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Expected Questions In PMP real Exam

)‫(أسئلة العائلة‬
1- Which process that in it implementing approved change to
achieve the project objectives?
Direct and manage project work process.
2- 2 months after close project, the client complains that there
are some defects in deliverables. As a project manager what
you will do first?
Reviews validate scope process or accepted deliverables.
3- Project manager can't use organization resources. What
does the project manager need?
Project charter.
4- The functional financial manager didn't give you resources.
There is some document that assists you to take
organization resources, what is that document?
Project charter.
5- When will be kick-off meeting?
Usually associated with the end of planning and the start of
6- What is the purpose of kick-off meeting?
to communicate the objectives of the project, gain the
commitment of the team for the project and explain the roles
and responsibilities of each stakeholder.
7- For conduct kick-off meeting, what phase should be
Planning phase.
8- After approval of planning. What is next step?
Conduct kick-off meeting.
9- In multiphase project, when will kick-off meeting be?
At the beginning of each phase.
10- In small project, when will kick-off meeting be?
Often initiation in the planning process group.
11- What is the sponsor presenting in kick-off meeting?
Organization strategies.
12- What is the project manager presenting in kick-off meeting?
The project approach, determine how work will be executed to
accomplish the project objectives.
13- Some issue has been done in a project and project
manager decides to make resolution data or realistic data. What
will the project manager do next?
Update issue log.

