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OWSH 1 Nested List in HTML5

Create a nested list on ‘Types of foods’. It should have a listing of the food names for the following
category – Indian, Chinese, Italian, Continental and Mexican. Use roman number in capitals to make the
main list and square box to make the sub list.

Task 1:

 Load your notepad.

 Type the following code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Types of Cuisine </title>
<style type=”text/css”>
body{background-color: yellow}
ol {list-style-type: upper-roman; color: maroon; font-size: large}
ul {list-style-type: circle; color:blue}
li{ font-size: 20px;}
<h1> Types of Cuisine </h1>
<li style=color:red> Indian </li>
<p> The traditional food of India has been widely appreciated for its fabulous use of herbs and spices.
Indian cuisine is known for its large assortment of dishes.</p>
<li style=color:darkgreen> Punjabi food </li>
<li style=color:darkgreen> South Indian food</li>
<li style=color:darkgreen> Gujarati food </li>
<li style=color:darkgreen> Maharashtrian food </li>
<li style=color:darkgreen> Mughlai food </li>
<li style=color:crimson> Chinese </li>
<p> Chinese cuisine includes styles originating from the diverse regions of China, as well as from Chinese
people in other parts of the world.</p>
<li style=color:aqua> Noodles </li>
<li style=color:aqua > Fried Rice </li>

<li style=color:aqua> Manchurian </li>

<li style=color:olive > Italian </li>

<p> Italian cuisine combines the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet with a wide choice of
seasonal ingredients and regional flavours. It relies on fresh ingredients cooked on the spot and a
combination of vegetables, grains, fruits, seafood and olive oil.</p>
<li style=color:gray> Pizza </li>
<li style=color:gray> Pasta </li>
<li style=color:gray> Risotto </li>

<li style=color:purple> Mexican </li>

<p> Mexican cuisine is primarily a fusion of indigenous Mesoamerican cooking with European, especially
Spanish, elements added after the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire in the 16th century.</p>
<li style=color:teal> Tacos </li>
<li style=color:teal> Nachos </li>
<li style=color:teal> Enchiladas </li>
<li style=color:teal> Burritos </li>
<li style=color:teal> Fajitas </li>
<li style=color:teal> Quesadillas</li>
Task 2:

Save the notepad as “Cuisine.txt” and “Cuisine.html” and view in browser.


Task 3:

Your webpage should appear as shown below.


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