Tanya Garg

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on7eanSkui OID- 19BN DI035

Group B
Depart nment U4HS Dale-l7Aug, 20a
bfect-food Qualiky ubfect ode NDp-
Teelimg EAlaHon
Aim:- TntroducHsn to ycod aboratoy Rractios oLp
hHon The folløusing ols Bn fueper exberimenta

o Qups t iis Aiuo FRAI The Btudord

familia hiEh ono Auays pacicas the fellsusing
usceouro outinad in this Seckisr.Boith 2 R
Quaded Exleptions to Standaud Gps must e
noted in 20u Lob uebout
cleaning and SoigkassuaslCOMe muit lse
taken to ensLt that yOuaN huou9hly clean
bUpu u Houseu, ucoenikethat aloob can ea
i u s chomicol Lontaninant Do net clean eLK
oosuoosO h oab wrles abecitcolly instuctecd-
usbOl Cleannd lassDaHO is imdicated Jy the
nco n unbuoker ilmo wder on the durlace
Anays p0- Juinsd wnets ý Noiumetric pibettu nltth
theHtront8 gu oluton to be ransfesoud prsu to use
Pnse l losua Nith ta diatiUed Wateu aJtee
Jwe.dleue let uo0gent oluuy in solumehric qlousstdaxe

House keebing: 9ood houseeeptng s npertant fov the

Solety Conventeho f eue one , ncludh he
cleaning s t a t o ane net chamista ths dnalgtical
Dab aseuo ápact t busuy placesd
Anuy miss yeu dentclon p wi_Lenueniencr moeny
peep& A msLill mot inpiuss yeu Lab ieutnuctor
yeu Castaimly00mtBnpsAny ulius enplonen
wtpcDL, Unsal wank habit
*Aonot uauLeaipmants. chumicols scotteeol euu e
benchtep ; anau tun yo a kndshse using s n :
*Neve ae expeimek pematiendiol-
LOhe LLLng enicols 4 ubpLiea, use all onk
Lentaints Eefoue eofenimg mLunl specificolly
diuctedto do othuuwia bey yeuLolb stnlelo
tDispess all xous u luapepuial unati
Contain as uea pbosaibles i deult osk Yo
Lab utucto

T a p ,istii amd Deionisnd l has

Dsid Ipeseea osmeui
Nh tades e wnttu as puegpnssively mok.eospenais
-e To pkeoluuck.agpncal, Me Prly mininum
aly AlLA necadd.o &dDndla, palkelarlyy
H mo etpimsise rodi. Disbld wai wiLL

Hamellina teagpnds amd Kelu+tions i kuccisshul analijlios

wonk dpemos n e buity á aualta a auailable
Lagpnds A kushly herud yucugal8 Corilam Can be
uAtd iHo senkolanc t t t h o mot dtotid
Qssay alutsobusity impunity scuimaind salid
dapends eiliuly Br hewrha CoilaDbas handltol
SlncL being Dhenuel: dhu puuty e chemical Kea.ga
Mou Masks) dupends on uict aolhuence to H
olleuing hulus
U dnmal pKLchanid baakual 104 0m o
pouxing our iageits. Anuy selisd e Liapuld met us
slheld be dispoud e appuepuiolnly
p a i b l i y sCenlaminalien com lee minimizid
y chons~ng amallst bot ha o{ll supply
suauisad uoatity ea.guil
B-Replaceste Top ha adgesdt corlainte immueiolely
A Hemoval e h e seaceni
3Hotdslopperes beteen Ah hongeusdkoppes dhosulol
meve be det deun en u beicu o n anyurtuu sla

uagiit bottle
4 WnlLs& specifially dikuclid to e ceuntigry neve
Aluwn Any encrss eoopl oK deluiluen to a
D seluion to Q Rogens botil
5:Beosu takmg a botileochaical To He coeigbung
u e m s t clea 6palila uste dioniniel w
scubt c h osy mwipe albeu Take yeu olidl
chemicol To ba uoeiging bem 4 etgbing t

