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ly/Santoen_PM (take the listening file here for further practice)

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand
spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Question 1 to 3.
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The
dialogues and questions will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so
you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
After you listen to the dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers,
and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now
listen to a sample question.

You will hear:

Boy : Do you use the internet very often?
Girl : Yes, I do. I use it for communication.
Boy : How do you communicate with it?
Girl : I send and receive emails, and I speak with my friends using voice mail.

Narrator: What is the main topic of the conversation?

Sample answer
You will read in your test book:
A. How to use email.
B. Receiving emails.
C. Communication.
D. Internet usage.
E. Voice mail.
The best answer to this question is “Internet usage”. Therefore you should choose answer

A. Parking area.
B. Looking for parking.
C. Parking the car in the lot.
D. Walking across the street.
E. Taking the car to the mechanic.

A. To copy it.
B. To recheck it.
C. To throw it away.
D. To show it to Mrs. Hiroko.
E. To submit it to the director.

A. Meat.
B. Butter.
C. Lettuce.
D. Tomato.
E. Mustard.

Questions: 4 to 8.

In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed
by five responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken
twice. They will not be printed in your text book, so you must listen carefully to understand
what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear:
Man : Where are we going to stay?
Woman : At the Sun Hotel, near the beach.
Man : Why there?
Woman : ….

Narrator: What will the woman most likely reply?

Sample answer
You will also hear:
A. Staying there.
B. It’s on the beach.
C. Living in the hotel.
D. There’s a hotel there.
E. It provides excellent service.

The best answer to the question is choice E “It provides excellent service.” Therefore, you
should choose answer E.

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.


Question: 9 to 11.


In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and a monologue spoken in English.
The dialogues and monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your text
book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you
listen to a dialogue or monologue, look at the five pictures provided in your test book, and
decide which one would be most suitable with the dialogue or monologue you have heard.


1 2
3 4

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

1 2

3 4

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

1 2

3 4

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
Question 12 to 15.
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken
twice. They will not be printed in your text book, so you must listen carefully to understand
what the speakers are saying.
After you hear the monologue and the question about it, read the five possible answers
and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
A. Tropical regions.
B. Sunshine.
C. Bananas.
D. Rain.
E. Fruit.

A. In the world.
B. In the regions.
C. In the high trees.
D. In the small root.
E. In tropical regions.

A. How to get the gift.
B. How to make a doll.
C. How to make gift-wrap paper.
D. What boxless candies or chocolate is.
E. How to wrap a doll or some boxless candies.

A. Dipping the bottom.
B. Stampping the crepe paper.
C. Spreading some crepe papers.
D. Cutting a piece of crepe paper.
E. Waiting until the bleach is dry.

This is the end of the listening section

Reading Section

The last day of Elvis: The majestic musician's final battle with addictions

His obesity made it hard for him to walk and round-the-clock nursing staff had to help him
with everyday tasks as he struggled to waddle even a short distance. 

His other addiction, to prescription drugs, only made things worse. In the first
seven-and-a-half months of 1977 alone, one doctor prescribed him more than 10,000
individual doses of sedatives, amphetamines and narcotics and his daily cocktails of pills
gave him a slurring, zombie-like appearance. 

“He was a mess”, his chief nurse Letetia Henley Kirk, who he fondly called Tish, recalls.

Today it is almost impossible to believe that – at the time – Elvis was still the most prolific
and highly paid live performer in America and had wrapped his latest tour two months
before on June 26 at Indiana Market Square Arena, Indianapolis. 
Being on hiatus from touring and recording had seemed to accelerate his dreadful physical
descent and, according to his live-in girlfriend Ginger Alden, he had become more
depressed than ever and prone to “sudden outbursts of rage”. 

To make matters worse on that August night, he had developed a severe toothache and
his dentist opened up his surgery in downtown Memphis for him. After the treatment, Elvis
and Alden returned to Graceland at midnight.

At first The King seemed to be in a better mood but within a couple of hours he complained
that his teeth “hurt like hell”, she recalls. At 2.15 am on August 16, Elvis woke his personal
doctor with a phone call for more pain medication, then woke his stepbrother Rick Stanley
to drive to the all-night pharmacy at nearby Baptist Memorial Hospital to pick up six
Dilaudid tablets. 

