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Antiferromagnetism and d-wave superconductivity in cuprates: A cluster dynamical

mean-field theory
A. I. Lichtenstein1 and M. I. Katsnelson2
University of Nijmegen, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Institute of Metal Physics, 620219 Ekaterinburg, Russia
共Received 22 November 1999兲
We present an approach to investigate the interplay of antiferromagnetism and d-wave superconductivity in
the two-dimensional Hubbard model within a numerically exact cluster dynamical mean-field approximation.
Self-consistent solutions with two nonzero order parameters exist in a wide range of doping level and tem-
peratures. A linearized equation for the energy spectrum near the Fermi level has been solved. The resulting
d-wave gap has the correct magnitude and k dependence, but some distortion compared to the pure d x 2 ⫺y 2
superconducting order parameter due to the presence of underlying antiferromagnetic ordering.

A microscopic theory of high-temperature superconduct- culation. It is equivalent to a multiorbital DMFT approach16

ing cuprates 共HTSC’s兲 is still far from the final and could be solved within the QMC method.17
understanding.1–3 One of the most important recent experi- In this paper we investigate the problem of antiferromag-
mental achievements was the discovery of the pseudogap netism and d-wave superconductivity in the two-dimensional
共PG兲 phenomenon above superconducting transition Hubbard model using a cluster DMFT scheme.
temperatures4 and the existence of a sharp 41 meV resonance The minimal cluster which allow us to study both AFM
below T c related with some collective antiferromagnetic and d-SC order parameters on an equal footing consists of a
excitations.5 Recent neutron-scattering experiments6 provide 2⫻2 system in the effective DMFT medium 共Fig. 1兲. We
insight for the interesting problem on the origin of a conden- start with the extended-hopping Hubbard model on the
sation energy. Interplay of an antiferromagnetism 共AFM兲 square lattice:
and d-wave superconductivity (d-SC) in cuprates could be a
natural way of discussing different HTSC phenomena. This
requires a quantitative electronic structure theory including
H⫽ 兺i j t i j c i⫹␴ c j ␴ ⫹ 兺i U i n i↑ n i↓ ,
two different types of the order parameters: AFM and d-SC.
Within such an approach one can in principle analyze the where t i j is an effective hopping and U i local Coulomb in-
phase diagram of HTSC compounds and resolve the long- teractions. We chose nearest-neighbor hopping t⫽0.25 eV
standing problem of competition between antiferromag- and the next-nearest hopping t ⬘ /t⫽⫺0.15 for the model of
netism and d-wave superconductivity in cuprates.7,8 La2⫺x Srx CuO4 . 9 The total band width is W⫽2 eV and all
A standard theoretical tool for cuprates electronic struc- Coulomb parameters set to be U⫽1.2 eV (U/W⫽0.6). Let
ture consists of the two-dimensional 共2D兲 Hubbard model.1 us introduce the ‘‘supersite’’ as a 2⫻2 square plaquet. The
The importance of including the realistic tight-binding spec- numeration of the atoms in the supersite is shown in Fig. 1.
trum obtained from the local-density approximation 共LDA兲 It is useful to introduce the superspinor C ⫹ ⫹
i ⫽ 兵 c i ␣ 其 , where
band structure analyses9 was realized during the last years.
Unfortunately, a most accurate quantum Monte-Carlo
共QMC兲 simulation of a hole-doped 2D Hubbard model has
difficulty in describing an interesting part of the HTSC phase
diagram near 15% doping at the low temperature due to a
so-called sign problem.10 The perturbation theory of d-SC
共Ref. 11兲 ignores the vertex corrections in the strong corre-
lation case of HTSC. Great progress in the theory of the
interacting fermions results from the developing of the dy-
namical mean-field theory.12,13 While the antiferromagnetic
phase is easy to incorporate in the single-site dynamical
mean-field theory 共DMFT兲 approach,13 the d-wave supercon-
ductivity requires a cluster generalization of the DMFT. Dif-
ferent cluster-DMFT schemes have been proposed13,14 and
the recent application to the problem of the pseudogap in FIG. 1. 共a兲 A schematic representation of an antiferromagnetic d
HTSC15 has shown the efficiency of the cluster-DMFT ap- wave 2⫻2 periodically repeated cluster; 共b兲 a generic phase dia-
proach. The investigation of a paramagnetic phase for the gram of HTSC materials; 共c兲 the calculated values of two order
two-dimensional Hubbard model can be simplified using a parameters: local magnetic moment M and d-SC equal time Green
translational symmetry,14 while the problem of a coexistence function F 01( ␶ ⫽0)⬅F(0) for different hole doping 共x兲 at the in-
of AFM and d-SC demands a broken-symmetry cluster cal- verse temperature ␤ ⫽60 eV⫺1 (T⫽190 K).

