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Provident Fund
You will be a_member of the Provident Fund as per
the provisions of "The Employees Provident
Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
'\ and TCSL will contribute 12% of your basic
salary every month as per the provisions of the
said Act.
You will be entitled to gratuity as per the provision
s of the Gratuity Act, 1972.

1. Relevant Experience
As per the reco mme ndat ion of our man agem
ent revie w panel, out of your total
expe rienc e, 1.0 year s are being cons idere
d to be relev ant to the business of our
orga niza tion.

At the time of Induction, your experience from

date of management review by TCSL
(whi le in serv ice with curr ent emp loye r) till
the date of relieving from your current
emp loym ent will be added to your total and
relevant experience subject to signing of
declaration to that effect followed by validation
of relevance of your experience during
Background Check process.

2. Aggregate Percentage Requirements

You r appointment will be subject to your scori
ng minimum aggregate (aggregate of all
subj ects in all sem este rs) marks of 60% or
above (or equivalent CGPA as per the
conversion formula prescribed by the Board
I University) in the first attempt in each of
your Stan dard Xth, Standard Xllth , Diploma
(if applicable) and highest qualification
(Graduation/ Post Graduation as applicable) whic
h includes successful completion of your
final sem este r/yea r without any pending arrea
rs/backlogs . As per the TCSL eligibility
criteria, mark s/CG PA obtained during the normal
duration of the course only will be
cons idere d to deci de on the eligibility.

As communicated to you through various forums durin

g the recruitment process, your
appointment is subje ct to completion of your course within the stipu
lated time as specified
by your University/Institute and as per TCSL
selection guidelines.

It is mandatory to declare the gaps/arrears/b

acklogs, if any, during your academics and
work expe rien ce. The man agem ent rese
rve~ th~ right to wit_h draw /revo ke the
offer /app ointm ent at any time at its sole discr
etion m case any discrepancy or false
infor mati on Is found in the details submitted
by you.
TCS Confidential 5
Tata Con1ultan<y S•rvlc• t Umtted
Y•ntr• ..,., k•OJ)p. i.''ol'.
... s
ttl(U lrg (.enler ~ubha ~h Ndgd1 Pokhran No 2
let 91 · • . , . . .. l h,me . Wl~t : 40,) 60 ' ln<.hu
]")IJ77 8 ]C,o(J / ]77] hur '11 ]16.77 8 ]IC}O
1~i'l,~1k . M,'W.l CHOtn .
• _,. oa.,
Re,g1stWr."I• '" .¥.· N1trr1al 8uilctinq. <m, Floor. N,irirw rn Point, lvlw11ba1 •1UO 0,: !
TCS Caf~rs Setvic~hne· 1800 209 J 111 [mall; u Hte<s1,;
.r .
3. Pre requisites for Joini ng
To enable yo·ur readiness to work on assignments upon
joining , we have put together a
comprehensive leaming program named TCS Xplor
e which is made available to you
digitally. This foundation program will include Online
learning content, Webinars, practice
sessions & proctored assessments . Further to acce
pting this Offer letter, you are
recommended to enroll for the TCS Xplore Program
and start your learning journey with
TCSL. TCSt will make Xplore program available for
you upon your offer acceptance .

4. Probation Period
You will be on probation for three months. Your confir
mation will be communicated to you
in writing. TCSL reserves the right to terminate your
employment without any notice or
payment in lieu thereof in case your performance, beha
viour and/or conduct during the
probation peri'od is found unsatisfactory.

5. Working Hour s
Your working hours are governed by applicable law. You
may be required to work in shifts
and/or over time depending upon the business exigencies
as permitted by law.
6. Mobility
TCSL reserves the right to transfer you at any of its
offices, work sites, or associated or
affiliated companies in India or outside India, on the terms
and conditions as applicable to
you at the time of transfer.

7. Compensation Structure / Salary componen

The compensation structure/salary components are
subject to change as per TCSL's
compensation policy from time to time at its sole discr
8. Increments and Promotions
Your performance and contribution to TCSL will be an
important consideration for salary
increments and promotions. Salary increments and
promotions will be based on TCSL's
Compensation and Promotion policy.

9. Alternative Occupation / Employment

Either during the period of your traineeship or during
the period of your employment as a
confirmed employee of TCSL, you are not permitted
to undertake any other employment,
business, assume any public or private office, honorary
or remunerative, without the prior
written permission of TCSL.