-Kecp puoqpnt stoxagiaias ea balanceso l e a m

amyxdpölltolChtmicaa immeeiately
Cl-o up oMeagnt
0cot usL a mu O Unopensd botüle las
l pexmissiea e
teet kst bbtaiming
dDt.allOAk wku siu teig&t hosle he dnewn
s besaibe, uA
ucdenie Balancu Most el you o2 haus isuel
sultainq clctmnic balancas iw othuCoests
kecp J bolaonct pam. Suoupwndimg auias c l o
tiqtseliekiuto a torilaime that as kiget a
possi be
Em i t i o l toe wciglt i s usnally unneeded,uinc
you c o tau t tontaine to zuo
Ceo U wtion you a der
Dstaie eighing otiolk Ensn dhat stu ubliols i
taily unigoktozturn uzll kiadly poud ncaa
Slhnke 0appeol zuagpd bottle &JOn tap it Dn a

xAcLo bxuak up amy lorg lumyps to a

haHaogent To pounriely: Remove eucappocu
osliglty excss iito a clan, dy beako an eghing
bentmmecliatoly Paplace ca pecets sécr tlo
f e uuagrt botile amc tlt it: ieiglu eagert
Portm iu beakeu To dee olsineel Containeus 4
itcrdsa, obtai addiaonal solel fm ee
iagedbottle s duouib eol above.wbin finis hiol,
slunw ~hseoleel yogent kotle paoperly ouicpese
Hha eccesseagnt
5Quondtative uansfens i ALtuw udeigluing a elidl,
iusually must be tonsfoerdol i t entuet to a
Volumutnio lak ou bakans h i z pruecus is uferwselto a s
a apkbar quadhitative bankfeu
5:3 Ovens2 Desscalos: Mast seliolu absoubs
moixti amd,as a Conseauencu, Change l cenpordon

His elfect cCon be dubstaailial uoksan a a g e inkoace

a sw t a
Arsa s exposed to a humid atmespeua,
Huagpst Hhot isa lou Pewale
Dven dsssing s hoost cenutient tenvenierl mehhoel
absoibeolmbklnekrem osoliol:
o umovimg
chniau is medappuopuial
Cempo4iti at tmpehucahuu odompls 4heil changt
o 4tu Dven: dthwmoL
AR Sem detids te
mpuucluu attaimahlo u Oudtnau
a imsuicint To Cemplitily Himbboend
ta bepiseng tooing, dued maluial a
dISiLato t puad sttuptake stouud u
h sasu eL tdusicator contanu a edpluui meisne
chenical dujimg
dppoxled &y_Cestnction i t destcota wall
siobtiy ytae oheund-olass
suskpcas proviol A Tigkt dial

U eceud ain ma be sufieient to bauuak

a biluwein e id and
e bNak: Uhen Corling, eu boa ausing id Tto dol
LERaly to Pceu thL iubr o oppeute i d elkts i
unelu o paslia dsccatov meus beumg
utoucomm Bot o tus Concletiens Cancas
he coiiLL e th dusicator to be phusically
-otnd Lest o certomim

Measuumiis sk lipios * nulabke

Voumu miasuwmot o
usually penfoumud ustt pipet, u bunitts
pnd duL Uelumie lask
Cweoino acenat beut
censumimg) ëpai andl buk A Oxdtinouil
Asmuo and calibealid 6 dlive
DAhLOA umitne lasks A e calibuatid
n a t o certa
bosis Volumitic eqjupmunls
maaktolby see nanufa.c tiz
o in.dunt mot nly du npecota mahnes6
Cusuall wi TD e to ddieve o a To ok to calibxaLin
ud also t Cenfaia
Gmpualluos uwhicl ColibKedion ylictlu

G Aspestking iauic xuocprtEstimalte ee tetaL volamt

liauil ua uginel, mauding any merdhl fa
sinsing pet 0 otuaVoiumetic oloisua lou o
siakt txca o nsaqyik sko a duom dy berk
Yeu sligit ercssto en&UAL that m0 a i takin upder
du pipet pupbably 151.-307
6-2 Ppets: dhus oedifns types pipilse Met c
oDA ia us cest wtotus e us ef Notumetic
pipels wlktc duliev a tixid nuolumuelauiol ågsasluald
pipels avaully inspect puaduated fpipet to se
gsacucion tinel t t tp pipet- do
omot un Notuma o t Tip i mot colbecathd 4
dQ ppet sheulol be oluained enl oA a as u
Jeuns tal2batien ine iouiols u olsauwn uto ea
pipets theug dtapplicälisn a sligut_salzuvaccums
Nevt pipet anutung by mouttus us pipet belp:
toliboid0b mok

