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British Endgame Study News

Composite index for 1996-2010 December ?010

ISSN 1363-03 t8

Arrangement of this index

Obituarics. contribured articles in ordinary i

Other anicles in ordinary ii-iii
Studie! in alphabeltcal order ot iv-ix
Contents of special numbers x-xii
Numbers refer to pages; "sn/p" is "special number n, page p".

Mike Bent 290-r
Wallace Ellison t22
David Hooper 74
G. M- Kasparyan (6y Timothy Whitworth)
Vladimir Kos 372-3
Frantisek Macek 239
Walter Veitch 282-3
Ken Whyld 242
In addition, there are short notices for Friedrich Chlubna (pages 296 and 304), Alice
N- Loranth (96), Jean Mennerat (392), Jean Monsour (zfi), Steve Smith (128),
Donald Stallybrass (240), Arturs (Arthur) Spuris (240 and 264), Mjlan Vukcevich
(248). and P. C. Wason (248), and briel biographical or personal notes sometimes
appear in the commentary to studies.

Contributed articles in ordinary i$sues

Mike Bent, I've got an idea l?-3
PaDl Byway, Evolution ofa study 84-5
Wallace Ellison, Elo lution of d study 28-9
LarsFalk, Life im;tetes aft 116-1
Harold van der Heijden, The footpints of tv'o vanished men 76
Andrew Miller, So ze ar and yet so far 20-l
John Raycroft, Chdna 404-5
Adam Sobey, Tfte genesis ofa studr- 4-5
Albert van Tets, Eadirr8r 132-3
Walterveitch,,( + 2R + N against K+ A 71
Timothy Whitworth, OtE thin| leads to anorher 44-5

Other articles in ordinary issues
Turoing the board around 36-',7
Testing studies by computer
Thoughts on duals 60- I
What are studies/or? 68-9
Three Flemish muskeleers 83
Some studies by David Gurgenidze 92-3
Thoughts on the "main line" 100- 1

More thoughts on the "main line" 108-9

Can you trust the computer? 123 (see also 129,16O)
Yet more on the "mdn line" 124-5
Finding studies with computer assistance 140- I
"Populai' and "afiistic" criteria 148
What is meant by a "general win"? 149
Modifying existing compositions 156_7
Ken Thompson 164-5
An editor's duty to his contributors 165
Endgame study database 2000 166_7
Should we resurrect "Win in a moves"? l'12
Who really composes a database study? t73
A lale of two prizewinners 180-l
Another tale of two hoooure.d studies 188-9
Compute6 aDd toumeys - a differelt view 189
Saavedra reinstated 196_7
Some defensive positions with K+2N v K+Q 204-5
Secrets of pawnless endings (Mark 2) 211
The occunence of study positions in play 2t2_3
John Nunn's endgame challenge 2r9
creating a study from a game position 220-l
Chess in a nutshell 228_9
On the reciprocal zugzwangs with Q+N v 2R 236-7
Wilhelm : database minirlg made easier 2M-5
Nalure failing to imitate art? 252_3
More news from the computer 260
Nature genuinely failing to imitate art 261
CQL and related matters 266-7
Q v R on a l6x 16 board : not a general win! 268_9
A curious set of coffesponding squares 276
Mo(e on queen against rook 27'7
Progress, or decadence? 284
Kubbel Mark 2 285

(continued on next page)

Other articles in ordinary issues (continued)
Another selection from 1995-97 292_3
lmprovements and extensions 298
Progress on the computea 299
A view ftom South America 300-1
Endgame study database III 307
Porterfield Rynd again, and more 308-9
Seven-maa computer progress 309
Yet more computer progress 315
More drawing promotiols to bishop and rook 3r6_7
John Nunn's endgame studies 324-5
One minor piece ahead rnay be enough 330-2 (see also 344)
A tale of two bishops against one 334-5
Johrl Nunn's 50th birthday toum€y 340_l
Jonathan Mestel's zugzwang challenge 347,350-l
The first 7-man endgame tables with pawns 348-9
The Macek collection 355
Dutch delights from South America 356-7
The muddled thinking behind the FIDE albums 359
Timothy's twenty 36?-3
Altemative views on the FIDE albums 364-5
gO I changing ofthe guard 365
Mike Bent's memorial toumey 378-81, 388-9 (see also 400)
Rook and bishop crossing-poinr sacrifices 382_3
An unrealistic request 396-7 (see also 4Ol)
Rook against bishop on a 6x6 board 412_3
Reflections on a travesty 418_9
More light on the WCCT 426
More seven-man computer progress 42.7
On rules for solving competitions ... 436
.-. and on duals in general 437
More on Thomas A Becket 443
Moro British studies from the past 444_5
Computer mj scellany 45t
Variations on a theme 466_.1
A philosophy oi chess endgame studies 414_5

The features "Recently published B tish origimls", "From the world at large",
"Studies for the Braille Chess Magazine", and "News and notices" are not indexed
above, but studies appearing in them are indexed individually in the normal way.

