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Topic Summary


An unknown is a certain quantity whose
value has not been determined. It can be
represented by symbols or letters.
Example : , , x, m


1. A term with one unknown is the product of a number and

an unknown.
Example : 6 x ,0.5 w , m
2. The coefficient of an unknown is the number in front of
the unknown. It can be positive or negative.
Example : 7 x (7 is the coefficient of x)
−1 −1
y( is the coefficient of y)
2 2

Like terms with one unknown Unlike terms with one

are terms with the same unknown are terms with
unknown. different unknowns.
Example : 8 s ,−3 s Example : 8 s ,−3 g

An algebraic expression contains one or more
algebraic terms. These terms are separated by a
plus or minus sign.
Example : 3 x , 4 w+5 , 3 y−9−6 y
Lesson Plan

Subject : Mathematics Form 1

Date / Day : Thursday (17 February 2011)

Class : 1 Seroja

Time : 8.00 – 9.20 am (80 Minutes)

Topic : Algebraic Expressions

Learning Outcomes: At the end of lesson, students will be able:-

1. Use letters to represent unknown numbers.


2. Identify unknowns and algebraic terms with one

unknown. (Knowledge)

3. Identify coefficient of an unknown. (Knowledge)

4. Identify like and unlike algebraic terms. (Knowledge)

5. State like terms for a given term. (Knowledge)

6. Recognise algebraic expressions and find the number of

terms. (Analysis)

7. Simplify algebraic expressions by adding or subtracting

like terms. (Synthesis)

Previous Knowledge: Students have learnt about fractions, decimals and integers.

Teaching Aids (TA): Notes handout, worksheets, question papers, mahjong

paper, measuring tape, blackboard, textbook.

Noble Values (NV) : Working together, self confidence, helpful, obedient,

respect, discipline, brave.

Critical & Creative Thinking Skills (CCTS):

Describing, interpreting, classify, comparing, classify,
examine, associate, discuss, demonstrate, solve, explain,
contributes, decide, analyze, collect, list

Teaching and Learning Activities

Step / Time Contents Activities Strategy/Method


Induction Introduction 1. Teacher will show to the class a Strategy : Teacher-

set to algebra bottle full of marbles and a packet of centred
sunflower seeds.
(5minutes) -Introducing Method :
the concept 2. Teacher then will ask if anyone Explanation
of know exactly the quantity of marbles
unknowns and the sunflower seeds in the bottle TA : Textbooks,
and in the packet. marbles, sunflower
- Explaining seeds
what is 3. Teacher will introduce unknowns
algebra for something that we don’t know the NV : Respect
exact quantities.
- History of CCTS :
algebra 4. Teacher explaining the relation Describing,
between unknowns and numbers interpreting,
which is algebra. classify

5. Teacher asks one student to read

loudly about the history of algebra
from textbooks.

Step 1 Explaining 1. Teacher will explain to students Strategy : Teacher-

the concept that for a quantity where its value has centred,
(15 minutes) of an not been determined, it can be
unknowns represented by an unknown. The Method :
unknowns can be represented by Explanation
-An symbols or letters. However in
unknown is TA : Textbooks,
mathematics, only letters can be use.
certain blackboard
quantity 2. Teacher will give a few examples
NV : Respect,
whose value regarding unknowns. Discipline
has not been

-To use CCTS :

letters to Comparing,
E.g.: - En. Jeffri collected some classify, examine
coconuts that had fallen in front of his
-To identify
The unknown is ‘some coconut’.
in given 3. Teacher explaining that not all
situations. letters or symbols represent
unknowns. They can represent people
or objects.
E.g.: Mr S gave his son x number of
The unknown is x while S represents
a person’s name.

Step 2 Understand 1. Teacher will write a few examples Strategy : Teacher-

the concept of an algebraic term on blackboard. centred, Student-
(20 minutes) of algebraic centred
terms. E.g. :
Method :
-Identify Explanation,
algebraic 2 2 questioning 2
6 s , y ,8 x ,0.7 z , nm,−2 z , 1.3 yz , 7 x , 3 y ,0.4 x , 5 m,−4 r , p
terms with 3 5
one TA : Textbooks,
unknown. blackboard
2. Teacher will ask students which
-To identify one of the examples that has only one NV : Brave,
coefficients letter. After students finish classifies confidence
in given the examples, teacher will explain CCTS : Classify,
algebraic that examples that have one letter is examine, identify,
terms with the algebraic terms with one associate
one unknown.

E.g. :
- To identify 2 2
6 s , y ,8 x ,0.7 z ,−2 z ,3 y , 0.4 x ,5 m ,−4 r , p
like and 3 5
algebraic 3. Teacher also tells to the students on
terms with how to write algebraic term which is
one the number always be at the front of
unknown the letter or the unknowns.

