Multicomponente Flash Algorithm

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Multicomponent Flash Algorithm for Mixtures

Containing Polydisperse Polymers

Stefan Behme and Gabriele Sadowski
Chair of Thermodynamics and Thermal Separation Processes, Technical University of Berlin,
10623 Berlin, Germany

Yuhua Song and Chau-Chyun Chen

Aspen Technology, Inc., Cambridge, MA 02141

An algorithm called POLYMIX is introduced for flash calculations of multicompo-

nent systems containing polydisperse polymers. The polydispersity of polymers is taken
into account through the concept of pseudocomponents. In industrial practice, a rela-
ti®ely high number of pseudocomponents are often required to represent multimodal
polymer molecular-weight distributions. The algorithm formulation is independent of
use of specific segment-based polymer equations of state for computing thermodynamic
properties of polymer mixtures. The algorithm further offers the ad®antage that the com-
puting time for polymer flash calculations is independent of the number of pseudocom-
ponents used to represent the polydisperse polymer. Applications to polymer mixtures
containing polyethylene and polypropylene are presented.

Most industrially produced polymers are mixtures of poly- Heidemann Ž1999. applied this approach to develop an algo-
mer components with varying chain length, chain chemical rithm for determining the cloud- and shadow-point curves of
compositions, degrees of branching, and so on. In other words, polydisperse polymer solutions. Another approach is to treat
polymers are polydisperse. This polydisperse nature of poly- the distribution with a set of discrete pseudocomponents
mers has a strong effect on the phase behavior of mixtures ŽChen et al., 1993; Sadowski and Arlt, 1995; Folie, 1996;
containing polymers ŽShultz and Flory, 1952; Koningveld and Behme et al., 1999; Cheluget et al., 2002; Jog and Chapman,
Staverman, 1968; Bonner et al., 1974; Folie, 1996; Bokis et 2002.. For unimodal molecular-weight distribution curves,
al., 1999.. For example, the molecular-weight distributions of pseudocomponents are generated by matching the statistical
polymers over different phases will be different from that of moments of the distribution to those of the pseudocompo-
the feed polymer being flashed. nents to be determined ŽTork et al., 1999. or by discretizing a
In executing polymer flash calculation, there are two dif- continuous distribution function using Gaussian quadrature
ferent approaches to account for the molecular-weight distri- method ŽCotterman et al., 1985, 1986; Cotterman and Praus-
bution ŽMWD. of polydisperse polymers. One is to treat the nitz, 1985.. These two methods, however, are limited to flash
distribution with continuous distribution functions ŽKehlen calculations with small numbers of pseudocomponents when
and Raetzsch, 1980; Gualtieri et al., 1982; Raetzsch and detailed shape of a molecular-weight distribution is not im-
Kehlen, 1983, 1985., such as Schulz᎐Flory distribution or portant.
Wesslau distribution, and to apply the functional theory to Many industrial polymerization processes involve multiple
derive an expression for the chemical potential. Phoenix and reactors in series or use multisite catalysts, resulting in poly-
mers with bimodal or multimodal MWD curves ŽHungenberg
et al., 2001; Cheluget et al., 2002.. Representation of these
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to C.-C. Chen.
Current addresses of: S. Behme, ZT-ENG-Healthcare Prozessplanung, Bayer multimodal MWD curves with continuous distribution func-
Corp., B58-2, 800 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA 94710; Gabriele Sadowski, Lehrstuhl tions would be extremely cumbersome, if not impossible. In
¨ Thermodynamik, Universitat
fur ¨ Dortmund, Emil-Figge-Strasse 70, 44227 Dort-
mund, Germany. contrast, the pseudocomponent approach is preferred be-

