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Name:-MUSTAFA AGHA Roll no:-BCV-2020F-070 Section:-B

Surveying II Assignment
Hydrographic Survey:-
Hydrographic surveying or bathymetric surveying is the survey of physical features
present underwater. It is the science of measuring all factors beneath water that
affect all the marine activities like dredging, marine constructions, offshore drilling
etc. Hydrographic surveying is mainly conducted under authority concerns. It is
mainly carried out by means of sensors, sounding or electronic sensor system for
shallow water.

PNHD and Karachi port:-

Pakistan Navy Hydrographic Department (PNHD) was established in 1949 and
became member of IHO in 1957. Responsible for conducting hydrographic surveys
&publishing nautical charts ,publications Department is well equipped to
undertake surveys. Hydrographic surveys of ports and harbours are undertaken
primarily to support the safe navigation of vessels. Port authorities are charged
with maintaining and developing their harbours with regard to harbour use, and
the size of vessels the harbours accommodate. This duty of maintenance covers
several specific requirements, including the execution of hydrographic surveys.
Defense of Hydrographic Survey:-
The advent of larger, special-purpose ships in the last two decades has made big
demands on a number of ports in the world since such vessels require deeper and
wider channels than heretofore, as well as modern facilities to ensure their quick
turn-around. Port Authorities have therefore had to undertake major projects
requiring heavy investment for fear that ship owners would “by-pass” their port.
accurate and comprehensive hydrographic data is a pre-requisite for any marine
development scheme in a port. It cautions those unaware of this need by providing
examples of cases where industry has incurred heavy losses and where there have
been delays in commissioning new facilities precisely on account of this lack, or
this insufficiency, of reliable hydrographic data.To avoid such pitfalls the paper
recommends that Port Authorities should create their own hydrographic services
to meet their conservancy requirements and also to undertake improvement of
their existing facilities.

Importance of Hydrographic
Following are the uses of hydrographic survey:-
1.Depth of bed can be determined.
2.Shore lines can be determined.
3.Navigation Chart preparation.
4.Locating mean sea level.
5.Scouring,silting and irregularities of the bed can be identified.
6.Tide measurement.
7.River and stream discharge measurement.
8.Massive structure like bridges, dams and harbors are planned.
Methodologies of Hydrographic
surveying over History:-
1.Lead lines, Sounding poles and single beam eco-sounder methods.

2.Wire drag surveying.

3.Modern methods:-

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