Unit 2 - Managing The Customers Experience

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Unit 2

Managing the Customers Experience

Organisational Overview......................................................................................................................4
Identifying target customer groups of RITZ and the way’s RITZ meets the needs, wants, and
preferences of these groups................................................................................................................5
Importance of Understanding the needs, wants, and preferences of target customer groups...9
The different factors that drive and influence customer engagement of different target
customer groups.................................................................................................................................10
The ways customer engagement factors determine customer on-boarding strategies for
different target customer groups within RITZ..................................................................................12
A customer experience map for RITZ..............................................................................................14
Business Opportunities for RITZ in customers’ touchpoints throughout customer experience
A detailed customer experience map for RITZ that charts the activities of RITZ at each
customer touchpoint to create business opportunities...................................................................17
The ways Digital technology is employed in managing the customer experience with specific
examples of customer relationship management...........................................................................19
The ways digital technologies employed in managing the customer experience within RITZ
The customer service strategies in the context of RITZ hotel.......................................................22
The ways customer service strategies create and develop the customer experience in a way
that meets the needs of the customer and required business standards....................................23
Reviewing the application of customer service strategies in RITZ to create better customers
experience along with some recommendations..............................................................................24
Reference list.........................................................................................................................................26


In general, managing customers experience refers to understanding the customers and

their behaviours to deploy effective strategies that would help the company to achieve
higher customers’ satisfaction and make them loyal to the brands. If a company is
operating in the service industries especially in the hospitality and tourism industry is a
fundamental and very necessary thing to understand the customers better and serve
them better. Because the acquisition and retention here are fully dependent on how the
brands are responding in every stage of a customer’s relationship journey until exit. This
report is all about managing the customers’ experience effectively while operating in the
hospitality and tourism industry to capture better values from the customers. The
initiation of this report is mainly focusing on understanding the customers better through
analysing the needs, wants, and expectations of the selected target groups while
discussing the importance of selecting target groups. After that, the report explored the
factors that can influence the selected customers to pursue a brand and its service. To
capture the opportunity in every stage, there is a customer experience map and
discussion on how a service brand can utilise the touchpoints of the customers better. In
terms of utilizing those touchpoints, there is a very significant contribution of the
technology which is also covered at the very next along with how they can be effectively
used in order to manage the customers experience effectively. Finally, the services
strategies are illustrated considering the situations of the company while the key focus
is increasing customers’ engagement and improving the customers’ experience. 

Organisational Overview
The 115 years of journey of the RITZ London maintaining the British traditions brings to
the current position of considering RITZ as one the famous and greatest hotel of the
world. Since its inception in 1906, it has been very successful in keeping the tag of a
luxurious hotel. The key aim of it is to serve the finest service to the customers that no
one can serve. In London, RITZ is situated in the most convincible place which can be
considered as the heart of the city (The Ritz Hotel London, 2019). The customers can
get the multi-dimensional experience of visiting many places from there. Otherwise, the
RITZ has been awarded for its finest service and currently it is operating while applying
the green policy that is focused on environmental sustainability. By targeting the luxury
segment and providing the finest customers experience RITZ has been believing to
reach its ultimate desired position. 

Figure 01: Logo- The RITZ LONDON (The Ritz Hotel London, 2019)

Identifying target customer groups of RITZ and the way’s RITZ meets the needs,
wants, and preferences of these groups.

Target customer groups are defined as the people who have similarities in terms of
segmentation criteria and pretended to be the most potential customer for the brand.
After defining or selecting the target market groups, the companies find the best
strategies that can meet the needs and wants of the customers and give an improved
experience (Kotler and Armstrong, 2018). Although RITZ is serving the Luxury groups of
the society, it also has target groups to meet their needs and wants. 

Target Group 1: Family Travellers

One of the key target groups of RITZ is the families that belong to the upper class and
upper-middle class (Cateora, Gilly and Graham, 2016). The families have different
needs, wants, and preferences over the individuals. Before understanding the needs,
wants, and preferences let’s identify the segmentations of these target groups. 

