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WWE 2K15

WWE 2K15 is a professional wrest ling video game developed by Yuke's and published by 2K
Sport s for PlaySt at ion 3, PlaySt at ion 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows. It is t he
sequel to WWE 2K14, and was succeeded by WWE 2K16. It was released on October 28, 2014, in
Nort h America and on October 31, 2014, in Europe for last generat ion consoles and released on
November 18, 2014, in Nort h America and on November 21, 2014, in Europe for current generat ion
consoles. It was released for Microsoft Windows on April 28, 2015, and was t he first WWE game
to be released on t he plat form since WWE Raw, which was released in 2002.[2][3] It is t he first
game in t he series to use t he new WWE logo since it was int roduced earlier in 2014, which was
originally used as t he logo of t he WWE Net work.
WWE 2K15

Cover art featuring John Cena

Developer(s) Yuke's [a ]

n-Space (mobile version)

Publisher(s) 2K Sports

2K Games

Series WWE 2K

Platform(s) PlayStation 3

PlayStation 4

Xbox 360

Xbox One

Microsoft Windows



Release PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

NA: October 28, 2014

EU: October 31, 2014

PlayStation 4, Xbox One [1]

NA: November 18, 2014

EU: November 21, 2014


NA: April 16, 2015

Microsoft Windows [2]

NA: April 28, 2015[3]

Genre(s) Sports

Mode(s) Single-player, multiplayer

The game is based on t he professional wrest ling promot ion WWE and WWE 2K15 serves as t he
first game in t he series to signify t he "new generat ion", placing a heavy emphasis on t radit ional
and more relaxed gameplay, unlike t he arcade-like combat prominent in previous inst allment s. It
also adds several new feat ures to complement t he main t heme based around nat uralism, adding
a new chain grapple syst em at t he beginning of mat ches, slowing t he pacing of t he mat ches and
adding a new st amina bar to reflect and port ray t he qualit y of mat ches produced on WWE
t elevision.


WWE 2K15 signifies as t he st art of a "new generat ion", which focuses on t urning t he franchise
into a t rue wrest ling game rat her t han "a fight ing game wit h WWE Superst ars in it ." The new chain
wrest ling mini-game has been implement ed (exclusive to current generat ion consoles and PC
only) to make mat ches play out more realist ically. Pressing t he grapple but ton at t he beginning
of t he mat ch will init iat e a collar-and-elbow t ie up. At t he beginning of t he t ie up, each opponent
will press one of t hree face but tons to place t heir opponent into a side headlock, a wrist lock or
a waist lock wit h a rock-paper-scissors st yle out come. (Headlock beat s Wrist lock, Wrist lock
beat s Waist lock, Waist lock beat s Headlock.) Whomever wins will place t heir opponent in t he
corresponding hold, while bot h players rot at e t he right analog st ick (space + movement keys on
PC) to find a "sweet spot ". If t he at t acker finds it first , t hey'll perform a move, if t he defender
finds it first , t hey'll gain t he upper hand. Addit ionally, t he at t acking wrest ler can st rike or wrench
t he opponent 's limb, making it harder for t hem to find t he sweet spot . This mini-game only
happens 2-3 t imes during t he mat ch and can be t urned off via t he opt ions menu. St rikes have
ret urned to t heir normal speed, wit h t he improved collision and selling animat ions from t he
opponent . Unlike in previous games, superst ars will not st and up immediat ely, aft er t aking a bump
or slam.
Gameplay screenshot of Bray Wyatt delivering his finisher to CM Punk

