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Development of a Personal Identification Number (PIN) &
Personal Unblocking Key (PUK) System


Benjamin R.Chiro

Supervisor: Mr. Rupere

May 2014
A research project submitted to Women’s University in Africa in partial fulfilment for the
requirements of the BSc (hons) in Information Systems.

Personal Identification Number (PIN) & Personal Unblocking Key (PUK) System is a
system that will be extracting subscriber pin and puk details from the SQL database as per
requirements from customer care departments. The proposed system is expected to
enhance current process and reduce delays when handling customer care issues. Personal
Identification Number (PIN) & Personal Unblocking Key (PUK) System comes with a
graphical user interface which is user friendly and it will be HTTP based.

My most and highest gratitude goes the Lord God Almighty who has blessed me with this
life with which all this is able and all my fathers in the Lord for spiritual covering. I wish
to acknowledge the invaluable contribution from my project supervisor Mr. Rupere who
though we met very few times provided me with the much needed support.

I also want to extend my gratitude to the Women’s university in Africa for all the
infrastructural support and all the academic provisions that fostered the “growth” and
completion of this study and particularly Mr Cry Kuranga for believing in me.

I would like to this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my
study mates Kumbirai Mbedzi,Moja Mutizira and Kudakwashe Mudyanadzo including for
their support throughout the course of this thesis.

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my parents for raising me to be

man I am today.

My heartfelt appreciation goes to my Wife Pauline, and our lovely three children who
provided the moral support and were my source of strength and inspiration through the
period of the study.

Let me also extend a special thanks to Telecel staff, which assisted in all my research
work and systems analysis. Thank you, especially for your time and patience which have
made this project a success.

Last but not least I would to express my sincere gratitude to Mr Tapfuma for his
unconditional support during the course of the project.

May God Bless you all.


This dissertation thesis entitled ”Personal Identification Number (PIN) & Personal
Unblocking Key (PUK) System” by Benjamin R Chiro meets the regulations governing the
award of the degree of BSc Honors in Information Systems of the Women’s University in
Africa, and is approved for its contribution to knowledge and literal presentation.

Supervisor .....................................................................................................

Date ......................................................................................................

TABLE OF Contents
TABLE OF Contents...........................................................................................................................iii
1 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION................................................................................................1
1.1 Background to the study...................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem statement............................................................................................................1
1.3 Scope.................................................................................................................................1
1.4 Goal of the proposed system.............................................................................................2
1.5 Objectives of the proposed system...................................................................................2
1.6 Novell Characteristics........................................................................................................2
1.7 The Solution and Justification............................................................................................3
1.8 Advantages of proposed system........................................................................................3
1.9 Disadvantages of proposed system...................................................................................3
1.10 Disadvantages of current system......................................................................................4
1.11 Advantages of current system...........................................................................................4
1.12 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE TOOLS.................................................................................4
1.13 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................5
2 CHAPTER TWO: PLANNING PHASE............................................................................................5
2.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................5
2.2 Feasibility Study.................................................................................................................5
2.2.1 Technical feasibility...................................................................................................6
2.2.2 Operational Feasibility...............................................................................................7
2.2.3 Economic feasibility...................................................................................................7
Cost benefit analysis......................................................................................................................7
Development and operational costs...........................................................................................8
Tangible cost benefits................................................................................................................9
2.3 Work Plan........................................................................................................................11
2.4 Gantt chart......................................................................................................................11
2.5 Work plan........................................................................................................................12
2.6 ACTIVITY NETWORK DIAGRAM........................................................................................13

2.7 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................13
3 CHAPTER THREE: ANALYSIS PHASE..........................................................................................15
3.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................15
3.2 Data gathering Technics..................................................................................................15
3.2.1 Observation.............................................................................................................15
3.2.2 Documentation inspection......................................................................................16
3.2.3 Interviews................................................................................................................17
3.3 Analysis of the current system........................................................................................17
3.3.1 Evaluation of existing System..................................................................................18
3.4 Alternatives of proposed system.....................................................................................19
3.4.1 Buying a (COTS) off –the-shelf software..................................................................19
3.4.2 Developing an in house PIN /PUK system................................................................20
3.5 The selected alternative..................................................................................................21
3.6 Analysis of proposed system...........................................................................................21
3.6.1 Advantages of proposed system..............................................................................21
3.7 Functionality of the proposed system.............................................................................22
3.8 Functional Requirements................................................................................................22
3.8.1 Non-Functional Requirements.................................................................................23
3.8.2 Constrains................................................................................................................23
3.9 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................24
4 CHAPTER FOUR: SYSTEM DESIGN PHASE.................................................................................25
4.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................25
4.2 HARDWARE AND ARCHITECTURE DESIGN.......................................................................25
4.3 System Architecture Design.............................................................................................26
4.4 Database Design..............................................................................................................33
4.5 User Interface design.......................................................................................................34
5 CHAPTER FIVE: IMPLEMENTATION PHASE..............................................................................36
5.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................36
5.2 Coding.............................................................................................................................36
5.3 System Testing.................................................................................................................39
5.3.1 Strategic Approach to Testing..................................................................................39
5.4 Installation.......................................................................................................................41
5.5 System conversion...........................................................................................................42
6 CHAPTER SIX: MAINTENANCE..................................................................................................43

