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North South University

Report on Business Communication process and problems of bti - building

technology & ideas ltd

Business Communication (BUS-251): Section: 05

Assigned by:
Rahnuma Sanjana

Faculty member, North South University

Assigned to:

Name ID No.

1 Md Ali Azzan 142-0066-030

2 Mohammad Abir Chowdhury 1410055030

3 Saqib Amin 133-0356-630

4 Md. Asraful Islam

5 Shimanta Saha 1411568630

6 S.M. Rezwan Zubaer 151-1438-030

7 Abeer Ahmed 141-0103030

Date of Submission: April 11, 2017

Letter of Transmittal

April 11, 2017

Rahnuma Sanjana (RSj)

Course: Business Communication, Bus 251

School of Business, North South University

Subject: Submission of the group report

Dear Madam,

We have the pleasure to submit our report on Business communication, Bus 251 course. It was
an awesome chance to find out about the Business Communication in various area and
association To finish the report productively, we conversed with Md. Mosharruf Hossain
(Biplob) Deputy Manager, Customer Service Dept. BTI , Mohammed Masud Khan Senior
Executive, Human Resources. BTI and S. M. Munsur Rahman Contractor .henceforth we ended
up plainly ready to put extremely current data in our report.

We trust you discover this report tasteful. At the end of the day we thank you for allowing us to
do this fascinating report on Business Communication

Thank you,

Saqib Amin

Mohammad Abir Chowdhury

Abeer Ahmed

Md. Asraful Islam

Shimanta Saha

S.M. Rezwan Zubaer

Md. Ali Azzan


We would like to thank the Almighty for getting us through this semester. We accept this open

door to express our significant appreciation and profound respects to our course instructor

Rahnuma Sanjana (RSj) madam, for her model direction, checking and consistent consolation

over the span of this theory. She gave us moral support and guided us in various matters with

respect to the project completion. She has been exceptionally kind and patient. We express

gratitude toward her for general support and care. The gift, help and direction given by her an

opportunity to time might convey us far in the voyage of life on which we are going to set out.

We are obliged to Md. Mosharruf Hossain (Biplob) Deputy Manager, Customer Service Dept.

BTI, Mohammed Masud Khan Senior Executive, Human Resources. BTI and S. M. Munsur

Rahman Contractor for the important data gave by them in their particular fields. I am truly

appreciative for their co-operation amid the time of the task. We as a whole group upheld each

other, for what we have finished our project adequately.

Executive summary
Table of content

Purpose Statement


Communication with stakeholders:…………………………………………

Communication Problems:





Communication is the process of basically transferring the information from one person or place

to another person or place. Communication can take on various forms such as it can be verbal,
written or through other ways like gestures and symbols. The main objective of communication

is to make clear that the receiver of the information understands the information clearly and the

sender is able to clearly explain the message.

No matter what we are trying to do in our life; every action requires us to communicate with

other people thus we can say that communication is a necessity in our daily life.

Business communication is used to promote products or services in order to make sales and is no

different from normal communication. Business communication is mainly carried out with the

intention of either buying or selling of any products or services; it also involves communicating

with coworkers, customers and clients as they are part of the organization and involved in the

business process. Business communication can occur both internally and externally. When a

person communicates with another person in the same organization it is known as internal

communication. When a person from one organization contacts with a person outside that

organization it is known as external communication.

In business, communication can take on different forms such as casual communication, semi

formal communication and highly formal communication. The form of communication a

company uses varies mostly on the culture and hierarchical communication system of the

company. Communication needs to be effective in a business which is actually the essence of


Communication between superiors and subordinates is vital in employee’s performance

development. Feedbacks can be obtained immediately and misunderstandings can be avoided.

The constant interaction between employees and their supervisors on day-to-day issues can help

to sort out problems before they can cause any damage.

Through this report we will try to analyze all the business communication processes that are used

by “BTI Limited” and how it actually works for the improvement and dedication level of its

employees. We will also try to find out any problems that lies within the communication process

of the company and if there are any such discrepancies within the business communication

system than we would try to find the solution regarding the problem and try to help the company

to improve and update their business communication system.

Company Background:

Building Technology And Ideas Ltd (Bti) is one of the biggest, oldest and well known real estate

and construction companies in Bangladesh. It commenced its business back in 1984. It has been

ruling this industry over the last 3 decades.

Bti is one of the founding members of the REHAB. Bti is also the first ever real estate company

in Bangladesh to be awarded with the internationally recognized ISO 9001-2008 certification for

their superior quality in providing service.

They started their business primarily in Dhaka but as time elapsed, they expanded their business

to Chittagong and Comilla as well. They are now operating in this major 3 cities in the country.

Bti is the builder of most attractive infrastructures in the country.

