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Mayor - Kendra Deverin

Sherif - Belor Hemlok

Sirdik Drokas - Notable Personality - Harpy's Curse, a play at the theater with a
notable Magnimar personality.
Abstalar Zantus - Priest of Desna

Amiko's curry is the best food at the fair.

Some people compete in the wheelbarrow races, to varied results.

The participants pull prizes from a junk pile, to varied results.

Contest of Wits, Shooting, Eating, Obstacle course.

Finally at the opening of the temple, goblins attack!

The light of setting sun casts a marvelous cascade of colours over Sandpoint. In
the lengthening shadows, the sillouette of a rider approaches, atop a mighty steed.
They stand proudly, a polearm at their side, banner streaming in the wind. As the
pair approaches, the horse scents its master and lets out a whinny to join the cry
of terror made by its rider.
"I DONT KNOW HOW TO STOP THIS THIIIIING", shouts Autumn, as she desperatly clutches
to Bell like a burr. She bounces helplessly in the saddle, feet not reaching the
stirrups. One hand is white knuckled on the saddlehorn, the other holds a strange
looking polearm, jammed into the saddle's lance rest for support. The banner is
actually a tangled piece of cloth that seems to have accidentally been ripped from
its moorings.

Goblins attacking townsfolk in the north! Some are mounted on dog-like creatures.
We manage to save the time, and are thanked perfusely by the Sheriff and another
individual named Aldern, who offers to take us on a hunt.

Offered a place to stay at the Rusty Dragon for a week, as we're hailed as the

Savrah the weaponsmith

Devren the stablemaster

We hunt a boar that looks strange, and bring it back to town.

Ameiko's father shows up, disowns her. He seems very angry and foreign.

Naffer Vosk, the potatoe eater shows up, introduces himself. Asked by Zantus to
gather us in the morning.

A woman Ameil Berret and her son Erin burst into the tavern, claiming a monster
killed their dog. Elgorast is her husband. Sadly the goblin killed him and the dog,
and left a grieving family.

In the morning, Autumn goes to see Zantus, and makes a donation to the families of
those affected (30gp).

Zantus says a group of monsters has taken residence in the crypt. We investigate,
and find that there are undead! The body of the resident (the former priest of the
old temple) is missing, and a new robe is left behind. It's said to be the robe of
a necromancer, who may be working with the goblins! Kavuk finds a piece of strange
silvery hair.
Zantus states the attack was a cover to steal the body. The robe may have been
magical, but no longer. He suggests speaking with Ilsori who has experience with

Ilsorin the headmaster of the orphanage.

As we go to see the sheriff, Zantus speaks of a woman named Nualia, who used to be
a foundling here. No one knows who her parents are - and he claims she was special.
She was beautiful beyond compare with silver hair the shone in the sun, with violet
eyes. Something otherworldly about her, almost ethereal, and she had a musical
voice and laugh. She was adopted by father Toben, who had high plans for her -
maybe a convent of Desna. She was a happy child, loved and adored, and realized she
was different. People were jealous and supersticious. They followed her around
town, and spread rumors, like her touch would heal pains, or her hair would
increase fertility. Over time, it became a burden on her, so much that she withdrew
to the church with the other clergy. Zantus is saddened, shaking his head, until
the varisian boy delik - bonded with her. They got closer, and the dramatic passion
managed to hide it. She seemed to recover her spirits, and then she turned up

Delik abandoned her, claiming infidelity, and Toben was disappointed. She withdrew
into herself again. The boy disappeared, and could not be found. She locked herself
away, and refused visitors. The girl miscarried several months later, as the child
was twisted, deformed and monstrous. Several months later the church was in flames
- and several other buildings were destroyed. Stables, White stagg in, several
homes. They lost Toben and Nualia. Until now...

He makes mention of a strange character named THE CHOPPER, but it's a tale for
another time.

We are introduced to the elven ranger Shalelu. An unofficial member of the town
guard. She saved a local farm from goblins recently. She has dedicated her life to
slaying goblins in the area. There are 5 tribes in the area, and they often fight
each other. But now, they seem to have united. The goblins know of us, and call us
longshanks. The unity disturbs her.

Goblins live short violent lives.

Birdcruncher golbins in the caves of the western devil's platter. Least Aggresive.
Lickstone Goblins of the brineswamp marsh.
East are the seventooth in shankswood - rebuild stolen refuge.
Further are the mosswoods. The larger tribe with feuding families.
Thistletop on the nettlewood who live on an island.

In the surrounding area, goblin attacks have been severe.

We find some tracks, and wait until we have the full party to follow them.

When we return to town, there seems to be a commotion at the orphanage, and we

learn that there is some sort of ghost haunting the attic. We take care of it, some
rats, and a swarm of bats. Autumn takes the remains of the ghost boy to be buried
while the others visit the blacksmith. Some loot is gained, and the night draws to
a close.

Big Gugmut, mosswood. Mixed Heritage.

Karuvis, Seventooth. Short Tempered, with a magical longsword. Vanished several
months ago. Found a secret hidout in a cave along the cliffs. The seventooths think
he's a ghost.
Vorka a goblin cannibal - a hero to others. Licktoad eater.
Trottle - so fat he can't leave his lair in the birdcruncher.
Ripnugger to the thistletop, controls the best layer.
A BUGBEAR - BRUTHASMAS, often trades with the tribes, things he's stolen. He hates

Savah the Weapon Merchant

5 years ago, near the time of troubles. A hermit named Stu lived in the lighthouse
alone, everyone like him despite the eccentrism. Had a thing for birds, and was
amazing at wooden carvings. Everyone wanted one, but as time passed he came less
often. Then things started to go wrong, and grisly murders occured - leading to the

The next morning, Ameiko is missing! A note was found, written in Minkaian. Bathana
the cook in the Rusty Dragon translated it and asked for help! Ameiko's half
brother left it, blaming their father for the recent troubles, as well as their
mother's murder. As we rush to the glassworks, we're confronted by townsfolk, who
question us on why Ephraim is attempting to break in. As we manage to break in
suspiciously, we find a massacare and goblins inside! Battle is joined!

Ameiko is found to have been kidnapped by her brother, who claimed responsiblity
for the goblins! What's going on?!

Autumn escorts Ameiko back to the Rusty Dragon, helping her settle in. The others
solicit her aid, claiming monsters exist below the glasswork, and Autumn sallies
forth! We descend, finding some monster bodies, and then a statue of a woman with a
ranseur and a seven point star. She has red hair, and an expression of rage on her
beautiful face.

We are ambushed by monsters, and they nearly kill us. After a narrow escape, we
proceed to heal in town, speak with Father Zantus, and then delve in once more. We
explore the prison and the torture chamber, find an experimentation lab, as well as
a zombie holding chamber. There, we encounter a mutated golbin with 3 arms, and a
magical blade. We slay it, and proceed into some strange floating room that
contained the rememnants of what appeared to be a wizard.

We encounter a monstrous bat with a cursed bite - and a paralysis effect. After
defeating it, we continue exploring after getting some aid from Father Zantus.

We discover a priestess of Lamashtu, a quasit of some sort, who summoned the cursed
abominations from a flaming portal. A dark pool of cursed water stood in the
center. Autumn initially attempted to make peace. After battle, Autumn freaked out
at the creature who called her a monster, and jumped into the water to attack her.