6.1 SYSTEM REVIEW..............................................................................................................43
6.2 DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN..............................................................................................43
6.2.1 EMERGENCY PLAN...................................................................................................43
6.3 Security Design................................................................................................................44
6.4 Backup Design.................................................................................................................44
6.4.2 BACKUP PLAN..........................................................................................................46
6.4.3 RECOVERY PLAN......................................................................................................46
6.5 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................47
7 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................48


1.1 Background to the study

With the reduced productivity and efficiency levels at Telecel Zimbabwe, it is becoming
essential to find a viable alternative to the internal extraction of pin and puk files in the
Databases. The aim of this project is to create a design that substitutes the manual way of
retrieving files, the main criteria being environmental friendliness in terms of both user
independency and understanding. This report presents the designs for the Personal
Identification Number (PIN) & Personal Unblocking Key (PUK) system, which includes
the following components: user interface, department functionality, accessories and safety

1.2 Problem statement

Currently Telecel Zimbabwe is manually extracting files with subscriber information,

using (SQL) Structured Query Language directly from the database. The major challenges
of the current system are as follows:

 Accessing records takes time as the agents need to send a request to the I.T
department while the customer waits.
 It reduces productivity in the I.T department since engineers will be trapped in
attending requests from the front office to meet customer demands.

1.3 Scope

The project is being undertaken to optimize the current process of extracting subscriber pin
and puk details from the system database as per requirements from customer care

The proposed system is expected to enhance current process and reduce delays when
handling customer care issues

1.4 Goal of the proposed system

1) To improve current process of handling customer care issues

2) Minimize delays on handling requests

3) Improve accuracy of results

4) Automate the current process

1.5 Objectives of the proposed system

• To develop a simple PIN & PUK System that will be used to serve customers’ request.

• To reduce the cost of hiring SQL qualified personnel.

• To improve customer services and gain a large market share due to efficiency.

1.6 Novell Characteristics

- Pin and Puk system is HTTP based

- SQL data extraction is simless to the end user hence no need for SQL skills
- Proposed system comes with a graphical user interface which is user friendly

1.7 The Solution and Justification

Pin and Puk system will be beneficial to the following stakeholders, in the following ways

a)To the end user

- Pin and Puk system will improve the current process of handling customer care issues

- Pin and Puk system will reduce turn around times for solving queried customer problems

b)To the organization

- Pin and Puk system will improve customer satisfaction

- Pin and Puk system will also improve customer loyalty

c)To future developers

Pin and Puk system will set a benchmark of the system needed to enhance and automate
business processes in telecommunication business environment

d)To the researcher

-the proposed system(Pin and Puk system) will help enhance system development skills of
the researcher

1.8 Advantages of proposed system

• it reduce the cost of hiring SQL qualified personnel.

•it improves customer services and gain a large market share due to efficiency.

.it ensures the smooth functioning of all the departments in the firm such as the customer
service department, I.T department and in security related purposes

- the PIN & PUK System provides flexibility to modify the software as per requirements.

1.9 Disadvantages of proposed system

. It is expensive since it includes a lot of expertise in hardware setup.

1.10 Disadvantages of current system

 Accessing records takes time as the agents need to send a request to the I.T
department while the customer waits.
 It reduces productivity in the I.T department since engineers will be trapped in
attending requests from the front office to meet customer demands.

1.11 Advantages of current system

. It’s not complex, since its manual.


Hardware and Software


Processor 2 GHz + Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Star topology
Microsoft Windows 2008 Server

STP/UTP cables (100 base-T)

Switching hubs  




Hard Dis Drive 100 GB +  

Memory (RAM) 2 GB +  


1.13 Conclusion

This chapter describes the problems identified with manual PIN & PUK detail extraction in
Telecel Zimbabwe as well as the aim and objectives of coming up with an Automated
system. The writer strongly recommend the management to accept this proposal as it will
help in in addressing the problems and magnifying efficiency of the PIN & PUK detail
extraction process highlighted above and offer the benefits mentioned above.


1.14 Introduction

The aim of this phase is to identify the business value of the project to the
organization, analyzing the feasibility of pursuing the project and developing a
scheduled work plan for the project. If the investigations show that the project is
viable and feasible the project is carried out. Planning phase reveals answers to
questions like “what’s the reason of building the system?”

1.15 Feasibility Study

A feasibility study that determines if a proposed system opportunity is possible, practical

and viable was carried out. This study aimed to objectively and rationally uncover the
strengths and weaknesses of an existing system or proposed system, opportunities and
threats as presented by the environment, the resources required to carry through, and
ultimately the prospects for success. The study checks were as follows:

• If the system contributes to organisational objectives

•If the system can be engineered using current technology and within budget

•If the system can be integrated with other systems that are used.

1.15.1 Technical feasibility

The PIN/PUK system is a simple system to implement, there is enough technical staff to
support and maintain the system. The organization has the necessary Hardware and
software required to run the system. All Telecel Zimbabwe’s products have an application
programming interface that will allow the integration of already existing systems to them
PIN/PUK system.

Processor 2 GHz + Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Microsoft Windows 2008

Star topology

STP/UTP cables (100 base-T)  

Switching hubs  




Hard Dis Drive 100 GB +  

Memory (RAM) 2 GB +  


Figure table 1.2

1.15.2 Operational Feasibility

Determines how the proposed system will fit with current operational system. The
PIN/PUK system development will be in line with the company’s developmental policy on
our system shortcomings where we do add on applications those do not require the change
in architecture of our current systems. The new system will be linked to existing
applications via application programming interfaces or the new method of linking
applications using web service technology. Telecel Zimbabwe being an organisation that
deals with offering services to its customers, it has been ascertained that the system will be
feasible operationally because of the following:

 The users will accept the system because it is user friendly and will reduce the
paperwork involved in job cards.
 There will be improved security, improved storage capabilities and faster extraction
of files to respond customer issues.
 In terms of manpower- we have qualified experienced programmers, testers &
 Customer care agents will be able to log in the system and get PIN/PUK records on
their own because their interface will be connected directly to the database.

