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SET -2 Series : GBM oer, 55/1/2 mae Lod Roll No, Candidates must write the Code on!| the title page of the answer-book. pram ste aco fr ge reas A fee YS 16 F veraa Soret ere Bh aie fe 1 ae eae a Ore Sayfa & aes wT fe | pre site ar Se eee oes 4 26 AE | green see wor see fret ape wet eR, eT wT eT are fret | ee wears Bugs & fore 15 flere wr ae fear ver & | wea wr Pare ate F 10,15 fer AT | 10.15 at S 10.30 aR aw Ore Saw Wes St UST at ee safe & cee sacar or ety sat ae erat ® Please check that this question paper contains 16 printed pages. ‘© Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate, © Please check that this question paper contains 26 questions. © Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. © 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 am, From 10.15 am. to 1030 am,, the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. sitter frat @athae) PHYSICS (Theory) Prater ara 33 82 SMETT BE: 70 Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70 arava free: (i) wether orbrerd & 1 oer weaoa F yer 20 WET E 1 (i) FRR S TE: WIE WUE, WUE, DUST AVE | (iil) rmerts mere nT] cit arsed s werk m2 et wre 12 we ets 3 afer B | as w A 4 ater ar cam yrarantn wer b sie as 7S Ter weir 5 ste E | (iy) reste ara oe i rarer FAT | ert, oP te are re 9, a at aT OTT a athe ater staat arch ete weit A snreriter wer sare Pvar rrar 1 Get eat ret Pee I ray aE at eT Te BF ETE ssi 1 [P-r0. @ ‘ret arrerearas Bi, sare Fecaatiaer wifes Premriss? a ara ar seit ser ee & : c=3% 108 ms hs 6.63 x 10 Js e=16x10PC Hp =4nx 107 Tm At p= 8.854 x 10-1? C? N“! mv? ey XIN MC? ‘Sag FT Re = 9.1 x 107) kg ‘Fag FF FETT = 1.675 x 10-77 kg sites I ROTH = 1.673 x 10°27 ke areal Het = 6.023 x 107 fe Te Bet ‘aieesart Prater = 1.38 x 10-73 JK"! General Instructions : w (ii) (iti) (wv) (») SS/U2 All questions are compulsory. There are 26 questions in all. This question paper has five sections : Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section E, Section A contains five questions of one mark each, Section B contains five questions of two marks each, Section C contains twelve questions of three marks each, Section D contains one value based question of four marks and Section EB contains three questions of five marks each, There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of two marks, one question of three marks and all the three questions of five marks weightage. You have to attempt only one of the choices in suck questions, You may use the following values of physical constants wherever necessary : o=3x 10" mis b= 6.63 x 10 Js e=16x10-9C Bo =4nx10-7T mA £2) = 8.854 x 10-2 CPN! me wate ro? ney 79* 1° Nm c* Mass of electron = 9.1 x 107! kg Mass of neutron = 1.675 x 10-2” kg Mass of proton = 1.673 x 10°77 kg Avogadro's number = 6.023 x 10% per gram mole ‘Boltzmann constant = 1.38 x 1073 K+ 2 as- 5 SECTION- A faeet sae eat eeaate a oo Ar ew B TT ae BT CO? | Payeege ae yet qaate 8a ar rr ace ent? 1 ‘At aplace, the horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is B and angle of dip is 60°, What is the value of horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field at equator ? sa viy grate ay am fertew formes -V aftrerattre ote fox ogee ten rat: 1 if eens v ‘Name the junction diode whose I-V characteristics are drawn below : tt ‘fret sary Be ate at Pear rar order we ee Pee wer & fe ater Sef area ater? ae are fire ere Sg | 1 Does the charge given to a metallic sphere depend on whether it is hollow or solid ? Give reason for your answer. fqn site gpeerte ait ret refer Serger eras ere wt rer et wre Free st orate? How is the speed of em-waves in vacuum determined by the electric and magnetic fields ? ssn 3 IPT. mre erat Ste erent are Peet Gere oer a dee a alteerae Tore e | eee ae rafter exer A afar ete &, at sear rer Fat emf Hite eH | art ser et gfe Fife A long straight current carying wire passes normally through the centre of circular loop. If the current through the wire increases, will there be an induced emf in the loop ? Justify. wea SECTION -B meg weary st ver zai seer Hea 4 fe