the four months general internship
experience in the section of the company I have been working in that Construction vehicle
maintenance shop with the main activities performed in the work shop and the project that I
performed in the company. In addition to that the challenges those have been faced and measures
taken to solve the challenges. Also I tried to explain the overall benefit gained from the
internship experience that are in terms of improving my practical skills, upgrading theoretical
knowledge, improving interpersonal communication skill, understanding about work ethics
relation issues and entrepreneurship skill. Lastly I discussed with conclusion and recommended
the problem that is really presented in the company and activities they must take to solve the

Table of Contents
Executive summery........................................................................................................................iii
List of
Chapter one......................................................................................................................................1
Back Ground of Enyi construction..................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Mission of Enyi Construction Company...............................................................................1
1.3 Vision of Enyi Construction Company..................................................................................1
1.4 Values and Principles of Enyi Construction Company.........................................................2
1.5 Objective of Enyi Construction Company.............................................................................3
1.6 Services of Enyi Construction Company...............................................................................3
1.7 Stack Holders of Enyi Construction Company......................................................................3
1.8 Customers of Enyi Construction Company...........................................................................4
1.9 Organization structure of Enyi Construction Company........................................................4
1.9.1 The corporation has ten divisions to fulfill the goals.....................................................4 Corporate Planning and Business Development Department......................................5 Road Construction Division........................................................................................5 Road Maintenance Department...................................................................................6 Equipment Management and Maintenance Department..............................................6 Purchase and Supply Department................................................................................7 Finance Management Department...............................................................................7 Human Resource Management Department................................................................7 ICT and Organizational Development Department.....................................................8 Internal Auditing Services Department.......................................................................8 Legal Services Department........................................................................................9
Chapter Two..................................................................................................................................10
The overall about the Internship....................................................................................................10
2.1 Objective of the internship...................................................................................................10
2.2 How I get into the Enyi Construction Company.................................................................11
2.3 The section of the Enyi Construction Company I have been working................................11
2.3.1 Types of construction vehicle maintain in Enyi Company...........................................12 Bulldozer....................................................................................................................12

iv Backhoe Loaders.......................................................................................................13 Concert mixer truck...................................................................................................14 Excavator...................................................................................................................15
2.4 My Performance at the company.........................................................................................17
2.5 Challenge I have faced while performing my work task.....................................................19
Chapter There................................................................................................................................20
Overall Internship Experience.......................................................................................................20
3.1 In terms of Improving Practical Skill..................................................................................20
3.2 In terms of improving theoretical knowledge......................................................................20
3.3 In terms of improving interpersonal communication and team playing skill......................20
3.4 In terms of leadership skill..................................................................................................21
3.5 in terms of understanding work ethics related issue............................................................21
3.6 In terms of Entrepreneur ship skill......................................................................................22
Chapter Four..................................................................................................................................23
Conclusion and Recommendation.................................................................................................23
4.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................23
4.2 Recommendation.................................................................................................................24

List of Figure
Figure 2. 1Bulldozer......................................................................................................................11
Figure 2. 2 Backhoe Loader...........................................................................................................12
Figure 2. 3 Concert mixer truck.....................................................................................................13
Figure 2. 4 Excavator.....................................................................................................................14
Figure 2. 5 Welding.......................................................................................................................16
Figure 4. 1Disassembly of the engine............................................................................................23

Chapter one

Back Ground of Enyi construction

1.1 Introduction

Enyi construction is one of the greatest construction companies in Ethiopia. It is a grade-1

contractor engaged in construction of high traffic asphalt road and specialized in construction of
residential and commercial building with quality material and workmanship.

1.2 Mission of Enyi Construction Company

 Participate in large scale transport, water work and building construction in domestic
market and playing its part in the nation development by insuring timely
 Completion and acceptable quality;
 Insure customer satisfaction and building trust;
 Insure continuous improvement in quality and production by building company
production capability;
 Insure continuous profitability

1.3 Vision of Enyi Construction Company

To be a Leading, Effective and Preferred International General Constructor.