Demographic Age: Two groups to consider- Influencer Groups (12-24),

Characteristics Decision-Maker groups (25-50).
Gender: Both male and female.
Family Size: Three to Five.
Education Level: Moderate to high.
Geographic Europe, Asia, Africa, America
Psychographic Personality: Bold and Average.
Characteristics Lifestyle: Active and Happy.
Social Class: Upper and Upper Middle.
Behavioral Touchpoints: Online and Offices.
Characteristics Attitude: Positive and Travel Geeks.

People who love family outings or are even busy giving less time to the family to travel
after periods are the key targets. And this group of people have different concerns,

needs and demands that the RITZ hotel needs to take into consideration to ensure the
best customers experience.

RITZ Services to meet the needs, wants, and preferences of families

As discussed different target groups have different needs and want. Here the customer
experience is highly dependent on how a business is performing in meeting the
customers’ needs and wants (Parker, 2012).  For the families, RITZ also has some
extra care services and strategies that help in meeting their needs and wants.

Needs of Families and Responses of RITZ: The families have a need for luxurious
accommodation to pass-happy days and for this RITZ provides the finest luxury rooms
and complementary features that can meet the needs of families. Then, the families
have a need for interconnecting rooms and RITZ also offers that to the customers
(Tourism Beast, 2021). For the babies, there is a system for bed barriers, extra room
services, and emergency helps. Then, for the dinners and breakfasts, it provides
diverse food collections to meet the diverse needs of the families.

Wants of Families and Responses of RITZ: For the children, the family wants to have
bathrobes and slippers. For that want, RITZ has rooms that contain bathrobes and
slippers. Ritz also offers playgrounds and programs specially designed for the babies to
make them happy during their travels. RITZ offers Salon and Spa treatments for
different family members as well as medical support for emergencies.

Preferences of Families and Responses of RITZ: Families always prefer to have

personalised services, care facilities, check-in systems, etc. (Tourism Beast, 2021). And
RITZ almost offers all services at customers’ convenience.

Overall, RITZ provides very balanced and incomparable services for families who don’t
want to consider any lack of services. Definitely, the extra preparations and better family
experiences at RITZ would attract other families as well stay.

Target Group 2: Corporate Travellers

Another key and big potential target for RITZ is the corporate travellers who may come
single or as a team. The characteristics of this groups has analysed below.

Demographic Age: 25-55

Characteristics Gender: Both male and female.
Education Level: Moderate to high.
Groups Size: 1-50
Geographic Europe, America
Psychographic Personality: Bold and Professional.
Characteristics Lifestyle: Advanced and Active
Social Class: Upper and Upper Middle.
Behavioral Touchpoints: Online and Offices.
Characteristics Attitude: Concerned and Positive

This target group also have different needs and wants based on their schedules and
purposes for the travel. Below the needs, wants, and preferences of corporate travellers
are assessed while evaluating how RITZ is performing in meeting them.

Needs of corporate travellers and responses of RITZ: The corporate travellers also
similarly have a need for luxury accommodation with advanced features where RITZ
provide one of the best in the market. Then, they want a meeting or conference room
where the RITZ have several based on the size of the teams with advanced features.
Menu or food accessibility should be 24 hours for the corporate travellers according to
their needs (Tourism Beast, 2021). Aside, they have a strong need for connectivity and
RITZ provide flawless Wi-Fi for the customers.

Wants of corporate travellers and responses of RITZ: The corporate travellers always
want services on time and in that regard, the RITZ hotel has been trying hard in
maintaining the timing. Also, the things like personalized cars, convenience, and loyalty
are wanted by corporate travellers and RITZ has been doing great on that.

Preferences of corporate travellers and responses of RITZ: In terms of preferences, the
travellers seek perfections and are well organized for conferences and meetings. Also,
a personalized advisor is preferred by corporate travellers. These things are also
considered by the RITZ Hotel.

Overall, the corporate travellers are also a very potential customer group for the RITZ
and it is performing well in order to meet the needs, wants, and preferences.

