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Nutritional Information of Chocolate

Each Pound of Milk Chocolate Contains:

2300 calories, 140 grams of fat, 100 milligrams of cholesterol, 370 milligrams of sodium, 270 grams of
carbohydrates and 31 grams of protein

The major components of manufactured chocolate are approximately 54% cocoa butter, 11.5% protein,
9% cellulose, 6% tannic acids and colour, 5% water, 2.6% salts, 1% sugars, 0.2% caffeine and 10%
organic acids and aromas. Depending on an individual chocolate manufacturers recipes the amount of
cocoa mass will range from 7-15% in milk chocolate and 30-70% in dark chocolates.

Positive Aspects of Consumption (Is this an oxymoron?!)

Chocolate consumption has been scientifically linked to longer life. A few pieces of chocolate every
month may make your life both sweeter and longer, according to the Harvard School of Public
Health. A survey of healthy 65-year-old men revealed that those who ate sweets containing
chocolate reportedly lived longer. Mortality was lowest among those consuming chocolate 1-3 times a
month and higher among those who indulged in the habit 3 or more times a week. Surprisingly non-
consumers had the highest mortality of all. As with most things in life, moderation seems to be

Chocolate is considered a major source of dietary copper, which is required for a healthy lifestyle.
Cocoa and chocolate are also rich in minerals, such as magnesium and iron. Chocolate is a short term
source for energy due to antioxidants and phenolics it contains. This energy source was even utilized
by soldiers during heavy combat situations. A 40 gram chocolate bar contains the same amount of
phenol as a glass of red wine and can be a positive source of dietary antioxidants. These anti-
oxidants have been proven to reduce the risk of developing cancer or heart disease.

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