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SmartPlant Enterprise

SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant


Version 2009 R4

August 2012

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Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

The Adapter’s Processing .......................................................................................................................... 7

Data Transformation Logic ...................................................................................................................... 7
Tool Schema Data Model ................................................................................................................. 7
Publish .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Retrieve .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Objects (Classes) ........................................................................................................................... 10
Properties ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Enums............................................................................................................................................. 13
Enum Entry ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Relationships .................................................................................................................................. 16
Limitations and Constraints in the SmartPlant Adapter ........................................................................ 18
Publishing and Retrieving Documents .................................................................................................. 19
Publish ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Retrieve .......................................................................................................................................... 20
‘SameAs’ Relationship .......................................................................................................................... 22
Plant Breakdown Structure (PBS)......................................................................................................... 22
Property Data Conversions ................................................................................................................... 23
General Conversion Cases ............................................................................................................ 23
UOM Conversions .......................................................................................................................... 23
Regional Settings Issues ................................................................................................................ 35
Retrieved Tasks .................................................................................................................................... 35
Correlation ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Instructions ..................................................................................................................................... 36
Plug-And-Play Retrieve ......................................................................................................................... 38
Log Files ................................................................................................................................................ 38
Extending the SmartPlant Adapter Usability ......................................................................................... 38
Publish Modes....................................................................................................................................... 39
Publish Now .................................................................................................................................... 39
Background Publish........................................................................................................................ 39
ToolBatch Publish........................................................................................................................... 39

Configuring the Adapter ........................................................................................................................... 41

Configuring the SmartPlant Adapter ..................................................................................................... 41
Schemas Used by the SmartPlant Adapter .......................................................................................... 41
Defining a Document for Publish / Retrieve .......................................................................................... 43

The Metadata Adapter ............................................................................................................................... 47

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 47
Synchronization..................................................................................................................................... 47
Limitations ............................................................................................................................................. 48

SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping Examples ................................................................................... 49

SmartPlant Instrumentation Example: Mapping New Enumerated List Entries Starting
in the Tool ............................................................................................................................................. 49

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 3


Example: Creating and Mapping a String Property for SmartPlant Instrumentation ............................ 55

Appendix A – SmartPlant Instrumentation Relevant Database Tables for Integration ...................... 63

Index ........................................................................................................................................................... 65

4 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

This document is a user’s guide for the SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation.
Send documentation comments or suggestions to

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 5


The Adapter’s Processing

Data Transformation Logic

Tool Schema Data Model
The SmartPlant Schema has the following hierarchy:
 A ClassDef is equivalent to an object in SmartPlant Instrumentation (such as an Instrument,
Loop, and so forth). A ClassDef can have several InterfaceDefs (interfaces) associated with it.
 An InterfaceDef is a container for a set of properties or PropertyDefs.
 An Enumerated List (EnumListDef) can be associated with several PropertyDefs.
 An EnumListDef is actually a supporting table in SmartPlant Instrumentation.
 EnumDef is the record in the EnumListDef.
Similarly, SmartPlant Instrumentation has the following hierarchy:
While the SmartPlant Schema recognizes an entity of type Interface underneath a
ClassDef, in SmartPlant Instrumentation this type of entity does not exist. The way around this
limitation is by using the Schema Editor to create a Class that has the property "Is Interface"
set to True.
The SmartPlant Schema objects are mapped to corresponding objects in the tool. So, for
example, the ClassDef in the SmartPlant Schema is mapped to the SPMapClassDef in the Tool
Schema. A relationship between the tool class (SPMapClassDef) and the Schema Class
(ClassDef) is called MapClassToClass.
A relation starting with the word ‘Map’ indicates that the direction of the relation is from
the tool to the SmartPlant Schema.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 7

The Adapter’s Processing

The following is a summary of the relationships between Tool objects and Schema objects in the
SmartPlant Schema.

8 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

SmartPlant Instrumentation allows a predefined list of documents to be published along with their
data, while other documents can be published without data.
In order for data to be published with a document, mapping must exist between the Tool Schema’s
properties and the SmartPlant Schema's properties. The mapping is done using the Schema
A published document with data can be described using the following pseudo code:
1. Try to create a document object based on definitions present in the INtoolsMap.xml,
SmartPlant Schema files, and the SmartPlant Instrumentation database.
2. If the document cannot be created, then the document is not supported.
3. Load the ContextMap.xml file.
4. Get the Schema and document definition for the document’s ClassDef.
5. Get data for the document based on its associated interfaces and the relevant SmartPlant
Instrumentation database tables.
6. Create a collection of objects associated with this document.
7. Get the properties based on the collection of associated objects.
8. Compare the properties with the list of properties required for publishing (passed over to the
SmartPlant Adapter from SmartPlant Instrumentation) and publish only those needed.

Hard-Coded References in the SmartPlant Adapter to SmartPlant

During the process of publishing a document, the SmartPlant Adapter checks the availability of the
following InterfaceDefs:
 InonDrawingItem
 IPBSItem
 Iequipment
The processing for the first two of these InterfaceDefs is done in the INtoolsEFAdapter module
using the PublishDocument() function. In the process of going over each published object, after
the equivalent EF Object is located and before "Same As" relationships are created, a check-up is
made for the above InterfaceDefs.
Every object that gets published is checked for the last InterfaceDef in the list (that is, IEquipment).
If this interface is associated with the current processed object, then the adapter checks the
values of two of its properties, and if False, sets the following values:
 If EqTypeDescription = False (that is, if the equipment type does not have a description), the
value of the property is set to the current object’s ObjectDefName.
 If EqType0 = False, then the Enum hierarchy value of the property is set to the following UID:
EqType0 is a property of the IEquipment interface in the SmartPlant Schema. UID
239410D8-4DDC-41B2-9116-0F9856921CBE represents the Electrical Equipment
EnumListType object in the SmartPlant Schema.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 9

The Adapter’s Processing

A retrieved document with data can be described using the following pseudo code:
1. Search for document type by its UID.
2. Create a Task object and initialize its properties.
3. Get Tombstones (deleted items instructions).
4. Get ‘SameAs’ pairs.
5. Get the collection of objects associated with this document.
6. For each object in the collection, get its associated ClassDefs.
7. For each ClassDef, get the associated ClassDef from the SmartPlant Schema.
8. Get the objects associated with the SmartPlant Schema objects.
9. Create a task from Parent Task and Master Task.
10. Set the properties for the new task.

Retrieve Limitations
Currently, limitations exist in SmartPlant Instrumentation when it comes to retrieving documents.
Below is a list of known limitations.
 Retrieving PD Cases – In the Process Data module in SmartPlant Instrumentation, it is
possible to define several cases for a single Instrument. The idea is to allow the instrument to
be configured in different ways and to allow the different configurations to be saved as Case 1,
Case 2, and so forth. Each case may hold a different set of Process Data parameters.
Currently, SmartPlant Instrumentation can only retrieve Instrument cases from SmartPlant
 UOMs – A Process Data Sheet usually has several fields that have multiple values along with
their units of measure. For example, Temperature has Minimum, Normal, and
Maximum values and each value can have a different unit of measure defined. Currently,
SmartPlant Instrumentation cannot retrieve these values if each of them has its own unit of
measure. All three values must have the same unit of measure in order for SmartPlant
Instrumentation to successfully retrieve the data. The same goes for other fields in the
Process Data Sheet.

Objects (Classes)
Every object in the SmartPlant Instrumentation schema that needs to be published must have a
corresponding object in the SmartPlant Schema.
For the publish operation to succeed, every ClassDef Object in the tool map must have a relation
with an associated SmartPlant Schema interface. This relation includes a UID1 attribute with the
UID of the ClassDef object from the Tool and a UID2 attribute with the UID of the associated
interface from the SmartPlant Schema. This relation is defined as a MapClassToClass relation.
Similarly, when retrieving a document, an opposite relation must exist in the tool map –
ClassToMapClass. In this relation the UID1 attribute has the UID of the SmartPlant Schema
interface and the UID2 attribute has the UID of the Tool's ClassDef.
The same guidelines go for other entities in the Schema Hierarchy.
Following is a list of necessary attributes needed in order to properly define an object both in the
SmartPlant Schema and in the tool map.