0163-1829/2000/62共14兲/9283共4兲/$15.00 PRB 62 R9283 ©2000 The American Physical Society



␣ ⫽0,1,2,3 共the spin indices are not shown兲. Taking into ac- ⌿⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
i 共 ␶ 兲 ⬅ 共 ␺ 1i , ␺ 2i , ␺ 3i , ␺ 4i 兲 ⫽ 共 c i↑ ,c i↓ ,c i↑ ,c i↓ 兲
count the spin degrees of freedom, this is the eight-
component superspinor creation operator. Then the crystal and the anomalous averages describing the 共collinear兲 anti-

Green function for the Hubbard model can be rewritten as ferromagnetism 具 c i↑ c j↓ 典 and the superconductivity ⌬ i j
⫽ 具 c i↓ c j↑ 典 .
G 共 k,i ␻ 兲 ⫽ 关 i ␻ ⫹ ␮ ⫺h 共 k,i ␻ 兲兴 ⫺1 , The generalization of the Hirsch-Fye QMC algorithm19
for the superconducting problem20 has been used. In the
where h(k,i ␻ ) is the effective hopping supermatrix with the four-spinor case a discrete Hubbard-Stratonovich transfor-
self-energy corrections and ␮ is the chemical potential. For mation has the following form:
simplicity we will write all the formulas in the nearest-

冋 ⌬␶Ui

冉 冊
neighbor approximations:
exp ⫺⌬ ␶ U i n i↑ n i↓ ⫹ 共 n i↑ ⫹n i↓ 兲
⌺0 t xK ⫹
x 0 t yK⫹

⌺0 t yK⫹ 1
h 共 k,i ␻ 兲 ⫽
x Kx

y 0
⫺ , 共1兲

2 兺
␴ ⫽⫾1

exp关 ␭ i ␴ 共 ␺ 1i ⫹
␺ 1i ⫺ ␺ 2i ␺ 2i
0 t*
y Kx ⌺0 t*
x Kx
⫹ ⫹
t* ⫺
y Ky 0 t xK ⫹
x ⌺0 ⫺ ␺ 3i ␺ 3i ⫹ ␺ 4i ␺ 4i 兲兴 ,

where Kx(y) ⫽1⫹exp(⫾ikx(y)a), a is the lattice constant, and where ␭ i ⫽ 21 arccosh关 exp( 21 ⌬␶Ui)兴.
each element is 2⫻2 matrix in the spin space. Within the Since we take into account only the singlet pairing, there
cluster-DMFT approach we introduce intra-atomic self- are the following nonzero elements of the d-SC energy gap
energy ⌺ 0 and interatomic self-energies ⌺ x ,⌺ y , and both parameters: ⌬⫽⌬ 01⫽⫺⌬ 12⫽⌬ 23⫽⫺⌬ 30 . One can chose
functions are of the intrasite nature in the sense of our super- ⌬ i j to be real and therefore symmetric: ⌬ i j ⫽⌬ ji . Separating

