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School Procedure

COVID 19 Management Procedure – School

Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Procedures & Precautions ................................................................................................................................................ 1
Continuity Plan .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Responsibility .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Supporting Documents ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Promulgation and Implementation .................................................................................................................................... 7
Appendix 1 – Access and Egress ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Appendix 2 – Safe Distancing – Corridors & Key Entry Points ......................................................................................... 9
Appendix 3 – Safe Distancing - Classroom Seating ....................................................................................................... 10
Appendix 4 – Classroom PPE, Hygiene and Resources ................................................................................................ 11
Appendix 5 – Hand Washing and Washroom Logistics .................................................................................................. 12
Appendix 6 – MySejahtera App....................................................................................................................................... 13
Appendix 7 – COVID_19 Management Committee ........................................................................................................ 14
Appendix 8 – School Reopening Monitoring Health & Safety Measures ........................................................................ 15
Appendix 9 – School Reopening Home School Agreement – Secondary Pupils ........................................................... 20
Appendix 10 – School Reopening Home School Agreement – Primary Pupils .............................................................. 22
Appendix 11 – Flowchart – Responding To Suspected Case of COVID_19 .................................................................. 24

This procedure outlines management systems put in place when returning to school to secure the welfare for students
and staff in relation to COVID 19. It assigns responsibilities for the implementation of COVID 19 management measures
based on a set of guidelines corresponding to the health advisory.

This procedure applies to all School Activities and all members of the School Community.

Procedures & Precautions

Contact with someone suffering from coronavirus

 Everyone will be asked not to come into school if they or anyone they live with is experiencing coronavirus
symptoms, and instead follow official self-isolation guidance. Regular reminders will be given about this.

 Anyone self-isolating with symptoms will be encouraged to access testing, and the school will help them do this.

 If a symptomatic person comes into school, they will be sent home immediately or isolated until they can be
picked up. 999 will be called if they are seriously ill or injured or their life is at risk.

 In the case of a symptomatic pupil who needs to be supervised before being picked up:

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- If a distance of 2m can’t be maintained, supervising staff will wear a fluid-resistant surgical mask or face
- If contact is necessary, supervising staff will also wear disposable gloves and a disposable apron
- If there’s a risk of splashing to the eyes, such as from coughing, spitting or vomiting, supervising staff will
also wear eye protection

 Supervising staff will wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds after the pupil has been picked up.

 A deep clean will take place in the areas that the symptomatic person has been in, and PPE will be disposed of
properly, following decontamination guidance.

 If a pupil or a staff member working with pupils tests positive for coronavirus, SLT will seek guidance from local
health officials to determine what additional steps are needed for the school community.

 Depending on identified cases within the school community, it is possible that school may have to be closed for
multiple days. Where this is the case, parents will be updated on a regular basis at the earliest opportunity in inform their future planning. The focus of the SLT will be on ensuring the school remains open on all
occasions it is safe to do so.
Contact with coronavirus when getting to and from school

 For anyone who needs to take public transport, they’ll be referred to government guidance.

 If home to school transport will be running (i.e. buses, minivans), discussions will be held with the providers to
make sure their staff:

- Follow hygiene rules

- Ensure that each bus/minivan is cleaned and sanitised before taking pupils to and from school
- Try to keep their distance from passengers where possible
- Do not work if they or a member of their household are displaying coronavirus symptoms
- Ensure temperature screening is in place each morning and afternoon at the point of entry of the buses,
- Assign specific seats are assigned to each pupil
- Ensure each pupil wears a facemask
- Alternate seating that is at least 1m apart for all pupils, where reasonably practicable to do so

Refer to the ‘School Transport Service Safety Protocol’.