There was an adverse reaction, and then she prayed for strength until backup
appeared. A strange old man who had much knowledge began to lecture about things:

The Runelords - beings of ancient thasellon, who perverted the seven virtues into
the seven sins (classic)

Rune Wells - channel powerful magic

Envy Charity

Gluttony Temprance

Greed Generosity

Lust Love
Pride Humility

Sloth Zeal

Wrath Kindness

All of Varisia was part of Thasellon. The Runelords were powerful mages, who
created amazing works and artefacts. For all of the incredible magic, it was
powered on the backs of slavery and destruction. Ruled by tyrants, for it was not a
good place. This crypt was a den of some sort - of Alaznes, who embodied Wrath. She
consorted with demons.

Sinspawn were used as expendable soldiers by the runelords.

Thasellon fell into the oceans due to an ancient disaster. The disaster wiped out
most civilizations and left no indications of what it was.

A week passes since our exploration. After recuperating...

Florian leaves the party. Shelalu states that there are some strange things
occuring on the outskirts. Shelalu says the goblins have rallied and joined
together. Several farms have been attacked, and we are to investigate. A man named
Ulfmund joins us.

As we pass by ulms ford, we reach ULMSFORD, a hamlet with no travellers, some

farmhouses, and a few larger buildings.

Mosswood to the ne, is one of the larger tribes. Tend to keep to themselves, but an
uptick in activity has led to farmer kradditz being attacked. They took some
livestock, and so we begin to track them. We are ambushed by some toadstool
goblins, who warm their kin, and they are ready in their little fort.

The battle rages, and is quite tough, but we manage to emerge victorious. Ephraim
executes a prisoner goblin to everyone's horror.

Toadstools were part of the mosswood. Ripnugget said to join him, because they had
treasure. They will eat the longshanks. Kneecrusher said no. Gugmut said yes. They
had a fight, and kneecrusher left. Firewind was the shaman.

We're warned about chopper's island. The chopper killed the smith's (Das Korven)
wife and son. He tasks us to go search the lighthouse, where strange lights are
appearing, and finding the body of his son. The next morning we climb up to the
island, and find tracks indicating the sandpoint devil. There is a pile of ominous
bones. After exploring the burned down shack, we find a path down into some
catacombs, and an antechamber decorated with a birdman statue, and seven pointed
stars on the doors. There's a fresco of a giant bird on the floor, and a bloodstain
in the center.

We are assaulted by a ghastly figure in rags, who summons a snake to attack. As we

defeat it, it explodes and hurts us. We discover a journal from the Chopper, that
told a grim tale of hatred, and madness. We discover that Das's son was kidnapped,
and held prisoner to the Chopper who forced him to worship his vile demon deity
Pazuzu. Ephraim is confronted by Autumn, and is not regretful for his murders. She
refuses to heal him, until he shows remorse.

Upstairs, we find the body of the boy, who manifests as a ghost. We join in battle
as we attempt to put his spirit to rest. We are able to return the remains to Das.

We are approached by the mayor, who makes us the official militia: Wolves of
Sandpoint. With badges and an official writ. After three days, we are approached by
Ameiko who warns us of the plot to attack Sandpoint and neferious tidings from
Tatsuo's journal. It seems that they are led by Tatsuo and Nualia from Thistletop,
in order to perform demonic rituals.

We depart for the Nettlewood and Thistletop on the double.

Autumn runs across the bridge, and is beaten unconscious by ambushing goblins. When
she awakens, she's in an arena of sorts, surrounded by goblin dogs.

Autumn gets a sense of something being freed, and a request/plea. It resonates with
something bestial within her. She feels like something is released within her - but
the feeling passes. Ephraim frees a horse, and we fight through many goblins.

Shelalu thinks that the goblin tribes have fractured, and Nualia has been
attempting to summon a demon. Thus, she thinks they are all waiting on something
big to happen.

We begin exploring the catacombs of the head island (thistletop), and encounter a
scary squid monster. Afterwards, we find murals that indicate the residence of
lashmashtu worshippers. We decide to explore the remainder of the cavern first. As
we do so, we encounter an ambush by Tsuto and a dark mage of some sort. The mage
escapes, and we find notes as well as a secret passage. As we debilitate what
happens next, the mage leads another ambush with bugbear and goblin support. He
really hated elves, and nearly killed Autumn and Shelalu. As we managed to defeat
them, we met with the final mercenary, a shield-faced man named Orik. Ephraim
managed to negotiate that he join us as we go to confront Nualia in the catacombs
below. We descend through the secret passage.

The corridors below are chilly, and cleanly carved away. There is a faint aura of
magic about. The corridor leads to a central chamber with carvings of a
Thassalonian man about. There are 4 statues, and a single doorway out.

Autumn was halted by Ulfmund and Orik as she reached for the door. Ulfmund asked
her to wait for the others to avoid a repeat of the bridge, and Roakkad suggested
swapping places with Autumn so she could attack from behind the cover he would

The door opened and Nualia cast a spell overpowering Ulfmunds mind and causing him
to attack Roakkad, to no effect.

A heated battle with Nualia and a hound made of shadow followed. The hound bayed
and caused Ulfmund and Kavuk to flee into the adjacent room, setting off the trap
behind them. The bay also alerted other demonic dogs from the floor above. Their
barking alerting everyone to the coming danger.

Battle went on, Nualia channeling negative energy to weaken the party. She nearly
killed Orik, and managed to knock Roakkad unconscious.

Finally, the shadow dog was slain and knocked unconscious. One of Autumn's mystery
potions was used to help revive Roakkad, as was a potion that Orik supplied.
In the other room, the dogs arrived and were assaulting Ulfmund and Kavuk, nearly
killing Ulfmund. The others navigated past the trap, running in to see Ulfmund go
down. While the others burst into the room to assist Kavuk, the dog began to
Savage Ulfmund, nearly killing him. Roakkad recklessly rushed into the room, past
the dog Kavuk was battling, and the dog managed to bite him and take him back down.

Through teamwork, the other dog was distracted away from Ulfmund. A dog took
Ephraim down, and greatly wounded Orik, but the group eventually managed to kill
both remaining dogs. At that point, Ulfmund appeared on the brink of death, as did
Roakkad. Ephraim lay bleeding and unconscious as well.

Shalelu rushed to check Nualia for any source of healing supplies, quickly found
troll stypics, and used them on Roakkad and Ephraim while Orik used his most
valuable potion of healing to save Ulfmund from the brink of death.
Ephraim awoke, and the others watched with baited breath as they waited for the
troll stypic to regenerate Roakkad's wounds as it had done for Ephraim.

And they waited.

And they waited.

But Roakkad lay still.

While the rest of the party stood in shock at the realization Roakkad would never
rise again, Ephraim headed back down the hallway, filled with rage and pain. He
decapitated Nualia where she lay while everyone was in the other room, then took
the head off of the shadow dog.

He put the heads on his lance in a grisly display, then began to head back
upstairs, intending to take the battle to Ripnugget, likely dying in the process.

The others discouraged him, but he seemed to have made up his mind. Shalelu made a
heartfelt plea that he not do something so rash, as they'd already lost one person
today. In the shape they were in, Ephraim would just be throwing his life away.
Ephraim broke down in tears. They managed to coax the warhorse down the stairs.

Orik explained that he doubted there was anything else on the 2nd floor to worry
Exploring the other rooms they found several items (I'll update the loot list
later). They also found a room of goblin babies in their traditional baby cages.

They found Nualia's journal as well, which is posted in discord. We didn't go over
in game, but it is there if anyone wants to read it.

Orik led everyone to the sleeping chambers and the party holed up and rested for
the night. There would be time to read the journal, so I'll assume characters can
have spent the time to read it, but haven't necessarily done so if the players

Autumn confronts Ephraim, and there is heated debate about murder of noncombatants.
There is a heated conclusion, and the party begins their retreat. They fight
through the goblins, defeating the chieftain Ripnugget, and begin to make their way
back to town.

