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Kaustov De Sarkar*

INTRODUCTION enables the courts to admit testimony and

The relationship of the scientific and legal findings of experts in the fields of science
fields have improved over the decades from or art, foreign law, handwriting or finger
the day when Sir William J. Herschel, a British impressions as evidence. Expert evidence is
officer, started using fingerprinting from the difficult to admit as the court is vested with a
year 1877 in Hooghly, West Bengal to abate variety of responsibilities such as judging the
the repudiation of signatures on contracts, competency of witnesses as experts, keeping
deeds and registering Government approved themselves updated with the works of forensic
pensioners. The establishment of a fingerprint science governing bodies in their respective
bureau in Calcutta, led by Azizul Haque and regions such as the Directorate of Forensic
Hem Chandra Bose, supervised by Sir Edward Science Service (DFSS) in India or the Forensic
Richard henry, marked the first step towards Science Regulator of the UK and also criticisms
the scientific development of evidentiary of the methods employed by them if possible
law in India. Evidentiary law in India makes and also to react to the negative effects of
space for expert evidence from Section 45 technology which may lead to misconvictions.
to 51 of the Indian Evidence Act. Section 45 A burden falls on the prosecution and the

* 4th year, B.B.A.- LL. B. The Neotia University Sarisa, West Bengal Email:


forensic fraternity as well. Scientific evidence’s comments carry the imprimatur of the
probative value rises only when there is other government.” A sovereignty is expected to rule
evidence in the same direction. An expert’s job impartially or not rule at all. We also consider
is to explain the test results to the court and representative of such an impartial body the
not put forth any view that how admissible his ‘minister of justice’ and under his supervision,
evidence is when looked at from the context guilt must not escape, and innocence must not
of other evidence. Such a role is for the judge suffer. A prosecutor’s aim must be to present
to play. The experts should simply place the what the crown thinks is true and exclude any
results and not bring theories which support notion of winning or losing.
their results. Similarly the prosecution, in case The prosecutor’s responsibility is special
of doubt of fallacy regarding the tests and regarding scientific evidence as well. M.
procedures to extract evidence, must declare Redmayne had said that expert evidence can
such doubt to the court to promote truth and be so persuasive that if abused, the guilty may
justice rather than the passion to win the case. go free and innocent convicted, and that fear is
Accreditation of laboratories is also genuine. In Mohd. Iqbal v. State, the Delhi High
an imperative factor, and the International Court rejected deliberate evidence framed
Standardization Organization (ISO) governs by the prosecution & acquitted two Kashmiri
Indian standards of forensic labs. ISO was businessmen falsely accused of planning a
founded in 1946, London in a meeting at the bomb blast at the Delhi railway station. The
Institute of Civil Engineers. ISO covers a evidence, for instance, included false cyber
variety of scientific fields and issue forensic evidence (photographs) that were not even a
science standards under ISO/IEC 272. part of the charge sheet or the final report. The
(Digital evidence is collected, analyzed, and prosecution further misrepresented forensic
interpreted, in integration with ISO/IEC 27037 evidence & their story rarely matched the
(ISO 2019). In this view, Warner & Roberts say statements of the public witnesses.
“…scientific integrity has been characterized Dr. Mathias Ruzindana’s, a linguist in the
as a commitment to truthfulness, to personal University of Rwanda explains, the behavior
accountability, and to vigorous adherence to of prosecution clears when we understand.
standards of professional conduct” As a seasoned expert witness, he says that
The above points being made, this lawyers have a case to win and only care about
research will seek to explore how well these the points in the evidence which favor their
responsibilities are carried out. The research case. Even the defense lawyers, during cross-
also discusses trends which raise difficulties examination, ask tricky questions to expert
to the truth seeking craft of forensic witnesses which may make the experts angry,
science along with recommending fruitful helping them to prove bias in the report.
improvements to refine the system further. Another very celebrated case was that
of Arushi Talwar. The facts were that Arushi
Talwar, a fourteen-year-old along with a
PROSECUTORS house servant Hemraj were found dead and
In the adversarial system, a prosecutor the prosecution cooked up the story that both
represents the people of the state & by people, the victims were found in a compromising
it means the government. A prosecutor “must position and thus, Arushi’s parents, out of rage,
be especially careful to avoid misconduct murdered both and tried to evade. However,
because, as a prosecutor well knows, her


