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SmartPlant Enterprise

SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical

Version 2009 R4

August 2012

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Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

General Architecture ................................................................................................................................... 7

SmartPlant Electrical Publish-Retrieve Relationships ............................................................................ 9

Document Types ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Document Type Configuration .............................................................................................................. 10
Publish .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Retrieve ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Limitations ............................................................................................................................................. 12

Data Transformation Logic ....................................................................................................................... 13

Tool Schema Data Model ..................................................................................................................... 13
Publish/Retrieve .................................................................................................................................... 14
Objects (Classes) ........................................................................................................................... 14
Properties ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Enums............................................................................................................................................. 16
UOMs.............................................................................................................................................. 18
Relationships .................................................................................................................................. 20

Property Data Conversions ...................................................................................................................... 23

Publish/Retrieve ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Publishing.............................................................................................................................................. 25
Retrieving .............................................................................................................................................. 26

Correlation ................................................................................................................................................. 29
Limitations ............................................................................................................................................. 29

<SameAs> .................................................................................................................................................. 31
Creation of <SameAs> .......................................................................................................................... 31

Log Files ..................................................................................................................................................... 33

EFClient.log........................................................................................................................................... 33
EFCommonUI_DBG ............................................................................................................................. 33

SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples ............................................................................................... 35

Example: Creating and Mapping a String Property for SmartPlant Electrical ...................................... 35
Example: Creating and Mapping a Complex Property for SmartPlant Electrical .................................. 40

Appendix - Retrieved Document Types .................................................................................................. 49

Index ........................................................................................................................................................... 53

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 3


4 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical

This document describes details, functionality, and configuration of SmartPlant Adapter for
SmartPlant Electrical.
Send documentation comments or suggestions to

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 5


General Architecture

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 7


SmartPlant Electrical Publish-Retrieve


Document Types
 SmartPlant P&ID – PIDDrawing
 SmartPlant Instrumentation – INtools Electrical Power Elements, INtools Electrical Signal List
 SmartPlant 3D – SmartPlant 3D SmartPlant Review Document, SmartPlant 3D Tombstones
 SmartPlant Electrical – SmartPlant Electrical Custom Report, SmartPlant Electrical SLD
Drawing, SmartPlant Electrical Schematic Drawing, SmartPlant Electrical Cable Schedule,
SmartPlant Electrical Signal List, SmartPlant Electrical Power Elements
 Plug and Play retrieve

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 9

SmartPlant Electrical Publish-Retrieve Relationships

Document Type Configuration

Document types for publishing and retrieving are configured in the Tool map schema under the
Tool Schema definitions:

IEFAdapter_GetRetrievableDocTypes – this function is used to define the supported doc types.

This function is optional and is switched with ‘Plug and Play’ ability and has been externalized to
the SmartPlant Schema, by defining the doctypes under the ToolSchema Object.
The DocTypes entries reside in the SmartPlantElectrical_Meta.xml.

SmartPlant Electrical publishes generic documents so that they can be retrieved by all authoring
The SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical supports publishing of all the map classes
contained in SmartPlant Electrical tool map schema. Every class and property that is mapped in
tool map schema will be published by the adapter.
The publishing process is written as generic, so there are no unsupported classes and properties
for publishing.

10 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical

SmartPlant Electrical Publish-Retrieve Relationships

Plug &
Aspen Basic Play
SPEL SPP&ID SPI SP3D Engineering retrieve
SmartPlant Electrical can retrieve from SmartPlant Instrumentation, SmartPlant P&ID, and
SmartPlant 3D. The adapter functionality is ready for Plug and Play generic retrieval from any
document, but the types of generic documents should be defined in SmartPlant Schema as
retrievable for SmartPlant Electrical.
For each of the document types that can be retrieved, a set of interfaces exists.

INtools Electrical Power Elements

 Interfaces - InstrumentOcc, IElectricalCabinetOcc
 For this type of document, the adapter can retrieve only the item types Instrument and

INtools Electrical Signal List:

 Interface - ISignal
 For this type of document, the adapter can retrieve only the item type SignalRun.

SmartPlant 3D SPR Document:

 Interface - ICableOcc
 For this type of document, the adapter can retrieve only the item type Cable.

SmartPlant P&ID:
 Interfaces - IElectricHeaterOcc, IElectricMotorOcc, IElecPowerConsumer,
IConvertingElectEquip, IConvertingElectEquipOcc, IVariableFrequencyDrive,

 If object implements IElecPowerConsumer interface, the published data must have

AverageActiveLoad property and the value cannot be null.
 For any retrieved item, the additional item will be retrieved, if it is related using
EquipmentOcc_EquipmentOcc relationship with related item.
 In order for SmartPlant Electrical to retrieve Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) published
by SmartPlant P&ID, the published class, such as PIDMechanicalEquipent, in SmartPlant
P&ID must realize the four interfaces IConvertingElectEquip, IConvertingElectEquipOcc,
IVariableFrequencyDrive, IVariableFrequencyDriveOcc.
 For this type of document, the adapter can retrieve only the item types Motor, Heater,
OtherElectricalEquipment, VariableFrequencyDrive, and ProcessEquipment.

