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(Describing chart[s] and/or graph[s])

Name: Sharifah Shafinaz Binti Syed Baharuddin Topic: The waste management in Japan

Student ID:2020819778 Group: KBA2493A

This exercise requires you to provide an outline for your informative speech by filling in the following

The outline of your speech should include:

∙ introduction,
∙ description and analysis of chart(s) and/or graph(s),
∙ conclusion and recommendation.

In this exercise, you need to choose at least one chart and/or graph related to your topic. Describe the
important data (facts and figures) and the salient features of the data from the chosen chart(s) and/or
graph(s). You are also required to choose at least one article related to your topic. Select relevant
information from the chosen article(s) to provide some supporting information for the data.


Introduce topic Do you familiar with country name Japan?

Japan is an Island country in East Asia and its capital is Tokyo.
Japan is rank in 12th in the world cleanest country.
Japan achieve it because of the proper waste management.

Credibility I have been fascinated by the Japan environment through what I watch
from YouTube videos about Japan and news about the flood in Japan
that was really clean.

I get the information of my topic from my relatives who have experience

living in Japan, through the article and YouTube videos such as Japan’s
Garbage disposal minimisation project from ABC News.

Background of topic After going through the article and videos, I will share about the ways
Japan Government reduced their waste through the recycling and
technology. Provide related graph to support the topic.

Central Idea The reason why Japan have good waste management is because:
1. Environmental education on 3R’s
2. Technology used to reduce the waste

(Describing chart[s] and/or graph[s])

I. Description of data 1. The graph show the Law enacted through the year since 1990 to
(Graph 1)
2. Related law to the Environmental education through 3R’s is The
Basic Recycling Act that was first enacted in 2000. This act focused
on the 3R’s and the proper waste management. In addition, since
2000 to 2013 about 10 Act are enacted for promoting the 3R
measures, strengthening illegal dumping regulation and
enhancement of waste management.
3. After the law enacted, the awareness about the 3R’s is spread to
communities through programs. Recycling guide is given to citizens
to sort household trash.

Analysis of data 4. From the data we know that the importance of recycling in Japan is
becoming stricter than the year before. According to the Mekonnen
(Graph 1) & Tokai (2020), the recycling volume increased from 267000 in
1990 tonnes to 868000 tonnes in 2017.

5. Japan gain positive results from the Law enacted because the
citizens follow the rules. Beside that, the landfill can be reduced and
more waste can be recycle. There is slogan related to recycle which
is ‘If it’s mixed, it’s waste but if it’s sorted, it’s a resource’.

II. Description of data 1. Another way on how Japan manage their waste is through the
incineration plant. Incineration is a method to burn waste. There
(Graph 2) are many incineration plant in Japan even in the residential
area, shopping and entertainment area. For instance, the
Toshima Incineration plant.

2. Technology used in incineration to avoid the air pollution in Japan.

For instance, reducing the dioxin emission and eliminate acidic gas
from effecting the air quality in Japan.

3. The incineration is commonly used because it can reduce the

landfill more efficiently. According to Mekonnen & Tokai (2020)
research, the disposal amount drops a lot in 2014and result in
rising of landfill’s lifetime from 9.8 in 1978 to 20.1 in 2014.

Analysis of data 4. According to Mekonnen & Tokai (2020), facilities of incineration

declined from the year 1977 to 2014 which is 2002 incineration
(Graph 2) facilities to 1161 respectively. Because of the reduction in amount
of incineration, the operating volume of incineration increased from
10.4% in 2001 to 12.4% in 2014.

5. The incineration give benefit which it can generated energy,

meanwhile the ash produced is also being recycled to produce
new product such as concrete.


Conclusion There is a famous quote in Japan which is ‘Mottainai’ which means it

is pity to waste things. From this Mottainai, we can conclude that it’s
important for Japan to manage the waste efficiently through 3R’s for
the future generation. Before I end my speech, I want to highlight that
the reasons why japan have good waste management is because of
the environmental education on 3R’s and technology used to reduce
the waste.

Recommendation I hope our country can develop this good habits to make sure Malaysia
can be one of the top cleanest country too, for now, our country is in
67th place in the world cleanest country.

Updated: 23 February 2020

1. Mekonnen, G. B., & Tokai, A. (2020). A Historical Perspective of Municipal Solid Waste Management
and Recycling System in Japan: Learning for Developing Countries. Journal of Sustainable
Development, 13(3).

Graph 1
Graph 2

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