Set ant wag at cintet ane ifn 1 Find the wavelength of the electron orbiting in the first excited state in hydrogen atom. fst greg atte cher ae ate ites A | Distinguish between a transducer and a repeater. em eset cher wt Sedt sere va oor car whe &, at ger eterfts Beever rer Be Fee Gertede far fee wer emer ser fo fag weee St oe & vias & wet ae Freres ene & fey aire fea | How does Ampere-Maxwell law explain the flow of current through a capacitor when it is being charged by a battery ? Write the expression for the displacement current in terms of the rate of change of electric flux. frezea Toes St gh sofort fear | Reet caret ree et uth ux afte Sat K & Peat O-HTT ERT STE Te | Prem SI we ete eee at Eh Tee St & oT fre Brees aorta gt oe ah 2 wet aeht & wary theta sien ah ot eee dit ae | 55/02 4 Define the distance of closest approach. An a-particle of kinetic energy ‘K’ is bombarded on a thin gold foil. The distance of the closest approach is ‘r’. What will be the distance of closest approach for an c-particle of double the kinetic energy ? OR ‘Write two important limitations of Rutherford nuclear model of the atom. 10, fist Softee & stitqeaer at hee gt atfine ote arm safer wet Ger write 2 amet see at fe aif | 2 Why should the objective of a telescope have large focal length and large aperture ? Justify your answer. Pee SECTION -C M1. fect ofrete Rw ateteretsice & ener mer ee | weer & are AB a EAT TER, & ge tefeebier at ate V at angie at ret & 1 Ro feet oe ateeet & fae Bier as Shae arate ae wore ceheeier ae eer HE | 3 v Ry A B R A resistance of R draws current from a potentiometer. The potentiometer wire, AB, has a total resistance of Ry. A voltage V is supplied to the potentiometer. Derive an ‘expression for the voltage across R when the sliding contact is in the middle of potentiometer wire, A i ssa 5 (Pro. soe or wore Reh ares uh we Woh a are ter» are et eat patie g fore He wae Tee: ii) reece oer ei eS at at ‘sat | In the study of a photoelectric effect the graph between the stopping potential V and frequency ¥ of the incident radiation on two different metals P and Q is shown below : P Aone -2 yx 10!) Hz—> (i) Which one ‘of the two metals has higher threshold frequency ? Gi) Determine the work function of the metal which has greater value. ii) Find the maximum kinetic energy of electron emitted by light of frequency 8x 10" Haz for this metal. 1a ge hh fe 0 V tet 2 al frre | ee den ae aot Pact By ak ee caer Foe Sot a ant 6 pr wr are cafe Thee Ue ae Se gen oder foe ae sete attr eer veer ote sem FT TT faverat we HT | 3 ‘A.12 pF capacitor is connected to a 50 V battery. How much electrostatic energy is stored in the capacitor ? If another eapacitor of 6 PF is ‘connected in series with it with storetame patery connected aoross the combination, find the charge stored and potential difference across each capacitor. SS/2 (i) @ Gi) @ w, fat aaa Ste h fer & seer AB ae aneftet BS sere Beet 30° eT TT Fererert ett & 1 Gre Serer a ater oPeerfere ate 3 A B c ‘Wem ABO Se sree str wet Sting free fore Pte Pee Geer AC & aie want att 1 A ray of light incident on face AB of an equilateral glass prism, shows minimum deviation of 30°. Calculate the speed of light through the prism. A B G Find the angle of incidence at face AB so that the emergent ray grazes along the face AC, Farah Mecca aaftrer ‘A’ er He fee angers soit S ara aie 3 KOO SE ae I A, A, Rem dem ate wea] de wR, 176 Sh 71 FA, ate A St eer ate pean dean Pretite wire | Bate Bart a eet rater ret ft 7 IPT.0. (A radioactive nucleas ‘A’ undergoes a series of decays as given below Ae dy Bk, Hy ‘The mass number and atomic number of A, are 176 and 71 respectively. Determine the mass and atomic numbers of A, and A. Gi) Write the basie nuclear processes underlying B* and B decays. fret eet rect fedether 3 errtentt Pars wr So IST | fact tedanter F @) ote agache er he i) ere nen che wr sree eae wa 2 Pe Hee ger gamer Fore sire Pafery | 3 wen ech hetchitcr veh cra re Wh are re A in fearon ae 7 Se ing 1 erat (@) eiewer at after oft rear SL Hae fea | ) afferent 8, ate S, % orate Sewer & fore oie ore sy \ arate feet ae oe rer Ft ret Lh beget ee, roe, oer, er sit cries pet Bai ah seat n, a a, ote aeett caferer S, Se I sere att Describe the working principle of a moving coil galvanometer. Why is it necessary to use () a radial magnetic field and Gi) a cylindvical soft iron core in a galvanometer ? ‘Write the expression for current sensitivity of the galvanometer. Can 2 galvanometer as such be used for measuring the current 7 Explain OR (a) Define the term ‘self-inductance’ and write its $.I. unit. (b) Obtain the expression for the mutual inductance of two long co-axial solenoids 3, and S, wound one over the other, each of length L and radii r, and r) and n, and n, number of turns per unit length, when a current Tis set up in the outer solenoid S,. 17. frre CE cfinece eer 3 260 oe br rt x te Ferrer sheen ZV ier cra fe glioma ere wets prise 100 Fae sree aR at A | Kt oh rae ferret atewer ate arent ERT Te HATE | For a CE-transistor amplifier, the audio signal voltage across the collector resistance of 2 KQ is 2V. Given the current amplification factor of the transistor is 100, find the input signal voltage and base current, if the base resistance is 1k. 18, feet Sar wets or Srear Sit & pst n-eht met st caffe mater were Reet orem & 1 ‘ayeen ifoe fr ar aa 2 citer arte af aera @ sits Hf saree sii frat Se -aete at de steer feta & wr a aver fre were Poet are | 'A zener diode is fabricated by heavily doping both p- and n- sides of the junction. Explain, why ? Briefly explain the use of zener diode as a de voltage regulator with the help of a circuit diagram. s5//2 9 1.1.0, 19. @ fee cate re Hoh LR eee rt ae etree Mtr soe TT TT A | are staan steer Hate aro 2 3 Gi) wea i eas five fet, afta CS red Setter fe oA oe oe treo defen C, er term ting | Fr f ataeeeer THte Wet | L=l0omH C=2HF pe gn V=Vpo sin (1000+ 4) (@) ~~ Find the value of the phase difference ‘between the current and the voltage in the series LCR circuit shown below. ‘Which one leads in phase : current or voltage ? i) Without making any otter change, find the value of the addtional capacitor Cy to be connected in parallel with the capacitor C, in order to make the power factor of the circuit unity. Le10mH =C=24F canna Y= Vo sin (1000+ 4) 20. re ten oh oe fete | 24 at hea ere, ot fet FT sat aqere tos fire atger at sremeaeet oie we EL 3 . Define the term ‘amplitude modulation’. Explain any two factors which justify the need for modulating @ low frequency base-band signal. S52 10 21, FeTAM m, te RA +e carer & fenett anfter a aie we cer | cater fee ae ae vg eee fe at ote reer ae Be wee Fa tne fe wee et Sear sagt dag Ea a ee een fat Cetera site tate rarer Fret a rere Fee | ‘A electron of mass m, revolves arcund a nucleus of charge + Ze. Show that it behaves like a tiny magnetic dipole, Hence prove that the magnetic moment associated with it is expressed as f= - ime where © is the orbital angular momentum of the electron. Give the significance of negative sign. 22, (i) ft ree fags reer oar Fre fray we fing s&s Rie sree ogerer HITE | Gi) feat Page foyer & erent aftr qe a fete aire | @ Derive the expression for the electric potential due to an electric dipole at a point onits axial line. Gi) Depict the equipotential surfaces due to an electric dipole. wet SECTION -D 23, sieeiraita fer & eet dia ee ae | oe ae Ger a Te Tat ot gare Se ST date oe cies & det ar ger sear sr gare ear er ee ret ete ST qe wan fee aed Se ee ae wet St qe He EL ei ee eS gore BT fear wey ae Soleo sar Ae Soar cae aged ae seh att wer aret at ae SET stead witter eat a2 a Ht eT (eo) spn ste seat crenst meter & eer eee ae at eT at fea | (Seatac ae re ae ee es a ore fev aE ET? ssa Bt P10. Mrs, Rashmi Singh broke her reading glasses. When she went to the shopkeeper (0 order new spects, he ‘suggested that she should get spectacles with plastic lenses instead of glass lenses. On getting the new spectacles, she found that the new ones were thicker than the earlier ones, She asked this question to the shopkeeper but he could not offer satisfactory explanation for this. At home, Mrs. Singh raised the same question to her daughter Anuja