Studies etc by composer
Aagaard & Afek 425, 428; 388-9 r85, t94-5 (2r. 2O2, 2O9,
Beasley 34 5,36-7 (2),90-1, 21o,217,2r8 (2t,
Adamson s I pd.rrin (r€e ah, 98-9, I06-7, 138-9 (ree 226-7 (4),234-5 (4),
1'7,456), s4114, s65fi: ako 145),155 (see ulso 243 (3),251,251,
after R6ti sl/6 (see a&, 265,425, s31/6),163, 258-9 (4), 2?5,
63,65, 73, s4U5) 166 (two items in text), 29O-\ (4) lsee also 298,
Afek 30, 254-5, 292, 302, l?7 (in texo, 187. 213, 4721, 361, 362 (see dho
3t't , 358, 37 4-5 , 399 , 281,283,305,306, 369), 386-7.401,
406,42?,s26/4, see skn 370-1,436,443. 404-5 (2r, sU'7 , s3/3, $n,
Aagaarcl s3/6-7 (3), s4/8 (see also s3/8, s6ll, s6/2 (see also
Afek & Aagaard 450 32\, sg/2-3 (2), s8l'7 , 472). sl0l1 -8 (4) (:ee also
al-Adli s18/4, s39/4 (in texo sl!/5, s18/7 (3), s18/8, 73r, s1A3 Qr, slAS Qr,
Aliev 113, 118-9, 310-1, s20/5 (see also 147), sl5/1, sl5/2-3 (3) (see
390-l s24/6-1 (t2), s2als, sY n ; also l2l, tvto notes\,
Amelung s39 lrl,sriar (ree after Evseev s8/3; after s15/8, s20/1,
alto 267r, s4A'7. s6l/2 (in Mardler 203; after s20l6-'7 (4, (see ako 145t,
Robinson 273, 2?6; after s23/1, s23/1-8 (4),
Amelung v Erlin s39/8 Tischbierek-Vorotkinov s2617 -8, s2a/6-1 (5) (see
Amiryan 26.5 (in text), s46/4 220-l; after Watney s8/3 i also2Oll, s2ll/g (see atso
Anderson s44l1, s/g/8 (.ree version by Jones 147; 195r, s29/2, $44-5 (3).
dh,320), 316 computer disca'yelies s32/8 (2) (see atso2Il),
Andc.sson v Hector I16-7 s l3l3, s 18/2; s35/1, s35/4-5 (4),
" Angim" computer oDs e fvauons on comPute r s65/2 (2); version by
tlis t ov e ries s24/ I, s24 /2-3 discowfies 396-7,470, Elkies 195,298; ree atuo
Anon 209 (in text), 4'7|,s46/8, see also Whitworth
s l8/4-5 (2), s45/3, s53/1, Baxler, Bent, Dawson. Bent & Beasley 275
s53/6, s53/8 (3) (ree olso Ellison, Luceoa, Michelet, Benr & VEitch s28/1, s28/2
416), s65/11; d dllrls Roycroft, Tumbull, van Bent & Whitwortl 146,
s53/2-3; game positions der HeUden 362-3 , E6/Z-3 (see also
253 (2r; allcged ganc Becker 465,468 (see also 49)
position 252-3:' see also 473' Berger s42l1, s423,
Joseph Behting C. 382, s52/1, s4UB (see also 304r,
Anufriev s26/6-7 s52Y6-7 (3), s52i 8 s43/4
ar Razi sl 8/5 Behting C. & J., venion by Bcrguno 18, 369, 370,
Archakov 326 l-askt s4A2 (see also s3/2-3, s6l4-5, s6/6-7
Archakov & Zinar 326-7 (2) 304) Bemstein s56/7 (re€ ah.,
(ree dlro 406) Behting J. s426, s43/5 (res 409)
as-Suli aaal)'ri.r s 18/4 also 313\, s52ll, Bertin s45/6
Avni s29l6-7, 461 s52/2-5 (5\, s5218: see "Best Parisian Players"
Bakay 163 (in text) dlro Behting C. s50i3 (3)
Balemans Jed Vandecasteele Bianchefti s40/4-5 (2)
Barbier 196, 437, s48/2 (ree Benlij 206, 2?0 (see afto Bilek aft€r Rdri s8/7
also 352), s65/10 273) "Bird v Blackbume" 229
Bates 322, 346, 37'l , 384, Bennd 278-9 (.ree a/so 281), Blandford 186, s6/3 (2),
428 9 431 s23/6, s28/3, *A3-4 (2),
Baudoin 289 , 294 (see also Bent 9, 12-13 (2), 34, 58. 59, s35/2-3 (2), s35/8, s38/1,
29'7,36t' 66-7 (2) (see ako 73 , s38/2-3 (2), s65/3; ree
Baxter 393, 395: version by l2l), 82, 91, 99, 107, (rfuo Byway
Beasley 410; version by 114-5 (3), 138 (2), l3e, Blathy re? Meyer
Chdron 440 153, 154 (2) (see also Blees v Koftonias 212
Bazlov 340-i, 381 (2) (s€€ 169), 16r. 162 (2), Bleicher ree Haworth, van
also 408, t]'',o notes), 11l (see also l'77r,179, der Heijden