10. Confidentiality Agreement

As part of your acceptance of this appointment as
an employee with TCS you are
TCS Confidential
Tata Con,ultancy S@rvlc._, LJmit~
Vantra Park. Opp. Vol~s HROlrg. Center, Subha~h :NtJgar,
Pokhr.u1 No 2_,Ttli,n ~iWcst) 400 601 lndiil
lei: 91 (,778 2ooom n Fax: 91 21 6'178 2190Webiiite: www.t<
Registered Office Nl,mat 8ulldio9, 9tti Floor, NarlnwI Point,
M~Imbai 400 021
TCS CarHr·s Sefviceline: 1800 209 3111 Email:
required to melnloln atrlct cot,fld
ontlallly of the Intellectual proper
lnformAHon and other busli,oaa Info ty rights protected
rmation of TCS and Its cllanls which
to you by TCS or which m•ay In tha may be revealed
course of your engagoment with
posaeHlon or knowledga unless spe TCS come your
clflcelly authorized to do so In writing
Conflde1,t1all\y Clause shall survive by TCS . This
t11e termination or earlier determ
App0,1ntment. The detailed Confid ination of this
entiality related torms end conditio
Annexure 3. ns are set out in

11. Overae.a lnternatlonal Aaalgnm

ont Agroomont
If you are on International ass
ignment, you will be covered by
Pollcy-lntematlonal Assignments the TCS India
(from lndla to other Countries) from
placement f'or an International assignm the date of
ent. Accordingly, you wlll be require
Overseas International Assignment d to sign the
Agreement/s and any other app
documents pertaining to the interna licable related
tional assignment for which you are
case of every International assignme being placed In
nt that exceeds 30 days, you will
serve TCSL as per the Notice Period be required to
clause mentioned below.
This Is to ensure that the knowle
dge and Information gained by
asslgnment Is shared and availab you during your
le to TCSL and its associates.T
knowledge and information Is ess his transfer of
ential for TCSL to continue to ser
customers better.If you are deputed ve its clients and
internationally for training,you will be
a'n agreement to serve TCSL for a min required to sign
imum period of 6 months on complet
ion of training .
12. Terms and Conditions
The above terms and conditions are
specific to India and there can be
said terms and conditions in case changes to the
of deputation on international ass

13. TATA Code of Conduct

You are required to sign the TAT
A Code of Conduct and follow the
day-to-day conduct as an associ same in your
ate of TCSL.
14. Notice Period
During your tenure with TCSL, eith
er you or TCSL may terminate you
employment under this Agreement r traineeship /
by providing 90 days written notice.
reserves the right, to ask you to com The company
plete the notice period or adjust the
In lieu of entire or partial notice per earned vacation
iod. If your services, behaviour and
are not found satisfactory, TCSL / or performance
may terminate your services by givi
mentioned herein above. No notice ng notice as
or payment in lieu thereof shall be app
services are discontinued/terminat licable if your
ed on account of any misconduct eith
tralneeshlp period or upon complet er during your
ion of the traineeship period.

TCS Confidential
TCSUDT20173834070 7
T•l• Conaultanty Services Llmlt4KI
Yanira Pat1l, Opp. Volta, HRD Tr9. Center,
Subha~h Ni1g111.. Pokhr"'' Rwd Nol. Th.m
l'al: 91 22 6778 2000/2222 fa)(: 91 22,67 e !W~t) 400 601 lnd,a
78 2190.\,Vf'b site., (>m
RfO(sl~ed Office Nlrmal Building, 9th Floor
, Nariman Point, Mtrmba l •100 Oll
TCS Careers Servtc~llne: 1800 209 .3111
Emi\I1: c,,1l!~s~,tcs_com
required to maintain strict confldentlallty

of the Intellectual property rights protecte
Information and other buslne88 Information d
of TCS and Its clients which may be revealed
to you by TCS or which may In the course
of your engagement with TCS come your
possession or knowledge unless speclflcally
authorized to do so In writing by TCS , This
Confldentlallty Clause shall survive the
termination or earlier determination of this
Appointment. The detailed Confldentlallty
related terms and conditions are set out
Annexure 3. in

11. Overseas International Asalgnment

If you are on International assignment,
you will be covered by the TCS India
Policy-International Assignments (from
India to other Countries) from the date
placement for an International assignment. of
Accordingly, you will be required to sign the
Overseas International Assignment Agreeme
nt/s and any other applicable related
documents pertaining to the International assi
gnment for which you are being placed In
case of every International assignment that
exceeds 30 days, you will be required to
serve TCSL as per the Notice Period clau
se mentioned below,
This ls to ensure that the knowledge and
information gained by you during your
assignment is shared and available to
TCSL and Its associates.This transfer
knowledge and information is essential for of
TCSL to continue to serve its clients and
customers better.If you are deputed internatio
nally for training ,you will be required to sign
an agreement to serve TCSL for a minimum
period of 6 months on completion of training
12. Terms and Conditions
The above terms and conditions are specific
to India and there can be changes to the
said terms and conditions in case of deputati
on on international assignments.