1.15.3 Economic feasibility

The benefits of implementing the PIN&PUK System definitely outweigh the costs of
implementing it. It will not take much time to implement and the benefits will be
immediately felt. The same solution can be used in other branches of Telecel Zimbabwe
covering all costs involved in the development of the system.

Cost benefit analysis

According to J.Dupuit “Cost-Benefit Analysis involves adding up the benefits of a course
of action, and then comparing these with the costs associated with it”. Some of the
benefits are not easy to measure for example there will be less time wasted in retrieval of
data from the database and the interface for the customer care agents is easy to understand,
so there is no need for an I.T representative.

Development and operational costs

However, they are development and operational costs in the system’s life cycle and these
costs are incurred during the development and running of the system. Examples of such
costs include:

 Salaries
 User training.
 Maintenance after every 6 months of use.
 Computer consumables and printer cartridges.

Cost Benefit Analysis


Estimated cost Descriptio Amount
Quantity USD$ n USD$

Hardware – Pentium IV Computer AVAILABLE

Net beans Compiler 7.1 AVAILABLE

Software and Licenses AVAILABLE

Oracle 10g Database AVAILABLE

User Training 20 100 Per/person 2000

System Maintenance Per/month  75 per/machin 75


Staff salaries 9 650   5850

Electricity, Printers, Stationery 1 75   75


Figure table 1.3 cost benefit analysis

Tangible cost benefits

The following are some of the tangible benefits expected to be derived from the system.

 Increased productivity for I.T.

 Reduced time in making enquiries approximately 90%.
 User friendly and attractiveness of system interface.
 Improved security to the system due to the use of a database and passwords.
 Error reduction approximately 95 %.
 Increased gross returns

Intangible benefits

The following are some of the intangible benefits expected to be enjoyed from the system.

 Increased workers and customer satisfaction

 Reduced duplication of effort
 Easy to extract information
 Ability to handle large volumes of information and multiple instance users.

 Improved corporate image

Evaluation Methods

When all the financial data have been identified and broken down into cost categories, the
analyst selects a method for evaluation. There are various analysis methods available.
Some of them are:

 Net Present value analysis

 Payback period analysis

Net Present Value Analysis

Net present value is one of the most reliable measures used in capital investment. It is the
present value of net cash inflows generated by a project less the initial investment on the
project. The PIN/PUK System project is a capital investment to your firm since it adds
value to customer services. Net present value accounts for time value of money.

Payback analysis

The length of time required to recover the cost of an investment. The payback period helps
to answer the question "how long will it take to make back the money spent on the
investment?" Calculated as:
Payback Period = Cost of Project / Annual Cash Inflows

This is beneficial information to decision makers because out-year benefits are often less
certain than benefits that occur early in the life cycle.

Selected Evaluation Method

The developer has chosen the Payback analysis to calculate the period it will take the
organisation to make back the money spent on the investment and it was calculated basing
on the figures in Table 2.3 below. The calculation was done as follows:

 Project costs $13,000 and is expected to return $8,000 annually, the payback
period will be $13,000/$8,000, or 1, 6 years. The current system had an initial cost
of 12,000

Payback Analysis

Benefits = Total costs (existing system) – Total Costs Proposed system Operational costs

= $12,000 - $8,000

= $4,000

Payback in years:

Total initial costs divided by annual benefits

= 13,000 / 8000

= 1,6 years

1.16 Work Plan

This is an outline of activities against time schedules of the project and linkages of should
complete first before another activity can be started or kick off (showing starting and
ending times as well as dependencies). This is an important tool in time management
so as to ensure that the project is completed in time. Various tools will be used to

represent the time plan. The project schedule to depict the beginning times and
durations of each task, milestone to show dependence on tasks and the Gant chart
will be used: For

1.17 Gantt chart

Figure table 1.3

1.18 Work plan


Project proposal 10/02/2014 16/03/2014 10 days

 Proposal approval 17/03/2014 24/03/2014 5 days

Project planning 25/03/2014 3/04/2014 8 days

 Feasibility and risk

 Develop work plan
 Approval work plan

Project Analysis 7/04/2014 13/04/2014 5 days

 Analysis of current
 Collecting information
 System model
 User requirements

Project Design 14/04/2014 7/05/2014 17 days

 System and database

 Interface design
 Review and approve
system design

Coding and Development 8/05/2014 12/05/2014 25 days

 Query and database

 Construction of interface
 Code development
 Review

Implementing and Testing 21/05/2014 01/06/2014 10 days

 In house testing
 Generation of test

 Review

Maintenance 02/06/2014 10/06/2014 6 days

Figure table 1.4


Start Project proposal

10/02/14à 24/03/

Project Planning
25/03/14 à 3/4/14

Project analysis
7/4/14à 13/04/14

Project Design
14/04/14à 7/5/2014

Coding & Development

08/5/14à 12/5/14

21/05/14à 01/06/14

Evaluation &
2/6/14à 10/6/14 END

Figure table 1.5 Network Diagram

1.20 Conclusion

This chapter saves as an introduction to the systems development project and places a
perspective of the user’s problem. The project scope aims and objectives are identified at

this point of the project. Feasibility studies are carried out and it is concluded that the
project is worth pursuing because the benefits of doing the project outweigh the costs of
doing the problem. The road map in the project work plan has been drafted.