the Allahabad High Court held otherwise when an experienced investigating officer
after examining the evidence produced. Post- investigated genuinely. They did this with the
mortem report suggested that Arushi Talwar sole motive of winning a conviction. Although
was neither sexually assaulted, nor raped. The on appeal to the Georgia Court, the accused
reconstruction report produced by MS Dahiya was exonerated.
was also based on subjective opinion and Sometimes, the prosecution gets so
incorrect facts provided by the investigating interested in framing the accused and get
agency. Prosecution tried hard to frame the conviction quickly because of public pressure
parents but couldn’t, since there was no that they even stop inquiring for innocence,
evidence to suggest double murder. Even the just like the police in Mohd. Iqbal did not even
weapon used for murder couldn’t be found out, inquire whether the accused was a common
as the theory that they hit the victims with a businessman as alleged by a public witness.
golf club was also false. The Allahabad High The Nirbhaya case can be a good example of
Court at last, while demolishing the trial said: public pressure over politics and prosecution
“But the point is that the learned trial however, investigative authorities did a great
judge cannot act like a math teacher who is job with producing the forensic report.
solving a mathematical question by analogy
after taking certain figure for granted… It is
apparent that the trial judge was unmindful of PROFESSIONALS
the basic tenets of law and its applicability to Accreditation is gaining prevalence
the given facts of the case…” with scholars and intellectuals coming up
The above portrays perfectly how much with constant recommendations on setting
authority the prosecution and the police better and clear standards for laboratories
have over the crime scene, which can turn and lawyers. Accreditation cannot be self-
a simple case into a movie thriller. It further assessing, over watch must be there from
highlights how badly evidence can be handled the outside, which strengthens performance
and manipulated even after when there are of the labs and also the relationship among
judgements like Dharam Deo Yadav v. State of the professional fraternity. It also exposes
U.P. where the Indian apex court highlighted scientists to different aspects and fellows in
the importance of forensic evidence in the the profession. However, such inspections are
vilest of cases. Bad handling of evidence, not prevalent in India. Inspections are crucial
bribery and political power also contaminates since they figure out appropriate methods
the pieces of evidence acquired and reduce used during forensic examination because
their probative value in the courtroom. science requires conclusive proof to approve
In the above case, the prosecution of a method whereas in law, the parties need
misrepresented the facts & evidence, although to prove their case by a preponderance of
it was for the High Court’s legal wisdom that the evidence. Science needs to be a hundred
they couldn’t succeed. Another case of percent sure and accurate of the results
misrepresentation was Carroll v. State, which whereas if majority of the evidence in the court
involved a death & injuries because of a car supports a result, that result is deemed to be
crash. The accused was charged with homicide the truth.
and convicted based on the faulty investigation Accreditation also educates the police
report by an incompetent examiner even and the lawyers about handling and interpreting
scientific evidence. The examples on how the


