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Agile Methodologies Exploration

Guideline Activity

Methodology Methodology Roles Ceremonies User Stories Board

○ The Exploration activity has a duration of 1 hour and a half. Use the first 15 minutes for explaining the activity. Keep 15 minutes as a buffer.
○ Its goal is to present new information following the basis of a Flipped Classroom methodology, therefore avoiding frontal education.
○ The participants are divided into six teams. The desired team size is from 3 to 4 participants.
○ One topic is given to each team. Provide each team an instructions handout related to their topic.
○ Before the timer starts, ask each group which topic they are going to explore, so they can say it out loud in front of the other teams.
○ Start the timer. Each team has 20 minutes for research and presentation preparations. When the time is up, the preparations are over.
○ When the time is up, provide each team with every other team’s instruction handout, so they know their particular acceptance criteria.
○ Each team has 5 minutes to present their topic. Use a timer. When the time is up, the presentation is over.
○ Right after the presentation, the other teams combined have 1 minute to provide feedback based on their respective acceptance criteria.
○ The host of the Exploration activity gives a brief feedback to all teams in general and remarks any funny highlights to increase motivation.
Agile Methodologies Exploration
Instruction Handout Activity

The topic of this exploration activity for your team is Waterfall Methodology.

What you will learn

○ How to research and present information as a team in a moment's notice.
○ How to use a solution based mindset to achieve a goal under certain time constraints.
○ How to give feedback based on an acceptance criteria.
○ How to organize workflow with the waterfall methodology.

○ Research information about the given topic with your team.
○ Present the findings to everyone as a team.
○ The presented content should at least cover the points shown in the acceptance criteria.

Acceptance Criteria
○ The history of the waterfall methodology is presented.
○ The history of the waterfall methodology in software development is presented.
○ The different stages of the waterfall methodology are explained.
○ Three disadvantages of the waterfall methodology are presented.
○ Two examples of sectors where the waterfall methodology is being used are shown.
Agile Methodologies Exploration
Instruction Handout Activity

The topic of this exploration activity for your team is Kanban Methodology.

What you will learn

○ How to research and present information as a team in a moment's notice.
○ How to use a solution based mindset to achieve a goal under certain time constraints.
○ How to give feedback based on an acceptance criteria.
○ How to organize workflow with the kanban methodology.

○ Research information about the given topic with your team.
○ Present the findings to everyone as a team.
○ The presented content should at least cover the points shown in the acceptance criteria.

Acceptance Criteria
○ The history of the kanban methodology is presented.
○ The history of the kanban methodology in software development is presented.
○ The kanban cards and the kanban board are briefly explained.
○ Three benefits of using the kanban methodology are presented.
○ Two examples of sectors where the kanban methodology is being used are shown.
Agile Methodologies Exploration
Instruction Handout Activity

The topic of this exploration activity for your team is SCRUM Roles.

What you will learn

○ How to research and present information as a team in a moment's notice.
○ How to use a solution based mindset to achieve a goal under certain time constraints.
○ How to give feedback based on an acceptance criteria.
○ The different roles involved in the SCRUM methodology.

○ Research information about the given topic with your team.
○ Present the findings to everyone as a team.
○ The presented content should at least cover the points shown in the acceptance criteria.

Acceptance Criteria
○ The three SCRUM roles are mentioned.
○ The responsibilities of each SCRUM role are explained in detail.
○ Three benefits of using the SCRUM methodology are explained.
○ A reason why using SCRUM could be beneficial in a company is provided.
Agile Methodologies Exploration
Instruction Handout Activity

The topic of this exploration activity for your team is SCRUM Ceremonies.

What you will learn

○ How to research and present information as a team in a moment's notice.
○ How to use a solution based mindset to achieve a goal under certain time constraints.
○ How to give feedback based on an acceptance criteria.
○ The different ceremonies related to the SCRUM methodology.

○ Research information about the given topic with your team.
○ Present the findings to everyone as a team.
○ The presented content should at least cover the points shown in the acceptance criteria.

Acceptance Criteria
○ The five different SCRUM ceremonies are mentioned.
○ Each SCRUM ceremony is explained in detail.
○ An explanation of which one SCRUM ceremony could be removed to improve it is presented.
○ An explanation of which one SCRUM ceremony could be added to improve it is presented.
Agile Methodologies Exploration
Instruction Handout Activity

The topic of this exploration activity for your team is SCRUM User Stories.

What you will learn

○ How to research and present information as a team in a moment's notice.
○ How to use a solution based mindset to achieve a goal under certain time constraints.
○ How to give feedback based on an acceptance criteria.
○ How user stories define the course of action in the SCRUM methodology.

○ Research information about the given topic with your team.
○ Present the findings to everyone as a team.
○ The presented content should at least cover the points shown in the acceptance criteria.

Acceptance Criteria
○ The given concept is explained.
○ The concept of estimation points is explained.
○ One example of a point estimation system for SCRUM user stories is presented.
○ The SCRUM user story template is explained.
○ One example of a SCRUM story template is presented.
○ The SCRUM acceptance criteria is explained.
○ One example of an acceptance criteria for the previous user story template is presented.
Agile Methodologies Exploration
Instruction Handout Activity

The topic of this exploration activity for your team is SCRUM Board.

What you will learn

○ How to research and present information as a team in a moment's notice.
○ How to use a solution based mindset to achieve a goal under certain time constraints.
○ How to give feedback based on an acceptance criteria.
○ How tasks are organized with a SCRUM board.

○ Research information about the given topic with your team.
○ Present the findings to everyone as a team.
○ The presented content should at least cover the points shown in the acceptance criteria.

Acceptance Criteria
○ The given concept is explained.
○ A suggestion for five column names for a SCRUM board is provided.
○ An explanation of how to move and organize stories in a SCRUM board is provided.
○ The term SCRUM sprint is explained.
○ The term SCRUM velocity is explained.
○ Some benefits of using a board to organize tasks are presented.

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