1.4 Values and Principles of Enyi Construction Company

1) Safety: The safety of our employer and traveling public is everyone’s responsibility. Plan
safety into every aspect of our work and do not deviate from that plan Strive for zero
2) Integrity: Our business conduct will include the highest level of honesty, ethics, and
moral correctness. We will not compromise employees, customers, or our company.
3) Respect: Respect is the basic rule of behavior that guides every employee in all of his or
her actions: respect for oneself and respect for other employees, customers, third parties,
the trade unions, society at large, the Group’s principles, laws and regulations, the
environment, fairness and ethics in the broadest sense.
4) Teamwork: Our culture of teamwork allows us to work together within the Company,
and with our customers to deliver better solutions and collectively accomplish our goals.
5) Entrepreneurship: Each employee should show initiative and be motivated by a desire
to win, to commit, and to succeed.
6) Transparency: Our actions must match our words. Each day we must strive to earn our
reputation rather than simply manage it. To that end, we must operate in a manner in
which our integrity and values cannot be questioned – that is, we must be authentic.
7) Leadership: Each day, every employee is expected to give the best of them, to strive
constantly for quality and to demonstrate the highest level of professionalism – and to
lead by example.
8) Accountability: Each individual is fully accountable for his or her decisions and actions.
9) Trust: Relations within the company are based on trust, which is the cornerstone of
autonomy, frankness and authenticity. It is for each person to establish and develop his or
her trustworthiness and for each person to extend trust to others.

1.5 Objective of Enyi Construction Company

 To become the customers' most preferred choice by attaining excellence in quality and
timely completed value added projects.

 To provide the highest level of service in the construction industry while offering
superior craftsmanship to every project, we handle.

 To continually innovate, develop and adopt state-of-the-art technology in methods and

materials to enhance productivity and cost effectiveness.

 To continually improve the competence of our team, and employ diverse, innovative &
results-oriented personals, motivated to deliver excellence.

 To build a safety culture aimed at continually reducing the frequency severity rate
towards achieving zero accidents.

 To identify and mitigate all the environmental impacts arising from our activities, and
comply with applicable environmental norms.

1.6 Services of Enyi Construction Company

 Building Construction
 Road Construction
 Bridges Construction
 Stadiums Construction

1.7 Stack Holders of Enyi Construction Company

Stockholders of Enyi construction companies involves in any project. Include the client, project
sponsor, project manager, members of the project team, technical and financial services provider,
internal and external consultants, material and equipment suppliers and site personnel.

1.8 Customers of Enyi Construction Company

 Government
 Companies
 Developer
 Owner
 Sponsor
 Employer

1.9 Organization structure of Enyi Construction Company

1.9.1 The corporation has ten divisions to fulfill the goals

1) Corporate Planning & Business Development Division

2) Road Construction Division
3) Road Maintenance Department
4) Equipment Management & Maintenance Division
5) Procurement & Supply Division
6) Finance Management Division

7) Human Resource Management Division
8) ICT & Organizational Development Division
9) Internal Auditing Services Division
10) Legal Services Division Corporate Planning and Business Development Department

Main functions:
 Annual operational planning
 Road construction and maintenance single price division
 Preparing the budget for the corporation’s head office and its projects as well as insure
implementing the working plan
 Preparing corporate evaluation reports for upper management
 Including new projects in the annual planning in advance Road Construction Division

Main functions:
 Enabling the Enyi’s road construction projects to achieve their goals and allow the
company to maintain its competitiveness in the Construction Industry

 Conducting construction works according to standards

 Providing the necessary components for road construction projects on a timely and
balanced basis

 Following and evaluating the completion of road construction projects

5 Road Maintenance Department

Main functions:
 Enabling the Enyi’s road construction projects to reach their goals and allow the
company to maintain its competitiveness in the Construction Industry
 Conducting construction works according to standards
 Providing the necessary components for road construction projects on a timely and
balanced basis
 Following and evaluating the completion of road construction projects Equipment Management and Maintenance Department

Main function:
 Strengthen the central equipment work unit and provide the necessary maintenance for
the equipment

 Production of various spare parts to reduce shortages and cost

 Inspecting equipment regularly and providing maintenance for their proper functioning

6 Purchase and Supply Department

Main function:
 Conducting single and collective purchases and distribution of purchased items Finance Management Department

Main functions:
 Until the middle of the fiscal year, the Company should register any property it took over
from ERA( Ethiopian Road Authority) and gives new ID number before the end of the
fiscal year.