This game also int roduces t he t hree-t ier st amina met er, which cont rols t he pace of a mat ch.
Through each move t he player performs, especially st riking and running, will drain t he st amina
met er. During t he first t ier, t he wrest ler will be full of energy and perform moves easily. During
t he second t ier, t he wrest ler will begin to slow down. In t he t hird t ier, t he wrest ler will be
complet ely exhaust ed, even being unable to perform t heir finishing moves should it drop too low.
The st amina met er can also be t urned off or adjust ed to drain more slowly, and will slowly
regenerat e as long as a met er is not deplet ed. The game's submission syst em has been
revamped. The "Breaking Point " gauge has been replaced wit h a t wo part circular gauge. The
mechanic of t he syst em remains most ly t he same, but players only have to mash a single but ton
rat her t han all four. Wake-up t aunt finishers are now known as "Charged Finishers" which combines
t he t aunt & finisher into a single animat ion by pressing and holding t he finisher but ton when t he
opponent is grounded and t hen releasing it when t hey're on t heir feet (whereas on PC, holding
t he key is not necessary). Signat ure moves can now be stored as well. Cat ch and Cat apult
finishers have also ret urned. Bot h fight ing st yles and skill set s have been brought in to ensure
t hat t he charact ers behave more like t heir real-life count erpart s. For example, high flyers like Rey
Myst erio will not do power moves and will focus on diving and springboard moves while giant s
like Big Show cannot climb t he t urnbuckle and will focus on power moves. Superst ars who
cannot climb to t he top rope can climb to t he second rope and deliver moves such as Bret Hart 's
elbow drop or Big Show's slingshot body splash.

Gameplay on t he PlaySt at ion 3 and Xbox 360 versions remains largely t he same blueprint as
previous ent ries in t he series. However, new rost ers, new arenas, new championship t it les and
new cont ent s have been int roduced.

Story modes
2K Showcase

On August 4, 2014, IGN revealed t hat t he game will feat ure a historical mode, which focuses on
past WWE rivalries.[4] Called t he "2K Showcase", t he story mode is similar to WWE 2K14's 30
Years of Wrest leMania mode in t hat it focuses on historical event s, but will be more like t he
At t it ude Era mode in WWE '13 where it emphasizes specifics rat her t han generalit ies. The mode
goes into more dept h, giving a more det ailed look at personal rivalries, t reat ing t hem as mini-
document aries, wit h in-mat ch cut scenes and historical object ives to complet e.

The 2K Showcase feat ures 33 mat ches in tot al and is highlight ed by t wo rivalries. The first rivalry
"Hust le, Loyalt y, Disrespect " is bet ween John Cena and CM Punk from 2011 to 2013. The rivalry
st art ed wit h Punk beginning to rebel against Vince McMahon and t he way he ran t he company
and lat er when he claimed he did not earn t he respect he deserved. The rivalry ends wit h CM
Punk's defeat by John Cena at Raw.

The second rivalry "Best Friends, Bit t er Enemies" chronicles t he feud bet ween Triple H, Shawn
Michaels and t he wrest ling st able Evolut ion. The showcase begins at SummerSlam (2002) and
covers various mat ches from Raw and PPV's ending wit h Triple H defeat ing Shawn Michaels at
Bad Blood 2004 in a Hell in a Cell mat ch.

The 2K Showcase also allows players to unlock various arenas, wrest lers and at t ires from each
rivalry period, including Triple H's 2003 and 2004 at t ire and t he st able Evolut ion from 2004.

DLC Content Showcases

WWE 2K15 has t hree addit ional Showcases, which were available as DLCs. "One More Mat ch"
feat ures t he rivalry bet ween Christ ian and Randy Orton during 2011, focusing in on Christ ian's
quest for t he World Heavyweight Championship.

"Hall of Pain" feat ures Mark Henry's dominat ion t hrough 2011 and early 2012 and his pat h
towards winning t he World Heavyweight Championship and his brief resurgence challenging for
t he WWE Championship in early 2013.

"Pat h of Warrior" focuses on t he career of The Ult imat e Warrior, chronicling in on t he rise of The
Ult imat e Warrior during t he 1980s, comment ing on t he passing of t he torch t hat Hulk Hogan
demonst rat ed at "Wrest leMania VI" and det ailing Warrior's legacy wit hin t he WWE.

