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Leadership Soft Skills in Higher Education Institutions

Article · July 2018

DOI: 10.15520/sslej.v3i7.2219


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Saeed Aldulaimi
Applied Science University


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Social Science Learning Education Journal 3: 07 July (2018).

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Leadership Soft Skills in Higher Education Institutions

Saeed Hameed Aldulaimi
College of Administrative Sciences, Applied Science University (ASU), Kingdom of Bahrain
Abstract: This study aims to explore the leadership soft skills are necessarily needed for leaders in universities from the views of the experienced
leader in higher education institutions. For decades, the focus of management and leadership was on technical skills, i.e., the so-called „hard
skills‟. Technical skills are critical to perform effectively within an organization. Nowadays, employees also need leaders with critical soft skills.
These soft skills are more generic in nature and are the keys towards effective performance across job categories. The main purpose of this study
is to answer the main question which is, what are the soft leadership skills required in higher educational institutions? Then, explain and interpret
the implementation of the nine components of leadership soft skills, namely social power, trust, mentoring and coaching, prepare successions,
supporting, intelligence, emotional intelligence, inspirational and cultural and diversity awareness. This study employed in-depth observation
with long experience in higher education leadership. Then, discuss on the effectiveness of the implementation of soft skills development.
Findings prove the importance and value of leadership soft skills in higher educational institutions. Additionally, provide information to assist
administrators in developing high-quality interpersonal relationships with their associates and support staffs.

Keywords: leadership, Leader‟s soft skills, higher education

INTRODUCTION make him”. Bennis Warren (1989) in his book on becoming

a leader, contended that Leaders are made rather than born
Educational institutions need to be fully responsible and and he stated “The most dangerous leadership myth is that
capable of achieving the objectives of these institutions. The leaders are born, that there is a genetic factor to leadership.
choice of the appropriate leadership style for each institution This myth asserts that people simply either have certain
needs to study the circumstances of the educational charismatic qualities or not. That‟s nonsense; in fact, the
institution in which the leadership is practiced the adequate opposite is true”. Prominently, there is no doubt that leaders
skills to the concern of the differences of staff and their develop their leadership skills through life learning
different levels of capabilities. “Higher education experience, training, coaching, mentoring and hardworking.
institutions play a significant part in yielding human capital
to meet the requests and expectations of society and the Leadership in educational institutions is characterized by a
nation by producing skills for uptake by the respective continuous process of effectiveness and its impact on the
students”(Pachauri & Yadav, 2014). progress of the educational process, its success or failure is
linked to the type of relationship between the leader and
According to Burns (2010),”the most powerful influences teachers, and therefore this relationship has a greater role in
consist of deeply human relationships in which two or more the success of the educational process. The trust, mutual
persons engage with one another” (p.11, original emphasis) respect, influence, caring, and appreciation, is making the
and, thus, for a leader, the „„arena of power is no longer the work environment better. The administrative and
exclusive preserve of a power elite or an establishment or educational leadership of the educational institutions derives
persons clothed with legitimacy. “Power is ubiquitous; it their importance from their ability to use all available means
permeates human relationships” (Burns, 2010, p.15). From of innovation and creativity to suit the objectives of the
this standpoint, I believe that leading in a higher education educational process in order to improve the performance of
organization is to generate a profound sense of linking so the human resources. Thus, leadership in educational
that people not only have obvious recognition of their institutions differs from leadership in general institutions.
organizational reality but also a more solid sense of their Because it derives its strength from the personality traits and
role in how it functions and represent the challenge to qualities of the leader, while the administrative leadership
navigate. Equally, “organizational theory has observed the depends on the available features and personality traits.
essential change from systems thinking to relational learning Therefore, the educational leadership is important in all
and the creation of a culture of learning built on communities, to influence individual‟s behavior and groups
relationships” (Senge et al., 2007). and to accomplish the tasks assigned to the leadership.