258 January 2003 Vol. 49, No. 1 AIChE Journal

cause it provides a simple and flexible mechanism to repre- perse polymers when a large number of pseudocomponents
sent these MWD curves with high fidelity when a large num- are required to obtain a high-fidelity representation of MWD
ber of pseudocomponents Žthat is, on the order of hundreds . curves, bimodal or multimodal.
are used. In practice, the challenge with the pseudocompo-
nent approach is to develop a computationally efficient and Theory
robust flash algorithm for polymer systems when a high num-
ber of pseudocomponents are required to faithfully represent Segment number for polymers
the detailed shape of MWD curves, bimodal or multimodal. Unlike ‘‘small molecule’’ components Žsolvents and
In this work, we introduce a flash algorithm called monomers., polymer components can have different size
POLYMIX that is designed to perform flash calculations for Žmolecular weight.. To account for the variation in polymer
multicomponent systems containing polydisperse polymers. size, the most commonly used parameter is the segment num-
This algorithm has been successfully used in academia and in ber for polymers, r, which is linearly related to the polymer
industry for a number of years ŽBehme et al., 1999; Tork et molecular weight, M, as follows
al., 1999; Wiesmet et al., 2000; Hungenberg et al., 2001;
Cheluget et al., 2002.. The POLYMIX algorithm is similar to
M s rMseg . Ž1.
the algorithm recently reported by Jog and Chapman Ž2002.,
although they only formulated their algorithm in terms of
bubble-point calculations with the SAFT equation of state Here Mseg is the molecular weight of the segment from which
ŽEOS.. In POLYMIX, the concept of pseudocomponents is the polymer is composed. In segment-based polymer EOS,
applied to rigorously account for the polymer MWD curves each pure component is usually characterized by three seg-
in flash calculations. The MWD curve of the polydisperse ment-based parameters Žfor examples, see Huang and Ra-
polymer is divided into any number of discrete pseudocom- dosz, 1990, 1991; Song et al., 1994, 1996; Gross and Sad-
ponents, each representing a certain fraction of the molecu- owski, 2001, 2002; Sanchez and Lacombe, 1976, 1978; Koak
lar-weight distribution. Thus, all pseudocomponents together and Heidemann, 1996.: segment number, r Žnumber of single
represent the polydisperse polymer. Each pseudocomponent spheres per chain molecule., segment size, ␴ , or segment
is characterized by its molecular weight or degree of polymer- volume, ␯ , and segment-pair interaction energy, ⑀ . If the seg-
ization. Changes in MWD curves are expressed in terms of ment size and energy parameters are the same for all seg-
changes in mole fractions of pseudocomponents within the ments of the same polymer, the segment number, r, turns out
polydisperse polymer. to be the only parameter that depends on the molecular
The POLYMIX algorithm formulation is independent of weight of the polymer. Here one can relate the number-aver-
use of a specific segment-based polymer EOS for computing age molecular weight, Mn , of polydisperse polymers to the
thermodynamic properties of the polymer mixture. Although average segment number, r
many of the details are different, these segment-based poly-
mer equations of state that were derived from statistical ther-
Mn s rMseg . Ž2.
modynamics share a common formulation. That is, each pure
component in the polymer mixture is characterized by three
segment-based parameters: segment number, segment size or We will use the segment number instead of the molecular
volume, and segment energy. Among the commonly used EOS weight in characterizing the MWD in this article.
are the original statistical associating fluid theory ŽSAFT.
EOS ŽChapman et al., 1988, 1990. and its numerous varia- Pseudocomponents
tions Žfor example, see Huang and Radosz, 1990, 1991; Gross
and Sadowski, 2001, 2002., perturbed hard-sphere-chain For simplicity and convenience, consider a mixture of K
ŽPHSC. EOS ŽSong et al., 1994, 1996., and Sanchez᎐Lacombe components in which we define component p as a polydis-
EOS ŽSanchez and Lacombe, 1976, 1978; Koak and Heide- perse polymer. We then divide component p into N pseudo-
mann, 1996.. Furthermore, POLYMIX takes advantage of the components. The following quantities are introduced for this
fact that polymer mixture properties Žsuch as pressure, com- mixture:
䢇 Mole fraction of components: x
i is1, 2, . . . , K .
pressibility factor, Helmholtz energy. can be calculated based Ž .
䢇 Mole fraction of pseudocomponents in the mixture: x
on the number-average molecular weight of the polydisperse p, j
polymer. This is a result of segment-based polymer EOS in Ž js1, 2, . . . , N ..
䢇 Mole fraction of pseudocomponents within component
which all pseudocomponents and the polydisperse polymer
share the same segment-based model parameters but with p: X j Ž js1,2, . . . , N ..
different molecular weight or degree of polymerization. Con- 䢇 Segment number of pseudocomponents within compo-

sequently, the derived natural logarithm of the fugacity coef- nent p: r p, j Ž js1,2, . . . , N ..
ficient of a pseudocomponent in the mixture is a linear func- 䢇 Average segment number of pseudocomponents for
tion of its segment number and is independent of mole frac- component p: r p .
tions of pseudocomponents representing the polydisperse The following relations and summations hold for these
polymer. This leads to a highly efficient flash algorithm as quantities:
the computation time becomes independent of the number of
pseudocomponents used to represent the polymer MWD K
curve. Therefore, POLYMIX achieves the computational ef- Ý x i s1 Ž3.
ficiency required to perform flash calculations with polydis- is 1

AIChE Journal January 2003 Vol. 49, No. 1 259

thermodynamics, we can obtain
xps Ý x p, j Ž4.
js 1
ares ␳ d␳
X j s1 RT
s H0 Ž Zy1. ␳
, Ž 12.
Ý Ž5.
js 1

N where R is the gas constant. Using Eq. 10 for Z, ares can also
rp s Ý X j r p, j Ž6. be calculated using the mole fraction of the polydisperse
js 1 polymer in the mixture and the average segment number of
pseudocomponents for the polydisperse polymer
x p, j s x p X j js1,2, . . . , N Ž7.
ares s ares Ž T , ␳ , x p ,r p ,... . . Ž 13.
x p rp s Ý x p, j r p , j . Ž8.
js 1