The game also has a "MyCareer" mode similar to NBA 2K15. Players t ake on t he role of a
Superst ar made in t he Creat ive Suit e and follow t he evolut ion of t heir WWE career, from t he
WWE Performance Cent er and NXT to t he main event at Wrest leMania, t hen your career is
simulat ed 15 years into t he fut ure where you t ake place in one final mat ch. This is t he first t ime
t hat t he WWE 2K series feat ures a Career mode and t he first for t he series overall since
SmackDown vs. Raw 2010. Designed to be a branching, but linear, storyline in which players
act ions have effect s on t he fut ure, MyCareer is reminiscent to story modes of earlier
SmackDown games and WWF No Mercy in which decisions affect ed out comes. The mode also
feat ures a moralit y syst em to allow players to decide whet her t hey want to play as a face (fan
favorit e) or a heel (rule breaker) wit h each choice having an effect on t he met er. There is also a
1-5 st ar mat ch rat ing syst em t hat rat es mat ches based on t echnique, pacing and moment um,
wit h squash mat ches get t ing lower rat ings and back-and-fort h mat ches get t ing higher rat ings.
Wins and losses have lit t le effect on mat ch rat ings wit h t he goal being to put on t he best mat ch
possible. This mode is exclusive to t he PlaySt at ion 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows versions
of t he game.

PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 exclusive modes

Who Got NXT

Replacing MyCareer on PlaySt at ion 3 and Xbox 360 is a mode called "Who Got NXT?" which is a
story mode focusing on up-and-comers from NXT: Adrian Neville, Bo Dallas, Corey Graves, Rusev
and Sami Zayn, t he 5 playable NXT Superst ars in t he game.[5] The NXT Arrival arena was also
exclusive to t he PS3/360 version of t he game.

Proving Ground

Designed to be t he spirit ual successor to "Defeat The St reak" from WWE 2K14, Proving Ground
pit s players against John Cena, t he top guy in WWE. This mode is only unlockable aft er
complet ing t he "Who Got NXT?" mode. The player will choose one of t he 5 playable NXT
Superst ars to face Cena in a one-on-one mat ch wit h a 30-minut e t ime limit . Defeat ing Cena wit h
all 5 NXT st ars will unlock t he ent ire rost er (including creat ed Superst ars) to play t he mode wit h.

Creative Suite

Several feat ures t hat were present in previous games like: Story Designer, Creat e-A-Finisher and
Custom Soundt racks were removed from t he PlaySt at ion 3 and Xbox 360 versions for unknown
reasons nor are t hey present on next gen consoles t hough Creat e-A-Diva, Paint Tool, Creat e-A-
Championship & Creat e-An-Arena are st ill available on last gen.

"Creat e-A-Superst ar" has ret urned wit h only 25 available slot s for t he Xbox One, PlaySt at ion 4
versions while t he PC version has 50 slot s when t he player updat es t he game on St eam.[6]
Superst ar Heads has been reworked to allow all in-game wrest lers to be fully edit able for t he
first t ime since WWE Raw 2, creat ing or edit ing a superst ar t akes up a slot . The paint tool has
been removed on Xbox One, PlaySt at ion 4 and PC and replaced wit h a new feat ure called
"Superst ar St udio" t hat allows players to import custom logos and fully edit or change a
superst ar at t ire.

Visuals and audio

The PlaySt at ion 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows versions of t he game feat ure t he same
face and body scanning t ech t hat was used for NBA 2K14 to ensure t hat t he models look as
close to t heir real-life count erpart s as possible.[7] Text ures for clot hing, beards & long hair have
been updat ed, wit h 2K creat ing an ent irely new development tool to more realist ically port ray
beards.[8] However, t he PlaySt at ion 3 and Xbox 360 versions have similar graphics to it s
predecessor, but wit h improved clot hing t ext ures and a new light ing syst em t hat lessens t he
shine from t he superst ar models.[9] The PlaySt at ion 4 and Xbox One versions are displayed in
1080p resolut ion and have an improved frame rat e.[10] Visual Concept s mot ion capt ured
wrest lers performing t heir moves in an act ual WWE ring over t he course of fort y days wit h t he
sound of each bump being recorded to ensure t hat it sounds like t he act ual move rat her t han
using generic sounds of someone hit t ing t he mat .[4][11] The game has five t imes t he amount of
animat ion dat a t han t he previous game.[4] Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler recorded new
comment ary, wit h approximat ely 30 hours of new comment ary per comment ator. The
comment ary was recorded wit h Cole and Lawler in t he room at t he same t ime to creat e more
nat ural conversat ions and bant er.[7]