Sociologist Herbert Spencer (1896) suggested that the According to Dobbins and Pettman (1997), “leadership is
“leaders were products of the society in which they lived”. the ability to motivate people to work towards achieving
In The Study of Sociology, Spencer wrote, “you must admit common goals, to make ordinary people display
that the genesis of a great man depends on the long series of extraordinary performance”. In short, leadership has been
complex influences which has produced the race in which he related to a person's skills, abilities and degree of influence
appears, and the social state into which that race has slowly to get people moving in a direction, making decisions and
grown. Before he can remake his society, his society must doing things that they would typically not have embarked

Saeed Hameed Aldulaimi /al, Social Science Learning Education Journal, 3 (07), July, 2018,

on.The contingency school (Fiedler, 1967; House, accomplished our task and I receives the final revised copy
1971;Robbins, 1997) suggest that what makes an effective of the courses and I submitted to the programme
leader would depend on the situation. They tend to follow coordinator.
the same pattern: 1. Assess the characteristics of the leader;
2. Evaluate the situation regarding key contingency SOFT SIDE OF LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION
variables; and, 3. Seek a match between the leader and the
situation. This theory exhorts the idea that the leader needs Scholars, who are interested in education, have tried to find
to help the team to find the path to their goals and help them the more adaptive management methods and leadership style
in that process. Path-goal theory identifies four leadership consistent with the nature of the teaching profession
behaviors: Directive leaders; Supportive leaders; (Halpin, 1958; Gibb, 1983; Cohen & march, 1983; Stogdill,
Participative leaders; Achievement-oriented leaders. 1973). In modern pedagogy institutions, there is a great need
for the adoption of leadership tactics that achieve the
Based on this, it is necessary to put some views to start to objectives of the Organization without prejudice to human
study some types of leadership to be a starting point for relations. In my view, the successful leadership approach
discussion, and this is the objective of this paper, which involves two dimensions that must always be taken into
presents some special ideas about the leadership skills and consideration: one is the achievement of goals, the other is
educational patterns necessary in educational institutions the care and keep of the group of people.
and their role in the educational process in order to choose
the appropriate educational leadership style for these Similarly, Lorenz (2009) refers to soft skills as “a cluster of
institutions, which positively affects the development of the personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that
educational process of these institutions. This paper focuses make someone a good employee and a compatible
on the following main question: coworker”. Gibbons and Lange (2000) maintain that the
 What are the soft leadership skills required in higher term “soft” skills are synonymous with core skills, key
educational institutions? competencies, and personal skills. Empirical studies have
 What is the role of leadershipsoft skills in the been carried out to the concern of hard and soft sides of
educational process? leadership. For instance, enhancing individual employability
found that hard formal and technical vocational skills were
This study employed in-depth observation with long and considered to be of declining importance. Generally, these
deep experience in higher education. Exploring the main hard skills are considered less important in relation to