10 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

SmartPlant Schema
General Definitions
Property Remark
Name/UID Should be a unique name. Cannot include spaces.
Display Name The actual name being displayed. Can include
Model Definition ‘WorkBreakdownModel’ should be selected.
Component Schema New document types defined for publishing usually
belong to the ‘Generic Document Component’
Class Factory Definition ‘Schema Comp Factory’ should be selected.
Primary Interface Definition If a new document type is defined and it does not
have any specific interface that can be associated
with it, a new corresponding interface is created for
the new document type.
Realized Interface Definitions Every document type realizes the same following 5
 IObject
 IDocument
 IDocVersionComposition
 IReferencedDocumentCollection
 ISPIBrowser
The 6th Interface is the Primary Interface mentioned

General Definitions
Property Remark
Name The object to be published should have the following
name format:
<Schema>_<Document Type>_<Object_Def_ID>
These values should be taken from the SmartPlant
Instrumentation database tables: Object_Schema,
Document_Type and Object_Def
Mapping Option When publishing documents with data, this option
should have include realize selected. T his allows
later being able to choose various interfaces with
properties needed for the specific class.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 11

The Adapter’s Processing

Property Remark
Publish using view definitions In this option the user chooses the classes /
interfaces (that is, containers of properties) in the
SmartPlant Schema which contain the properties that
need to be mapped to the INToolsMap class. After
selecting one or more interfaces, when choosing
Retrieve / Publish tabs, the list on the right includes
the properties from these interfaces in the SmartPlant
Schema. The selection in the tool – SmartPlant
Schema relationship determines the options in this
drop-down list.

Tool – SmartPlant Schema Relationships

General Definitions
Relationship Remark
Publish to SmartPlant / Class The interface in the SmartPlant Schema that maps to
definitions the data in the INToolsMap schema. This option
defines a relation between the Tool Class and the
SmartPlant Schema Interface.

Advanced Definitions
Property Remark
UID This property is taken from the Name property in the
General Definitions. ‘INTL’ is added at the beginning
of the UID. Once a name has been assigned to this
property, it cannot be altered.
Tool OID This property should have the following format:
Name Same as the Name property in the General
Specialization Of The class that this object specializes.
Generalization Of The class that this object generalizes.
Mapping Option Defined in the General Definitions.

Tool Schema Relationships

Relationship Remark
Realized A list of Interfaces whose properties this document
publishes. This option defines relations between the
Class Object and its interfaces.

12 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

The user should not usually alter other properties that have default values and were not
mentioned in the description above, as their default values are acceptable.

Since the purpose of publishing a document along with its data is to publish the actual values in
the document, the next step is to make sure that all necessary properties are published.
Generally, after the Class object has been mapped to a relevant Class in the Schema, and after
the Class has been defined to realize a set of interfaces, these interfaces already include a set of
properties to be mapped. Most common properties are already mapped in the SmartPlant
Schema; however, there may be instances when the user may have to map new properties
Mapping properties in the INToolsMap is achieved in the Publish / Retrieve tabs of a Map Class
Definition dialog box.
The relation created for each new property is called MapPropertyToProperty. The direction of the
relation is from the INToolsMap to the SmartPlant Schema.
The opposite direction, from the Schema to the tool is called PropertyToMapProperty.
It is saved in the INTools map file.
The SmartPlant Instrumentation Tool Schema does not recognize a difference between
properties of data type Enumeration and properties of data type Unit Of Measure. In both cases,
the property is mapped to an enumerated list and the relation is known as

As with previous examples, the attitude towards Enums with regard to inter-schema relations is
basically the same. For each enumerated list defined in the Tool schema there exists an
enumerated list in the SmartPlant Schema. The relation is known as MapEnumListToEnumList, if
the direction is from the Tool's Map to the SmartPlant Schema, or EnumListToMapEnumList, if the
direction is from the SmartPlant Schema to the Tool Map.
The handling of a property with a data type of Enumeration / UOM is carried out in the adapter in
the following manner:
1. A new property object is created based on the current property’s name.
2. If it is not empty, then its data is saved in the value attribute of the property.
3. If the property is identified as belonging to a specific hard-coded list of UOMs, then a certain
flag is set to True. Later, this flag is checked and if its value is True, then a UOM value
attribute of the property is set.
4. If the property is empty then it is checked for enumeration. If it is an Enum, then a flag
designating this is set to True.
The properties and relations for a MapEnumList can be viewed in the Edit Enumerated List
Definition dialog box.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 13

The Adapter’s Processing

General Definitions
Property Remark
UID The UID should be a unique name.
Name The name of the SmartPlant
Instrumentation enum list.

Tool Schema Relationships

Relationship Remark
Scoped map properties A MapEnumList must be related to the
MapProperties that it scopes.
Contains A MapEnumList can contain a variable
number of MapEnum objects.

Enum Entry
For each enum entry that exists in the Tool map, there exists an enum entry in the SmartPlant
The properties and relations for an Enum entry can be viewed in the Edit Enumerated Entry
Definition dialog box. The properties and relations for a MapEnumList can be viewed in the Edit
Enumerated List Definition dialog box.

General Definitions
Property Remark
UID A unique GUID number that is created
when a new Enum is created.
Name A description for the new Enum.

Tool Schema Relationships

Relationship Remark
Contained In Every MapEnum must be related to a

14 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

UOMs (Unit Of Measure)

UOMs are a specialized case of enums.

The diagram below shows a representation of the objects and relationships that are relevant to the
mapping of Units of Measure (UOM). A MapUoMList is a specialized kind of MapEnumList.
Similarly, a MapUoM is a specialized kind of MapEnum. This is shown by the Implies relationships
in the diagram. A MapProperty with a UoM data type must be related to a MapUoMList.

The MapUoMList object corresponds to the IMapUoMListDef interface in the diagram above. In
general, there is a MapUoMList object in the Tool Schema for each SmartPlant Instrumentation
format type associated with a property that needs to be published or retrieved. The properties and
relationships for a MapUoMList can be viewed in the New Unit of Measure List Definition dialog

General Definitions
Property Remark
UID A unique GUID that is created when
the new UOM is created.
Name The name of the SmartPlant
Instrumentation format type.

Tool Schema Relationships

Relationship Remark
Scoped map properties A MapUoMList must be related to the
MapProperties that it scopes.
Contains A MapUoMList can contain a variable
number of MapUoM objects.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 15

The Adapter’s Processing

UOM Entries
The MapUoM object corresponds to the IMapUoMDef interface in the diagram above. In general,
there is a MapUoM object in the Tool Schema for each SmartPlant Instrumentation format that
needs to be mapped. The properties and relations for a MapUoM can be viewed in the Edit dialog
box that opens for a new UOM entry.

General Definitions
Property Remark
UID A unique GUID that is created when
the new UOM is created.
Name The name of the SmartPlant
Instrumentation format.

Tool Schema Relationships

Relationship Remark
Contained In Every MapUoM must be related to a

Items in SmartPlant Instrumentation may have relationships with other items in SmartPlant
For example, a Rack may be created under a Panel, in which case the Panel is the ‘parent’ of the
When an item in SmartPlant Instrumentation becomes a child of another item, the parent ID is
saved in a relevant column. Continuing the example above, the Rack's record in the
Object_Registry table will hold the Panel's ID in the Parent_Object_Id column.
In the above example a Parent – Child relationship scenario was given. However, there are also
relationships between siblings. For example, a Panel – Cable relationship, or a Wire – Terminal
relationship. These relationships are saved in special tables such as in the Wire_terminal table.
Currently, the adapter does not support these kinds of relationships.
When the SmartPlant Adapter retrieves the objects associated with a given Document, it executes
a query that returns the object’s information along with its relevant Parent_ID value. This enables
the Adapter to identify that a relationship exists between the current object and some other object.
When SmartPlant Instrumentation publishes a document, the SmartPlant Adapter, upon
encountering an object with a relationship, will create a relationship for it as follows:

Relationship Remark
UID A combined value of the UIDs of the
two objects that have a relationship
of the format: UID1_UID2.
UID1 Holds the UID value of the child.

16 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

Relationship Remark
UID2 Holds the UID value of the parent.
DefUID Holds the definition of this
Currently, the SmartPlant Adapter only creates relationships for the following document types:
 Instrument Index
 Dimensional Data Sheet
 Control System Configuration
 Electrical Signal List

Document Type Relationship Type RelDef Name

Instrument Index Instrument - Loop InstrumentLoopAssembly
Control System Tag - InstrumentControlSysIO
Dimensional Data Sheet Piping Port - Instrument PipingPortComposition
Control System Panel-Rack Racks
Control System Configuration Slot-Rack RackSlots
Control System Configuration IOCard-Slot SlotOccupant
Channel-Primary IO Card SignalPortComposition
Control System Tag – IO ControlSysIOSignalChannel
Signal Channel
Control System Tag – InstrumentControlSysIO
Fieldbus Device – IO Channel SignalPortComposition
Function Block - Parameters FunctionBlockParameters
Fieldbus Device – Function FunctionBlocks
Slot-Controller ControlsSlotOccupant
Control System Tag – HART HARTControlSysIO
Electrical Signal List Panel-Racks ElectricalCabinetMembers
Slot-Rack RackSlots
IO Card – Slot SlotOccupant
Channel – Primary IO Card SignalPortComposition
Control System Tag – IO ControlSysIOSignalChannel
Terminal – IO Channel SignalPortTerminals