 Recording the companies’ income and costs on a regular basis in order to prepare a
monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual profit/loss report as well as to report on
assets, liabilities, and liquidity

 Closing accounts at the end of the budget year

 Payment of government imposed charges on a timely manner Human Resource Management Department

Main functions:
 Planning and implementing the companies’ human resource requirements and supply
 Regularly training provided by the department and implementing teaching programs
 Providing general services for the corporation’s head office

7 ICT and Organizational Development Department

Main functions:
 Implementing and regulating new changes to the companies

 Guiding the companies’ department heads and employees towards conducting proper
business environment practices

 Implementing a system that measure the success of department heads and rewards them

 Conducting studies on methods of improving the corporation’s resource management and


 Providing a network to allow for efficient communication within the corporation,

allowing for information follow-up and better decision making Internal Auditing Services Department

Main functions:

 Prepare a sampling report that to analyze the risk and work processes, including
equipment maintenance, purchases, supply, and finances, of the road construction &
maintenance projects relying on the other departments in the head office. The report
includes data on finance, assets, management, and information technology

 Prepare a sampling report on the working progress, operations, and targets of the road
construction & maintenance projects as well as the head office

 Identifying current operation problems that interfere with the corporation’s goal in order
to improve the practices

8 Legal Services Department
Main functions:
 Following up on open cases incoming and prepare appropriate respond and arguments for
ongoing court cases of the corporation and preparing adequate information in order to
protect the interest of the companies.

 Provide legal advice and prepare to properly investigate and answer legal dilemmas that
are faced by employees across all departments

Chapter Two

The overall about the Internship

2.1 Objective of the internship

The main objective of an internship is to expose theoretical knowledge getting from the
University to a particular job and profession or industry.

 Learning about professionalism, and leadership

 Relating theory with hand-on practical learning
 Mastering Technical Skills
 Gaining Essential Background knowledge
 Perfecting Interpersonal Skill (Soft Skills)
 Building a Network of Contacts
 Entering to a particular job/profession/ industry
 Relating passion to career
 Tuning current skill through practicing
 Learning from colleagues and other professionals

2.2 How I get into the Enyi Construction Company

Among different companies visited during the selection of internship hosting company,
there were several criteria’s that had been put in place. Such as; Knowing about the
company and find out if it interests us to stay there for the internship period, if there is
internship vacancy, and convenience of the company’s location

Before I request internship placement to the Company, I survey the company and I get useful
information that is a company maintain almost all types of Construction vehicle including pick
up tracks. I was interested to work in the company.

2.3 The section of the Enyi Construction Company I have been working

I am working in the Equipment Management and Maintenance Department. In this department

there are different sections which work as a team for maintaining the vehicle. Some are Auto
mechanics, electrician, and item purchaser. I am working with auto mechanics.

2.3.1 Types of construction vehicle maintain in Enyi Company Bulldozer

Figure 2. Bulldozer

Bulldozers are considered one of the strongest and most reliable heavy equipment used in
the construction industry. A bulldozer is a powerful and extremely heavy machine used to
move dirt along large open tracts of land. Bulldozers have a wide, at blade in front that can
be operated using two hydraulic pistons to move the blade in a limited range of angles and
depths. They are normally used to push piles of earth and for rough or €ne grading, depending
on the size of the bulldozer. A bulldozer's considerable weight helps it crush large boulders,
among other operations.

12 Backhoe Loaders

Figure 2. Backhoe Loader

Backhoe loaders, often called backhoes, have a body that's similar to a farm tractor and
include an adjustable shovel in front and a small bucket in the back for digging. Backhoe
loaders are considered medium-sized construction equipment for smaller jobs and are
capable of working in limited space to perform various operations. They can move dirt,
back€ll excavations, dig holes and trenches, and place pipes and other materials. One of the
best attributes of backhoe loaders is that they are wheel-driven and can be used in urban
areas. They can even be driven to a job site. The bucket in the back can be changed to dig
trenches of different widths.