traits and skills are necessary for leaders in higher education individual employability and performance compared to
work environment. Then, discuss on the effectiveness of the different forms of soft skills. This indicates a connection
implementation of soft skill development and its reflection between employees‟ soft skills and performance. A study on
to make outcomes in higher education. the importance of soft skills in the workplace found that the
soft skills gap caused the high unemployment statistic of
From my experience, in leading, I depended on soft graduates Seetha (2014). Soft skills played an important role
leadership due to that all academic staff have their ordinary in determining the success of a project or work performance,
job to teach, research in addition to their admin work. and they are required for the success of the organization.
Commonly, this kind of leading mission has no authority, so
it‟s hard to discipline subordinates and create an atmosphere Generally, teachers are academically proficient but lack in
of order and command. In addition, from my previous soft skills such as ethics, moral and professional skills,
experience, in leading sections, teams, and conferences, I communication skill,critical thinking and problem-solving
have the capabilities which enable me to base on the soft skills, teamwork skill and leadership skill (Tang & Tan,
side of leading, especially I am dealing with an elite group forthcoming). The increasing globalization of the workforce
of people which they are highly educated and understanding and job market imposes much more competitive skills on
the nature of responsibility. Soft leadership ensures that task our graduateteachers. “Soft skills can be typically
done without diving in troubles and it helps in transforming categorized into three major categories namely personal
the attitude and behavior of people. It emphasizes empathy, attributes, interpersonal skills, and problem-solving and
which is the ability to step into the shoes of the partners and decision-making skills” (Shakir, 2009).
look at the issues objectively to achieve the desired
outcomes effectively. “Soft leaders adopt transformational, The term “hard skills” normally refers to technical or
democratic, servant and authentic leadership style, as well as administrative procedures related to an organization‟s
building trust and others-centered leaders” (Rao, 2016). business (Maniscalco, 2010). On the other hand, the term
Consequently, soft leaders are people-oriented more than “soft skills” refers to the personal qualities, habits, attitudes
task oriented and I believe that soft leadership is more and social graces that make someone a good employee and a
effective particularly when employees respect and support compatible co-worker (Lorenz, 2009). To be competitive in
me due to the friendly and cooperative relationship I had the business world presently, one needs to possess soft skills
with them. I emphasize to my team that we share the in addition to hard skills. It is often said that hard skills get
responsibility to submit our work before the deadline. We one a job but soft skills keep one in the job.
assigned to meet every week in fixed time in Thursday
morning to let everyone show progress he made and give the For example, skills such as communicating, listening,
opportunity to ones who need more support or have the need dealing with people, managing people, etc. play a large role
to exchange thoughts regarding some details in his course. in relating to people. Some people make friends easily, for
Finally, at the beginning of the second semester, we instance, which would be considered a valuable skill in the
world of sales. In fact, soft skills include competencies that
Saeed Hameed Aldulaimi /al, Social Science Learning Education Journal, 3 (07), July, 2018,