Blundell f , 2, 19, 26.7, 43. Campbell, Healey, Horwit?, Dedie s3l passin(see also
51, 170. 387, 433. Kling, Zytogorski (as 209, tw o no te s. 225, 232)
435 (2r,441 (se. also "Kling, Horwi(z, Dedrle & Tra\ler 2l4
449), 442, s3/2.3, Campbell") s5l/8 (rc€ Deep Junior v Deep Fritz l?7
s6/6 (2, one ill text), also 369, nro notcs,392, Deh\er 214, s4Z/ l
sl0/4 5 (4), s65/4; see Carlsson 301 del Rio s45r, s53/2
dbz, Roycrofl Carlsson & Peronace 174 f)esdrgugs the o ren re alis ed
B!undell, Katsnelson, Cal:I s44n on chessboard s13/6-7
Katsnelson 146-7 Cassidy s48/5 (sae also 352); Didukh 343, 438
Blundell & Roycroft s6/4 Jee db{, Moravec, Djulinac s8/6
Bobrcv Jse Lasker Troitzky Dobrescu 135, 284
Bolton s53/6 Castelli s8/1, s8/4-5 (9), Dolgov 97 (ree atuo I53),
Bondar 3l,79 sl3/1, s I314-5 (8) 103
Bone 229, s45/1, s45/4, Centurini 228-9, s4l6 Drewift s44l4-5 (4) (se? a/so
s45/6 (3), s53/4 Chapais 375 320\, s6514
Botokanov 414 Ch6ron .r?3 Baxter, Duras s42ll5 (2) (see arsa
Botvinnik 476 (in text); Crigoriev, Sackmann 298)
version by Moravec 476 Chemous 355 Dvizov s58/4
Bovz\t6cllky corvuter Chicco 126-7 Ebersz 13 1, s40/4-5
discoveies 268-9 , 2'7'l , Cht'^stensnn ea,he p os il io n Edwards 385, 386, s6,
2ao, 299,4t2, 4t',7 , 423, 253 Egorov J€€ Zhuravlev
439, s46/6-a:' see also Cochranc s45/3 Elekes s6O/3 ( see also 44a)
Haworth Comay 46t see also Elkies, Elkies 102 (as "Stiller &
Bourzutschly & Konoval Mestel Elkies", see 137),
c ompute r discor e rie s 309. Cordes 193,213 (in texo, 137 (see also s6o/3r,206,
3 1 5, 329, 330-2 (see also 265 , 2't2, 423, 443 (4),
344), 342, 348 9, 366, Costeff289 (in text); r€e s8/7 (as "l,evilt", Jdd
427, s46/8 dko Elkics 272), s46/6 (as "Stiller &
Braca s l3l5 Cozio s45l2 Elkies", ree 329), s58/7;
Branton s6l,t (2) (r?e dho Crosskill andllrir ob se nut ions on &tmp ute I
464) s25 pasrin, s50/1, discoreries | 45, 344, 39O,
Breider (as "Brie.der") s50/6-8 (s€€ also 368. 471:' see also Bent,
s5'7 /2. Gee also 424) 384). s65/1, s65/12; Karrer
Brieger l7l (in texl), 433, allegedanalysis Elkies, Cos€ff, Comay 199
s54/6 s4A2-3 (see 345) Ellison l0 | l, 27, 28-9, 121,
Crouch sl2l/4 5 (3) 122, sl9 passin (see al:o
Brown s53/4'5 (r€e dlso 385) Crum s44l2-3 (5) (sez also 145), s28/4, s65/6; after
Browne see Ljubojevic 320, t\ro notes, "Anon" (Kling) 49 (ree
Bruzzi25, 26 Cumbe$ & Nunn 338,459 aho5'l),50i see also
Byway lO (ree aho 17), 51, (ree also 4'7 4-5) Joseph
98, 106, s3/4, s4/1, d'Orville 156,334 Ellison & Beasley 37
s4/6-'t (3), s13/z-3 (21, Daniel63 (see also 65\, 112, Erlin ree Amelung
s l3l8, s24/8; after s5/6, sl7 passim(see aho "Euclid" s€e Crosskill (s€e
Blandford 186-7; after 185), s44V5, s65/5 384)
Grigoriev 85; after Danielson 344 (in text) Evseev s8i/3 (in text);
Hertstrnan 434 (ree dh, Dashkori4 Kalandadze, compute r dis cov e ry s l3l2
441) after Kupchevsky Martsvalashvili 335, 339 F^t^go s2212-3
s3/5; after Platov 3; after Davies 434, 458, 476 Fasan see Gunsbery
Pogosyants 75 (Jee a/.ro Dawson 4?, s4l8, s224, Finch sl5/6 (ree dko 473),
8l); s€€ dAo Platov V. & s38i 3 (2), s4l/5-7 (5)i s20/5, s23/3
M. version by Beasley s8/6-7 Finlayson s44l6
Byway & Whitwoflh 186 de Boer, va! Oosterhout, van neck 293
Calvi s45/8 de Gevel, Mees s7l1 (ree Fontana & Roycroft 149,
Canpbell s51/1, s5l/8 (iee also 57r, s'l/2-4 szll2-3
