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Internet of Things: An Opportunity in Transportation Industry

Rutuja Pramod Valte1*

MITWPU School of Management, Pune India
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of smart gadgets containing processors, sensors, and
communication technology that are all connected to the internet. Data is collected, and
sophisticated sensors in cars and trucks can warn drivers of impending dangers. Trucks with
real-time driving, mapping, and video data thanks to the Internet of Things. Smart vehicles will
be able to recognize pedestrians, bicycles, and other road dangers, as well as detect blind
corners and turns at a set distance. It will transform transportation, cutting accidents by 80%
and increasing visibility across global production networks. IoT technology allows drivers to
monitor fuel efficiency, braking, and speed, as well as signal safety to other vehicles.
Transportation managers can use geolocation and logistics to see if packages or shipments are
heading in the wrong direction.
Through transport and backhaul sharing models, the ecosystem assists businesses in
transmitting information remotely in real time and optimizing asset use. Control towers and
new collaboration models, for example, can track data flows centrally. By collecting crucial
data and information from business and technology developments connected to data analytics
and mobility automation, the Internet of Things is projected to alter the transportation industry.
Trains, trucks, ships, and planes will have better communication and comprehension of data
Keywords—IoT, internet of things, transportation, IoT applications.
The transportation industry is a vital part of the economy since it deals with the
movement of people and goods. Companies that supply transportation infrastructure, as such
as airlines, truckers, railroads, shipping, and logistics corporations, fall under this category. In
India, the Public-Private Partnership Model has resulted in the completion of 112 road projects,
with another 150 projects in the works. The transportation sector accounts for around 6.3
percent of GDP and is dominated by the road sector. Road transport handles more than half of
all freight and 90% of all passenger transportation. The key drivers of the Indian transpiration
business include government and private investments, increased exports, increasing interstate
movement of products and passengers, growing FMCG sector, and rising disposable income.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects "things" embedded with
sensors, software, and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other devices and
systems over the internet. These devices range in complexity from common household items
to sophisticated industrial instruments. Experts predict that by 2021, there will be more than
10 billion connected IoT devices, and by 2025, there will be 22 billion. Oracle has a device
partner network.
IoT has emerged as one of the most important technologies of the twenty-first century in
recent years. Now that we can connect everyday objects to the internet via embedded devices,
including as kitchen appliances, vehicles, thermostats, and baby monitors, seamless
communication between people, processes, and things is conceivable. Physical things can share
and collect data with minimal human interaction thanks to low-cost computers, the cloud, big
data, analytics, and mobile technologies. Digital systems can record, monitor, and alter each
interaction between connected things in today's hyperconnected environment. The physical and
digital worlds collide, but they work together.
Although transportation has already been affected by the Internet of Things (IoT), it’s
really only at the beginning stages of transformation. The IoT has the potential to completely
change the industry. Collecting and sharing data between devices to make decisions without
human interaction is what the IoT is all about. It’s how online articles are suggested as possibly
interesting to you and it is how smart appliances save you money behind the scenes. And when
it comes to transportation, the IoT is what will help the self-driving cars of the future
communicate to each other and keep you safe
A wide range of IoT applications help the transportation industry. Thanks to IoT sensor
data, fleets of vehicles, trucks, ships, and trains carrying inventory can be rerouted based on
weather conditions, vehicle availability, and driver availability. Sensors for track-and-trace and
temperature-control monitoring could be built within the inventory itself. Temperature-
sensitive inventory is common in the food and beverage, floral, and pharmaceutical industries,
and IoT monitoring apps that provide alerts when temperatures rise or fall to a level that
threatens the product would be quite beneficial.
This research is exploratory in nature, with the goal of learning more about how Internet
of Things (IoT) technology is applied in Transportation Industry. The advantages and
challenges of Internet of Things (IoT) are discussed in this study. The information for this study
was compiled from a range of research publications on IoT of transportation industry. Extra
data was acquired via journal references, published research work/articles, theoretical models,
and online references, among other sources. Following the data gathering, pertinent data was
isolated and evaluated in order to form conclusions and analyse the findings.
IoT Architecture for Transportation System
IoT Architecture for Transportation System IoT architecture for transportation system
consists of five different layers, see in Table. 1. These layers include the application layer,
sensing layer, communication layer, service layer, and infrastructure layer. Transportation is
mainly used for shifting a thing or living being from one place to another place. In the daily
life transportation is involved in so many activities like shifting goods, shifting people, either
on road or water or air ways. Transportation system as a study area involves the study of so
many parameters. All these parameters should be sensed and transferred to service layer
through a proper communication channel. From the service layer appropriate decisions were
taken for controlling the system as per the requirement. The relevant and sensed data is stored
in the infrastructure layer.
1. Application Layer: Application layers is the one where different task to be monitored
as per the client’s requirements. In the case transportation, application layers involve
the tasks related to people, vehicles, roads, goods and other services, traffic etc.
2. Sensing Layer: Sensing layer is the one that has an interaction between the application
layers to the vehicle captains by means of an electronic device called sensors network.
These sensors and other devices were incorporated with the vehicle or at the application
place. Many of the electronic components or gadgets need to be used, these includes:
CC TV, Cameras, sensors, RFIDs, microwave technology, infrared technology, image
or text readers etc.
3. Communication Layer: Communication layer, one of most important layers in the IoT
systems. This layer acts as Information Bridge between the sensor layers and the service
layers. This layer helps in the data transmission from sensor layer to the service layer
by means of 3G/4G/5G Network, Wi-Fi, Wired Network, Optical Fiber, Public and
Private Network. The most important factors to be considered for developing this layer
are security issues. Apart from this issue related data transfer speeds, data transfer
transparency, reliability to be considered. The more reliable and strong communication
network gives the better service.
4. Service Layer: Service layer is the one which performs the activities required by the
application layer or the as per the client’s requirements. Service layer gets the detailed
information from sensor layer through the communication layers. The obtained
information is processed in many ways and different analytics were performed various
computing tools.
5. Infrastructure Layer: Infrastructure layer is the one which creates the technology
required for performing the various services. These includes the GIS mapping service,
cloud computing platform, cloud storage, big data analytics tools etc. This layer mainly
allows the improvements required for performing the reliable services.