13. TATA Code of Conduct

You are required to sign the TATA Code
of Conduct and follow the same in your
day-to-day conduct as an associate of TCS
14. Notice Period
O1:Jring your tenure with TCSL, either you
or TCSL may terminate your traineeship /
employment under this Agreement by prov
iding 90 days written notice. The company
reserves the right , to ask you to complete the
notice period or adjust the earned vacation
in lieu of entire or partial notice period. If your
services, behaviour and/ or performance
are not found satisfactory, TCSL may term
inate your services by giving notice as
mentioned herein above. No notice or paym
ent in lieu thereof shall be applicable if your
services are discontinued/terminated on acco
unt of any misconduct either during your
traineeship period or upon completion of the
traineeship period .

TCS Confidential
TCSUD1'2017'3834070 7
Tata Consult.ancy Servlc.s Llmlt~
Vantra Part(, Opp. HRO Trg. Center, Subha 1
sh N/ig11r1 Pokhran Road
l'al: 91 22 6778 2000/2222 fax; 91 22 677S 2l 90 Webi,heNo 2, l h,rne <West) 400 60l lndfa
Regl5tered Office Nlrmal Bull.ding, 9th Floor, Narlm
an Polnt, Mumbai 400 021
lCS Care-ers Servlc~lfne: 1800 209 31 11 Email:
If you are covered unde
terminate the traineeship
r International Assignm

ent Agreement, either
/appointment by giving you or TCSL can
in the Separation Polic 90 calendar days written no
y of TCSL. TCSL reserv tice as set out
business and current as es the right if it is in the
signment, to ask you to int erest of the
complete your notice pe
15. Retirement
You will retire from the
services of TCSL on rea
of age submitted by you ching your 60th birthday
at the time of joining. as per the proof

16. Pre-employment
Medical Certificate
You are required to su
bmit a Medical Certifica
TCSL) which needs to te of Fitness (in the forma
be verified by a registere t prescribed by
qualification of MBBS to d medical practitioner ha
the Induction Coordinator ving a minimum
17. Employment of Non
Indian Citizens
In case, you are not a cit
izen of India, this offer is
and / or any other perm subject to your obtaining
issions and / or docume a work permit
of India. ntation as prescribed by
the Government

18. Background Check

Your association with TC
SL will be subject to a
background check policy background check in lin
. A specially appointed e with TCSL's
background checks. No ag ency will conduct internal
rmally, such checks are and external
the background check rev completed within one mo
eals unfavourable result nth of joining.If
including termination of s, you will be liable to dis
traineeship/service witho ciplinary action
ut notice.
19. Submission of Do
Please note that you shou
ld initiate and complete
the nextstep portal as so the upload of mandatory
on as the offer letter is documents on
documents) accepted (subject to av
ailability of the

Please carry the below

listed Original Docume
nts for verification on yo
ur joining day.
- Permanent Account Nu
mber (PAN) Card - You are
card along with other join required to submit a copy
ing forms, immediately on of your PAN
rules, the PAN number is join ing. As per Indian Income
a mandatory requirement Tax
- Aadhaar Card for processing salary
- Standard X and XII/Diplo
- Degree certificate/Provisio mark sheets & Certificate
nal Degree Certificate an
Graduation d mark sheets for all seme
sters of
- Degree certificate and ma
rk sheets for all semesters
Postgraduate) of your Post Graduation(if
you are a
TCS Confidential
TCSUDT20173834070 8
Tata Consultancy S1rvlcH
Yanttl Parit. Opp. Valtas HRO Umtted

Trg. Center, Subhash 1Nagll
Tel: 91 22 6778 200012.212 Fax: r, Pokhr;,, n Road No 2., Thane
(W~tj 400 601 l11d1a
911 226778 2190 Web site:

Regi5tered Office Nlrmal
Building, 9th Floo r, N;,rim;r
1CS careers Stlfvkelitle: 180 n Point Mumbai 400 021
0 209 3111 Ema il: careers@
- Overseas Citizenship of India (applicable If you are not an Indian Nationality). For
Srilankan Refugee, a Refugee Identity card along with Work Permit is required
- Birth Affidavit on Rs100 stamp paper, If Birth Certificate not in English
- Any other affidavits on Rs 100 stamp paper If applicable (name affidavit for multiple
names, signature affidavits,
address affidavits etc.)
- Passport / Acknowledgement letter of passport application
- Gap/Break in eareer affidavit on Rs100 stamp paper, If gap is more than 6 months
- 4 passport sized photographs
- Medical Certificate (Should be made on the format provided by TCS along with the
Joining letter)
.. An affidavit/notarized undertaking (Non-Criminal Affidavit, should be made on the format
provided by TCSL) stating :
*There is no criminal offence registered/pending against you
*There is no disciplinary case pending against you in the university

- If you were employed, a formal Relieving letter & Experience letter from your previous

The original documents will be returned to you after verification.