Fugacity coefficients of pseudocomponents

Mixture property calculations Once we know the molar residual Helmholtz energy of the
Unlike the approaches by Phoenix and Heidemann Ž1999. mixture, we can calculate any other thermodynamic functions
and Jog and Chapman Ž2002., which include specific polymer of interest. Here fugacity coefficients of pseudocomponents
equations of state in their derivations, we start with mixture in the mixture are of particular interest, as they are needed
property calculations from general thermodynamics so that in phase-equilibrium calculations. By standard thermodynam-
the formulation of POLYMIX becomes independent of a ics, the natural logarithm of the fugacity coefficient of com-
specific polymer EOS. For a mixture containing N pseudo- ponents in the mixture is calculated as
components, the compressibility factor can be expressed as
ln ␸ i s yln Z. Ž 14.
Zs Z Ž T , ␳ ,  x p, j 4 ,  r p , j 4 , . . . . . Ž9. RT

Here Z is the compressibility factor for the mixture, T is the Equation 14 applies to both monodisperse components and
temperature, and ␳ is the molar density. In Eq. 9,  x p, j 4 and pseudocomponents in the polymer mixture. The residual
 r p, j 4 are vectors of mole fractions and segment numbers of chemical potential, ␮res
i , is given by
pseudocomponents in the mixture, respectively, as defined in
Eqs. 1, 4, 5 and 7. All other parameters and compositions for
⭸ ares ⭸ ares ⭸ ares
␮res q␳
monodisperse components are not explicitly displayed in Eq.
9 because they are irrelevant to this discussion.
i sa
⭸ xi
y Ý xl
ž / ⭸ xl
Since the segment size and energy parameters for all pseu-
docomponents of the polydisperse polymer are the same and ⭸ ares ⭸ ares
the only differences among the pseudocomponents are their
s ares q RT Ž Zy1 . q
⭸ xi
y Ý ž /
⭸ xl
, Ž 15 .
segment numbers, the compressibility factor for the mixture
can be calculated using the mole fraction of the polydisperse
polymer in the mixture and the average segment number of where ⭸ aresr⭸ x i is a partial derivative that is always done to
pseudocomponents for the polydisperse polymer in general. the mole fraction stated in the denominator, while all other
Therefore, we can rewrite Eq. 9 as follows mole fractions are considered constant. The summation term
in Eq. 15 is over both monodisperse components and pseudo-
Zs Z Ž T , ␳ , x p ,r p , . . . . , Ž 10.
⭸ ares K ⭸ ares N ⭸ ares
where x p is the mole fraction of the polydisperse polymer in
the mixture and r p is the average segment number of pseu-
Ý xl ž /⭸ xl
i/ p
Ý xi
ž / ⭸ xi
q Ý x p, j
js 1
ž /
⭸ x p, j
. Ž 16 .

docomponents for component p, as defined by Eqs. 4 and 6,

respectively. Therefore, we only need to calculate the derivative of the
For polymer EOS, another useful mixture property is the molar Helmholtz energy of the mixture with respect to the
molar residual Helmholtz energy, from which any other ther- mole fraction of components in the mixture, and the calcula-
modynamic function can be derived. It is defined as tions for monodisperse components are straightforward. Here
we focus on how to calculate the derivatives for pseudocom-
ares s ay aig , Ž 11. ponents in the mixture

where a is the molar Helmholtz energy of the mixture and ⭸ ares ⭸ ares ⭸ x p ⭸ ares ⭸ r p
aig is the molar Helmholtz energy of a mixture of ideal gases s q . Ž 17.
⭸ x p, j ⭸ xp ⭸ xp, j ⭸ rp ⭸ x p , j
at the same temperature, volume, and compositions. From

260 January 2003 Vol. 49, No. 1 AIChE Journal

Using Eqs. 4 and 8, we can obtain

⭸ xp
s1 Ž 18.
⭸ x p, j

⭸ rp r p, j rp
s y Ž 19.
⭸ x p, j xp xp

Therefore, we have

⭸ ares ⭸ ares r p ⭸ ares r p, j ⭸ ares

s y q Ž 20.
⭸ x p, j ⭸ xp x p ⭸ rp xp ⭸ rp

N ⭸ ares ⭸ ares
Ý x p, j
js 1
ž / ⭸ x p, j
⭸ xp
. Ž 21.