Importance of Understanding the needs, wants, and preferences of target
customer groups

The first condition of ensuring better customers experience is understanding the

customers and what they need, want and preferred from the service.  Because
understanding the customers would help in serving accordingly of how they want (Daffy,
2019). Apart from this, there is a range of importance related to the satisfaction of the
customers. Some of the key importance is discussed below.

 Come up with better service offerings: When a business actually can

understand what the target customer groups want and need, it allows to come up
with the appropriate product or service offerings that can satisfy the needs and
wants. For example, understanding both families’ and corporate travellers’
desires helped RITZ hotel to make the service offerings accordingly that would
definitely satisfy and attract targeted customers.

 Leverage Customer Service Interactions: Again better understanding of the

customers and their needs allow RITZ to leverage the services and interactions
with the customers (Winer and Dhar, 2014). The things like assigning
personalized customer relationship managers would help to enjoy the stay in
RITZ with getting the maximized value from RITZ. 

 Ensure higher satisfaction: Finally, the combination of better service offerings

and according to the needs and wants of the customers and leveraging the
interactions in a better manner would lead to higher satisfaction. Having
satisfaction would help the organisations like RITZ to attain customers’ retention
through repetitive purchases.

The ultimate target of the business is providing the best possible values that can satisfy
customers and capturing the market through attaining value from the customers in
return (Bergman and Klefsjo, 2010). Whether, it is to make better products or leverage
the interactions ultimately to satisfy the customers the businesses like RITZ has to
understand the customer’s needs, wants, and preferences.

The different factors that drive and influence customer engagement of different
target customer groups.
The target customers’ engagements can be driven or influenced by different internal
and external factors. To gain success through ensure better customers engagement the
businesses should track these factors and manage them effectively. Below the factors
that can influence the target customers of RITZ are evaluated.

Figure 1.1: Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour (Kotler & Armstrong 2018)

Internal Influence

Personal Factors: There are some personal factors such as age, occupation, lifestyle,
income, etc. that can influence or drive the consumers’ behaviour. For example, the
influencing factors of a child and a middle-aged man won’t be the same. Again in terms
of occupation, a teacher might be influenced by different factors whether a corporate
could be driven by different things (Barrows, 2016). It goes same for the personal
factors such as lifestyle and personality. The peoples having different personality and
lifestyle can be driven or engaged differently.

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Psychological Factors: There are some psychological factors that can also drive the
customers’ engagement (Kotler and Armstrong, 2018). Here, the factors are the
perceived values of an individual, motivation level, beliefs, and learnings. Based on the
psychological factors the businesses should be thinking of different engagement
strategies for their target customer groups.

External Influence

Cultural Factors: Similarly there could be some external influences from the cultures
that can drive the engagement. There the perceived values or traditions from the
culture, sub-cultures or even the social classes the customers belong would drive
different customers differently (Blythe, 2013). For the foreign customers, the RITZ
should have different strategies for engagement that align with customers cultures.

Social Factors: There could be some influence from the social factors as well. The
family factors, or factors from the reference group, and the current status of a customer
could highly influence customers to show different interests and behaviours.

After all, a business should consider all of these factors of selected target groups while
formulating the engagement strategies to make them more effective and justified.

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The ways customer engagement factors determine customer on-boarding
strategies for different target customer groups within RITZ.

The customer onboarding strategy is simply referred to welcoming the newly acquired
customers and make them comfortable with the services. The businesses in the service
industry must have some onboarding strategies to make the onboarding more appealing
to the customers (Goodman and Broetzmann, 2019). However, the strategies may vary
based on different engagement factors of the customers. Below, the two most common
onboarding strategies for the hotel industry is discussed while explaining how they can
vary based on different engagement factors.

Knowing the audience and personalize the services: One of the most common
onboarding strategies for Hotels is knowing the customers and personalize the services
accordingly. This strategy can vary based on different factors and target groups.