In addition to the above original documents, Please carry Xerox copies of the below

*PAN Card (Permanent Account Number)

*Aadhaar Card (Not applicable for Nepal & Bhutan Citizenship)
*NSR E-Card

20. TCS Xperience Program

On joining TCSL, you will be given the benefit of formal training (TCS Xperience Program)
at our offices, as identified, for such period as TCSL may decide.

The said training forms a critical part of your employment with TCSL and is an ongoing
process. TCSL continues to make investment on training and continuing education of its
professionals. This will be of immense value to you as a professional and a large part of
the ownership and commitment has to come from you.

As TCSL progresses with these initiatives, monitoring performance will be an ongoing

process and a formal evaluation will be carried out during the training .The evaluation
criteria which will be very transparent will be used as a basis for allocating people to
projects/roles. We would request that the training be taken very seriously to enable you to

TCS Confidential 9
Tat• Consultancy Servlc•s Umtted
Yantra Park, Opp. HRD Trg. Center, Subha~h Nagar, Pokhr,m Rodd No 2. TI'l.'lne •.We~tl 4-X> 601 lrid:.1
Tel: 91 22 6778 2000/2122Fax; 91 22 6778 2190 W~b'ioite:
Reg.lstered Office Ni,mal lklllding, 9th Floor, Narlman Point Mumbai 400 02 l
TCS Cafeers Serviceline: 1800 209 311 1Email: caree<
add maximum value to your
professional and personal
21. Letter of Appointment
You will be issued a letter
of appointment at the time
joining formalities as per TC of your joining and after co
SL policy. mpleting

22. Rules and Regulation

s of the Company
Your appointment will be
governed by the policies
processes and procedures , rules , regulations, pra
of TCSL as applicable to ctices,
time to time .The change you and the changes therei
s in the Policies will autom n from
separate individual comm atically be binding on you
unication or notice will be and no
same shall be communica served to this effect. Howe
ted on internal portal/Ultim ver, the

23. Compliance to all cla

You should fulfill all the ter
ms and conditions mention
fulfill one or more of the ed in this letter of offer. Fa
terms and conditions and/o ilure to
successfully would entitle r failure to clear one or mo
TCSL to withdraw this off re tests
er letter anytime at its sole
24. Data Privacy Clause:
(a) Your personal data co
llected and developed du
processed in accordance ring recruitment process
with the TCS Data Privacy will be
therein are details related Policy. The personal data
to contact, family, educati referred
government, social profile, on, personal identifiers iss
background references, pre ued by
medical history, skill set, vious employment and expe
proficiency and certifica rience,
aspirations. tions, job profile and your
(b) It will be processed
for various organizationa
onboarding, background l purposes such as recrui
check, project assignmen tment,
rotation, career develop t, performance manageme
ment including at leadersh nt, job
initiatives, global mobility ip level, diversity and inc
, wellness program, statut lusion
specific organizational ini ory and legal requiremen
tiatives in force during yo ts and
ur tenure in TCS .
(c) After you join TCS, the
re would be more sets of
processed for various leg Personal Information (Pl)
itimate purposes. All of it attributes
applicable laws and the will be processed with complian
TCS Data Privacy Policy ce to
processing, you will be pro . In some scenarios of yo
vided with appropriate notice ur Pl
obtained from time to time. and/or explicit consent migh
t be
(d) For the purposes me
ntioned above, your requir
vendor organizations wh ed Pl may be shared with
o provide services to TC specific
S, e.g . background chec
k, health
TCS Confidential
TCSL/DT20173834070 10
Tm Consultancy S., vk fl Umtt.d
Yaritra Parle. Opp. HRO
Trg. Center, SubhMh Nagar,
Tel: 912267782000/222 2Fa Pokhran Rwd No 2. Thane (W
x: 912 2 6778 2l 90W;:,bsite: ~tl 400 601 lnd1<1
Registered Office Nim1al Buil
dlog, 9t.h Floor. Narim.m Poin
1CS Careers Set'viceline: 180 t. Mumbai 400 021
0 209 3111 Email: careerse tG.c
insurance, counselling, trave
activities, and financial and

l, transport and visa. payroll
services, associate engageme
taxation services, nt
(e) As TCS is a global comp
any, your Pl may be shared
for the purposes mentioned w'rth entities outside India, lim
above and/or in this offer let ited
(f) In case of oversees de
putation, available privacy
regulatory provisions and rights would be governed
/ or TCS policies/notice pro as per
location. vided applicable at your ov