Plug and play:

The main requirements for the objects to be retrieved are:
 The classes are mapped through their primary interface
 The primary interface is unique for each class.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 11

SmartPlant Electrical Publish-Retrieve Relationships

For the plug and play retrieve, all SmartPlant Electrical main item types with their properties can
be retrieved.
See Appendix - Retrieved Document Types (on page 49) for details. The Excel table refers only to
SmartPlant Electrical map classes. For the retrievable map class, ALL its map properties can be

 SmartPlant Electrical cannot retrieve graphic files.
 Any retrieved file has to follow the schema definitions rules and realize identifying interfaces.

12 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical


Data Transformation Logic

Tool Schema Data Model

The diagram below shows a representation of the objects and relationships that are relevant to the
SmartPlant Electrical Tool Schema.

The rectangles on the left side of the diagram represent objects within the Tool Schema. The
rectangles on the right represent objects within the SmartPlant Schema. The relationships that
connect objects on the left with objects on the right are the mapping relationships. The map file
contains both the Tool Schema objects and the mapping relationships.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 13

Data Transformation Logic

Generally, transformation of published data is translated to a set of SmartPlant Electrical classes
and properties being traversed to a set of Tool schema ClassDefs which are traversed to a set of
InterfaceDefs to be published.
To put it into pseudo code:
1. Create class publishers – a collection of all ToolMap schema MapClassDefs.
2. Load – gather all the relevant SPItems related to the document being published. This is done
for each class SPMapClassDef that is mapped for publishing.
3. Publish – create an empty container by traversing the relevant ClassDef to a relevant
SmartPlant Schema object, and filling in all the realized interfaces.
4. Fill the container with properties and their data.

Objects (Classes)
In general, there is a MapClass object in the tool schema for each SmartPlant Electrical class
(ItemType) that needs to be published or retrieved.
The SmartPlant Adapter gathers all relevant SPItems for the main item type related to the
published report, or, if a report filter is defined, all the SPItems relevant for this filter.
In addition, if the option Report Items to Publish to SmartPlant in SmartPlant Electrical Options
Manager is set to Main items and all related items, all mapped relationships defined in the Tool
Schema for this MapClass are processed and all related ISPItems are added to the publishing
You can view the properties and relationships for a MapClass in the Edit Map Class Definition
dialog box.

Property Value
UID Must be unique. No other special requirements.
Name The internal name of the SmartPlant Electrical class (ItemType).

Tool Schema Relationships

Relationship Comment
Map Properties The map properties associated with the MapClass must be defined and
a relationship between the MapClass and the MapClassMapProperties
must be created (MapClassMapProperties in the diagram).

14 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical

Data Transformation Logic

Mapping Relationships
Relationship Comment
Publish to EF class A relationship must be defined between the MapClass and a
class in the SmartPlant Schema if this class is to be published.
When this relationship is set, an instance of the target class is
published for each instance of the source class in the document
being published (MapClassToClass in the diagram).
Retrieve from EF The list of interfaces from which properties are to be retrieved
interface must be set if this class is to be used for retrieval
(ClassToMapClass in the diagram).

In general, there is a MapProperty object in the tool schema for each SmartPlant Electrical
property that needs to be published or retrieved.
In general, PropertyDef Objects in the tool schema must have a MapPropertyToProperty
relationship with the SmartPlant Schema Object (InterfaceDef) in order for a property to be
During publishing, all such properties will be gathered from the relevant ClassDef and will be
populated by corresponding values from the SmartPlant Electrical item and property. Each
updated property will be added to the container under its appropriate Interface realized by the
The properties and relationships for a MapProperty can be viewed in the Edit Map Property
Definition dialog box.

Property Value
UID Must be unique. No other special requirements.
Name The internal name of the SmartPlant Electrical attribute.
Process Criteria For properties that require special handling, the
ProcessPropertyCriteria must be entered here.
In most cases, property source is the original Object itself.
If processing criteria are defined in ProcessPropertyCriteria,
then Property source is an Object pointed to by
ProcessPropertyCriteria contains the name of relation name(s)
so that the software can find a related object that has a required

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 15

Data Transformation Logic

Tool Schema Relationships

Relationship Comment
Exposed by map classes Every MapProperty must be related to a MapClass
(MapClassMapProperties in the diagram).
Scoped by enumeration If the data type of the property is enumerated, the MapProperty
must be related to a MapEnumList. If the data type of the
property is UoM, the MapProperty must be related to a
MapUoMList (MapPropertyMapEnumList in the diagram).
Otherwise, this relationship is not needed.

Mapping Relationships
Relationship Comment
Map property to property This relationship defines the property in the SmartPlant Schema
to which this tool property is to be published
(MapPropertyToProperty in the diagram). If this relationship is
not defined, the property will not be published.
Property to map property This relationship defines the property in the SmartPlant Schema
from which this tool property is to be retrieved
(PropertyToMapProperty in the diagram). If this relationship is
not defined, the property will not be retrieved.

Enum List
In general, there is a MapEnumList object in the tool schema for each SmartPlant Electrical
enumerated list associated with a property that needs to be published or retrieved. The properties
and relationships for a MapEnumList can be viewed in the Edit Map Enumerated List Definition
dialog box.