Their core values included - stop bureaucracy, wins customer’s heart, respect people, honesty

and integrity and all of these are strictly maintained in the organization. They are well able to

stick to their morals no matter how much time elapsed in-between and how large they grew in

At the beginning they had to own all the properties by themselves but as time passed and people

became more advanced they no longer have to own the properties by themselves every time.

Currently their projects are handled in 3 ways:

1. They own the land and build their buildings on it and sell the premises for both

commercial and residential purpose to their customers.

2. They sell the land directly to the customers in vacant position without building any

infrastructures on it.

3. They work in partnership with the landowners. They build the premise on the land of the

land owners and then sell it to customers and divide the ownership of assets or revenues

collected from selling the infrastructure in a ratio agreed with the land owner.

At present the 3rd way is mostly carried out by the company as it gives a win-win situation to the

parties, the company and the land owner.

It started its journey with a small office in the BRTC building but now it has hundreds of projects

under construction around the entire country while several hundreds have already been


Customer satisfaction is the main objective of the company and this is what has paid off for

them. Their customers are highly satisfied with their service and this has built goodwill for their

company thus improved their reputation. This ultimately helped them to grow very rapidly.

Purpose Statement
Different company has different way to communicate with its employees, customers, suppliers

and others related to business. Company faces lots of problem in the communication process in

most of the case. So, company has to deal with these problems and it has its own way or strategy

to do. These problems cause harm for a company in term of profitability, goodwill, relationship

with employees or consumers or other alliances and overall company’s performance. Our aim is

to find out the communication process of Building Technology and Ideas ltd (BIT) and the

problems it face during its communication.


Methodology is the system or process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data or

information in order to make decision. Data or information can be collected from mainly two

sources- primary and secondary source. In order to prepare this project, we use both primary and

secondary sources.

Primary sources of data

Raw data which has not been used by anyone or in other words collected from first-hand

experience is called primary data. For collecting primary data, we went through an interview

with Md. Mosharruf Hossain (deputy manager, customer service department) and Mohammed
Masud Khan (senior Executive (Human Resources) to get information how they proceed their

internal and external communication and what is their communication flow. There were certain

data that could not be collected without interview as all information is not available in their

company website for our research purpose. We have also done a small interview randomly with

few employees of that company.

Secondary sources of data

Data that has been used by other parties is called secondary data. For secondary data, we at first

searched at company’s main website to get as much as information we can. We took help from

different search engines like- Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. to make our information more reliable

and authentic. These information were very helpful to investigate my research topic. We also

looked for information in journals and articles.

Communication with stakeholders

Communication is the most important part for all job is getting done. For providing better

services to their client they need to have a strong communication within the organization. As

they are real estate Company, they also need to communicate in a better way. Like every

organization they use Email for formal communication to both stakeholders and customers.

Executives use English for communication purpose and also use Bengali very often. Their

written communication is English but in case of verbal they use Bengali.

Communication between employees:

Direct Method

 Microsoft Outlook:

They use “Microsoft Outlook” for their internal communication and they send any kind

of internal mail through this process. They use it so frequently and also use ‘Intercom’.

This is an unique feather of BTI.

 Mobile Phone: Mobile phone communication the most direct communication as

employees gets response in real-time. Like every organization, BTI also uses this method

for accomplishing their communication process. Every employee must give their active

cell number when they join in the company. BTI maintains a database of all employees

where anyone can easily find employees cell number.

 Video Conferencing: Video conferencing is the most common thing in any organization.

BTI also uses this method for connecting all employees smoothly. Especially for any kind

of departmental meeting they use “Skype” so that people from various district can get

connected so smoothly. Employees also use “Imo” very often.

 Website: they maintain a very good website which attracts their customers and it also so

informative. Customers can find any information like properties for sale, Landowner,

Interiors, Brokerage service, Property rent etc in their website. website Link:


 BTI Forum: “BTI forum” is a blog for internal use. Employees can submit their

complain here and head of the department only can see this complain. This is an unique

method that BTI uses. They prefer this blog so that employee can claim against any

unethical matter that this going on. This method made them unique from other

 Knowledge Club: “Knowledge Club” is a site for internal use. Executives upload

various internal information regarding the company. This is also an unique

communication method of BTI.

 Email: Email is the most common method for communication process. Every company

uses email for formal communication purpose. Workers, Managers everyone uses email

for providing any important notice or any formal information. They also use email for

keeping in touch with clients as they have all clients’ information. They send their client

an email when they need to promote their any packages. As email has a direct feedback

so everyone prefers it.

 Use of Social Media: BTI Company uses social media like Facebook, Twitter, and

LinkedIn and YouTube for their communication purpose.