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 17

The Adapter’s Processing

Document Type Relationship Type RelDef Name

Electrical Signal Tag – IO ChannelSignals
Instrument – Loop InstrumentLoopAssembly
Circuit – Signals CircuitMembers
Electrical Equipment – Circuit CircuitMembers
Electrical Equipment – Master ElecEquipElecEquip

Limitations and Constraints in the SmartPlant Adapter

Below is a list of limitations and constraints imposed by the logic of the SmartPlant Instrumentation
SmartPlant Adapter.
 DDP (Dimensional Data and Piping) – The DDP module in SmartPlant Instrumentation
requires special handling when trying to retrieve / publish data.
Each group in SmartPlant Instrumentation must have a corresponding group in the
INtoolsMap schema.
All the properties used are UDFs (User Defined Fields) only.
When defining a new MapClass for DDP in the Schema Editor, the ‘Generalization Of’
property should include all available DDP groups.
When mapping properties of a specific group these definitions are made in that group alone.
When mapping properties common to all groups, the mapping is done in the Instrument
 In order to overcome a problem in DeltaV when a using MSS where the client is Version 2000
and the server is Version 2005, the following tables and their relevant primary keys are
 When initializing objects in the Adapter, the following objects are hard-coded and receive
special attention:
 Area
 Unit
 Function Block

18 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

 Instrument Parameters
 Naming Conventions – SmartPlant Instrumentation allows the definition of a broad range of
naming conventions for a large set of objects.
However, when publishing or retrieving data, the following objects must receive special
 Control System Tag
 Instrument
 Loop
P&ID, SmartPlant Foundation, and SmartPlant Instrumentation must be synchronized when
dealing with the above objects. Synchronization is achieved using the
NamingConventionMap.xml file.
This file ‘tells’ SmartPlant Instrumentation which interfaces and which properties it should use
when either publishing or retrieving one of the above objects. These properties define the
name of an object.
 Process Data Sheets – SmartPlant Instrumentation can retrieve Process Data documents
along with their data; however, it cannot publish these document types with data. Only the
graphical version can be published.
 Relationships – Upon publishing a document, the SmartPlant Adapter can only create
relationships that are currently hard-coded. For more information, see Relationships (on page

Publishing and Retrieving Documents

SmartPlant Instrumentation allows publishing of documents with or without data.
Each document must include a revision before it can be published.
The simplest case is publishing documents without data. Below is a list of supported document
types that can be published without data.
 Documents
 Instrument Index
 Process Data & Calculation
 Instrument Specifications
 Wiring
 Hook-Ups
 Loop Drawings
 Control System
 Dimensional Data
 Construction & Commissioning
 Workflow
 Telecom
 Enhanced SmartLoop
 Process Data Reports
 Specification Sheets
 Wiring Equipment Connections
 Strip Without Adjacent Connections (Style 2)

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 19

The Adapter’s Processing

 I/O Tag Assignment (Wiring)

 Strip With Adjacent Connections
Things get a little more complicated when publishing a document with data.
Below is a list of current available documents that can be published with data in addition to the
published document itself:
 Dimensional Data Sheet
 Browse - Instrument Index Report
 Electrical Signal List
 Electrical Power Elements
The following is a summary of the Publish algorithm:
 Check the schema used. If schema ‘TEFPublish’ is recognized, the adapter loads the
following three hard-coded naming conventions:
 Instrument
 Loop
 Control System Tag
 If a naming convention is not defined for one or more of the above objects, no special action is
 The document’s data is obtained from the SmartPlant Instrumentation database.
 For each object associated with the document, do the following:
a. Try to build its name according to the naming convention loaded.
b. Get its properties to publish.
c. Take care of cases where an object has an attribute of Specialization / Generalization (for
example, DDP).
d. Load its equivalent object / class in the SmartPlant Schema.
e. If the document is found to be ‘Shared’, then create a ‘SameAs’ relationship.
f. Take care of special cases (for example, if the domain is KKS).

A document in SmartPlant Instrumentation can be retrieved in two ways:
 As published — Retrieves only the data that SmartPlant Instrumentation originally published,
along with the selected revision and version of the document at the time of publishing.
Retrieving ‘As published’ data retrieves the .xml file SmartPlant Instrumentation published
from the appropriate SmartPlant Foundation vault.
 With the latest data — Retrieves the latest data associated with the selected document in the
SmartPlant Foundation database. If another, more-recently published document contains
updates to objects in the selected document, the software retrieves the most current data in
the SmartPlant Foundation database for those shared objects. When the latest data is
retrieved, SmartPlant Foundation generates an .xml file containing the published data.
When a document is retrieved with data, SmartPlant Instrumentation creates a set of tasks in the
To Do List that can be run to update the plant database.
The following document types can be retrieved:

20 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

Document Type Remark

Electrical Signals I/O lists Retrieve Signals:
 Create tasks for new Electrical Tags
 Update tasks with changed properties
 Delete tasks for deleted items
Electrical Power Element Report Retrieve Instruments and Equipment
 Update tasks with changed properties
Control System Configuration Retrieve Control System Configurations (for
example, DeltaV and Yokagawa)
 Create tasks for new items
 Update tasks with changed properties
 Delete tasks for deleted items
Instrument Process Data Sheets Retrieve Instrument Process Data from SmartPlant
 Create tasks for new instruments
 Update tasks with changed properties
Schematics Retrieve Schematics
 View files only with revision data
P&IDs Retrieve Instruments, Loops, Lines and Equipment
from P&ID
 Find Instrument to Line and Instrument to
Equipment relationships
 Correlate to existing items
 Create tasks for new items
Names of instruments and loops created as per
naming convention
 Determine instrument types when undefined
 Update tasks with changed properties
 Delete tasks for deleted items
When performing Retrieve, properties from the SmartPlant Schema are mapped to the tool map
When a Process Data document is retrieved, the following InterfaceDefs are hard-coded in the
adapter and are selected according to the process function read from the SmartPlant Schema:
 IAnalyzer
 IControlValve
 IFlow
 IPDGeneral
 ILevelInstrument
 IPressure
 IReliefValve
 ITemperature
For more information about the Retrieve algorithm, see Correlation (on page 36).

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 21

The Adapter’s Processing

‘SameAs’ Relationship
A ‘SameAs’ relationship is created when a document is retrieved and the adapter identifies that
there is a RemoteUID associated with the retrieved object in the document, meaning that another
tool has already published the object in the document.
In consecutive Publish operations, the function CreateSameAsRel of the adapter receives an
object from the list of objects associated with the published document and creates a relationship
for that object. This relationship is published to SmartPlant Foundation.
From that moment, the published document is considered a ‘Shared’ document among the other
This ‘SameAs’ relationship is stored in the Object_Remote_UID_List table.
This table holds, among other values, the Object_UID and Object_Remote_UID columns. These
columns also appear in the Object_Registry table.
Object_UID represents the object’s internal ID in SmartPlant Instrumentation whereas
Object_Remote_UID represents the corresponding object’s ID in SmartPlant Foundation.

Plant Breakdown Structure (PBS)

A special case of retrieving a document is when retrieving a Plant Breakdown Structure.
This feature is available through the Administration Tool (Admin).
The PBS case can be divided into two scenarios:
1. Current SmartPlant Instrumentation database has no plant structure – When Retrieve is
executed, the adapter searches for a current Plant Structure in SmartPlant Instrumentation
and sends SmartPlant Foundation the result. If SmartPlant Foundation notices a missing plant
structure, it generates "Create Instructions" for the Plant hierarchy (that is, for the Plant, Area
and Unit). The RemoteUIDs of each item are saved both in the Object_Registry and
Object_Remote_UID_List tables.
2. Current SmartPlant Instrumentation database already has a plant structure – In this
scenario SmartPlant Foundation is notified by the adapter of an existing plant structure.
SmartPlant Foundation tries to synchronize the hierarchy in the following manner:
 If the current SmartPlant Instrumentation plant and the SmartPlant Foundation plant have the
same name, the SmartPlant Foundation plant's UID is saved as a RemoteUID in the
SmartPlant Instrumentation database. Other available attributes of the plant are scanned for
changes. If these are present, then SmartPlant Foundation generates Update instructions for
 SmartPlant Foundation searches for its Area in the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. If it
finds an area with a similar name, it stores the RemoteUID of the Area from SmartPlant
Foundation (same tables as in the Plant). If it finds dissimilarities between other Area
attributes, it generates Update instructions for them. If it does not find an area in the
SmartPlant Instrumentation database, it generates a Create instruction for its Area.
 The handling of a Unit is similar to that of an Area.

22 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

Property Data Conversions

In some cases the Adapter needs to intervene when special data types are handled. These data
types are defined differently in the INToolsMap and in the SmartPlant Schema.
In some other cases the adapter needs to deal with issues concerning System Regional Settings
definitions and Unit of Measure conversions.