4. Teacher will introduce the term of

coefficient which is the number that
-To state sit at the front of the letter. It can be a
like terms positive or negative number.
for a given
term. E.g.: 6 s. 6 is the coefficient of s,
which s is the unknown.
5. Referring back to the examples on
the blackboard, teacher will ask the
students which of the one unknown
algebraic terms that have the same
E.g. : y∧3 y , 8 x∧0.4 x ,
0.7 z∧−2 z

6. Teacher explaining that the one that

has the same unknown are like
algebraic terms and the one that has
no common unknown are unlike
algebraic terms.
E.g. : 6 s , 5 m,−4 r , p

Step 3 Algebraic 1. Teacher will write a few algebraic Strategy : Teacher-

expressions expressions on the blackboard. centred, Student-
(20 minutes) centred
-To E.g. : 2 w , 5 x+ 4 , 6 k +3 k−8
recognise Method :
algebraic 2. Teacher will ask the students 2 Discussion,
expressions questions. explanation,
-To i. How many terms are there on
determine the blackboard? TA : Textbooks,
the number ii. Name the unknown in each blackboard
of terms in a term.
given NV : Confidence,
3. Teacher will call a few students to respect, obedient
write the answer on the blackboard.
CCTS : Discuss,
4. Teacher will ask other students if describe,
they agree with the answer or if it demonstrate, solve,
wrong, ask other student to correct it explain
at the blackboard.

5. Teacher will ask a few other

students to gave explanation how they
- To
got the answer.
algebraic 6. Teacher will write a few other
expressions examples and explain the number of
by terms in each of the examples.
the like E.g. :
terms. k
10 y , 9− , 4 x+ 2 y −z , w+ w+ w+w
7. Teacher will circle two examples.
i. w +w+ w+ w
ii. 6 k + 3 k−8

8. Teacher will ask a few students to

simplify the algebraic expressions and
ask the other students if the answer is
correct or not.
9. Teacher gives 2 more examples.
i. 3 y +8−2 y −1
ii. 3 p−2−p−5
10. Teacher asks if anyone know how
to solve the problem. If there are
students that know how to solve the
problem, ask the students to explain.
If not, teacher will explain how to
solve the problem.

Step 4 Assessment 1. Teacher asks the student to form a Strategy : Student-

group of four students. centred
(15 minutes) - To assess
the level of 2. Teacher will distribute worksheets Method :
student to each group. Collaborative
understandi learning,
ng. 3. For each group, the students have discussion
to complete 2 tasks and write the
answer in a sheet of paper. TA : Worksheets
i. Think of 5 statements that NV : Work in a
have an unknown in each group, respect,
situation. Represent the helpful
unknown with a symbol or a

ii. Solve all the problems in the
decide, analyze,
4. Teacher will collect the answer collect, list
paper at the end of 15 minutes.

Step 5 Conclusion 1. Teacher gives homework to the Strategy : Teacher-

students based on questions on their centred
(5 minutes) textbooks.
Method :
Exercise 7 (page 62) Explanation
No. 4 (a, c, d) TA : Textbooks
No. 6 (a, e, f) NV : Respect
No. 7, 8, 9, 10 CCTS: Apply,
2. Teacher will tell the students the
importance of algebra in real life.

Variable expressions Matching

Write the letter corresponding to the correct match in the space provided.

___ 1. The quantity six plus a number divided by two A. (6 + x) / 2

___ 2. Four more than twice a number B. x + (2x - 1)

___ 3. Ten more than six times a number C. 6 / x

___ 4. The product of three and a number D. x + (-x)

___ 5. Five less than a number E. 5 - x

___ 6. Seven divided by the sum of a number plus 2 F. 6x + 10

___ 7. the sum of a number and it's opposite G. 7 / (x + 2 )

___ 8. Six divided by a number H. x - 5

___ 9. The sum of a number and the quantity two times a number minus one I. 2x + 4

___ 10. The sum of x and three J. x + 3

___ 11. Five minus a number K. 3 x

Adding and Subtracting Matching

Write the letter corresponding to the correct match in the space provided.

A. -4w
B. -3p +- 2x
9 +3
1. 3r
___ 2. 6t +
- 29t- -8r5t+ 9

F. 3g + 2k - 7
___ 6. -4w + 9x - 11x + 3

___ 7. -5g - 10k + 8g + 12k - 7 G. -6r + 15

___ 8. 13 - 8p - 4 + 3p + 2p H. -5r + 7

___ 9. 6t - 8t + 2 + 5 I. -21a - 6b

___ 10. -20a + 8a - 9b + 3b - 9a J. 10h - 5j

___ 11. 3q - 6q + 7q - 100 K. 4q - 100

___ 12. m + m + m + m L. 6a - 12


Exercise 7 (page 62)

4. Solve

a) 9 a+ 2a−3 a

c) 11 k −(−2 k ) +k

d) 2 p−(− p ) −4 p

6. Simplify

1 1
a) x− x
3 6

2 1
e) 5+ g− g−11
5 2

1 5
f) −7+5 h− h+3
5 6
7 Ali has 5 k marbles and Peter has 9 k marbles. They combined their marbles and decided to

give 2 k marbles to Ali’s younger brother. How many marbles do Ali and Peter have now?

8. Ehsan has RM9 p in his bank account and his sister, Aishah has RM5 p. If Ehsan

withdraws RM5 from his account and his sister withdraws RM p, how much is their total

savings now?

9. Chandrika takes (13+2 x) minutes to complete a mathematics quiz. Eng Huat takes (7−x)

minutes longer than her to complete athe same quiz. Find the time taken by Eng Huat to

complete the quiz.

10. There are w fish in the aquarium. 5 fish died and were taken out. Meena added 2 w more

fish into the aquarium. How many fish are there now?

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