6:3 Mixopipetbus Mfouopipeteus aue Cemmeuicaly
auoilable inNrissasidem dilives a innd
weumt LAtul othwes o aojustable wikna gisen
amo Cemmen elummis ho micopipetto e ar
Dnodutical Dab au 5ul tn Rotoul Mitxnpep.etoius
dspesoble plaii tipsJo pauwert Centamizte e
4hArtipA, insist u cleon pípettox Lndt yeu hancl)
sta ongLontaiing tu ts and usismq youse hond
On edside elUha bag sliole a 1, zdo ploca
uMOpÍpoto i macy kosuDepeuss u buten
o hTop miaopipettos -to fst xtop postiomd4
pRoc H tp t o u Mayuiol to be banefeweelDepeuion
t Ha f t step eieak mu sectien osaam up
stile eu stcono step Bleus 6d Hia
deme maiooplpettbs haue a hudl tapuamalning setulion
pesitiei utio
Jhe odiuatabe micaipettous


Meawumat el Llquids using u
Climdunsi uigt'bottl madd 2 lo ecs
lnondlL,e amoutt a xeagent eauinuol may be
pLad diretly iuo nadualhd aytincluxa
ucgtct bottlcleaanup ay pillos meid akove

be amoved e m he Apaduálad cyRimdu AB*ng a

pastu pipet, ttis e C s s dispoiel c 4 h kaaget
bottle b lange, dputult to hanolls DA you a
ODAALeraseid pelacp Dk tillage Cexpecially i ste
noptbi concctatnd00ustie pr exampe)
HLaspat slheulo be powsuol uuto ee raoualtid cyliroee
Suiustaanc,eross rciqjit fee haoliuticl
siylindu is iame to bakes
6-5 Vumdic lok: i Lu flask untile t u bulb q
Llask akmet kull: stop Ano áuil a sedutienta
bchleve odsquali hining Bing e liauicl Level
almost t tu mask& alleur i m kov sotctieus to
dsoua e emack e e Htaskfox lasmal
enponion o Aoem mpetalinu ifnecsany). Use a
postiu pipet to cakully dilu e u k diemly 6lpau
u losk, k ivect itpeateelly Cden_ot dhake) to assune
Uninbm omitimg-cbu laraee eyend Ont day tonste
C e t a a t to a chans dry toaige bo th ov e n a t

hos betn hoseuglalysimssal o t deveral poniticn

b setutien m t flosk: 9 wing aqpes e l h e
i t sAeasanyto ds Qlaswn, Ainse glossu0o
s i t dleniad woa gaenal velumubie glas
met be plocsel ~ a hot
Cpipes 2 veumati losksshiulel
CNe to dsy as tu thusmel expasien may distot

ScoL 0k


6-6 Buts : Buub aue olsigmudto delive Liopicls

pimouily pr t e puupes elurmutic
l widly usid ia a n analytioa labs
hy o
omo eridusd b 'nikoknce metheo jaw mmons4
Astomoland 50m but sdiulsol dsto
Amaaduotion4 o t :1m b-odiristenss duelimo
e e w t tu bottem eammeniscs, Qnanalyst
uolum Moodmgs
should beakdo uliapetalu
Lwtti D02nm otea
t i g cdgiu ALptelu.cibily

Quality t n i e l huenaoms day meut ercpasuimenlk,

C quolit Cenhel sannplt, DQ, twilL beaunilabl
ond lobeuol as eituoCatiitol sRefeuenuce Matesial
CcRm)o a samdasuel ReazncsMo~luihl LSRM) Yu
w l dtmnine u concsn ion nal uHe

gite inslgiat s l aeptuimeritol mefhool arnol/D

e analjst
Repkicots iauisnd. o cemmenolel ju msut
Cosls lo _pses puucision Qanol ane ypicallysepor Tiel
os Mltive anolarelL deuiatien (kSD)L o57.
Ceniolence Limits CCL's)

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