General Conversion Cases

The least common cases are those of special data types. Below is the conversion table for these

Properties that need Schema
conversion Direction Value IntoolsMap Value
From Schema Y 1
From Schema N 0
PD_PRESS_NOR, From Schema Absolute A
From Schema Gauge G

From Schema @NULL "" (Empty String)

UOM Conversions
When converting UOMs, the adapter receives the UOM_ID from the SmartPlant Instrumentation
database, and then it creates the ToolOID attribute by adding INTL_UOM_ to the UOM_ID.
According to the ToolOID, the adapter locates the relationship MapEnumToEnum in the
INToolsMap.xml and can then use the SmartPlant Schema's UID to locate the equivalent value in
the SmartPlant Schema.
Below is the UOM table along with the ToolOID as it appears in the INToolsMap.xml file:

uom_code uom_type ToolOID


SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 23

The Adapter’s Processing

uom_code uom_type ToolOID

1/?C LE INTL_UOM_358
1/?F LE INTL_UOM_357
?C/min TG INTL_UOM_407
?F/min TG INTL_UOM_406
Btu IT/ft? CV INTL_UOM_428
Btu IT/gal CV INTL_UOM_429
Btu IT/h WT INTL_UOM_441
Btu IT/lb LH INTL_UOM_234
Btu IT/min WT INTL_UOM_442
Btu IT/s WT INTL_UOM_424
Btu M/lb LH INTL_UOM_233
Btu M/lb? SH INTL_UOM_265
Btu th/lb LH INTL_UOM_235
Btu/ft²hF H3 INTL_UOM_438
Btu/ft²· H2 INTL_UOM_436
Btu/ft³· HS INTL_UOM_432
Btu/ft·h? H1 INTL_UOM_434
Btu39/lb LH INTL_UOM_236
Btu39/lb? SH INTL_UOM_268
Btu59/lb LH INTL_UOM_237
Btu59/lb? SH INTL_UOM_269
Btu60/lb LH INTL_UOM_238
Btu60/lb? SH INTL_UOM_270
BtuIT/lb? SH INTL_UOM_266
Btuin/f²h H1 INTL_UOM_440
Btuth/lb? SH INTL_UOM_267

24 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

uom_code uom_type ToolOID

CN gal/d FL INTL_UOM_210
CN gal/h FL INTL_UOM_209
CN gal/min FL INTL_UOM_208
CN gal/s FL INTL_UOM_207
F/ft CF INTL_UOM_305
F/km CF INTL_UOM_296
H/ft IF INTL_UOM_315
H/km IF INTL_UOM_311
H/ohm LR INTL_UOM_333
Items PC INTL_UOM_286
J/(kg·K) SH INTL_UOM_247
J/kg LH INTL_UOM_239
Kbyte LD INTL_UOM_387
Kohm OM INTL_UOM_326
MOhm/km RF INTL_UOM_288
Mft³/d FL INTL_UOM_348

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 25

The Adapter’s Processing

uom_code uom_type ToolOID

Mft³/h FL INTL_UOM_339
Mft³/min FL INTL_UOM_347
Mlb/d FL INTL_UOM_349
Mlb/h FL INTL_UOM_368
Mm³/d FL INTL_UOM_346
Mohm OM INTL_UOM_367
Ohm/ft RF INTL_UOM_291
Ohm/km RF INTL_UOM_293
Ohm/m RF INTL_UOM_289
Pa·s VS INTL_UOM_128
S/cm CN INTL_UOM_259
Torr PR INTL_UOM_119
UK bbl/d FL INTL_UOM_395
UK bbl/h FL INTL_UOM_396
UK gal/d FL INTL_UOM_198
UK gal/h FL INTL_UOM_197
UK gal/min FL INTL_UOM_196
UK gal/s FL INTL_UOM_195
UK ton/d FL INTL_UOM_172
UK ton/h FL INTL_UOM_146
UK ton/min FL INTL_UOM_171

26 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

uom_code uom_type ToolOID

UK ton/s FL INTL_UOM_173
US bbl/d FL INTL_UOM_139
US bbl/h FL INTL_UOM_174
US bbl/min FL INTL_UOM_175
US bbl/s FL INTL_UOM_176
US gal VM INTL_UOM_413
US gal/d FL INTL_UOM_132
US gal/h FL INTL_UOM_178
US gal/min FL INTL_UOM_133
US gal/s FL INTL_UOM_177
US kbbl/d FL INTL_UOM_341
US kbbl/h FL INTL_UOM_342
US mbbl/d FL INTL_UOM_343
Watt LD INTL_UOM_385
at (tech) PR INTL_UOM_101
atm (stand) PR INTL_UOM_102
bar PR INTL_UOM_103
cal IT/g LH INTL_UOM_240
cal IT/h WT INTL_UOM_425
cal IT/l CV INTL_UOM_431
cal IT/min WT INTL_UOM_426
cal IT/m³ CV INTL_UOM_430
cal IT/s WT INTL_UOM_427
cal M/(gK) SH INTL_UOM_258
cal M/g LH INTL_UOM_244
cal th/g LH INTL_UOM_241
cal/m²·h H2 INTL_UOM_437
cal/m²·h H3 INTL_UOM_439
cal/m³7? HS INTL_UOM_433
cal/m·h· H1 INTL_UOM_435

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 27

The Adapter’s Processing

uom_code uom_type ToolOID

cal15/(gK) SH INTL_UOM_256
cal15/g LH INTL_UOM_242
cal20/(gK) SH INTL_UOM_257
cal20/g LH INTL_UOM_243
calIT/(gK) SH INTL_UOM_254
calth/(gK) SH INTL_UOM_255
cm/min VL INTL_UOM_412
cmH2O 4?C PR INTL_UOM_105
cmHg 0?C PR INTL_UOM_104
cm² AR INTL_UOM_217
cm²/s VS INTL_UOM_279
cm³/min FL INTL_UOM_340
db/1000ft AT INTL_UOM_384
db/ft AT INTL_UOM_383
db/km AT INTL_UOM_382
db/m AT INTL_UOM_381
dm³/s FL INTL_UOM_393
dyne/cm² PR INTL_UOM_106
ft/h VL INTL_UOM_273
ft/min VL INTL_UOM_274
ft/s VL INTL_UOM_275
ft² AR INTL_UOM_223
ft²/s VS INTL_UOM_170
ft³ VM INTL_UOM_415
ft³/d FL INTL_UOM_179
ft³/h FL INTL_UOM_138
ft³/min FL INTL_UOM_129
ft³/s FL INTL_UOM_130
g/cm³ DN INTL_UOM_369

28 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

uom_code uom_type ToolOID

g/d FL INTL_UOM_202
g/h FL INTL_UOM_201
g/min FL INTL_UOM_200
g/ml DN INTL_UOM_148
g/s FL INTL_UOM_199
gf/cm² PR INTL_UOM_108
grain/d FL INTL_UOM_206
grain/h FL INTL_UOM_205
grain/min FL INTL_UOM_204
grain/s FL INTL_UOM_203
hL/d FL INTL_UOM_394
hL/h FL INTL_UOM_397
in/min VL INTL_UOM_411
in/s VL INTL_UOM_276
in/s² AC INTL_UOM_354
inHg PR INTL_UOM_109
in² AR INTL_UOM_219
in²/s VS INTL_UOM_169
in³ VM INTL_UOM_417
in³/d FL INTL_UOM_182
in³/h FL INTL_UOM_181
in³/min FL INTL_UOM_131
in³/s FL INTL_UOM_180
kJ/(kg·? SH INTL_UOM_473
kJ/kg LH INTL_UOM_246
kKg/h FL INTL_UOM_370
kOhm/ft RF INTL_UOM_292
kOhm/km RF INTL_UOM_287
kOhm/m RF INTL_UOM_290

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 29

The Adapter’s Processing

uom_code uom_type ToolOID

kcal IT/kg LH INTL_UOM_228
kcal M/kg LH INTL_UOM_232
kcal M/kgK SH INTL_UOM_253
kcal th/kg LH INTL_UOM_229
kcal15/kg LH INTL_UOM_230
kcal15/kgK SH INTL_UOM_251
kcal20/kg LH INTL_UOM_231
kcal20/kgK SH INTL_UOM_252
kcalIT/kgK SH INTL_UOM_245
kcalth/kgK SH INTL_UOM_250
kft³/d FL INTL_UOM_337
kft³/h FL INTL_UOM_336
kft³/min FL INTL_UOM_344
kg/d FL INTL_UOM_186
kg/h FL INTL_UOM_144
kg/km WL INTL_UOM_285
kg/l DN INTL_UOM_283
kg/m WL INTL_UOM_377
kg/min FL INTL_UOM_185
kg/m³ DN INTL_UOM_149
kg/s FL INTL_UOM_143
kgf FR INTL_UOM_13
kgf/cm² PR INTL_UOM_111
kgf/mm² PR INTL_UOM_113
kgf/m² PR INTL_UOM_112
kj/(kg·K) SH INTL_UOM_248
klb/d FL INTL_UOM_345
klb/h FL INTL_UOM_338