TCS Confidential
TCSIJDT20173834070 11
Tata Con wltan<Y s.mces LnltMi
.... .£. n.- Volt , ...... ~ u-o ir Pok
Vlntrar..... ..,,..... , asHRDTrg. C enter,:>UD'Ii..'°"' "- •
hranRoadNo2, Thane (W~t)4
00601 IMw
677 8 200012271 fa_i:91226 778 2t9
0W ~~
T~. 9111 Nirmal Sui6dii,g, 9th floor. Nar .
Regestered ~ c.- ,;, ~r, e ima11 Poin t, JhJmoai 400 021
TCS .....,ttl' ~ ~ ...... 18rJO 20'J )11 1 Er<lo!l; ar~
l'::1 '~K~ (ifO

Withdrawal of Offer
If you fail to accept the offer from
TCSL within 7 days, it will be con
interested in this employment and strued that you are not
this offer will be automatically with
Post acceptance of TCSL Offer lett
er if you fail to join on the date pro
letter, the offer will stand automatic vided in the TCSL Joining
ally terminated at the discretion of
We look forward to having you in
our global team
Yours Sincerely,

For TATA Consultancy Services


K Ganesan Click here or use a QR code scan

ner from your mobile
Global Head Talent Acquisition
& AIP to validate the offer letter

Encl: Annexure 1: Benefits and Gro

ss Salary
Annexure 2: List of TCS Xplore Cen
Annexure 3: Confidentiality and IP

TCS Confidential
'FCSUDT20173834070 12
Tat• Consultancy Strvlc.s Umltlld
Yantra Parle. Opp. \lolta s HRD Trg. Cenu
n, Nagar, Pokhrdh RC<ld
Tel: 91 216778 2000 /2222 Fax: 91 ]:J. No 2.l h~ne (W~ {l 400 60 i lndi.'i
6778 2190Website:www.tcs.c om
Ri:gistered Offi~ Nirrnal Boilrling.
9th Floor. Narirrii!n Point. Mumbai '100
TCS Ca,e-e,s Se<vicrthne. 1S.002-09 311 02 1
1 Emai l:w,ee-.SJ;;t cs.corn

Namt · - - - - ___ ___ _Ravi Ranjan Prasad

·- ------ ----- ---- -- ·
i---- -0es
- - tg
- natton Asst Systems Englneer - - - - - - - - - - ·
Cha~~ •!!1 ~ng~.!'9 ~~ Lanclran
~--Institute 'Name
----- ----
Table 1: CompensatiOn C)etajls ( A l l ~ in INR}


➔- ◄ rt;:•
eom~ nt cat~ ~---__,,,~- ___ Mon,Y,ly __.._._. Annual -~--
j} F!xe_d Co_~P!!nsation _. _____ ___ - .

-~~ _$ataiy_ 14.800 1.77,600

- ------ ----- - -- --- -· - - ------ --- -
Bouquet Of Benefits t 9,133 1.C>9.600
2) Perfonnance Pa~
Monthly Performance Pay 1,700 20.400
Quarterty Variable ADowance• 700 8,400
3) City Allowance 300 3.600
4) Annual Components/Retirals
Health lnstr.m C8- NA 7.900
Provident Fund 1,776 21,312
Gratuity 711 8,543
Total of Annual Components & Retirals
- .
- •'--
e ~

# Refer to Table 2 for TCSL defined Structure. In case, you wish
not to resbudu re your BoB, TCSL
defined Structure as given in Table 2 will be appricable_
• Amount depicted will be paid-out on a quarterly basis upon success
ful a,rnplefi on of the TCS Xpiore / ~ Program
-rhe Performance Pay is applicable upon successfuJ completi on
of the TCS Xplore / Xperien ce Program.
- For HIS - Note that Rs. 7900 if the employee is Single. If the employe
e is married or married wim Chidren
then Rs. 3,900/- per beneficiary needs to be added to the above mention
ed amount.
Table 2: TCSL defined structure for BoB (All Components in INR)
---_o,-ne_nt<;-at_. !t . .
-~• . •,;;-,, -· -
Leave Travel Assistance 1,233 14,800
Food Card
---.-.--------•-------..,,..~.~·--- ~_,;,...-

TCS Confidential
TCSUDT20173834070 13
Tata Con,ultancy s.n<k~ llmlt-.d
YMma Part. Opp. '/0:~i HHO Try. (ent~r. Xll,h11~h '-.4\Jdf P~i,hrdl't R:.;,d No) 1 hJrw \'.~I -' X• t-e' r. 1J..i
r.. ci1 77677R ,ooo• nn ~"x 91 :•'J6nx nc-~~':\~h~ .... 1.,,.,'\, •- , , ~
R..g i5t~re<I Ofh,. Ni<1MI Building. 9H·, Flom. ~l:ir111 i.ln f'111r,1. MJ1"1C..,
,i.1◊ l)l'.
TCS Carffi~ SeN,r::~•t1f!· 11:1(',0 209 j 11 1 £ma,! (N('!:'t~ <- tCi (O'l\