2.1 Introduction

The analysis part examines and evaluates data or information, by breaking it into its
component parts to uncover their interrelationships. “Analysis is a problem solving
technique that decomposes a system into component pieces for the purpose of studying
how well those component parts work and interact to accomplish their purpose.”

In this chapter, the analysts will look at the current system and see flaws that need to be
fixed within the new system design and this will be put into consideration. Thus the old
system provides the core requirements for the new system and the boundaries of the new
system can also be defined. After gathering data of the old system, tools used for the
design include; Dataflow diagrams, Use Case Diagrams and Activity Diagrams.

2.2 Data gathering Technics

This part presents data collection methods that the writer used in this evaluation plan.
Three of the gathering technics where used and these where:

 Observation
 Document inspection
 Interviews

2.2.1 Observation

The observation method involves human or technical observation of what people actually
do or what events take place on the old system. Thus, information is collected by observing
process currently being performed. The following are a few examples of observations:

 Observe agent’s efficiency on the system when responding to customers

enquiries (technological appreciation).
 If possible, have an expert who knows the system very well to do the
processes while the analyst is observing.
 Videotaping observation sessions works well if it is permitted.
 Collect data where and when an event or an activity is occurring.

However, it is wise to let workers know why you are observing them because sometimes,
people act temporarily and perform their job correctly when they are being watched, they
might actually violate the standard of manner. Hence observations are usually done in
conjunction with another data gathering method that is used to fill in the gaps and answer

2.2.2 Documentation inspection

Documentation inspection is more like a theoretical business process re-engineering (BPR)

of a system through emails, letters, books, journals, diaries, and organizational documents,
such as manuals. A review of some of these records can provide valuable information to
substantiate the performance deficiencies under consideration and lead to the potential
causes. Henry J. et al. says (p66:1993); “Documentation is useful in confirming points that
might have come up during an interview for a system’s behaviour.” The benefits of this
methodology to your firm include:
 Provides a behind the scenes look at a program that may not be directly
observable, in this case the current system is not centralised that direct
observation is difficulty.
 Good source of background information - thus; it reviews actual processes and
original channels of the current system curbing invented shortcuts by users to
ease tasks.
 May bring up issues not noted by other means.

2.2.3 Interviews

They are a type of meeting used to collect information verbally. As a data gathering
technique the purpose of the interview is for the researcher to gain information. In many
situations the first step is to interview someone carefully about it. All interviews need to be
documented together with their subsequent analysis. Interviews can be grouped by types
which include structured, unstructured, semi structured interviews and they can also be
carried out based on the number of participants involved. They can be one to one, group,
focus group interviews. Interviews are particularly useful in their openness and flexibility
unlike questionnaires the interviewee to broach new topics that the researcher had not
anticipated. This gives the interviewer the flexibility to turn the investigation of new
directions and topics they emerge. They can foster a positive relationship between
interviewer and interviewee.

2.3 Analysis of the current system

The current system is partially a manual system that involves the writing of queries by I.T
personnel to retrieve information requested by a customer. The process has basically two
phases of information request, thus an external request that initiates the whole process and

an internal request which is the solution to the customers’ request. The internal request is
made by the customer care agents to the I.T department in form of a mail, anyone in the I.T
department is able to attend the request and give feedback copying everyone who was
copied as reply after execution. After receiving the confirmation, the customer care agent
sends the solution to the cashiers, where a cashier writes a receipt in exchange with
payment by the customer.

The main problem with the system is duplication of work in the I.T department, thus each
I.T personnel might attend to the issue and this will result in many instances of the same
process being done by many people, hence reduced of productivity.

Process 3
Cashier receipting - RECORDING IN SUN system Department
- customer receipt issued BILLING

MySQL analyser
Cashier customer approval Querying the
of payment retrival DATABASE
PROCESS 2 Attached
Customer care On a Mail
Agent/ Sales Receiving the solution - DATA request by agents to the
represantative I.T DEAPARTMENT
Sending request - respond to the agents throug
Oracle 10g
- Outlook as the Office
Automated System for
Print/give communication.

PROCESS 1 NB : The system’s

process is divided
Issue solution -customer request on Help desk into parts that one
CUSTOMER -agents data inter[pretation to
Enquiries could skip another
pertaining match cuetomers request.
An issue
phase while trying to
attend to some issues
hence errors

Figure 3.1 Data flow diagram for the existing system

2.3.1 Evaluation of existing System

The primary purpose of evaluation, in addition to gaining insight into prior or existing
initiatives, is to enable reflection and assist in the identification of future change. In this
case, it is unwise to advice Telecel Zimbabwe to procure the PIN/PUK system without an
insight of what is there and it’s benefits. Therefore having reviewed how the existing
system works, its pros and cons where revisited below:


 Easy to learn and understand

 Does not require computer literacy for customer care agents


 poor security, everyone in I.T has access to information that might be sensitive
 Requires lots of efforts for retrieval of information from the database through
 Reduced efficiency on the I.T side.
 High lag times in terms of processing request. It lakes Real time response.

2.4 Alternatives of proposed system

The alternative to the proposed system will be:

 Buying a COTS software

 Developing an in-house system like PIN&PUK System.

