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SmartPlant Foundation

Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration

Capabilities Release Bulletin

Version 2009 R4 and Service Packs

August 2012/March 2013

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Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Document Scope..................................................................................................................................... 5

eCustomer Web Support ............................................................................................................................ 5

Software Compatibility Matrix ................................................................................................................. 6
Knowledge Base ..................................................................................................................................... 6

SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 Service Pack Updates .......................................................................... 7

Service Pack 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Service Pack 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 7
SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client ............................................................................................ 7

SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 Core Features ....................................................................................... 9

Licensing ................................................................................................................................................. 9
SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client ................................................................................................... 9
System Scalability ................................................................................................................................. 10
New Configuration and Cache Services......................................................................................... 10
Primary and Secondary Server Sites ............................................................................................. 12
SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager .............................................................................................. 12
SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal ...................................................................................................... 12
Full Text Retrieval (FTR) ....................................................................................................................... 13
Data Exchange Diagrams ..................................................................................................................... 13
Documentation Updates for Version 2009 R4 ...................................................................................... 13

SmartPlant Integration 2009 R4 Features ............................................................................................... 15

SmartPlant Schema Editor .................................................................................................................... 16
SmartPlant Model Loader ..................................................................................................................... 17

Code Changes and Additions .................................................................................................................. 19

Version 2009 R4 Service Packs ........................................................................................................... 19
Service Pack 1................................................................................................................................ 19
Version 2009 R4 ................................................................................................................................... 19
Server Cache Changes .................................................................................................................. 19
Server Configuration Changes ....................................................................................................... 20
Server Class Changes.................................................................................................................... 20
Server Method Definitions .............................................................................................................. 21
Server API Changes ....................................................................................................................... 28
Client API Changes ........................................................................................................................ 31

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release Bulletin 3

Custom Code Impact ................................................................................................................................. 37

Known Issues ............................................................................................................................................ 39

Training....................................................................................................................................................... 41

SmartPlant Enterprise Hardware and Software Platform Summary .................................................... 43

Migration and Upgrade ............................................................................................................................. 47

Migrating from a Previous Version ........................................................................................................ 47
Upgrading from a Previous Version ...................................................................................................... 47

SmartPlant Enterprise Internationalization ............................................................................................. 49

4SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release Bulletin
This Release Bulletin contains high-level information about compatibility, new functionality or
functionality changes, additional tools and utilities, system component/data model changes, and
product terminology changes, as well as product documentation affected by this release.
This document is intended for managers, system administrators, and integration specialists who
support SmartPlant Foundation systems.
See the Readme.mht file for lists of outstanding Trouble Reports (TRs) and other valuable
information about SmartPlant Foundation and integration. The Readme.mht file is available with
the SmartPlant Foundation setup.
For more detailed information about the new features highlighted in this document, see the
product documentation. User documentation is available on the Help menu in any of the
SmartPlant Foundation applications; customization and integration programming Help and
guides are available on the Start menu. Intergraph Process, Power & Marine (PPM) product
documentation is also available on the eCustomer Web site at
Send documentation comments or suggestions to
( comments).

Document Scope
This document is intended for organizations using SmartPlant Foundation either as a
stand-alone product and/or as the engine for SmartPlant Enterprise integration. Intergraph’s
SmartPlant product suite offers a powerful portfolio of best-in-class applications that can be
deployed individually. For optimum performance and execution benefits, however, these
applications can be combined into a flexible, integrated enterprise solution–the SmartPlant
Enterprise. The integrated SmartPlant Enterprise solution allows an organization to successfully
unleash the untapped value that is often restricted by silo-centric communication and execution.
Because SmartPlant Foundation provides the basis for both stand-alone and integrated
implementations, this release document is intended for both audiences.

eCustomer Web Support

Access the eCustomer Web site for the most up-to-date information about all PPM products. To
access the eCustomer Web site, browse to the following site, and type your eCustomer user
name and password: (
Customers with appropriate eCustomer privileges can perform the following actions:
 See what's new
 Search the knowledge base for answers to support questions
 Submit, review, and update service requests
 Check product release and support end dates
 Find and download solutions, fixes, service packs, and upgrade information
 Download product documentation or read it online

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 5
eCustomer Web Support

 View the compatibility matrix of products, databases, and operating systems

Software Compatibility Matrix

Information about system requirements is available in the SmartPlant Enterprise Hardware and
Software Recommendations, the SmartPlant Foundation Installation and Setup Guide, and the
Integration Setup Guide.
Additional information about integrated authoring tools and the databases they support is
available in the SmartPlant Enterprise Product Compatibility Matrix on the Intergraph Process,
Power & Marine eCustomer Web site. To view this matrix, browse to the following Web address,
and type your eCustomer user name and password:
Click Download Software Updates > Products, and then click the Compatibility Matrices link
in the middle of the page. Select the product and version for which you want to see software

Knowledge Base
To search the knowledge base on the eCustomer Web site, type SPF and a topic name in the
Solution Search box. For example, type SPF client to display all topics about the SmartPlant
Foundation Desktop Client software.

6 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release


SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 Service

Pack Updates
If a SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 service pack is not listed below, that service pack
has fixes only and no new features. For more information about the fixes included with a
release, see the ReadMe file delivered with the SmartPlant Foundation setup.

Service Pack 2
 In addition to standard user, administration, and installation documentation updates,
SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 service pack 2 has enhanced Consolidated Data
Warehouse (CDW) functionality. For more information, see the SmartPlant Foundation How
to Configure the CDW guide.
 SmartPlant Foundation documentation now includes that the maximum number of worker
processes that can be configured for the license, cache, and configuration services
application pools is limited to one. This avoids any cache synchronization issues. Multiple
worker processes are not supported for these application pools.

Service Pack 1
SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client
 You can refresh your To Do List with new tasks assigned to you each time you complete a
workflow action, by enabling the Auto refresh/display To Do List option in your user
preferences. Alternatively, disable the Auto refresh/display To Do List option if you only want
the completed workflow action to be refreshed. For more information, see Change user
preferences in the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client Help.

 You can configure a URL in an e-mail definition to open the To Do List with only steps
relevant to a single item rather than displaying all steps assigned to user. When you type a
URL path in one of the URL boxes in an e-mail definition, the URL hyperlink appears in the
body of the resulting e-mail. When the user clicks the hyperlink in the e-mail message,
SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client and the To Do List window opens, showing the
workflow steps ready for action for the object in the e-mail message. You can also assign a
method to an object to do this from a context menu in the Desktop Client. For more
information, see Create or Update E-Mail Definition in the How to Configure the
Infrastructure Model guide.
 If you have an existing PDF and you want to regenerate it, you can set the
GenerateAlternateRendition Client API argument (Arg 10) to True. Setting this value to true

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 7
SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 Service Pack Updates

allows you to regenerate your alternate renditions. By default, the value is set to False. For
more information, see the How to Configure Document Management guide.
 You can now customize the List Edit control to match your project requirements. Any
customization replaces the existing List Edit control. For more information, see Customizing
the List Edit Control in the SmartPlant Foundation Client Customization guide.

8 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release


SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 Core


 Intergraph® SmartPlant License Manager is available for SmartPlant Foundation 2009
R4. SmartPlant License Manager allows you to accurately track how many users are
accessing your installed Intergraph software. It also helps you comply with your Software
Licensing Agreement. Existing SmartPlant Foundation customers, using a software version
prior to SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4, can continue to use FLEXlm License Manager for
tracking token licenses. However, you must contact the Process, Power, & Marine (PPM)
Order Management and Service Center to obtain a new FLEXlm key. For more information,
refer to the SmartPlant Foundation Licensing Guide.

SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client

 You can drag an existing graphic report into a 3D model. The contents of the graphic report
appear in the 3D model and also populate the Graphic Results window. For more
information, refer to Apply a graphic report to a model in the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop
Client Help.
 You can drag a published 2D drawing onto a displayed and published 3D model. Matching
2D items highlight and also appear in the Graphics Results window. For more information,
refer to Place a published P&ID in a 3D model in the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client
 The Delete local files option on the Attach File dialog box has been updated. Any time you
clear the Delete local files option, the selection is stored in the local system to be used as
the default the next time you access this dialog box. Users can change their preference at
any time by selecting this option. For more information, see Create and manage documents
in SmartPlant Foundation in the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client Help.
 The FTR bulk indexing utility incrementally indexes a set of particular objects you select,
filtered by class definitions, classifications, file types, FTR filters, or configuration items. For
more information, see Selective Indexing in the SmartPlant Foundation Administrator's
 The FTR Report can display the FTR indexing status (Indexed, Failed To Index, and Not Yet
Indexed) with filters by class definitions, configuration, and file type. For more information,
see Indexing Status Report in the SmartPlant Foundation Administrator's Guide.

 The SmartPlant® Foundation Consolidated Data Warehouse (CDW) functionality has been
enhanced for publishing data: the CDW domain now has its own CDW domain group with its
own set of database tables. The CDW schema is configurable, but all the class definitions

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 9
SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 Core Features

must realize a minimum set of interface definitions. For more information, see The CDW
Object Schema in the How to Configure the Consolidated Data Warehouse guide.
 The paging toolbar can be configured to display the Show All button and honor query limits.
For more information, see Configure Paging Queries in the How to Configure the GUI Model
 SmartPlant Foundation now provides a Performance Test tool available from the
Administration menu to identify performance issues. For more information, see
Performance Benchmark Tests in the SmartPlant Foundation Troubleshooting guide.
 You can see the amount of time taken to perform the Look Ahead action for each submenu
item in the Desktop Client by setting the debug level in the settings.xml file to 2 or greater.
When this debug level is set, the time required by the Look Ahead operation is displayed
next to items in the submenu. For more information, see Look Ahead Displaying Time to
Retrieve Relationships in the SmartPlant Foundation Troubleshooting guide.
 Server tracing output is available to show the time taken to populate combo box controls on
display items. The number of items retrieved and the amount of time required is recorded in
the log file. For more information, see Logging the Time Required to Populate a Combo Box
in the SmartPlant Foundation Troubleshooting guide.
 SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 is not supported on Windows Server 2003. For more
information, see SmartPlant Foundation Hardware and Software Recommendations in the
SmartPlant Foundation Installation Guide.

System Scalability
New Configuration and Cache Services
Over the course of the SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 release cycle, Intergraph has enhanced
the existing SmartPlant Foundation Server architecture to allow the SmartPlant Foundation
server application pool to leverage multiple worker processes for concurrent tasks and
significantly improve the scalability of SmartPlant Foundation.

10 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 Core Features

As part of the overhaul, two new services have been introduced, Cache Service and
Configuration Service, developed to support the SmartPlant Foundation server. For more
information, see Overview of Architecture Changes in the SmartPlant Foundation Integration
Architecture Guide.

 Due to the introduction of this new cache service, the previous cache synchronization
mechanism, using a distributed cache, is no longer supported. For more information see the
SmartPlant Foundation Installation and Setup Guide.
 To achieve the architecture changes, some fundamental changes have been made to some
well-known and frequently used APIs; some of these have been removed. For more
information and a full list of the class and API changes, see the SmartPlant Foundation
Concurrency Changes document, which is delivered with the developer's toolkit. Contact
Intergraph Customer Support for assistance ( This document
is only intended for users who have done SmartPlant Foundation server side development
or customization.

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 11
SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 Core Features

Primary and Secondary Server Sites

SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 formalizes the concept of Primary and Secondary server
sites, which have also been developed to allow SmartPlant Foundation to leverage multiple
worker processes for concurrent tasks and improve scalability.
 The Primary Site contains the SmartPlant Foundation application server, file service,
cache, and configuration services.
 The Secondary Site contains the SmartPlant Foundation application server and
communicates with the existing cache and configuration services on the primary site. The
secondary site is set up on a separate server to support the offloading of schedulers onto
different servers to assist with load balancing.
During the setup of a secondary site on a separate server, you must enter the
location of the primary site’s configuration service in SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager.
The primary and secondary SmartPlant Foundation sites access the same database and use
the same cache and configuration services.
For more information on the setup up of an alternate or secondary site see Setting Up an
Alternate Scheduler Server in the SmartPlant Foundation Installation and Setup Guide.

SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager

 You can create a license server site for SmartPlant Foundation using SmartPlant
Foundation Server Manager’s new License Server Wizard. For more information, see
Create a New License Server Site in the SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager User's
 A new command, Update License Server, has been added to the Tools menu. This
command updates the license server with the latest installed files. For more information, see
Update a license server in the SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager User's Guide.

SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal

 You can use the Paging toolbar to view a paged set of query results in the List view. Only
the first page appears when the search is complete. The records appear in an alphabetically
sorted list view, sorted by name. This feature is only available if configured by an
administrator. See Using the List View in the Web Portal Help for more information.
 You can use a vertical splitter bar to resize or collapse Web Part zones within the Web
Portal browser window. See Resizing Web Part Zones in the Web Portal Help for more
 New samples have been added with this release. See SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal
Samples Overview for information about the samples, including how to access them in the
delivered product.
 The CustomProjectSearchMenu sample provides guidance for setting up and
configuring a custom menu in the Search web part.
 The ProjectOverviewPage sample provides guidance for creating an overview page with
a rotating carousel of icons representing projects.
 The SiteLocator sample allows you to create a graphical representation of where a
user's plants are located around the world.

12 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 Core Features

Full Text Retrieval (FTR)

 Full Text Retrieval 2012 R1 (3.6.1) includes OpenText® SearchServer 6.5. For more
information, see SearchServer Administrator in the FTR User's Guide.
 FTR provides full text search support for Microsoft® Office 2010 files. For more information,
see Full Text Retrieval (FTR) Hardware and Software Recommendations in the FTR
Installation Guide.
 The FTR search has been enhanced to search objects by configuration, classification, and
file type. For more information, see Searching in SmartPlant Foundation in the FTR User's
 FTR Search supports paging functionality where search results are displayed in pages. For
more information, see FTR Search with Paging in the FTR User's Guide.
 The FTR bulk indexing utility incrementally indexes a set of particular objects you select,
filtered by class definitions, classifications, file types, FTR filters, or configuration items. For
more information, see Selective Indexing in the SmartPlant Foundation Administrator's
 The FTR Report can display the FTR indexing status (Indexed, Failed To Index, and Not Yet
Indexed) with filters by class definitions, configuration, and file type. For more information,
see Indexing Status Report in the SmartPlant Foundation Administrator's Guide.

Data Exchange Diagrams

The SmartPlant Enterprise data exchange diagrams have been updated for SmartPlant
Foundation 2009 R4 and recent Intergraph authoring tool releases. For more information, see
the SmartPlant Enterprise Data Exchange Diagrams delivered with SmartPlant Foundation.