who explained why plastic lenses were thicker. (a) Write two qualities displayed each by Anuje and her mother, (b). How do you explain this fact using lens maker's formula ? we-7 SECTION -E @ anafire were: ate Mere, feet ware & ate ter aif | feet seks et wera 73 ee pee ere fre ore oer Pear TE 1 2 (>) Peeh Reias P, oe, ham 1, a sneer were a TE eT AA STAT ETS cities mre retire ware foe get theta P, we, Bear seo Poe. ‘arts 60° ser stor sere & aaa weer | P, Soret veer et cheer Te aE wom (or & Bie ete eater tes ate wer fart ere or aa tet & a feterert ch eeaut at care aif | (©) 500 nm weerbed an cavaett seme 0.2 mam serge cee feet ae safer sarees ee fears et grees eer FG oe oer Sata Steere at iota cht art wire | een fit & aro Sate shoes & ge Ste wan & da F carife foe oo wet ‘are 05 mmm tprk ret foam Be ar Be Rafer at A wer eset et eT et SST fre | n @ ) @) ) (i) Distinguish between unpolarized light and linearly polarized light. How does one get linearly polarised light with the help of a polaroid ? ‘A narrow beam of unpolarised light of intensity J, is incident on a polaroid P, The light transmitted by itis then incident on a second polaroid P, with its pass axis making angle of 60° relative to the pass axis of P,, Find the intensity of the light transmitted by P, OR Explain two features to distinguish between the interference pattern in Young's double slit experiment with the diffraction pattern obtained due to asingle slit, ‘A monochromatic light of wavelength $00 nm is incident normally on a single ‘slit of width 0.2 mm to produce a diffraction pattem. Find the angular width of the central maximum obtained on the sereen. : Estimate the number of fringes obtained in Young's double slit experiment with fringe width 0.5 mm, which can be accommodated within the region of total angular spread of the central maximum due to single sit. Fest meer a eect & ara an fare sss ge site Leer ate & Pat By aeafet SiaT | 3 spit ere Pret err are toe fat eR ARE ow Ro, a et et Vv Sre Stet Scart are a feet ot ote oh eet Frame eet 2 (@® wearer oo) IT B (P.T.0. @ ©) @ @ © faga err @ agree art oat a gfe wie | rem Pescadtes yo fra fefire (aaa a err sien fra ram fret ene rare | fer Hexic re viral te Sem, fret weer ember ae fier Bt set Set infer vee ate emt E & feat er err ore ere at eB 1c Bers at et aT tre iy Sem aoe ae & fre store weer SPE | Al \B Er Derive an expression for drift velocity of electrons in 2 conductor. Hence deduce Ohm's law. ‘A wire whose cross-sectional area is increasing linearly from its one end to the other, is connected across a battery of V volts. Which of the following quantities remain constant in the wire ? (@) avift speed (b) current density (©) electric cusrent (Gd) electric field Justify your answer. OR 4 26. S512 @ i (a) (b) (a) (b) @) ©) State the two Kirchhoff"s laws, Explain briefly how these rules are justified, ‘The current is drawn from a cell of emf E and internal resistance r connected to the network of resistors each of resistance r as shown in the figure, Obtain the expression for (i) the current draw from the celll and (ii) the power consumed in the network, E,r fet AC ora er amiter arte aif | prset afer emf & creattrer ae a fare Sire ar Sy | 5 3.0% 10-°r xftcrt a fest cae qari ar A 20 Sat ft 200 cm? area at fest gore greet st eb seater ame & ute: 50 mad st ah wot eee fre fer ar re psc aes ere era aiostee St | weer fret sree gheeteic ar atin ante wifey | xh peefine Sat wt steer she erat Wve 8 Rictess ate mating atresia arg are Sif | ‘She afer tae re flee vert ghaettic st 2200 V oe Fad eter ar A eh & 1 ea giaone st metre greet F 2000 8 ¥ | 220 Ve Pret safer ret ct fre ftctew greet Set den am sine 1 Draw a labelled diagram of AC generator. Derive the expression for the instantaneous value of the emf induced in the coil, A circular coil of cross-sectional area 200 cm? and 20 turns is rotated about the vertical diameter with angular speed of 50 rad s~! in a uniform magnetic field of megnitude 3.0 x 1077. Calculate the maximum value of the current in the coil, OR 15, PTO.

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