Property Value
UID The UID must be constructed using the following pattern:
UID = SPEN_<CodelistNumber>
<CodelistNumber> - The numeric identifier for this enum list.
Tool OID The same as UID
Name The name of the SmartPlant Electrical enum list.

16 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical

Data Transformation Logic

Tool Schema Relationships

Relationship Comment
Scoped map A MapEnumList must be related to the MapProperties that it
properties scopes (MapPropertyMapEnumList in the diagram).
Contains A MapEnumList can contain a variable number of MapEnum
objects (MapEnumListMapEnum in the diagram).
Constrains For hierarchical enum lists, the MapEnumList must be related to
the lower level list with the Constrains relationship
(MapEnumListMapEnumList in the diagram).
Constrained by For hierarchical enum lists, the MapEnumList must be related to
the higher level list with the Constrained by relationship
(MapEnumListMapEnumList in the diagram).

Mapping Relationships
Relationship Comment
Maps to To support the publish operation, a MapEnumList that should be
related to the corresponding enum list in the SmartPlant Schema by
means of the Maps to relationship (MapEnumListToEnumList in the
Mapped from To support the retrieve operation, a MapEnumList should be
related to the corresponding enum list in the SmartPlant Schema by
means of the Mapped from relationship (EnumListToMapEnumList
in the diagram).

Enum Entry
In general, there is a MapEnum object in the tool schema for each SmartPlant Electrical
enumerated list entry that needs to be mapped. The properties and relationships for a MapEnum
can be viewed in the Edit Map Enumerated List Definition dialog box (the same dialog box that
is used for MapEnumList objects.)

Property Value
UID The UID must be constructed using the following pattern:
UID = SPEN_<CodelistNumber>_<CodelistIndex>
<CodelistNumber> - The numeric identifier for this enum list.
<CodelistIndex> - The numeric identifier for this entry.
Name The text of the SmartPlant Electrical enum list entry.
Number The index number of the SmartPlant Electrical enum list entry.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 17

Data Transformation Logic

Tool Schema Relationships

Relationship Comment
Contained In Every MapEnum must be related to a MapEnumList
(MapEnumListMapEnum in the diagram).

Mapping Relationships
Relationship Comment
Maps to This relationship defines the SmartPlant Schema enum value to
which this SmartPlant Electrical enum value is to be published. If
this relationship is not defined, the enum value will not be
published (MapEnumToEnum in the diagram).
Mapped from This relationship defines the SmartPlant Electrical enum value to
which this SmartPlant Schema enum value is to be retrieved. If
this relationship is not defined, the enum value will not be retrieved
(EnumToMapEnum in the diagram).

UOMs are a specialized case of enums.

The diagram below shows a representation of the objects and relationships that are relevant to the
mapping of Units of Measure (UoM). A MapUoMList is a specialized kind of MapEnumList.
Similarly, a MapUoM is a specialized kind of MapEnum. This is shown by the Implies relationships
in the diagram. A MapProperty with a UoM data type must be related to a MapUoMList.

The MapUoMList object corresponds to the IMapUoMListDef interface in the diagram above. In
general, there is a MapUoMList object in the tool schema for each SmartPlant Electrical format
type associated with a property that needs to be published or retrieved. The properties and
relationships for a MapUoMList can be viewed in the Edit Map Unit of Measure List Definition
dialog box.

18 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical

Data Transformation Logic

Property Value
UID The UID must be constructed using the following pattern:
UID = SmartPlant ElectricalUOM_<FormatType >
<FormatType> – This is a numeric value that uniquely
identifies the format type and therefore the UoM type within
SmartPlant Electrical.
Name The name of the SmartPlant Electrical format type.
Tool OID SPUOM_<FormatType>

Tool Schema Relationships

Relationship Comment
Scoped map properties A MapUoMList must be related to the MapProperties that it
scopes (MapPropertyMapEnumList in the diagram).
Contains A MapUoMList can contain a variable number of MapUoM
objects (MapEnumListMapEnum in the diagram).

Mapping Relationships
Relationship Comment
Maps to To support the publish operation, a MapUoMList should be
related to the corresponding UoMListType in the SmartPlant
Schema by means of the Maps to relationship
(MapEnumListToEnumList in the diagram).
Mapped from To support retrieve, a MapEnumList should be related to the
corresponding UoMListType in the SmartPlant Schema by
means of the Mapped from relationship
(EnumListToMapEnumList in the diagram).

UOM Entries
The MapUoM object corresponds to the IMapUoMDef interface in the diagram above. In general,
there is a MapUoM object in the tool schema for each SmartPlant Electrical format that needs to
be mapped. The properties and relationships for a MapUoM can be viewed in the Edit Map Unit
of Measure List Definition dialog box (the same dialog used for MapUoMList objects.)

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 19

Data Transformation Logic

Property Value
UID The UID must be constructed using the following pattern:
UID = SPMU_<FormatType >.<UOMNumber>
<FormatType> – This is a numeric value that uniquely
identifies the format type and therefore the UoM type within
SmartPlant Electrical.
< UOMNumber > – This is a number value that identifies the
UoM within SmartPlant Electrical.
Name The name of the SmartPlant Electrical UOM.

Tool Schema Relationships

Relationship Comment
Contained In Every MapUoM must be related to a MapUoMList
(MapEnumListMapEnum in the diagram).

