East West University: Midterm Exam-2

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Name Sarkar Md Fahim Shariar

Student ID 2021-3-95-086
1. "I believe myself to be a patient person. I'd give myself an 8/10 for patience since I definitely
have room for improvement, but I do have a pretty long fuse. If I need to regain my patience in a
difficult circumstance, I will take a step back, count to ten, and then return to the issue.
2. Here are 3 incidences where I failed to keep patience.
a) If the lightbulb in my bathroom blows one morning, it's probably going to be little more than a
minor inconvenience in my day. If it blows for the fourth time in a month.
b) Take public transport to work: Because of heavy traffic jam I have to wait more than one hour
in the bus.
c) Complete a large puzzle: Sometimes I l fail to control my patient and throw the dice out.
3) Although a know-it-all may already have some talents, they will remain the same if the
individual feels there is nothing further to learn. A learn-it-all, on the other hand, wants to study
everything that, continually evolving and growing for the better. Slowly but surely we are falling
to “learn it all’ culture the distinctions are evident, and it is plain which sort of person is desired in
this day and age. Being a know-it-all involves accepting the fact that there is always something
new to learn. Even if we are quite familiar with something, we can always learn more. The key to
this is to cultivate a lifelong learner attitude; everything, including change, begins with learning.
4) I can simply communicate with our employees. We can't inquire about learning or informally
praise progress, valuable lessons, and recovery from mistakes in the same way that we can star
performers. We could share not only our end victorious strategy, but also the obstacles and
potholes along the road, to demonstrate what a development mindset looks like in action.
5) John Basinger is a prime example of someone who had this belief. After nine years of practice,
Basinger memorized the second edition of Paradise Lost at the age of 67. This epic poem is 60,000
words long and has since been recited by Basinger on several occasions. Here is the model of how
to model a growth mindset. People with a development mentality do not walk over the stage at
graduation thinking they have it all figured out. They remain disciplined and concentrated in their
activities in order to develop a habit of continual development and achieve more.
6) If I were in your position I would like to change;
a) Maintaining class period. b) Create more friendly relation with student. c) Assign some group
discussion test.
7) This style of work has resulted in a significant shift in how executives connect with their staff.
Although the benefits have been obvious, it is equally crucial to emphasize that this style of
leadership has a number of flaws. The researcher's goal in this work is to explore the benefits and
drawbacks of online leadership. The document will serve as a good starting point for individuals
who want to implement online leadership in their businesses.
8) It is true. During the Covid 19 most of worker lost their jobs. They had no opportunity to get a
job soon. So most of the people started small and online business. They don’t care about social
evaluation and embarrassment, that tendency helps them to run their business creatively.

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