14- If the sponsor didn't attend on time in meeting of CCB for

approval change request. As the project manager what will you
do next?
Send change request to the sponsor.
15- A change request will impact on the cost and schedule.
What wou will do?
Assess impact on other constraints.
16- In your project there is some change request is approved.
What will you do next?
Update change log.
17- The project manager will add some activities that will not
impact on schedule and cost. What will you do?
Issue change request.
May be 20 questions about change management in PMP real
3 questions its answer follow change management plan or change
control process.
1- You have confidential information and you don't want
anyone to know about it. Which technique that you will
use to obtain it?
2- In requirement gathering process in planning phase for
some project. There are a large number of stakeholders
and participates. And you want to gather some data from
them rapidly. For that Which technique that you will use?
Questionnaire and surveys.
3- There is pilot project, before implementation, what tool
that will help you to fallback or decreasing risks?
Some question about verified deliverables.
2 questions its answer Rolling wave planning.
1- You have a project and you can separate part of it that
you can estimating time for it and another part of it that
you can't. what technique of this method of estimation?
Rolling wave planning.
Question about three-point estimating or triangular
distribution estimating its answer is 5 week
2- What is the best technique that used to estimate activity
Bottom-up estimating.
2 question about critical path method one of it its answer
17 weeks.
3- What type of report that be submitted to high management
about the progress of work?
Milestone charts.
1- Which technique of cost estimating that take uncertain in
consideration and risk?
Beta distribution.
2- If the cost baseline is $1355 and budget is $1423,
calculate management reserve?
2question about earned value method.
Question that to calculate estimate at completion (EAC) it
will be $13500.
1- There is system of quality control its cost of $1,000,000.
And cost of defects fix is $500,000. Which technique of
quality that assist you to make decision for that?
Cost benefit analysis.
2- You are in the midway of implementing project, there is
competitor to produce same product with lower cost. As
project manager what you will do?
Conduct cost benefit analysis technique.
3- Which technique that cause of it conducting training
project team to avoid cost of correcting defects?
Cost of quality (cost of conformance).
4- You are project manager for project behind of
schedule, and the sponsor request from you to
decrease the quality activities. What will you do?
Follow quality management plan.
2 questions of cause-and-effect diagrams (fishbone
diagram, why-why diagram, ishikawa diagram)
Question of root-cause analysis.
Question of scatter-diagrams.
Question of Audits.
5- You are making examinations on deliverables, what are
you doing?
Inspections or in control quality process.
Question of control charts its answer is out of control.
1- Which tool that connect between resources related
by category and resource type?
Resource breakdown structure (RBS).
2- You are project manager, during implementing there
is some conflict between 2 team members for work
package, every one of them said this work package
is my responsibility. What will you do next?
Review (RAM) or (RACI).
3- You are project manager. You noted that some of
team members need training and developing. What
will you do first?
Review resource management plan.
4- During the executing of project, you found that the
project team's moral was low. As project manager
what you will do?
Conduct recognition and rewards.
5- How does the meeting become productive meeting?
Keep agenda.
Question of problem solve.
Question of force/direct.
Question of leadership its keyword is (inspire the
project team).
6- During project execution, the project director decides
to closely examine the team performance
assessment. What will the result of this method?
Project team development and improvement of team
skill level.
7- A project's deliverables due is approaching, but one
team members performance is negatively impacting
the schedule. What should the project manager do?
Mentor the team member.
8- Team meetings are taking longer than planned
because team members didn't remain and often
interrupt each other. What should the project
manager do?
Escalate ground roles.
9- You are a project manager for your company. A
project is under construction. You know that
increasing the team's training will result in lower
defect ratio. What should the project manager do
Introduce a training program.
1- The contractor has sent information by mistake.
Which communication method that you have should
use previously for the contractor to understand the
requirement correctly?
Interactive communication.
2- You are using (PMIS) to upload dashboard report.
Which communication method is this?
Pull communication.
6 questions its answer communication management
3- Some of team member has sent some information by
mistake to a contractor. As a project manager what
you will do first?
Review communication plan.
4- you want to meetings are productive. What will you
Prepare and distribute the agenda.
1- You started implementing of project in someplace where there
is monsoon, for that reason works stopped for 2 months every
year, and that is known from beginning, primary where you will
register that?
Project charter.
2- What is technique that assist you to identify risks and analysis
it ?
Expert judgment (‫)يوجد في جميع عمليات الرسك ماعدا المراقبة‬.
3- What is technique that you can use it for identify risks and it
gave to you risks list ?
4- Which technique that you can make prioritizing or rating
through it ?
Probability and impact matrix.
5- You did identification risks, what to do next?
Perform qualitative risk ‫أو أحد التكنيكات الخاصة بهذه العملية‬
6- Which technique that you use it for risks analysis and to
determine the most potential impact on project outcomes?
Sensitivity analysis or Tornado Diagram.
1- A project is contracted on a cost-plus-fixed-fee
(CPFF) basis with a fee of 10% of estimated costs.
The estimated cost is $50,000. If the project comes
in at $60,000 with no changes in project scope, what
would be the total cost of the contract?
2- There is sole source contractor, and it is contracted
with him to supply some important resource for your
project, and he has some problems such as late of
supply. As a project manager what you will do?
Trying to negotiations with him and helping.
Question about statement of work (SOW).
Question about bidder conferences.
3- In your project, there is some conflict with contractor
and negotiation with him didn't assist you to solve it.
What will you do next?
Alternative dispute resolution.
4- Your company has signed a fixed price contract with
seller organization to finalize the project requirement.
Which of the following estimating technique would be
best in order to estimate the activity cost?
5- You are project manager for a big project. You want
to outsource some of the work. The project schedule
is very tight and the scope not well defined. What
type of contract should you sign?
Cost plus incentive fee (CPIF).
1- In the midway of implementing of your project. You
received letter from governmental department and
mentioned in it order to stop working. What you
should do previously to avoid this situation?
Conduct identify stakeholders and analysis.
Question about stakeholders analysis.
2 question about power/interest grid.
Question about stakeholders engagement.
2- Some stakeholder in your project was resist and
now he becomes supportive. What will you do
Update stakeholder register.
3- Some of stakeholders haven't attended in primary
meetings in your project. As a project manager
how you will reduce risks that arising for this
Review stakeholder engagement plan.

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