Documentation Updates for Version 2009 R4

In addition to standard user, administration, and installation documentation, the following new
documents are delivered with SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4.
 Integration: A Gentle Introduction to the SmartPlant Schema Patterns, Process & Practice -
Provides an introduction to patterns in the SmartPlant schema.
 How to Configure the Consolidated Data Warehouse - Provides information for system
administrators on how to configure the CDW in SmartPlant Foundation and describes the
underlying data model.
 New Intergraph Work Process Guides help you map the process, power, and marine
industries' basic work processes to SmartPlant Enterprise and SmartPlant Marine Enterprise
solutions. Intergraph Work Process Guides include Enterprise Work Processes and
Integration Capability Statements. These documents are only available at under Product Documentation > Work Process Guides.
Enterprise Work Processes
 Enterprise Work Process for Process Design
 Enterprise Work Process for Instrumentation
 Enterprise Work Process for Piping and Equipment Design
 Enterprise Work Process for Document
 Enterprise Work Process for Construction Work Package Planning

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 13
SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 Core Features

Integration Capability Statements

 Defining the Plant Breakdown Structure for Integration
 P&ID Guided 3D Design and Change Management
 Consistency Check Between P&IDs and the 3D Model
 Using Instrument Dimensional Data to Drive 3D Design
 Checking Instrument Consistency Between P&IDs and Instrumentation
 Sharing Data Between PFDs and P&IDs
 Sharing I/O Signal Data Between Electrical to Instrumentation
 Sharing Electrical Power Requirements Between Instrumentation and Electrical
 Defining Electrical Consumers from P&IDs
 Sharing Cable Data Between Electrical and 3D Design
 Review of Smart 3D Projects in SmartPlant Review
 Review of Smart 3D Projects in SmartPlant Foundation
 Creating Isometrics with SmartPlant Isometrics for Piping Documentation and
 Creating Pipe Spools for Procurement, Fabrication, and Construction
 Defining Parts and Specifications for 3D Design
 Creating Line List in SmartPlant Foundation
 Creating Instrument Process Data Sheets in SmartPlant Foundation

14 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release


SmartPlant Integration 2009 R4 Features

SmartPlant Mapping Reports

 The SmartPlant Mapping Spreadsheets and Reports are no longer delivered. The
SmartPlant Enterprise Control Panel will provide a new, user-friendly environment for
browsing integration mapping information and controlling the data flow between applications.
For more information, see the SmartPlant Enterprise Control Panel User's Guide, delivered
with the SmartPlant Enterprise Control Panel product.

 You can now configure specific revision schemes for projects in order to achieve better
control of the revision numbering process for documents. Specific revision schemes can be
assigned to document types, limiting the selection to only those approved for the project. For
more information, see Configure Different Revision Scheme Strategies in the How to
Configure Document Management guide.
 Workflows can enable and disable specific document versions for retrieval. For more
information, see ISPFTEFPublishedDocVersion Interface in the How to Configure the
Authoring and Data Warehouse Models guide.
 The processing time required for auto-correlation of published data has been significantly
reduced. The auto-correlation workflow no longer retains a hold on the SmartPlant Client
user interface. This allows you to perform other operations while the auto-correlation
process runs on the server.
 The processing time required to update schema changes has been significantly reduced.
The performance gains are directly proportional to the number of changes made to the
 The processing time required to publish documents with deleted objects has been
significantly reduced. In addition, less memory is utilized during the operation.
 The processing time required to revise multiple documents has been significantly reduced.

 You can now publish documents that require a revision without exiting the Publish dialog
box. For more information, see Revisable and Locked Documents in the SmartPlant
Common UI Help.
 Detailed information is now available about the progress of publishing documents. The
Show Details button on the Progress dialog box displays a detailed list of each step of the
publish process.
 Integration related error messages have been expanded and improved to provide more
information. Error messages are logged to the Windows Event Viewer for convenient
access, and logs are organized into a per-process folder structure. For more information,
see Debug and Error Logging in SmartPlant Integration in the SmartPlant Common UI Help.
 Updates were made to the Authoring Tool Mapping Examples in the SmartPlant Mapping
User's Guide to expand the existing examples.

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 15
SmartPlant Integration 2009 R4 Features

SmartPlant Schema Editor

 Work processes for managing enumerated lists, such as code lists, have been improved.
The Integrated Map Environment allows you to map, view, and manage objects that are
mapped into (publish) and out of (retrieve) the SmartPlant schema from tool map schemas.
The enumerated lists are automatically updated in the tool data dictionary and mapped to
the SmartPlant schema. For more information, see Map Publish and Retrieve Objects in the
Integrated Map Environment in the SmartPlant Schema Editor User's Guide.
 The Integrated Reference File Environment allows you to view and modify data in a set of
schema and tool schema reference files. You can copy or replace data from a reference file
into an active target file. This functionality allows you to quickly start a new project by
referencing existing data and selectively copying it to the new project. For more information,
see Modify Reference Files with the Integrated Reference File Environment in the
SmartPlant Schema Editor User's Guide.
 You can now create or modify an alternate PBS hierarchy template. This functionality allows
you to quickly start a project by using templates to create plant breakdown structures. Seven
templates are included, and custom templates can be created in the Schema Editor. For
more information, see Work Process for Creating or Modifying a PBS Hierarchy Template in
the SmartPlant Schema Editor User's Guide.
 A new command, Construct schema views for data objects, has been added to the
Editable UML view. This command examines all the objects in the data file and generates a
UML diagram for each class definition for which there is at least one instance in the data file.
System implementors can generate diagrams of customized schema automatically. For
more information, see Create UML Diagrams for Published Data in the SmartPlant Schema
Editor User's Guide.
 You can now disable and enable existing mapping relationships in the schema without
deleting existing relationships. This means implementors can alter data flows without
deleting and recreating established mappings. For more information, see Disable or Enable
an Existing Property Relationship in the Schema in the SmartPlant Schema Editor User's
Guide. The SmartPlant Enterprise Control Panel will provide a new, user-friendly
environment for browsing integration mappings and controlling the data flow between
applications. For more information, see the SmartPlant Enterprise Control Panel User's
 You can now edit view definitions and graph definitions from the Edit Map Class Definition
dialog box. For more information, see Modify Existing View and Graph Definitions in the
SmartPlant Schema Editor User's Guide.
 You can now open a second data file set to compare the differences and similarities, and
save the comparison file separately. For more information, see Compare Two Data File Sets
in the SmartPlant Schema Editor User's Guide.
 UML diagrams for published schema for SmartPlant P&ID were added. For more
information, see UML Diagrams for Published Schema for SmartPlant P&ID in the
SmartPlant Schema Editor User's Guide.

16 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

SmartPlant Integration 2009 R4 Features

SmartPlant Model Loader

 You no longer need to install Model Loader on the same computer as the SmartPlant
Foundation site installation.
 Workflows for upgrading or moving a Model Loader installation have been added. For more
information, see Upgrade or Move Model Loader in the SmartPlant Model Loader User's
 A new graphic that describes the PDS document sets was added. For more information, see
PDS Document Sets in the SmartPlant Model Loader User's Guide.

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 17
SmartPlant Integration 2009 R4 Features

18 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release


Code Changes and Additions

Version 2009 R4 Service Packs

If a SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4 service pack is not listed below, that service pack
has no code changes or additions.

Service Pack 1
Updated Client APIs
GenerateAlternateRendition Client API
The following new argument allows you to regenerate a PDF when set to True. The value is
set to False by default.
Arg 10 Regenerate Alternate Boolean Regenerates the alternate
Rendition rendition even if it already
exists. False is the default.

Version 2009 R4
Server Cache Changes
Due to the overhaul of SmartPlant Foundation server architecture, some changes have been
made to make the server scalable across multiple CPUs.

Server Cache Retirement

The original ApplicationCache has been retired. To make the server scalable across multiple
CPUs, the cache persistence mechanism has been separated from the SmartPlant Foundation
Server. A number of optimization techniques were employed to make the software perform
across the process.