冉 冊
site: normal and anomalous parts of the Green function we have

G 共 k, ␶ , ␶ ⬘ 兲 ⫽ 冉 G 共 k, ␶ , ␶ ⬘ 兲

F 共 k, ␶ , ␶ ⬘ 兲
F 共 k, ␶ , ␶ ⬘ 兲
⫺G 共 ⫺k, ␶ ⬘ , ␶ 兲
冊 ,
⌺共 i␻ 兲⫽ .
0 ⌺*
y ⌺0 ⌺*
x where G(k, ␶ , ␶ ⬘ )⫽⫺ 具 T ␶ C k( ␶ )C k⫹ ( ␶ ⬘ ) 典 , F(k, ␶ , ␶ ⬘ )
⌺* 0 ⌺x ⌺0 ⫽⫺ 具 T ␶ C k( ␶ )C ⫺k( ␶ ⬘ ) 典 are the matrices in spin and ‘‘or-
bital’’ space. It is convenient to expand the anomalous Green
The effective Hamiltonian defined through the translationally function in Pauli matrices F⫽(F 0 ⫹F␴ )i ␴ y and use the
invariant 共k dependent兲 self-energy corresponds to the renor- symmetry properties:21
malized energy dependent hoppings: t x ⫽t⫹⌺ x ,t y ⫽t⫹⌺ y .
The functions ⌺ 0 (i ␻ ),⌺ x (i ␻ ),⌺ y (i ␻ ) are found self- F 0 共 k, ␶ , ␶ ⬘ 兲 ⫽F 0 共 ⫺k, ␶ ⬘ , ␶ 兲
consistently within the cluster DMFT scheme13 and for the
d-wave superconduction state ⌺ x ⫽⌺ y . It is straightforward F共 k, ␶ , ␶ ⬘ 兲 ⫽⫺F共 ⫺k, ␶ ⬘ , ␶ 兲 .
to generalize this scheme for a next-nearest-neighbor hop- Then a 4⫻4 spinor formalism is reduced to a 2⫻2 one in
ping as well as the long-range Green function and the self- the collinear antiferromagnetic case with the d-wave super-
energy. In this case we can renormalize also the second- conductivity with the following spin-matrix form of the local
nearest hopping: t xy ⫽t ⬘ ⫹⌺ xy for the 2⫻2 cluster, where Green function for the supersite:
⌺ xy 共or ⌺ 02) is the nonlocal self-energy in the xy direction.
In the cluster version of the DMFT scheme,13 or dynami-
cal cluster approximation 共DCA兲,14 one can write the matrix
equation for a so-called bath Green-function matrix G which
G共 ␶,␶⬘兲⫽ 冉 G ↑共 ␶ , ␶ ⬘ 兲
F共 ␶,␶⬘兲
F共 ␶,␶⬘兲
⫺G ↓ 共 ␶ ⬘ , ␶ 兲
冊 ,

describes an effective interaction with the rest of crystal: and the QMC formalism for the antiferromagnetic supercon-
ducting state is equivalent to the previous nonmagnetic
G ⫺1 共 i ␻ 兲 ⫽G ⫺1 共 i ␻ 兲 ⫹⌺ 共 i ␻ 兲 , one.20 Using the discretization of the 关 0,␤ 兴 interval with
where the local cluster Green-function matrix is equal to L-time slices: ⌬ ␶ ⫽ ␤ /L ( ␤ ⫽1/T is an inverse temperature兲
G ␣␤ (i ␻ )⫽ 兺 kG ␣␤ (k,i ␻ ), and summation is run over the the G ␴ - and F- Green functions become the matrices of the
Brillouin zone of the square lattice. Note that in Eq. 共1兲 we 2NL dimension, where N is the number of atoms in the
use translationally invariant self-energy obtained from the cluster. After Fourier transform to the Matsubara frequencies
cluster DMFT similar to the DCA scheme.14 The present the Green-function matrix has the following form:

冉 冊
‘‘matrix’’ form of a cluster DMFT with the self-energy
G ↑共 i ␻ 兲 F共 i␻ 兲
which is not periodic inside the cluster allows us to study a G共 i␻ 兲⫽ .
multicomponent ordered state. F共 i␻ 兲 ⫺G ↓* 共 i ␻ 兲
In this case we have the standard DMFT problem with
In superconducting states the self-energy is defined as13
four ‘‘orbital’’ states per supersite. It is solved by the mul-
tiorbital QMC technique.17 We use the generalized Nambu
technique18 to analyze the coexistence of the magnetic order-
ing and superconductivity. Let us introduce the superspinor
G ⫺1 共 i ␻ 兲 ⫺G ⫺1 共 i ␻ 兲 ⫽ 冉 ⌺ ↑共 i ␻ 兲
S共 i␻ 兲
S共 i␻ 兲
⫺⌺ ↓* 共 i ␻ 兲
冊 ,


and the inverse crystal Green-function matrix is equal to

G ⫺1 共 k,i ␻ 兲 ⫽ 冉 i ␻ ⫹ ␮ ⫺h 共 k,i ␻ 兲
s 共 k,i ␻ 兲
s 共 k,i ␻ 兲
i ␻ ⫺ ␮ ⫹h * 共 k,i ␻ 兲
冊 ,

where s(k,i ␻ ) is the translationally invariant anomalous part

of the self-energy S(i ␻ ) similar to Eq. 共1兲.
The two-component order-parameters state which in-
cludes the Neel antiferromagnetism and d-wave supercon-
ductivity 关Fig. 1共a兲兴 lowered the symmetry of the effective
cluster-DMFT problem. A self-consistent DMFT cluster
problem with AFM and d-SC general order parameters have
been solved within the QMC scheme for the 8⫻8 matrix
Green function with L⫽64 time slices. The resulting two
order parameters for ␤ ⫽60 eV⫺1 (T⫽190 K) and t ⬘ ⫽0
are presented in Fig. 1共c兲 together with the generic HTSC
phase diagram 关Fig. 1共b兲兴 as a function of the hole doping. In
this case the ordered magnetic moment is directly related
with imaginary time Green function G ␴ ( ␶ ): M ⫽G 00 ↑ (0)
FIG. 2. The imaginary time normal (G ␴ ) and superconducting
⫺G 00↓ (0), and for the d-SC order parameter we chose a posi-
(F). Green functions for the 2⫻2 cluster-DMFT solution with
tive value of superconducting imaginary time Green function second-nearest-neighbor hopping and inverse temperature ␤
F 01(0). It is important that we find no serious sign problem ⫽50 eV⫺1 (T⫽230 K).
for all QMC calculations with various doping levels, prob-
ably due to ‘‘stabilized’’ antiferromagnetic dynamical mean
fields acting on the atoms in our 2⫻2 cluster. Note that the level for the hole-doped case and favors the d-SC solution
AFM cluster-DMFT solution exists for a much higher dop- for a moderate correlation strength. There is also a change in
ing concentration than the experimental AFM ordered state the spin-fluctuation spectrum related with the broadening of
and describes a dynamical mean-field version of AFM-spin the AFM peak near the ( ␲ , ␲ ) point due to the formation of
fluctuations related to pseudogap phenomena 关the PG region so-called extended van Hove singularities with increase t ⬘ .
in Fig. 1共b兲兴. The maximum of the d-SC order parameter We show one of the AFM d-SC solutions in Fig. 2 with the
corresponds to the doping level of about 15% in agreement next-nearest-neighbor hopping for the 10% doping level and
with the generic HTSC phase diagram. The d-SC order pa- ␤ ⫽50 eV⫺1 . The resulting local magnetic moment is M
rameter is zero close to the undoped region (x⫽0), due to ⫽0.28␮ B and the d-SC order parameter F(0)⫽0.036. One
the presence of a large AFM gap. When the AFM gap is can see that the superconduction order parameter is really of
closed (x⬃5%) the d-SC states develop, but for x⬎20%, the d x 2 ⫺y 2 symmetry since diagonal elements (F 00) as well
the d gap decreases again since the AFM spin fluctuations as the next-nearest-neighbor elements (F 02) are all equal to
around the ( ␲ , ␲ ) point disappear.2 The precise characteris- zero, and only the nearest-neighbor superconducting Green
tic of the phase diagram including the interactions between functions (F 01) are nonzero and change the sign for F x and
the AFM and d-SC order parameters demands extensive
cluster-DMFT calculations for the different temperatures and
We would like to note that the existence of the d-SC
cluster-DMFT solution for such high temperature does not
necessarily mean that the superconducting transition tem-
perature is larger than 190 K in our model. A crude estima-
tion shows that the d-SC solution disappears at T⫽300 K
for x⫽0.15 and the AFM solutions for x⫽0 become un-
stable at the temperature just above 1000 K. This could be
the sign of a ‘‘local’’ AFM solution and a local d-wave so-
lution, like local moments in magnetic systems.22 Due to a
multiscale nature of the problem under consideration—
essentially different energies connected with local moment
formation, long-range magnetic order, local d-wave pairs
within the 2⫻2 plaquet, and finally coherent
superconductivity—it is difficult to distinguish a real long-
range ordering from slow dynamical fluctuations in our
QMC simulations. We plan to separate these energy scales
analytically and estimate superconductiong transition tem-
perature in a future publication.
The role of next-nearest hopping is to lower the van Hove FIG. 3. The absolute value of the d-wave gap function at the
singularity9 which increases the density of state at the Fermi Fermi surface for x⫽0.15, t ⬘ ⫽0, and ␤ ⫽50 eV⫺1 .