Autumn speaks with dead with Roakkad and Nualia. She learns that while Roakkad
wants to return, Nualia is lost. Not listening to the others, Autumn departs - she
heads to Magnimar alone with the corpse of Roakkad - intent on bringing him back.
The party proceeds to head back and kill Malfeshnakor.

She is apprehended at the gates for unknown reasons.

I'd like to apologize to everyone, last session I made some attempts at OOC intent,
and it may have come across negatively. I don't mean to attack anyone personally,
and I'd like to make it clear that there is a divide between Turtle and Autumn.
I'll do my best to work on it in the future.

Danus Dalca - a conman and prisoner is being transported by Magnimar at the behest
of the Sheriff, alongside the guard Cappy and Florian the merchant. Party chooses
not to hear Danus' pleading of his innocence. Party does not seem to care that
Autumn found herself in jail - choosing to explore the city instead.

Lt KASEDEI is the stern woman. The situation is solved, and Autumn has her stuff
returned. The LT mentions some sort of grisly murders occuring, associated with the
septagram of the Thassalonian Empire. It's possible there are two possible sets of
murders occuring. Justice Ironbriar, took Nualia's Amulet. The party heads towards
the church of ABADAR in order to find Roakaad. It seems he was cremated, and the
ashes missing. It seems that sometimes bodies disappear - for uknown reasons and to
unknown places. The acolyte Vladius seems to know more, as stated by Sorio (another

It seems some of the monuments here in Magnimar are magical, and can provide boons
to those that medidate beneath them.

The Irespan is perhaps a place to look - and any paths that lead under it. There
are spider creatures - Skiriks - that live under it - and they are horrible. Tyrana
and Autumn investigate its underbelly - there is a tenseness in the air, with is
understandable considering the circumstances. Our first attempt at bait is
unsuccessful. The second night brings more successs and Autumn is attacked. A woman
works alongside a demonic monster in an attempt to assassinate, but the WOLVES'
teamwork prevails. The monster is slain, and the assassin captured. Mogrum states
it may take a while to bring the temple back up, but he is very thankful.

Justice Ironbriar is an older elf, and amicable in discussing what we learned. He

is a high level cleric in the church of ABADAR. We pass on most of our information.
It seems that clerics of Sarenrae are having their hearts ripped out - see Mogrum.
Father Volstun attempted to open a shrine 80 years ago, in the underbridge where
the dawnflower's light is rarely seen. However it failed, because Sczarni thugs
murdered them - Sczarni dislike sarenrites. The shrine has seen better years - most
of it lies in ruin. It seems the graves have been disturbed, and the key we found
opens a passage into the cellar. We descend into the depths, SHAXX symbols - demon
lord of torture and bloody murder - bloody feather. We find a cult sanctum, with
hearts on an alter. There is a captured cleric named Lev, who does not know why he
was held here.

We learn some about the Sihedron murders; flesh is missing, and there is a symbol
(sihedron) on them. The people going missing are un-noticeable. The murders seem
indiscriminate, but have been going on for years with no sign of stopping. It seems
that the upper echelons of the city don't care.

Father SKINSAW, name for Norgober - dark diety focused on murder.

Justice Ironbriar brings us together, stating he has knowlege. He gathers us, and
we are brought to the proctor (?). Proctor Jyronn Imikar greets us, calling us
friends. He had left a message for LT Kasedei, and they have figured out some more
information. It is extremely unusual that Roakkad has gone missing (as did his
gear), and there was a struggle at the home of Vladius. No one was there last
night, but there were broken things inside. Whatever he was involved with, nobody
wanted him talking after word got out.

Proctor Imikar has offered to resurrect our friends if we could provide the
material componenets (very expensive diamonds). He has also offered to preserve
Ulfmund, and to purchase the magic bag. We declined on the bag.

After 6 days, we are summoned once more. Vladius has left the city, and headed up
the lost coast road - in the direction of Sandpoint. The last place that he had
been seen was in a small village not too far from sandpoint. There it was found
that he had been killed. It also seems that everything was tying together as the
sehedron was found carved into him. We are told the location.

"While it has taken longer than I had hoped, an agent of mine has tracked down the
man who stole your friend's remains. I do not know if you will find this news to
be pleasing or disturbing, but it seems that Vladius Trias had already met a brutal
end before the agent was able to determine his whereabouts.

Vladius�s corpse, and those of three other men, were located on the outskirts of a
small hamlet near Cougar Creek, south of Sandpoint. Based on my agent�s report, a
symbol had been carved into the flesh of each of the victims�one I�ve heard has
become a disturbingly familiar sight to some in Magnimar.

Unfortunately, the agent reported no further clues as to where the body of your
friend may have been taken. I imagine that you will find this to be an
unsatisfactory resolution, but agent is presently needed elsewhere. If you wish to
pursue the matter further, I would suggest following up with the Sheriff of
Sandpoint; further investigation would fall under his jurisdiction."

The murder occured at a farm not too far from the banks of Cougar Creek. Lots of
dried blood, and the scene is disturbed. We don't find much, and thus head back to
Sandpoint. There is a murderer in our midst - one the sheriff feels has only begun
his work. There were two additional murders last night, at the sawmill. We are to
go investigate.

Benny + Katrine. A local Szarni bodyguard survived the barn murders, and is at the
Sanatorium. Devrin, Szarnetti, Kaijitsu, Valdemar. Convenient fires at nearby
sawmills. It looks like the Szarnettis have a convenient monopoly. There seems to
be a monster with a foul odour, that is causing sickness with its claws. It travels
by water perhaps. We go to investigate ERIN HABE's Sanatorium to speak to the
surviving thug - GRAYST SEVILLA. The sanatorium is built on an escarpment called
the Ashenrise. ERIN HABE is the owner of the Sanatorium and states that Grayst is
really crazy.

Infected with Ghoul Fever - You should come to the misgiving to meet with the pack
for they have something wonderful to show us.

He attacks us, after breaking out of his restraints. After defeating him
nonlethally, we hear the voice of a young girl from the adjacent room. Before we
can confront ERIN about what happened, he unlocks another door and runs off in a
panic. The were-rat attacks, attempting to steal our weapons, and Tyrana drops him.
The young girl voice calls for aid from someone named slim, to which we hear a deep
growl respond. The guards arrive - and don't listen to our pleas to stop.

Erin rushes downstairs, with Autumn following, and warns another guard, Gortus.
Autumn manages to knock him out, but the guard appears. Gurnak is the other one.

"Listen, one of your patients went crazy! He broke out of his restraints and
attacked us! We knocked him unconcsious, but then Erin went crazy too! He unleashed
that giant rat on us, and then ran down here! Please, you have to believe me,
something really strange is going on!"

Shayna is the little girl - not supposed to go outside unless she's let out.
Ephraim opens the door, while Autumn is outnumbered by the guards. She flees
upstairs, while the girl is revealed to be in the company of a Shadowy dragon
figure. Shayna has no eyes, but apparantly has horn, scales, and a tail, like a

She says she has no family, and she lives here with Slim and Mr Habe.
It seems that there was a misunderstanding? Habe collects broken things - and
panicked. They are evasive about the cellar tho - locked vs stuck. Lost the key. As
we investigate, it seems there is a dark wizard down there, with undead minions!
Habe is being bullied into compliance, and we manage to defeat the minions just as
the Wizard makes his escape. Ephraim has his mouth sewn shut.

Confrontation! We manage to defeat the necromancer, and this raises more questions.
Ghoul sightings all about the hinterlands.