WWE 2K15: The Soundtrack

Soundtrack album by various artists

Released October 21, 2014[12]

Label WWE • Atlantic

Producer Craig Kallman (exec.) • Neil Lawi (exec.)


For t he first t ime since Smackdown vs. Raw 2010, WWE 2K15 feat ures a licensed soundt rack.
WWE 2K15: The Soundtrack was curat ed by John Cena. It consist s of music from a variet y of
art ist s from various music genres including hip-hop, rock, and count ry. In addit ion to t he songs
from t he soundt rack, t he game also includes four addit ional songs. The album version feat ures
t wo exclusive songs by Cena and Wiz Khalifa.[13]
No. Title Artist(s) Length
1. "All Day" Wiz Khalifa & John Cena 3:59
2. "Ready" B.o.B feat uring Fut ure 3:41
3. "Free" Rudiment al feat uring Emeli 4:30
Sandé and Nas
4. "We Dem Boyz" Wiz Khalifa 3:45
5. "Wild Ones (Wrest leMania XXVIII version)" Flo Rida feat uring Sia 3:56
6. "Bonfire" Knife Part y 4:32
7. "Workin'" Big Smo feat uring Alexander 3:35
8. "Ghost " Myst ery Skulls 4:21
9. "Come On Over" Royal Blood 2:53
10. "Breaks" Wiz Khalifa & John Cena 4:04

In-game soundtrack
Avenged Sevenfold – "This Means War"

Dizzee Rascal feat uring Teddy Sky – "Heart of a Warrior"

Florida Georgia Line feat uring Luke Bryan – "This Is How We Roll"

Rise Against – "Zero Visibilit y"


In July 2014, it was announced t hat St ing would be t he game's pre-order bonus as t wo playable
charact ers: One being t he black and whit e Crow-inspired persona and t he ot her being his surfer
gimmick wit h t he blond flat top hairst yle.[14] A collector's edit ion of t he game was announced on
August 4. It includes premium packaging, a collect able art card hand-signed by Hulk Hogan, an
exclusive Funko "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan vinyl figure, a piece of t he ring canvas from Hogan's
appearance on WWE Monday Night Raw on March 10, 2014, t wo playable pre-order launch-
exclusive Hulk Hogan charact ers (nWo "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan and modern day Hulk Hogan), and
t he t wo playable St ing charact ers. A tot al of 25,000 collector's edit ions were made available for
PlaySt at ion 4 and Xbox One.[15] CM Punk's inclusion in t he game caused legal issues before
release, as Punk had walked out of t he company by release, however, 2K and Punk reached an
agreement before release.[16]
PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

The PlaySt at ion 4 and Xbox One versions of t he game were delayed t hree weeks from t heir
original October 28 release dat e.[17] 2K st at ed "The addit ional development t ime enables our
t alent ed t eams to ensure t he WWE 2K15 next -gen experience fully meet s our expect at ions."[18]
The next gen versions were released on November 18, 2014.

Microsoft Windows

On April 21, 2015, WWE announced an upcoming Windows PC release in Spring of 2015.[2] A week
lat er, 2K announced t he release dat e of April 28, 2015.[3] This marks t he first game in t he WWE
2K series to be released on PC, as well as t he first WWE game to be released on PC since WWE
Raw which was released in 2002. All previously released downloadable cont ent was included at
no ext ra cost , except Paige, who was exclusive to t he Season Pass.[19] The PC version is similar
to t he PlaySt at ion 4 and Xbox One versions, feat uring MyCareer and 2K Showcase game modes.
The PC version is exclusive to St eam, wit h no ret ail release planned.[20]


