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Impact of covid 19 pandemic to small business in Naga City


1. What type of business entity is your business?

 Sole proprietorship
 Partnership
 Corporations
 others
2. as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, which of the following did this business location
experience ? (select all that apply)
 shortage of supplies or inputs
 decrease in demand for product or services
 increase in demand for product or services
 difficulty in moving or shipping goods
 Government-mandated closure of the business location
 None
 Don`t know
 Other, specify:______________________-
3. Has your business received any government backed loans or finance agreements during the
Coronavirus (COVID-19 pandemic) ?
 Yes
 No
 Not sure
4. Please choose the most significant financial problems for your company during the outbreak ?
 Staff wages and social security charges
 Rent
 Repayment loans
 Payment of invoices
 Other expenses:__________
 No specific problem
5. Are there any other business problems your company is facing due to pandemic ? (up to 2
 Reduction of orders
 Inability to deliver existing orders
 Increase diffulty in financing
 Existing loans cannot be extended
 Disruption of logistics
 Others:____________
6. How have your business operation been affected by the pandemic?
 Not affected
 Slightly affected
 Moderately affected
 Strongly affected
7. Did your number of orders/customers decrease or increase in 2020?
 Decreased but not significantly
 Significantly decreased
 Increased but not significantly
 Significantly increases
 Others:__________________________
8. What industry is your company is in ?
 Lodging
 Manufacturing
 Entertainment
 Retail
 Banks and credit unions
 Constructions
 Government
 Real states
 Others (specify)________
9. Did your business total revenue decrease or increase in pandemic?
 Increased
 Decreased
10. How are your business`s operation being impacted covid 19?(check all that apply)
 We have completely closed our physical place of business
 We have adjusted our hours of operations
 Our supply chain are interrupted
 We are experiencing significant increases in consumer demand for certain items
 We are experiencing deceased in sales
 We are starting to restrict spending because of the uncertainly

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