30 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

uom_code uom_type ToolOID

km LN INTL_UOM_226
km/h VL INTL_UOM_277
km² AR INTL_UOM_227
l/d FL INTL_UOM_193
l/h FL INTL_UOM_136
l/min FL INTL_UOM_135
l/s FL INTL_UOM_194
lb/1000ft WL INTL_UOM_380
lb/UK gal DN INTL_UOM_157
lb/US gal DN INTL_UOM_158
lb/d FL INTL_UOM_189
lb/ft WL INTL_UOM_284
lb/ft³ DN INTL_UOM_155
lb/ft·h VS INTL_UOM_123
lb/ft·s VS INTL_UOM_124
lb/h FL INTL_UOM_145
lb/in³ DN INTL_UOM_156
lb/mile WL INTL_UOM_379
lb/min FL INTL_UOM_188
lb/s FL INTL_UOM_187
lb/yd WL INTL_UOM_378
lb/yd³ DN INTL_UOM_159
lbf FR INTL_UOM_11
lbf/ft² PR INTL_UOM_116
lbf/in² PR INTL_UOM_117
lbf·s/ft? VS INTL_UOM_125
lbf·s/in? VS INTL_UOM_126
lm LI INTL_UOM_398
lot PC INTL_UOM_422
m/s VL INTL_UOM_272

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 31

The Adapter’s Processing

uom_code uom_type ToolOID

mF/ft CF INTL_UOM_306
mF/km CF INTL_UOM_297
mF/m CF INTL_UOM_301
mH/ft IF INTL_UOM_316
mH/ohm LR INTL_UOM_332
mH2O 4?C PR INTL_UOM_107
mPa·s VS INTL_UOM_278
mS/cm CN INTL_UOM_260
mV/in/s SV INTL_UOM_419
mV/mil SD INTL_UOM_418
mbar PR INTL_UOM_114
mg/d FL INTL_UOM_20
mg/h FL INTL_UOM_19
mg/l DN INTL_UOM_372
mg/min FL INTL_UOM_3
mg/m³ DN INTL_UOM_21
mg/s FL INTL_UOM_2
mho/cm CN INTL_UOM_262
micron LN INTL_UOM_399
mile LN INTL_UOM_10
mile² AR INTL_UOM_225
min TT INTL_UOM_410
ml/h FL INTL_UOM_373
mm/s VL INTL_UOM_28
mm/s² AC INTL_UOM_452
mmH2O 4?C PR INTL_UOM_211
mmHg 0?C PR INTL_UOM_115
mmho/cm CN INTL_UOM_263

32 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

uom_code uom_type ToolOID

mm² AR INTL_UOM_216
mm²/s VS INTL_UOM_280
m² AR INTL_UOM_218
m²/s VS INTL_UOM_167
m³ VM INTL_UOM_416
m³/d FL INTL_UOM_184
m³/h FL INTL_UOM_137
m³/min FL INTL_UOM_183
m³/s FL INTL_UOM_134
nF/ft CF INTL_UOM_308
nF/km CF INTL_UOM_295
nF/m CF INTL_UOM_303
nH/km IF INTL_UOM_310
ohm OM INTL_UOM_325
oz/UK gal DN INTL_UOM_152
oz/US gal DN INTL_UOM_153
oz/in² PR INTL_UOM_376
oz/in³ DN INTL_UOM_154
pF/ft CF INTL_UOM_309
pF/km CF INTL_UOM_299
pF/m CF INTL_UOM_304
pH/ft IF INTL_UOM_318
pcs PC INTL_UOM_423
psi PR INTL_UOM_118
puls/USgal PS INTL_UOM_402
pulse PL INTL_UOM_26
pulse/L PS INTL_UOM_404
pulse/d PF INTL_UOM_25
pulse/ft³ PS INTL_UOM_403
pulse/h PF INTL_UOM_24

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 33

The Adapter’s Processing

uom_code uom_type ToolOID

pulse/min PF INTL_UOM_23
pulse/m³ PS INTL_UOM_405
pulse/s PF INTL_UOM_22
rad AN INTL_UOM_391
rpm FQ INTL_UOM_362
slug/ft³ DN INTL_UOM_160
slug/ft·s VS INTL_UOM_127
statOhm/km RF INTL_UOM_294
t/d FL INTL_UOM_147
t/h FL INTL_UOM_191
t/min FL INTL_UOM_192
t/s FL INTL_UOM_190
tonl/yd³ DN INTL_UOM_161
tons/yd³ DN INTL_UOM_162
yd² AR INTL_UOM_224
µF/ft CF INTL_UOM_307
µF/km CF INTL_UOM_298
µF/m CF INTL_UOM_302
µH/ft IF INTL_UOM_317
µH/km IF INTL_UOM_312
µH/m IF INTL_UOM_314
µS/cm CN INTL_UOM_261
µm LN INTL_UOM_471
µmho/cm CN INTL_UOM_264
µmho/in CN INTL_UOM_392

34 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

Regional Settings Issues

In most languages a dot (‘.’) represents the Decimal Point and a comma (‘,’) represents the Digit
Grouping Symbol.
For example, 4.54 and 1,234.
There are certain languages, however, that define these symbols differently, such as German and
In German, for example, the Decimal Point is a comma (‘,’).
In order to correctly analyze data published from SmartPlant Instrumentation or retrieved into
SmartPlant Instrumentation, the adapter converts given values to the local decimal point using the
function ConvertToLocaleDecPoint(), which is located in the TaskComponent module. This
function receives a number to convert and returns the converted value.

Retrieved Tasks
When a foreign document is retrieved, the SmartPlant Adapter compares the objects in that
document to the data in the SmartPlant Instrumentation database and generates tasks in the To
Do List. A Create task is generated when a new item needs to be created. An Update task is
generated when an existing item needs to be modified. A Delete task is generated when an
existing item needs to be deleted. The SmartPlant Adapter depends on the data in the Tool
Schema to support the retrieve operation.
When a document is retrieved, the SmartPlant Adapter receives several objects / data containers,
among which are:
1. The document container that includes all of the published objects and relationships for that
2. The tombstone container that includes information about deleted objects and relationships.
The SmartPlant Adapter iterates over all of the objects in the document container and performs
these actions:
 Generate Update Task – The adapter searches for an existing SmartPlant Instrumentation
item to update. If an item is found, it generates an Update task in the To Do List. The
properties of the incoming object are compared against the properties of the existing item.
When differences are found, property updates are added to the task. The list of properties to
be compared is defined by the properties in the Tool Schema. Properties of type UoM are
handled separately.
 Generate Create Task – If no item is found to update, a Create task is generated in the To Do
List. Property updates are added to the task for each of the incoming property values. The list
of properties to be added is defined by the properties in the Tool Schema.
 Retrieve Relationships – The Class Retriever defines the types of relationships that are to be
retrieved for each data object.
The SmartPlant Adapter iterates over all of the objects in the tombstone container and
performs this action:
 Generate Delete Task – The SmartPlant Adapter searches for an existing item in the
SmartPlant Instrumentation database that is correlated to the item that was deleted in the
other application. If such an item is found, a Delete task is generated in the To Do List.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 35

The Adapter’s Processing

When we retrieve an object, we follow a standard procedure.
Basically, the process of retrieving a document involves the following general steps:
1. Find the document to retrieve according to its UID and register it.
2. Create a task object and initialize it.
3. Retrieve any deleted instructions (tombstones) associated with the objects of the retrieved
document. A loop goes over the collection of instructions. Each instruction has an object
associated with it.
4. Collect any ‘Same As’ pairs associated with the retrieved document.
5. Get the collection of objects associated with the retrieved document.
6. For each object in this collection, do the following:
a. Find the corresponding object (class) in the SmartPlant Schema.
b. Check whether the object has parents.
c. Create a task for the object only if the object has not been terminated. The task is created
along with its associated properties. Properties from the SmartPlant Schema are mapped
to properties in the INToolsMap using the PropertyToMapProperty relation.
d. For each end of a relation in the collection of relations of the current object, repeat steps

 Only EF Properties present in the retrieved XML document are mapped.

 Properties whose values have not changed since the last retrieve operation are not retrieved
 Properties which have been ignored and whose values have not changed are retrieved with
status ‘Ignore’.

Create Instruction
SmartPlant Foundation generates a Create instruction for an item if the current item does not exist
in current project or in As-Built. The adapter runs a query that is executed in the SmartPlant
Instrumentation database, mainly on the Object_Registry table. The columns
object_is_terminated_flg, Eng_Proj_ID, and unit_ID set the appropriate flags which determine
whether or not a project or As-Built exists.