13 Concert mixer truck

Figure 2. Concert mixer truck

A concert mixer truck is a construction vehicle that combines cement, sand or gravel, and water
homogenously to form concrete. A mixer truck consists of a revolving drum mounted on the
truck that mixes all components together.

14 Excavator

Figure 2. Excavator
Excavators are large construction equipment that can be driven by tracks or wheels, but
tracks are more standard. A conventional excavator has a long bucket arm attached to a
attachments for specialty jobs. The most common uses for an excavator include:

 Material handling
 Excavating trenches, holes, and foundations
 Brush cutting with hydraulic attachments

 Demolition
 Rough grading
 Heavy lifting and pipe installation
 Mining
 River dredging

Auto mechanics

Automotive service technicians and mechanics perform oil changes on vehicles. Automotive

service technicians and mechanics, often called service technicians or service techs, inspect,
maintain, and repair construction vehicles.


Automotive electricians install, maintain and repair electrical and electronic systems in motor
vehicles such as air conditioning systems, lamps, radios, heating systems, batteries, electrical
wiring and alternators. They use diagnostic testing equipment to inspect vehicles and find faults.

Item purchaser

Purchase items which are ordered by Auto Mechanics and Electrician which is needed to be

2.4 My Performance at the company

Figure 2. Welding
My performance in the company was working together with the auto mechanics. I was guided by
the mechanics. They tell me what to do in the vehicle maintenance. Some of the most Basic
Automotive Mechanic Tasks include simple jobs like oil changes and
tire rotations. But, depending on the position, you are also going to have to do quite a few
diagnostics, repairing, engine work, and other more complex tasks, From changing fan belts, to

diagnosing a problem in the engine of a vehicle has been worked on different types construction
vehicles on a daily basis.

The jobs I am working are going to do continually change, and since there are so many ERA cars
and construction vehicles, I am also going to learn new things on a daily basis, when I do to
choose this type of career path. When doing the Basic Automotive Mechanic Tasks, I am going
to find that today there is quite a bit of new equipment that makes the job much easier than it was
in the past, but many jobs are still going to require extensive manual labor, making some jobs
tougher to complete, and requiring more time to complete, than other tasks. Knowing what I
have to do, how the job is going to work, and how long it is going to take, are all things that I am
going to have to work with mechanics and the mechanics speak to drivers about, when providing
a diagnosis of the problem, and the issues they are dealing with, when they do bring the vehicles
in to the garage for service. With several new tools and equipment, many of the Basic
Automotive Mechanic Tasks are done by machines, making the job quicker, and allowing
mechanics to take on more tasks each day. But as mention above most of the tasks are labor
intensive and time taking. A mechanic Assistance can work on an engine for a week or even
more, depending on the availability of spare parts, related task force and complexity of the
During the first week of internship I have studied work procedure, name of equipment used for
specific job and use to give a hand on lifting, fetching bolts, nuts, screws etc. This way we
developed out skill to the next level, which is

 How to perform routine service on cars, light and heavy trucks to keep them running
 How to Inspect and lubricate engines and parts.
 Identify parts that require close inspection such as belts, hoses, plugs,
brakes and fuel system.

2.5 Challenge I have faced while performing my work task

 I am going to be challenged with new tasks/different problems on a daily basis when I

work as a mechanic. Depending on the type of service jobs the mechanics do.
 I have faced identifying and knowing the equipment used for maintaining the vehicle.
 Getting the trust of workers to execute a specific job alone.
 Understanding executed working procedure.

Chapter There

Overall Internship Experience

3.1 In terms of Improving Practical Skill

During my stay in Enyi Construction Company I had got several practical skills. The practical
skill that I have participated on includes

 Different type vehicle Maintenance.