At around 4am, feeling better and wide awake, Elvis played a game with his guest, after
one hour later, he decided to sleep and swallowed his small plastic bags of pills. At 7 am
he took a second pack of the twice-daily bags, possibly forgetting he had taken the first
only two hours earlier. However, at 9am, still unable to sleep, Elvis called down to
housekeeping to ask for a third bag, and at 9.30am he picked up the book he had been
reading – Frank Adams’s The Scientific Search For The Face Of Jesus – and told Alden,
by then awake, that he was heading for the bathroom. She recalls telling him: “Don’t fall
asleep in there,” knowing his habit of nodding-off while sitting on the toilet. “OK, I won’t,” he
replied. Alden went back to sleep, unaware that it was their final conversation. 

Adapted from

16. What can we learn from the text?

A. Being a famous person, people need to consume some drugs
B. Elvis Presley dedicated his life for music around the world
C. Elvis had become more depressed than ever and prone to rage.
D. Being addicted to drugs, Elvis became losing his fame
E. The fame cannot guarantee someone’s life better
17. Why did The chief nurse think that Elvis was a mess? Because ….
A. Elvis Presley often made his nurse disappointed and angry
B. Elvis Presley was not a rock star anymore because of his obesity
C. Elvis Presley could not do his everyday task by himself
D. Elvis Presley used to ask his chief give him some packs of pill
E. Elvis Presley became overweight and addicted to drugs

Industrial Authority
June 1 2012
M. Johns Quarterman
3338 Country Club Rd L336
Valdosta, Georgia 31605

Dear Mr. Quarterman,

As you aware, the Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial authority has recently

decided to move forward with a Target Business Analysis and is executing a contract with
Atlanta-based Market Street Service to facilitate this process. The Target Business
Analysis will be leveraged as the starting point for the holistic strategy and will be
supplemented by a comprehensive Competitive Assessment that expands on the
community profile findings.
During this process Market Street representatives will be conducting focus group
interviews with a number of community stakeholders. These stakeholders input sessions
will be conducted to inform both the Competitive Assessment and initial recommendations
to be included in the Economic Development Strategy phase.
We are inviting you to participate in a focus group interview on Wednesday, Jun
20th 4:30 pm-5:30 pm at Wiregrass Georgia Technical College, Lowndess Hall, Presidents
Board Room. It is very much hope you will agree to participate, lending your voice to the
discussion on economic development in the Valdosta region.
Please RSVP to Lu Williams or Donna Holland at 229-259-9972 by Monday, Jun
Thank you for considering this opportunity. We look forward to hearing from you.


Andrea Schruijer
Executive Director

18. Acording to the text, which ofthe following statement is correct?

A. The Valdosta Lowndese County invited Mr. Quarterman to be interviewed by the

board of this company
B. Mr. Quaterman was invited to do some business with Valdosta Lowndese County
C. Mr. Quaterman was a representative of Businessmen who was invited to join the
focus group interview
D. Mr. Quaterman represented the community stakeholders in attending the focus
group interview
E. Mr. Quaterman was one of representatives of the community stakeholders invited
to join Focus Group Interview
19. ....a comprehensive competitive assessment that expands on the community.... The
underlined word has the closest meaning to...

A. grow up
B. accelerate
C. increase
D. raise
E. fasten

Dear Rosa,

Hi Rosa, It has been long time no see you. I have a problem with my girlfriend. She is
twenty-five years old. We have been dating each other for years, since we were high
school students. Now we have jobs. I feel very sure that we love each other. Now it is
time for me to get married. Unfortunately, her parents never approve of our relationship
ever since the first time. My family, anyhow, does not really mind. At first I thought my
girlfriend had the power to defend our love. But then she surrendered. She loves me and
she loves her family, too. On the one hand she said, "I'll be happy if my family is happy." It
means she had to get approval from her parents.

For this I was shocked. My heart was broken. She ended our relationship just at the time
when I was ready to marry her. When I was with her, we were very happy. We had a lot in
common and there were no conflicts. The truth was, we separated only because of her
parents. They want her to marry her cousin, her aunt's son (this is one of the traditions in
the Karonese).