F y components. The normal local Green function (G 00) energy spectrum with all the F Green functions set to be
共plotted for the spin-up atom in Fig. 2兲 as well as (G 02) are zero. It is clear that the symmetry of the d-wave state is not
spin split, while the nearest-neighbor Green function (G 01) pure d x 2 ⫺y 2 due to the underlying AFM states. This also
has no spin splitting due to AFM spin symmetry 共see Fig. 1兲. means that the d-SC order could lower the symmetry of the
The absence of magnetic polarization in the nondiagonal G AFM Neel state, and more general noncollinear magnetic
function along the x(y) directions suppresses the magnetic states need to be investigated. Nevertheless the gap function
pair breaking and makes the AFM d-SC coexistence pos- has a maximum near the ( ␲ ,0) and (0,␲ ) points and is al-
sible. most zero near the ( ␲ /2,␲ /2) point. A magnitude of the
In order to find the superconducting energy gap we solved maximum superconducting gap is of the order of 15 meV, in
a linearized equation for energy spectrum, assuming that the good agreement with experimental estimates,4 and much
characteristic energy scale of ⌺ ␴ (i ␻ ) and S(i ␻ ) are larger smaller then the AFM gap for undoped case.
than the SC gap ⌬(i ␻ ). In this case we can perform analyti-
In conclusion, we present a nonperturbative analysis of
cal energy continuations and the generalized equation for the
the interplay between antiferromagnetism and d-wave super-
energy spectrum has the simple form:
conductivity in the cluster dynamical mean-field theory for
det共 H⫺EO 兲 ⫽0, the Hubbard model. The maximum of the local magnetic
moment corresponds to the half-filled case where the super-
where H⫽t(k)⫹⌺(0)⫺ ␮ , O⫽1⫺⌺ ⬘ (0), and ⌺(0) conducting order parameter is vanished in contrast to the
⫽ 兰 0␤ ⌺( ␶ )d ␶ ,⌺ ⬘ (0)⫽ 兰 ␤0 ␶ ⌺( ␶ )d ␶ . Note that ⌺(0) and spin-fluctuation approach. We give a transparent physical ex-
⌺ ⬘ (0) in this expression should also be translationally in- planation for a coexistence of the developed d-SC pairing
variant. We solve the linearized equation for energy spec- with local AFM fluctuations at moderate doping.
trum 共for t ⬘ ⫽0 and ␤ ⫽50) and obtain the superconducting
energy gap at the Fermi surface 共Fig. 3兲. The topology of the We thank Gabi Kotliar, Antoine Georges, and Yurii
Fermi surface was defined as the zero-energy contour for the Izyumov for helpful discussion.

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