Equation 20 indicates that the derivative for pseudocompo- Figure 1. Two-phase TP flash for a mixture containing a
nents in the mixture depends on the segment numbers of polydisperse polymer.
pseudocomponents in the mixture, but is independent of the
mole fractions of pseudocomponents within the polymer ex-
plicitly. Substituting Eq. 21 in Eq. 16, we obtain It should be pointed out that similar conclusions from Eqs.
23᎐25 were also obtained by Phoenix and Heidemann Ž1999.
⭸ ares K ⭸ ares ⭸ ares K ⭸ ares and Jog and Chapman Ž2002. in their formulations for bub-
Ý xl ž /⭸ xl
s Ý
i/ p
ž /⭸ xi
q xp
⭸ xp
s Ý xi
is 1
ž / ⭸ xi
. ble-point calculations. However, unlike their approaches for
a specific EOS model in each case, we arrive at a general
Ž 22. conclusion that is independent of a specific segment-based
polymer EOS.
Applying Eqs. 20 and 22 in Eqs. 14 and 15, we can derive a
general expression for the fugacity coefficients of pseudo- TP Flash
components in the mixture In a two-phase temperature pressure ŽTP. flash calcula-
tion, temperature, pressure, and feed-stream compositions
ln ␸ p, j s ln ␸A Ž T , ␯ , x p ,r p , . . . . q r p , j ln ␸ B Ž T , ␯ , x p ,r p , . . . . are defined. From a mathematical point of view, it is a prob-
lem of solving a system of coupled nonlinear equations de-
js1, 2, . . ., N, Ž 23. rived from phase equilibrium conditions and mass balances.
In the particular case of interest, in which one component is
where a polydisperse polymer, the flash calculation leads to a poly-
mer MWD in each phase that is different from the polymer
K ⭸ ares MWD of the feed stream, as shown in Figure 1. In this sec-
RT ln ␸A s ares q RT w Ž Zy1 . yln Z x y Ý xi
is 1
ž / ⭸ xi tion, we derive all equations needed for the flash calculation
from phase equilibrium conditions and mass balances.
⭸ ares r p ⭸ ares
q y Ž 24.
⭸ xp x p ⭸ rp Phase equilibrium and mass balance for monodisperse
1 ⭸ ares
RT ln ␸ B s . Ž 25. For a Ž K y1q N . component system, the phase equilib-
x p ⭸ rp rium conditions for the K y1 monodisperse components in
the mixture are
Equations 23᎐25 show that the natural logarithm of the
fugacity coefficient of a pseudocomponent in the mixture is a 0 s x iI␸ iI y x iII␸ iII is1, . . ., K , i/ p, Ž 26.
linear function of its segment number and is independent of
mole fractions of pseudocomponents within the polymer. Also where I and II denote phase 1 and 2, respectively, and ␸ i is
note that both ln ␸A and ln ␸ B are the same for all pseudo- the fugacity coefficient of component i in the mixture.
components. As we will show in the next section for flash Mass balances are also needed for flash calculations. The
algorithm formulation, Eqs. 23᎐25 are the key equations that mass-balance component for all monodisperse components in
lead to a highly efficient flash algorithm as the computation the mixture can be written as
time for polymer systems becomes independent of the num-
ber of pseudocomponents used to represent the polydisperse
polymer. n iF s nIi q nII
i is1, . . . , K , i/ p, Ž 27.

AIChE Journal January 2003 Vol. 49, No. 1 261

where n iF is the molar flow rate of component i in the feed- In principle, Eqs. 34 and 36᎐38 could all be used in the
stream. By introducing the phase fraction, Eq. 27 can be flash calculations. However, based on the results that fugacity
rewritten as coefficients of pseudocomponents are independent of their
own mole fractions within the polydisperse polymer, as shown
x iF s ␣ I x iI q ␣ II x iII is1, . . . , K , i/ p, Ž 28. in Eqs. 23᎐25, we can reformulate Eqs. 34 and 36᎐38 by
eliminating mole fractions of pseudocomponents Ži.e., X j .
where ␣ I and ␣ II are phase fractions such that these mole fractions are not explicitly computed
during the flash calculation. In other words, the flash calcula-
tion can be independent of the number of pseudocompo-
nI nII nents used to represent the polydisperse polymer. The proce-
␣ Is F
, ␣ II s , ␣ I q ␣ II s1, Ž 29.
n nF dure can be easily done as follows:
First we rearrange Eq. 36 as
with n being the total molar flow rate
x pF X jF y ␣ II x pII X jII
K x Ip X jI s , Ž 39.
ns Ý ni Ž 30. ␣I
and then introduce it into Eq. 34
In addition, the summation of mole fractions of all compo-
nents in each phase is unity
x pF X jF y ␣ II x II
p Xj
␸p,I j s x II
p X j ␸p , j .
Ž 40.
K ␣I
Ý x iI s1 Ž 31.
is 1 We now rearrange Eq. 40 for X jII
Ý x iII s1. Ž 32.
x pF X jF ␸p,II j
is 1
X jII s ␣ q␣II I
, Ž 41.
x II
j ␸p,I j
Phase equilibrium and mass balance for pseudocomponents
Similarly, the equilibrium conditions for pseudocompo- and then applying the summation, Eq. 38, for phase II, we
nents in the mixture are given obtain

0 s x Ip, j ␸ pI , j y x II
p , j ␸p , j
js1, 2, . . . , N, Ž 33. x pF N ␸p,II j

0 s1y Ý X jF ␣ II q ␣ I . Ž 42.
x II
p js 1 ␸p,I j
where ␸ p, j is the fugacity coefficient of pseudocomponent j
in the mixture. Using Eq. 7, we can rewrite Eq. 33 as
Similarly, if we apply the same procedure for phase I, we can
0s x Ip X jI␸p,I j y x pII X jII␸ pII, j js1, 2, . . . , N. obtain
Ž 34.
The same mass balance equation, Eq. 27, for monodisperse x pF N ␸p,I j
0 s1y Ý X jF ␣ q␣I II
. Ž 43.
components can also apply to pseudocomponents, leading to x Ip js 1 ␸p,II j

n Fp, j s nIp , j q nIIp , j js1, 2, . . . , N, Ž 35.