Mapping Relationships
Relationship Comment
Maps to This relationship defines the SmartPlant Schema UoM to
which this SmartPlant Electrical format (UoM) is to be
published (MapEnumToEnum in the diagram). If this
relationship is not defined, the UoM will not be published.
Mapped from This relationship defines the SmartPlant Electrical format
(UoM) to which this SmartPlant Schema UoM is to be retrieved
(EnumToMapEnum in the diagram). If this relationship is not
defined, the UoM will not be retrieved.

There is a MapRelDef object in SmartPlant Electrical Tool Map schema for each type of relation to
be published. Each MapRelDef object defines a relation between two MapClassDef objects
(directly or using map class interfaces). When SmartPlant Electrical publishes an item, SmartPlant
Adapter searches for MapRelDef defined for the MapClass of this object, and if found, searches
for related items realizing the interface on the second end of the relation.

20 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical

Data Transformation Logic

Property Value
UID The UID must be constructed using the following pattern:
UID = SPELREL_<End1ClassName >_<End2ClassName>
Name The name of the SmartPlant Electrical MapRelDef object
End1MapClass The class name of the end1 MapClass
End2MapClass The class name of the end2 MapClass
Select Criteria <ItemType>@<Foreign key property>
If this field is not empty, SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant
Electrical will search for related item using this criterion. For
example, if the value is Cable@SP_ConnectionSide2ID, in
case the current item is a Cable, the software will search for
a PlantItem with SP_ID = value of SP_ConnectionSide2ID
property value of the current item, otherwise, when the item
is not a Cable, the software will search for all the Cables
having SP_ID value of this item in their
SP_ConnectionSide2ID property.
Process Criteria A comma separated list of relations names that should be
traversed in order to approach the related item.

Mapping Relationships
Relationship Comment
Maps to To support the publish operation, a MapRelDef should be
related to the corresponding RelDef in the SmartPlant
Schema by means of the Maps to relationship.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 21


Property Data Conversions

If the data type of the SmartPlant Electrical property does not match the data type of the mapped
SmartPlant property we say that a data type mismatch exists. There are 3 cases of the Property
 String or Number – is converted to a string value for the ToDo list.
 Enumerated value – is converted to a numeric index value of SmartPlant Electrical Enum list
using the Number value of the enum entry.
 UoM value – the value is parsed using SmartPlant Electrical Format manager object and, if
needed, converted to SI value.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 23



Documents that SmartPlant Electrical can publish are reports saved in Excel format. A
SmartPlant Electrical report contains an item list responding to certain criteria. Items in the list
can have relationships with other types of items that are not listed in the report. A published
document contains both the report items and the related items. The underlying logic of defining
relationships between the items in the SmartPlant Electrical data model is partly hard-coded in
SmartPlant Adapter.
When a SmartPlant Electrical document is published, SmartPlant Adapter extracts data from the
SmartPlant Electrical database and converts it into a set of objects and relationships that are
compatible with SmartPlant schema. These objects and relationships are written out to an .xml
file and are sent to the SmartPlant server for further processing. SmartPlant Adapter depends on
the data in the tool schema to support the publish operation. For each published class in the tool
schema, there is a code module in SmartPlant Adapter known as a Map Object.
The SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical contains these tasks:
 Query the SmartPlant Electrical Database – The adapter queries the database to obtain the
collection of items to be published. The adapter retrieves all SmartPlant Electrical items
according to the type of document being published:
 SmartPlant Electrical Generic Reports - All SmartPlant Electrical ISPItems of the
Report based Electrical Equipment Type (defined when registering report). If the report
is registered with filter, the items are retrieved according to this filter.
 SmartPlant Electrical Power Elements - If Report based Electrical Equipment Type
is Equipment, all Instruments and Cabinets will be retrieved. Otherwise, the items of the
specified type will be retrieved.
 Cable Schedule -The scope is all SmartPlant Electrical cables.
 Create a Data Object – For each item to be published, the Map Object creates a data object
in the document container. Any item type that you want to publish must be mapped from the
tool map schema to the SmartPlant Schema. The class of this object is the SmartPlant Class
related to the MapClass via the MapClassToClass relationship.
 Set the Property Values – The property values on the data object are set according to the
values on the SmartPlant Electrical item. The list of properties to be published is defined by the
list of MapProperties related to the current MapClass.
 Publish Relationships – The Map Object defines the types of relationships that are to be
published for each data object it publishes.
When getting the scope for a document, if the setting Report Items to Publish to SmartPlant is
set to Main items and all related items, the adapter searches for the related items for each item
retrieved, according to the mapped relationships for this MapClass.
 If the MapClass of the item realizes interface IPBSItem, the relation with PBSItemCollection
is added.
 If the MapClass of the item realizes interface INonDrawingItem, the relation with
NonDrawingItemCollection is added.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 25


For each item being published, all Same As values (properties SP_SameAsUID,
SP_SameAsUID1 through SP_SameAsUID9 having non-empty values) are published as
SameAs objects.