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 19
Code Changes and Additions

New Cache Service

The Cache Service is a separate Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service, hosted in
Internet Information Services (IIS), that uses httpcontext to persist the cached information, as
well as expose a number of highly-optimized contracts. This is a highly-intelligent service with
on-demand capabilities. This WCF service is exposed to the SmartPlant Foundation Server,
through a new class called SPFCache. This class controls all calls to the cache service.
The SPFApplicationContext class caches certain information as it is retrieved from the cache
and decides whether to use the SPFCache class to talk across the process to the cache service.

Server Configuration Changes

There now is a new service responsible for centrally managing the configuration settings. The
application settings and database connection information that was previously in the application
servers web.config file is now all managed in the Configuration Service. There is now a new
file called SPFAppServer.config located in the SPFSharedSettings folder, which holds this
information. You can find the SPFSharedSettings folder in your site folder (for example, browse
to <Drive>:\SmartPlant Foundation 2009 Server Files\Web_Sites\<Web Site
When the application server and cache server initializes, it obtains the settings from the
configuration server. All dynamic and specialization values files are also held in the configuration

Scheduler Polling Changes

The configuration service has the prime responsibility for polling. It checks if the configured
schedulers need to start processing, which takes the burden of polling away from the application
server. The configuration service determines which SmartPlant Foundation site needs to be
polled to service the scheduler request and sends a request to that site to start polling for tasks.

Server Class Changes

Due to the changes resulting from the overhaul of SmartPlant Foundation server architecture,
server classes have been retired and new ones have been introduced.

Server Class Retirements

CoreModule Class
The CoreModule server class exposed a number of key properties and was available through a
property on every object and through a shared property from anywhere. Although this process
was very useful, the implementation caused a restriction, so this class has been retired.

SPFServer Class
The SPFServer server class implementation also caused a restriction, so this class has been

20 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Code Changes and Additions

Datamanager Class
The Datamanager class has been retired. It is an obsolete code class because some of the
internals of the class have been reworked for the new mechanism and needs the data in a
different format to be compatible.

New Server Classes

Context Classes
The restrictions caused by the CoreModule and SPFServer classes and their subsequent
retirement, created the need for the two new classes:
 RequestContext – Created for each request (per thread), disposed of after the request has
been completed.
 ApplicationContext – Created per worker process, holds application type properties.
Most of the properties previously exposed on CoreModule and SPFServer server classes can
now be found on either RequestContext or ApplicationContext server classes, depending on
whether they are specific to each request or not.
Both RequestContext and ApplicationContext server classes are accessible from any point in
the server. With careful implementation, previous issues encountered with the retired
CoreModule and SPFServer classes have been avoided.

Server Method Definitions

New Server Method Definitions
The following server method definitions are new for SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4.

Name Function
IndexObjects This function prepares the custom class for indexing and/or deleting
FTR eligible objects and calls the FTRService to index and/or delete
the objects.
ProcessObjectsInChunks This function indexes the objects in chunks. If objects meet the
criteria, they will be indexed.
GetObjectsForRegularIndexing This function gets the specified number of objects for regular
GetPreferredFTRIndexingTask This function looks for FTR scheduler tasks in the following order:
1. Bulk Indexing Task with ReBuildIndex property checked.
2. Bulk Indexing Task with any other criteria.
3. Regular Indexing Task if objects need to be indexed.
4. Delete scheduler task or existing FTR scheduler task
AddCompositeDocumentVersio This function adds a version to a composite document.
MergeDocuments This function merges the published documents specified in
pobjDocumentsDictionary by creating a new version if
pblnCreateNewVersion is set to true. If pblnCreateNewVersion is set
to false, it merges the published documents to existing version.

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 21
Code Changes and Additions

Name Function
DeMergeDocuments This function separates
published documents from a composite document.
ValidateDocumentsForMerge This function validates published documents in
pobjDocumentsDictionary are to be merged or not.
ValidateDocumentsForDeMerge This function validates the published documents in
pobjDocumentsDictionary are to stay merged or not.
GetCompositeDocumentsForMe This function gets valid composite documents for merge.

Updated Server Method Definitions

The following server method definitions have been updated for SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4.

ConsolidateChunkOfObjects has a new parameter of pcolComprisedOfRelUIDs As
Dictionary(Of String, String), which maintains a collection of all the comprisedof rels that have
been created.

Two Method Signature Changes

Public Overrides Sub SetDates(ByRef pobjProcessedSteps As Generic.List(Of
IObject), ByVal pobjStartStep As Generated.IObject, ByVal pobjStartDate As
Date, ByVal pblnSetPlannedDate As Boolean)
Public Overrides Sub SetDates(ByRef pobjProcessedSteps As Generic.List(Of
IObject), ByVal pobjStartStep As Generated.IObject, ByVal pobjStartDate As
Public Overrides Sub SetDates(ByVal pobjArgs As StepDateArgs)
The two method signatures have now been replaced using the StepDateArgs as a container for
all the parameters. Overloading is supported in the constructor of the StepDateArgs class.

Function GetMergeToObject(ByVal pblnCreateIfNeeded As Boolean) As IObject

22 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Code Changes and Additions

Function GetMergeToObject(ByVal pblnCreateIfNeeded As Boolean, ByRef

pobjMergeTargetsBySourceID As Generic.Dictionary(Of String, IObject)) As
This API gets a new argument; when processing Rels, it can see if the end objects are merging
as part of the current set or not. The key of the new collection is the OBID of the project
representation of the object (the source of the merge). The value is the plant level
representation of the object (the target of the merge).

Sub RemoveFromConfig(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Sub RemoveFromConfig(ByVal e As System.EventArgs, ByVal
pobjMergeTargetsBySourceID As Generic.Dictionary(Of String, IObject))
This API gets a new argument; when processing Rels, it can see if the end objects are merging
as part of the current set. The key of the new collection is the OBID of the project representation
of the object (the source of the merge). The value is the plant level representation of the object
(the target of the merge).

ValidateCyclicAndNestedLevel is used to get the maximum nested and referred by levels and
does the cyclic validation/nested level validation.
An extra argument was added. File object as input to get the nested and referred-by level.
Function ValidateCyclicAndNestedLevel(ByVal pObjMasterFile As IObject) As

SimpleXMLProvider and SimpleQueryProvider

The SimpleXmlProvider and SimpleQueryProvider methods have had properties updated
due to work within the class to make the SQL building method consistent with the recommended
way of generating SQL in the server. Several parameters typed as Arraylist have been altered to
generic.IEnumerable(of string) or generic.List(of String). This allows the removal of the obsolete
code class Datamanager. Some of the internals of the class have been reworked for the new
mechanism and needs the data in a different format to be compatible.

The following SimpleXmlProvider properties have been updated as the effectivity parameters
are not being used in the constructors.

Previously Now
Public Sub New( ByVal Public Sub New(ByVal
pobjOutputStream As IO.Stream, pobjOutputStream As IO.Stream,
ByVal pobjSerializer As ByVal pobjSerializer As
XmlSerializationWriterBase, XmlSerializationWriterBase,
ByVal pintEffType As ByVal pcolContainerAttributes
EffectivityType, ByVal As Generic.Dictionary(Of
pstrEffDate As String) String, String))

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 23
Code Changes and Additions

Previously Now
Public Sub New( ByVal Public Sub New(ByVal
pstrOutputFilePath As String, pstrOutputFilePath As String,
ByVal pobjSerializer As ByVal pobjSerializer As
XmlSerializationWriterBase, XmlSerializationWriterBase,
ByVal pintEffType As ByVal pcolContainerAttributes
EffectivityType, ByVal As Generic.Dictionary(Of
pstrEffDate As String, ByVal String, String))
pcolContainerAttributes As
Generic.Dictionary(Of String,

The following SimpleXmlProvider Relationships have had the Domain parameter As ArrayList
replaced with IEnumerable(of String).