 For pupils that will need to be dropped off, parents will be told through messages and signage:

- That only one parent should attend

- Their allocated drop off time, with different pupil groups being given different times
- Not to gather at entrance gates or doors, or enter the site unless they have a pre-arranged appointment
- Parents of primary pupils will only be allowed to drop off their children at the designated primary drop off
- Parents of secondary will only be allowed to drop off their children at the designated secondary drop off
- Only EYFS and year 1 parents will be able to enter the school with their child and will be able to park in the
carpark. All EYFS and year 1 pupils will be dropped off at the entrance of the early years building. Staff
members will be on duty at the entrance.
 For pupils that will need to be picked up, parents will be told through messages and signage:

- That only one parent should attend

- Their allocated collection times, with different pupil groups being given different times
- Not to gather at entrance gates or doors, or enter the site unless they have a pre-arranged appointment
- Parents of primary pupils will only be allowed to pick up their children at the designated space allocated in
the carpark. The carpark will have a designated area for parents to wait while observing safe distancing
- Parents of secondary will only be allowed to pick up their children at the designated secondary drop off point

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- Parents of EYFS pupils will only be allowed to pick up their children at the designated space allocated in the
carpark. The carpark will have a designated area for parents to wait while observing safe distancing

 Anyone wearing non-disposable face coverings when arriving to school will be expected to bring a plastic bag
to keep these in during the school day. All pupils will be encouraged to wear a face mask if possible especially
those who have a low immune system.

 Thermal detection systems will be in place at each entrance, all members of the community entering the site
will have their temperature taken, additional hand sanitisers will be in place and all students and staff will be
given advice about hand-washing and sneezing and what to do if they feel unwell.

Spreading infection due to touch, sneezes and coughs

 Handwashing facilities will be provided throughout the school and hand sanitisers will be placed in each room,
entry and exit points, dining hall, sports hall, sports field, and reception. Everyone in school will:

- Frequently wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds and dry thoroughly using the guidelines
displayed or use alcohol-based hand sanitiser to cover all parts of their hands
- Clean their hands on arrival, before and after eating, after an activity, and after sneezing or coughing
- Be encouraged not to touch their mouth, eyes and nose
- Use a tissue or elbow to cough or sneeze, and use bins for tissue waste

 Pupils will be encouraged to learn and practise these habits in lessons and by posters put up across the school.

 Help will be available for any pupils who have trouble cleaning their hands independently. Young children will
be supervised during hand washing.

 Supplies for soap, hand sanitiser and disposable paper towels and tissues will be topped up regularly and
monitored to make sure they’re not close to running out.

 Lidded bins for tissues, preferably operated by a foot pedal, will be emptied throughout the day.

Spreading infection through contact with coronavirus on surfaces

 Cleaning staff will regularly clean frequently touched surfaces using standard cleaning products (e.g. bleach,
detergent), including:

- Banisters
- Classroom desks and tables
- Bathroom facilities (including taps and flush buttons)
- Door and window handles
- Furniture
- Light switches
- Reception desks
- Teaching and learning aids
- Computer equipment (including keyboards and mouse)
- Sports equipment
- Hard toys
- Telephones
- Fingerprint scanners
- Toilet pumps
- Toilet seat liners

 Items that need laundering (e.g. towels, flannels, bedding) will be washed regularly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions, on the warmest water setting. These items will not be shared between children
between washes.

 Areas of the school that are used by pupils will be cleaned thoroughly at the start and at the end of the day.

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 Areas of the school not in use will be shut off to make cleaning more manageable.

 Unnecessary items, soft furnishings, soft toys and other toys that are hard to clean will be removed from areas
being used and stored elsewhere.

 Any equipment that is shared will be cleaned between groups of children using it and multiple groups won’t use
it simultaneously. Equipment must be sanitised after use.

 Shared rooms, such as halls and dining areas, will be cleaned between different groups using them.

 If a person with coronavirus symptoms comes into school, a deep clean will take place in the areas that the
person has been in, following decontamination guidance.

 Cleaning supplies will be topped up regularly and monitored to make sure they’re not close to running out.

 Teachers will wash their hands and surfaces before and after handling pupils’ books.

Spreading infection due to excessive contact and mixing between pupils and staff in classrooms

 Space will be maintained between pupils, 1m apart, with seats and desks arranged to allow this. If the number
of pupils exceeds the capacity of the tables provided, the excess pupils will be placed in anther class

 Primary school: Pupils will be organised into small class groups of no more than 19 children and one teacher
(and, if needed, a teaching assistant). This is based on the 1m social distancing rule and the size of the

 EYFS setting: Children in the EYFS will be kept in class groups of no more than 9 children, while adhering to
the usual staffing ratios. This is based on the 1m social distancing rule and the size of the classroom. This is
too ensure group activity or activity involving contact is not performed. Outdoor classroom teaching and learning
activities will be implemented using a classroom environment by practicing the 1m social distancing rule.