police & the prosecution acts with respect and strengthening accreditation will be helpful
to Scientific evidence has already been set because standardization will gain international
above. India currently follows the International recognition, will reduce the chances of re-
Standardization Organization (ISO-IEC 272 for testing. Many research also support that
forensic laboratories), along with many other implementing ISO standards make laboratories
countries who are starting to promote world- much more efficient. Top Management
wide common standardization of rules and Commitment (TMC) is also emphasized by
methods to bring about cooperation in the experts as many labs are being certified
field of criminology. The Forensic Science regularly, motivating leadership focusing on
Services in Great Britain has initiated a project quality objectives and ensuring integrity of
to promote a uniform approach in forensic management system also is crucial.
science decision making. The authors of the In India, forensic education is not
project, with discussions with scientists from very popular since there is not enough job
all disciplines, formed a model for uniform opportunities generating in the field and thus,
reporting. the country doesn’t have universities focused
National Accreditation Board for Testing on forensic science. Even the Malimath
and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) can also Committee criticized the state of Forensic
along with the judiciary develop ethics for education saying, “there are virtually no
scientists and lawyers engaged in criminal trials facilities for training of Forensic Scientists in
which might create a sense of responsibility, the country and they mostly learn on the job”
although experts rarely turn to the code, but and also that Forensic Science has not attained
such rules act as a congregation of experts the status of an academic discipline in the
of the forensic professional community. country. There’s also a lack of identification
More importantly, such rules form a basis for database and also a stark shortage of
sanctions in case of bad conduct. Such ethics statistical data for error rates of methods used
of conduct and scientific methods must take in forensic tests. Also experts stress on equip
note that the utilitarian theory of morality must the lawyers with primary forensic education
not be followed. The insistence on correct within the universities themselves since the
method must be paramount since bad forensic present legal education does not improve their
evidence can easily land innocents in jail and methodological reasoning. Forensic science
the Apex court also shared this concern in must along with in universities, be introduced
Murarilal v. State of Madhya Pradesh and at school level as subjects. The medico legal
spoke: education is also in a neglected state.
“His (expert’s) opinion has to be tested
by the acceptability of the reasons given by
In India, scientific evidence has been
him. An expert deposes and not decides. His
in use for long however, but there are
duty is to furnish the judge with the necessary
many factors with our legislature that are
scientific criteria for testing the accuracy
impediments in the admission of good forensic
of his conclusion, so as to enable the judge
evidence. Recently in 2014, in Banrasi Dass v.
to form his own independent judgement by
Teeku Dutta, the Supreme court while deciding
application of these criteria to the facts proved
a case under Section 112 of the Evidence
in evidence.”
Act, 1872 (Act no. 197201), the court placed
Putting effort in solving ethical issues
conclusive reliance on the DNA test than on


the conditions of the section stating that the summarizes the need for precise rules to admit
legislation was made when scientific tests forensic evidence and also to put responsibility
were not prevalent. This highlights the need on the trial courts to find out the validity of
to amend the laws with current atmosphere incriminating evidence.
& tap the efficiency and efficacy of forensic
System in India
science. However, old legislation is not the
There are two systems of imparting
only setback. Already discussed above, the
justice, adversarial and inquisitorial.
Indian police is poorly trained in carrying out
Adversarial system was adopted in the United
investigations, specifically on how to handle
Kingdom but spread to all the countries that
and transport evidence, owing to which pieces
they colonized. Adversarial system is also
of evidence suffer damage or get destroyed
called accusatorial system, since here the
and are sometimes not even admitted.
parties raise the case and bring their own
Again, there are no clear procedures to judge
evidence before an impartial judge. The
the validity of methods employed to test
inquisitorial system of justice is where the
scientific evidence because even Chemistry
courts are responsible to find out the issues
and mathematics post-graduates are taken to
of the case & acquire evidence against and for
examine handwriting whereas bright forensic
the accused which expands the role of judges.
students are ignored for such tasks because
The responsibilities of a lawyer in this system
of archaic recruitment rules, or when the
is diminished to a level where they cannot even
prosecution used ‘Fantamorph’ (a software
contact the witnesses in anyway, for instance
to edit and create morphed animations for
in Germany.
entertainment purposes) as a forensic tool
In India, adversarial legalism is popular
for facial superimposition in the Sheena Bora
but with a blend of inquisitorial since Article 14
case. Education varies so much throughout
of the Indian Constitution guarantees justice
India (because of language and location)
to every citizen of the state, which is contrary
that it becomes challenging to accredit the
to the strict understanding of the accusatorial
universities which is mandatory in the United
system. Also, the law puts responsibility
Kingdom. There is also an absence of any formal
on the courts to frame charges rather than
association for forensic scientists like there
the prosecution under S. 228 and 240 of the
are for lawyers and doctors. Such association
Criminal Procedure Code (cr.pc.). Judges are
spread uniformity, enforce code of ethics and
to settle such disputes which have prima facie
bring fraternity among professionals of the
merit. The Cr.pc. under S. 311 empowers the
same field.
judges to examine witnesses brought by the
Lower courts rarely corroborate the
parties or called by the judges themselves,
scientific report presented and convict by
similar to S. 165 of the Indian Evidence Act.
putting much reliance on the prosecution’s
Under S. 313, the court can also examine the
evidence. The upper courts, because of their
accused and S. 321 allows the prosecution
legal expertise are much better at that job
to withdraw the case only after the court’s
which is clear when the Supreme Court in the
Bhopal gas tragedy where the Apex court,
Prof. S. Goldstein, is of the opinion that
even after considering the string investigation
in countries, both the systems are converging
by the police, acquitted the appellants of
and not strictly followed and says-
the charges set by the lower court. This
“It is becoming increasingly apparent to