2.4.1 Buying a (COTS) off –the-shelf software

Telecel Zimbabwe can choose purchasing an off the shelf application from being made
outside by developing firms. This will save them a lot of time which could be wasted while
customising this PIN&PUK System. However this solution will not give them the
flexibility that the company requires in customising the product to meet their requirements.
Most off the shelf applications are generic in terms of their functionality which means the
company will not get their desired output.


 Short Implementation period because the system has already been developed
 The system architecture is designed to allow changes and additions of features and
modules in the future


 System may not be best suited for the firm. This may mean that some
functionality will not be available or, the company will be purchasing some
functionality that they will not make use of.
 Can be very expensive to purchase and licensing issues
 They are very rigid making them difficult to work with and understand.

2.4.2 Developing an in house PIN & PUK system

This might sound like a drastic idea, but it is a great organisational capital appraisal
achievement. An in-house built PIN&PUK System will enable a firm to have task specific
software that handles designated problems suitably and efficiently without altering
anything after a systems judgment.


 The software is a web based application, which can be used by other branches of
Telecel Zimbabwe to access the database.
 Reduced queues at reception due to increased efficiency.
 Improved security to information due to the use of interfaces that use system
 The system is most likely to address the Organisation’s problems and satisfy their
needs at their different levels
 Easy system support and maintenance since the system is documented at the end of
the implementation.
 In-house is not very expensive, it is usually within the Organisation’s budget
 Increased productivity due to automation of processes


 It will come with a cost to the organisation

 Needs the firm to recruit an administrator for the system for traffic ministration.
 Requires training for the system to be fully utilized

2.5 The selected alternative

After evaluating the alternatives of coming up with the proposed system, developing an in-
house system was found to be the best alternative. It was chosen because of its advantages
that outweigh the advantages of purchasing an off the shelf system. The system will also be
implemented within the Organisation’s budget. In-house will encourage user participation,
hence users are likely to accept the system.

2.6 Analysis of proposed system

The proposed system is an automated system with a central database for all pin and puk
records distributed by Telecel Zimbabwe. All users will be able to log in the system,
extract details, such as PIN, PUK codes and they are able extract call history records
(CDR) from the system. The accounts department (cashiers) will have access to the system
and create a receipt narrating the customer’s service by the firm. The central database will
be managed by the Customer services manager who constantly communicates with the

2.6.1 Advantages of proposed system

 The customer care agents would be able to access information without contacting
the I.T
 The system is based on user requirements and is custom made for the
 It is easy to make changes to the system and add more functionality.

2.7 Functionality of the proposed system

It allows Time sharing of a computer system among multiple users, usually giving each
user the illusion that they have exclusive control of the system. The users may be working
on the same workstation or different, but there are usually few restrictions on the type of
work each user is doing. It divides work into individual, indivisible operations, called
transactions. Thus it supports transaction processing by many different agents at a single
instance. It also functions as a Management information system (MIS) that provide
information in the form of reports and displays to managers and other business
professionals. For example, sales managers may use their networked computers and Web
browsers to get instantaneous displays about the sales results of their products and to
access their corporate intranet for daily sales analysis reports that evaluate sales made by
each salesperson. The following diagrams illustrate the other functionalities of the
proposed system:



PIN &PUK SYSTEM Reporting & analysis


Figure 3.2 Context diagram of the proposed system

2.8 Functional Requirements

The following are some of the expectations of the proposed system.

 Customer care agents – should be able to view all information in line with sim_card
from the database through a portal.
 Report generation – reports should be generated faster from the system and should
be viewed on the screen (soft copy) or printed (hard copy).
 Query handling - Queries should be solved faster and queried information to be
viewed through a Web based portal.
 Should allow management to access information from their workstations and allow
prepared viewable reports to be accessed through the use of passwords for
 Administrator should be able to add, modify and delete users and errors when
loading files.

2.8.1 Non-Functional Requirements

 System interface - the system should be user friendly and very interactive for ease
of operation and ensure efficiency.
 All computers should be connected to the Telecel network in order to access the
 Long lag times – lag times should greatly be reduced.
 Data validation capabilities, the system should be able to validate user’s input and
handle errors amicably.

2.8.2 Constrains

The following are constraints that might be encountered with the development of the

 The costs of implementing the project might take some time to recover.
 User access levels should be well defined as customer care management may alter
I.T data thereby making the information inaccurate.

 The system’s interface should be user friendly and at the same time provide the
appropriate interaction and error handling.
 The system security should meet the passwords policy and not violate any
organisation’s policy.
 The system can be attacked by viruses since accessed over the network.

2.9 Conclusion

There are lots of kinds of software out there. In many cases, you can outsource something
and be fine. The problem is that that decision needs to be taken on a per case basis, and
you cannot solve it in a one-size fits all situations. You're investing not just in the software,
but in the expertise solving the types of software problems your company has. The PIN and
PUK system has advantages that outweigh purchasing an off the shelf package in that it is
developed based on user requirements. It is easy to make changes and add functionality to
the system. The proposed system will have multiple interactive user portals that bridges
communication between the Database and the user. The system is compatible with all
major Web server software platforms (e.g., UNIX Apache and Microsoft IIS), works in
both Microsoft .NET and Sun/Java environments, and does not require any changes to the
existing firewall and Internet/Intranet security systems.