If we multiply the segment number of pseudocomponent j
on both sides in Eq. 41, then apply Eq. 6 for the average
where n Fp, j is the molar flow rate of pseudocomponent j in segment number of pseudocomponents, we can obtain the
the feed stream. After some algebra, we can obtain third equation

x pF X jF s ␣ I x Ip X jI q ␣ II x II
p Xj
js1, 2, . . . , N. Ž 36. y1
x pF N ␸p,II j
0 s r pII y Ý X jF r p, j ␣ II q ␣ I . Ž 44.
In addition, the summation of mole fractions of pseudocom- x II
p js 1 ␸p,I j
ponents in each phase is also unity
Finally, if we multiply the segment number of pseudocom-
ponent j on both sides in Eq. 36, then apply Eq. 6 for the
Ý X jI s1 Ž 37. average segment number of pseudocomponents, we can ob-
js 1
tain the fourth equation
Ý X jII s1. Ž 38.
js 1 x pF r pF s ␣ I x Ip r pI q ␣ II x pII r pII . Ž 45.

262 January 2003 Vol. 49, No. 1 AIChE Journal

Clearly, although the mole fractions of pseudocomponents Summation of pseudocomponents in phase II
in the feedstream Žthat is, X jF . do appear in Eqs. 42᎐45, they
are known quantities; the mole fractions of pseudocompo-
nents in two phases Žthat is, X jI and X jII . do not appear. y1
x pF N ␸p,II j
What enter these four equations are the mole fraction and 0 s1y Ý X jF ␣ II q ␣ I . Ž 52.
the average segment number of the polydisperse polymer in x II
p js 1 ␸p,I j
each phase. These four quantities will be part of calculated
unknown variables in the flash calculations, independent of
the number of pseudocomponents used to represent the poly- Definition of average segment number in phase II
disperse polymer, as shown in the next section.

Equations of the system matrix x pF N ␸p,II j


For a two-phase TP flash calculation of a mixture contain- 0 s r pII y Ý X jF r p, j ␣ q␣

. Ž 53.
x II
p js 1 ␸p,I j
ing one polydisperse polymer, there are the following Ž4q2 K .
unknown variables to be considered:
䢇 Mole fractions in phase I,  x 4.
䢇 Mole fraction in phase II,  x
II 4 Obviously, the total number of equations available is also Ž4
i .
q2 K ..
䢇 Average segment number of the polydisperse polymer in
In principle, one could solve all these equations ŽEqs.
both phases, r pI and r pII.
46᎐53. in an iterative scheme. However, this would be more
䢇 Phase fractions in both phases, ␣ and ␣ II.
expensive from a computational point of view, because one
The equations of system matrix used to solve for these un- would have to iterate for all Ž4q2 K . unknown variables. A
known variables were already given in the preceding section; scheme for decreasing the number of iterative variables can
they are summarized here for convenience: be derived by dividing Eqs. 46᎐53 into two types as follows.
Mass balance of monodisperse components Type I equations do not contain any fugacity coefficients,
and therefore can be rearranged to calculate an unknown
x iF s ␣ I x iI q ␣ II x iII is1, . . . , K , i/ p. variable explicitly. Equations 46᎐49 all belong to this type.
Ž 46.
For instance, we can rearrange Eq. 49 to calculate the aver-
age segment number of pseudocomponents in phase I explic-
Summations of component mole fractions itly

r pF x pF y ␣ II r pII x pII
Ý x iI y Ý x iII s 0. Ž 47. r pI s . Ž 54.
is 1 is1 ␣ I x Ip

