ACCT 215 Quiz 1, Wells, Winter 2010

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L2l5 Winter 2010 Quiz #1 Page 1 of2

By signing below you acknowledge that you are a member of a learning community in the
Foster School of Business that is committed to the academic standards of honesty, respect,
and integrity, and that you adhered to these standards while completing this exam.

Name €ml, i r.: 3" 'ir i": :-'# ttr Quiz section B {*
./-tr I , i : ,t j
Signature Date l)\/;'
, IU

SHORT PROBLEMS: Please show vour work

1 . Below are ending balances of the accounts of a cornpany as of December 31, 2001 .

CASH $ 420
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a. What is the company's gross profit as of December 3I,2001? (1 point)
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b. What is the company's net income or loss as of December 31, 2007?

(2 points) i r,r ,r o:r, , - r.k r -. ? .
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2. In the accrual basis of accounting, what are the two main criteria that a company
to recognizing revenue in a given accounting period? (2 points)

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LZL1 Winter 2010 Quiz #1 Page? ofZ

3. Husky Company purchased 57250 worth of inventory from a supplier, paylng

$3000 in cash and putting the remainder on credit. Please describe the transaction
(account, amount, direction) that Husky Company will record for the purchase of
the inventory. (3 points)

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4. At the beginning of the period retained earnings was $90,000. At the end of the
period retained earnings was $165,000.

a. If the company does not pay dividends, what did the company report as net

report as net income or loss on the income statement? (2 points)

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TRUE / FALSE: circle'oT" for true and "F" for false (8 points)
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management discussion and analysis report gives readers information
regarding the management's insight about significant future events.

2.trff expe4se is a liability located on the balance sheet.

3.7 The Three activity types on the statement of cash flows are Operating,
Financing, and Subsidrzing.
4. ff-l n-/p,loan from a financial institution will increase assets and increase
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s{3 }t$}ftet salesis an item located on the balance sheet. E *; ,:',':
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6. T / F tffie accrual basis of accounting recognizes the impact of transactions on the
{ytancial statements only when a company receives or pays cash.
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f . l'*"iT- IY Divi/dnds payable will appear as a liability on the balance sheet.
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8. T lU/V The balance sheet equation can also be stated as assets plus liabilities equals
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