For the time being I am very upset. When I miss her, I call her. Then we can eat together,
talk together for hours. We act like elating because she loves me, too. The real problem
is, she cannot refuse what her parents want. So, should I forget my girlfriend, the only one
that I truly love? Or else, should I just wait, and dream that one day she will be back to

Rio N., Padang

20. What is the relation between Rosa and Rio?

A. They are employers.
B. They are pen pals.
C. They are classmates
D. They are roommates
E. They are relatives
21. Why do the girl's parents disapprove of their marriage? Because ….
A. they don't like Rio
B. the girl is still studying
C. Rio is from a different ethnic group
D. they keep the Karonese tradition
E. the girl has chosen another guy

22. We act like elating because she loves me, too. (The last paragraph, line 2). What is the
closest meaning of the underlined word?
A. thrilling
B. flying
C. lifting
D. developing.
E. trembling

You must have been aware of the growing need to conserve our forests. One of
the ways to ensure that fewer trees are cut down is by recycling waste paper. This is the
reason why our Conservation Club has embarked on our Old Newspaper Collection
Perhaps you would be interested in knowing what will happen to your old
newspaper after they arrive at the paper recycling center.
Firstly, the old newspapers are soaked in water and then put into hydropulper.
This machine, which has rotating blades, cuts the paper finely into a pulp.
Next, the pulp is fed into the washer. Here, all dirt is washed off. Staples and clips
are removed. The pulp is then fed into the chemical tank where bleach is added to it. This
whitens the pulp.
After being bleached, the pulp is passed through rollers. All excess water is now
squeezed out the pulp. This makes the drying process faster. The drying is done in a dryer.
The pulp comes out of the dryer as large sheets of paper, which are rolled on spools.
This recycled paper is used for many things, for example, to make cardboard
boxes, egg cartons, toilet rolls, poster paper, and even gift wrapping paper. When you
consider that you have no further use for your old newspaper, you will be glad to contribute
them to our campaign.

23. The text tells us about ....

A. the process of recycling old newspapers
B. the need to conserve our forests
C. a conversation club
D. an old newspaper collection campaign
E. the efforts to stop cutting down trees in forests

24. The old newspaper is put into hydropulper after ….

A. the pulp is fed into the washer.

B. all dirt is washed off.
C. it is soaked in water.
D. Staples and clips are removed.
E. The pulp is then fed into the chemical tank

How to make a French toast

Recipe for French Toast

You are going to need:

4 pieces of bread
1 spoon of sugar
2 eggs
A quarter of a cup of milk

Before you start to cook, you have to read the recipe.

Now you can get ready. After you read the recipe, put everything on the counter.
When everything is ready, break the eggs, pour a quarter of the milk in the bowl, then add
a small spoon of sugar. Mix the eggs, milk and sugar.

Next, put a piece of bread in the bowl with the eggs, milk and sugar. Turn over the bread.

Now, put some butter in the pan. Turn on the stove. When the pan is hot, take the bread
out of the bowl and put it into the pan. After you cook one side of the bread, cook the other
side. After you finish the first piece of the bread, cook the other pieces. Now you have
French toast!

25.    The purpose of the text is …

A.   to describe French toast
B.   to explain about French toast
C.   to entertain the reader with French toast
D.   to tell the reader how to make French toast
E.   to persuade the reader to make French toast

26.   Who is the text better addressed to?

A. An expert chef
B. A mother at home
C. A student learning at home
D. A husband left by his wife
E. A boy/girl left by his /her mother

Polar Bear

In spring 2008, the polar bear was placed on the endangered species list. According to
the USA's Endangered Species Act, an endangered species is an animal, plant or any
other kind of wildlife that is likely to face extinction in its natural habitat. Polar bears had
already been categorized as a "threatened" species which the ESA defines as one that is
likely to become "endangered" in the foreseeable future.

The polar bear is the first animal that has been classified as endangered due primarily
to global warming. Global warming is a form of climate change caused by increased
levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that become trapped in the
atmosphere. Oil and gas heaters, engines using oil or petrol (or gasoline) and
coal-powered electricity plants all require fossil fuels that lead to global warming.
Renewable energy sources or renewables that don't cause global warming include solar,
wind and hydro-electricity power. These alternative forms of power, as well as the science
of climate change, have been strongly attacked by many of the world's biggest companies
in order to protect the huge profits they make from fossil fuels. They do this even though
they're fully aware of how much fossil fuels are damaging our planet and endangering
many of the species we share it with.

