Omicron Cases Study

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That politicians are again so lazy and still discussing closing counties and stil letting

travellers in or out.

That is what is concerning, politicians are incredibly thick. They seem to think lets have a few
people cross the road blindfolded, that will tell us if the coast is clear.

Jeeeeeez thay are so slow, so dumb.

What’s more People are SOOO THICK to holiday to Africa in the midst of a global pandemic,
how stupid are they!

If you have a meeting - you can zoom

If you have a sports competition - it can wait

If you want a holiday - holiday at home

SOme of us have been stranded overseas for 2 years , impossible to get home to see family
for two years ( 5 weeks quarantine round trip would mean losing job also) SO these IDIOTS
make me mad.

At my age I could quite easily die before this is over so never see my family again so thank

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