span a wide range: self-awareness, one‟s attitude towards Trust:

managing one‟s career, handling critics and not taking Successful leadership is the one that combines high the
criticism personally, taking risks, getting along with people, consideration and care to his subordinates, on the one hand,
etc. (Marci, 2008). and the high capacity to take the initiative to organize the
tasks and structure and directing efforts towards the
“Soft skill acquisition among the executives stimulates the achievement of the goals of the organization. “Trust is
discovery of effective approaches and solutions and defined as an expectation or belief that one can rely on
innovation with increasing potential to improve the another person‟s actions and words and that the person has
organization wellbeing” (Massaro et al., 2016). In fact, some good intentions to carry out their promises” (Bernerth and
managers have misconceptions about soft skills itself Walker, 2009).
,therefore, this study will explain the main soft skills are
extensively important to the leaders in higher education The prevailing style of leadership in the various types of
institutions: education organizations is an authoritarian approach based
Social Power: on the principles that McGregor has revealed in his Theory
of Theory X. The reason for assigning this mode is fear and
There is a significant agreement on the view of „social
distrust, one finds himself in a vicious circle: afraid and
power‟ argued by Verderber and Verderber (1992), in which
dominating others, and then growing fearful of their
they declare “social power is a potential for changing
reactions becoming more dominant. The solution lies in
attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of others” (p. 280).
rooting out fear and instilling feelings of trust. Also,
Therefore, I trust that making a positive and respectful
confidence generates trust, love generates love, and respect
relationship with colleagues in the heart of leadership. I
generates respect.
assert that personal values have great influence on the
academic staff member‟s role to lead students or lead other
Leaders‟ probably become charismatic who have confidence
colleagues. In this context, I conducted the research on the
in themselves. This confidence makes them strong and not
relationship between personal values and innovation in the
fearing losing their position. They rely on becoming
academic sector. In this study, I concluded that personal
creative, innovative and collaborative and strongly believe
values play a significant role in forming beliefs, attitudes,
in their teams. It helps followers to deliver more effectively
expectations, and perceptions of people. Furthermore,
under the climate of trust and transparency. In fact, building
“values affect employees‟ beliefs in any community”
trust and generating optimism in the place of work helps
(Aldulaimi, 2016a). Alongside, I designed a model of
engage employees effectively.
Islamic Work Ethics, which I believe that it is shaping the
organizational culture and dominating the relationship Mentoring and Coaching:
among the people in work atmosphere (Aldulaimi, 2016b). According to Daloz (1999) “mentors give us the magic that
allows us to enter the darkness; a talisman to protect us from
Research into social networking suggests that people can on evil spells, a gem of wise advice, a map, and sometimes
average manage a maximum of 150 strong connections and simply courage” (p. 18). Basically, mentors as people with
a much larger number of weak connections (Dunbar, 2010). advanced experiences and knowledge who are willing and,
“Solidassociates tend to be categorized by a higher quality in most cases, committed to providing upward mobility and
and regularity of communication, superior trust, the larger support to their Protégés career development (Ragins, 1997).
sense of shared objective in one or more areas, and more I am really aware of mentoring in my specialization.
possibility of tapping oneself out for the advantage of the Therefore, rather than being left to „find their own feet‟,
other party”(Aldulaimi, 2018). “Studies of company typically, I give advice to new colleagues on how to prepare
networks show that geographical separation is not a major the course material and to upload it on Moodle early to
impediment to the creation and nurturing of informal enable students to download and use it. Second, I always
networks” (Casper & Murray 2002). This study uses the suggest that they retain a list of objectives for each chapter
social network as a mediating variable to test its effect on because it keeps students thinking on track and lets them see
the relationship between leadership development and why every step is important. Third, I encourage them to use
succession planning. real case studies from the business environment because this
makes the concepts of the subject more understandable.
Employees may use their strong connections in other firms Fourth, I work with colleagues to coach them how to
either to identify career opportunities directly or to gain manage their time and activities between classroom and
access to these people‟s own strong or weak connections. office to extend their learning activities and give the
Although there is little empirical evidence to support the opportunity to students to communicate with their tutors
proposition, anecdotal evidence suggests that people, who over different issues. Fifth, the most sensitive aspect is
devote time and energy to building career-oriented social understanding cultural values in this community, therefore, I
networks experience faster career progress. explain in details terms, actions, and behavior which affect
the acceptability of teacher in the student‟s eyes, including
During my leading role, I build strong relationships with communication with women, Islamic deeds and how to
colleagues and contribute to successful achievement and control discussion in class which might lead to political
making progress of mapping courses and other tasks. My argument. In general, I believe that mentoring is a never-
experience in pedagogy accelerated the growth of work due ending process whereby an experienced staff member offers
to increased demands for consults and mentor process. support to someone in the early stages of a new
Accordingly, they appreciate my mentorship throughout the appointment, particularly during the probationary period. As
Saeed Hameed Aldulaimi /al, Social Science Learning Education Journal, 3 (07), July, 2018,