also 369r, s65/ll de Villeneuve Esclapon s43/2 Fri* s6CV I, s60/8 (2),
s6l/2-3 (5) (ree alro 449, s513, s4O passim (see also Issler 180. s54/l, s54/4
456) 281), s6l/1, s6l/5 (2); Jaenisch s42/3
Fritz 100-1. 108 9,472 (note Grigori€v
se? a/.ro Jensch 3l
in text), s64 parr/.rr Harley r€€ White JesPersen s43/5 (see abd
Frolkin see Tkachen}o Harman s28/5 ( dtuo 193) 305)
Garaza s6l/8 Hafiison v l,oughran 261 Joila 150-1, s26l5
Gawne 266, 314 Harwitz 313 (note in texo Joila & Tacu 429
Gemmell l0 I I Haiek sl4 pussin (see ulso Jones C. B. 378-9
George 3?5 105, I I I, l2l); version Jones C. J. A. ree Beasley
Claser s3-5/8 by Whitworth 105 (see Joseph 156-7, s35/8. s4l/1,
Godes & Roycroft s2ll3 also 113\; s4l/4-5, s65/5;
Goldovski s 18/2 Hathaway 107 (.rs? ahd 121) anonymous version 156-7,
Golombek v Veitch 282 Haworth cotnpaer s4l/4-5, s65/5
colubcv 103 discove es 1!4'8,451; Joseph v Ellison sl9/2
Gorgiev 100-1. 108-9. 124-5 obsemation on conpuler Josten 343
Greedwood 214 discowry 202-3 (ree also Josten & Minski 380
Gngoriev 84, 148,261 (in 344), see also va der Kakovin & Molor 97 (in text)
text), 374 (in text), 449 (in Heijden K^l^ndadze l0l , 20'l , 231 .
tExt , s22n (2) (see also Haworth, Bourzutschky, 446, s57/6; see also
l6l)i version by Ch6ron Bleicher computer Dashkoria, Gurgenidze
84; version by discoteies s46/6-7 Kalandadze & Tavariani
Halberstad( 84 (in texo: Hayes s44/6 s55/4-5
version by Speclman, 84; Healey.r?? Carnpbell Kamody r€u Kekely
,tee d1r{i Byway, Heasman s l5t Kapusta s58/3
Gurgenidzc, Khachaturov Hector ses Andersson Kzlret conryute r di s cor e
Grin 54; see aLra Gulyaev Heller s4Z3 version by Elkies
Grin & Pervakov 222-3 Henneberger s5/4-5, s5/6, laz-3 (see ako l9)\
Grondijs 85, s2l1, szs s6ll4 Karstedt ,51 (in text), 118-9,
Grosz 468 (in text) (s€€.rro Herberg s54/5 (see rrlso 409) s2'l/2, s4216
4'73\ Hedstman 382, 441, Kaspaty4 6-'7 (2). 62 3 , 239 .
Gruber after Strdhlein & s33 passim (see elso 225. 32'l , s2/5, s54/g, s57 l4-5
Zagler s8/6 r*\o notest: see also Katsnelson s2?/3 (r€e 1r.r.,
Culyaev s5l1, s5/2-3, Byway 16lr, s55/4; see also
s54/3lsee also 393); lee Heuiicker s7/5 8 (8) (r€€ alro Blundell, Korolkov
dtio Crin 5'l), s54/3 KazanBev 255
Gunsberg andlJris s48/6 (as Hildebrand 319 (3), 335 Kecmink 320 (note in text)
by Fasan'', r€e 345) Hlinka 391; see aLr.) Vlasdk Kekely 14; see also Salai
Cugenidze 62, 92-3 (3), Hoch 39, 198, s222, s58/3, Kekely & Kamody 446
246-i (4),411 (see also s58/7i r€s aft, Neuwi( Khachaturov after Grigoriev
4l7\, 453 , s2616, s29/3, Holm s56/5 85
s29/4 5, s57l3, s57/8 (see IlooFP-r 74, s3U2-3 Khortov s57/1, s57/8
ulso 417 , Nvo notes\. Horwirz 252, 367, 393 (in Kieseritsky ree Liprnann
s58/1, s58/5;after text), s48/4-5 (2), King Parks s44/7 (,ree dfuo
Grigoriev 473,479 s48,ry-8 (3). s5l/5 (rs€ 313)
Gurgenidze & Kalandadze also 369), s5I/7, s6517; Kiryakov 81. 86-7
t4,2t5,247 sea alsa Carnpbell, Kling Kling 50 (as "Anon", ser 57),
Curvich 367 (.r"" l1lro 376), Howell s4l/2 3 (see ako 369, slg/7, s4a/6-i (2r.
s3/6 289) analytk 402; see ako
Cusev & Pervakov s29l6 Hume s44t Carnpbeil, Ellison
Gusev & Sumbatyan 254 Hurme 222 Kliog & Horwitz 76 (2),
Gny 38 9 , s22/7 , s35/2 (see Husdk s46l4-5 | 42 l2), 228, 233 , 396,
alr{, 241), s38/4-.5 (.5) Hutton s35,t (ree dlro 241) 425 (note in text), s15/4,