3.1 Introduction

Having successfully gone through the existing system, and fully understood how it
operates the next step was to design the proposed system. This entails outlining how the
proposed system is going to be developed, configured and deployed. Generally, design
gives an outline of the System design, Physical Design, System Architecture, Database
Design, Interface Design, Program Design and Test Design. The essence of the project is
to replace the manual system that has caused and is still causing problems within the
company. This overview is meant to brainstorm all system functionalities so as to simplify
the design of the system.


Network printer

The system is going to take advantage of the network to save costs by installing a network
printer, which will be located in the receptionist’s office where everyone can print to from
their user’s workstations and it will also make it easy for everyone to access the printer
because it will be located at a convenient place.

Database server

The database will be placed on the database server so as to make updates to the database
global to everyone accessing the system and to minimize delays in terms of sharing
information as much as possible. The (DBMS) Database Management System which will
be used will be Microsoft Access (2007 or 2010), which is an efficient (DBMS) Database
Management System with a friendly user interface which will enables efficient database
administration and will also be efficient with the application programs.


On the workstations is where all the application programs will be installed. The
applications are the ones which will authenticate the users and allow them access to the
database according to who they are. Microsoft Windows (XP or 7) will be the Operating
systems which will be used.

The diagram below shows the layout of the network and how all the components will be
arranged, thus the overall physical and network topology design

Figure 4.1

3.3 System Architecture Design

Architectural design is the plan for the hardware, software and communication
infrastructure for the new system, security and global support. A network is created to
show where the major components of the system will be connected to one another. The
users will be able to interact with the database through the application programs which will
enable them to search, store and update information in the database. The overall
architectural design of the system is shown in the diagram below:

Figure 4.2

CUSTOMER CARE Read/ View Access rights Administering Procedures

-User Creation
REQUEST -User Deletion
Update/Perfom changes

-Data Updating
-Concurrency Control
-User Privileges
Read & View only

-Managing Users
Requirement received(PIN/PUK DETAILS)


Central DB

Fault Tolerance Server

DB Back-up

 Client Machines

This is where the graphical interfaced applications, written for the windows
platform are going to reside. These machines are going to provide communication
with the database server requesting information for transaction processing.

 Networking Cables

These are needed for communication links in the Local Area Network and the Wide
Area Network.

 Printers

These are going to be used for the printing of reports needed by the management as
well as receipts produced after any payments made.

 Server

All the information requirements for the firm are going to reside on this server.
Apache HTTP Sever 2.0.55 is a well known for its ease of management and low
cost of ownership. The necessary processing of data is going to be done here
ensuring data consistency and integrity.

Context Diagram for Pin & Puk Figure 4.3 Context Diagram

· Customer enquiries
· Agent mobile number querying the DB
Customer details should appear on the interface.
Data insertion done by IT in the DWH
Data as
SYSTEM; THUS DWH as the sole provider of the Pin & Puk system
· Window elevators to extract information into the normal package.
· Display tables
· Normalization
· Concurrency control measures and security

Figure 4.4

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) LEVE 1.



Read and Write

Data Insert

· Structured Querying
· Portal data extraction
· Agent portal
· Data dimensioning
· Logical extraction

Figure 4.5

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) LEVEL 2.


User Rights &
Accounts SQL & Data

Read and Write


Data Flow Diagram (DFD) LEVEL 3.

start Pin & Puk Data from

the IT department

Automated input
IT personal data
file into the

Interface interface


· Pin & Puk details
· Data registered Class
· Automated scripts
· Administration and User Accounts.

Figure 4.6

Pseudo code

Open database connection
If client is already in the system
Insert details
truncate and replace
Close database connection
If data = available
Call new sticker form
Call sticker Customer agent display Mode
If data already exists
Call Client display form



•Avoids data modification (INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE) anomalies as each data item

lives in One place
•Greater flexibility in getting the expected data in atomic granular
•Normalization is conceptually cleaner and easier to maintain and change as your needs
•Fewer null values and less opportunity for inconsistency
•A better handle on database security

•Increased storage efficiency
•The normalization process helps maximize the use of clustered indexes, which is the most
powerful and useful type of index available. As more data is separated into multiple tables
because of normalization, the more clustered indexes become available to help speed up
data access


•Requires much more CPU, memory, and I/O to process thus normalized data gives
reduced database performance
•Requires more joins to get the desired result. A poorly-written query can bring the
database down
•Maintenance overhead. The higher the level of normalization, the greater the number of
tables in the database.

1NF : Undefined DATA

Figure table 4.0


0 0 1923 11121916 87696516 11121916 735466659
0 0 1483 19101924 22041039 19101924 735466660
0 0 2411 97242917 79151518 97242917 735466678
0 0 5025 21072393 24241943 21072393 735466688
0 0 6420 12282123 18252526 12282123 735466692
0 0 6017 13112031 12102015 13112031 735466694
0 0 923 10192058 14151094 10192058 735466700
0 0 2249 19361256 22831210 19361256 735466714
0 0 1168 15712301 63061356 15712301 735466719

Figure table 4.1

2NF: Translated to specific tuples and attributes (locating the Pimary key)


735466659 0 0 1923 11121916 87696516 11121916
735466660 0 0 1483 19101924 22041039 19101924
735466678 0 0 2411 97242917 79151518 97242917
735466688 0 0 5025 21072393 24241943 21072393
735466692 0 0 6420 12282123 18252526 12282123
735466694 0 0 6017 13112031 12102015 13112031
735466700 0 0 923 10192058 14151094 10192058
735466714 0 0 2249 19361256 22831210 19361256
735466719 0 0 1168 15712301 63061356 15712301


Figure table 4.2

735466643 0 1923 87696516 11121916
735466659 0 1483 22041039 19101924
735466660 0 2411 79151518 97242917
735466678 0 5025 24241943 21072393
735466688 0 6420 18252526 12282123
735466692 0 6017 12102015 13112031
735466694 0 923 14151094 10192058
735466700 0 2249 22831210 19361256
735466714 0 1168 63061356 15712301

3.4 Database Design

Databases are now an integral part of most system which plays a very important role in the
storage of data and its manipulation. Most databases come with a lot of functionality in
their RDMS relational database management system which include among other things
reporting tools, query language, stored procedures capability to program and create virtual
tables called views. The writer strongly recommends Microsoft SQL 2008 as my relational
database management solution. The following diagrams show the relationships between
the entities within the database of the newly proposed system.