When an external document is retrieved, SmartPlant Adapter compares the objects in that
document to the data in the SmartPlant Electrical database and generates the following tasks in
the To Do List:
 Create Task — Generated when a new item needs to be created
 Update Task — Generated when an existing item needs to be modified
 Delete Task — Generated when an existing item needs to be deleted
SmartPlant Adapter depends on the data in the tool schema to support the retrieve
operation. When a document is retrieved, SmartPlant Adapter receives two containers of data:
 Document Container — Includes all of the published objects and relationships for that
Tombstone Container — Includes information about deleted objects and relationships
When an external document is retrieved, the SmartPlant Adapter:
1. Defines a collection of interfaces to be retrieved, according to the document subtype. The
cases are:
a. Power Elements – retrieves ‘IInstrumentOcc’ and ‘IElectricalCabinetOcc’
b. SmartPlant Electrical Retrieve - retrieves ‘ISignal’
c. P&ID Drawing – retrieves ‘IElectricHeaterOcc’, ‘IElectricMotorOcc’,
‘IElecPowerConsumer’, and IVariableFequencyDriveOcc
d. SmartPlant 3D Review – retrieves ‘ICableOcc’
e. In case of other document subtype, the Plug and Play retrieve will be performed.
2. Retrieves Tombstones brought with the document. Each instruction is examined for its
ClassDefUID, for DeleteInstruction the ‘Delete’ task is created (if the corresponding item
exists in SmartPlant Electrical database). When DeleteInstruction is related to ‘Rel’ object, the
IRefRel object is saved for further processing. UpdateInstruction for property is translated to
the property of the item having Null value.
SmartPlant Adapter iterates over all of the objects in the Tombstone Container and performs
the following actions:
 Generate Delete Task — When SmartPlant Adapter encounters a delete instruction in the
tombstone container, SmartPlant Adapter searches for an existing item in the SmartPlant
Electrical project that is correlated to the item that was deleted in the other application. If
such an item is found in the project and this item does not exist in As-Built, a Delete Task
is generated in the To Do List.
 Generate Claim Task and Delete Task — When SmartPlant Adapter encounters a delete
instruction in the tombstone container, SmartPlant Adapter searches for an existing item
in the SmartPlant Electrical project that is correlated to the item that was deleted in the
other application. If such an item is not found in the project but this item exists in As- Built,
a Claim Task and Delete Task are generated in the To Do List.
 Generate Unclaim Task — When SmartPlant Adapter encounters an unclaim instruction
in the tombstone
3. For each Interface name from the collection defined in step 1, SmartPlant Adapter tries to
extract from the map schema container the mapping definition for it and to fill SmartPlant

26 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical


Adapter Map object with the mapping definition. Then, if succeeded, the adapter gets an
object collection from the document container, filled with all instances for this interface.
SmartPlant Adapter iterates over all of the objects in the Document Container and performs
the following actions:
 Use Primary Interface to Determine Class — The incoming object is tested for a primary
interface to determine which Map Class should handle the retrieval of that object.
 Generate Update Task — SmartPlant Adapter searches for an existing SmartPlant
Electrical item to update. If an item is found, it generates an Update Task in the To Do
List. The properties of the incoming object are compared against the properties of the
existing item. When differences are found, property updates are added to the task. The
list of properties to be compared is defined by the properties in the tool schema.
 Generate Create Task — If no item is found to update, a Create task is generated in the
To Do List. Property updates are added to the task for each of the incoming property
values. The list of properties to be added is defined by the properties in the tool schema.
 Generate Claim Task — If no item is found in As-Built, a Claim task is generated in the To
Do List. Property updates are added to the task for each of the incoming property
values. The list of properties to be added is defined by the properties in the tool schema.
 Retrieve Relationships — Depending on the class being retrieved, SmartPlant Adapter
defines the types of relationships that are to be retrieved for each data object.
4. Plug and Play retrieve.
The general requirement for the document is each ClassDef must have a primary interface that is
unique for it. The mapping for retrieve should be done using this interface. This is the way how
SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical can identify the SmartPlant Electrical Item Type of
the retrieved object.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 27


When retrieving a document all the objects are processed within that document. For each object
being retrieved, it looks for an existing SmartPlant Electrical item that should be updated. If it finds
one, it generates an Update task. If it doesn’t find one, it generates a Create task.
When we retrieve an object, we follow a standard procedure. For example, when we find an
equipment object in the retrieved document we do the following:
1. Look for a SameAs relation in the retrieved document that refers to this item. If we find one,
then we use the remote UID from that SameAs and do a query for a SmartPlant Electrical item
with SP_ID = remote UID. If we find such an object, then that's the item to update.
2. If no item to update has been found yet: Use the UID of the equipment object and do a query
for a SmartPlant Electrical item with SP_SameAsUID<n> = UID. If we find such an object,
then that's the item to update.
3. If no item to update has been found yet: Use the IObject.Name of the equipment object and do
a query for a SmartPlant Electrical item with ItemTag = Name and belonging to the same Plant
Group. If we find such an object, then that's the item to update.
4. If no item to update is found, a Create task is generated instead of an Update task.
If an item to update is found by means of a matching Item Tag, and there are no other properties to
update, the resulting Update task shows that the item will be correlated when the task is run. (See
the Notes tab on the properties dialog of a task). Being correlated means that the SmartPlant
Electrical item carries the UID of the retrieved object in the SP_SameAsUID plant item attribute.