criminal justice scholars that single theory court. The committee assigns a proactive role
models of criminal procedure – whether to the judges like that in Inquisitorial system
termed inquisitorial or adversarial – are but does concur the accused is better served
being stretched beyond their capacity by the in the accusatorial system.
phenomena they are designed to control.” Both the systems have their advantages,
The Indian system is, however, not free but a study shows that there is a greater
of flaws. The guarantee and procedure to chance of admitting biased forensic evidence
provide free justice to the people who cannot under the inquisitorial system.
afford it under Articles 14, 39A, 21 and 22 of the
Flaw in the Law
constitution is not observed very effectively
It is also the statutory aspect along with
since the public defendants themselves
the justice system that calls for a revamp in
lack motivation and funding to defend which
India. There have been many suggestions
hampers the growth of proper scientific
that can be considered, but the first would
evidence as well, and explains that in the
be to amend the country’s evidentiary law.
adversarial system, justice is for those who
Taking a comparative approach here would
can afford it. State afforded justice becomes
be helpful. Frye v. United States, which, while
a mere formality.
admitting scientific evidence, remarked that
Former Indian president Dr. R.
the scientific results yielded must be by a
Venkataraman says that in the adversarial
method which is “sufficiently established
to have general acceptance”. These words
The Judge is not concerned with the truth;
created a precedent for the scientists who
he is only concerned with the proof. Those who
to an extent started evaluating their methods
know that the acquitted accused was in fact
by themselves and with no review, produced
the offender, lose faith in the system”.
imperfect science/evidence in the courts.
The Supreme court highlighted its
The judges admitted those evidence passively
concerns as well in Ram Chandra v. State of
which led to numerous misconvictions. The
Haryana, by saying that the judges during trials
Frye judgement enjoyed precedence for
assume the role of a referee and let the parties
a long period until Daubert v. Merrell Dow
fight out the case, letting “combative and
Pharmaceuticals. The judgement of Daubert
competitive” elements enter the courtroom.
rendered struck down ‘general acceptance’ and
These opinions are not surprising when
1. advocated for practical reviews of the
considering the authority the state has over the
scientific methods by peers and those
forensic laboratories, the investigation sites,
reviews must be published.
documents collected and also the witnesses
2. Professional standards for such scientific
to the police lists, making it a contest between
the prosecution and the defendant.
3. Assigned a proactive role of a ‘gate-keeper’
The Malimath Committee, set up for
for the judges.
recommending reforms in the criminal justice
The ‘Gatekeeper Approach’ was introduced
system, suggested that a preamble may be
in Kumho Tires Co. ltd. v. Carmichael where the
added to the Crpc which will reinforce the
role of the judges was expanded to areas not
duty of the judges of protecting the innocent
related to science.
and punishing the guilty and that the quest for
The Indian scenario is noticeably different
truth should be the fundamental duty of every
when we consider the Indian Evidence Act,