 Engagement Factors: One of the key factors that drive the customers’
engagement is culture. However, knowing the culture would help the hotels like
RITZ to serve personalised services. Again, understanding the lifestyle would
also help in determining the personalized services.

 Target Groups: Three key target groups of RITZ are family, corporate groups,
and solo professionals. The family here must be appealed differently through
personalised services varied from the corporate groups and solo professionals.

Assigning relationship manager to support the stay: Another onboarding strategy

that seems effective is assigning the relationship manager to support the stays of the
guests. Here, the engagement factors of different target groups may determine the
strategies for RITZ.

 Engagement Factors: In terms of assigning the relationship manager to make the

customers more satisfied, the engagement factors such as age and culture may
determine the strategy (Peelen and Beltman, 2013). Here, RITZ could assign
culturally and age-matched CRMs to make their journey soothing.

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 Target Groups: Again, some of the relationship managers are trained for different
groups such as family, corporate groups, or even solo professionals. So, varying
these factors the RITZ could determine the perfect one.

So, that’s how the engagement factors of the different target groups determine the
customer onboarding strategies to make the initial impressions better and shooting that
would lead to better-satisfied customers.

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A customer experience map for RITZ

The customer experience map allows the business to see a visualization of customers’
interactions points from pre-engagement to post-engagement and work on touchpoints
to capture the available business opportunities while ensuring a higher level of customer
experience with the company (Joseph, 2010). Below, the customer’s experience map
for the RITZ hotel has been formulated to find out the available opportunities while
ensuring better experiences.

During Stay

Staff Interactions

Post Stay

Welcome Check out

Accomodation Feedback
Other Facilities

Figure 2.1: Customer Experience Map for RITZ

Almost most of the hotel businesses have three-stage in their customer experience
journey map which is pre-stay, during the stay, and post-stay. Each of this stage has
somehow engaged with the customer’s experiences. So, the hotels like RITZ has to
work on each of the interaction points and placements (Grönroos, 2015). The better
strategies to serve the customers in all these stages would help RITZ to attract, satisfy,
and retain the customers in the long run.

Journey Breakdown: The touchpoints in stage 1 of RITZ customers experience

journey are attracted by the reviews, offers, and having smooth booking systems. While
in the second stage which during stay the RITZ should prove its capacity to satisfy the
customers in areas like meeting service requirements, staff interactions, welcoming, etc.

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And in the last stage post-stay, the RITZ needs to have the smooth ending of the
journey to have a fluent completed experience. 

Business Opportunities for RITZ in customers’ touchpoints throughout customer

experience journey.

In different stages of the customers’ experience journey, there is a range of business

opportunities to capture for RITZ. Below the available opportunities in each touchpoint
are evaluated.   

Business Opportunities in Pre-Stay Touchpoints

In the pre-stay stage of the customer experience journey, there are touchpoints such as
reviews, offers, and bookings (Goodman and Broetzmann, 2019). Basically, all these
touchpoints combine to attract a customer to the services.

Review: In the review section, the RITZ could capitalise on better stories from the
previous customers that would encourage others to come and experience the service of

Offers: Now the customers are highly influenced and driven by the offers. So, RITZ also
could offer different attractive packages considering the market conditions to attract the

Booking: Having an easy and less complex booking system both offline and online
would also definitely have some influence on consumer buying behaviour.

Business Opportunities in During Stay Touchpoints

During stay is the most important stage for the service providers like RITZ to satisfy a
customer with the service while selling more available services to the customers. The
touchpoints here include service requirements, interactions, onboarding,
accommodation, and other facilities.  

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Service Requirements: The different customer groups require different services. For
example, the corporate groups want a meeting or conference rooms which need to be
personalised. So, having prepared for these requirements would give the businesses
more profit while satisfying the customers more.

Staff Interactions: To maintain better relationships with the customers and satisfy highly
the human interactions are pretty significant. Here, the professional and personalized
interactions from the staff of the RITZ would satisfy the customers better while ensuring
a higher percentage of repurchase.

Welcoming guests: In terms of welcoming guests, a better initial impression and

introduction to the services would create better business opportunities while satisfying
the current customer ship.

