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12/22/2018 Engineering graphics!






L.A. Kozlov


Methodical manual

2007 1/11
12/22/2018 Engineering graphics! Detailing




L.A. Kozlov


Methodical manual

The methodical manual is intended for students of the first

and second courses of all specialties as a textbook for the

"Engineering computer graphics." 2/11
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Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………… 4
1 Content and scope of work …………………………………………… ... …… 5
2 The sequence of detailing. ……………………… ... ... 6
2.1 Acquaintance with the task ………………………………………………… 6
2.2. Disassembly of the design of each part …………………………………… 7
2.3 Selection of the required number of images ............................. 7
2.4 Choice of scale ………………………………………………………………… 7
2.5 Choosing a format ………………………………………………………………… ..8
2.6 Development of the layout of the drawing …………………………………………
2.7 Dimensioning ……………… ... ……………………………………… 9
2.8 Drawing stroke ………………………………………………………………… .9
2.9 Filling out the main inscription …………………………………………… 10
3 Basic design rules for drawings ………………………………… .11
3.1 Formats ……………………………………………………………………… .. 12
3.2 Scales ……………………………………………………………………… 13
3.3 Lines ………………………………………………………………………… ..13
3.4 Drawing fonts …………………………………………………… ..15
3.5 Images in technical drawings ……………………………… .16
3.6 Dimensioning ………………………………………………………… 21
4 Examples of reading and execution of drawings
4.1 General provisions …………………………………………………………… 27
4.2 Example 1 ……………………………………………………………………… 35
4.3 Example 2 ……………………………………………………………………… 36
4.4 Example 3 ……………………………………………………………. ………… 37
Appendix 1 ………………………………………………………………………… 38
Appendix 2 ……………………………………………………………………… 42
Literature …………………………………………………………………………… .46 3/11
12/22/2018 Engineering graphics! Detailing


Drawing is a laborious subject. Therefore, it is necessary to organize your work

in such a way that, with the least amount of time spent, you can complete the task
strictly according to the training schedule. Well thought out preparatory operations in

to a significant extent predetermine the success of studying the course. One of the
important sub-
preparatory operations - drafting drafts of those figures that are pre-
worth drawing.
When performing drafts, they think over the contents of the drawing,
There are unclear places for clarification from the teachers.
or read in the textbook. Initially, such drafts are best performed using drawing tools on
check-paper, not very thorough
but necessarily on the same scale in which the
us given figures. This allows you to correctly position the corresponding
Figures in the drawing field. Later, when the appropriate skills appear, it is possible to
move from large-scale drafts to non-large-scale, full
by hand.
With this method of operation, the drawings are of better quality,
students acquire skills in the proper organization of work and, most importantly,
develop skills in conceptual design, which later in the implementation of course and
diploma projects, as well as when working on the production
leading will prove to be very valuable.
And although in the course of drawing there are no complicated formulas, difficult
learning to draw is not easy. The subject requires that the student learns perseverance,
accuracy, neatness.
Do not draw what you do not understand. This leads to non-production.
wasting time, to poor quality work and the possible alteration of black
The process of developing drawings of parts included in the product, according to the 4/11
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A general structural drawing or assembly drawing is called detailing.

In the process of detailing, students apply previously obtained marks.
analysis of the constructive forms of parts, products, identifying their interaction
fashion and product operation. Developed in the educational process drawings of parts
are the basis of the working drawings of these parts - they contain all the necessary
types, cuts, sections, dimensions of all elements of the parts, but they have not
specified the requirements for the quality of the surfaces to be processed, for

dimensional accuracy, as well as various specific requirements.

Detailing is the execution of working drawings for parts according to
General view and assembly drawings. A general view drawing is
the document defining the design of the product, the interaction of its main parts
and explaining the principle of operation of the product. The assembly drawing is
The document containing the image of the assembly unit and other data
walked for its assembly (manufacturing) and control.
Detail is a product made from homogeneous by the least
brand and material without the use of assembly operations, as well as the product
subjected to coatings (protective or decorative)
depending on the type, thickness and purpose of the coating or made with
local welding, brazing, gluing, stitching, etc.
Working drawings of parts are carried out according to the general view
drawing or assembly drawings.
The purpose of this manual is to impart reading skills to assembly
drawings, as well as familiarization with the requirements of individual GOSTs
on the design of working drawings of parts.

1. Content and scope of work

In this work, it is necessary to complete the working drawings of the parts
indicated by the teacher, according to the issued individual version of the
assignment. 5/11
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The number of drawings is determined by specialty programs.

The tasks for this work are the educational drawing of a radio-technical or
electrical product with a specification (or its table).
technical description, and questions.
Thus, this work consists of reading and detailing.
assembly drawing.

2. The sequence of execution detailing

The following work order is recommended:
- familiarization with the task;
- dismantling the design of each specified part;
- select the required number of images for each part;
- choice of format;
- choice of scale;
- planning development;
- execution of drawings;
- Dimensioning, adjustment;
- stroke drawing;
- filling in the main inscription.
Further details of the individual stages of this work.

Acquaintance with the task.