 Replacing different parts of vehicle.
 Adjustment taming of engine

3.2 In terms of improving theoretical knowledge

The thing I have gained from this internship is relating what I studied in class with practical
situation on the field work. Many concepts which we have blurred vision towards to understand
were easy sort when I relate them with I see. Seeing the purpose of the vehicle parts directly with
eye give more clear ideas. That means I have a chance to what knew before more clearly by
relating it to the practical and real time situation. The other chance I have in improving my
theoretical knowledge is having a time to read book with plenty of time without bothering about
exam or testes and get busy with only scoring well, but putting something in my mind.

3.3 In terms of improving interpersonal communication and team playing skill

Engineering is not a one man’s task. It is a team work; a one who has a good interpersonal
communication skill definitely will be a good team player. I have seen the important of working
together with in the mechanics and mechanics with electricians. Things I have improved from in
team work are

 Improving interpersonal communication with each another and with other fields worker.
 Problem solving by understanding each other

 Knowledge sharing by in terms of practical and theoretical.

3.4 In terms of leadership skill

I believe that the internship period was a time I have a good insight in what really mean
leader ship is. I know understand that even if I was expected as an engineering graduate
through the coming year are big, I should first engage my selves in every technical work I have
learn something.

 Risk taking
 Responsibility taking
 Developing hard working skill
 Fulfilling of customers need

3.5 in terms of understanding work ethics related issue

Reading the work ethics and learning then in civic and ethical education is the first step to learn
them, but not the final. Though the whole time of working period as an intern and lesson I have
is about how to be a mannered and ethical worker I should be throughout the coming year of
my career after graduation. Work ethics include not only who one feels about job, career or
vocation, but also how one does his/her job or responsibility. This involves:

 Improving attitude
 Developing good behavior
 Respecting and accepting other peoples ides
 Punctuality
 Honesty
 Accountability
 Polite communication
 Responsibility

3.6 In terms of Entrepreneur ship skill

Earlier before the semester of internship I have not any much good vision ahead. Being busy
with class of the time and about how to cop up with class throughout the semester and not having
much time to meet senior graduates of mechanical engineering we did not really have much time
to think about what we are going to be or to do after graduating. Fortunately the internship period
give me lots of chances to meet many peoples, like senior graduates, people with many years of
working experience in the company and in private jobs. Discussing with these peoples about
their life, and career give a good insight to see towards the inner. It gives me a chance to search
for my selves and hopefully spending with those people will be the future reference to me.
In addition to these since I have plenty of time and it gives us a motivation and inspiration
for good future. Sure I am going to be a good competent after graduation.

Chapter Four

Conclusion and Recommendation

4.1 Conclusion

This internship program is proved a bridge between the student and the professional life. Various
working tasks, I have been under taking during those past four months in the internship. I am
increasing my knowledge in many activities. I am very glad to see that what I have learnt in the
University can be a repeated in the working world. This program played an important role to
break the conventional thought that students and other skilled works that have an experience in
many areas can only implement field works. I am able to acquire a high level of confidence to
deal with problems that arise in the company. During these past four months, I had been able to
see important theoretical and practical aspects of all duties in the company.

The curriculum used for higher education system has new features that involve practical and
theoretical courses and internship semester. Even though this important, some things should
be improved gradually as intern ship areas/place. I strongly feel about the goals of the practical
attachment. It prepares the student for the real working environment. This program is although
phenomenal in producing fit and competent engineer.

4.2 Recommendation

For the four months in the internship practice I recommend the following things. They put the
disassembled engine parts anywhere but the parts wants carefulness

Figure 4. Disassembly of the engine

And they do not have more educated technical in the garage so they should prepare more
educated technical for best work. Also I am indicated some problems

 Insecure service is performing in the company,

 Almost no safety for workers of company.

 Dual work in one area as a result of this so many problems occurs, like fire, fighting,
 Movement of material and equipment from distance
 Unnecessary efforts of materials handling.
 Loosing of the property of like tools, and other materials due to no specified dressing, or
boxes room of the worker
 Wrong work flow and organizational chart and wrong order of repair and maintenance of


[1] Manual for Engine maintenance and repair

[2] Manual for camshaft, lifters, timing belt, and chains
[3] Manual for transmission and drive line maintenance and repair


[2] Allan Bautista, “Construction equipment in actual field”


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