 Secondary school: Pupils will be organised into class groups. These groups will be no more than 19 children.
This is based on the 1m social distancing rule and the size of the classroom.

 The amount of take-home resources will be limited, and the sharing of stationery and other equipment will be
prevented where possible. If shared equipment is used, it will be cleaned thoroughly between each group using

 As far as possible, the same staff will be assigned to the same group each day. In secondary school: Teachers
may need to switch between groups if subject specialism is needed.

 EYFS staff will wear a face mask / face guard at all times when together with EYFS pupils.

Spreading infection due to excessive contact and mixing between pupils, staff and parents around the school

 Pupils will be kept in the same groups at all times each day.

 Pupil groups will have staggered timetables, including for break and lunch times, drop off and pick up times, to
avoid too many pupils being in one place at the same time.

 Pupils will stay in the same classroom at the same desk throughout the day wherever possible.

 Pupils will be supervised at all times to ensure mixing between groups doesn’t occur, and they will be reminded
about the rules throughout the day.

 Rooms will be accessed directly from outside where possible, and any corridors will have one-way circulation
or a divider down the middle to keep groups apart.

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 The sports field, will be kept at half capacity to allow groups to keep apart when using.

 For dining areas, the use of chairs, tables, are not permitted. The canteen operator will provide only pre packed
lunch and pupils will eat in their classrooms.

 Pupils in EYFS must not carry a bag to school and bring food (exceptions are provided to children with special
dietary requirements subject to approval of the School Nurse For pupils that
will need school lunches, parents will be informed the meal plan subscription information through messages.

 Toilet use will be managed to avoid crowding.

 Staff use of staff rooms and offices will be staggered to limit occupancy.

 Staff and contractors not working with pupil groups will be asked to maintain 1m distances from each other and
from the pupil groups.

 All foreign trips for this academic year are cancelled until further notice.

 Mass gatherings, such as assemblies, celebration events, productions, SLT coffee mornings, open days and
other events are cancelled / postponed until further notice, or conducted online.

 Access into school will be restricted to anyone except students and staff who have been scheduled to be in
school on that day.

 Parents and visitors who have a specific reason to enter the school must seek prior approval from and complete
the visitor notification & health declaration form.

 All adults must register onto MySejahtera via a designated QR code, this is located at each entry point.

Spreading infection due to the school environment

 Checks to the premises will be done to make sure the school is up to health and safety standards before

 Fire, first aid and emergency procedures will be reviewed to make sure they can still be followed with limited
staff and changes to how the school space is being used.

 Areas in use will be well ventilated by opening windows or using ventilation units. Doors will be propped open,
where fire safety and safeguarding wouldn’t be compromised.

 The use of lifts will be avoided unless essential.

 Lidded bins will be provided in classrooms and other key locations to dispose of tissues and any other waste.

 Outdoor space will be used for exercise and breaks, and for education where possible.

 The library will be closed to all students until further notice.

 The swimming pool will be closed until further notice.

 The use of external play facilities and equipment in EYFS is not permitted.

Spreading infection due to excessive contact and mixing in meetings

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 Where possible, all meetings will be conducted by telephone or using video conferencing. This includes
meetings with staff, parents, visitors and governors.

 Where this isn’t possible, essential meetings will be conducted outside, or in a room large enough to allow for
social distancing.

Individuals vulnerable to serious infection coming into school

 For everyone who could come into school:

- If they're clinically extremely vulnerable, they will continue to learn or work from home
- If they're clinically vulnerable – parents should follow medical advice if their child is in this category, and staff
in this category will continue to work from home wherever possible. If these staff members cannot work from
home, they will be given a role that allows them to be kept 2 metres away from others wherever possible
- If they live with someone who's clinically extremely vulnerable, they will only attend if stringent social
distancing can be adhered to and, in the case of children, they're able to understand and follow those

Travel Restrictions

 The Movement Control Order imposed a ban on Malaysians leaving the country, and restricts foreign nationals
from entering Malaysia, with a few exceptions for diplomats and long-term visa holders. On 17 May the
Malaysian Government announced that MM2H holders could return. The restriction remains in force. 14 days
quarantine is required for all international arrivals to Malaysia.