Halbentadr 65 (in text), lbran 102 (2) s5l/2-7 (19\ (see ako
l'I!l (see also s6st9), lriarre 103,303, s2Z6 376,385, 400), s65/7 (3)
462-3 (4) (iee also 465) , Isenegger s5/5, s5/8, s6l/6 Kling & Kuiper drldl',riJ (as
by Kling alone) Michelet 298 (ree alr.l s2:Y5, s53/3 (in text); r€€
s53/6 7 (see also 438) 30s) dlso Beasley
Koch 316 Lasker s43/6; ree a/.rd Mann 29 (in lext), sl9/6 (in
Kok 353,356,357,383 Behting tex0, s59,ry (in tex0
Kolesnikov sZ8 l-asker & Reicbhelm s40/4 Maltsvalashvili ree
Kolpakov ree Serejbn l,asker v Bobrcv 213 Dasbkoria
Ko||,dftte\ 39, nl, s22/6 l-oughran r?e Harrison Marwitz 356, s62pdssim
Kondratev & Kopnin 127 Lauritzen 409 (in !ext), Isee also 451, notes)
Kona\al compukr 457 (in text) Matous 89, 145 (in^+,0
discoyeries 454:. -tee al:o I-avaud s26l6 158-9, 263, Z'71 . 286,
Bourzutschky Lazard F- s37 pdrria (re€ 294,5,390, M7, 454-5,
Kopelovitch re€ Afek also 25'7, thrce notes), s58/5
Kopnin ree Kondrakv s56/6 (s€e dlso 409) Mattison 65, 6?
Kor{nyi 134, s55/2, s58/2 Lazard G. s3'7/4 May s20/3
Korolkov see Roycroft kko v Kramnik 183 McEwan s 10/6
Korolkov & Katsnelson 54-5 Irmmey & whitworti 363, McSheehy s23/3
Korolkov & Mitrofanov 30- I s23/4, sZ3/5 (Z\. s65/8 Mees 310 (2); s?e ab.) de
Koteling 323 (note in texo krch I 10- I Boer
Kos 372-3 (3) layitt 11,34 5, see ulso Melnichento 477
KotEiovec computer Elkies Mestel 354-5 (2), rdrr
disco| e rie s 4 12-3, s4/ 4-5, bwandowski 70, s26l1, exunples 34'1,350-1
s24/4-5 s26/4-5, s36 pclJim (see Mestel & Comay 90 (ree d/,ro
Kotov 477 (in texD; see alro aho 249.Iive notes)a ree 9'1,
Mitrofanov d/.r{, Kwiatowski Meyer 402, s2Z6 (in text),
Kotronias J€€ Ble€s Lewis s45/2, s53/3 (3) s65/l I
Kovalenko 380 (see also Liardet s18/l, s18/3 (2) Meyer & Blathy s48/8
408), s2/6, s58/8 Libu.kin 69, 208, s22l3 Michele! 50, 66, 82, 169.
Kovalento & Kubryak Lipmsnn & Kieseritsky s45/8 l7O-1, 2lO, Z4l (see also
170- I (ree oko s65/9) Littlewood s32/6 249. 250). 242-3. 259 ls e e
Kmemer 22 3 Ljubojevic v Browne 261 also 265), 2'7 4 (7), 313 ,
Kramnik ree Leko Locock s40/4. s48/1. s48/5, 3 L4, 321 , 323, 335, 339 ,
Krikheli s34 pa.rsizr (see alra s65/8 403 , 434, 442, 449 ,
284\ Lolli s50/4, s53, (in lext 45t (see also 457\,458,
Kubbel 157, 184, 209 (in Lommet 22-3, 5'7 . 59, 4O2, 466-7 (3) (see also 473),
text), 241 (in rexr), 445 (2). s32/6. s6/4-5, s65/9; after
285 (3), 334.457 (in text), s38/6-7 (3), Pogosyants 346; rs€ dl$o
s38/3 (in texo, s43/7, s4l/7-8 (5) (see ako289). Lafsen, Platov M. &
s56/4, s60/7 (3). s65/3 (in s65/l I Troitzky, Selman
text); version by Loshinksi .rs? Roycroft Michelet & Bffsley 25G1
Vlasenko 157 Loughran rea Harrison Micu s29,t
Kubryak rde Kovalenko tnwenthal 444 (see dlio 456) Miljanic 2?9
Kudelich s26l3-4 l,owy 214 M1ller 2'3. 2'l , 42-3, 7 5, s3/5 ,
Kuiper see Kling Lucena, version by Beasley s23/6-1 (2), s1g/3, s28/5,
Kupchevsky s3/4-5; Jdn airo s18/8 s29l2; after Platov 20-l
Byway Lytton l15i ree dlso Sells Minerva 190, s2?/4 (second
Kuzmichev 423 Machitidze see Tavariani edition)
Kuznetsov & Pervakov 116 Macleod s l2ll1, s l2J6 Minski 407 (ses dho 409):
Kwiatowski sZ4, s29l7 Maizelis E5
Kwiatowski & kwandowski Makhatadze s225, s55/5; Missiaen 83
sNn after Duras 298 Missiaen & Vandecasteele
Lamfbrd s12/6, s20/4 (2); Maldetsov 342 (rea ako 3.52) 159