Summation of phase fractions

Type II equations contain the fugacity coefficients of com-
ponents, which appear as multiplying factors of mole frac-
␣ I q ␣ II s1. Ž 48. tions of components and phase fractions. Equations 50᎐53 all
belong to this type. Type II equations cannot be rearranged
to solve for an unknown variable Žlike mole fractions. explic-
Definition of average segment number in phase I with the
itly. In other words, the unknown variables have to be solved
mass balance:
in an iterative procedure.
Clearly, the number of variables that need to be iterated
for solutions can be determined by equations of Type II, which
x pF r pF s ␣ I x Ip r pI q ␣ II x pII r pII . Ž 49.
is Ž2q K ., half of the total unknown variables. All other vari-
ables can be calculated from Type I equations along with the
Isofugacity equations Ž2q K . iterative variables. Type I equations are called simul-
taneous explicit, and Type II equations are called simultane-
ous implicit. The advantage of this approach lies in the reduc-
x iI ␸ iI tion of the number of variables to iterate, and in the fact that
0 s1y is1, . . . , K , i/ p. Ž 50. it is easier to converge on the simpler simultaneous explicit
x iII ␸ iII
equations as compared to solving all Ž4q2 K . equations si-
multaneously. Note that the mole fractions of pseudocompo-
Summation of pseudocomponents in phase I nents in each phase do not appear in any equation of the
system matrix; therefore, the iterative procedure is indepen-
dent of the number of pseudocomponents used to represent
x pF N ␸p,I j the polydisperse polymer. The mole fractions of pseudocom-
0 s1y Ý X jF ␣ I q ␣ II . Ž 51. ponents in both phases can be calculated after obtaining a
x Ip js 1 ␸p,II j
converged solution as secondary output values. They can be

AIChE Journal January 2003 Vol. 49, No. 1 263

calculated explicitly by rearranging Eqs. 34 and 36 the solution for the polydisperse polymerrsolvent system we
add the third component and then the fourth and so forth.
At the end, the complete flash has been solved for the entire
x pF X jF␸pII, j feed at the system temperature and pressure.
X jI s js1, 2, . . . , N Ž 55.
x Ip ␣ II␸p,I j q ␣ I␸pII, j
Molecular-weight distribution of the feedstream
x pF X jF␸ pI , j In industrial practice, when one performs a flash calcula-
X jII s js1, 2, . . . , N. Ž 56. tion with POLYMIX, the MWD of the polydisperse polymer
p ␣ ␸ p, j q ␣ ␸ p , j
in the feed stream is known. For instance, in modeling poly-
mer manufacturing processes involving single or multiple re-
actors, the polymer product MWDs are available from either
A final note on the formulation of iterative equations, for plant measurements or process simulation models ŽHungen-
example, implicit equations ŽEqs. 50᎐53., follows. Although berg et al., 2001; Cheluget et al., 2002..
this formulation is applicable to any system, it has been However, complete experimental MWD of polydisperse
specifically designed to handle numerical complexities for polymer is rarely reported in the literature; only its number-
mixtures containing polydisperse polymers. These complexi- average molecular weight and weight-average molecular-
ties come from the fact that fugacity coefficients in polymer weight are commonly published. Therefore, a hypothetical
mixtures are strongly composition dependent. A conventional analytical distribution function is usually assumed and used
numerical procedure such as the Rachford᎐Rice ŽRR. algo- to generate pseudocomponents for the polydisperse polymer.
rithm is not applicable to such highly asymmetric systems, as In this work, for the purpose of illustrating the application of
already recognized by Chen et al. Ž1993. and Kosinski and POLYMIX, the Schulz᎐Flory distribution function is used to
Anderko Ž1996.. Here we present POLYMIX as an efficient generate the pseudocomponents. However, other well-known
flash algorithm to solve the implicit equations ŽEqs. 50᎐53. distribution functions Žfor example, the Wesslau distribution .
for polymer systems. can serve the same purpose. The Schulz᎐Flory distribution
function, in terms of the mole fraction distribution, x Ž M ., is
given by
Initialization strategy
In general, in performing the two-phase TP flash calcula- ␤
␤M ␤ ␤M
tion, there is no restriction or regulation on how to choose
the half of unknown variables as iterative variables for the
xŽ M .s
ž /
M0 M ⌫ Ž ␤ q1 . ž
exp y
M0 / . Ž 57.
implicit equations, that is, Eqs. 50᎐53. Usually, the average
segment number and phase fraction in one phase should be Here, ⌫ is the Gamma function, ␤ and M0 are two ad-
chosen as iterative variables and their values in another justable parameters, and they can be determined for a spe-
phase should be calculated. The remaining iterative variables cific polydisperse polymer by its number-average molecular
should come from the mole fractions of components. Once weight, Mn , and its weight average molecular weight, Mw , as
the iterative variables are chosen, they need to be initialized. follows
For systems where no polymers are involved, a standard ini-
tialization scheme can be used, for example, the feed condi-
Mn s M0 Ž 58.
tion is used to provide the starting values for the flash itera-
tion; this is usually sufficient to solve the flash problem. In ␤ q1
the case of polymer solutions, initialization is very critical, Mw s M0 . Ž 59.