Hall (2002) asserts “mentoring is anintentional relationship famous leaders such as Abraham Lincoln, Julius Caesar,
focused on developing a self of relatively unseasoned Mahatma Gandhi and Alexander the Great helped contribute
protégé through dialogue and reflection; an implicit focus on to the notion that great leaders are born and not made.
the development of the next generation in the context of
interpersonal relationships” (p. 147). He emphasizes the Wolfe (1996) states that succession planning is “a defined
primary function of such a relationship is to develop the program that an organization systemizes to ensure
protégé‟s learning capacity by transmitting knowledge, leadership continuity for all key positions by developing
culture, wisdom, and experiences. Accordingly, I voluntarily activities that will build personnel talent from within” (p. 4).
offer help to all academic staff. I believe that the informal More relevant the definition of Austin Community College
relationship gives great outcomes in the mentoring (2005) “Professional development is the continuous process
relationship. As a result, those colleagues get accumulated of acquiring new knowledge and skill that relate to one‟s
experience which strengthens their professionality and profession, job responsibilities, or work environment, and
continues their progress until now. plays a key role in maintaining trained, informed and
motivated employees regardless of job classification” (p. 1).
Mentoring is dependent on establishing friendly links Lowther and Dexter (2002) write that “leadership
between the mentor and mentee. I am always ready to development is a long-term solution addressing the needs of
provide applicants with detailed information on the progress the firm ... as part of a strategic plan” (p. 16).
of the ongoing writing activities. Good planning combined
with effective mentoring can play a major role in enhancing
the effectiveness of development programs and projects. I believe in supporting my colleagues by enhancing their
understanding and application of standards through training
Providing training to the employees to enables them to them to get the necessary information about mapping and
understand and explore this perspective. They can come explaining the main objectives of pedagogy process. I
forward wholeheartedly to work as a team. When employees developed a series of face-to-face professional development
are provided with a resourceful environment, they can be workshops to empower them to get on the right track.
engaged effectively. Hence, leaders enhance employee Consequently, decide which level fitting for this course.
engagement thus achieving organizational productivity and Later, supervising their progress in redesigning courses. In
performance. addition, to make sure the consistency between courses and
qualification which mentioned in the description for every
Prepare Successions: level. Then, providing clarification of learning pathways and
Many of the executives report their worry about the shortage progression at the periodical meeting for programme
of bench strength in their organizations. They are afraidof leaders. Being the leader, I confirmed operative channels of
theabsenceof sufficient “ready” well-prepared candidates to communication, an important role for academic leadership
replace justified and unjustified lay off of key leaders. (Bryman, 2007). I made myself available via email, phone,
Therefore, this problem constantly forming tense and and face to face meeting to answer any question and provide
affecting organizational performance. Throughout the any document or support materials they need as well as
succession planning conference that planned by Abu Dhabi additional information that enable them to do their job
University in 2013, there was a great emphasizing on the successfully.
leadership important. They illustrate the role of planning the
replacement of leadership in a different level and there is a Over time, I worked hard to provide the important
lack of applying the planning process. HR practitioners instructions individually and collectively to my colleagues‟.
asserted that 15% of companies in the Middle East don‟t However, I am always keen to be close to them and sent out
have a clear plan for coming leadership. In addition, the plan the updates, inviting feedback and constructive criticism, not
rotates around the highly performed employees and ignore only to keep my colleagues informed of progress but to
the talented employee with high capabilities which possible make sure that I was carrying them along with my plans. I
to develop them to be within the human capital for future. was receiving the work of my team and review the two
The conference focus on the idea of the importance of forms of mapping scorecard as well as the amended course
succession planning to guarantee the organization specification as a new version. Apparently, my team was
sustainability. unfamiliar with the best method of applying the standard, so
I deliberately worked on preparing an ideal model and make
A true leader is not the one with the most followers, but the it available to follow the procedure of doing the redesigning
one who creates the most leaders,‟‟ said US author Neale process. These approaches encourage course teams to follow
Donald Walsch.Whilst a solid body of research illustrates a customized course development framework based on an
the regularities that exist in leadership. However the existing model (Analysis, Design, Development,
question also arises here, are the leadership development Implementation,and Evaluation). I facilitate an open
programs crucial to bring adequate leaders which represent discussion of ideas and assimilate their subject material
successful replacement process. In the similar vein, we can from the outset, advising on suitable development
borrow the traditional argument, are the leaders born or approaches.
made. To answer this question, there is need to follow the
traces of the term "Great Man" was used because, at the In all my leadership roles, I am inspired by the pedagogy
time, leadership was thought of primarily as a male quality, research of John Maxwell (1987), who writes in his
especially in terms of military leadership. The great man book, Be All You Can Be, “We can either work with people
theory of leadership became popular during the 19th- or war against them”. However, I struggled with the further
century. The mythology behind some of the world's most demands of my team in working on course development and
Saeed Hameed Aldulaimi /al, Social Science Learning Education Journal, 3 (07), July, 2018,