ree ah,Spe€lman Malyuk 231 Mitofanav 223 (see dlso
Itne s38/6 (ree dho 265) Mandil s5/5 (2) 225); ree dko Korolkov
Lapkin 94 M^ndler 366, 423 (2t, 43'7. Mitrofanov & Kotov s58/2
Larsen s42i/4; version by sI I pdrst'n (se€ aho 89), Mitrofanov & Roslov 230
Montanari s2t Pervakov 293, 398, 430; red Rossolimo 469 (2)
Moravec 375 (ir text), abo Grin,6usev, Roycrolt 442 (see also 456r,
403 (2), 4tr (2), 4zt (zt, Kuznetsov s3/1, s3/8, s15/4,
437, s22l6 (in texo, s56/2; Pervakov & Sumbatyan 340 s l5/8 (ree dlsd I I3).
after Cassidy and Troitzky Philidor sl3/8, s50/2-3 s21 parstr, (r€€ dho i53),
s48/5 (in text) (ree dAo Pl^tov M. 42O; see also s3U | , s342, s65/9 (2);
352); red dlso Botvinnik Platov V. & M. vercion by Blundell s2l/8;
Morse 345,346, 429 (see Platov M. & Troitzky 432; obsemdtion on computer
also 433, s65/9), sl5n version by Michelet (as discoveries 173:' see also
Motor ree Kakovin "Platov, version by Blundcll, Fontana, Codes
Mozes Jee Stcphenson Michelet") 420 (ree a/sl, Roycroft & Beasley s2l/7
Mugnos s5/6-8, s6U6 432) Roycroft, Korolkov,
Muradov 70-l Platov V. 3 Loshinski s2l/6 (ree also
Nadereishvili s54/7 (see dtuo Platov V. & M. 21, 188-9, ls3)
393) 229, na-g (3),s42t5, Rubesamen 229
Nestorescu 150 s43/1, s43/6-7, s56/1, Rubinstein v Omeliansky 73,
Neumann s60/2-3 (2) s56/3, s56/6 (see also
Neustadl 148, s43/6, s43t, 409); version by Byway Rudolph s44t
s5613 s6/5 Rumyantsev 79 (se€ alro 8l)
Neuwirt, version by Hoch Pogosyants 73 (in text), Rusinek 316-7, s26l2-3 (in
s58/6 81 (in texo, 100-1, 135, text), s54/8, s55/1, s55/3
Newham Jee Szen 163 (in texo, 190.1, 300, Ryabinin 68-9
Nixon analysis sl8/6 335a see alsoByway, "Rynd v Lynam" 196'7, 212,
Novitzky 86'7 Michelet 308
Nunn 129, 130-l (2), Polacco s l3l5 ''Rynd v Yates" 196-7, 213,
140 (sdd airo s65/10), Poldiek s58/4 308 213 Sackmann 148, 382, 383,
32+5 (3) (see ilso 329) , Ponziani s444. s45/2 3, s56/4-5, s59 pdsrtn (r€"
394-5 (2),459, s10/l, s45/5, s45/6, s45/7 dlro 431, 456, s61/2);
s l0/2 3 (3), s20/8 (2) (sde PospiSil 366 version by Ch6ron s59/6
slso 25'7), s23/2, s2918, Prokei s2Z4-5, Saavedra drdl)Jis 196 (in
s65/IOt presentation of s4'7paxsim (see uLso 331 , text), 212 (in tex0, 437,
computet discowries 2l l, e_o 4ol€r, 344, 384), s4812 (see also 352) ,
s6/7-8, s46/2-3, seE olso s6l/8 s65/10
Curnb€rs Prokop s6l/8 Salai jr & Kekely 418 (sde
Ohmann 335 "Punchinello" s60/2 (see aLfu also 426)
Olrnutsky s59/6 (in texo 448) Salvio 207 (in text), s45/6,
Olympiev 55 Rachels sl0/6 (see r/so 4?3) s45/8
Omeliansky ree Rubinstein Regan 300 Samilo 302 (as ''Savilo", see
Oiiate s57l3 (see .drd 417) Reichhelm 228 (see ulsz, 305)
Omstein 215 (res ako 217) 233), s4318 (see also Sansom s3?7 (2). s35/6 (3)
Osadnik s55/6'? 312\: see ulso Lasker Schouten 473 (note in text)
Osintsev 78-9, 318, s29l5 Reti ree Adaason, Bilek Sczala s19,ry
Osintsev, Selivar|ov, Rezvov & Tkachenko 398 Sehwers s42J7,
Tamopolsky ,147 Rinck 382 (2),415, s49/rarrt (.{ee dlso 353,
Owesson 225 (in rext) s43/2 (2), s43/3 (2), s56/3, three notes, 361 , tu,o
Pachman s26l3, s29l8 s56/6, s60/4--5 (5) notes , 376, s5U2\
Pallasz s2A4 Rinder 262-3 Selesniev 33 (.ree aLro 41),
Pallier 374 Robjnson s38/8 (r€e dLro 137 (in texo,463
Paoli 126 265); see als., Beasley Selivanov ree Osintsev
PzpF,ls theorem rcalised oa Roche 71, 102-3 Sells s28/8, s29l6; ree dh.,
