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IOT Assignment (Module 3)

Name:-Sayak Mallick
Stream :- B.SC IT(Machine Learning)

Q1. What is Architecture Reference Model? Define the value of

Architecture Reference in the context of IoT.

Ans1. Architecture Reference Model is currently the most complete

model and reference. It is possible that a real system may not have all the
mentioned entities or architectural elements.A reference model describes
the domain using a number of sub-models.An ARM consists of two main
A.Reference model B.Reference Architecture.

Value Of Architecture Reference :- Architectures Reference provide a

common vocabulary, reusable designs and industry best practices. They are not
solution architectures, i.e. they are not implemented directly. Rather, they are
used as a constraint for more concrete architectures. Typically, a reference
architecture includes common architecture principles, patterns, building blocks
and standards.

Q2. How many Functional Groups (FGs) are there in Functional

Model of ARM? Define any three of them?

Ans2. There are total 9 Functional Groups (FGs) in Functional Model of

ARM the 3 of them are:-

1.Device functional group:- The Device FG contains all the

possible functionality hosted by the physical Devices that are used for
increment the Physical Entities. This Device functionality includes
sensing, actuation, processing, storage, and identification components, the
sophistication of which depends on the Device capabilities
2.Communication functional group:-The Communication FG
abstracts all the possible communication mechanisms used by the relevant
Devices in an actual system in order to transfer information to the digital world
components or other Devices.

3.IoT Service functional group:- The IoT Service FG corresponds

mainly to the Service class from the IoT Domain Model, and contains single
IoT Services exposed by Resources hosted on Devices or in the Network (e.g.
processing or storage Resources).

Q3.Write down the concept of Sensors and actuators in Internet of


Ans3. The concept of Sensors and actuators in Internet of Things.

1. Sensors:

 These are simple or complex Devices that typically involve a transducer

that converts physical properties such as temperature into electrical
 These Devices include the necessary conversion of analog electrical
signals into digital signals, e.g. a voltage level to a 16-bit number,
processing for simple calculations, potential storage for intermediate
results, and potentially communication capabilities to transmit the digital
representation of the physical property as well receive commands.
 A video camera can be another example of a complex sensor that could
detect and recognise people.

2. Actuators:

 These are also simple or complex Devices that involve a transducer that
converts electrical signals to a change in a physical property (e.g. turn on
a switch or move a motor).
 These Devices also include potential communication capabilities, storage
of intermediate commands, processing, and conversion of digital signals
to analog electrical signals

Q4. Describe the different aspects of Communication model in the

context of IoT.
Ans4.The different aspects of Communication model in the context of
IOT are as follows :-

1.Safety:- The IoT Reference Model can only provide IoT-related guidelines for
ensuring a safe system to the extent possible and controllable by a sys- tem designer.
Eg: smart grid.

2.Privacy:-Because interactions with the physical world may often include humans,
protecting the User privacy is of utmost importance for an IoT system.The IoT-A Privacy Model
depends on the following functional components: Identity Management, Authentication,
Authorisation, and Trust & Reputation

3.Trust:-Generally, an entity is said to ‘trust’ a second entity when the first entity makes the
assumption that the second entity will behave exactly as the first entity expects.”

4.Security:-The Security Model for IoT consists of communication security that focuses
mostly on the confidentiality and integrity protection of interacting entities and functional
components such as Identity Management, Authentication, Authorisation, and Trust & Reputation.

Q5. How many views are there present in IoT reference Architecture?
Define any one.

Ans5. There are 3 views present in the IOT Reference Architecture:-

1.Functioal View:
2.Information View
3.Deployment and Operational View
IOT Information View :- Description of the data and information that the
system handles.The pieces of information handled by an IoT Informational
view system are as follows:-

1.Virtual Entity context information, i.e. the attributes (simple or complex) as

represented by parts of the IoT Information model.

2. IoT Service output itself is another important part of information generated

by an IoT system. For example, Sensor or a Tag Service

3. Resource Descriptions–>Type of resource (e.g. sensor), identity, associated

Services, and Devices.
4. Device Descriptions –>device capabilities (e.g. sensors, radios).
5. Descriptions of Composed Services–>The model of how a complex service is
composed of simpler services.

6. IoT Business Process Model describes –> The steps of a business process
utilizing other IoT-related services.

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