Habe wants to cure diseases of the mind without magic. Kerzulu was a source of
money, looked for place where he could practice experiments quietly.

We learn that there are ghoul attacks all around the hinterlands. We proceed to a
likely source, where a recent survivor said there were many of them. They hide in
the scarecrows, and ambush us. We defeat the ambush, and find a survivor, Felix
Treller. He tells us of the monsters that emerged to attack the farmstead, and how
he feels sick. We proceed to investigate, eliminating another family of ghouls and
finding a barn full of bodies. Among them is a burly undead with a distinct stench,
missing an ear. He has a necklace with the heraldrly of Aldern Foxglove.

Within the house, we find another sihedron murder scene and note. We clear the farm
of undead, and head back to Sandpoint. It seems that Felix was indeed the only
survivor, and we pay for a cure for his disease.

The Foxglove manor is haunted - children speak about it. Nobody goes near it - and
Aldern wanted to repair it. However he has not been seen in some time. We learn of
its location, and that it has a dark reputation. Niska Vashti has a local fortune
telling shop and may know more. She has been around for a very long time.

We meet with Niska Vashti - who is a cryptic and stereotypical fortune teller. She
speaks of the Misgivings, and a very dark history. She asks if we've angered her -
the manor is well over 80 years old - older than sandpoint. A few decades ago, the
family was struck by tragedy, and nobody has lived there for some time. The older
citizens remember the first time the tragedy struck. She says that the family is
associated with the building - bound to it. It brings nothing but death. Voral
Foxglove was the paragon in the past. He originally built it, and it was quite a
sight to behold, perched upon the cliff. This was at the hight of their prominance,
he was a powerful man, and she was a lovely lady. They had an idyllic life, but one
day the entire family was found dead with all their servants and staff, except the
patriarch, Voral who had gone missing. They say a horrible disease killed them all.
The family abandoned the manor for over 40 years, but eventually others inhabited
it, and wanted to return it to prominence. For a time they did, however it did not
last. At the time, the family had stayed there for a number of years, but Traver
Foxglove, had a nasty temper. His wife met a grusome death at the bottom of the
cliff, and he sliced his own throat open. After that, the remaining children
returned to their kin in Magnimar. The building has been condemned since. About 12
months ago, Aldern returned and began to restore it.

His flight of fancy is unknown, and he has had problems getting people to help him
do so. The place did have quite the reputation. He even acquired a new bride ...
but it could not have been cheap. She speaks of the key we found, stating the man's
name was Rogars Crayzbe. A family that once served the Foxgloves. Rogars was the
grounskeeper, and was seen in town, but not in some time.

Definitely something to investigate.

We get our FORTUNES READ! The initial represents our distant past - first cards
represent our past - the second represents our present - and the last represents
our future

Autumn - the hidden truth - the marriage/place of power (a union -

water/salamander - new power or ruinous joining - something very powerful and will
cause change in the world, though what kind of change is yet to be determined )/
waxworks (a willing mind but a physical inability to change - shaped the past, an
inability to act when felt the most need) - the teamster/power (what drives you -
something external - and will continue to drive you when you feel you have no
strength to give - be aware of what drives you and do not let it lead you to a
place you do not wish to go) - the sickness/weak alignment
(plague/pestilance/famine/disease - misaligned, and chance to stop such a disaster
- the strongest alignment is the EMPTY THRONE (can bring information from a far off
or ancient source - important lessons coming in the future - however, the placement
indicates misalignment - beware for the ghosts of the past are restless - put those
ghosts to rest in the near future or it may cause calamity)

Ephraim - the wanderer - the waxworks/partial past (body is frozen - mind is

willing) - the unicorn/strongly present(something you seek will come to you) - the
courtesan/place of power/future

Tyrana - the vision - the crown past (something was taken from you ) - the
theater/card of true prophecy present (no influence on what you see, as if you see
a mumurs show - you will not realize it until it's too late) - the
publican/inverted power future (a refuge you are unable to find, or information you
cannot find in time) - a hard reading with many conflictions

Solurnis - the snakebite - the hidden truth/strong past (a connection between

autumn and solurnis' wife - perhaps something similar acted against both of them) -
the survivor/strong present (a person who has been through an ordeal, surrounded by
fallen comrades - assistant was murdered) - the big sky/perfect alignment ( a
powerful moment of change, shakels being cast off - perhaps your wife will be freed
in the future ) - the fiend also represents a danger that may appear and endanger
any around us, possibly sooner than we know


We are attacked by ghouls on the way there through the marsh - but manage to fight
our way through to Foxglove. We manage to get to the super creepy house. Inside,
there are many trophies, including a manticore.

Bell pull monkey head and mouldy rug.

From the North to South, stained glass windows depict: Treant, Sphynx, Leviathan,

We witness some haunted stuff - including possession, and the manticore bursting
into flames. We descend further into the manor, and find several diseased rat
swarms. After finally killing them, we proceed through a locked door to what
appears to be an arcane workshop. Here, there are stained glass windows.

One of a finely dressed man. Another of the same man in advanced age, skeletal,
turning to dust and performing a magical ritual. Autumn is enchanted by a foul
spirit - and finds some truth to what occured here.

Voral - Patriarch - fungus/growth

Casanda - Woman - black mold
Lorey - Girl - black mold

Traver - Man - throat cut

Cyralee - Woman - blackens /chars/broken back
Zeeva - Girl - frost, not killed
Cindeli - Girl - frost, not killed
Aldern - Boy - Darkens with rot - turns into a ghoul

Aiesha was turned into a revenant.

The room explodes with mold, which causes Autumn to break out in a rash. We escape,
explore further. In another room, Tyrana becomes suicidal - but is stopped.
Upstairs, Tyrana tries to jump out a window. We find some trinkets, and the
basement key. We also find a crying woman (Aiesha) - who looks undead and has a
scar on her neck. She fled past us, downstairs. She is a Revenant - who hates
Aldern, her murderer. "I can smell your fear, you'll be in my arms soon!"

We descend past the basement, and the stairs seem to go on forever. There, we find
a natural cavern of some sort, infested by more undead. We begin to clear them out,
and eventually it leads to a doorway where we find the woman. She is beating at it,
ignoring everything else. We can only assume that beyond it lies Aldern, and the
conclusion to this horrible experience.

There we find both Aldern (now a ghoul), and Roakkad (also undead). In the
background, a horrible figure looms, cast in shadow.

It seems that Voral is a stain of corruption. We stop Roakkad, Aldern is killed by

his former wife, and we find evidence that there is a cult in Magnimar.

We travel to Magnimar and let the people in positions of power know. It seems there
may be an attempt on to lord governer's life. We proceed to the foxglove estate,
and find Alder and Aiesha! They welcome us, and can't answer questions, but turn
into monsters when they host us in the sitting room. They are facechangers, and we
slay them, but not before they take a pound of flesh (blood). We warn the guards,
and explore the house. We find evidence leading us to a saw mill, where we are
attacked by cultists when we try to talk to the workers. Solurnis burns the mill
down, and we escape with scraps of evidence.

We manage to bluff our way past some guards, and escape with the chest. We duck
into an alley to investigate it further, and inside are:


The mystery may lie with who owns them! We proceed to investigate, particularly at
the Keystone Spring School of Wizardry and Divination. It's elitist, especially the

Valerie Sunlance's Magic Shop - she's suspicious of us and seems to know Ephraim.
We explain we need her help, and she offers to do some digging on our behalf. At a
rate of 10 gp/day, until the job is done.