1872, especially the Sec. 45 which lets the citizen must practice such right against self-
courts to admit expert evidence by people incrimination, but it unfortunately resulted
who are “specially skilled” in such field of in a lack of testing used in criminal cases. A
study. Lawyers and judges in India have no report by the Delhi Commission for Women
standards set by the courts to examine the shoes that 53% of the rape cases reported are
validity of scientific evidence. The phrase false in the capital city which leads to several
‘specially skilled’ is equivocal and can allow a misconvictions or at least ruins the social life
self-proclaimed expert bringing evidence to of the accused. Another study points out that
the court. there are only 47 cases heard by the Supreme
Gone are the times where the Allahabad Courts and other High Courts throughout the
High court got away by subjectively evaluating year 2011 where DNA samples were useful and
a skill and calling it science in Din Muhammad that only 9.3% of the cases used DNA evidence
v. Emperor and said- which involved identification of persons for
“The knowledge of footprints has similarly paternity tests. Section 166-A of the Indian
been systematized and pursued by trackers, Penal Code, 1860, criminalizes inefficient
mainly uncivilized and ignorant people an all investigation and prosecution. Despite that,
other respects, all over the world . The matter investigation agencies are reluctant to dig
is therefore undoubtedly a science and the scientific evidence and forensic scientists are
opinion of a person especially skilled in it is a occasionally not even aloud for many reasons
relevant fact, under Sec- 45 of the Evidence such as political pressure in the crime scene
Act.” due to which valuable evidence is destroyed
The world now is heavily reliant on thereon. The Apex court has emphasized on
science and so are the judiciaries around competent investigation several times. In
the world. The Supreme court of India, in Amitbhai Anilchandra Shah v. Central Bureau
Vasudeo Nandlal Badwaik v. Lata Nandlal of Investigation, the Supreme Court stated:
Badwaik embraced scientific evidence while “The investigating officers are the
recognizing the admissibility of DNA evidence. kingpins in the criminal justice system. Their
Despite Vasudeo Badwaik, Indian courts reliable investigation is the leading step
still are unsure about admitting scientific towards affirming complete justice to the
evidence if they are procured against the will victims of the case. Hence they are bestowed
of the accused. In view of the Article 20(3) of with dual duties i.e. to investigate the matter
the constitution, the Supreme Court in Sharda exhaustively and subsequently collect reliable
v. Dharmpal held that we can force no person evidences (sic) to establish the same.”
on his/her medical examination since no one
Scientific evidence must be treated the
can be a witness against themselves. Further,
in Vasu v. Santha, the judgement prescribed same
standards about when DNA tests can be The Indian judiciary, like its American
admitted, such as there must be a very strong counterpart, has been also rightly careful
prima facie case, courts cannot order blood with the admissibility of scientific evidence.
test as a matter of course and no person can In regard of the gate-keeping role, Justice
be compelled to give blood for testing and no Breyer in General Electric v. Joiner, urged
adverse inference can be made against him/ that where law and science intersect, great
her on his/her refusal. In a democracy, any care must be taken, and judges must exercise
this role (gate-keeping). In a Supreme court


bench headed by (now C.J.) Justice Ramana echo chamber’ where a piece of evidence
reiterated that scientific evidence should seems stronger than it actually is.
not be granted precedence over substantive Conformation bias is a common incidence
evidence, while in State of U.P. v. Krishna Gopal and increases when goes unchecked because
it was opined that courts must act freely while the government’s Investigative authorities
deducing scientific evidence and give it the control forensic laboratories. The police
weight that it deserves. Admitting any sort of maintain a monopoly over the scene of incident,
evidence without corroboration is unsound. the evidence and the experts examining
Professor McCormick, explains the concept such evidence, and therefore, the forensic
‘General Scientific Acceptance’ as an approach scientists abide by the requirements of the
to treat scientific evidence like any other. party in the case which keep their services.
The New York Supreme court also chose this The prosecution, who usually dominates the
approach and held: laboratories, want to win cases for which the
“If the evidence substantial probative scientists are instructed to examine evidence
value probative value and is relevant to the in a fashion that bolsters their case in the
issue and does not endanger defendant’s court room. Forensic conformation bias is
rights, or prejudice the jury, nor mislead the a significant threat to an accused’s right
proper administration of justice, then it should to liberty and life because at times expert
be admitted as any other evidence.” evidence may carry such weight that it can
land many innocents in jail. Allegiance of the
experts towards its client can be recognized
This phenomenon refers to a bias forensic
and rectified and just because judges are not
experts show towards their clients, or towards
trained or sufficiently aware of methods used
a party involved in the case. This is necessary
in forensic science, we must not undermine
to address because India is facing this trouble
their legal expertise.
and in further days when forensic science
flourishes, this concern will be greater. RECOMMENDATIONS
Forensic Conformation Bias is the science of
1. For Curing Forensic Conformation Bias
subtle influencing, so a forensic expert finds
Biases must be deconstructed in the
more evidence against a person who has been
courtroom while determining the evidence
told to be the accused/guilty. Several studies
beyond reasonable doubt, because forensic
have confirmed this. A study, for instance,
experts may aim for neutrality, but their sole
notices that the participants were told that
purpose is to further the party’s case. The job
the speaker was suspected of a crime, the
is to persuade and convince the court that
participants perceived more statements in
results of examination match the charges.
the speech to be incriminating. Kassin, Dror &
For instance, in R v. Tsekiri, Ms. Carr was
Kukucka coined this concept which is defined
preparing to drive away in her car when a man
as “the class of effects through which the
opened the door, pulled her out and escaped
individual’s pre-existing beliefs, expectations,
after snatching her gold necklace. The victim
motives and situational context influence
could not get a proper look at him, however
the collection, perception, interpretation of
the DNA results after analyzing the door
evidence during the course of a criminal case.”
handle of the car concluded defendant was
Thus, evidence collected and examined with an
the single major contributor to the fingerprint
adversarial mindset creates and ‘investigative