A version of t he game for mobile devices, developed by n-Space, was released for Android and
iOS on April 16, 2015.[21] 2K called it t he "first simulat ion-based WWE video game for mobile
devices".[22] The mobile version feat ures 10 playable superst ars, t hree mat ch t ypes, full
ent rances & move set s, creat e a superst ar, live mult iplayer and a career mode.[23] In July 2015, an
updat e was released t hat improved cont rols and responsiveness.[24]

Downloadable content

On October 14, 2014, it was announced t hat t he bat ch of upcoming DLC will include t he
"Accelerator", which unlocks all in-game cont ent , and t hree addit ional rivalries for t he 2K
Showcase mode. "One More Mat ch", which chronicles t he feud bet ween Christ ian and Randy
Orton from 2011, was t he first added alongside "Hall of Pain", which highlight s Mark Henry's
dominat ion from 2011–2013, and "Pat h of t he Warrior", which is t he career ret rospect ive of WWE
Hall of Famer The Ult imat e Warrior.

The "One More Mat ch" DLC adds Christ ian and Edge as playable charact ers. The "Hall of Pain"
DLC awards t he player The Great Khali and unmasked Kane as playable charact ers. Also,
addit ional at t ires are added for Mark Henry, Big Show, Sheamus, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan and
The Usos. "The Pat h of Warrior" DLC includes anot her at t ire for The Ult imat e Warrior and adds
Hulk Hogan, Rick Rude, Andre The Giant , Col. Must afa, General Adnan, Sgt . Slaught er, Honky Tonk
Man and "Macho Man" Randy Savage as playable charact ers.

Various packs were available at unspecified dat es wit h Superst ars, Legends, managers, and new
moves included. The first pack available was t he "NXT ArRival" DLC, which added The Ascension,
Adam Rose, Emma and John "Bradshaw" Layfield as playable charact ers. The second pack added
was t he WCW Pack DLC which added WCW legends Fit Finlay, Lord St even Regal, Bam Bam
Bigelow, Diamond Dallas Page, and Lex Luger.[25] All t he DLC packs were freely included for t he
PC version of t he game, except for Paige, who was an exclusive addit ion to t he Season

On July 27, 2015, t he pre-order Hulk Hogan DLC was removed from sale on PlaySt at ion Net work
and Xbox Games Store following t he cont roversy surrounding racist remarks made by
Hogan,[26][27] t hen aft er four years it was announced t hat Hogan will ret urn for WWE 2K20 in

Season Pass

The Season Pass includes all t hree 2K Showcase story mode DLCs, t he Accelerator DLC, and
exclusive access to WWE Diva Paige.[28]


Aggregate score

Aggregator Score
(PC) 70/100[29]

(PS3) 55/100[30]
Metacritic (PS4) 62/100[31]
(X360) 50/100[32]

(XONE) 56/100[33]
Review scores

Publication Score
Eurogamer 3/10[34]
Game Informer 7/10[35][36]
(PS4/XONE) [37]

GameRevolution [38]
(PS4/XONE) 7/10[39]

(PS3/X360) 5.9/10[40]
PC Gamer (US) 67/100[41]
GameWatcher 7.5/10[42]
Hardcore Gamer 3/5[43]

WWE 2K15 received "mixed or average" reviews across all plat forms, according to review
aggregator websit e Met acrit ic.[29][30][31][32][33]

PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360

IGN gave t he PlaySt at ion 3 and Xbox 360 versions a 5.9 out of 10, saying: "WWE 2K15 is like
seeing Brock Lesnar going from breaking The Undert aker's st reak to losing to Hornswoggle
during t he pre-show in back-to-back Wrest leManias. Not only is it surprising, it 's also pret t y sad. I
would frequent ly grab my copy of last year's grappler wit h t he int ent to quickly check some
changes, only to find myself reluct ant to swit ch back due to t he far bet t er rost er and single-
player experience. Do yourself a favor, save your money, and buy WWE 2K14. The minor
improvement s to combat and comment ary in 2K15 don't even come close to making up for what
was lost ."[40] Game Informer gave t he game a 7 out of 10, st at ing "This version of WWE 2K15
works if you're not planning on buying a new-gen console anyt ime soon... Custom creators, on t he
ot her hand, might as well cont inue to build up t heir creat ions on 2K14.[35]