because the success of the flash algorithm depends heavily on
the quality of the starting values.
The initialization procedure in POLYMIX starts with a bi- The mole fraction of pseudocomponent j, X j , with molecular
nary mixture of a monodisperse polymer and the lightest sol- weight in the range M jy1 to M j , is obtained as
vent at the system temperature and pressure. If the polymer
is polydisperse, the number average molecular weight Ž Mn . is
calculated and used to represent the monodisperse polymer Xj s HM x Ž M . dM. Ž 60.
in the binary system. For this binary system, we solve the jy 1

phase equilibrium conditions at the system temperature and

pressure. If the considered binary system is homogeneous at The final complete MWD of pseudocomponents is re-
the system temperature and pressure, we go to lower pres- adjusted by the following conditions
sures until we reach the vapor᎐liquid two-phase region Žlater,
such as in the ternary system, we try again to go to higher
pressures until we reach the system pressure .. The solutions
Ý X j s1 Ž 61.
of the monodisperse problem are taken as initial values for
js 1
the calculations of the polydisperse polymerrsolvent system
by making the polymer distribution stepwise broader and N
broader until the polymer MWD in the cloud-point phase is Ý X j M j s Mn . Ž 62.
equal to the input polymer MWD in the feed. Once we have js 1

264 January 2003 Vol. 49, No. 1 AIChE Journal

Table 1. Pure-Component Parameters of PC-SAFT Equation
of StateU
Substance rrM ˚x
␴ wA ⑀rk
Polyethylene ŽPE. 0.0263 4.0217 252
Polypropylene ŽPP. 0.02305 4.1 217.0
Ethylene 0.056794 3.4450 176.47
Propane 0.045397 3.6184 208.11
Pentane 0.037279 3.7729 231.20
Hexane 0.035481 3.7983 236.77
n-Heptane 0.034762 3.8049 238.40
Cyclohexane 0.030070 3.8499 278.11
These values are taken from the PhD thesis of Gross Ž2000 ..

Example flash calculations

We first apply POLYMIX to perform some TP flash calcu-
lations for a system containing polydisperse polyethylenes
ŽPE.. The PE is a model polydisperse polymer and does not
mimic any specific polyethylene. It is characterized by a num-
ber-average molecular weight Ž Mn . of 8 kgrmol and a
weight-average molecular weight Ž Mw . of 12 kgrmol. To il-
lustrate, POLYMIX can efficiently deal with any number of
pseudocomponents, and the polyethylene is represented by
three sets of pseudocomponents, 10, 100, and 500, respec-
tively, ranging from 100 to 100,000 in molecular weights. The
feed stream consists of the polydisperse polyethylene and a
number of hydrocarbon solvents Žethylene, propane, hexane, Figure 2. Flash results of polyethylene in hydrocarbon
n-heptane, and cyclohexane. at temperature 473.15 K and solvents at T = 473.15 K and P =10 MPa.
pressure 10 MPa. The MWD Žmole fractions. of the pseudo- The polydisperse polyethylene is characterized by a
components in the feed-stream for PE is generated by the number-average molecular weight Ž M n . of 8 kgrmol and a
weight-average molecular weight Ž M w . of 12 kgrmol.
Schulz᎐Flory distribution function. All flash calculations were
carried out using the PC-SAFT EOS ŽGross, 2000.. The PC-
SAFT EOS pure-component parameters for all substances
used in this article are taken directly from the PhD thesis of flashes into a solvent-rich phase that contains the PE lights
Gross Ž2000. and summarized in Table 1. The adjustable bi- and a polymer-rich phase that contains the PE heavies. In
nary parameter, k 12 , used in this work is either determined Figure 2, the solid curve represents the weight-fraction distri-
from experimental data or set to zero; the values are summa- butions of pseudocomponents for the feed stream as well as
rized in Table 2. that of the heavy phase. The dash curve is the weight-fraction
The computation time for all three sets of pseudocompo- distribution for the light phase. The flash results indicate that
nents Že.g., 10, 100, and 500. are about 1 s on a 400-MHz only the low-end of the MWD is soluble in the light phase.
laptop. The time differences among the three cases are within
0.01 s. The results clearly indicate that the computation time
by POLYMIX is essentially independent of the number of Application to polyethylene solutions
pseudocomponents to represent the polydisperse polyethy- It is well established that the phase behavior of polymer
lene. This flexibility allows POLYMIX to deal with many solutions is strongly affected by the molecular weight as well
pseudocomponents, as required to represent the full polymer as the polydispersity of the polymer Žde Loos et al., 1983..
molecular distribution. The calculated MWDs of the polydis- Unlike monodisperse mixtures, the phase behavior of poly-
perse polyethylene over different phases for the set of 100 mer solutions is usually studied by measuring the cloud point,
pseudocomponents are shown in Figure 2. The feed stream which is defined as the temperature or pressure at which the
polymer solution indicates a formation of two-phase region.
The locus of cloud points is called the cloud point curve. For
Table 2. Binary Parameters of PC-SAFT Equation of State each cloud point, a nonmeasurable incipient phase called the
shadow point can be calculated by the phase equilibrium con-
System k 12
Polyethylene ŽPE. ᎐ethylene 0.0436 Figure 3 shows both the cloud-point curve and shadow-
Polyethylene ŽPE. ᎐propane 0.0
Polyethylene ŽPE. ᎐pentane y0.001 point curve for PE᎐ethylene systems at two supercritical tem-
Polyethylene ŽPE. ᎐hexane 0.0 peratures of 403.15 K and 443.15 K for ethylene, respectively.
Polyethylene ŽPE. ᎐ n-heptane 0.0 The polydisperse polyethylene has a number-average molecu-
Polyethylene ŽPE. ᎐cyclohexane 0.0 lar weight of 7.6 kgrmol and a weight-average molecular
Polypropylene ŽPP. ᎐propane 0.025
weight of 9.2 kgrmol. Since only the cloud-point curve is ac-