Previously Now
Public Sub Public Sub
WriteRelsByContainerID(ByVal WriteRelsByContainerID(ByVal
pstrContainerID As String, pstrContainerID As String,
ByVal pcolDomainUIDs As ByVal pcolDomainUIDs As
ArrayList, ByVal pintPageSize IEnumerable(of String), ByVal
As Integer) pintPageSize As Integer)
Public Sub Public Sub
WriteRelsByContainerID(ByVal WriteRelsByContainerID(ByVal
pstrContainerID As String, pstrContainerID As String,
ByVal pcolDomainUIDs As ByVal pcolDomainUIDs As
ArrayList, ByVal pintPageSize IEnumerable(Of String), ByVal
As Integer) pintPageSize As Integer)
Public Sub WriteRels(ByVal Public Sub WriteRels(ByVal
pcolCriteria As pcolCriteria As
Generic.List(Of Generic.List(Of
SimpleQueryProvider.SPFRelIns SimpleQueryProvider.SPFRelIns
tance), ByVal pcolDomainUIDs As
tance), ByVal pcolDomainUIDs As
ArrayList) Generic.IEnumerable(Of
Public Sub Public Sub
WriteRelsByUID(ByVal pcolUIDs WriteRelsByUID(ByVal pcolUIDs
As ArrayList, ByVal As IEnumerable(Of String),
pcolDomainUIDs As ArrayList) ByVal pcolDomainUIDs As
IEnumerable(Of String))
Public Sub Public Sub
WriteObjectsByUID(ByVal WriteRelsByUID(ByVal pcolUIDs
pcolUIDs As ArrayList, ByVal As IEnumerable(Of String),
pcolDomainUIDs As ArrayList) ByVal pcolDomainUIDs As
IEnumerable(Of String))

The following SimpleQueryProvider functions have had the Domain parameter IList replaced
with IEnumerable(of string).

24 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Code Changes and Additions

Previously Now
Public Function Public Function
GetObjectsByContainerID(ByVal GetObjectsByContainerID(ByVal
pstrContainerID As String, pstrContainerID As String,
ByVal pcolDomainUIDs As IList) ByVal pcolDomainUIDs As
As IObjectDictionary IEnumerable(Of String)) As
Public Function Public Function
GetObjectsByContainerID(ByVal GetObjectsByContainerID(ByVal
pstrContainerID As String, pstrContainerID As String,
ByVal pcolDomainUIDs As IList, ByVal pcolDomainUIDs As
ByVal pintPageSize As Integer) IEnumerable(Of String), ByVal
As IObjectDictionary pintPageSize As Integer) As

These following SimpleQueryProvider functions have had the UIDs parameter As ArrayList
replaced with IEnumerable(of string).

Previously Now
Public Overridable Function Public Overridable Function
GetRelsByUID(ByVal pcolUIDs As GetRelsByUID(ByVal pcolUIDs As
ArrayList, ByVal pstrDomainUID IEnumerable(Of String), ByVal
As String) As IObjectDictionary pstrDomainUID As String) As
Protected Overridable Function Protected Overridable Function
OnGetRelsByMax250(ByVal OnGetRelsByMax250(ByVal
pcolUIDs As Enumerable(of pcolUIDs As IEnumerable(Of
String), ByVal pcolDomainUIDs String), ByVal pcolDomainUIDs
As ArrayList) As As IEnumerable(Of String)) As
IObjectDictionary IObjectDictionary
Public Function Public Function
GetRelsByUIDAndDomainUID12(By GetRelsByUIDAndDomainUID12(By
Val pcolUIDs As ArrayList, Val pcolUIDs As IEnumerable(Of
ByVal pstrDomainUID As String) String), ByVal pstrDomainUID As
As IObjectDictionary String) As IObjectDictionary
Protected Overridable Function Protected Overridable Function
OnGetRelsByMax250AndDomainUID OnGetRelsByMax250(ByVal
12(ByVal pcolUIDs As ArrayList, pcolUIDs As IEnumerable(Of
ByVal pstrDomainUID As String) String), ByVal pcolDomainUIDs
As IObjectDictionary As IEnumerable(Of String)) As
Public Overridable Function Public Overridable Function
GetObjectsByUID(ByVal pobjUIDs GetObjectsByUID(ByVal pobjUIDs
As IList(of String), ByVal As IEnumerable(Of String),
pstrDomainUID As String) As ByVal pstrDomainUID As String)
IObjectDictionary As IObjectDictionary
Public Function Public Function
GetObjectsByOBID(ByVal GetObjectsByOBID(ByVal
pobjOBIDs As ArrayList, ByVal pobjOBIDs As List(Of String),
pstrDomainUID As String) As ByVal pstrDomainUID As String)
IObjectDictionary As IObjectDictionary

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 25
Code Changes and Additions

The following SimpleQueryProvider functions have had the UIDs and Domains As Arraylist or
IList replaced with IEnumerable(of string) to use the new data access layer.

Previously Now
Public Overridable Function Public Overridable Function
GetRelsByUID(ByVal pcolUIDs As GetRelsByUID(ByVal pcolUIDs As
ArrayList, ByVal IEnumerable(Of String), ByVal
pcolDomainUIDs As ArrayList) As pcolDomainUIDs As
IObjectDictionary IEnumerable(Of String)) As
Public Overridable Function Public Overridable Function
GetObjectsByUID(ByVal pcolUIDs GetObjectsByUID(ByVal pcolUIDs
As IList, ByVal pcolDomainUIDs As IEnumerable(Of String),
As IList) As IObjectDictionary ByVal pcolDomainUIDs As
IEnumerable(Of String)) As
Protected Overridable Function Protected Overridable Function
OnGetObjectsByUIDMax250(ByVal OnGetObjectsByUIDMax250(ByVal
pobjUIDs As IList, ByVal pobjUIDs As List(Of String),
parrDomainUIDs As IList) As ByVal parrDomainUIDs As
IObjectDictionary IEnumerable(Of String)) As

The two method signatures have now been replaced using the StepDateArgs as a container for
all the parameters. Overloading is supported in the constructor of the StepDateArgs class.

Previously Now
Public Overrides Sub Public Overrides Sub
SetDates(ByRef SetDates(ByVal pobjArgs As
pobjProcessedSteps As StepDateArgs)
Generic.List(Of IObject),
ByVal pobjStartStep As
Generated.IObject, ByVal
pobjStartDate As Date, ByVal
pblnSetPlannedDate As Boolean)
Public Overrides Sub
pobjProcessedSteps As
Generic.List(Of IObject),
ByVal pobjStartStep As
Generated.IObject, ByVal
pobjStartDate As Date)

26 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Code Changes and Additions

Deleted Server Method Definitions

The following server method definitions have been deleted for SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4.

The following SimpleXmlProvider functions are have been deleted because the effectivity
parameters are not being used as the constructors have been retired.
Public Sub New( ByVal pobjOutputStream As IO.Stream, ByVal pobjSerializer
As XmlSerializationWriterBase, ByVal pintEffType As EffectivityType,
ByVal pstrEffDate As String)

Public Sub New( ByVal pstrOutputFilePath As String, ByVal pobjSerializer

As XmlSerializationWriterBase, ByVal pintEffType As EffectivityType,
ByVal pstrEffDate As String)

The following SimpleQueryProvider properties have been deleted because the constructors
QueryRequest is no longer needed and Effectivity was not being used.
Public Sub New(ByVal pobjQueryRequest As QueryRequest)

Public Sub New(ByVal pobjQueryRequest As QueryRequest, ByVal pintEffType

As EffectivityType, ByVal pstrEffDate As String)
The following properties have been removed as they are no longer being used.
Public ReadOnly Property QueryRequest() As QueryRequest.
Public ReadOnly Property DataManager() As DataManager
Public ReadOnly Property UnicodePrefix() As String
The Relationship Expansion function ExpandRelation has been deleted. All relationship
expansions now use the standard mechanism as shown below:
Dim lobjRel As IRel = lobjObject.GetEnd1Relationships.GetRel("ScopedBy")

AddCompositeDocumentVersion was moved to more the specialized
ISPFCompositeDocumentVersion interface definition.