Here is Twitter link: https://twitter.com/bti1984

Here is the YouTube link:


Indirect Method
 Blog: They have blog for both customers and employees. People can know about their

service and packages through it. This is an informative blog and people get information

about the company. This is one way communication process. Blog link:


 TV Commercial: BTI also have TV commercial so that people can know about them

very easily and it is one of the best way to become familiar and catch the desired

Communication Problems

i. Language Barrier: BTI has three branches all over the country. They usually use

contractors to complete their projects in various places. These contractors usually

communicate with each-others in a native language. However, not all of the employees in

organization have same efficiency in these native languages. Therefore, it sometimes

create miscommunication among contractors and employees.

ii. New Hires: Every new recruit in BTI get a communication-training program. However,

for some employees it takes time to get used to the communication procedure of the

company. It could disrupt the communication process in the organization.

iii. Organizational Politics: In every organization, there are some sorts of politics. Likewise,

in BTI organization, employees time to time engage in organizational politics. Due to that

reason, employees sometime do not talk to each other and might even provide wrong

information, which could create information gap in the organization.

iv. Personal problem among peers: People from different ages, different experience, and

different mentality are the employees of BTI. Sometimes they do not fit with one another.

Which could create a communication gap between peers.

v. Grapevine: Sometimes there is a misconception between employees due to grapevine. It

creates unexpected expectations or fear among employees, which is not good for the


As we are going so far we can see that there are some problems in the BTI Company in terms of

business communication. So, we have prepared some solutions for their problems. As per our

interview with the officials of the company we also got some idea from them as well. After

taking all of these into consideration we came up with some recommendations. We hope that

these will help the company to be more efficient in communication.

 Language barrier is one of the problems for the company and it is mostly based on native

language. So, in order to overcome they should hire people from around the country with

unique set of skills so that they can post them accordingly.

 Newly hired employees take time to adopt. Although they have training programs for

them but to adjust with the organizational culture that’s not enough. So, the company

should arrange weekly or monthly seminars or training program.

 There is organizational politics in every company. Even spokesperson of the BTI also

can’t deny. Though they have campaign against it, it is not enough. They should have

proper monitoring to reduce this and run anti internal politics campaign frequently.

 In order to keep a good relationship among peers it is important to take some creative

steps. To make it work, company should encourage team work. They can also arrange
picnic or cultural program just to give the workers a break so that they stay positive and

have friendly attitude among themselves.

 Grapevine can be huge problem for communication. Corporate rumors often create

confusions for the employees which hamper proper free communication. In order to

avoid it all the messages inside the company should be open to all as much as possible.

To be more specific mail should be not sent by putting someone in the “Bc” field. Also

the company should have their own information sharing platform. For example, a

common blog.


We have conducted a research over the communication strategy of Building Technology &

Ideas (BTI). We arranged meetings with two of their managers from different departments. Both

of these officers gave us primary and secondary data for our research. After doing the research

we came to our conclusion. The company though is one of the biggest real estate companies in

the country they are still not up to the mark of 100% efficient in business communication. They

do face problems in communication system. Lack of native language knowledge is probably the

biggest of them all. Also, as all of the employees are from Bangladesh culturally a fear of

“grapevine” and miscommunication among peers take place. Also, they do all of their production

through contractors which obviously creates a risk of bad reputation through outsourcing. So, we

have come to a conclusion that this company should bring more changes to the communication
system. We have some recommendations for the company so that their communication system

would be more efficient.


Primary Source:

 Md. Mosharruf Hossain (Biplob) Deputy Manager, Customer Service Dept. BTI
Cell no: 01755530656.
 Mohammed Masud Khan Senior Executive, Human Resources. BTI cell: 01755530656.
 S. M. Munsur Rahman Contractor cell: 01711155482

Secondary Source:

 . 2017. bti- A Leading Real Estate Developer Company in Bangladesh. [ONLINE]

Available at: http://www.btibd.com/. [Accessed 09 April 2017].
 Outlook.com. 2017. Outlook.com - Microsoft free personal email. [ONLINE] Available
at: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook-com/?cb=v8ho. [Accessed 09 April 2017].
 The Daily MBA. 2017. How to Deal with Organizational Politics | The Daily MBA.
[ONLINE] Available at: http://www.thedailymba.com/2011/02/28/how-to-deal-with-
organizational-politics/. [Accessed 09 April 2017].
 Article in Cross Cultural Management An International Journal 13(4):330-
344 · October 2006
DOI: 10.1108/13527600610713422

 How many employees are involved in your organization?

 How do you communicate with you colleagues, boss and underlings?

 How do you communicate with your suppliers and customers?

 When you are in a formal meeting, what language do you use?

 What kind of communicational problems you face in your organization?

 What are the steps your organization is taking to solve these problems?

 Does your organization use skype or any other video conferencing software for a formal


 Does grapevine reduce work efficiency of the employees in you organization?

 Is there any internal communication gap in your organization?

 What are your comments about the organizational politics in BTI?

 Do you use social media to communicate with your peers?

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