The design basis doctrine is limited to 10 SameAS UIDs, meaning – SmartPlant Electrical can
retrieve from at most 10 different authoring tools.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 29


When retrieving an item, it will be entered in the T_PlantItem table with its SP_ID and the
corresponding design basis UID.
When publishing this item, a <SameAs> relationship will be published, which indicates the
relationship between the retrieved item and the published one, for other tools to perform a

Creation of <SameAs>
This code receives a hard-coded ‘Shared Object Definition’ string from each class Publisher,
which is also filled in the related ClassDef’s ‘Shared Object Definition’ field.
The relevant ‘Shared Object Definition’ strings in order to create a <SameAs> relationship on
Publish are ‘SharedEquipment_PM’ , ‘SharedCable_PM’, ‘SharedElectricalConnector_PM’, and ’

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 31


Log Files

Creating this file manually in the temp directory will initiate the logging of SmartPlant Client

Creating this file manually in the temp directory and entering the value 9 in it will initiate the logging
of the CommonUI activity.
The logging will occur in newly created files (for each CommonUI session) with a filename in the
format of – EFCommonUIxxxx.dbg, where xxxx is a generated number.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 33


SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples

The sections that follow provide mapping examples for SmartPlant Electrical. For more
information and mapping examples, see the SmartPlant Mapping User's Guide.

Example: Creating and Mapping a String Property for

SmartPlant Electrical
The following example demonstrates how to perform the following tasks:
 create a new system code property for multiple plant items in SmartPlant Electrical,
 extend the SmartPlant schema to create the custom system code property, and create publish
mapping relationships so that SmartPlant Electrical can publish the property so that it can be
retrieved by other tools.
The SmartPlant Electrical database already contains a property named SystemCode, so
you cannot create another property with the same name. Therefore, in this example, you will
create a property in SmartPlant Electrical called SystemCode1 that will map to the SystemCode
property in the SmartPlant schema.

Before You Extend the SmartPlant Electrical Database

1. Make a backup of the SmartPlant Foundation site database and any vaults for the site.
2. Make a backup of the SmartPlant Electrical database and the SPELMap.xml file located in the
SmartPlant resources directory.

Create the New SystemCode1 Property in Data Dictionary Manager

1. Click Start > All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Engineering Manager > Data
Dictionary Manager.
2. Connect to the appropriate plant server for SmartPlant Electrical.
3. In the Database Tables list, select Plant Item.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 35

SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples

4. On the toolbar, click Add Property .

5. In the Add Property dialog box, define information for the System Code property, being sure
to select select String in the Data Type list. Click OK.

6. Click File > Save to save your changes in Data Dictionary Manager.
7. Click File > Exit.

Launch Schema Editor and Load the SmartPlant Electrical Tool Map Schema
The ICustomInterface must be realized by the class definitions that represent objects in this
authoring tool that will be publishing or retrieving the custom property. If you have not configured
ICustomInterface, see the Schema Editor User's Guide for more information.
1. In the Desktop Client, set your scope for the applicable plant, and then find the CMF file.
2. Right-click the CMF file, and then click Edit > Check Out.
3. Click OK in the Check Out dialog box.

36 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical

SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples

4. In the New Items window, right-click the new version of the CMF file, and select Launch
Schema Editor.
5. On the Set Active Configurations dialog box, select the schema version that you want to

6. Click OK to set the configuration.

 For more options, click Advanced on the Set Active Configuration dialog box.
 By default, changes to the SmartPlant Schema are written to all versions managed by the
CMF file. You can choose to write changes to only selected versions; however, that is not
 If you choose to view one version of the schema (Specify configurations to display
window), but write changes to all versions (Set Configurations for new objects
window), an information window appears when you click OK, indicating that you will be
prompted with every change to the schema to confirm that you want to write the changes
to all versions. Click OK to continue.
7. In the Schema Editor, click File > SmartPlant > Edit Engineering Tool Options, and select
SmartPlant Electrical in the list of authoring tools to load the SmartPlant Electrical tool map
8. Under Startup options, select the Load map schema and Connect to application schema
check boxes, and click OK.
9. In each row in the Synchronize dialog box, the values in the tool database and tool map
schema columns indicate actions to correct inconsistencies between the tool metadata and
tool map schema. Select the appropriate action in each row, and then click OK.

 Each row represents a discrepancy between the tool database and the tool map schema.
 Default actions are blue when the Synchronize dialog box appears. However, if you
select a different option, it will become blue instead.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 37

SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples

 In many cases, only one operation is supported to synchronize the database and map
schema. For example, if a new property was found in the database, the metadata adapter
can add the property to the tool map schema, but it cannot remove the property from the
tool database.

10. In the Map Environment, expand SmartPlant Electrical > Loaded Map Schemas >
SmartPlant Electrical Tool Schema.
11. Expand Map Classes, and right-click Motor.
12. On the shortcut menu, select Edit Motor.
13. In the Edit Map Class Definition dialog box, select the Publish tab.

14. Click New Property Definition on the toolbar above the Unmapped SmartPlant
properties section on the right side of the dialog box.