36 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

Delete Instruction
SmartPlant Foundation generates a Delete instruction whenever an item has been deleted. This
deletion is communicated from SmartPlant Foundation to any retrieving tool.
Once SmartPlant Foundation generates a delete instruction, a Tombstone document will be
passed to the retrieve logic.
The tombstone document will be filled with a RefUID, which is the design basis UID of the relevant
plant SP Item.
This logic creates Delete tasks for all items.
Once an object is deleted, the value of the flag Object_Is_Terminated_Flg in the Object_Registry
table is set to 1. The assumption here is that values are never deleted from the Object_Registry
table and therefore to distinguish items that have been deleted from items that still exist, this flag
was added. This flag can be cleared in the Admin tool.

Update Instruction
SmartPlant Foundation generates an Update instruction on those properties with null values that
previously had a value.
The tombstone container will hold all those properties for an object, and will be processed during
the update task execution, which will null the property’s value.

Resurrection Instruction
SmartPlant Foundation generates a Resurrection instruction when it notices that the SmartPlant
Instrumentation database is not synchronized with current values it received from another
application's published data.
Since SmartPlant Foundation identifies that the SmartPlant Instrumentation database needs to be
synchronized, it generates Resurrection instructions in the Tombstone document.
The SmartPlant Adapter, which receives these instructions during a retrieve, goes over all
available tasks in the To Do List. It removes deleted instructions which still exist there and have
not yet been processed and which are not synchronized with the current SmartPlant Foundation
database values (meaning that they are no longer needed).
The handling of the Resurrection instructions is done in the INtoolsEFAdapter module via the
function RetrieveTombstones().

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 37

The Adapter’s Processing

Plug-And-Play Retrieve
The SmartPlant Instrumentation SmartPlant Adapter does not have problems dealing with
retrieving different document types. So long as the document type is properly defined in the
SmartPlant Instrumentation database, ContextMap.xml, INToolsMap, and SmartPlant Schema,
the Adapter has no problem retrieving it.

Log Files
The SmartPlant Instrumentation SmartPlant Adapter provides a means of debugging the tool by
means of log files. Logging is enabled via a flag located under the [API] section of the Intools.ini
The flag is called Writelog. To enable logging, the value of this flag is set to 2. To disable logging,
the value of the flag is set to 0.
When logging is enabled, a log file with the following name format is created in the main folder of
SmartPlant Instrumentation:
‘TaskComp’ + 4 middle digits of the active session’s GUID + ‘.log’
The log file includes a list of all called functions, SQL statements, and objects that are created or

Extending the SmartPlant Adapter Usability

The SmartPlant Instrumentation SmartPlant Adapter is a closed tool that currently does not
support future add-ins or hooks.

38 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Adapter’s Processing

Publish Modes

Publish Now
This mode is the default publish mode which instantiates an immediate publish.

Background Publish
This mode is enabled by selecting the "Background Publish" option in the CommonUI dialog box.
After clicking OK, the Adapter communicates with SmartPlant Foundation via the BatchPublish
parameter as to whether this mode is supported by SmartPlant Instrumentation.
This mode triggers SmartPlant Foundation to launch a different process for the publish to take
place. This process will maintain a second connection to the datapile.
This mode is especially useful in cases of a large publish operation where a user does not want to
wait until the whole process ends.

ToolBatch Publish
This mode is intended to enable the scheduling of publish.
This mode is not supported by SmartPlant Instrumentation.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 39


Configuring the Adapter

Configuring the SmartPlant Adapter

The SmartPlant Adapter can be manually configured in a very limited way.
There are specific flags that can change how the SmartPlant Adapter functions in certain cases.
These flags are located in the Intools.ini file under the [API] section.
1. Writelog – this flag enables or disables the internal log for the SmartPlant Adapter. A value
of 2 enables logging while a value of 0 disables logging.
2. NameSpacesReplacement – Objects in SmartPlant Instrumentation may have names
containing spaces, for example, an instrument tag: 101-FE - 1.
Yokagawa or DeltaV have the ability to work with spaces. When SmartPlant Instrumentation
publishes objects; however, it omits extra spaces. A solution was provided by this flag.
This flag substitutes the space with a character defined by the user. Yokagawa or DeltaV will
retrieve this name containing the new characters instead of the spaces. Next time SmartPlant
Instrumentation retrieves this item and encounters this character, it will know to replace the
characters with spaces and return the name to its initial value.
So, continuing the example, if NameSpacesReplacement = $, then the value published will be –

Schemas Used by the SmartPlant Adapter

In order for the SmartPlant Adapter to properly publish and retrieve data, all relevant data items
must be declared correctly.
The SmartPlant Adapter uses several XML schemas to map items between SmartPlant
Instrumentation and SmartPlant Foundation. Below is an explanation for each schema.

In this schema, documents are initially declared, whether for Publish or Retrieve. Each document
has a record (row) in the schema for the type of operation needed (Publish, Retrieve, and so
The record has the following attributes:

Attribute Value and Remark

ID A name for the document in the format of:
DocumentDefName The same value as it appears in the equivalent
column in the document_type table in
SmartPlant Instrumentation database.
Modifier Currently an unused attribute.
SchemaName For Publish, it should be TEFPublish; for
Retrieve it, should be TEFRetrieve.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 41

Configuring the Adapter

Attribute Value and Remark

ClassDefUID The name of the ClassDef associated with this
document type.
DocType The UID of the document type as it appears in
the SmartPlant Schema.
SubDocType The UID of the sub document type as it appears
in the SmartPlant Schema.
Direction ‘IN’ symbolizes Retrieve and ‘OUT’ symbolizes
For example:
<Context ID="INTL_2_1" DocumentDefName="InstrumentIndex" Modifier=""
SchemaName = "TEFPublish" ClassDefUID="INDXDocument" DocType="EE84"
DocSubType="" Direction="OUT"/>
The insertion of new records is performed manually.

This schema includes mapping information between items in SmartPlant Instrumentation and also
between items in SmartPlant Instrumentation and SmartPlant Foundation.
The insertion of new records is performed using the Schema Editor.

Any naming conventions that need special attention when publishing or retrieving objects to or
from either P&ID or SmartPlant Foundation are defined in this schema.

This schema is generated by the EFCommonUI when a connection is established between the
SmartPlant Adapter and the EF Server.

This schema provides information on the database of SmartPlant Instrumentation. It is used in the
Adapter for creating Joins between tables for SQL statements.

This file is no longer supported.

This file is no longer supported.

This file is no longer supported.

42 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

Configuring the Adapter

Defining a Document for Publish / Retrieve

This topic provides an outline of the steps needed to define a document so that it is published or
retrieved properly.
It is assumed that you know how to use the Schema Configuration Wizard
(spiscw.exe) and the Schema Editor applications.

Procedure 1 – SmartPlant Instrumentation Tables

Make sure the document to publish is present in the Document_Type table.

Procedure 2 – Using Schema Configuration Wizard

1. Open the Schema Configuration Wizard (spiscw.exe), which resides in the SmartPlant
Instrumentation installation folder.
2. Select the document to publish and associate the proper objects to it.
3. For each object associated, select the interfaces to publish.
4. Save the new definitions.

Procedure 3 – Using SchemaEditor – INtoolsMap.xml

1. Open the INtoolsMap.xml file.
2. Under the SPIMapClassDef node, create a class for each object associated with the
document to publish (right-click the node and on the shortcut menu, select Create new

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 43

Configuring the Adapter

The following dialog box appears:

The class name should have the following format (below is an example for Publish):
For example, if InstrumentSpecificationBrowser is published and Instrument is one of the
objects associated with it, then the name of the class will be
This creates a SPMapClassDef entity in the INToolsMap.xml file.
3. In the Mapping option field, select Include Realized. This option imports the relevant
properties to the selected interfaces.
4. In the Publish using view definition field, select the appropriate view.
5. The previous step determines which elements are shown in the Publish to SmartPlant
class/interface option. Any other lnterfaces that include properties that are relevant to the
specific document should be chosen here as well.

44 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

Configuring the Adapter

6. Click the Advanced tab.

The ToolOID text box includes an OID for the document which has the following format:
This creates a Relationship of type MapClassMapClass where UID1 includes the UID of the
Object and UID2 includes the UID of the new Class.
7. In the Specialization of text box, select the object that represents the Object_Def_ID.
8. In the Realizes text box, select all the interfaces that are relevant to this document. This
option creates relationships between the new class and the interfaces that have its relevant
properties for Publish / Retrieve. The relationship created is
called MapClassRealizesMapClass.
9. If certain properties are not mapped, use the Publish tab to map them to the relevant
properties in the SmartPlant Schema.