Annexure 2

Ahmedebad 811n1elore
Tate Consultancy Servlc~, Tete Consultancy Services,
Gerime Park,IT/ITES SEZ,Plot # 41, Gell!' 1, No 42, Think campus, Electronlc: City phase II,
Gandhlnanr - 382007 Banaalore • S60100 Kernotaka
Tata Consultancy Services, Tat11 Consultancy Services,
Trelnlna leb Venue-:•Bereb11ti, IRC Block, Ground Floor, 415/21-24, Kumaran Nager, Old Mahaballpuram Rd,
Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (UNIT-II) • BARBATI l'NHB, Shollnganallur, Chennei, Tamil Nadu 600119

DELHI - Gurgoan DELHI - Nolde

lCS XP HR lead TCS XP HR Lead
Tata Consultancy Services, Toto Consultancy Services,
81od: C. kinp Canyon, ASF Insignia, Gurgaon •- Plot No, A-44 & A-45,Ground, 1st to 5th Floor & 10th
Feridabad Road, Gawel Pahari, Gursaon • 122003, floor, Glaxy Business Park, Block• C & D, Sector· 62,
Haryana Nolda • 201309,UP
Guwah■ti. t,tyderebad
l'CS XP HR lead TCS XP HR Lead
Tata Consultanc.y Servi~, Tata Consultancy Services,
'Sth Roor. NEDFi House,G.S. Road, Dispur,Guwahati •· Q City, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad
lCS XP HR lead T<;S XP HR Lead
Tata Clonsultanc;v Services, Tata Consultancy Services Limited,
IT/ITESsez. Scheme No. 151 & 169-B, Super Corridor, Ecospace 18 building, 2nd Floor, Plot - IIF/12 ,New
Village Tigariya Badshah & Bada Bangarda, Tehsil Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata • 700160,West Bengal OR
Hatod, Indore - 452018- Auditorium,2nd f:loor, Wanderers Building.Delta Park -
Madhya Pradesh Lords
Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Consultancy Services,
TCS centre, lnfopark Road lnfopark campus, lnfopar-k, Yantra Park, Pokharan Road Number 2, TCS Approach
Kalckanad, Kerala 682042 Rd, Thane, We~, Thane, Maharashtra 400606
TI::SXPHRlead TCS XP HR lead
Tata consultancy Services Limited, Tata Consulta~cy'Services,
Mihan-Sez, Nagpur, Telhara, Maharashtra 441108, Plot No. 2 & :3, Ml DC-SEZ, Raj iv Gandhi lnfutech Park,
Hinjewadi l:>hase,__111, ·Pune-- ·411_0 57,Maharasht~
TCS XP HRl.ead
Jata Consultancy Serives,
Peepul Park, Technopark Campus ,Kariyavattom P.O.
Trivandruri'I - 695581, tndi-a

TCS Confidential 14
Tata Con,uhanty Strvh:•• LJmltitd
Vantra Park, Opp. vo11as HRD Try. (t'tltC!r, Subhc1~h N11911r, Pokhl',m Nl) 2_, Thi11lt! i Wt'SI) 400 o0I b)di,1
Tel: 91126778 ioootnn Ft1x: 91 n
Reglste-red Office Nltmal 8'1lldlng, 9th Flcx>r; Narlrnc1n Point, M\lmbai 400 0.21
TCS Care-ets Servh:i~lfne: 1-800 209 3111 Em.ill: <areerSi,t'itw:om
Annexure 3
ConfidentiaHty and liP Terms and Conditions

Confidentiality and IP Terms and Conditions • Annexure 3:

1. Confidential Information
"Confidential Information" shall mean all Inventions and Know-how, Information and
material of TCS (in'cludlng for avoidance of doubt any Confidential Information of Its
Clients) that comes Into the possession or know of the Associate and shall Include the

(a) Any and all information processing programs, software, properties, items, information,
data, material or any nature whatsoever or any parts thereof, additions thereto and
materials related thereto, produced or created at any time by TCS or the Associate in the
course of or in connection with or arising out of the Associate's association with TCS.
Program/Software shall mean source code and/or machine Instructions wherever resident
and on whatever media and all related documentation and software,

(b) All other information and material of TCS relating to design, method of construction,
manufacture, operation, specifications, use and services of the TCS equipment and
components, including, but not limited to, engineering and laboratory notebooks, reports,
process data, test data, performance data, inventions, trade secrets, systems, software,
object codes, source codes, copyrighted matters, methods, drawings, computations,
calculations, computer prograrns, narrations, flow charts and all documentation therefore
and all copies thereof (including for avoidance of doubt any such material belonging to the
Clients of TCS).

(c) Corporate strategies and other confidential and proprietary material and information,
which could cause cornpetitive harm to TCS if disclosed,

(d) Customer and prospective customer lists, and

(e) All other information and material, which may be created, developed, conceived,
gathered or collected or obtained by the Associate in the course of or arising out of the
association with TCS or while in or in connection with or for the purposes of his/her
association with TCS or any of the operations and entrusted by TCS to the Associate.