The polar bear's habitat is more vulnerable to global warming than many other species.
Polar bears live mainly on the sea ice in the Arctic. This is where they hunt for fish and
build up fat reserves. When the ice melts many polar bears move to land and live off their
stored fat. In the Arctic, global warming is causing the ice to melt slightly earlier and form
slightly later. This results in a shorter feeding season for the polar bear. Some risk their
lives to find ice. If they have to swim too far they will drown from exhaustion and hunger.
The World Wildlife Fund estimates that over 25% of Arctic sea ice has disappeared in the
past 30 years.

It is not only the polar bear that is at risk in the Arctic. Every species of plant, animal, and
insect there is threatened by global warming. Nevertheless, groups of concerned scientists
and environmentalists such as the World Wildlife Fund often study large carnivores in
order to assess the health of an ecosystem. The Arctic food chain relies on the polar
bear. In addition, donations are more commonly offered for the protection of large animals
such as bears or elephants. People in general are less interested in conservation
efforts that protect small wildlife, such as plants or insects. However, by using donor
money to protect the habitats of larger animals through reforestation and similar
programs, entire ecosystems with many threatened or endangered species can be saved.

27. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform that Polar Bears become endangered animals

B. To inform that the habitat of Polar Bear become extinct
C. To persuade the readers to save Polar Bear
D. To persuade the readers to give charity to Polar Bear
E. To inform that global warming is dangerous for animals

28. What major change has occurred in the polar bear's natural habitat?

A. Colder temperature
B. Uncontrolled exploration in arctic
C. Severed exhaustion and hunger
D. Greenhouses gases effect
E. Disappearing ice sea

29. We can conclude that ….

A. the polar bear has been facing the extinction because of the growth of human
B. the global warming causes only the habitat of Polar bear disappeared rapidly
C. the global warming causes the sea ice of Arctic disappeared
D. the global warming has been threatening every creatures in the world
E. to protect the ecosystem, it is needed the awareness of all people around the world

30. .... and live off their stored fat. Which sentence has the closest meaning to the
underlined word?

A. They stay for awhile

B. My father grows some flowers
C. My father earns money for us
D. The tiger lives for hunting
E. The insect is threatened for living
What is the benefit of tourism for local people? Well, Tourism is now a huge
contributor to the economies of most countries. Tourism industries can bring money, job
vacancy and advancement especially to developing regions. However, this money often
goes into the pockets of foreign investors, and only rarely benefits for local people.
Tourism industries will not give much benefit for local people if, for example,
multinational hotel chains don't care about the surrounding nature when they build new
hotels. This can cause many social, cultural and geographical problems. Some local
people may get job and money from that International hotel chain. However in case of
missing that opportunity, some of them still have their own environment.
Moreover, some facts show that tourists tend to go, visit and spend their money in
restaurants, bars and even luxury hotels of that multinational chains. They less go to such
places; restaurant, bar, hotel, shop which are owned by local people. This can prevent the
local people's business from becoming even larger.
Most important thing, tours or excursions of tourism have little effect on nature.
Even it can disrupt or destroy ecosystems and environments, and if it does, the local
people will get the risk.
So the local government policies should be put in place to ensure that tourism will
make the benefit spreading widely. The policies should guarantee that tourism will not
cause any harm to any local people or places.

31. What issue which makes the writer aware?

A. The multinational chains prevent the local people’s business to become larger.
B. The profit of tourism often goes to foreign investor, not to local people
C. Tourism gives a huge contributor to the country
D. Tourism gives a big job opportunity
E. Local people earn much money from tourism business

32. What is the writer’s opinion about the issue?

A. Luxury hotels are commonly owned by local people
B. Excursions of tourism have no effect on nature.
C. The policy should guarantee that tourism will not give benefit to local people.
D. Tourists tend to go, visit and spend their money in restaurants, bars.
E. Government’s policy tends to be beneficial for local people.