AIChE Journal January 2003 Vol. 49, No. 1 265

Figure 3. Phase equilibrium of polyethylene (PE) –ethyl-
Figure 4. Liquid–liquid equilibrium of polyethylene–
ene systems at 403.1 K and 443.15 K.
pentane at 460 K.
PC-SAFT-calculated isotherms are compared with experi-
mental cloud-point data of de Loos Ž1981 . and de Loos et PC-SAFT-calculated isotherm is compared with experimen-
al. Ž1983 .. tal cloud-point data of Kiran et al. Ž1994..

cessible through measurements, the feed-stream distribution

of the polymer component is assigned as the cloud-point constant value Ž k 12 s 0.0436. is sufficient for the correlation
phase in the flash calculation. Therefore, the cloud-point cal- at both temperatures. The agreement is reasonable.
culations are performed for a given MWD of PE. The MWD Figure 4 shows both the cloud-point curve and shadow-
Žmole fractions. of 500 pseudocomponents for the cloud-point point curve of the PE᎐pentane systems at a subcritical tem-
phase of PE is generated by the Schulz᎐Flory distribution perature of 460 K for pentane, as opposed to the PE᎐ethyl-
function. The shadow-point curve is determined by the flash ene systems shown in Figure 3. This example demonstrates
calculation, and its MWD is calculated from Eq. 56, after the that POLYMIX is applicable to both super- and subcritical
flash calculation is converged, and is generally different from regions of solvents at high-pressure conditions. The polymer
that of the input cloud-point distribution. ŽPE. has a number-average molecular weight of 19.4 kgrmol
We should point out that it is not always necessary to use and a weight-average molecular weight of 131.4 kgrmol. The
as many as 500 pseudocomponents to represent the polydis- calculated cloud-point curve is compared with experimental
perse polymer in phase equilibrium calculations. Neverthe- cloud-point data from Kiran et al. Ž1994.. A slight nonzero
less, as we just stated in the example flash calculation in the value Ž k 12 sy0.001. is used for the correlation. As can be
preceding section that the computation time by POLYMIX is seen, the calculation results are in good agreement with ex-
essentially independent of number of pseudocomponents perimental data.
used, we keep using 500 pseudocomponents in the calcula-
In Figure 3, the calculated cloud-point curves are shown as Application to polypropylene solutions
solid curves and the calculated shadow-point curves are shown Figure 5 shows the cloud-point curve correlation for
as dash-line curves. The most significant observation from this polypropylene ŽPP. ᎐propane systems. The flash calculation
figure is that the critical point of the cloud-point curves at procedure is the same as that for the polyethylene solution
each temperature is not at the maximum of the cloud-point systems shown in Figures 4 and 5. Namely, the MWD of the
curve and is shifted to the position at high composition. As cloud-point phase is modeled using 500 pseudocomponents
pointed out by de Loos et al. Ž1983., this shift is caused by and the Schulz᎐Flory distribution function and the MWD of
the polydispersity of the polymer. In Figure 3, the calculated the shadow-point phase are calculated via Eq. 56. Note that
cloud-point curves are also compared with experimental the shadow-point curves are not shown in the figure. Only
cloud-point data from de Loos Ž1981. and de Loos et al. the direct comparison for the cloud points between calcula-
Ž1983.. Only a single binary parameter, k 12 , is adjusted, and a tions and experimental data are presented. The experimental

266 January 2003 Vol. 49, No. 1 AIChE Journal

We thank Prof. Th. W. de Loos for providing us with his PhD
T h esis for h is w ork on clou d -p oin t m easu rem en ts of
polyethylene᎐ethylene systems. One of the authors ŽY. S.. thanks Dr.
Paul Mathias of Aspen Technology, Inc., for helpful discussions and
suggestions, and Dr. Eric L. Cheluget of NOVA Research & Tech-
nology Center for useful discussions concerning applications of
POLYMIX. Chau-Chyun Chen and Yuhua Song also gratefully ac-
knowledge Dr. Costas P. Bokis and Dr. Fan Zhang for their efforts
to integrate the POLYMIX flash algorithm into Polymers Plus. Most
of the POLYMIX work was done while Stefan Behme and Gabriele
Sadowski were working in the Chair of Thermodynamics and Ther-
mal Separation Processes under the supervision of Prof. Wolfgang
Arlt, and the authors together wish to thank him for his continuous
encouragement, guidance, and support with the development and
application of POLYMIX.

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