Procedure 4 – Using SchemaEditor - <Relevant Component Schema>

In order to find what is the relevant schema for the published document, make sure that you are in
the SmartPlant Schema. Search for the document in the ClassDef section.
When you find the schema, expand it and go to the ComponentSchema node. Expand the
ComponentSchema node too in order to see the relevant component schema of the class.
For the purpose of illustration, the GenericDocumentComponent schema will be used.
1. Open the GenericDocumentSchema.xml schema.
2. Create a ClassDef for the document under the ClassDef root. The name of the class should
be the same as the name of the document.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 45

Configuring the Adapter

3. Fill in the appropriate fields. You can try looking at already defined classes to determine what
data to fill in.
4. Add the appropriate ClassDef that INtoolsMap class maps to. For example, if Instrument is an
object associated with the browser being published, then INDXInstrument should be defined
in the GenericDocumentComponent. Otherwise, the adapter will not find the properties to
5. This class (the INDXInstrument, for instance) should have all the interface definitions it needs.
If these are missing, they should also be defined under the InterfaceDef node.

Procedure 5 – Updating the ContextMap.xml

1. Open the ContextMap.xml file which is located in the XML folder of SmartPlant
2. Manually add a new row (you can copy an existing row and then modify it).
3. The ID should include the first two values as described in Procedure 3.
4. The SchemaName should be either TEFPublish for publishing or TEFRetrieve for retrieving.
5. The DocumentDefName attribute should include the name as described in the equivalent
column in the Document_Type table in the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. This is also
the name of the document in the SmartPlant Schema.
6. The DocType attribute should include the UID that appears in the EnumListType node in the
SmartPlant Schema (for that document name).
7. The SubDocType attribute should include the UID that appears in the EnumEnum node in the
SmartPlant Schema.
8. Make sure the direction attribute is set to OUT.

46 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation


The Metadata Adapter

The Metadata Adapter is a tool that displays discrepancies between the SmartPlant
Instrumentation database and the INToolsMap.xml file.
For example, a certain property is defined in the SmartPlant Instrumentation database and is
missing from the INToolsMap.xml.
If these discrepancies exist, the Metadata adapter allows the user to synchronize the database
with the INToolsMap and to achieve a situation where all entities are mapped correctly between
the database and the Tool Schema file.
The Metadata Adapter consists of two modules:
 SPI Metadata adapter – This module is responsible for making the necessary changes in the
 SPI Broker – This module is responsible for making the necessary changes in the SmartPlant
Instrumentation database.

Synchronization is achieved as follows:
1. The Metadata adapter loads the following schemas into memory:
 SPIMetaDataExtension.xml
 INtoolsMap.xml
2. The SmartPlant Instrumentation Broker module is loaded.
3. The SmartPlant Instrumentation Broker connects to the SmartPlant Instrumentation
4. The Metadata Adapter compares the values of properties or select lists in the SmartPlant
Instrumentation database with the values of properties in the INToolsMap.
5. A report is displayed showing the values to be added or changed at each end and suggests a
course of action.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 47

The Metadata Adapter

Currently, the Metadata Adapter supports only a limited list of hard-coded properties, which it can
compare and validate.
Below is a list of these properties:
Apart from the properties above, the Metadata Adapter can only synchronize UDFs (User Defined
Fields) belonging to the following SmartPlant Instrumentation items:
 Instrument
 Loop
 Line
 Panel

48 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation


SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping

The sections that follow provide mapping examples for SmartPlant Instrumentation. For more
information and mapping examples, see the SmartPlant Mapping User's Guide.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Example: Mapping New

Enumerated List Entries Starting in the Tool
The following topic provides an example of adding and defining mapping for a new enumerated list
entry for the Instrument Status list in SmartPlant Instrumentation.

Before You Update the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database

1. Make a backup of the SmartPlant Foundation site database and any vaults for the site.
2. Make a backup of the SmartPlant Instrumentation database and the INtoolsMap.xml file
located in the SmartPlant resources folder.

Create the List Entry in the Instrument Status Table

1. Click Start > All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation > SmartPlant
2. Log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 49

SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping Examples

3. In the Open dialog box, expand the appropriate plant, and then select the lowest level in the

4. Click OK.
5. Close Domain Explorer.
6. Click Modules > Instrument Index.
7. Click Tables > Instrument Statuses.
8. In the Instrument Statuses dialog box, click New to define the new enumerated list item.

50 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping Examples

9. In the Instrument Statuses dialog box, type PRC as the instrument status and
Preconstruction as the description, and click OK.

10. To verify the new instrument status has been added, click Reports > Tables > Instrument
Statuses. Find the new PRC values in the report that appears.
11. Click File > Exit, and when prompted, confirm that you want to close your SmartPlant
Instrumentation session.

Load the SmartPlant Instrumentation Tool Map Schema

1. In the Desktop Client, set your scope for the applicable plant, and then find the CMF file.
2. Right-click the CMF file, and then click Edit > Check Out.
3. Click OK in the Check Out dialog box.
4. In the New Items window, right-click the new version of the CMF file, and select Launch
Schema Editor.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 51

SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping Examples

5. On the Set Active Configurations dialog box, select the schema version that you want to

6. Click OK to set the configuration.

 For more options, click Advanced on the Set Active Configuration dialog box.
 By default, changes to the SmartPlant Schema are written to all versions managed by the
CMF file. You can choose to write changes to only selected versions; however, that is not
 If you choose to view one version of the schema (Specify configurations to display
window), but write changes to all versions (Set Configurations for new
objects window), an information window appears when you click OK, indicating that you
will be prompted with every change to the schema to confirm that you want to write the
changes to all versions. Click OK to continue.
7. In the Schema Editor, click File > SmartPlant > Edit Engineering Tool Options, and select
INtools in the list of authoring tools to load the INtools tool map schema.
8. Under Startup options, select the Load map schema and Connect to application schema
check boxes, and click OK.
9. In each row in the Synchronize dialog box, the values in the tool database and tool map
schema columns indicate actions to correct inconsistencies between the tool metadata and
tool map schema. Select the appropriate action in each row, and then click OK.

 Each row represents a discrepancy between the tool database and the tool map schema.
 Default actions are blue when the Synchronize dialog box appears. However, if you
select a different option, it will become blue instead.

52 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping Examples

 In many cases, only one operation is supported to synchronize the database and map
schema. For example, if a new property was found in the database, the metadata adapter
can add the property to the tool map schema, but it cannot remove the property from the
tool database.

Add the New Status Entry to the SmartPlant Schema and Map
1. In the Map Environment, expand SmartPlant Instrumentation > Loaded Map Schemas >
INtools Tool Schema.
2. Expand the Map Enumerated Lists node, and right-click Construction Statuses.
 Construction Statuses is called Instrument Status in SmartPlant
3. Select Edit Construction Statuses.
4. Select the Publish tab.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 53

SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping Examples

5. In the SmartPlant section of the Edit Enumerated List Definition dialog box (upper, right
corner), expand the tree, and click Construction state > New > New.

6. Right-click New, and select Create New EnumEnum.

7. In the New Enumerated Entry dialog box, type a name and description for the new
preconstruction enumeration in the SmartPlant schema.

8. Click OK.
9. In the SmartPlant tree, select Construction state > New.
10. Under Unmapped application enumerations, select Preconstruction.
11. Under Unmapped SmartPlant enumerations, select Preconstruction.

54 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping Examples

12. Click Map .

13. Click OK.

Save the Tool Map Schema and SmartPlant Schema Changes

 Click File > Save All Modified Files to save the SmartPlant schema changes (CMF file) and
the tool map schema.

 When you close the Schema Editor, the software prompts you to save your connection
information, user interface options, and loaded tool map schemas to a session file. Click Yes
in the message box to save the session file so that you can use it to return to this working
environment. However, you should not open a session file after launching the CMF file from
the Desktop Client.
 If you save changes to the CMF file or a tool map schema but did not validate the changes
before exiting, the software displays an information message to remind you that the file
contains changes that have not been validated. Click OK to dismiss the message.
 If you make changes to the SmartPlant schema, you must load the changes into the
SmartPlant Foundation database. For more information, see the SmartPlant Schema Editor
User's Guide.
 Additionally, if you made changes to the SmartPlant schema, you should regenerate the
component schemas for the site before testing any publish or retrieve mapping relationships.
For more information, see the SmartPlant Schema Editor User's Guide.

Example: Creating and Mapping a String Property for

SmartPlant Instrumentation
The following example demonstrates how to perform the following tasks:
 configure user-defined fields in SmartPlant Instrumentation for use as system code properties
for instrument and instrument loops,
 extend the SmartPlant schema to create the custom system code property, and
 create retrieving mapping relationships so that SmartPlant Instrumentation can retrieve the
property when it is published on an instrument in a P&ID drawing.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 55

SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping Examples

Before You Update the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database

1. Make a backup of the SmartPlant Foundation site database and any vaults for the site.
2. Make a backup of the SmartPlant Instrumentation database and the INtoolsMap.xml file
located in the SmartPlant resources folder.