We are eventually approached by a guardsman who claims to come from the Justice
Ironbriar, who asks for an update. We go to meet, and see a pair of people - a
large man and a secretary looking woman. The man is rotund, and looks very wealthy
- and they are shadowed by a giant clockwerk construct of some sort. The LORD MAYOR

We inform Ironbriar about what we discovered. He tells us his suspicions that he

thinks the Lord Mayor is a red herring - he is a good liar like any good
politician. But, when he was told of the threat, did not react. Suggested it be
kept quiet, and he was disturbed because it was out of character for the mayor.

Autumn learns that the books had names of the greedy - in line with the hit list.
Solurnis learns that Ironbriar's handwriting we've seen before. The cypher was
talking of murder.

As we go to investigate the clocktower, we are ambushed by the skinsaw man! He has

a scythe and bloated human heads on his belt. He's a monster- with a jumble of body
parts - topped by an idiot head that leers and drools. Dressed in straw and dung
covered rags that smell of decay. It's a flesh golem!

We are on the way to the shadow clock.

Mumble Mumble Scarecrow,

Alone in the maize.
Sleeping in the daytime,
A stitched man he stays.
But when the moon she rises,
Up Mumble gets.
He shakes his hands at first
And moves his feet the next.
And when the dog is snoring,
And when you�re fast asleep,
Mumble Mumble Scarecrow
Will find you good to eat.

As we are passing by a tavern early in the morning, we see a man coming out. He has
a familiar face.

Orik runs from Kassidy.

Kassidy's brother has been kidnapped. She lives in the area. He's 12, short, named
Randall. We need to investigate a building with a gang of kids.

The clocktower is a minor marvel of engineering, but has many bets in the locality
about how many buildings it will crush when it collapses.

We enter the locked building. Eventually, we find Justice Ironbriar alongside some
shapeshifters. They fight us, and we defeat them - managing to get the Justice to

He claims to have been mind controlled by our cult leader. She is in the top of the
tower. We tie him up when he tries to flee, and proceed upwards.

We reach the top of the tower, and proceed up the rickety staircase. The next
chamber reveals a raven rookery. Afterwards, we find the guts of the clocktower,
but it seems uninhabited.

The rooftop reveals a bird creature, a cultist and the snake lady, Xanesha. She
attacks us, and we manage to fight her off.

Autumn kind of goes into a frenzy, attacking in a savage manner. This leads to some
tension, and backstory reveal about Lonni Longshanks. She thinks that she holds the
hag's curse.

Kassidi casually mentions that she may have interacted with Xanesha in the past,
and fights exceedingly well. She proceeds to take Xanesha's mask and toss Autumn
off the tower, before escaping.
Autumn kind of breaks down after eating a person - and waits for the others to
return from gathering the Proctor.

There was a letter implicating some sort of other operation happening in a fort
near turtleback ferry, but Autumn didn't read it.

We decide to stick around to deal with Ironbriar, then stop by Sandpoint, before
heading out to Turtleback Ferry. It would be a half month travel through
wilderness, at least.

We visit Tyrana's mentor, but meet an old man on the way - Giardan. The woman's
name is Vausheera, an old elven woman with white hair, scars on her face, and a
blindfold on one eye. She wears a robe, and there is a glint of metal beneath.

She tells Autumn that there is no curse about her - that the power she faces comes
from within. And it is up to her to master the power. Monsters are those who make
the decision to be monsters, not anything inherent.

We are rewarded for stopping the Skinsaw Cult -and are set upon a new quest to
Turtleback Ferry.

We meet a guide - named Dale. He states that there's trouble, and he can take us to
those parts.

Autumn shares her backstory information - about the dark events that occured in

The group is attacked by snake monsters on the way - an invasive species.

We reach Wartle, and investigate the witches tower. There's signs that nobody has
been here in a long time. However, there are things missing - and all that remains
is some old blood and a monstrous severed arm. The arm radiates necromancy magic -
and when burned reacts! We

Constantly raining in the Turtleback region. Everything is always wet. There is an

organization like the Night's Watch here, and they stop the mountain ogres from
killing people.

The Black Arrows live in fort Ranick, and every once in a while they visit to get
supplies. However, no word has been heard in over a month and a half from the fort.

The locals are worried, and sent up a party of people to investigate, but the
people never returned. Additionally, the Kreegwood has become more dangerous -
animal and predator activity is causing the area to freeze up and shelter in place.

The town was stricken by tragedy recently when a pleasure boat / casino in
claybottom lake sank, about 20 people died as a result.

Mayland Schreed - Mayor

The rain is unnatural.

No word from the fort, increased animal attacks, unnatural rain... suspicious.

Yads + Earthandee - Tavern Owners (Bottom's Up)

A strange coincedence that the Paradise sunk, just as the tavern was not doing
Paradise came to town a while back. Mayor didn't like it - encouraged seedier
elements (gambling/drinking). Came from downriver and set up in Claybottom. A woman
owned it - Lucretia, apparantly went down with the ship. Body not found.

About 40 years back - Giants and Ogres would come from the mountains. Magnimar took
the opportunity to establish the fort, and the Black Arrows are tasked with
protecting the locals from their incursions.

Every once in a while there's an attack on the fort, but it's rebuffed.

Tyrana determines that there's some rumors of Giants in the valley.

That morning we come across a firepelt jaguar caught in a trap. It seems to be

hunted by a monstrous hunter and his pack of dogs.

We rescue it, and Autumn has another flip out. Ephraim insults her, the others are

The monstrous hunter has a tattered cloak with multiple trophies from the Black
Arrows. Shalelu is worried - and expresses concern that they would not have
normally allowed something like this to happen.

The cat seems intelligent, and Shalelu claims it may be owned by a Black Arrow.

After several more hours, we come across an abandoned farmhouse in the forest. As
we begin to investigate more disfigured hillfolk jump us. They are called the
Grauls, and they are half-ogres.

The farmhouse is extremely grotesque. There are disgusting carvings of obscene acts
of violence and debauchery on the porch, and a giant chair made of bone and sinew.

The interior is decorated with a variety of taxidermied things, including hands and
grotesque heads. Bypassinga variety of traps, we come across some more of the
locals - disgusting and undead(!). We defeat the witch, but not before she blinds
Autumn. Dale says he can restore her sight, but not until morning.

We proceed through the horrible house, and defeat more ogrekin. However, all we
finds are remnants of tortured black arrows, and the trail grows cold. As we
explore the rest of the settlement, debating retreating to lick our wounds, we find
tracks and hear sounds. It seems there are still a few foes left, and they may have
a survivor.

We decide to rescue the people being tortured in the barn, and Ephraim cuts some
heads to distract the denizens. He throws opens the doors, and reveals some Ettin
like ogre giant hybrid abominations.

Ephraim manages to lead them away, while the rest investigate the barn further.
There we find a flayed man, and descend into a spiderweb laden basement. Here are
several black arrows we manage to save, but are attacked by a giant spider. At this
time, the ogres begin to return to the barn. In the process of escaping, we ignite
a moonshine still and it explodes, detonating the barn - killing the ogres and the
spider. We escape towards Turtleback with the survivors, and plan our next moves.

We hear about what led up to the events at Fort Ranick, and how the Paradise may be

Autumn discovers that her wounds have scaled over when she is cured of blindness.
The group explore the crash of the Paradise, and learn that it was blown up. They
manage to slay old pink eye in the process, and bring his corpse back to

As the group returned to Turtleback Ferry, their pulling their new prize along at a
glacial pace, a crowd began to gather at the shore. Eyes locked on the enormous
pale strip towed behind the turtle shell craft. Onlookers scampered away only to
return shortly thereafter, bringing more gawkers with them. Soon, it seemed that
most of the town had gathered at the shore.