Accommodations: In terms of accommodations, having different size, features, range

between the rooms would attract a variety of customers. For example, the families want
interconnecting rooms while the solo professionals want economy size rooms (Peelen
and Beltman, 2013). So, there RITZ could work for capitalising on the opportunities.

Other Facilities Other facilities such as SPA, food, gyms would also attract customers.
Here, better food offerings could be a great opportunity for RITZ of increasing the

Business Opportunities in After Stay Touchpoints

Check Out: Having a smooth check out experience would increase the rate of
repurchase for the customers. Here, having better facilities along with a loyalty scheme
would be amazing for the customers.

Feedback: Better follow through with the feedback and keep the customers on track
while working on the feedbacks would be really effective to ensure a better experience
for the customers.

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Overall, in each and every touchpoint of the customers, there is the area for the
businesses to work and capture the opportunities. Having balanced strategies for
capturing the opportunities in all of these areas would definitely give an edge.

A detailed customer experience map for RITZ that charts the activities of RITZ at
each customer touchpoint to create business opportunities.
As previously discussed, the journey customers include three stages which are pre-
stay, during stay and post-stay. In each of the stages, there are different touchpoints
where RITZ could work to create business opportunities (Buttle and Maklan, 2019).
Now, there will be an assessment of how RITZ is performing in touchpoints with
different activities that aim to create business opportunities. 

Pre-Stay activities of RITZ in different touchpoints

Better Customer
P re -s ta y

Reviews and word of


Offers based on

Online and offline

booking opportunity

So, here RITZ almost has all the required activities that need to attract a customer. The
previous successful customer services here works as the base for attracting customers.
Then, the offers and booking opportunities are also given customers convenience.

Pre-Stay activities of RITZ in different touchpoints

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D u rin g S ta y
Range of Services

Better Staff
Interactions Advanced Facilities

Better on baording Demanded

startegies Accomodation

During stay touchpoints, RITZ is also doing well with the range of services, better
interactions from the staff, strong welcoming strategies, advanced facilities, and range
of accommodation available for various types of customers. This would create better
opportunities for RITZ for sure. 

Post-Stay activities of RITZ in different touchpoints

P o s t S ta y

Smooth check out


Better feeback

In the post-stay stage, the businesses like RITZ could create better possibilities for
repurchasing. Here, activities such as a loyalty scheme, managed checkout, and
feedback system would surely attract customers to revisit. 

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The ways Digital technology is employed in managing the customer experience
with specific examples of customer relationship management.

The world is getting digitalized day by day so do the service industries. In recent years,
there has been a tremendous change experienced throughout the hospitality and
tourism industry. And digitalisation in different areas has been contributing greatly to
managing the customers’ experience and relationships (Grönroos, 2015). Below how
the digital technologies are being employed in managing customers experience have
been discussed.

Increased Accessibility to the Information: Now, organisations can easily store their
information through cloud-based technologies that allow them to find out actual
information based on wants and needs. Because of this the organisations don’t need to
do one by one research or talk to the relationships managers to understand the
customers’. This increased accessibility definitely helping RITZ in improving the
services according to the customers’ demand.

Automation in Services: In terms of services, there has been tremendous automation

adapted. Now, the communications want, and other needs while staying or not can be
conveyed to the service providers. Also, the digitalized features have been contributing
to improving the customers’ satisfaction.

Personalised Customers Experience: The things like advanced segmentation, mapping

matrixes, better-controlled API, etc. can work tremendously to give customers

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personalized experiences and making them feel special (Lattemann and Robra-
Bissantz, 2017). In terms of promotions, the businesses like RITZ can only reach their
segmented customers.

Data Transparency: Now through the technologies, the consumers can easily know how
the personal data are collected and being used by a business organisation. Also, the
purpose behind collecting the data. Having known this would reduce the contradictions
in terms of privacy regarding data.

Continuous Connection: A business can be continuously connected with its customers

through using digital technologies. Now, the businesses can remind the customers
about offers and things that the customers should know very easily.