 When we currently expect travel restrictions to be lifted, we are requesting that all (families and staff) complete
the relevant forms, so that we can quickly identify those who need to be quarantined and self-isolate. You can
find the forms here:

Travel plans outside of Malaysia

Visitors (including returning family members) from outside Malaysia

COVID_19 Management Committee

 The school health, safety & environment committee will establish an effective COVID_19 management
committee which will remain active and support the six (6) aspects of administration, infrastructure management,
students safety, teachers and school personnel, PDP management, and parent and career role. The committee
will cover the responsibilities as outlined in Section 7, KPM guidelines, dated, 04 June, 2020, and the procedures
outlined in this management plan.

Continuity Plan
Refer to the following improvised table depicting the school’s continuity plan.
Impact on Daily Operations COVID 19 Management Measures
Prevention Minimal disruption Precautions are to be taken, including:
 ‘Contact with someone suffering from coronavirus’
 ‘Contact with coronavirus when getting to and from
 ‘Spreading infection due to touch, sneezes and coughs’
 ‘Spreading infection through contact with coronavirus on
 ‘Spreading infection due to excessive contact and
mixing between pupils and staff in classrooms’
 ‘Spreading infection due to excessive contact between
pupils, staff and parents around the school’
 ‘Spreading infection due to the school environment’
 ‘Spreading infection due to excessive contact and

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mixing in meetings’
 ‘Individuals vulnerable to serious infection coming into
 ‘Travel restrictions’
Identified Major disruption SLT will consult with various individuals and/or the local
cases authorities and seek further recommendations.
 Local health officials may recommend that the school
closes and duration of closure and dismissals will be
made on a case by case basis based on the most up to
date information about COVID 19 and the specific cases
in the impacted community.
 The communication to the school community should
align with the school crisis management policy and crisis
management plan.
 If a student or staff member has been identified with
COVID 19, SLT will seek guidance from local health
officials to determine when students and staff should
return to school and what additional steps are needed
for the school community.

If the school is closed, SLT will consider the following steps:

 Cancellation / postponement of activity, and lessons.
 Do not enter signs are put in place on all entry points and the building is locked.
 Specialist cleaning services implemented for deep cleaning of the building.
 Implement e-learning plans, including digital and distance learning options as feasible and appropriate.
 Administrative staff work from home until further notice. Convert face to face meetings via platforms such as
Microsoft Teams.
 Discourage gatherings.
 Establish means to record all actions & decisions.

 The COVID_19 Management Committee is responsible for monitoring the execution, conclusion and programmed
evaluation of this COVID 19 Management procedure.
 The Head of operations is responsible for maintaining this COVID 19 Management procedure.
 The School Principal is responsible for the development of the School’s COVID 19 Management processes and

Supporting Documents
 GEMS Health and Safety Policy
 GEMS Crisis Management Policy
 GEMS Crisis Management Plan (CMP)
 KPM Guidelines, 04 June, 2020
 KPM Guidelines, 13 march, 2020

Promulgation and Implementation

The COVID 19 Management Procedure will be communicated and implemented throughout the School community in
the form of:
 distribution of e-mails to Parents / School Staff, Health and Safety Committee / School Principal / School staff /
Regional Risk & Compliance Co coordinator and Regional Director .

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Appendix 1 – Access and Egress

 Hand Sanitizers and Temperature detectors will be placed at the three key access and egress points.

 The checkpoints will be manned by site security.

 Floor stickers and barriers will be put in place for queue management and safe distancing.

 The school Nurse will manage the access and egress points with the designated security lead.

Face recognition access panel with body temperature detection Hand sanitizer stations

Floor stickers / safe distancing

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Appendix 2 – Safe Distancing – Corridors & Key Entry Points

 Space will be maintained between pupils, 1m apart in corridors and key entry points.

 Corridors will have one-way circulation to keep groups apart.

 The below floor stickers and signage for safe distancing will be placed in all school corridors and key entry

Floor stickers – queue management – safe Floor stickers - one way circulation floor stickers –
distancing safe distancing

Wall signage – safe distancing Wall signage – safe distancing

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Appendix 3 – Safe Distancing - Classroom Seating
 Space will be maintained between pupils, 1m apart, with seats and desks arranged to allow this. If the number
of pupils exceeds the capacity of the tables provided, the excess pupils will be placed in another classroom.

