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Hello everyone...

Even tabik..

Good morning and healthy always for all of us, and do not forget the burning
spirit for this morning ...

Before further let me introduce myself my name denicha eka princess febrianti
and you can call me denicha representative of your tour guide lampung
muhammadiyah university kotabumi, and glad I became your tourist.

A guide to today and now here's our bus together bus together puspa kencana

Hello mister budi.

Now you can call him captain budi, say hello to mister budii.

extraordinary.. Now let's get on the bus so we can start counting.

1,2,3,4,5,30 wow amazing we are all complete here, on the bus travel agency your
safety is your top priority and I know that you are all very excited for this trip.

But first I want you all to remember pritt (P) stands for prevention, always wear
your protective equipment such as masks, handsanitaizer, facials and always keep
a distance according to health protocol, and do not forget to bring valuables such
as your wallet and mobile phone respectively.

Well that is the intsruksi that I always remind, and please always pay attention to
the signal that I marked with pluit and bender, which means we must
immediately gather to continue the next route.

It is good for everyone to start preparing and praying according to their respective
religions. (completed).

All right, time's on show at 8:30 in the morning and please get ready because
we're leaving.

Happy dating in our main destination is lampung museum..

Lampung State Museum or Lampung Museum,is a museum located in Bandar
Lampung City, Lampung province, Indonesia. This museum is the first and largest
museum in Lampung province and is the pride of the people of Lampung

Construction of Lampung Museum has begun in 1975 and the groundbreaking

was carried out in 1978. However, the inauguration was only held on September
24, 1988 and inaugurated by the Minister of Education and Culture,Fuad Hassan.
The inauguration coincided with the commemoration of International Script Day
which is centered at PKOR Way Halim.

Ruwa Jurai which is enshrined as the name of this museum is taken from the
writing of Sai Bumi Ruwa Jurai in the official logo of Lampung Province
inaugurated its use since April 1, 1990. Entering the era of regional autonomy,the
museum changed its status to UPTD under the Lampung Provincial Education

Museum Collection

Lampung Museum is one of the historical tourist attractions as a means of

education,research and recreation. In the museum yard, even some of the
museum's unique collections will already welcome every visitor. It appears that
the ancient cannon of colonial period became one of the icons of Lampung
Museum itself.

In addition to cannons, replicas of Lampung traditional houses also stand in the

museum yard. Lampung traditional house is known to be a stilt house that is
intended to protect the homeowner from wild animals and there is also a land-
opening iron ball. This iron ball is identical to lampung identity as a transmigration
destination in 1953-1956. This iron ball is used to open transmigration land in East
Lampung Regency,especially North Raman and Purbolinggo,as well as in Central
Lampung Regency, especially Seputih Banyak,and Seputih Raman.

The way of operation is to pull two tractors to topple trees and shrubs in a flat
area that will be the location of transmigration. While in the museum, the
collection displayed include a collection of cultural objects representing two
dominant indigenous groups in Lampung, namely Sai Bathin (Peminggir) and
Pepadun. These two indigenous groups each have a peculiarity in terms of
customary rituals and traditional devices or accessories, such as traditional
lampung fabrics, tapis fabrics. The rituals of the two traditional groups are
displayed in sequence, ranging from birth rituals, pre-adult dental sharpening,
marriage, to death rituals.

The next trip is pahawang beach

Pahawang Island, Punduh Clan, Pesawaran

Pahawang Island is a village and island in marga punduh subdistrict, , Pesawaran

Regency,, Lampung,, Indonesia. The island is located off Punduh Bay. Currently
this island is often included in every tour package offer in Lampung. Tour
packages to this place mushroomed, proven because it has often been offered by
tour agencies that utilize its underwater charm as an attraction that is often
offered to foreign and foreign tourists.

Pahawang Island has a million charms that are no less interesting than other
objects. Currently this island began to be often included in every tour package
offer in Lampung. Tour packages to this place mushroomed, proven because it has
often been offered by tour agencies that make use of its underwater charm as an
attraction that is often offered to foreign and foreign tourists .

There is An Underwater Tour

Around 2010-2011, the local Government of the Marine Service invited fishermen
to cultivate coral reefs at a number of points surrounding Pahawang Island.

This location is ready to be used as a snorkeling place takes a year. Diving at a

depth of 2-4 meters, tourists will meet a variety of marine biota.

Some snorkeling spots that are usually visited by tourists include Gosong
Pancong, Cukuh Bedil, Gosong Bekri, and Tanjung Putus.
-          Unique Snorkeling Spot

In addition to fish and coral reefs, you can also see a variety of unique spots
under the sea of Pahawang Island. Snorkeling spot there are installations
made by residents in the form of gates, writings to mini-temples. Many
visitors take pictures under the sea.

-          Nemo Park

Nemo Park is one of the advantages of a destination that should be

visited if you are to Pahawang Island. You can play and get to know
more about the clown fish aka Nemo who became the icon of the
cartoon film Finding Nemo.

-          Pahawang Island Large and Small

There are two Pahawang Islands namely pahawang island and small
pahawang island. Both have exotic beach and underwater beauty.

If you want to vacation to Pahawang Island, many travel offers open

trip. The average travel organizer offers prices ranging from Rp 600
thousand to Rp 750 thousand for 3 days 2 nights when departing
from Jakarta.

The price is a complete package (All in) where meals and

accommodation are already in it. Usually the participants will stay at a
homestay located in Pahawang Besar.

Wow it's a beautiful pride means we can calm our minds, especially now we are in
the middle of a pandemic crisis so wait ap again thank you and see you again.

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