33. From the text we know that

A. Tourism will never benefit local people.
B. The government policies improves the welfare of local people.
C. Tourists tend to go, visit and shop in restaurant and shop which are owned by local
D. Local people cannot get job and money from that International hotel chain.
E. Tourism is now a huge contributor to the economies of most countries.
34. Tourism industries will not give much benefit for local people … the multinational
hotel do not pay attention to the surrounding nature.
A. so
B. as
C. for
D. if
E. and

Indian nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi (born Mohandas Karamchand

Gandhi) was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Kathiawar, India, which was then part
of the British Empire. Mahatma Gandhi’s father, Karamchand Gandhi, served as a chief
minister in Porbandar and other states in western India. His mother, Putlibai, was a deeply
religious woman who fasted regularly.
At the age of 13, Mahatma Gandhi wed Kasturba Makanji, a merchant’s
daughter, in an arranged marriage. In 1885, he endured the passing of his father and
shortly after that the death of his young baby. In 1888, Gandhi’s wife gave birth to the first
of four surviving sons. A second son was born in India 1893; Kasturba would give birth to
two more sons while living in South Africa, one in 1897 and one in 1900.
Young Gandhi was a shy, unremarkable student who was so timid that he slept
with the lights on even as a teenager. In the ensuing years, the teenager rebelled by
smoking, eating meat and stealing change from household servants.
Although Gandhi was interested in becoming a doctor, his father had hoped he
would also become a government minister, so his family steered him to enter the legal
profession. In 1888, 18-year-old Gandhi sailed for London, England, to study law. The
young Indian struggled with the transition to Western culture.
Upon returning to India in 1891, Gandhi learned that his mother had died just
weeks earlier. He struggled to gain his footing as a lawyer. In his first courtroom case, a
nervous Gandhi blanked when the time came to cross-examine a witness. He immediately
fled the courtroom after reimbursing his client for his legal fees.
After struggling to find work as a lawyer in India, Gandhi obtained a one-year
contract to perform legal services in South Africa. In April 1893, he sailed for Durban in the
South African state of Natal.

35. Which of the following information clearly describes about Gandhi?

A. Mahatma Gandhi could save his first baby’ life.
B. Gandhi’s family support him to become a doctor.
C. Mahatma Gandhi was born in Kathiawar in 1896.
D. Mahatma Gandhi got married before 13 years of age.
E. Mahatma Gandhi spent 3 years learning laws in England.

36. We learn from the text that ….

A. Gandhi lost his first child after his mother’s death.
B. When Gandhi was young he was a brave man.
C. Gandhi’s parents let him decide his program for his study.
D. Gandhi felt so easy to find his job as lawyer in India.
E. Gandhi kept his own culture when he lived in London

37. Mahatma Gandhi experienced a rebelling life when ….

A. Gandhi lived in London and refused smoking.
B. Gandhi broke the rules as Hinduism follower.
C. Gandhi found himself as a young brave man.
D. Gandhi felt so easy to find his job as lawyer in India.
E. Gandhi kept his own culture when he lived in London

38. He immediately fled the courtroom after reimbursing his client for his legal fees.
The underlined word means ….
A. got into
B. went out
C. ran away
D. rush
E. escape

It is commonly observed during the rainy season that water falling on roads and
streets disappears after a few hours. Similarly, in summer, wet clothes dry up very soon.
Do you know where this water goes? This water gets converted into vapor called

      How does evaporation take place? Every substance is made up of very small particles
called molecules. These molecules are held together by strong forces of attrition called
cohesive forces. These forces are opposed by the repulsive forces due to the motion of
molecules. As long as the cohesive forces are far greater than the repulsive forces, the
substance remains in the solid state. When the substance is heated up, it absorbs heat
energy which the molecules area set up in rapid motion. This motion starts
counterbalancing the cohesive force. When the repulsive force generated by the motion of
molecules equals the cohesive force, matter changes from solid to liquid state. If the liquid
is still heated, the molecules still move fast. When the force exceeds the cohesive force,
the molecules of the liquid become free and escape into the air. It is how the liquid is
converted into vapor. The liberation of the molecules from the liquid surface to the air is
called evaporation.

      This explains the drying up process of clothes. If the wet clothes are put under the sun,
they dry up faster because at the rate of evaporation increases with the rise in
temperature. It takes place more rapidly when the air is dry. That is why clothes dry up
more quickly on a dry than on a damp cloudy day.

39. What is the text about?

A. Do you know where this water goes?
B. How does evaporation take place?
C. How liquid is converted into vapor.
D. This water gets converted into vapor.
E. This explains the drying up process of the clothes

40. Evaporation usually happens when the molecules ….

A. move fast.
B. escape into the air.
C. become free
D. set up in rapid motion
E. release from the liquid float up to the air.

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