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C/ System Planning

Sonic Workflows

Sound Design - Production Technique - Mix Technique - Mastering Technique

Sampling & Resampling Workflows - Signature Elements & Techniques List - Production Approach Function -
Type - Purpose

Mixing Strategies
Production Workflows

Foundational, Sectional, Transitional Tracks

Compartments - arrangement, harmony, rhythm parts, lyrics and production

Sub-Compartments - Hype, Tension, Implied Tension

The Rule of Three - Trios, Duos, and Solos - Max 4 at a Time

Rule of 8 Every 8-bars, SOMETHING needs to happen. It can be subtle, it can be obvious - it really doesn't matter, but make sure your music is
changing and progressing and maintaining interest. - Markers

Layering Frequency Content - (Distort Alt) | Vibes - Organic & Synthetic / Unique | Width | Envelope

Accents Velocity Accent | Accent Layer | Accent Harmony | Accent Reverses | Accent FX Throws

Variation before Transition


Kick Sweep - Element

Nudge Elements around Kick - Nothing should layer the Kick Transient (Other tools - MB SC, Mid Only SC)

dynamic eq on sub


Drum Bus Comp | Automate Mix Knob

Drum Bus - Blackbox - Push Density to Reduce Peaks

Bass Buss
Lindell 354E squash sub, control low mid

MASTERING Eq - Automation - Stereo Width - Contrast | HPF - Contrast LPF - Energy Curve
Lyricless Storytelling Tools

genre influences
production references - list down every element
select elements from each reference
youtube playlist with tutorials docs, research etc
generic elements for signature sound
signature elements
elements from other tracks - note down - integrate into system
songwriting, arrangement, production, sound design
elements from genres - note down songwriting arrangement, production, sound design
expirmentation - sound design, production, songwriting, arrangement
multitracks & production references
practice instruments - learn,
dj - find new music, create sets
sc dyneq expansion, dyneq expansion

sidechain gate - max martin, dave pensado - tighten up elements or create a rhythmic effect

byome preset - build up macro for delay reverb and hpf,lpf, distort,fx etc

ringshifter on hihats, fielder audio stage on hats - lfo sync movement

velocity modulate filter

parallel limiter on low percussion

introduce main drop in build up with filter

transient designer reduce sustain after parallel limiter on high perc

fx combinations - eq into distortion, pitch into reverb, filtering into compression, delay into delay

8-30 vocal takes before comp

resample from the track - drag and drop

fielder audio stage - flanger presets

masterdesk on synth,bgv,guitar bus

spl drum xchanger to add layers percussive to lead and bass and layers to drums that need it

test plugins - write descriptions in process case by case basis


Production: Pitch, Dynamics, Timbre, Articulation, Level of Activity

Mixing: Kicks, Contrast, Stereo Width, Transition
Define the extremes to find the balance in the middle
Complexity in Simplicity
Develop systems, avoid routines
Don't listen to a song more than you must. Objectivity is key
80/20 rule - Pareto’s principle - 20% of efforts produce 80% of results
Fletcher munson Curves - All elements between 400Hz&3kHz
Right tone inspires right performance
Less is more
One Time Only Event
Drums & Perc - Reverb as a tool to make drums and perc feel bigger - bx_rooms

Bass, Distortion on Sides on Mid Low Frequencies

pre-fader send to comp to sidechain fx bus

DearVR Pro, Music automated on elements and fx sends & Throws

Stereo width - pan elements with different rhythms to opposite sides, Pan different delay times opposite sides, mono
reverb panned, make only a few elements wide
Maximize Quality/ Best Oversample b4 Bounce/ Freeze - Bounce & Freeze Track Workflow
Print Mix Import into Mastering Studio, Import Mix into Metric AB
Use musicMATH to time parameters - Except for Non-Synced FX
Music Routine
Production - Research & Plan, Study, Develop, Songwrite, Sound Design, Produce

Mixing - Plan, Practice, Study, Improve, Develop, Prep, Mix

Djing - Study, Plan, Practice, Setup, Perform

Singing - Voice Care, Practice, Warm Up, Perform

Piano - Warm Up, Practice, Develop, Perform - Practice Routine Generator

Guitar - Warm Up, Practice, Develop, Perform - Practice Routine Generator

Drums - Warm Up, Practice, Develop, Perform - Practice Routine Generator

Bodycare Routine
Freeform writing - left handed - incidental training

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