MergeDocuments was moved to the more specialized ISPFCompositeDocumentVersion
interface definition.

DeMergeDocuments was moved to the more specialized ISPFCompositeDocumentVersion
interface definition.

ValidateDocumentsForMerge was moved to the more specialized
ISPFCompositeDocumentVersion interface definition.

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 27
Code Changes and Additions

ValidateDocumentsForDeMerge was moved to the more specialized
ISPFCompositeDocumentVersion interface definition.

Server API Changes

New Server APIs
The following APIs were added for SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4.

This server API returns information related to class definitions, filters, file types, and
The input XML DOM contains the following:
1. QueryElement: This takes the input query. For example,
Class definitions/Classification types/File types/Filters/Scopes.
2. UIDs: This takes comma separated classification UIDs that need to be populated in
selective index form.

This API creates the bulk indexing scheduler task by setting the scheduler task properties. The
objects of these selected properties are indexed.
The input XML DOM contains the following:
1. SPFSchTskStartDate: Scheduler task start date.
2. SPFSchTskClassDefs: Selected class definition UIDs.
3. SPFSchTskClassifications: Selected classification UID.
4. SPFSchTskFileTypes: Selected FileType UIDs.
5. SPFSchTskFTRFilters: Selected Filter UIDs.
6. SPFSchTskConfiguraton: Selected Configuration UIDs.
7. SPFSchTskIndexFromDate: Selected from creation and/or update date of the objects.
8. SPFSchTskIndexToDate: Selected to creation and/or update date of the objects.
9. SPFSchTskProcessFailedObjects: Processes the failed objects.
10. SPFSchTskRebuildIndex: Rebuilds index.
11. SPFSchTskProcessDeletedObjects: Processes deleted tasks.

This server API updates the "Needs Indexing" and "Failure Message" properties of the objects
after indexing them.
The input XML DOM contains the following:
1. Action: The action(Index/Delete) performed on the object.
2. OBID: The OBID of the object whose properties need to be updated after indexing.

28 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Code Changes and Additions

3. FailureMessage: Sets the failure message on the object if it is failed to index.

This server API returns objects count corresponding to indexed, not yet indexed, and failed to
index for class definitions and file types.
The input XML DOM contains the following: None.

This server API returns all the composite documents matching the specified criteria.
The input XML DOM contains the following:
1. QueryPrimaryInterfaceCriteria: Primary interface definition for querying composite
2. QueryInterfacesToBeIncluded: List of interfaces that are to be included on document
masters while querying for composite documents.
3. QueryInterfacesToBeFiltered: List of interfaces that are to be filtered on document
masters while querying for composite documents.

Updated Server APIs

The following server APIs have been updated for SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4. To achieve
the architecture changes, some fundamental changes have been made to some well-known and
well used APIs; some of these have been removed.
The table below details the previous and replacement APIs.

Previous APIs Replacement APIs

CoreModule SPFRequestContext.Instance
SPFServer SPFRequestContext.Instance
CoreModule.ProcessCache SPFRequestContext.Instance.ProcessCache
All the instantiate functions previously required
CoreModule to be passed in as argument 1.
CoreModule has been retired, so they are no
longer passed.
CoreModule.ConfigurationTop SPFApplicationContext.Instance.ConfigurationTop
CoreModule.LoginUser SPFRequestContext.Instance.LoginUser
CoreModule.Domains SPFApplicationContext.Instance.Domains
CoreModule.Server.Context.DomainScope SPFRequestContext.Instance.DomainScope
CoreModule.Server.Context.CreateConfigura SPFRequestContext.Instance.CreateConfiguratio
tion n

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 29
Code Changes and Additions

Previous APIs Replacement APIs

CoreModule.QueryRequest SPFRequestContext.Instance.QueryRequest
CoreModule.Server.MethodToInvoke SPFRequestContext.Instance.MethodToInvoke
SPFServer.CurrentServer.CoreModule SPFRequestContext.Instance
SPFServer.Request SPFRequestContext.Instance.Request
CoreModule.Serializer SPFRequestContext.Instance.Serializer
ContainerDictionary constructor and some of
CoreModule has been retired, so they are no
the methods previously required CoreModule
longer passed.
to be passed in.
SPFServer.Response SPFRequestContext.Instance.Response
CurrentServer.CoreModule SPFRequestContext.Instance

Previously, the search would take only search criteria, properties, or content as input. Now, the
search takes all advanced search criteria options and paging information to show objects in
pages, if paging is enabled.
The input XML DOM contains the following:
1. SelectedClassDefs: To search for the objects of the selected class definitions.
2. SelectedClassification: To search for the objects of the selected classifications.
3. SelectedFileTypes: To search the objects of the selected file types.
4. PageQuerySize: Page size.
5. PageQueryDisplayOneWindow: To show objects of all the configs in a single window.
6. HonourQueryLimit: Query limit.
7. ConfigurationMultiQuery: Selected configurations.
8. SearchCriteria: Search criteria.
9. SearchPropertiesAndContent: Search properties and content (0 – Properties, 1 – Content,
2 – Both).
10. SearchMatchingFiles: Search matching files (Boolean).

30 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Code Changes and Additions

Client API Changes

New Client APIs
The following client APIs are new for SmartPlant Foundation version 2009 R4.

Name FTRBulkIndex
Interfaces Interface Property Value
Properties ISPFClientAPI SPFAPIParam1 Classification UIDs
SPFAPIParam1Default DC_Document_category_1
SPFAPIParam1Description UIDs of Classifications to be
displayed in Classification tab
SPFAPIParam1Type String
SPFAPIParam2 Type of objects to be indexed
SPFAPIParam2Description Type of objects to be indexed
with selected criteria. The
options are NOT_INDEXED |
SPFAPIParam2Type String
SPFAPIParam3 Type of objects to be indexed
SPFAPIParam3Default False
SPFAPIParam3Description Process deleted objects. If this
option is selected, then a bulk
indexing is created to index the
deleted object scheduler tasks
SPFAPIParam3Type Boolean


Name FTRReport
Interfaces and Interface Property Value

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 31
Code Changes and Additions

Updated Client APIs

The following client APIs were updated for SmartPlant Foundation version 2009 R4.