Layers Requirements/ Components/ Tasks to be Executed

Application Layer Goods, Junctions, Terminals, Service Areas, People, Roads,
Sensing Layer Parking Detection, Compass Terminals, Camera, Fee
Collection, Environment Monitoring, Vehicle Monitoring,
Logistics Tracking, Microwave Detection, Passenger Flow
Communication Layer 3G/4G/5G Network, Wi-Fi, Wired Network, Optical Fiber,
Public and Private Network
Service Layer Logistics Service Platform, Passenger Vehicle Platform,
Fleet Vehicle Service Platform, Highway Integrated
Platform, Intelligent Travelling Service Platform
Infrastructure GIS Mapping Service, Cloud Computing, Cloud Storage, Big
Table.1. IoT System Architecture Requirements for Transportation Application

By bringing together the major technical and business trends of mobility, automation, and
data analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to disrupt the transportation
industry by dramatically altering how transportation systems gather data and information. The
Internet of Things (IoT) is the networking of physical items through the use of embedded
sensors, actuators, and other devices that can gather and transmit data on real-time network
Transportation authorities can then use the data collected by these devices to:
• Enhance the traveler experience by providing more dependable transportation, better
customer service, and more accurate communication and information.
• Improve safety by better understanding transit system operations using sensor data that
records anything from train speeds to roadway temperatures to the condition of aircraft
parts to the number of cars waiting at a junction.
• Reduce traffic congestion and energy consumption by using real-time data to improve how
officials scale resources to meet demand, with the agility to respond quickly to rapidly
changing traffic patterns, or to address the impact of traffic on fuel consumption, the
environment, and regional economic competitiveness.
• Reduce operating expenses and increase system capacity by proactively monitoring
essential infrastructure and implementing more efficient operations.

IoT solutions have the potential to make transportation companies smarter and more
successful. The Internet of Things is at the heart of forces transforming transportation to deliver
higher safety, more efficient travel, better car and airplane maintenance, and better traffic
management. Transportation IoT examples include:
• More efficient, less expensive mass transportation systems that use sensor networks, digital
cameras, and communication systems to increase system capacity, improve passenger
safety and comfort, and reduce costs and hazards.
• Intelligent transportation system dynamic roadside message signs that display real-time
road status, toll rates, lane closures, and trip times automatically communicated by sensors
and cameras.
• Autonomous vehicles that can perceive their surroundings, predict behavior, communicate
with other vehicles and their surroundings, and react to real-world highway scenarios in
real time.
• Video surveillance solutions, which include high-resolution CCTV cameras for securing
airports and train stations, as well as continuous monitoring of passport control checkpoints
and crowd movement. Suspicious conduct and abandoned bags are automatically detected
using intelligent video analysis tools.

Advantages of IoT technology in transportation industry:

Controlling Traffic: When it comes to the use of IoT technology, roading is by far the largest
segment within transportation, and this is likely to rise as we approach 2023. Data can be
gathered via CCTV feeds that communicate vehicle-related data to traffic management centers
within cities. The Internet of Things are used in the following applications such as Smart
parking, Traffic lights and Smart accident assistance.