Impacts of Digital Technology in Customer Relationships.

CRM is simply known as managing a better continuous relationship with the customers.
The advanced technologies making the approaches of CRM more effective and easier.
Some of the CRM systems include analysing customer needs, recording and analysing
customer responses, working on increasing satisfaction, customer complaints analysis
and feedbacks, customer loyalty analysis, etc. To give the example of how technology is
used in CRM, now the hotels like RITZ have a complaint receiving system while
analysing them digitally for improving the services and customers relations (Buttle and
Maklan, 2019). Again, through the clouds and other analytical tools, the RITZ can store
the customers’ responses while analysing them for better-modified services. This is how
CRM systems are being used in improving customers’ experience.

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The ways digital technologies employed in managing the customer experience
within RITZ hotel

As mentioned earlier, Customer Relationship Management is a digital system that helps

businesses in different ways to ensure managing better relationships with the
customers. Now in every changing market environment, the ways the system have been
applied in managing the customers’ experience are discussed below.

Allowing to record customers’ responses and patterns of spending: Through the

advanced cloud and systems now businesses can easily record the customers’
responses whether they are liking service or not. According to the data, the businesses
can analyse what the customers actually require and work accordingly (Chaffey and
Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). Also, the patterns of spending of various customers can be
analysed and reflected in the strategies of the businesses.

Enabling businesses to visualize the needs, wants, and habits of the customers: 

The recording, analysing and interpreting the data through advanced technologies also
helps businesses in visualizing the overall trends of the customers in terms of needs,
wants, and habits. Based on the findings, the businesses can find the common of
peoples that have the higher potentiality to target. After that, the appropriate strategies
could be taken by the businesses to offer the best services for the groups.

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So, this is how the businesses like RITZ are employing in understanding the customers
so that they can manage the experience of the customers better while securing a better
position in the market over the competitors.

The customer service strategies in the context of RITZ hotel

The customer service strategy refers to a comprehensive plan that aims to manage
better customer interactions and experience to boosts the rate of loyal customers.
Another core objective of customer service strategies is maintaining consistency
throughout the stages of the customer journey to secure a better-managed customer
journey (Grönroos, 2015). Some of the key customer service strategies for RITZ hotel
are given below.

Assessing the customers’ needs: The most significant thing every business is
understanding the needs of the customers and preparing accordingly to meets the
needs. Here, one customer service strategy for the RITZ hotel should be continuously
assessing the needs of the target customer groups while adapting the services
according to the needs to have better-satisfied customers. 

Employing the right skilled persons: In the service industry, the services vary based
on the individuals providing the services. That’s why the employees are a big part of the
value chain in service providing organisations like RITZ. Better skilled employees here
can satisfy a customer very easily whether the lack of skilled employees may be a
reason behind the customers’ dissatisfactions (Buttle and Maklan, 2019). That’s the
RITZ should focus highly on employing the right skilled persons at it is operating in the
luxury hotel industry.

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Training employees on specific services: Specialisation in specific areas is very
important to provide the best value to the customers. The areas such as room service,
reception, cooking, tour guides, etc. of RITZ hotel should have better trained and skilled
employees to give an expert service as a whole. 

Overall, these are the customer service strategies the RITZ should maintain
continuously in order to achieve higher value from the customers in return of higher
satisfaction through the services.

The ways customer service strategies create and develop the customer
experience in a way that meets the needs of the customer and required business

The discussed customer services strategies would help RITZ in creating a better
customer experience that meets both the customer requirements and business
standards. Below the explanation has given on how the strategies such as focusing on
employee skills and customers’ needs assessment can help RITZ in that regard. 

Contribution of Customer Service Strategies in meeting customers’ needs

Three customer service strategies were continuous assessment of the customers’

needs, employing skilled humans, and training employees on their special areas. Firstly,
the assessment of the customers’ needs would help RITZ in coming up with better
services and strategies that would meet the identified needs (Goodman and
Broetzmann, 2019). Then, the customers of the RITZ hotel always have a need of
getting the best values and services whilst the better-skilled employees with knowledge
in special areas would make the staying more pleasing that the customers thought. So,
this is how the strategies would help in meeting the needs. 

