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Hello everyone who in the t.venus class.

Today,our group will discuss about what

are the difference between manga and anime.and the member are number 4,21,5
are the anime side and number 19,6,20 are the manga side.Please enjoy!

Manga, manga are comics or graphic novels originating from Japan. Most manga
conform to a style developed in Japan in the late 19th century, and the form has
a long prehistory in earlier Japanese art. The term manga is used in Japan to refer
to both comics and cartooning. Outside of Japan, the word is typically used to
refer to comics originally published in the country. มิว
Anime, anime is hand-drawn and computer animation originating from Japan. In
Japan and in Japanese, anime (a term derived from the English word animation)
describes all animated works, regardless of style or origin. However, outside of
Japan and in English, anime is colloquial for Japanese animation and refers
specifically to animation produced in Japan. Animation produced outside of Japan
with similar style to Japanese animation is referred to as anime-influenced
animation. เก้ด
Reading manga is the equivalent of reading comic books. There are thousands of
different manga available to the public, and with that many choices, not all
manga get an anime adaptation. The same idea goes for comic book series
adapted into movies. Depending on the series or the publisher, chapters are
released weekly or monthly. There are benefits from reading manga, such as not
being constrained to sit and watch a 30-minute episode and the ability to read at
your own pace. For example, someone could read three manga chapters in the
30-minute span it takes to watch one episode of the anime. Another example of a
manga reader having more freedom is not having to read any filler arcs. Fillers are
used in anime to give a little break for more source material in the manga, or to
stretch the season out a bit. In some cases, popular series like Naruto, Bleach, or
One Piece, used a whole anime season for filler, but that is rarely the case now.
Anime is much more popular now than in the early 2000's, with plenty of people
loving and watching it. Just like how readers have their perks, anime viewers also
have perks that are not offered by reading. One very distinct difference is that the
series is animated. The characters are alive, and not just stills on a page. When
reading manga, the reader must use their imagination for everything; from the
color of a character's clothes, to how the character would sound. That isn't the
case for the anime adaptation, because everything is in color. The anime
adaptation also has actors lending their vocal talents to give life to a character.
Music is the greatest benefit for anime. Music is used to create intensity in a scene,
or to create a comedic tone. Music is also used to create an intro and outro to an
anime to get you ready to watch and have you look forward to the next episode.
Manga is a book and is the prototype of an anime. Most of the time, before it was
an anime, it had to be a manga. Manga will give us a different experience because
it is a book that is more suitable for people who like to read rather than watch
animation. แดน
Anime will be able to see characters move. It is a moving image with lights, colors,
and sounds that give us a more enjoyable experience.
Manga is cheaper than investing in electronics to watch anime. but some manga is
very rare, but anime is easier to find publicly than manga. บอม
Anime has lights, colors and sounds, so it's important to have tools that can be
used to watch them, such as phones, televisions, which are expensive. and when
looking at the phone or other tools a lot It may make our eyesight worse faster by
the screen light.
But reading manga also requires a lot of eyesight because you need to find the
right light and focus on looking at the alphabet.
And some anime are not well made. discrete content The picture is not
continuous. Some of the images are people but they are not even made to be
human (this is because the creators are not related to manga) and because the
manga is the original anime. Make the content clear, beautiful pictures.
Manga can be enriched with sounds, thoughts, or feelings according to the
thoughts and feelings generated by the reader's emotions and imagination while
reading them.
Anime will be able to be rendered in animation with sound without the need for
extra imagination which manga can't do.
The manga is an original drawing which is drawn by the original author's team.
Therefore, it can produce works that are more original than anime.
Anime is a work in which the lines or images of the story have been modified to
make it more convenient and easier to watch than manga.
Manga is something we can collect. It comes as a personal collection and may be
able to generate income for us over time. Unlike anime that we can only watch, it
cannot generate revenue for us unless we are the creator or producer.
But anime can generate more revenue for the producers than manga in the past,
costing more than manga as well.
อนิเมะจะสามารถเห็นตัวละครต่างๆขยับได้ เปนภาพเคลื่อนไหว มี แสง สี เสียง
มังงะนั้นเปนหนังสือและเปนต้นแบบของอนิเมะ ส่วนมากก่อนที่จะเปนอนิเมะ
ต้องเปนมังงะมาก่อน มังงะจะทำให้เราได้อรรถรสไปอีกแบบ
อนิเมะนั้นมีแสง สี เสียงต่างๆ เพราะฉะนั้นต้องมีเครื่องมือที่สามารถใช้ดูได้ เช่น
โทรศัพท์ โทรทัศน์ ซึ่งมีค่าใช้จ่ายสูง และเมื่อดูสโทรศัพท์หรือเครื่องมืออื่นๆ
มากๆ อาจจะทำให้สายตาเราแย่ลงเร็วขึ้น
แต่มังงะบางที่นั้นหาซื้อยากมากๆ แต่อนิเมะนั้นเปิดให้ดูแบบสาธารณะหาดูได้
และอนิเมะบางเรื่องนั้นถูกสร้างมาไม่ค่อยดี เนื้อหาไม่ต่อเนื่อง ภาพก็ไม่ต่อเนื่อง
เกี่ยวกับมังงะ) และเพราะมังงะเปนต้นฉบับของอนิเมะ ทำให้มีเนื้อหาที่ชัดเจน

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