Define the SystemCode Property in SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration

1. Click Start > All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation > Administration.
2. Log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration.
3. Select Domain Administrator, and then select the domain name from the list.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Fields on the toolbar.

6. In the Custom Fields dialog box, select the appropriate plant and the item type instrument.

56 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping Examples

7. In the first blank row, type the information for the SystemCode property, and click Apply.

8. Click OK when the confirmation dialog box appears.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 57

SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping Examples

9. In the Item Type list, select Loop, and enter the information for another SystemCode

10. Click Apply, and then click OK to confirm the change.

11. Click Close.
12. Click File > Exit, and confirm that you want to close the session of SmartPlant

Add the SystemCode Property to the Instrument Index Browser in SmartPlant

1. Click Start > All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation.
2. Log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation.
If the Windows Authentication Login is enabled in SmartPlant Instrumentation
Administration, you will not be prompted to log on. For more information about
enabling Windows Authentication Login, see the SmartPlant Instrumentation User's Guide.
3. Select the lowest level in the hierarchy, and click OK.
4. Click Modules > Instrument Index.
5. At the bottom of the Instrument Index Module dialog box, click Browse.
6. Click Manager on the bottom toolbar in the Browser View window.
7. Under Browser Groups, click Instrument Index > Instrument Index Standard Browser >
Default View.

58 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping Examples

8. In the Default View panel, double-click Style.

9. In the Style section at the bottom of the dialog box, click Edit and then scroll down to
SystemCode in the table.

10. Select the View option on the SystemCode row.

11. Click Save.

12. Click Open View on the bottom toolbar.
13. Scroll to the right, and find the SystemCode column in the window.
14. Click File > Exit to exit SmartPlant Instrumentation.
15. Confirm that you want to close your SmartPlant Instrumentation session.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 59

SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping Examples

Launch Schema Editor and Load the SmartPlant Instrumentation Tool Map Schema
The ICustomInterface must be realized by the class definitions that represent objects in this
authoring tool that will be publishing or retrieving the custom property. If you have not configured
ICustomInterface, see the Schema Editor User's Guide for more information.
1. In the Desktop Client, set your scope for the applicable plant, and then find the CMF file.
2. Right-click the CMF file, and then click Edit > Check Out.
3. Click OK in the Check Out dialog box.
4. In the New Items window, right-click the new version of the CMF file, and select Launch
Schema Editor.
5. On the Set Active Configurations dialog box, select the schema version that you want to

6. Click OK to set the configuration.

 For more options, click Advanced on the Set Active Configuration dialog box.
 By default, changes to the SmartPlant Schema are written to all versions managed by the
CMF file. You can choose to write changes to only selected versions; however, that is not
 If you choose to view one version of the schema (Specify configurations to display
window), but write changes to all versions (Set Configurations for new
objects window), an information window appears when you click OK, indicating that you
will be prompted with every change to the schema to confirm that you want to write the
changes to all versions. Click OK to continue.
7. In the Schema Editor, click File > SmartPlant > Edit Engineering Tool Options, and select
INtools in the list of authoring tools to load the INtools tool map schema.
8. Under Startup options, select the Load map schema and Connect to application schema
check boxes, and click OK.
9. In each row in the Synchronize dialog box, the values in the tool database and tool map
schema columns indicate actions to correct inconsistencies between the tool metadata and
tool map schema. Select the appropriate action in each row, and then click OK.

 Each row represents a discrepancy between the tool database and the tool map schema.
 Default actions are blue when the Synchronize dialog box appears. However, if you
select a different option, it will become blue instead.

60 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping Examples

 In many cases, only one operation is supported to synchronize the database and map
schema. For example, if a new property was found in the database, the metadata adapter
can add the property to the tool map schema, but it cannot remove the property from the
tool database.

Create the SystemCode Property in the SmartPlant Schema and Map

1. In the Map Environment, expand SmartPlant Instrumentation > Loaded Map Schemas >
INtools Tool Schema.
2. Expand Map Classes.
3. Right-click TEFRetrieve_PID Drawing_Instrument, and select Edit TEFRetrieve_PID
Drawing_Instrument on the shortcut menu.
4. Select the Retrieve tab.

5. Click New Property Definition on the toolbar above the Unmapped SmartPlant
properties section on the right side of the dialog box.
6. In the New Property Definition dialog box, define the new SmartPlant schema SystemCode

 In the Exposed by interface definitions dialog box, click Browse, and

select ICustomInterface as the interface definition that exposes this property.
 In the Scoped by property type box, select string.
7. Click OK.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 61

SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping Examples

8. Under Unmapped application properties, select SystemCode.

9. Under Unmapped SmartPlant properties, select SystemCode.
10. On the toolbar, click Map .

11. Click OK.

Save the Tool Map Schema and SmartPlant Schema Changes

 Click File > Save All Modified Files to save the SmartPlant schema changes (CMF file) and
the tool map schema.

 When you close the Schema Editor, the software prompts you to save your connection
information, user interface options, and loaded tool map schemas to a session file. Click Yes
in the message box to save the session file so that you can use it to return to this working
environment. However, you should not open a session file after launching the CMF file from
the Desktop Client.
 If you save changes to the CMF file or a tool map schema but did not validate the changes
before exiting, the software displays an information message to remind you that the file
contains changes that have not been validated. Click OK to dismiss the message.
 If you make changes to the SmartPlant schema, you must load the changes into the
SmartPlant Foundation database. For more information, see the SmartPlant Schema Editor
User's Guide.
 Additionally, if you made changes to the SmartPlant schema, you should regenerate the
component schemas for the site before testing any publish or retrieve mapping relationships.
For more information, see the SmartPlant Schema Editor User's Guide.

62 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation


Appendix A – SmartPlant
Instrumentation Relevant Database
Tables for Integration
SmartPlant Instrumentation has a set of tables used by the SmartPlant Adapter that make up the
SmartPlant integration foundation in SmartPlant Instrumentation. These tables are as follows:
 Object_Def
 Object_Interface_Def
 Object_Def_Interface_Def
 Object_Interface_Columns
 Object_Registry
 Object_Rel
 Object_Ref_Def
 Object_Rel_Def_Document_Type
 Object_Prop_Enum_Def
 Object_Schema
 Object_Schema_View
 Import_Module
 Tasks
 Task_Properties
 Object_Remote_UID_List

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 63

Appendix A – SmartPlant Instrumentation Relevant Database Tables for Integration

The following diagram depicts the relationship between most of the tables mentioned above and
other important SmartPlant Instrumentation tables that are not Adapter-specific but are important
for the Publish / Retrieve operations.

64 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

Introduction • 47

‘SameAs’ Relationship • 22 L
Limitations • 48
A Limitations and Constraints in the
SmartPlant Adapter • 18
Appendix A – SmartPlant Instrumentation Log Files • 38
Relevant Database Tables for Integration
• 63
B Objects (Classes) • 10
Background Publish • 39
C Plant Breakdown Structure (PBS) • 22
Plug-And-Play Retrieve • 38
Configuring the Adapter • 41 Preface • 5
Configuring the SmartPlant Adapter • 41 Properties • 13
Correlation • 36 Property Data Conversions • 23
Create Instruction • 36 Publish • 9, 19
Publish Modes • 39
D Publish Now • 39
Data Transformation Logic • 7 Publishing and Retrieving Documents • 19
Defining a Document for Publish / Retrieve •
43 R
Delete Instruction • 37 Regional Settings Issues • 35
Relationships • 16
E Resurrection Instruction • 37
Enum Entry • 14 Retrieve • 10, 20
EnumList • 13 Retrieve Limitations • 10
Enums • 13 Retrieved Tasks • 35
Creating and Mapping a String Property S
for SmartPlant Instrumentation • 55 Schemas Used by the SmartPlant Adapter •
Extending the SmartPlant Adapter Usability • 41
38 SmartPlant Instrumentation Example
Mapping New Enumerated List Entries
G Starting in the Tool • 49
General Conversion Cases • 23 SmartPlant Instrumentation Mapping
Examples • 49
SmartPlant Schema • 11
H Synchronization • 47
Hard-Coded References in the SmartPlant
Adapter to SmartPlant Schema • 9
The Adapter’s Processing • 7
I The Metadata Adapter • 47
Instructions • 36 Tool – SmartPlant Schema Relationships •
INToolsMap • 11 12

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation 65


Tool Schema Data Model • 7

ToolBatch Publish • 39

UOM Conversions • 23
UOM Entries • 16
UOMList • 15
UOMs (Unit Of Measure) • 15
Update Instruction • 37

66 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation

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