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

IGN gave t he PlaySt at ion 4 and Xbox One versions a 7 out of 10, st at ing "WWE 2K15 on
PlaySt at ion 4 and Xbox One doesn't quit e meet t he expect at ions set by previous ent ries in t he
series. While t he wrest lers look amazing and t he combat feels significant ly bet t er, "MyCareer"
mode is an absolut e slog and everyt hing else has been done bet t er in previous years. Bet ween
t he narrower historical mode, t he shut t ered creat ion suit es, and t he deart h of combat opt ions
for bigger groups, WWE 2K15 has lost some of t he tools t hat brought previous ent ries to t he
main event ."[39] Eurogamer gave t he game a 3 out of 10, st at ing "WWE 2K15 is a kick in t he t eet h.
Graphically assured as it is, almost every ot her element of t he 15-year-old series has been cut
back, t ampered wit h point lessly or out right ruined. The series hasn't been good for a long t ime
now, but t his year is t he first it 's been act ively bad. The wait for a great new WWE game
cont inues."[34] Hardcore Gamer gave t he game a 3/5, saying "some players may pine for t he older
days of t his franchise, where gameplay was frenet ic and fast -measured. WWE 2K15 st eps away
from t hat met hodology, and in t urn delivers a much more deliberat ely-paced game, and one t hat
is more int ent on providing an aut hent ic, one-to-one recreat ion of t he drama t hat goes down in
t he squared circle."[43]

Microsoft Windows

PC Gamer gave t he Microsoft Windows version of t he game a 67 out of 100, calling t he game "a
capable at t empt to recapt ure t he magic of WWE, let down by t he decision not to updat e any
single element of t he console versions."[41] Rock, Paper, Shotgun st at ed "It 's a disappoint ing
game," adding "WWE 2K15 is a lot like t he WWE it self – burying it s female performers,
mishandling it s rost er, screwing up it s own booking and failing to est ablish charact ers".[44]
GameWat cher gave t he game a 7.5 out of 10, st at ing "unlike t he game's release on consoles, t he
presence of mod support means t hat WWE 2K15 will act ively evolve over t ime on PC. Unt il t he
mod communit y flourishes however and assuming t he game's rough edges prove tolerable, WWE
2K15 remains an enjoyable wrest ling yarn t he likes of which PC players haven't been graced wit h
in, well, forever. Maybe not t he best t here was or t he best t here is and cert ainly not t he best
t here ever will be t hen, but it 's a good st art all t he same and aft er all, legends have been
fashioned from less."[42]

Mobile versions

Pocket Gamer gave t he mobile version a 7 out of 10, comment ing t hat it is "a pret t y solid
experience, and it flourishes t he deeper you get into it ", while crit icizing t he price of t he game.[45]
Gamezebo rat ed it 3.5 out of 5 st ars, praising t he graphics, mult iplayer and cont rols but
lament ing t he overall lack of cont ent .[46] Technology Tell gave t he album a "D" rat ing, calling it "a
lazy, unresponsive, and complet ely shallow experience"[47] 148 Apps gave a 4 out of 5 st ars
rat ing and called t he game "surprisingly complex".[48] Game Informer st at ed t he game is "a bare-
bones, yet mechanically funct ional mobile t it le" and said it laid down a good groundwork for t he
next game.[49]

In December 2014, it was announced t hat WWE 2K15 had out performed WWE '13 and WWE
2K14 in t he same holiday sales t ime period.[50] As of August 2015, WWE 2K15 has shipped over
t hree million copies.[51]

See also

List of licensed wrest ling video games

List of fight ing games

List of video games in t he WWE 2K Games series



a. Additional work by Visual Concepts.


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External links

Official websit e (ht t p://

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Last edited 20 days ago by Josstiyn

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