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Practice Questions (General)


Note: No need to answer the questions in complete sentence. Just directly provide the detail
required. Try to answer the whole list in 60 seconds or less. Be calm, serious but friendly (not

Goal: Not to be eliminated in the initial screening process. Anything negative here will trigger the
recruiter to eliminate you from the list and prevent you from proceeding to the next level of

●​ ​What is your course?

●​ ​Where did you graduate?

●​ ​What is your GPA?

●​ ​Are you free to work during weekends? Nights? 12 hours?

●​ ​Render double shift? Work during your birthday? Holidays?

●​ ​How did know about this job?

●​ ​Rate your English skills from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest.

●​ ​Rate your Project Management Skills

●​ ​Rate your coding skills C++ ? Java? CSS? HTML?

●​ ​What is your typing speed?

●​ ​Rate your Technical Support skills

●​ ​Who are you at home?

●​ ​What is your expected salary?


Note: Your answer for each question should not be more than 60 seconds (or 6 complete
sentences maximum). An important measure of fluency is one’s ability to say many things with
few words and little time. When you are asked to expound - that is the time that you elaborate.
Do remember that your 60 second answer must contain “recruiter” catchy words. These are
words that will help make them remember you positively and even force them to ask you a
follow up question.

Goal: Communicate an air of honesty --- that you have the right skills and right will (behavior
and work habits) for the job

●​ ​Are your grades a good measure of your ability

●​ ​In what areas do you typically have the least amount of patience?
●​ ​Why should we hire you?
●​ ​What motivates you to do your best work?
●​ ​What do you do when you have a great deal of work to accomplish in a short period
of time?
●​ ​What do you do when you're having trouble solving a problem?
●​ ​If your manager was in a rush and didn't give you enough information about your
task, what would you do?

Framework sample:

Why should we hire you? ​PREP

●​ Y
​ ou should hire me because I am ready.

●​ ​I have trained long enough to gain the skills and develop the work habits necessary
for the job.

●​ ​For the skills, I know how to execute the end to end of the accounting cycle starting
from transaction identification until bank reconciliation. I also know how to maintain cash
flow books. For the work habits, I go with the hard basics. I work fast, hard and smart. If I
do not know something, I ask rather than waste time pretending I know.

●​ C
​ onsidering everything, I really think I am ready for the job.


Note: Your answer for each question should not be more than 60 seconds (or 6 complete
sentences maximum). An important measure of fluency is one’s ability to say many things with
few words and little time. When you are asked to expound - that is the time that you elaborate.
Do remember that your 60 second answer must contain “recruiter” catchy words. These are
words that will help make them remember you positively and even force them to ask you a
follow up question.

Goal: Communicate an air of honesty --- that you have the right skills and right will (behavior
and work habits) for the job

●​ T​ ell me about a time you went “out on a limb” to get the job done.

●​ ​Tell me about the last time you made a mistake and how you corrected it.
●​ ​Give me an example of a technical problem you had to solve. How did you implement
the solution?
●​ ​Tell us how you were introduced to the concept of technical support/customer
service/sales delivery and how you've applied it.
●​ ​Describe an important project you worked on.
●​ ​Describe your experience level for software and hardware troubleshooting?
●​ ​Tell me about a time when an emergency caused you to reschedule your
●​ ​Tell me about the last time you had a conflict with a colleague, what was the conflict
and how did you resolve it?
●​ ​Give me an example of when you've demonstrated your technical support/customer
service/sales delivery skills.
●​ ​Have you ever had to persuade a group to accept a proposal or idea? How did you
go about doing it?
●​ ​Tell me about a time when your trustworthiness was challenged.

Framework sample:

Give me an example of when you've demonstrated your customer service skills.

●​ ​There was a time​ I handled a customer who complained about false charges on her
credit card. Her credit card was allegedly charged several fees, namely – late fees, over
limit fees and annual membership fee. Customer contested that all fees were not in order
as she paid her balance on time and in full. She stated further that her annual
membership fee was waived for life as a part of the new joiners promo.

● ●​ ​As a credit and collections specialist, ​m​y​ ​task​ ​was​ of course to get the payment
(commitment) from the customer. However, recognizing that she has lots of issues that
could prove to be valid if verified, I acted on them right away:


● The ​1st thing I did was pull up her joining contract

● The 2nd thing was I checked her payment history
● The 3rd thing was I checked the latest payments made against the bills

●​ ​After exhausting all the necessary verifications, I learned that indeed payments were
made on time and in full. The annual fee turned out to be waived for life too as claimed. I
reported my initial findings to the customer and committed to submit the contention
report ASAP. In the end, the customer turned from sour and angry to calm and amiable.

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