Figure 4.4.1 Entity Relationships

Figure table 4.2

USER ha s C lie n ts

USER C re a te s p ro c e d u re s

I.C .T Billin g c re a te s Use rs

Pro c e d u re s Is in d a ta b a se

I.C .T Billin g c re a te d a ta b a se

3.5 User Interface design

The interface is a very critical part of the system because it is what makes the users enjoy
using the system or what can make them reject it. It is the reception of the system to the
users. The first version of the PIN AND PUK system is windows forms based or has a
Graphic User Interface (GUI) as some users term it. Below are the screen shots of the user

Figure 4.7 Credential acceptance form

Figure 4.8 Main user account


4.1 Introduction

During program design, decisions will be made on the content, level of intensity and the
topic areas for the programs. Implementation translate design into effectively operating

programs. It requires precise planning of the details of an implementation plan and then
executing the implementation plan. The architecture of the system is established .The
requirements are mapped into an architecture .The architecture defines the components,
their interfaces and behaviours.The deliverable design document is the architecture .The
design document describes a plan to implement the requirements.

4.2 Coding

Public Class Form1

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal

e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged

If IsNumeric(TextBox1.Text) Then

TextBox1.Text = Text


MessageBox.Show("Please enter a correct mobile number")

Exit Sub

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Label2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Label2.Click

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

If TextBox1.Text = True Then

Dim connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection

Dim provider As String

Dim source As String

Dim SqlDataSource3 As Action

Dim ErrorLabel As provider =


source = "Data Source=|DataDirectory|DeltaOneMDB.mdb"

connection.ConnectionString = provider & source

TableLayoutPanel1.Visible = False


SqlDataSource3.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM PIN&PUK WHERE

ClientID = '" & TextBox1.Text & "'"


ElseIf TextBox1.Text = True Then

Dim connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection

Dim provider As String

Dim source As String

provider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"

source = "Data Source=|DataDirectory|DeltaOneMDB.mdb"

connection.ConnectionString = provider & source

TableLayoutPanel1.Visible = False


SqlDataSource3.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM Sales WHERE
ItemID = '" & TextBox1.Text & "'"


ElseIf TextBox1.Text = True Then

Dim connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection

Dim provider As String

Dim source As String

provider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"

source = "Data Source=|DataDirectory|DeltaOneMDB.mdb"

connection.ConnectionString = provider & source

TableLayoutPanel1.Visible = False


SqlDataSource3.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM Sales WHERE

UserID = '" & TextBox1.Text & "'"


ElseIf TextBox1.Text = False And TextBox1.Text = False And

TextBox1.Text = False Then

ErrorLabel.Text = "Error: You have not chosen a correct

mobile number for the search criteria."

End If

End Sub

Public Class Pin_And_Puk_System

' TODO: Insert code to perform custom authentication using the

provided username and password

' (See

' The custom principal can then be attached to the current thread's
principal as follows:

' My.User.CurrentPrincipal = CustomPrincipal

' where CustomPrincipal is the IPrincipal implementation used to

perform authentication.

' Subsequently, My.User will return identity information encapsulated

in the CustomPrincipal object

' such as the username, display name, etc.

Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click

If TextBox1.Text = "admin" And TextBox2.Text = "admin " Then

<span class="skimlinks-unlinked">Me.Hide</span>()



End Sub

Private Sub Cancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Cancel.Click


End Sub

Private Sub UsernameLabel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal

e As System.EventArgs) Handles UsernameLabel.Click

End Sub

Private Sub Label1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click

End Sub

End Class

4.3 System Testing

4.3.1 Strategic Approach to Testing

• Testing begins at the component level and works outward toward the integration of
the entire computer-based system.

• Different testing techniques are appropriate at different points in time.

• The developer of the software conducts testing and may be assisted by independent

Test data design

• Sample data was used to test if the PIN and PUK System could function well with
all its modules integrated together. At this stage tests like PIN details querying can
be performed on the system to see whether the system meets your requirements.
Verification and validation of the system are the key main properties under test at
this phase. It will be a wise business idea to procure a system that guarantees
security and protection of information from the outside world.

Testing Process Diagram



& Design Unit

System Testing


Figure 5.1: Testing Process

Stages of Testing

• Module or unit testing.

I will test the different modules separately before I have integrated them into a full
functional system

• Integration testing,

The developer of the system will then integrate the individual modules into a fully
functional complete system.

• Function testing.

In this phase I will be checking for the proper functionality of the system. Checks
to verify if the complete system is producing the desired results will also be

• Performance testing.

In this test I intend to subject the system to continuous operation to ascertain its
performance under heavy usage.

• Acceptance testing.