 The classrooms are able to accommodate 19 pupils in each class for secondary and primary and 9 pupils for
EYFS with the government social distancing measures in place.

 Safe distancing measures will also be put in place in general seating areas, ensuring at least 1 meter spacing
from each seat.

 Play areas will be temporarily closed.

School Classroom – Safe Distancing

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Appendix 4 – Classroom PPE, Hygiene and Resources
Classroom Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

 Each classroom and office will have a ready-to-go PPE ‘grab bag to make it easier for teaching and
administration staff to quickly grab what is needed if a situation arises where the use of personal protective
equipment (PPE) is required.

 The grab bags avoid touching multiple boxes and are easy to check whether you're running out of supplies.

Classroom Hygiene & Resources

 Each classroom and office will have a ready-to-go hygiene ‘grab box to make it easier for teaching and
administration staff to quickly grab what is needed if a situation arises where the use of cleaning and hygiene
products are required.

 The grab boxes avoid touching multiple boxes and are easy to check whether you're running out of supplies.

 Select resources will only be used within each group to minimise the use of shared resources within each group.

 Resources which cannot easily be cleaned will be removed and stored.

 There will be no access to class book corners – use rotating book boxes.

 There will be no sharing of books within classroom.

 Teaching staff will not handle books – feedback will be given digitally or verbally.

 Rugs and play mats will be removed from classrooms.

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Appendix 5 – Hand Washing and Washroom Logistics
Hand Washing

 The school will reinforce frequent handwashing and sanitation and procure needed supplies.

 Handwashing stations will be prepared and maintained with soap and water, and alcohol-based hand rub (hand
sanitizers) will be placed in each classroom, at entrances and exits, and near lunchrooms and toilets.

 Hand washing and hand rubbing posters will also be positioned in strategic locations around the school.

Washroom Logistics

 Only 1 child to leave each group at a time to go to the toilet.

 Only 2 children in the toilets at a time. Anyone else waits outside using 2 metre tape to social distance in the

 Classrooms use the nearest toilets only

 At lunchtime no more than 2 pupils at a time

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Appendix 6 – MySejahtera App

 All adults must register onto MySejahtera via a designated QR code, this is located at each entry point.

 MySejahtera is an application developed by the Government of Malaysia to assist in monitoring COVID-19

outbreak in the country by empowering users to assess their health risk against COVID-19.

 This application also provides the Ministry of Health (MOH) with the necessary information to plan for early and
effective countermeasures.

 Refer to for more information.

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Appendix 7 – COVID_19 Management Committee

Terms of Reference


(a) The Regional Director, East Asia and South East Asia
(b) The School Principal GIM
(c) The School Head of Operations GIM / Health & Safety Lead GIM / Regional Risk & Compliance Coordinator
(d) The School Head of Secondary GIM
(e) The School Head of Primary / Designated Safeguard Lead GIM
(f) The School Assistant Human Resource Manager (Operations) GIM
(g) The School Finance Lead GIM
(h) The School Health & Safety Committee Members GIM

Strategic functions

The Covid_19 Management Committee has the following core strategic functions:

(a) Track all school COVID_19 Management and government procedures. This includes looking at identifying
potential gaps in procedure.
(b) Compliance with health and safety regulations, and put in place processes and procedures to ensure the
safety of all in the school.
(c) Development of briefing / presentation requirements and organise briefing / presentation for staff and parents.
(d) Manage the school’s compliance with statutory obligations, and advise others on the relevant legal and
regulatory requirements.
(e) Development of schedules of inspection and checks on safe management measures and ensure compliance
in the school. This would include in mandatory procedure compliance, reporting etc.
(f) Avenue for the planning process for risk workshops / awareness at the school level, periodic risk assessments
and crisis management planning.
(g) Planning, preparing & assessing for the government inspections and control readiness prior to government
visits to better coordinate action items / resolutions across the school.


 The ‘Covid_19 Management Committee shall meet at least once each week.


 The agenda will be prepared by the Head of Operations in consultation with the School Principal.
 Papers that inform agenda items will be sent to the Committee with the agenda to arrive two clear days before
the meeting.
 Any member of the Committee may place an item on the agenda by writing to the Head of Operations.


 A record will be kept of all persons attending a meeting.


 The Head of Operations shall circulate minutes of meetings, the agenda and any associated papers for
forthcoming meetings at least two working days before the date of the meeting.