chessboard sI3/6-7 Rosankiewicz analysi,r 73, Lytton
P€nrose 420, s38/8 75 Selman 42 (in text), s54/4-5
Perkonoja 180- I Roslov re€ Mitrofanov Selman & Michelet 41, 42
Peronace ies Carlsson Rossi l5l, 158 Serejkin & Kolpakov 22
Sikdar 286-7 (3) s2912 Vlasenla 407 (rz€ d*o 409);
Siv6k 30:l Topko 358-9, s29/2-3 r€€ also Kubbel
Slepian 379 (ses a1s., 408) Tfaxler r€e Dedrle von Diiben 467 (in text) (ree
Smyslov 469, 478 (2) Troitzky (see 416 for note on also O3\
Sobey 4-5, 18-19 (ree a/so trunr li terution) | 56 (2), von Holzhausen s56/7
32. 60-1. 65). 58-9,s28/3, 188, 214, 239, 334 (in Vorotkinov r€e Tischbierek
s28/4 text\, 352, 36',7. 432, 47 9, Vukcevich s26,/4
Sochniev 414, 430-1, s26/5, s76/2, s4U8 (.see also Waldreufel s6t
s29l4, s55/8 291- fi''o notesr, Wakashima s29/4
Speelman 333. s23l2-3 (2), s43/3 (ree dko 305), Walker 402, s53/5 (2), s57l4
s65110; game position s43/4, s43n, s56/4. Walter 168
252; see also Gigoiey s56/8 (3), s60/6 (2); aftet Wason s32/4
Spe€lman & hmford s l5/5 Cassld! 452:' see atso Watney ree Beasley
Speelman & Whitworth 44-5, Platov, M. White (Jrerlr4pr Harley)
s20D Tumbull 17 (ree abd 320), s35/7
Slallybrass s3Z8 18 (see ako 320), s2/6, Whitehead s4l/3
Stamma s45, s26i 8 Whitwor$ 43, 44, 250,
Stanton sl5/7, s26l2 Turnbull & Beasley sl Sl/7 sI?l?, slzn, sl5/5,
Stavritsky s29l5 ULrichsen 174 5, 201 (ree s20/2-3 (2), s23/4, s2.6/8;
Stginitz game positiot 253 ako 284), 2O'7 , 331 , 341 Jee dlso Bent, Byway,
Stephenson after Mozes Umnov s46l5 (as "Unmov") Halek, l-emmey,
338-9 (see atto 352, van de Cevel ree de Bo€r Speelmat
Sllller c omp ute r di s rcve ie van der Heijden 311 (ree Whirworth & Bent 13,
15, 23, 390 also 328), 457,46O (see 99 (see also lO7)
Strrililein see Gruber also 4721 "Wrlhelm" computer
Sulc sl6 2assin van der Heijden & Beasley discorerie s 244-5. 396-'1
Sumbatyan 399; rse a|s.) 1'78-9 Wotawa s54/2
Cusev, Pervakov va.n der Heijden, Bleicher, Wood s4l/2
Szen v Newham 212 Hawofth conrputer Worthing s3/2, s l2l7
Tacu ree Joita discoveries 4'7O Yaacobi s57/6
Tamsyrk 4'7 (see ulsq 49, 51) van Essen 295 (s€e also 304) Y*imchik 7l
Tamopolsky re€ Osintsev van Herck 102-3 Yakovenko 383 (see dlso
Tavariani ree Kalandadze van Oosterhout Jee de Boer 391)
Tavariani & Machitidze (as van Reek 357 (see also 368) Yarmonov 262
'Tavariani & van Tets 132-3 (s€f dbo Yusupov andllr|J 183
Makhatadze") s55/3 (ree 137). 199 (3), s5?, Zabinski s56/5
also 4O8, two noes) Vanlura s63 pdrrln (ree also Zagler see Gruber
Thompson computer 465, tu'o notes,41l, tv,/o Zakharov 118
discoreies l3'l (i
textr, notes, 4'72, two notes, Zakiodyakin s30 panrirn (ree
147.-3,145, t73, L'75, Vandecasteele 83, also 201), s58/4
204-s (see atso 2$t, 94-5 (2) (see atso97), Zepler 41A. s5/3-4
236-'7 , s6/8, s9 passim, s57t; after Balenans Zhufavlev & Egorov sZB
sl5/5. sl9l7, s27 passim, s58i/6; see Missiaen Zinar 406, 453, szAl, s2U2,
s46/2-1, s46/8; see also Vandiest 83, 151 s22ll8; see ai:ra Archakov
Roycroft Yeitch anallsis '71 ; see also Zy to Eo rckr an o ty s is 39 2,
Tischbierek v Vorotlinov Bent Golombek 396, s50/4-5, s5ty8,
220 Vlatik obreNations on s6511, s65ll2: see also
Tkachento s29l3; ree dfuo compute r dis cor e ie r 4'l 0 Campbell
Rezvov Vlashk & Hlinka 14-15 (ree
Tkachenko & Frolkn s29l1. also 32rl
Contents of special numbers

