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QUARTER 2 / WEEK _3___

Name: _____________________________________Score:___________________

Grade & Section: ____________________________ Subject: GRADE 9 ENGLISH

Name of Teacher: _____________________________Date: __________________

I. Title: YAY OR NAY?

II. Type of Activity: / Concept notes with formative activities

LAS for summative assessment ( Written Work Performance Task)

III.MELC: Analyze literature as a means of understanding unchanging values in the

VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) World.

EN9VC-IIe-22: Agree or disagree with the ideas presented in the materials viewed

IV. Learning Objective/s:

To identify expressions of agreement and disagreement
To use expressions of agreement and disagreement in a material
To agree or disagree on assertions made and justify one’s stand

V. Reference/s
For Print Material/s: (Please include title, author and page number)
Grammar Enhancers III, Elvira P. Dalida, pages 87-94.

Online Resources:

VI. Concept notes with formative activities


In our daily interaction with other people, we express our agreement with our
stand on a particular topic.

 When we agree with someone, we express it in varied ways through
expressions such as:
1. Direct Agreement
I agree. That’s right.
That’s true. You’re right.

2. Informal agreement
Yeah. That’s for sure.
You bet. No doubt about that.
I’ll say. You can say that again.

3. Adverbs
Absolutely. Naturally.
Definitely. Of course.

 When we are reluctant to agree because the situation, although agreeable to

accept, is unpleasant, the following expressions are used.
Perhaps you’re right.
I’m afraid, you’re right.
I hate to say it, but I agree.
I hate to admit it, but you’re right.


When we disagree with someone, your opinion differs from the opinion he/she
has expressed.
 Expressions of Direct Disagreement
I disagree.
I don’t think so.
I beg to disagree.
That’s not true.
You’re wrong.

 Expressions of indirect disagreement

No way.
Not really.
That’s ridiculous.
You can’t be serious.
You can’t really think that.
You must be kidding/joking.

 Expressing disagreement in a polite manner using:

I wish I could agree, but …
I understand what you’re saying, but …

 Other polite expressions of disagreement are:

I agree, but …
That’s true, but …
You may have a point, but …

Task 1: You Can Do This.

Instructions: Watch a video clip on this link, then give

your stand whether you agree or disagree on the issue in a short paragraph using
the expressions of agreement and disagreement.

Banning cellphones from class helps students focus.

Task 2:

Instructions: Using the same video clip in Task 1, express your agreement or
disagreement to the issue inside the box using the different expressions.

Having your cellphone with you in school help you access more information you need in
your studies.

Task 3:

Instructions: Cut pictures of environmental issues/concerns like air pollution,

floods, erosion, and others and paste it in your paper. Do the chart below. Select
one environmental issue then check agree/disagree with the given causes and give
at least 5 reasons.

Environment Causes Agree Disagree Reasons

1. Brought by 1.
nature itself.
2. Brought
about by our 3.
negligence or
lack of 4.
concern on
our 5.

Task 4: You Can Do More
Instructions: Study the image sent to you by your respective English teachers. In
five sentences, identify and describe the social issue expressed in the poster.

Task 5:
Instructions: Using the same poster/image, construct an argumentative paragraph
expressing your stand in the issue presented.

Task 6:
Instructions: Study editorial cartoon below. Then complete the table below.





Task 7: Challenge Yourself
Instructions: Study the photo below. Then answer the questions that follow.


1. What is the main idea of the poster?


2. What do you think does the pencil represent in the poster? Why?

3. Do you agree to the message of the poster? Why or why not?


Task 8:
Instructions: Using the same poster/image, construct an argumentative paragraph
highlighting education as a means of ending child labor.

Task 9:
Instructions: Watch the movie, “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson on . After viewing, answer the following question:

Do you agree with Mrs. Tessie Hatchinson’s opinion that the lottery is unfair? Explain
your answer.

Task 10: Level Up

Instructions: Comment on the family members’ participation in the killing of Tessie
Hatchinson. Is it just for them to do so?

Task 11:
Instructions: Watch the video about Euthanasia on
After watching, give your comment/s on the following statement.

1. Euthanasia Doctor: “I don’t call it killing.”

Task 12.
Instructions: Identify one environmental or social concern in your community. Write
it down and express your stand regarding the issue.

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