 All individuals will report in writing, using a prescribed format, to the next meeting about any decisions made
or action taken.

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Appendix 8 – School Reopening Monitoring Health & Safety Measures
This checklist reflects the measures that will be put in place, inspected and checked in line with government guidance
on how to reduce the risk of coronavirus spreading between people at school. Tasks will be added, removed or adapted
to reflect specific arrangements.



Make sure you have the right number of

staff in attendance every day to cover any
essential staff roles you’ve identified

Check that parents are following your

rules on drop off and pick up

Make sure pupils and staff are removing

and storing/disposing of face coverings
correctly when not in use

Make sure pupils and staff are using the

correct entrances and following one-way
systems (where applicable)

If you have staggered timings, make sure

class groups are going to break and lunch
during their time slots

Have teachers open windows at the start

of the day and shut them at the end of the

Have premises staff prop doors open and

close them at the end of the day
- Don’t prop any fire doors
- Only open doors where it’s safe
to do so (bearing in mind fire
safety and safeguarding)

Make sure everyone is washing their

hands with soap and water for at least 20
seconds frequently across the school day
In particular:
- After coming into school
- After sneezing or coughing
- Before and after handling or
eating food
- After going to the toilet

Check that signage remains in place and

is undamaged

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Make sure premises/cleaning staff refill

supplies of hygiene and cleaning products
around the school
For example:
- Soap
- Hand sanitiser
- Tissues
- Disposable hand towels


Update your class groups to reflect any

change in pupil circumstances
For example if:
- Parents of pupils in eligible
year groups have now
decided to send their child
back to school
- A pupil is returning to school
after a period of self-

Update your staffing rotas to reflect any

change in staff circumstances
For example if staff:
- Have had to self-isolate or
are ending their self-isolation
- No longer have caring
responsibilities so can come
into school

Check in with your staff to find out if social

distancing measures are working in
practice, in case you need to make
adjustments (where possible) to improve
For example, feedback on:
- how well things like drop
off/pick up, breaks, lunchtimes
and one-way systems

If necessary, replenish back up supplies

of hygiene and cleaning products

Daily cleaning
This checklist will be used to see what tasks your cleaning staff are doing. They will be doing these already, but
inspections and checks will be made for reassurance.

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Clean and disinfect frequently touched

objects and surfaces
This should be done regularly
throughout the day, including surfaces
- Banisters
- Classroom desks and tables
- Bathroom facilities (including taps
and flush buttons)
- Door and window handles
- Furniture
- Light switches
- Reception desks
- Teaching and learning aids
- Computer equipment (including
keyboards and mouse)
- Sports equipment
- Hard toys (you shouldn’t have soft
toys in school during coronavirus as
they’re hard to clean)
- Telephones
- Fingerprint scanners

Empty bins used for tissues

Clean and disinfect mop heads

Clean and disinfect tables between lunch

sittings of different class groups (where

At the end of the day, clean used

classrooms (and other areas used for

If there’s been a suspected case of coronavirus in the school, the cleaning requirements listed below will be
implemented, inspected and checked.


All objects which are visibly  Clean and disinfect Select 1 of the following:
contaminated with bodily fluids
 Avoid creating splashes  A combined
and spray when cleaning detergent/disinfectant
solution at a dilution of
1,000 parts per million
available chlorine
 A household detergent,
followed by a disinfectant
with the same dilution as

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 If you use an alternative

disinfectant, check it’s
effective against
enveloped viruses

All potentially contaminated high-  Clean and disinfect Use the same product as
contact areas, including: above
 Avoid creating splashes
and spray when cleaning
 Bathrooms
 Door handles
 Telephones
 Grab-rails in corridors and
 Floors
 Chairs
You don’t need to specially clean
public areas they’ve passed
through briefly (e.g. corridors)
which aren’t visibly contaminated
with body fluids

All potentially contaminated fabric  Wash items in accordance  Standard detergent

items, including: with the manufacturer’s
instructions  Standard cleaning
 Curtains products to clean and
 Cushion covers  Use the hottest setting you disinfect anything used to
can transport the items
 Dry items completely
Plus anything used for transporting
the fabric items  Clean and disinfect
anything used for
transporting laundry

Items that can’t be laundered, e.g. Steam clean N/A

upholstered furniture

Items that are heavily soiled or Dispose of these items (see N/A
contaminated with body fluids instructions below)

Waste disposal requirements

Keep any waste from possible cases and cleaning of those areas (e.g. tissues, disposable cloths and mop
heads) in a plastic rubbish bag and tie when full

Place these bags in a suitable and secure place away from children and mark them for storage.