Reading the description of the product shown and the drawing, establish the
device, the principle of operation of the product, the types of compounds used
, understand the interaction of parts, determine the order of assembly and
disassembly of the product. It is necessary to read and submit the form as a whole
of the whole product and elements for each individual part.
Considering the scale in which the issued assembly drawing is made, 6/11
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determines the true dimensions of each part. Dimensions of parts -

Leu is determined by direct measurement of the assignment
volume scale image.
Before starting work, the student prepares answers to all questions of the
assignment that do not require graphical constructions.
Disassembly of the design of each part.
Carefully studied all the proposed images issued by the job. Those images
are selected in which the specified part has fallen. A complete representation of the
design of the con
specific details.

Select the number of images.

The choice of images and their number depends on the shape of the part. The
drawing should definitely be read with the least number of images, i.e.

so that on the basis of this drawing it was possible to present only one geometric
shape. Given the complexity of the depicted part, you
A specific number of images is taken for it (views, cuts, sections, etc.). It should be
minimal, but sufficient to identify for-
We are detail and its size. If the part consists of cylindrical, conical or spherical
elements, then one image is enough for it. As the details become more complex, the
number of images is added.

It is necessary to choose the main view of the drawn part - front view.
It should give the most complete picture of the shape and size of the part.
The main view is selected regardless of how the part is located on the main view of the
assembly drawing. For example, for parts that represent a body of rotation (roller, axle,
sleeve), should be drawn so that its axis is parallel to the main label, for the case type,

cover flange - according to its working position.

Scale selection. 7/11
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Depending on the design of the part, the scale is chosen for its image
of life. For images on working drawings, a 1: 1 scale is preferred.
However, large and simple parts can be drawn on the scale of reduction, small
ones - on the scale of increasing, achieving the clarity of the drawing.
Small elements of the parts can be represented separately, made in
headquarters zoom (remote elements) to clarify their shape and possible
clear definition in all sizes.

The choice of format.

The size of the format is determined depending on the complexity of the part, the
image quality and scale. To select the correct drawing format, it is recommended
to install a sheet of transparent paper on the part image in the general view
drawing, circle the part image, and then analyze

depending on the number of selected minimum, but sufficient for reading the
details of the images, place on the sheet the definition
divided format with a certain scale.
Usually, taking into account the areas for dimensioning, the area occupied by
images is 2/3 of the working area of the format.
All drawings are carried out in standard formats (table 1).

2.6. Development of the layout of the drawing.

On the selected format, draw a frame and title block.
Before starting to draw the details, plan
hundred, i.e. placed on it images of individual parts.
To rationally fill in the format field when composing
poured in thin lines to outline the outlines of the selected images, and then draw the
axis of symmetry. The distance between the contours of the image and the frame 8/11
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format should be approximately the same on all sides. They are selected taking into
account the subsequent application of dimensions and the corresponding

The layout of the sheet is a crucial stage of work, since here the issues of
choosing the main image, the number of images and the choice of format are
solved. With the wrong planning, inevitable corrections and redistribution
The images in the drawing are arranged in accordance with GOST 2.305-68.
According to this GOST (certain sections of it are given below) and
drawings are carried out. Do not immediately draw the image to the end,
It is recommended to perform all the images, going from one to another,
gradually revealing the features of the details.
Having executed the thin lines the drawing, check it, remove it
line drawing.

2.7. Dimensioning.
Having checked the correctness of the executed necessary images,
proceed with the application of sizes.
Rules for the application of dimensions are specified in GOST 2.307-68 * (defined
which sections are given below).
Dimensioning is performed after thorough verification of the correct
performance of images.
Dimensions of simple, repetitive elements of parts (from
The version, protrusion, groove, etc.) should be applied in one place, placing
them on the image on which this element is depicted as the clearest
When dimensioning, particular attention is paid to conjugate dimensions,
i.e. on the dimensions of the mating (connected) parts, the nominal values of
which are the same. Examples of dimensioning are given below. 9/11
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2.8. Stroke drawing.

Having checked the correctness of the dimensions, they circle the drawing with
the selected thickness of the main line, observing the ratio of the thickness of the
lines according to GOST
2.303-68 * . Stroke should be clear.
The lines of the drawing are circled in the following sequence: circles and arcs,
horizontal lines (starting from the top), vertical lines (starting from the left side
of the drawing) and then oblique.
2.9. Filling the main inscription.
When filling out the main inscription, you should pay attention to the
following: in column 1 the name of the part is recorded, which is taken from the
specification of the proposed assignment (font No. 7);
in column 2 write down the designation of the drawing (font No. 7);
in column 3 they write down the name and grade of material that you
taken from the specification of the proposed assignment. The material GOST is
selected from any reference manual or from appendix 1 of this manual (font No.
in column 4 - "U" (educational drawing) (font No. 5):
in column 6 - the scale of the drawing (font No. 5):
in column 7 - the ordinal number of the sheet (on tasks consisting of
one sheet, the column is not filled):
in column 8 - the total number of sheets of the task (the column is
filled only on the first sheet, if more than one):
in column 9 - TUSUR, the name of the checking department, faculty,
group number (type number 3.5);
in column 10 - the name of the student;
in column 11 - the name of the teacher;
in column 12 - the student's signature;
in column 13 - the date of the drawing. 10/11
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All other columns in the training drawings are not filled.

In the top column of the main inscription is written the designation
of the main design document:
Designation of products and design document is established in accordance
with GOST 2.201-80 ESKD "Designation of products and design
documents." The designation of the main design document (detail drawing or
specification) includes:

1 - developer organization code (four characters);

2 - classification characteristic code (six characters); 11/11

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