recorded and a minor chance of a secondary the evidence as it cannot be expected even at
transfer. Secondary transfer is the transfer that initial stage to accept all that prosecution
of one individual fingerprint by another states as gospel truth even if it is opposed to
individual after a contact between the two (for common sense or the broad probabilities of
example, by handshake). Thus, on this only the case.”
available evidence, the trial judge convicted Also in Williams v. Illinois, potential of
him. On appeal, however, the conviction was forensic conformation bias was recognized
reversed as the appellate court observed that by the Supreme Court of the U.S.A. where the
admissibility of DNA evidence left on an object forensic department produced incriminating
would depend on the facts of each case such evidence even before anyone was under
as whether the defendant’s profile was more suspicion. The prosecution had no other
likely caused by secondary or primary transfer evidence other than the sound forensic report.
and a single piece of evidence can be admitted This observation by the court shows that
conclusively only when it leaves no doubt. This a defendant cannot be directly inculpated,
illustration shows that, at the trial stage itself, tormented, and put under psychological stress
the judges must objectively evaluate the facts by the forensic evidence solely.
and not rely too often on scientific evidence. The above examples depict the legal
Keshab Mahindra must again be discuss expertise of the judges, but these do not lead
where the accused related to the infamous to an assured conclusion where everything
Bhopal gas tragedy were charged Sections is alright. The best opportunity to assess the
304, 326, 429, 324 read with 35 and section evidence available to the judge is at the trial
309 of the Indian Penal Code by the Additional stage and, in case the trial stage admits false
Sessions Judge which was confirmed by the or bad expert evidence, innocence is bound to
High court of Madhya Pradesh as well. However, suffer.
the accused appealed to the Supreme Court
2. For Better Prosecution
of India and after a meticulous corroboration
As indicated above, there are a number
of the forensic report and other evidence, the
of obstacles which require to be cleared
Apex court reversed the charges of culpable
regarding the key facets of criminal litigation,
homicide in case of the appellants 5, 6, 7, 8,
such as the prosecution, education of the
9, 10, & 11 showing legal expertise even when
legal professionals and the forensic science
there was ample material produced by the
laboratories themselves. There may be many
prosecution to support the chargesheet. The
ways to correct such impediments, and a few
court also cited Niranjan Singh Karan Singh
are being mentioned here. To start off, there
Punjabi v. Jitendra Bhimraj Bijja & Ors, where
must be a code for the prosecutors to restrain
the Apex court observed:
them from using expert evidence which they
"It seems well settled that at the Ss. 227-
perceive to be inaccurate or unreliable. A
228 stage i.e., stage of framing the charge, the
counter argument would be that the decision
Court is required to evaluate the material and
to eliminate unnecessary evidence is of the
documents on record with a view to finding out
judges, but, as noted before, a prosecutor is
if the facts emerging therefrom taken at their
not only a lawyer representing the state, but
face value disclose the existence of all the
it also has higher responsibilities and putting
ingredients constituting the alleged offence.
forward good evidence should be one of them.
The Court may for this limited purpose sift
The National Accreditation Board