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Wait until you know the person’s coronavirus test results to take the waste out of storage

 If the individual tests negative, put the bags in with the normal waste
 If the individual tests positive:
 Inform the facilities team, so that they can safely store for at least 72 hours and arrange for waste

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Appendix 9 – School Reopening Home School Agreement –
Secondary Pupils
Our school

Our approach to teaching during this time is to continue the Cambridge Secondary syllabus, IGCSE and start A Level
syllabuses. We will identify where successes in learning happened during the time the school was closed as part of the
MCO and subsequent RMCO and re-organise programmes of study where appropriate (this is particularly for year 11)
so pupils are prepared for their IGCSE examinations either in November (where they are sitting these early –
Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia, and Mandarin), or next summer (all other subjects). We will specifically cover term one
programmes of study for the academic year.

 There will be a difference to PE lessons as we will not be able to have students do PE/physical activity in school.
Lessons will cover theoretical knowledge and may have a home learning element.
 Assembly periods and House activities will be done in form rooms and not as mixed year groups or groups
 Virtual lessons will happen alongside physical lessons to support those children who are not able to join us for
either health or location reasons (this will be done at the discretion of the HOS with parental agreement)
 If classes have more than 19 students, the class teacher will manage this by rotating groups who will work in
adjacent classrooms when required in order to maintain 1 metre social distancing. Lessons will be delivered
virtually as well as in person to ensure all have equal access to the teacher. Supervision will be in place for
additional classrooms.
 Children will move after each lesson to specialist lesson classrooms as appropriate, however children will not
mix across year groups.

For children who are coming into school, we will do our best to:

 Provide an environment that has been risk assessed and considered safe for reopening
 Adhere to the physical distancing guidelines as set out by the government, as much as we reasonably can
 Support your child’s wellbeing, such as by giving them someone to talk to if they feel anxious or overwhelmed
 Contact you if your child displays symptoms of COVID-19 so they can be taken home and allowed to self-isolate
 Inform you if staff or children in your child’s year group show symptoms of COVID-19, and help the test and trace
system get in touch with you if they test positive and the rest of the class or year needs to self-isolate
 Enhance our hygiene measures, including more frequent cleaning and hand washing
 Provide meals, including free school meals for eligible pupils
 Communicate between home and school through notices, newsletters, text, email and the school website

For any of your children who are at home, we will do our best to:

 Provide remote learning that allows your child to access as much of the curriculum as possible
 Make alternative arrangements if your child can’t access remote learning
 Support your child’s wellbeing, such as by allowing them to talk with their friends and school staff regularly, when
 Keep in touch about developments in school through notices, newsletters, text, email and the school website


If my child is coming into school, I understand and agree that:

 I need to monitor if my child or anyone in our household has symptoms of COVID-19 (i.e. a high temperature; a
new, continuous cough; or a loss or change to their sense of smell/taste)
 If my child or anyone in our household shows symptoms of COVID-19, I will not send them to school and we will
self-isolate for the appropriate length of time
 If my child shows symptoms of COVID-19, I will get also them tested and, if they test positive, work with the MOH
test and trace system to notify anyone who’s recently been in close contact with them, including at school
 If my child shows symptoms of COVID-19 at school, I will collect my child as soon as possible
 I will do my best to avoid public transport in peak hours when taking my child to and from school, and we will
wear face coverings if this isn’t possible (unless my child is aged 3 and under)

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School Procedure
 When dropping off and picking up, I will stick to the timings for my child, use the designated entrance and adhere
to the social distancing rules set out by the government
 I will not enter the school building without a prearranged appointment and I will leave the school immediately
after drop off and pick up
 My child will not bring any other items into school
 I will remind my child about good hygiene practices, such as: regularly washing their hands thoroughly; avoiding
touching their eyes, nose or mouth; and coughing or sneezing into their elbow or a tissue, and disposing
immediately of any used tissues
 I will support the school’s procedures in ensuring a safe environment
 My child may be refused a place at school, if I do not adhere to the terms above