38 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical

SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples

15. In the New Property Definition dialog box, define the new SmartPlant schema SystemCode

 In the Exposed by interface definitions dialog box, click Browse, and select
ICustomInterface as the interface definition that exposes this property.
 In the Scoped by property type box, select string.
16. Click OK.
17. Under Unmapped application properties, select SystemCode1.
18. Under Unmapped SmartPlant properties, select SystemCode.
19. On the toolbar, click Map .

20. Click OK.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 39

SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples

Save the Tool Map Schema and SmartPlant Schema Changes

 Click File > Save All Modified Files to save the SmartPlant schema changes (CMF file) and
the tool map schema.

 When you close the Schema Editor, the software prompts you to save your connection
information, user interface options, and loaded tool map schemas to a session file. Click Yes
in the message box to save the session file so that you can use it to return to this working
environment. However, you should not open a session file after launching the CMF file from
the Desktop Client.
 If you save changes to the CMF file or a tool map schema but did not validate the changes
before exiting, the software displays an information message to remind you that the file
contains changes that have not been validated. Click OK to dismiss the message.
 If you make changes to the SmartPlant schema, you must load the changes into the
SmartPlant Foundation database. For more information, see the SmartPlant Schema Editor
User's Guide.
 Additionally, if you made changes to the SmartPlant schema, you should regenerate the
component schemas for the site before testing any publish or retrieve mapping relationships.
For more information, see the SmartPlant Schema Editor User's Guide.

Example: Creating and Mapping a Complex Property

for SmartPlant Electrical
The following example demonstrates how to create a custom select list in the SmartPlant
Electrical database and associate it with a new EngSystem property available to multiple plant
items. It also illustrates how to add that same custom enumerated list and property to the
SmartPlant schema and how to create publish mapping so that the property can be published from
SmartPlant Electrical.

Before You Extend the SmartPlant Electrical Database

1. Make a backup of the SmartPlant Foundation site database and any vaults for the site.
2. Make a backup of the SmartPlant Electrical database and the SPELMap.xml file located in the
SmartPlant resources directory.

Create the New Engineering System Property in Data Dictionary Manager

1. Click Start > All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Engineering Manager > Data
Dictionary Manager.
2. Connect to the appropriate plant server for SmartPlant Electrical.
3. Click Select List on the left side of the Data Dictionary Manager window.
4. In the first empty row in the Select List table, type EngSys as the name.
5. Select None from the Dependent List.
6. Click Select Entry on the left side of the Data Dictionary Manager window.
7. Under Selected List, select EngSys.

40 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical

SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples

8. In the first empty row, create a new entry with a value of AA and a short value of Steam Gen
& Fired Htr, Water/Steam Side.

9. Click Add Row, and enter the following values, creating a new row for each:
Value Short Value
BA Steam Generator and Fired Heater, Air/Gas Side
CA Ammonia/Urea
DC Crude Oil Production
EA Auxiliary AC Power Systems

10. Click Edit > Add Property .

11. In the Add Property dialog box, create a new property with the following information:
Property Value
Name EngSystem
Display Name Engineering System
Data Type Select List
Select List EngSys
Default Value None

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 41

SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples

Category Process

12. Click OK.

13. Click File > Save.
14. Click File > Exit.

Launch Schema Editor and Synchronize the Tool Map Schema

The ICustomInterface must be realized by the class definitions that represent objects in this
authoring tool that will be publishing or retrieving the custom property. If you have not configured
ICustomInterface, see the Schema Editor User's Guide for more information.
1. In the Desktop Client, set your scope for the applicable plant, and then find the CMF file.
2. Right-click the CMF file, and then click Edit > Check Out.
3. Click OK in the Check Out dialog box.
4. In the New Items window, right-click the new version of the CMF file, and select Launch
Schema Editor.

42 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical

SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples

5. On the Set Active Configurations dialog box, select the schema version that you want to

6. Click OK to set the configuration.

 For more options, click Advanced on the Set Active Configuration dialog box.
 By default, changes to the SmartPlant Schema are written to all versions managed by the
CMF file. You can choose to write changes to only selected versions; however, that is not
 If you choose to view one version of the schema (Specify configurations to display
window), but write changes to all versions (Set Configurations for new objects
window), an information window appears when you click OK, indicating that you will be
prompted with every change to the schema to confirm that you want to write the changes
to all versions. Click OK to continue.
7. In the Schema Editor, click File > SmartPlant > Edit Engineering Tool Options, and select
SmartPlant Electrical in the list of authoring tools to load the SmartPlant Electrical tool map
8. Under Startup options, select the Load map schema and Connect to application schema
check boxes, and click OK.
9. In each row in the Synchronize dialog box, the values in the tool database and tool map
schema columns indicate actions to correct inconsistencies between the tool metadata and
tool map schema. Select the appropriate action in each row, and then click OK.

 Each row represents a discrepancy between the tool database and the tool map schema.
 Default actions are blue when the Synchronize dialog box appears. However, if you
select a different option, it will become blue instead.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 43

SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples

 In many cases, only one operation is supported to synchronize the database and map
schema. For example, if a new property was found in the database, the metadata adapter
can add the property to the tool map schema, but it cannot remove the property from the
tool database.