British studies by years

Before 1850
1850-59 s5l
1860-99 s48
1900- t 9 s44
1920-36 s41
1931-49 s38
1950-59 s35
1960-6? s32
t968-74 s28
t9'75-',?9 s23
1980-83 s20
1984-86 st'
1987-89 sI2
1990-91 s10
1992-93 s6
1994-95 s3
The Best of British s65

Special contributions

Jonathan Levitt, Stud) awards explained s2

Wouter Mees, ,Stflp carlooD s'l11-4
Alain Pallier, Tlp BCF tourney of 1945-46 s5
Alain Pallicr, Relnsal to capture in pawn stud.ies s22
Adam Sobey, Tle Problemist years - the draw studies s26
Adam Sobey, Tie ProbLemist lears - the wifi studies s29

Miscellaneous s€lections

Some foreign studies from Tattersall s42, s43

Some studies from Alexandre s45
Gems discovered by computer s46
Some foreign studies kr the New Statesnon s54, s55
Some more foreign studies from 1850-1913 s56
Some foreign studies in EG s57, s58
Some more foreign studies published in Britain s60, s61
Contents of special numbers (continued)

Studies by particular British composers

H. A. Adamson sl
A. W. Daniel s17
Wallace Ellison sl9
John Roycroft s2l
Studies by non.British composers

Frie.drich Amelung s39

Johann and Carl Behting s52
Frantiiek Ded e SJI
Jindiich Fritz s64
Vitaly Halbersradt s40
Josef Haiek s14
A, O. Herbstman s33
Paul Heuacker s?/5-8
Iosif Krikheli s34
Fr€ddric Lazard s37
Andrzej lrwandowski s36
Artur Mandler sll
J. H. Marwitz s62
Ladislav Prokei s47
F. Sackmann s59
Johann Sehwers s49
Jindiich Sulc sl6
Josef Vandura (as "Jan", see pag€ 465 in ordinary issues) s63
Gleb Zakhodyakin s30

Contents of special numbers (continued)

Endgame theory
K +B +P v K+ B: reciprocal zugzwangs with unlike bishops s9
K +Q v K + Crosskill
R:thework of Allied s25
A first survey of six-man pawnless endings sZ7
A revised survey ofsix-man pawnless endings s27 (second edition)
Kf R.r B v K+R: what Zytogorski and Crosskjll actually wrote s50

Chess variants
Alice chess sl816-'7
Circular chess sZ4/6-'1
Desargues and Pappus on a chessboard sI3l6-'7
Dummy pawn s4l8
Generalized knights s4/4-5, s24l+5
How many knights does a king require? s8/8
Losing chess s4l2-3, s8l2-3, sl312-1, q l8i l-J, r24i l-l
Marseillais chess s8/1, s8/4-5
Modem Courier chess s4l I . s4l6-'7
Progressive chess sl3/1, s13/4-5
Queen against rook on a rectangle sl3/8
Replacement chess sl8/8
Shatranj s 18/4-5
Studies with a lwist s8l6-1
XiangQi (Chincse chess) s2418

Further eodings on boards other than 8x8 can be found on pages 268-9,
277,409,412-3,4l'l,423, and 439 of the ordinary issues-


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