If my child is staying at home, I understand and agree that:

 I will do my best to support my child to complete any remote learning work set for them, and get in touch with the
school if this won’t be possible for any reason
 I may be contacted by the school if my child fails to complete the work set for them

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School Procedure
Appendix 10 – School Reopening Home School Agreement –
Primary Pupils
Our school

Our approach to teaching during this time is to continue delivering the curriculum, identifying where successes in
learning have happened over the last months on MCO and re-organising programmes of study where appropriate, so
pupils maintain their progress and follow their educational pathway without disruption. The exceptions are:

 Sport and Swimming: we are unable to provide certain forms or coaching, games and physical activity (such as
contact sports) in school until given permission to do so. Swimming is not permitted at the time of publication.
All sports will resume as soon as ministry health guidelines allow it.

 Students will be taught in their main classroom whenever possible, however they are permitted to learn in
specialist classrooms in subjects that require space and/or resources that cannot easily be replicated or
transported to the main classroom (Art, Library and Music).

 If classes have more than 19 students, the teacher will manage this by rotating groups who will work in adjacent
classrooms when required in order to maintain 1 metre social distancing. In practice, it is common for groups of
students to sometimes learn outside class, such as in the IT suite or library. All children will have equal access
to the classroom teacher and receive the same quality of learning and direct instruction by the classroom

 We will endeavour to give children opportunities to safely leave the classroom in permitted group sizes in order
to physically move, get fresh air and have a break from learning.

For children who are coming into school, we will do our best to:

 Provide an environment that has been risk assessed and considered safe for reopening
 Adhere to the physical distancing guidelines as set out by the government, as much as we reasonably can
 Support your child’s wellbeing, such as by giving them someone to talk to if they feel anxious or overwhelmed
 Contact you if your child displays symptoms of COVID-19 so they can be taken home and allowed to self-isolate
 Inform you if staff or children in your child’s year group show symptoms of COVID-19, and help the test and trace
system get in touch with you if they test positive and the rest of the class or year needs to self-isolate
 Enhance our hygiene measures, including more frequent cleaning and hand washing
 Provide meals, including free school meals for eligible pupils
 Communicate between home and school through notices, newsletters, text, email and the school website

For any of your children who are at home, we will do our best to:

 Provide remote learning that allows your child to access as much of the curriculum as possible
 Make alternative arrangements if your child can’t access remote learning
 Support your child’s wellbeing, such as by allowing them to talk with their friends and school staff regularly, when
 Keep in touch about developments in school through notices, newsletters, text, email and the school website


If my child is coming into school, I understand and agree that:

 I need to monitor if my child or anyone in our household has symptoms of COVID-19 (i.e. a high temperature; a
new, continuous cough; or a loss or change to their sense of smell/taste)
 If my child or anyone in our household shows symptoms of COVID-19, I will not send them to school and we will
self-isolate for the appropriate length of time
 If my child shows symptoms of COVID-19, I will get also them tested and, if they test positive, work with the MOH
test and trace system to notify anyone who’s recently been in close contact with them, including at school
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School Procedure
 If my child shows symptoms of COVID-19 at school, I will collect my child as soon as possible
 I will do my best to avoid public transport in peak hours when taking my child to and from school, and we will
wear face coverings if this isn’t possible (unless my child is aged 3 and under)
 When dropping off and picking up, I will stick to the timings for my child, use the designated entrance and adhere
to the social distancing rules set out by the government
 I will not enter the school building without a prearranged appointment and I will leave the school immediately
after drop off and pick up
 My child will not bring any other items into school
 I will remind my child about good hygiene practices, such as: regularly washing their hands thoroughly; avoiding
touching their eyes, nose or mouth; and coughing or sneezing into their elbow or a tissue, and disposing
immediately of any used tissues
 I will support the school’s procedures in ensuring a safe environment
 My child may be refused a place at school, if I do not adhere to the terms above

If my child is staying at home, I understand and agree that:

 I will do my best to support my child to complete any remote learning work set for them, and get in touch with the
school if this won’t be possible for any reason
 I may be contacted by the school if my child fails to complete the work set for them

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School Procedure
Appendix 11 – Flowchart – Responding To Suspected Case of

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