Name FTRSearch
Updated Interfaces Interface Property Value
and Properties
ISPFClientAPI SPFAPIParam1 "Classification UIDs"
SPFAPIParam1Description UIDs of Classifications
to be displayed in
Classification tab
SPFAPIParam1Type String
SPFAPIParam2 "Paged query size"
SPFAPIParam2Description "Enter a value to identify
the page size, if not
specified then normal
query will be used."
SPFAPIParam2Type "e1Integer"
SPFAPIParam2Default "50"
SPFAPIParam3 "Enable show all for
SPFAPIParam3Description "When using paged
queries will enable the
show all button which
allows the user to get all
the data."
SPFAPIParam3Type "e1Boolean"
SPFAPIParam3Default false
SPFAPIParam4 Honor query limit for
SPFAPIParam4Description "When using paged
queries if true then the
users maximum query
limit will be applied to
the query."
SPFAPIParam4Type "e1Boolean"
SPFAPIParam4Default false

32 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Code Changes and Additions


Name RegisterAndCheckIn
Updated Interface Property Value
and ISPFClientAPI SPFAPIParam3 Delete local files
Properties configuration
SPFAPIParam3Default True~True
SPFAPIParam3Description 2 ~ separated options
to control deleting local
files and to expose the
option on the forms
SPFAPIParam3Type String


Name CopyObj
Updated Interface Property Value
and ISPFClientAPI SPFAPIParam6 Delete local files
Properties configuration
SPFAPIParam6Default True~True
SPFAPIParam6Description 2 ~ separated options
to control deleting local
files and to expose the
option on the forms
SPFAPIParam6Type String


Name CreateClassObj
Updated Interface Property Value
and ISPFClientAPI SPFAPIParam11 Delete local files
Properties configuration
SPFAPIParam11Default True~True
SPFAPIParam11Description 2 ~ separated options
to control deleting local

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 33
Code Changes and Additions

Name CreateClassObj
files and to expose the
option on the forms
SPFAPIParam11Type String


Name CreateClassObjFromClass
Updated Interface Property Value
and ISPFClientAPI SPFAPIParam11 Delete local files
Properties configuration
SPFAPIParam11Default True~True
SPFAPIParam11Description 2 ~ separated options
to control deleting local
files and to expose the
option on the forms
SPFAPIParam11Type String


Name Revise
Updated Interface Property Value
and ISPFClientAPI SPFAPIParam11 Delete local files
Properties configuration
SPFAPIParam11Default True~True
SPFAPIParam11Description 2 ~ separated options
to control deleting local
files and to expose the
option on the forms
SPFAPIParam11Type String

34 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Code Changes and Additions


Name ExcelImporter
Updated Interface Property Value
and ISPFClientAPI SPFAPIParam11 Delete local files
Properties configuration
SPFAPIParam11Default True~True
SPFAPIParam11Description 2 ~ separated options
to control deleting local
files and to expose the
option on the forms
SPFAPIParam11Type String


Name InsertHistRev
Updated Interface Property Value
and ISPFClientAPI SPFAPIParam2 Delete local files
Properties configuration
SPFAPIParam2Default True~True
SPFAPIParam2Description 2 ~ separated options
to control deleting local
files and to expose the
option on the forms
SPFAPIParam2Type String


Name ViewIn3DModel
Updated Interface Property Value
and ISPFClientAPI SPFAPIParam1 Composite Document
Properties Revision ClassDef.
SPFAPIParam1 Description Specify the name of the
composite document
revision classdef into
which the published
documents are to be

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 35
Code Changes and Additions

Name ViewIn3DModel

SPFAPIParam2 Include Composite

Documents with
SPFAPIParam2 Description Specify InterfaceDef
UIDs required on
composite document
master into which the
published documents
are to be merged.
SPFAPIParam3 Filter Composite
Documents with
SPFAPIParam3 Description Specify InterfaceDef
UIDs to filter composite
document master for

36 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release


Custom Code Impact

As part of the release of SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4, the SmartPlant Foundation
Customization Upgrade Utility has been developed to automatically perform the necessary
conversion of the SmartPlant Foundation server customization code to use the server
architecture developed for SmartPlant Foundation 2009 R4. This SmartPlant Foundation
Customization Upgrade Utility changes the code using functions that operate in a strict order
and supports source files written in both VB.NET and C# development platforms.
This Customization Upgrade Utility does not change all of the server
customization code but automates a large part of the upgrade process. Some code simply
cannot be automated and will always require a manual change. An example of this is custom
SQL code. For more information, see Converting Custom SQL in the SmartPlant Foundation
Customization Upgrade Utility Guide. Contact the system administrator for details of any other
code that requires a manual change.
A pre-requisite to using this Customization Upgrade Utility is reading the SmartPlant
Foundation Concurrency Changes document available with the Developer's Toolkit, which will
help the user to understand what has changed.
The SmartPlant Foundation Customization Upgrade Utility and the SmartPlant Foundation
Concurrency Changes document can be requested as part of the SmartPlant Foundation
Developer's Toolkit by contacting Intergraph Process, Power & Marine support.

Recompile Code Against Version 2009 R4 DLLs

Because there may be an impact on any custom code, you should always recompile your code
against the latest SmartPlant Foundation DLLs for any new release or you may have to change
your code.

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 37
Custom Code Impact

38 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release


Known Issues
The Readme.mht file contains information about open issues, or trouble reports (TRs), for
SmartPlant Foundation. The Readme.mht file is available with the SmartPlant Foundation setup.

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 39
Known Issues

40 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release


For more information about course availability and schedules, see

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 41

42 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release


SmartPlant Enterprise Hardware and

Software Platform Summary
This section describes the hardware and software platform that may be adopted by SmartPlant
Enterprise products. The level of adoption of each platform is dependent on the release date of
the product. Each product may support elements not listed here, as long as the minimums
described in the platform are adopted. Also, each product may choose to drop support for an
element in the platform, as long as a higher-level element has been adopted (for example, a
product may support the most recent version of an operating system while dropping support for
an older version).
See the specific hardware and software requirements for each product for a detailed
listing of the hardware and software recommended for that product.
The following tables show the basic dependencies that exist across the SmartPlant Enterprise
suite of products for each platform.

Enterprise Platform 2013

The Intergraph SmartPlant Enterprise Platform 2013 will be adopted by all Process, Power &
Marine products in their major releases after January 2013.
As products move to adopt an Enterprise platform, their dependencies may exclude
some older versions of the software listed below.
Hardware: Only 64-bit servers and client. Fully 64-bit Database Servers hosting
datasets against 64-bit Client machines.
Operating System: Server: Microsoft® Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit), Standard or
Enterprise Editions
Client: Windows 7 Professional or Enterprise SP1 (64-bit), or Windows 8
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
Database: Oracle® 11g Release 2 ( with Patch 8), or MS SQL Server 2012.
Other (as Internet Explorer 9.0 (64-bit), Microsoft Office 2010 SP1, Adobe® 11
applicable): Reader, Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (service pack may be required),
MS XML 6.0 SP1, Citrix® XenApp 6.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2,
SmartPlant License Manager 2012, Internet Protocol versions 4 (IPv4) and
6 (IPv6).

Enterprise Platform 2011

The Intergraph SmartPlant Enterprise Platform 2011 was to be adopted by all Process, Power &
Marine products in their major releases after January 2011.
As products move to adopt an Enterprise platform, their dependencies may exclude
some older versions of the software listed below.
Hardware: Fully 64-bit Database Servers hosting datasets against both 64-bit and
32-bit Client machines (Client/Server sets: 32/64, 64/64).

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 43
SmartPlant Enterprise Hardware and Software Platform Summary

Operating System: Server: Microsoft® Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 (32-bit and 64-bit),
Standard or Enterprise Editions; Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
(64-bit), Standard or Enterprise Editions
Client: Windows XP Professional SP3, Windows 7 Professional or
Enterprise SP1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Database: Oracle® 11g Release 2 (64-bit), MS SQL Server 2008 SP1 (64-bit).
Servers and Clients in the same configurations will need matched
Database Platform versions (Client/Server: Oracle 11g/11g, MSSQL
Other (as Internet Explorer 8.0, Microsoft Office Excel 2003/2007/2010, Adobe® 9
applicable): Reader, Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.0 (service pack may be
required), Citrix® Presentation Server 4.5 on Windows Server 2003 R2 or
XenApp 6 on Windows Server 2008 R2.

 For more information about version interoperability between SmartPlant products, see the
SmartPlant Enterprise Compatibility Matrix on the Intergraph Process, Power & Marine
eCustomer Web site. To view this matrix, browse to the following Web address, and type
your eCustomer user name and password:
Or, to navigate from the Service & Support home page, click Download Software Updates
> Products, and then click the Compatibility Matrices link in the right side of the page.
 See the specific hardware and software requirements for each product for a detailed listing
of the hardware and software recommended for that product.

