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1st TERM (LESSON: 1)

Unit One:

Aql (Reason) and Naql (Revelation)


Note: Read and follow these instructions carefully:

 Read the chapter carefully
 Click and watch the above links and power point presentation to enhance your knowledge
about the chapter.
 Solve the following objectives.
 Learn and practice.

Q1. Mark True or False.

1. Revelation clarifies man’s relationship towards his Lord. T

2. Allah has created heavens and earth in play. F

3. The relationship between reason and revelation is integrative. T

4. The challenge to use the intellect was put into play due to the allegations made by the

Muslims. F

5. The allegation of a supposed teacher is baseless. T

Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given at the end.

1. Allah blessed man with intellect and________________.

(Will, knowledge, power)

2. The Holy Quran challenges human intellect to _________________it.

(confirm, test, dignify)
3. Allah has endowed man with all that is required to ________________ the earth.
(cultivate, populate, destroy)
4. Revelation is intended to ________________ human beings.
(Dignify, test, purify)
5. The relationship between reason and revelation is______________.
(inverse, integrative, negative)


1. Quran says;’’ The humans who don’t ponder over the creations of Allah, they are :
a. Like animals
b. Worse than animals
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
2. The Quran was taught to the Prophet over:
a.23 years
b.40 years
c.30 years
d.33 years
3. The Quran challenges mankind to ponder over the ___________in Allah’s Universe:
a. Muslims
b. creation
c. pagans
d. None of the above

4. The Islamic scholars were inspired to read _________Greek logic (Scholastic logic):
a. Classical
b. Modern
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
5. The cultivation of the earth is to be considered a manifestation of man___________ towards Allah.
a. loyalty
b. sincerity
c. piety
d. None of the above


1. Knowledge of Allah a) Human intellect d

2. reason b) allegations a
3.soul c) philosophy e
4.logic d) absolute c
5.pagans e) affair of Lord b


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