the deadline for submission. In this positon and to achieve 1930- 1920 Thorndike argued that social intelligence is the
the mission, I didn‟t rely on the authority, instead, I earn my ability to understand others and to behave wisely in human
good relationship with them to spend the time to finish the relationships is a manifestation of intelligence and is
job besides their teaching and research tasks. published in Harper's Magazine. Psychologists have
interpreted intelligence as the ability to make others act as
they want.
Furthermore, the acquisition of critical thinking and
problem-solving skills are identified as an essential soft In 1985, Sternberg addressed the concept of social
skill. It is important for leaders to understand the role they intelligence, saying that it was independent of academic
play in developing critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities and that it was a key to successful performance
skills.Leaders need to work as facilitators to tolerate for in life. In the same year, Gardner emphasized in his book on
discussion and to boost a free thought process, in addition, multiple intelligences that human understanding of oneself
to encourage an understanding that thinking critically does and others,his ability to use and employ this understanding
not always end with a right answer, but supports others to of personal intelligence and intelligence in relationships
learn proper reactions to conflicting evaluations and with others, both of which are valuable skills in life.
In 1995, Goleman published his book "Emotional
Leaders should always think at a big picture level, take a Intelligence," which means more than intelligence. In the
long-term view, and entertain wide-ranging possibilities in same year, Jack Block, a researcher at the University of
developing a vision for the future. In addition, gain California, studied some of the personality variables
agreement to proposals and ideas; stand ground in the face associated with intelligence independently of emotional
of opposition; negotiate skillfully‟ intelligence, its relation to emotional intelligence
Emotional Intelligence: independently of intelligence, The results of the study
showed that those with high intelligence independent of
Actively create a pleasant human environment for work,
emotional intelligence were more distinguished in the
show empathy, accountability, humility, friendliness,
mental aspects, and less distinguished in the personal
unselfishness‟ aspects. However, those in emotional intelligence were
independent of intelligence, were more distinguished in
It is defined as the ability of a person to manage and control
social aspects and had positive attitudes towards themselves
his emotions and to select the best ones that are appropriate
and others.
to the situations to which a person is exposed. One of the
most famous people associated with this term is Daniel
The importance of emotional intelligence has emerged at the
Coleman, who defined emotional intelligence as a person's beginning of the third millennium. The society faces many
ability to know his or her emotions fully and also to know problems related to many fields such as political, social,
the emotions of others so that one can deal with himself first
cultural and economic. The global financial crisis and its
and with others by moving between his emotions and
strong impact on many companies are an example of this. Of
expressing his emotions In proportion to the situation and
anxiety and disorders and even reached the extent of suicide.
the situation in which it is imposed
Although these problems cause distress and concern for
society, there is no doubt that the solutions to most of them
Therefore, the world is now characterized by exceptional are centered on the individual's intellectual capacity as well
leadership, which gives emotional intelligence a great
as social and emotional skills, and the importance of these
importance in the process of making administrative
skills and ability to deal with and manage them effectively
decisions because of the material and moral impact on the
and this contributed to the concept of emotional intelligence
work and workers is followed by some countries in their Which has a strong influence. (Pfeiffer, 2001: 138-142)
government institutions, given the importance of emotional
intelligence and affect at all levels of leadership, Or even at Inspirational:
the level of individuals working at the same level. Leaders with soft skills believe in motivation and
empowerment by appealing to higher ideals, values, morals
Emotional intelligence is not a new concept of general and ethical values while hard leaders believe in rewards and
psychology. Thorndike wrote about social intelligence in the punishment. To inspire others, leaders must be a good an
late 1930s (Thorndike & Stein, 1937). In the early 1980s, example of commitment. Motivation comes best when the
Gardiner began to write about "complex intelligence" and leader commits himself to his promises, duties and tasks,
mentioned two pillars of general intelligence: interpersonal and works alongside the rest and explains to them that there
intelligence and interpersonal intelligence as models of is no high obstacle that can be traversed. Thus, leaders gain
traditional IQs. Bar-On developed the pillars of emotional respect from their subordinates and motivate them with
intelligence, such as the cognitive abilities, Are very energy and enthusiasm to win. Leaders are committed to the
important and sensitive to positive adaptation (Douglas, duties they make, which makes them fair and trustworthy. It
2004). also motivates their team to bring more to the team.