Add the New Enumerated List to the SmartPlant Schema and Map
1. In the Map Environment, expand SmartPlant P&ID > Loaded Map Schemas > SmartPlant
P&ID Tool Schema.
2. Expand Map Enumerated Lists, and right-click EngSys.
3. On the shortcut menu, select Edit EngSys.
4. In the Edit Map Enumerated List Definition dialog box, select the Advanced tab.

44 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical

SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples

5. At the bottom of the dialog box, click New SmartPlant Enumerated List with Correlated

This process creates an enumerated list in the SmartPlant schema with the same name
and values as the list in the tool map schema. Additionally, the software will automatically map
all the enumerations for publish. A dialog box will suggest that you can map the enumeration
for retrieve as well. Click Yes to create both publish and retrieve mapping relationships, or No
to create only publish mapping relationships.
6. Click OK in the Create Enumerated List and Entries dialog box.
Depending on your selections on the Set Active Configurations dialog box when you
launched the Schema Editor, you may be prompted to confirm that you want to create the new
list and enumerations in multiple versions of the schema.
7. In the Edit Map Enumerated List Definition dialog box, click OK.
8. In the Map Enumerated Lists node, right-click EngSys.
9. On the shortcut menu, select Edit EngSys.
10. In the Edit Map Enumerated List Definition dialog box, select the Publish tab.
11. Under SmartPlant in the upper right window, right-click EngSys.
12. On the shortcut menu, select Edit <UID>.
13. Click each entry, and under Overview, edit the number to match the values in the following
Name/Short Description Number
AA 10111
BA 10112
CA 10113
DC 10114
EA 10115

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 45

SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples

14. Click OK.

The modification of the Number value of each enumeration is required for SmartPlant 3D
and SmartMarine 3D, which will determine the actual value assigned to each enumeration. No
other authoring tools use this value.

Add the New Property to the SmartPlant Schema

1. In the Map Classes node, right-click Motor.
2. On the shortcut menu, select Edit SPEL_MOTOR.
3. Select the Publish tab.
4. Above Unmapped SmartPlant properties on the right side of the dialog box, click New
Property Definition on the toolbar.

46 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical

SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples

5. In the New Property Definition dialog box, define the new SmartPlant schema
EngineeringSys property.

 In the Exposed by interface definitions box, click Browse, and select

ICustomInterface as the interface definition that exposes this property.
 In the Scoped by property type box, select EngSys.
6. Click OK.
7. Under Unmapped application properties, select EngSystem.
8. Under Unmapped SmartPlant properties, select EngineeringSys.
9. On the toolbar, click Map .

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 47

SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples

Save the Tool Map Schema and SmartPlant Schema Changes

 Click File > Save All Modified Files to save the SmartPlant schema changes (CMF file) and
the tool map schema.

 When you close the Schema Editor, the software prompts you to save your connection
information, user interface options, and loaded tool map schemas to a session file. Click Yes
in the message box to save the session file so that you can use it to return to this working
environment. However, you should not open a session file after launching the CMF file from
the Desktop Client.
 If you save changes to the CMF file or a tool map schema but did not validate the changes
before exiting, the software displays an information message to remind you that the file
contains changes that have not been validated. Click OK to dismiss the message.
 If you make changes to the SmartPlant schema, you must load the changes into the
SmartPlant Foundation database. For more information, see the SmartPlant Schema Editor
User's Guide.
 Additionally, if you made changes to the SmartPlant schema, you should regenerate the
component schemas for the site before testing any publish or retrieve mapping relationships.
For more information, see the SmartPlant Schema Editor User's Guide.

48 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical


Appendix - Retrieved Document Types

- Supported
- Not Supported

Electrical INtools SmartPlant Plug and
Power Electrical 3D SPR SmartPlant Play
Item Type Elements Signal List Document P&ID Retrieve



















SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 49

Appendix - Retrieved Document Types

- Supported
- Not Supported

Electrical INtools SmartPlant Plug and
Power Electrical 3D SPR SmartPlant Play
Item Type Elements Signal List Document P&ID Retrieve


















50 SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical

Appendix - Retrieved Document Types

- Supported
- Not Supported

Electrical INtools SmartPlant Plug and
Power Electrical 3D SPR SmartPlant Play
Item Type Elements Signal List Document P&ID Retrieve








SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 51

Publishing • 25
<SameAs> • 31 R
Relationships • 20
A Retrieve • 11
Retrieving • 26
Appendix - Retrieved Document Types • 49
SmartPlant Electrical Mapping Examples •
Correlation • 29 35
Creation of <SameAs> • 31 SmartPlant Electrical Publish-Retrieve
Relationships • 9
Data Transformation Logic • 13 T
Document Type Configuration • 10 Tool Schema Data Model • 13
Document Types • 9
UOM Entries • 19
EFClient.log • 33 UoMList • 18
EFCommonUI_DBG • 33 UOMs • 18
Enum Entry • 17
Enum List • 16
Enums • 16
Creating and Mapping a Complex
Property for SmartPlant Electrical • 40
Creating and Mapping a String Property
for SmartPlant Electrical • 35

General Architecture • 7

Limitations • 12, 29
Log Files • 33

Objects (Classes) • 14

Preface • 5
Properties • 15
Property Data Conversions • 23
Publish • 11
Publish/Retrieve • 14, 25

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical 53

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