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Appendix E

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Week 3-4, Quarter 1, October 19 , 2020

Day & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of

Area Delivery

8:00 - 9:00 Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast, and get ready for an awesome day!

9:00 - 9:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family.

Monday English Identify the genre of a Module 2: Genres of Viewing

material viewed such as
9:30-11:30 movie clip, trailer, news What I know
flash, internet-based Answer Task 1: True or False. (Page
program, documentary, 6)
video, etc. (EN7VC-I-e-6)
Lesson 2: English: Genres of

What’s In
Task 2: The Genre Challenge
*Recall the titles of the book or
story you have read and have them
listed on the chart. Include two
titles in your example. (page 7)
Task 3: Genre Cloud (Modules are
*Pick out all the Viewing Genre and to be
write it on your notebook. (Page 8) delivered and
to be
What’s New retrieved by
Group together the pictures with the teachers
the same genre, then study carefully in the
and decide what their common barangay hall
features are. Complete the table by of every
writing the number of the picture barangay.
only and by constructing a sentence The parents
expressing their common features. will be the one
(Page 9-12) to get the
module in
What is It their
Read, study and understand what is respective
Viewing Genre and its different
barangay halls
forms (Page 13-15)
and return it
when the
What’s More
Practice what you have learned learner is
from the previous activities and done
discussions. answering the
modules. )
Task 5: Name It and You Have It
*Write at least two keywords to
define each of the Genre of Viewing
and give two examples for each
genre by completing the Graphic
Organizer. (Page 16)

Task 6: Genre Match

*Study the titles of the materials in
column A and match the title to the
appropriate genre used in column B.
Day & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of
Area Delivery

Do the task by writing the letter

only on your answer sheet
notebook. (Page 17)

Task 7: Genre Analysis

*Focus and watch a material from
(only) two (2) of your chosen
Viewing Genre and explore the
internet thru media platforms like
YouTube to find example (only 1
sample) of the chosen genre. Once
you have viewed the material, copy
the log sheet on your answer sheet
notebook and fill it up with your

Title of Genre Main How is

the of the Idea of the
Material Material the messag
Viewed Viewed Material e of the
(What is material
it all relevant
about) to you
as a

(Page 17)

What I Have Learned

*List down on the umbrella all the
learning or activities you have
enjoyed the most and the reasons
on how did it help you understand
and appreciate the lesson. (Page 18)

What I Can Do
*Apply the concepts of Viewing
Genre by deciding on which of the
listed genre below you would like to
work on. Do the task using your
phone or video cam to record your
output. Make use some applications
in the internet to enhance your
product. Use the rubrics of
performance presented on the last
page of the module as your guide in
making your output. (Page 19)
Task 9: Summing it up
*Write True if you agree with the
given statements and False if you
disagree. (Page 19)

Task 10: Watch It.

*View or watch the video on the
internet with the link provided.

Day & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of
Area Delivery

http:/ / youtu.beJUiZ4y7aFBI

After watching, answer the

following questions:

1. What is the material all

2. What is the genre used in
the material viewed?
3. What significant
information did you get
from the material?
4. Are these information
essential to you as a
student? Why?
5. How do these information
affect the Filipino culture?
(Page 20)

Additional activities
Task 10: Practice Makes Perfect

*Sit down on your television and jot

down Titles of the Program you
viewed. Then, categorize each
according to its genre.

Task 11: Infomercials

*Look for the Department of Health
infomercials on staying healthy to
fight against COVID 19 in the
YouTube channel. Critique the
infomercial and discuss the agenda
of the material viewed. Do it on
your answer sheet notebook.

Finally you have completed the

Great job!
Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the
module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s parts for additional monitoring guide for both
teacher and the learner.

Prepared by:

Teacher Noted:

Principal III

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