A single cheer came up from the crowd as one of the villagers recognized what the
small island floating behind the craft must be. It was quickly joined by more
cheers, spreading through the crowd like exactly-what-you�re-thinking, until by the
time the Party made it to the docks and hauled Old Pinkeye ashore, the cheer had
become a triumphant roar.

As The Party left the boat, the people of Turtleback Ferry surged forward, patting
the town�s new heroes on their backs, shaking their hands, and showering them with
praise. Cries such as �Remember The Paradise!� and �Vengeance for Lucrecia!� went
up throughout the milling mass, and townsfolk quickly began to organize an
impromptu celebration.

Amidst the jubilant chaos, it took a moment for the others to realize that Ephraim
appeared to be having a heated conversation � with himself. It was difficult to
pull Ephraim from his conservation, but eventually he explained that the succubus
was speaking to him. Despite Tyrana�s best efforts to dissuade him, Ephraim
revealed to the succubus what they found in the wreck of The Paradise � that the
boat seemed to have been sunk intentionally with explosions originating inside of
the ship, that it had been emptied of valuables, and that the occupants had been
locked inside.
In exchange, the succubus explained to Ephraim that the inks and needles found
onboard the ship were likely used for tattooing, and that it seemed a majority of
the town was tattooed on The Paradise, though most seem to be unaware that others
have the tattoos as well. She also informed Ephraim that he could rid himself of
his bond with her by destroying Crackle, which Ephraim believed to be too large a
cost (and possibly a lie.)

Dale would later attempt to purge the demonic connection Ephraim has with the Demon
via a protection against evil spell, and an attempt to dispel magic upon Ephraim,
but these efforts were fruitless.

The town prepared Old Pinkeye�s remains for a gigantic feast. In the process, they
removed a lot of junk which had been caught up inside of the creature over the
years. Of particular note, a headband was found, featuring a large golden rune
emblazoned in the middle of it, and a series of linked plates which formed a belt.
Both of these detected as magic. The belt was a Bladed Belt, capable of
transforming into any piercing or slashing melee weapon at a command. The headband
was more difficult to identify.

The Party attempted to learn more about it by studying the magics which were imbued
in it, but weren�t able to determine anything other than that it had some strong
divination magics invested within it. The Party took it to Maelin Shreed, the only
other spellcaster they were aware of within the town, and asked that he attempt to
divine what sort of magic may be invested in the headband.

Mayor Shreed wasn�t able to tell much more beyond what the party had already
discovered, but he did recognize the rune as being associated with an old local
legend. Mayor Shreed seemed vague on the details to say the least, but was able to
provide the gist of the story:
A long time past, a local man blessed with the ability to see the future had fallen
in love with the fey princess, Myriana, who lives within the nearby Sanos Forest
beyond the Shimmerglens. He was an honorable man, but when he confessed his love
to Myriana, he was rejected.

Myriana was known to be the most beautiful creature in the world, and she had three
sisters who she loved dearly. However�in true fairytale fashion�these sisters knew
that Myriana�s beauty exceeded their own and their jealousy had festered over the
years until they wished for nothing more than Myriana�s death. Unable to
comprehend that someone could be rejected and not feel hate for the one who spurned
them, these sisters banded together and seized upon the opportunity to use the seer
to lay a trap for Myriana.

The man was struck with a vision and knew that he could not spurn these sisters�
request. If he did, the sisters� next plan to kill Myriana would succeed. The man
decided to work with the sisters�or at least to allow them to believe that he
would. Instead, he secretly relayed information of the sisters� plot to a fairy
friend, who sped to Myriana to warn her.

The seer went along with the sisters� plans, and lured Myriana away to secluded
location where the sisters could dispatch her in secret. However, Myriana had come
prepared with powerful magics, and she turned her sisters� killing magic against
them. Yet, Myriana did not wish to kill her sisters, and so she altered the magic
not to kill her sisters, but to twist them according to their jealousy�turning them
into horrible monsters. Myriana�s sisters fled after their defeat, but Myriana�s
mercy was the man�s undoing, as they had survived and returned to unleash their
anger against the seer one night near Claybottom Lake.
The Mayor surmised that the headband may have been the seer�s (what led him to
surmise this was never inquired about.)

Dale volunteered to test the headband�s powers. As he did so, his senses drew
inward and faded to black, until he found himself within a strange version of
Turtleback Ferry. When he came back to himself the headband had slipped over his
eyes, but when he removed the now-blindfold, he still could not see. The headband
had stripped him of his vision.

Fortunately, the mayor�being mortified at having partially led Dale into doing
this�was quick to explain that he would fix Dale�s vision the next day. He managed
to cure Dale�s blindness, and the group further probed the magic of the headband to
no avail (low rolls all around.) Eventually, the group turned to further
experimentation, using their blind girl as a guinea pig (whatever that is.) Can�t
get blinder, right?

Tyrana attempted to view the wreck of The Paradise. In her vision, a red-haired
woman with noble bearing tapped a spoon against a glass, gathering the attention of
a large number of people carousing on the deck of a ship. The woman addressed
those onboard but Tyrana could not make out what was said. The people filtered
into the lower decks of the ship
Tyrana�s vision�real vision�then shifted perspective to the surface of the lake,
and a rowboat that may have contained a red-haired woman in an emerald dress was
floating away from the larger ship�clearly the Paradise, as the name was written on
the side of the ship. As the rowboat pulled away, a series of explosions took
place under the water, and The Paradise quickly sank.

When Tyrana�s senses returned, the headband had slipped over her eyes as well. She
could not see, but her other �sight� and senses were unaffected.
Over the next couple of days, Tyrana attempted to use the headband to view Fort
Rannick, and while she had the sense that something triggered when she attempted to
use it, she did not experience a vision.

While the group had Mayor Shreed alone, they asked him about Lamatar Bayden�s trip
to the Shimmerglens. The Mayor seemed disinclined to believe that Lamatar Bayden
ever would have been a part of what transpired on the Paradise, or to have willing
participated in allowing Fort Rannick to fall, but he admitted he did not know the
man well. The Party decided not to broach the subject with the surviving Black

After three more days passed, the group preparing while the surviving Black Arrows
recovered their strength through the healing power of good eatin�, the group headed
up to Fort Rannick.
Along the way they were met by the sight of an ENORMOUS dam, decorated with skulls.
Tyrana (ironically) was able to identify this as Skull�s Crossing, at the head of
the Skull River. The dam holds back a massive body of water named The Storval

Arriving at Fort Rannick, the party laid out a trap of booze for the ogres. After
a long time spent in the pouring rain, a patrol of ogres spotted the barrels,
greedily drank several barrels of it on the spot, then brought it back to the other
ogres. The Party took the opportunity to infiltrate Fort Rannick through the
waterfall�s secret entrance. Within, they found some of the shocker lizards, as
well as a cache of supplies left by the rangers in case of an attack�it was
untouched, indicating that the assault on the fortress must have been so sudden
that none the Black Arrows had been able to reach it.

Using the Bitterbark that they had gathered before, Dale and Ephraim managed to
herd the lizards through the caverns and out through the secret entrance that led
into Fort Rannick�s courtyard. The group, consisting of The Party, Shalelu,
Jakardros, Kibb (the cat), Vale, and Kaven, came out behind the lizards, hoping to
use the distraction and element of surprise to get a jump on the ogres.

The rain is currently pouring heavily, masking sound somewhat, making it difficult
to shoot arrows (-4 ranged penalty), and reducing visibility. Ephraim, Vale, and
Tyrana have thrown a barrel of potent alcohol inside of the barracks that Vale
described as �a deathtrap� where there seem to be a large number of ogres. The
lizards have definitely gotten the attention of some ogres.