TCS Confidential 15
Tata Consultoocy Servlc.s Umlttd

Yantra Pal'lc, Opp. Voltas HRD Trg. Center, Subhash Nag.llr, Pold1mn Ro,,d No 2, Th~ne (We.stl 400 601 ·1ndlt1
Tel: 91 2i 6778 200012.222F;i)c.91 22, 6776 2190 W~bsite: www.tcs.tom
Registered Offtc~ Nlmrn1 Btlitdlng, 9th Floor. Narlman Point. Mumbai •100 021
KS (a, Serv.lceline: H:100 209 3111 Ernall: <:M!?ets@tcHOtifl
2. A11ocl1t1'1 Obllg1tlon1
A11oclate agrees to treat the Confidential Information as strictly confidential and a trade
aecret of TCS. Associate agrees not to use, or cause to be used, or disclose or divulge or
part with either directly or Indirectly the Confidential Information for the benefit of or to any
third parties except for or on behalf of or as directed or authorized by TCS or to a person
having a valid contract with or need under TCS, any Confidential Information. Upon
termination of employment, the Associate agrees to surrender to TCS all Confidential
Information that he or she may then possess or have under his or her control.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

A11oclate agrees and confirms that all intellectual property rights in the Confidential
Information shall at all times vest in and remain with or belong to TCS and Associate shall
have no right title or claim of any nature whatsoever in the Confidential Information.
AHoclate shall promptly disclose to an authorized officer of TCS all inventions, Ideas,
Innovations, discoveries, Improvements, suggestions, or reports and enhancements
made, created, developed, conceived or devised by him or her arising out of his or her
engagement with TCS, Including In the course of provision of services to the Clients of
TCS and Associate hereby agreet and confirms that all such intellectual property rights
shall at all Umes vett In and remain vested in TCS and agrees to transfer and assign to
TCS any Interest, Associate may have in such Intellectual property rights Including any
Interest In and to any domestic or foreign pate,nl rights. trademarks. trade names
copyright• and trade aecret rights therein and any renew111 thereof. On request of TCS,
A11ocl1te 1hall execute from Ume lo bme. during or after lhe termination of hie or her
employment, such further lnslrumenll. lndudtng without llmUa1,on1. appllcaUona for tellers
of patent, trademarks, trade nam11 and copynghll or 111tgnmen11 thereof, 11 may be
deemed nec1111ry or de1lrebte by TCS 10 perfect the OUe of TCS In Iha Intellectual
prop1 rty right• and to effectuate lht prov11,on1 hereof. All ex·pen111 of fllllng or

proaecuUng any appllcaUon for p11en11. tiadematb. lrade names. or copyrlghl1 shall be
borne aolely by TCS, but AaaocJale 1h111 co-ordinate In filing and / or proaecullng any
auch 1ppllcatlon1. A11oci1te hereby expr111ty waives any '"1rti1t's rlgh11• or •moral
rlghta", which A11oclale might olherwiu have in auch Intellectual property rlghte.

TCI Conftd1nt11I 18
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4. Prtorknowledge
Associate acknowledges that prior to his or her appointment by TCS, he or she had no
knowledge of the Confidential Information of TCS and that such Confidential Information
is of a confidential and secret character and Is vital to the continued success of TCS's
business, Associate fUrther acknowledges that he or she is associated with TCS In a
capacity In which he or she will become acquainted with all or part of such Confidential
Information, In order to safeguard the legitimate Interests of TCS In such Confidential
lnfom,ation, it is necessary for TCS to protect such Confidential Information by holding it
secret and confidential.

S. Use of third party material

Associate expressly agrees that it shall not In the course of his or her association with
TCS and while working on the premises or facilities of TCS or Its Clients or in connection
with the development of any intellectual property rights or work for or on behalf of TCS,
use any third party material or intellectual property rights except those intellectual
property rights provided by TCS or expressly authorised by TCS or without having proper
authorisation or license or approval of the respective owner of such intellectual property

6. Security policies and Guidelines.

Associate agrees to abide by and be bound by any and all policies, documents,
guidelines and processes including IP, Security and Confidentiality of TCS in force from
time to time whether expressly endorsed or not.

7. Restriction on Associate's Rights

Associate agrees that he or she shall not make, have made, replicate, reproduce, use,
sell, incorporate or otherwise exploit, for his or her own use or for any other purpose, any
of the Confidential Information including intellectual properties of TCS that is or may be
revealed to him or her by TCS or which may in the course of his or her employment with
TCS come into his or her possession or knowledge unless specifically authorized to do so
in writing by TCS.