This will be done when the system will be handed over to its intended users


• A system engineering discipline employing a rigorous methodology for evaluating

and assessing the correctness and quality of software throughout the software life
cycle. Verifying a developers process is technically sound.

Field of Application

• Important to conduct validation in its interactions with the system of which it is

part. Validation examines the interaction with each of the key system components.
The validation process addresses the following interactions with software
environment, operators/users, hardware, and other software.

• I will conduct validation test with different scenarios to verify whether the system
will output the expected results

4.4 Installation


The first installation of this system will be done at the Telecel Zimbabwe(pvt) ltd. For the
first month the new system will work hand in hand with the current set up. Installation of
the system will involve laying of communication cables connecting the finger print reader

at the main entrance to the centralized database.The software installations will be done
from removable media.MySQL database software provides a client for administering user
accounts as well as connection management


Training for the users on how to use the system will be conducted for one week. The
candidates mostly targeted by this training will be the accounts department as well as the
student registration department staff. Documentation in the form of user manuals will also
be they will form part of reference each time the users may have difficulties on the
operation of the system.

4.5 System conversion


The system will run in parallel with the existing setup. This is the period in which the new
system will be put to test to ascertain its functionality. An failures that may arise within the
system will be rectified as well as any other features that might have been left out will be
added to come up with a robust system whose likelihood of failure will be very minimum



Once installed the system will be continuously monitored for its conformance to the
desired specifications and the user requirements.. Any changes that they may be deemed to
be necessary on the system will be documented and effected on the system. Changes may
be effected on either the hardware as well as the software.The system review will be
conducted on weekly basis but if there is need to make changes that are critical to the
operation of the system, these will be conducted immediately.



In the event of a disaster the person responsible for working on the system should notify
the following members of staff

The emergency plan should be invoked in the event of the following scenarios

 Major fire

 System crash

 Natural disasters for example floods

 Man made causes.

In the event of a fire all personnel should leave the building immediately

5.3 Security Design

The system is to be designed in consideration of the following security issues:

 Software Security - users will first be identified and authenticated before they can
get into the system, hence only authorized configured users can get into the system.
Access levels will determine system privileges and who does what and why for
tracking purposes. An Anti-virus will be installed on every client machine to
protect the computer and the application from malicious software.
 Physical Security - the system database server will be in the Data Centre which will
be locked and only the administrator and authorized personnel will have the
physical fingerprint access and .a key to the room.
 Database Security – the database will have an SQL server authentication password
plus the Windows authentication and the passwords will be known to the
Administrator only.

5.4 Backup Design

Backup is very crucial to the life of any system and is an exercise that needs to be carried
out consistently. The backup for this system will be done at different levels and intervals.
The levels of backup will include virtual online web based backup database which will
have the pin and puk details folder and Microsoft SQL database.

Types of backups available in SQL Server:

 Complete: This creates a complete stand-alone image of the database. This backup
is self-dependent and can be restored to either the same or a new database on same
or other server.
 Differential: This backs up only the modified contents since the last backup. They
do not provide much flexibility.
 Transaction log: This backs up all transaction logs since the previous transaction
log backup or the complete transaction log backup if there has not been one in
 Files and File groups backup: This option is suitable when time constraints are
high and one cannot afford to perform a complete database backup. It also needs
transaction logs backup to take place to make it worth choosing this option. After
restoring file backup, apply transaction logs to roll the file contents forward to
make it consistent with the database.
 Differential backups will be the main type of backup to be performed on a daily
basis and complete backups will be done at month ends and whenever there are
major changes to be made to the system.

53 Figure 6.1 Microsoft SQL server backup tool


Database backup should be done on daily basis at the end of each business day. The
backup file will be kept at the Telecel Zimbabwe148 situated at number Telecel Zimbabwe
148 Seke Rd Graniteside

MySql database provides a user friendly client interface for collecting database back files.
The procedure on how to collect the backup files will also be included in the training


Database backup Daily

Database location Telecel Zimbabwe148 Seke Rd Graniteside

Due to the important nature of pin and puk records, a hot back site will be constructed at
202 Seke Rd. This site will immediately take over operations when services are disrupted
on the 148 Seke rd .


After services interruptions, all remote access will be redirected to the disaster recovery
site. The database administrator will carry out data integrity checks to the last point before
the disaster. This will involve execution of queries on the database, database table
structures as

5.5 Conclusion

With the system design complete, the new system can now be implemented. The designing
phase helped in identifying and arranging the program modules so as to come up with the
best system interfaces, data storage structures and the output formats. The program coding
stage marked the end of the designing phase and the beginning of the Implementation
Phase, which will begin by designing the implementation and testing strategies. I
recommend the management to approve the design phase and allow the implementation of
the system.



2. Telecel Induction Training Booklet

3. Telecel Billing Manual

4. Oz E. (2008) “Management Information Systems” (6th Edition) Cengage Learning,

Prentice hall, New Jersey

5. Laudon, Kenneth C; J.Laudon, Jane P. (p.164:2009).” Management Information

Systems: Managing the Digital Firm (11 ed.)”, Prentice Hall/CourseSmart.

6. Johansson, Henry J. et al. (p66 :1993), Information System Strategic

Documentation: BreakPoint Strategies for Market Dominance, John Wiley & Sons

7. Truex, D., Baskerville, R., and Travis, J. (p79 :2000). "Amethodical systems
development: The deferred meaning of systems development methods". Accounting,
Management and Information Technologies 10 , IEEE Computer Society Press, New York


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