Additional Server, Database and Operating System Dependencies

 For SmartPlant Foundation version 2009 R4 and SmartPlant 3D version 2011 SP1 and
later, Windows Server 2008 R2 is the only supported operating system.
 The schematics (2D) products continue to support Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 as a
server operating system.
 With SmartPlant 3D, 64-bit servers can be used with 32-bit operating systems, databases,
and workstations. For increased performance, Intergraph recommends a 64-bit server,
operating system and database, especially for medium and large projects. The 64-bit
versions of SQL Server 2008 and Oracle 11g R2 run on the 64-bit version of Microsoft
Windows Server 2008 R2.
 Intergraph highly recommends installing database software on a database server separate
from the SmartPlant Foundation application server for improved performance.
 SmartPlant Foundation in stand-alone mode and in the SmartPlant Enterprise integrated
environment supports Oracle and SQL Server databases.
 The SmartPlant authoring tools support both Oracle and SQL Server databases when
operating in the SmartPlant Enterprise integrated environment.
 Office 2007 is supported with minor limitations. See the SmartPlant Enterprise Product
Compatibility Matrix on the Intergraph Process, Power & Marine eCustomer Web site for the
appropriate tool for a list of known issues.
 When used in stand-alone mode only, SmartPlant Electrical, SmartPlant Instrumentation,
and SmartPlant P&ID also support Oracle 9.2.

 For information about supported databases for each authoring tool, see the matrix for the
appropriate authoring tool.

44 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

SmartPlant Enterprise Hardware and Software Platform Summary

 Although all products meet the basic dependencies described in the preceding platform
summaries, some products--such as SmartPlant 3D and SmartPlant Materials--have
additional capabilities and requirements. For more information about a specific product, refer
to the hardware and software recommendations for that product.
 In an integrated environment, Intergraph recommends using separate database servers for
each application in a production environment; however, you can combine application servers
as necessary.

Special Consideration for Non-English Locales

The system language specified for Microsoft Office must be the same as the system language
specified by the operating system. For example, if your operating system language is English,
Microsoft Office must also be set to English. For overall assistance with installing the software in
a non-US English environment, visit the Intergraph Support web site
( at

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 45
SmartPlant Enterprise Hardware and Software Platform Summary

46 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release


Migration and Upgrade

Migrating from a Previous Version

For information on migrating to SmartPlant Foundation 2009 or above from versions of
SmartPlant Foundation prior to version 2008, please contact your Intergraph account

Upgrading from a Previous Version

For information on upgrading to the current SmartPlant Foundation version from any SmartPlant
Foundation 2008 or 2009 version, see the SmartPlant Foundation Upgrade Guide.

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 47
Migration and Upgrade

48 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release


SmartPlant Enterprise
Supporting internationalization in a homogeneous environment is one of the enhancements
available in SmartPlant Enterprise. A homogeneous environment uses elements from only a
single locale. For example, a German customer running on a German operating system using
only German characters and German cultural conventions is a fully supported homogeneous
environment configuration.

Homogeneous Environments
When starting a new project, use extra care during installation and configuration to ensure the
proper creation and maintenance of homogeneous environments:
 All the computers (servers and clients) within an integrated SmartPlant Enterprise
implementation must have the same regional settings, and no one should change the
regional settings after the project has started.
 Do not cross the decimal locale boundary. This is the most common cause of numeric data
corruption and calculation errors. Having users with different regional settings (like with a
period versus a comma for the decimal point) causes the software to interpret values
unpredictably. For example, a pipe run with a pressure of 35.3 psi can be read by the
software as 353 psi to the user with different regional settings. A cable length defined as 39
ft 11,21 inches has been interpreted as 121718910971323 meters when published to an
XML file. These incorrect interpretations may be used in internal software calculations and
can be impossible to backtrack or correct. Do not change the decimal point character to try
to solve an issue. Doing so will only corrupt values in the database or in text files.
 Do not cross the character-set locale boundary. For example, the character set boundary
between Western (Latin-based) and Eastern Europe (Cyrillic-based), or between Eastern
Europe and Japan.
 Create Oracle databases using AL32UTF8 for the database character set and AL16UTF16
for the NLS character set.
 Never modify the NLS_LANG registry entry on an Oracle client. Doing so causes the
character data not to convert to Unicode.
 Create Microsoft SQL Server databases with locale-specific collation settings and ensure
that all databases have the same setting.

Heterogeneous Environments
In contrast, a heterogeneous environment using elements from different, or even multiple
locales, is not supported. Many customers are currently operating in unsupported
heterogeneous environments and are often not aware of that fact. Examples of heterogeneous
 Entering or viewing Japanese data on an US/English operating system
 Using German Regional Settings (where the decimal point is a comma) on a US/English
operating system
 Using databases with different character encodings such as CL8MSWIN1251 or JA16SJIS

SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin 49
SmartPlant Enterprise Internationalization

 Using multiple languages in a project, especially when crossing language-group boundaries

 Using an English server with different local language clients

International / Bi-lingual Projects

International bi-lingual projects are possible; however, great care must be used when
configuring these environments. Limitations exist and must be properly understood:
 Oracle and MS SQL Server databases can reside on any language operating system, as
long as the databases have been created and configured with proper Unicode and collation
 All SQL Server databases must have the same collation setting and reflect the “master”
language. Text is stored, sorted, indexed, and presented based on the collation setting. You
must determine which language will be used primarily to generate output (P&IDs, SLDs,
reports, approval documents, and so forth.) If Russian and English text is entered, and
Russian is the target locale, the chosen collation should be based on the Cyrillic character
 All Microsoft operating systems (Japanese, Russian, German, and so forth) can enter
English characters. The reverse, however, is not true in most cases.
 Keyboard-locale can be changed as long as a character-set and code-page boundary is not
crossed. For example, English, German, French, and Spanish characters can all be used in
the same project because the same Windows code-page (1252) is used. However, Russian
characters (code-page 1251) cannot be used in a US/English environment.
 You must decide which language operating system will be the master for bi- lingual projects.
The following is an example of a Russian-based project:
Companies in the United States and the United Kingdom are working a project with a Russian
company and the deliverables (drawings, reports, and so forth) must ultimately be provided in
Russian. The companies in the U.S. and the U.K. are working the project using the "master"
Russian operating systems (possibly using virtual Russian operating systems running on
VMware Workstation). The U.S. and U.K. companies can install and use English Microsoft
Office products on the Russian operating system because Office products are globally enabled.
If a Russian interface exists for the SmartPlant Enterprise application, then Russian users can
use the Russian interface while the English-speaking users would continue to use the
US/English interface. English-speaking engineers can enter English characters.
Russian-speaking engineers can enter Russian characters.
However, because the Russian locale uses different decimal and character-set locales,
everyone (English and Russian engineers) must use the Russian decimal symbol which is a
comma. For customization purposes, databases can be modified to accommodate new
Russian-specific requirements (fields, properties, and so forth.) Using filters, display sets, and
other software features, bi-lingual projects can be further customized. Graphic data, reports, and
so forth can be created in either or both languages.
Do not change regional settings to reflect a U.S. environment in order to resolve
problems in a non-US/English homogeneous configuration. Doing this creates a heterogeneous
configuration that will cause other possibly hidden problems that cannot be corrected. Everyone
working on a project must use the same regional settings and character set throughout the life of
the project.

Questions and Assistance

Please contact your support representative for assistance and answers to your questions: see
Intergraph Customer Support at (

50 SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release


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