We battle the ogres in the courtyard.

After killing all of the Ogres in Fort Rannick, the party discovered Kavens name on
a list of individuals found in Lucrecias room. Kaven had disappeared and the party
ran after him.

They found him outside, speaking with a well dressed woman of noble bearing, bright
red hair, and an alluring green dress.

Kaven called out to the woman, calling her Lucrecia and asking that she run away
with him, as well as asking why she was here. The woman answered as the party ran
out into the courtyard.

Knowing Kaven to be a traitor, but wishing to know more, the party subdued Kaven.
They attempted to fight the woman as well, but she called up invisible creatures
from a scroll, which assaulted some of the party. However, the woman herself
turned out to be a much greater threat than was anticipated. She had formidable
defenses which were able to deflect most attacks.

Low on resources as the party was, the lone woman revealed her lower body to be
that of a snake. With her twin daggers of frost and fire, she carved into the

While the group ultimately managed to get weaken Lucrecia enough that Ephraim
invoking the name of the vengeful succubus was enough to get the snake woman to

This "victory" wasn't without cost. Tyrana was slain in the battle. Lucrecia had
plunged her dagger through the blind woman's eye. Ephraims glasses confirmed that
Tyrana's body was indeed lifeless.
In the aftermath, the group brought Kaven to the prison cells and put the Black
Arrows' dead to rest, burning the ogre corpses.

Kaven was interrogated, and while Autumn protested that they should not kill him,
Jakardros's righteous fury eventually won out. Kaven was executed in the
courtyard, and his body was burnt with the corpses of the ogres.

The town is being washed away, and the dam looks like it might break - looks like
the work isn't over. We ferry some people and leave a rope, before heading up to
the Dam. Joining us is an archeologist named Ferzara Lupei - an endless font of
knowledge and flame. It seems the dam has been claimed by the Skulltaker Troll


Vestrum, a seer of her court. THE SEER FROM THE STORY. He did it because he loved
her - and was envious of the Captain Lamatar Bayden. He was working with Myriana's
sisters, and ogres from the hook mountains.


Flamefang - smaller red dragon

Longtooth - bigger red dragon

Gregoras - captured giant

Giants built the monuments/structures

They came for a stone - an ancient one.

Jorgenfist is the city of the giants.

Valley of the black tower in the iron peaks, over the waters of the mushgar river,
east from the storval stairs, mak is below - hidden places untouched.

Magmurian is a dark giant of old who has mastered the ancient arts, and convicned
the clans the time has come again. He will enslave all, and will unite all the
plateau people.

Taraktinus was the leader of the scouting party.

Magmurian has raised the fortress around the black tower. He calls jorgenfist after
the name of the fortress to the afterlife. The elders dislike it, calling it
blashphemous, but he does not fear them.

He has dragons, lamia, and performs sacrifices whenever he wants.

We meet a priestest named Kanna - who guards a shrine with the ghost of her elder
husband. He was killed by Magmurian. She tells us Magmurian is destroying the
people - and asks us not to shed more blood than is necessary. She tells us there
is a shrine below the ground, where he has great evil library. The guardian is in
the tower above. Lorkunseer, a powerful hill giant, is in the room to the NE.

The guardian has a key to the library. But Magmurian can just be in the depths.

In the soot stained cave, dale saw glimmers of red scales, and lengths of heavy
chain. The floor and walls seemed to be coated in layers of ash, though it trailed
off abruptly. Arcana check.

Conna explains that there are two Lamias, half-lion women. Cruel priests of
Lamashtu, who have even managed to convert some of the giants to the worship of
their evil god.

Lokansir is a towering hill giant of the jotunblood. Some say the jotunblood are
blessed by the giant gods. Conna wonders if their power may not be a remnant of
the ancient masters. Lokansir is cruel and stupid, but his might should not be

Galenmir is the general of Mokmurians army. He has been missing for the last day,
but Conna does not know what happened to him.
All she knows of the Black Tower is that it seems to be inhabited by something
ancient. The harpies would occasionally sing songs of their master, the Black
Monk. She knows nothing more than that.
Conna does not dare to face Mokmurian's power head on, but if you heroes can defeat
him, she thinks that enough of the giants only follow him from fear that there is
at least a chance she can turn enough of the others away to break this gathering.
She knows almost nothing of the depths, except that yesterday the giants you just
killed had emerged from down below. Swollen with power but branded by ancient
runes of slavery, she was shocked to learn that Mokmurian would do such a thing to
any of The People.
Some frost giants arrived quite some time ago, a precursor to those that are coming
now. They stay in a lodge above. There are guards in the towers above, though
they typically keep watch over the outside rather than the inside. If attention
was drawn, they would doubtless notice however.

The grounds above are mostly used for training mammoths and the Rocs.

Mokmurian has forced all of the members of his army to be branded with the sihedron
as part of a show of their loyalty and induction into his forces. However, they
have also been capturing dragons from the surrounding mountains and sacrificing
them above the pit on occasion. Mokmurian first carves the sihedron into the
dragons before doing this. The pit is filled with the dead.
Aside from dragons, some of the sacrifices are giants who have disobeyed him,
others are those captured by the giants.

In addition to the other stuff that Conna said, she'd also add that Mokmurian has
ordered most of the stone giants who were below to go back to the surface following
your intrusion. He declared it a failure of theirs to protect the area. Mokmurian
then had the runeslaved giants (the ones you killed) come back up to this level,
though those were the only 4 she has seen so far.

The other elders have been killed by Magmurian, Conna is one of the few remaining.

We manage to kill the Trolls, Lamia, and a dragon as they ambush us to the

We go downstairs, and are ambushed by a metal guy spewing moltan metal. He keeps
diving into the surroundings to hide. We continue through a space distorted room
that shrinks us, where runeslave hill ogres are, and then into a place with a giant
smoking evil cauldron full of magic and bad things like skulls.

There is a golem of some sort there, and we fight it. It goes down like a bitch.

We continue, and there are a few more collapsed tunnels, and some frozen corpses.
The metal guy keeps harassing us, but we fight him still.

After fighting zombies, we decide to take a rest. The next day, we delve again, and
try to open a magical door. A painfully glowing figure appears and tries to kill
us. We escape, and continue onwards. We get ambushed by some dogs, and then
Mokmurian himself. Then:

Green light burst from his eyes, and he stiffens like a puppet, "So these are the
heroes of the age. More like grasping worms, crushed when I awaken the armies of
zenshulast, Karzoog will return with fear and awe. Know those deaths of those
marked by sihedron, the giants, hasten my return, just as your soon will. Fools,
all of you. Is this all you could manage in 10,000 years?" It laughs a cruel,
mocking laugh, which soon fades.


This note reveals four places marked along the Varisian coast. Three of them have
numbers scribbled next to them. The fourth and final mark is over Sandpoint. This
mark has been circled.

Near the circled marking, a note is writen in Giant.

Process of elimination: Xaliasa's last known location. Note: Reduce town to ashes
for prior resistance.

There are several other notes written in Giant which have been scribbled on a set
of loose pages. They seem to be scattered research notes. Among them, several
phrases jump out.

Xaliasa agent of Wrath. Secretly worked for the Elder. Loyalty suspect.

Hellstone Flumes on Bakrakhan/Shalast boarder.

List of potential ruins matching discription followed by a list of descriptions.

Notably Windsong Abbey and Sandpoint are on this list.

Xaliasa erratic at end. Knew of ---------. Traitor? Stole soul glass prototype?