8. No License
TCS and Associate agree that no license under any patent or copyright now existing or
hereafter obtained by TCS is granted, agreed to be granted, or implied by the terms of
this Agreement, or by the disclosure to Associate of the Confidential Information.

TCS Confidential 17
Tat1 Consultancv S•rvk•• Umlt.d
\'intra Ptr\ Opp. VolllS HRDlrg. C1mter, Subha,h 'Naq11r., Pokhr.. n Rt'l<ld No l, Th-' llt' ,we~o 4-00 601 lndi.l
Tel; 91 22 6778 2000/2222 Fa>(; 91 22 6778 2100Website; wwW.1'('$,co11,
Reglst@red Offke Nlrmal Bulldlng, 9th Floor, Narlm11n Point, Mu111b:al 40◊ 021
TCS Carf.'l!rs Servlc~lhle: 1800 209 3111 Email: c.a!'lN?r s~ tcS, COl'f\
9. Equitable Right
Associate acknow
ledges that any Con
a~d I or knowledge fidential Information
of Associate is of a \hat comEl$ into the
It ,s further acknow unique, highly conf ~~~
ledged by Associate idential and ()Nlprie
I or release by As that the disclosure, di ta ry natu'-,
sociate of the Con stribution, di~e m in
of TCS or any brea fidential Informatio a\km and
ch of this Agreem n without the prior
immediate and irrep ent by Associate wm w ri~ n ton$ent
arable damage and cause TCS to su ~
TCS shall withou that upon any such r se ~ ~
t prejudice to any breach or any threat
appropriate equita other remedies av th e ~ ,:
ble relief including ailable to it be en
relief, in addition the relief of specific \i\led to
to whatever remed performance and in
ies it might have at
10. General
(a) The provisions
hereof shall be inte
with the laws of In rpreted, determined
dia. and enforted in ac
(b) In the event of
any dispute or disa
herein contained or greement over the
may claim or liability interpretation of an
shall be referred to of any party includi y of the terms
a person to be nom ng that of surety , th
binding upon the pa inated by TCS, who e same
rties hereto. Subjec se decision shall be
the Arbitration and t to the above, the final and
Conciliation Act, 19 arbitration shall be
Associate confirms 99 or any modificat go~med by
that the fact that th ions or re--enactmen
a ground for object e arbitrator shall be t thereat
ing to such arbitratio a nominee of TCS sh
venue of arbitratio n or challenging the all not be
n shall be Mumbai. decision of the arbit
agreed to the bind Subject to the abov rator_ Toe
ing jurisdiction of th e arbitration clause,
e Courts at Mumba the Parties
i under the laws of
(c) If any provision India.
hereof shall be foun
law, it shall be deem d by a judicial tribu
ed null and void with nal to be contrary to
of the Agreement an out annulling or rend gowming
d if the inva_lid porti ering invalid the rem
without it, the Parti on is such that the ainder
es herein shall find remainder cannot be
shall be legally va a suitable replacemen su stained
lid. t to the invalid porti
on that
(d) This Confiden
tiality clause along
referenced in any with other documen
such documents co ts executed by Asso
parties and supers nstitutes the entire ciate or
edes all prior agreem understanding betw
matter thereof. No ents and understan~ een the
delay of omission of i~gs pertainin~ to th
either Party in exer e su
rights or r:emedies
hereunder shall co cising or enforcing an bje~t
nstitute a waiver th y of their

TCS Confidentia
Tata Consultaft<J ~
tas HRD lt~-Ce ntet, Lb hd

Yantra Pa ~ O pp .: Subh
91 22 6778 200012222 ash Nag.,r. Fa kh.ran Ro.ld ~ 2. Th..ll\e (\'ffll.
fax: 9\ 22 6778 2l 90 ~S l't 1~ tlOl ~t i.l
· R -~ OfficeNhmal Building
. 9th Floor,
eg i 1CS Ca ~r
sSe rv lc ~ 1800 ~ Nari(l\3n Point. ~ b it .OOO.ll
3\\ I Emiil: c - ~ ~l
(e) This Confidentiality clause may not be amended except in writing signed by authoriz
representatives of both parties.

(f) The obligations of Associate In terms of this Confidentiality clause shall continue
te with TCS and shall
the term of or In the course of the employment of the Associa
continue thereafter in perpetuity.

TCS Confidential 19
. Tata Consultancy S.rvlc.s Umltad
Yanira Park, Opp. VoltasHRDTrg. Center, Subhash Hagar, Pokhran Road No 2, Thane (W~O400
601 India
lei: 91 226778100 01'1212 Fax; 91 226778 2190 Website: m
Reg,im-red Offic,e Nirmal B\J ilding, 9th Floor. Narima,n Poinl Muinb.ii 400 02 1
TCS Caroors Servic~line: 1800 209 3111 Emili!: a rt?e<sl{!tcs,com

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