for Testing and Calibration Laboratories what defense would be used in the trial and the
must initiate steps to assess the quality of prosecution must also disclose the evidence
scientific evidence produced to bar courts clearly so that evidence can’t be used to
from admitting weak scientific proof with no confuse the court or the other party. However,
other piece of evidence to corroborate it with. in its fourteenth report, the Law Commission of
The need for quality control was honored by India rejected this proposal also predominant
the Supreme Court in Rajiv Gandhi v. State of in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Bihar,[ (2015) SCC Online SC 1336.] where poor Pre-trial disclosure can save plenty of time &
analysis was conducted by inexperienced cost and provide speedy justice. Even experts
scientists of a private lab in the disguise of feel the pressure of the police which compel
State Forensic Laboratory. In M.V. Mahesh v. them to be good witnesses rather than good
State of Karnataka, the Karnataka High Court scientists. The prosecution has to be the
cautioned that if forensic report is poor, then better lawyer because we expect honesty,
the benefit of doubt might get the accused prudence and not just advocacy.
3. For Better Education and Accreditation
The Forensic experts must take up the
Forming code of ethics can serve a
job of explaining the intricacies and error rate
purpose at developing the professional
of the methods and results produced to the
community of forensic scientists as it can
lawyers. Scientists use tough jargons while
create an environment where those ethics will
explaining the relation between the scientific
become the norm although most professionals
outputs and the suspects which leave the
don’t turn to look at their codes of ethics. It can
lawyers confused. Academic scientists try
also help in developing courses for forensic
to seek the truth and form theories about
science and recruit good candidates for the
scientific aspects to improve science.
Indian Forensic Services.
Whereas a forensic scientist is trusted with
Norms can standardize education in
satisfying its client and thus has to form the
India which varies so much with language
impression that the methods and techniques
and location. Standardizing terminology and
practiced by them are the most reliable and
procedure of forensic reporting will also bring
their conclusions trustworthy. That is why,
uniformity. Also, certification of forensic
to support expert evidence based on good
experts should be mandatory and any expert
science, forensic scientists must be able to
who appears in court for testimony should be
research without authoritative pressure and
properly certified and qualified to do so.
no parties should involve in the scientific
process with vested interest and if they do, 4. For Better Statutory and Legal System
they must answer. There is a big scope for improvement
For the above, there are a few one can bring in, such as mandating formal
recommendations. Defense disclosure is the validation of the experts, their findings and
most talked-about a solution which means to other aspects involved in the truth finding
disclose the expert evidence the prosecutor process through science. Without such
has to the defense pre-trial. For instance, validation, it has been established that the jury
the South African Law Reform Commission’s gets confused and cannot evaluate rationally
Inquisitorial Report in 2002 included a draft bill the scientific evidence and this is true for
which places a duty on the defense to disclose judges as well. Justice Nancy Gertner in the


judgement of United States v. Green, had to The committee emphasizes on the United
admit a toolmark expert unwillingly in the States who have had great success with
evidence who was not formally qualified nor forensic science and has 320 forensic labs
were his methods. The expert could not even including the private sector while India is stuck
render a proper opinion and Justice Gertner at only 23 Central Forensic Laboratories and
says: 17 regional and thus, recommended setting up
“The standards should be higher than forensic labs in each districts and these district
were met in this case, and then have been labs must not merely preserve and capture the
imposed across the country. The more courts evidence, but also give opinions. Understaffed
admit this type of [expert] evidence without condition of the bureaus is another concern,
requiring documentation, proficiency testing, and forensic science must be involved from the
or evidence of reliability, the sloppier practices commencement of investigation. Involvement
will endure; we should require more” of science in criminal law becomes pretty
The Criminal Procedure Code must also apparent from the above and given the falling
be amended to facilitate conservation of rate of convictions in India over the years,
case exhibits for a long term of at least four forensic science will play a role in bringing that
years which will facilitate revisits to closed up.
cases when misconvictions are alleged. Rules
regarding physically carrying and transporting
Forensic evidence in Indian criminal
sensitive digital evidence for the police should
cases has very less involvement and a lot of the
also be made which handles such pieces
problems have been pointed out already. There
incorrectly quite often. It is also recommended
will be other difficulties when we actually start
to set up a Forensic Science Council for
exploiting the potential of forensic science.
forensic scientists which will set-up ethics
This paper has tried capturing many of such
and bring fraternity among the members of a
difficulties altogether but every problems
professional sphere. The Malimath Committee
discussed here require their own research and
also pointed out several grey areas such as lack
surveys which is the need of the hour. There
of forensic support is a difficulty investigating
is not much indigenous scholarly research on
officers face or that only about 5-6% of crimes
the problematic aspect of forensic science in
registered are referred to forensic bureaus.
India. 


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