A list of numbers matching those written on the map. Each one has been written in,
then crossed through with more pressure. The pressure applied seems to have
increased each date was crossed through.


Lesser Runewells likely awoken. Risk of further activation from soul collection.
Further study required to determine potential uses.

Demon hinted at conflict between Pazuzu and Lamashtu in region. Related?

Parasite infestation has reached Jorgenfist. Presents opportunity to test

------------- prior to use in field. Must test parameters of recency of death,
extent of control, maximum number of uses. This is followed by extensive technical


The cauldron of runepower, was made by the runelord of sloth. Pretty gross ritual
to make runeslaves.

Hellstorm flume. Giant Death Beam. Lighthouse in Sandpoint and Windsong Abby.

Golden Road.


Xaliasa -


We go up to speak with Conna, but it turns out that Lokansir still wants to fight.
He is a jotunblooded huge opponent with a pet bear. He nearly sends us tumbling
into the chasm. We manage to slay him. Conna warns us that the other giant leaders
won't go down quietly.

We decide to challenge the frost giant delegation to a battle. We make a spectacle

of it, calling all the giants to a giant meeting, and then shout a challenge.

Sfurn-caldir and Frode, frost giant leaders.

Your stride has brought you to the wrong mountains, my friends. By Stone, Frost,
and Flame, The king Mokmurian is slain. The people of Varisia have sent their
champions to sing songs of your deeds. Who is mighty enough to face our feats?

We throw a few insults back and forth, and then do battle. It almost turns out
disasterous, but we manage to succeed once more. This cows most of the giants, and
the camp begins to break up.

We continue on our next adventure, to the guardian below the black tower. There, we
face swarms, and the terror sausage himself, a mummified monk. Ferzara is killed in
the ensuing battle, but a wish resurrects her - as a halfling.

No man has seen it but all men know it

Lighter than air, sharper than any sword
Comes from nothing but would fill the
Strongest armies

Xenshula - had gold streets, and was part of seven empires of Xenshulast. Earthly
paradise at the bottom of a river that leads to Desna. There was a Runelord who
ruled it, and giants were the primary architects, ruled by a rulers named
runegiants. The spires of Mahar Massive, legendary peaks pierces the skies beyond
the Kodars mountain range (far north Varisia). Stupendously inhospitable mountains.
A bridge to strange realms beyond Golarion, namely the Realm of Ling, infusing the
surroundings with otherworldly energies.

Karzoog was the Runelord of Greed, most gifed transmuter, and lived for hundreds of
years - Ruled Shulast, over 10k years ago. Armies composed of giants, and were
ruled by runegiants - monsters. Blue dragons and denizens from nightmare realm of
ling, blooddrinkers known as scarlet walkers, and lamia harridans. Virtue became
Greed - Mastery of Greed magic was uncontested, enchantment and illusion - lust and
pride, dominant magic that may defeat him. No records exist.

Sihedron, represnts the seven sins/virtues. Related to opposing sides, each had two
opposition schools, of which the runelords practiced, were not proficient in.

Alazulast was his opponent, and towers were built to stop invasions. People worried
the war would bring about the end of the world. The runelords devised methods of
suspended animation, which would protect them, and wake them when the cataclysms

The dam was one of the greatest construction projects ever. The lake above skull's
crossing was a quarry that was filled with water. Black Maga was placed there to
guard something.

Xaliasa - some sort of agent of Alazulast's army. Individual of note of strength.


The Elder - Karzoog.

Soul Glass - no info.

Rune forge - suspiciously absent.

Pazuzu and Lamashtu - at one point, together. However, she betrayed him when she
ascended, and now he has beef.


We find more victims in Jorgenfist, as we plumb it's depths for loot. We escort the
dwarves to their dwarven city, earning accolades along the way. There, Autumn
recieves a message from Father Xantus:

Autumn I hope you are well. Sandpoint needs your help once more. Come as soon as
you can.

It seems shaena was kidnapped, as a hole opened up in the ground. There are scary
howls, and some guards were killed. We need to save her, for she may be more
important than she seems. She was observed not eating or drinking for a time - and
mr slim has gone missing. She seems much more powerful than we first suspected.

We buff up and head into the newly excavated catacombs. There are webs and fog
everywhere, and we find Shaena's pendant. The runes here are dedicated to the
mother of monsters, and we hear a voice ahead.

We fight the scribbler, a mad man who asks about Thassalon.

We find Shaena on the alter. She describes how she was taken, and lied to. Xaliasa
is one of the agents here. Shaena is an illusion - actually a Glabrazu named
Verrin-Ku. It tricks us, and we end up fighting it, yeth-hounds, and the scribbler
- now known to be Xaliasa.

If magic bright is your desire, to old Runeforge must you retire!

For only there does wizards� art Receive its due and proper start.

On eastern shores of steaming mirror, At end of day when dusk is nearer

Where seven faces silent wait Encircled guards at Runeforge gate.

Each stone the grace of seven lords, One part of key each ruler hoards;
If offered spells and proper prayer, Take seven keys and climb the stair.
On frozen mountain Xin awaits, His regal voice the yawning gates
Keys turn twice in Sihedron-Occulted Runeforge waits within.

And now you�ve come and joined the forge upon rare lore your mind can gorge
And when you slough the mortal way In Runeforge long your work shall stay.

One of the Thassalonian gods was a peacock spirit. Had some meaning in society -

Ferzara is ambushed by assassins, and is under an illusion to believe we hate her.

We prepare, and head out to rimeskull.


KARZUG, GREED TRANSMUTATION opp lust/pride yellow
KROON, SLOTH CONJURATION opp pride/evo green
BELAMARIUS, ENVY ABJURATION opp evo/necro light blue
SORSHEN, LUST ENCHANTMENT opp necro/trans dark blue
XANDERGHOUL, PRIDE ILLUSION opp trans/conj purplish



Xanderghoul lived a thousand years, surrounded by his most loyal subjects. Beware
what you see in the mirror, it is the same, but queerer.

Old man Aemon, a storyteller who hops in time. Is pissed that they froze him before
he was ready. He worships Lisalla.

The Halls of Wrath obey a code

Fanatical law rules, lest it implode;
They stand vigil for the chance to invade,
Yet each generation is further decayed;
The greatest service to them is to bleed,
The greatest bloodletter appointed to lead;
The remaining adherents may be led,
Only after you take the high lady's head.

We are pressing into the halls of gluttony, because they are harassing us.

Lord Enklarious Enib, of House Enib. An assassin's blade accomplished what hundreds
of duel could not.

You�ve stoked the flames of Azaven�s hate

Just stay still and you�ll act as bait.

Yet you may still bring the fight to him

But beware when the lights go dim

where the hungry maw of darkness churns

Just seek the walls hid behind the urn.
Azaven fights us, with powerful magic, and kills Amon. We raid his lair, but are
unable to track him down.

We fight our way into the halls of wrath, making our ways past several guards. The
first area is guarded by a pair of elemental suits of armor. Through the next
portal, we fight a conglameration of sin spawn and casters of wrath. Autumn notes
that they are being observed, before a voice summons all to a central chamber. It's
circled by various weapons, and in a circle is an armored woman; high lady
Athroxis. She claims that it was the covetous that attacked first, by preemptively
crafting weapons that were antithema to the halls of wrath. The other halls banded
together to destory them.

Her claim is of an alliance, that the wrathful will be led out of the runeforge to
fight Karzug, but then left to raise Alaznust. Also the sacrifice of Amon. She
challenges the party to a duel - the other terms are death. It's not much of a
bargain, so she summons a greater demon and battle is joined.

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