Contribution of Customer Service Strategies in meeting business standards

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Since its inception, the RITZ hotel has been maintaining a higher service standard and
holding a very good position in the luxury hotel industry. To manage that standard, the
RITZ hotel always has to go beyond and provide the best service in the industry. There
come the applications of the customer, the better understanding of the customers and
highly skilled employees allow the RITZ to provide the best value as it wanted to provide
customers. These strategies also help in keeping consistency among the services.

Overall, the customers’ service strategies have a very significant impact in meeting the
customers’ needs while ensuring a smooth customers experience as well as keeping
consistency in the business standard.

Reviewing the application of customer service strategies in RITZ to create better

customers experience along with some recommendations.

As stated before, the customers’ experience journey consists of various stages for an
organisation operating in the tourism and hospitality industry. And the smooth and
appealed customer experience combines a better performance from the businesses in
every stage. The three stages engaged in customer experience within RITZ, have the
very significance of understanding what customers want, need, or prefer to get from a
service provider in those touchpoints (Goodman and Broetzmann, 2019). So, having
customer service strategies that continuously assesses different demands and needs of
customers at various stage would definitely help RITZ in creating better customers
experiences. Furthermore, the skills also would help to differentiate RITZ from others in
every stage or customers’ touchpoints would innovative and better activities. So, this is
how the customer strategies of RITZ would actually help in achieve success through
customers’ satisfaction. 

Recommendations for Improvement

1. Ensuring more personalized services based on different factors of the customers.
2. Bringing more digitalization in services while focusing more on digital presence.

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3. Analyzing the needs, wants, and preferences more to modify the service
offerings and leverage the interactions from the business side.
4. Adapting the changes to the services and strategies very fast to ensure a more
appealing journey for a customer.
5. Focusing on offering more holistic services starting from the pickup from home to
reaching the destination.
6. Keeping up the tradition and luxury at any cost to hold the value proposition in
the market.

In conclusion, to manage the customers experience more effectively the Ritz hotel need
to focus more on the customer journey model and meeting the needs and wants of the
target customer groups. In every stage of the customer journey, there should be an
analysis of how to capitalize the touchpoints of the customers better while ensuring the
best possible responses from the customers. From the business, perspective to
increase the customers and awareness regarding the services the Ritz should move
into digital presence more. Along with increasing the digital presence, in touchpoints
such as booking, there should be more digitalisation. Also, more advancements in the
further stages during the stay and after the stay are needed for Ritz. Overall, from the
attraction to retention the customer experience has to be smooth and better. Lastly,
there should be more work on personalizing the services for the different target groups.
Balancing between all of the stages including focusing on digital promotions would help
the Ritz to succeed with the current goals.

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Reference list
Barrows, CW 2016, Introduction to management in the hospitality industry., John Wiley.

Bergman, B & Klefsjo, B 2010, Quality : from customer needs to customer satisfaction,
Mcgraw-Hill, Sweden.

Blythe, J 2013, Consumer behaviour, 2nd edn, Sage, London.

Buttle, F & Maklan, S 2019, Customer relationship management : concepts and

technologies, 4th edn, London Routledge.

Cateora, PR, Gilly, MC & Graham, JL 2016, International marketing, New York, Ny
Mcgrawhill Education.

Chaffey, D & Ellis-Chadwick, F 2019, Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and

Practice, 7th edn, Harlow, England New York Pearson.

Daffy, C 2019, Creating customer loyalty : build lasting loyalty using customer
experience management, Kogan Page, London ; New York, Ny.

Goodman, JA & Broetzmann, SM 2019, Strategic customer service : managing the

customer experience to increase positive word of mouth, build loyalty, and maximize
margins and profits, Harpercollins Leadership, An Imprint Of Harpercollins, New York?

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GrönroosC 2015, Service management and marketing : managing the service profit
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