Toll Collection and Ticketing: Traditional toll systems are rapidly becoming obsolete. Queues
at toll booths have become more prevalent as the number of vehicles on the road has grown,
not to mention the staff required to operate toll booths on busy routes. While automated tolls
employing an RFID card have improved traffic flow, the adoption of IoT technology has
enabled even more gains. IoT connectivity is available in many modern vehicles today. Up to
a kilometer away from a tolling station, a vehicle can be spotted, accurately identified, and the
barrier lowered to allow the vehicle to drive through. Alternatively, for older vehicles, a
registered smartphone might serve the same purpose by automatically deducting payment from
the phone's digital wallet.
Connected Cars: As previously stated, today's cars rely on connectivity, and many modern cars
are now fitted with internet connectivity, sensors, and actuators, all of which monitor a wide
range of applications ranging from brakes and engine to tyre pressure control and exhaust gas
composition. Connected cars will employ in-vehicle networks, radar, and cameras in the future
to help identify and communicate with one another, avoid crashes, and promote smooth traffic
Vehicle Tracking System: Vehicle tracking systems are commonly utilized in the freight
industry to assist organizations in properly managing their fleets. They can also be used to track
driver behavior and collect statistics on idling time and driving style. Some of the examples of
IoT-powered functionalityTrip scheduling are such as Fleet tracking, driving times and driver
rest break scheduling, Alerts for speeding, harsh cornering, acceleration or braking, monitoring
of vehicle load and Distance travelled and fuel consumption.
Public Transport Management: Smart mobility, with a focus on public transit, is one of the
primary areas in which NEC has been active. Our solutions, which include integrated ticketing
and automated fare collection, passenger information systems, passenger information display
systems, and advanced vehicle Logistics solutions, all use IoT technology to help solve social
and economic issues like traffic congestion in public transportation.
Challenges of IoT technology in Transportation industry:
The Internet of Things (IoT) creates unprecedented data flows, posing network and data
management issues as well as increasing security vulnerabilities. Transportation authorities
must adapt traditional network designs to deliver new levels of network intelligence,
automation, and security to meet these concerns. Transport companies want a low-cost network
infrastructure that can safely handle large amounts of data while also being simple to maintain
and operate.
• Provide a straightforward, automated onboarding process for IoT devices. Thousands of
devices or sensors can be found in large IoT systems, and manually provisioning and
managing all of them is time-consuming and error-prone. The IoT platform can
dynamically recognize devices and assign them to the appropriate secured network thanks
to automated onboarding.
• Create a safe atmosphere free of cyber-attacks and data loss. Because transportation IoT
networks have so many networked devices and sensors, there are so many potential attack
routes, security is crucial for reducing cybercrime risks. Security is required on numerous
levels, including the containment of IoT networks.
• For the IoT system to function properly and efficiently, you must provide the appropriate
network resources. Many devices in the IoT system transmit mission-critical data that
necessitates a certain level of QoS. For example, to maintain service uptime, some use cases
necessitate proper bandwidth reservations on a high-performance network architecture.
IOT is transforming the transportation sector with the generation of intelligent
transportation system (ITS) that helps to optimize logistics and fleet management, goods and
services, traffic management driver assistance, etc. ITS helps in automating railways,
roadways, airways and marine vessels. It also helps in tracking and delivery of goods. By
generating an intelligent transportation system (ITS), it can automate an entire vehicle.
Congestion on urban roads and rising accidents which need smart transport management
solutions leveraging sensing, communications, and data processing technologies, smart parking
solutions, traffic management solutions, passenger entertainment, fleet management and
telematics solutions, and security solutions. Moreover, prices of sensors are projected to come
down in the near future.
In the time to come, IoT can be expected to witness tremendous growth in transportation
and logistics verticals. Fleet managers and operators will have more access to remote
information at their fingertips and will use this information to reduce cost, mitigate human
errors, boost supply chain productivity and automate end-to-end logistics processes. Along
with the capabilities of cloud computing and big data, IoT can also be used to predict
bottlenecks that result in inefficient operations in a logistics business. Moreover, working
conditions can be improved and resources can be optimally utilized to ensure timely delivery
of goods, increasing customer satisfaction.

IoT has already made its mark in the world of transportation and the change towards its
transformation has begun. While driverless cars may seem a distant dream, the implementation
of sensors, safety features, real-time updates etc have already started and are being used at the
full-scale in many parts of the world. The technology will continue to enhance the industry and
constantly make it better. IoT usage would help this sector with many opportunities and
benefits. It is highly recommended to adopt the Internet of Things into transportation to make
it more effective operations and profitable. At present, transportation is technologically
progress and facing a lot of challenges and seek a rapid renovation and growth with upcoming
inventory tracking and location management systems. IoT will revolutionize the transportation
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