The first to publish a study using emotional intelligence Not only motivation and hard work, leaders around the
(Salovey& Mayer, 1990), and by following the concept of world recognize the importance of reaching the deep level
intelligence and its relation to emotion, we conclude that and the feelings of the masses. Leaders generate enthusiasm
researchers linked intelligence with emotion as among their teammates, helping to focus on future goals and
complementary concepts rather than opposites. During current issues. The knowledge of human behavior, failures,
Saeed Hameed Aldulaimi /al, Social Science Learning Education Journal, 3 (07), July, 2018,

and efforts on a personal level are some of the sources of necessitates the embodiment of respect for others in
inspiration shown by every leader in the world in the past. organizational practices, especially as a moral obligation.

The inspirational leader is a person with insight and charms

around him. He undoubtedly has charisma. Charisma as the
personal attractiveness of a leader that enables him to attract CONCLUSIONS
and attract loyalty and team affiliation. Which draw the way
for people to lead the leader and instill enthusiasm for the Soft leadership is the future leadership because the leaders
way it works, and although these qualities can be innate, but will need nontraditional skills to shape the future
it is possible to acquire and develop as well. andtraditional approaches will no longer sufficient to meet
the challenges ahead. Hence, softleadership is the need of
Cultural and Diversity Awareness: the hour to resolve various challenges globally and helps
Leaders should appreciate team diversity (career stage, greatly for the leaders to achieve organizational excellence
language, culture, gender), interconnect well with different and effectiveness.
people, and realize concerns from the perception of others,
display respect for values of other people from different This study aimed to explore the leadership soft skills are
culture.One of the strengths of today‟s progressively diverse necessarily needed for leaders in universities from the views
worldwide workforce is the fact that diversity transports of the experienced leader in higher education institutions.
innovation, fresh perspective, and creative problem solving For decades, the focus of management and leadership was
to the workplace. In order to use the variety of skills and on technical skills, i.e., the so-called „hard skills‟. Technical
perspectives employees bring to the table, leaders need to skills are critical to perform effectively within an
scrutinize their personalsetting of reference or paradigm organization. Nowadays, employees also need leaders with
through which they observe the world and keenly pursue to critical soft skills. These soft skills are more generic in
extend it in order to shape more effective work teams and nature and are the keys towards effective performance
generate an inclusive work environment. Every society has across job categories. The main purpose of this study was to
their own National values and it is generally accepted beliefs answer the main question which is, what are the soft
about what is good, desirable and useful, or what is leadership skills required in higher educational institutions?
undesirable and unacceptable in a particular state Then, explain and interpret the implementation of the nine
(Aldulaimi, 2012). components of leadership soft skills, namely social power,
trust, mentoring and coaching, prepare successions,
Modern higher education institutions are multicultural supporting, intelligence, emotional intelligence, inspirational
organizations and leaders within this diversity should accept and cultural and diversity awareness. Findings prove the
others values, believes and traditions rather evaluate it and importance and value of leadership soft skills in higher
make use of it. The process of acculturation need to create educational institutions. Additionally, provide information
and build cohesion work climate and therefore sees that to assist administrators in developing high-quality
pluralism is necessary for the organization. All interpersonal relationships with their associates and support
organizations follow this model and have begun to staffs. Even though this study highlights several leadership
incorporate diversity policies in their programs, including in soft skills, but still, there is a great need to investigate a
employment, including minorities. practical implication in generalizing these skills to other
higher education institutions. In addition, to prove the
Enhancing human and organizational capital through its theoretical implications for this study, there is a great need
ability to attract and retain talents and those with cognitive to prove that soft skills acquisitions are will directly
abilities through the opportunities offered to them to realize influence the organizational performance.
them and to be able to benefit from each other through
education programs and training courses. Multiculturalism REFERENCES
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