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Rupali FA 2020 B)11/100

1) Of the 50 researchers in a D)10
workgroup, 40 percent will be assigned
to Team A and the remaining 60 percent If SP = 10, loss is a%
to Team B. However, 70 percent of the If SP = 12, profit is a%
researchers prefer Team A and 30
percent prefer Team B. What is the So CP must be right in between 10 and 12
lowest possible number of researchers to get the same loss and profit.
who will NOT be assigned to the team CP = 11
they prefer?
(A) 15 Profit of a% = (12-11)/11 * 100 =
(B) 17 100/11%
(C) 20
(D) 25 Answer (C)
(E) 30
4) The base of an isosceles triangle
The number of researchers assigned to is 6 cm and one of the equal sides
Team A will be 0.40*50 = 20; is 12 cm. The radius of the circle
The number of researchers assigned to through the vertices of the triangle is
Team B will be 0.60*50 = 30.
Let x be the distance from the centre of the
The number of researchers who prefer circle to the base and let
Team A will be 0.70*50 = 35; Then h=r+x be the altitude of △ABC
The number of researchers who prefer h^2+9=144.∴h=root135
Team B will be 0.30*50 = 15.

2) a, b, c, d, and e are five consecutive Now,

integers in increasing order of size. r^2=3^2+x^2
Which one of the following expressions =3^2+(h−r)^2=3^2+h^2−2hr+r^2
is not odd? ∴r=(9+h^2)/2h
(A) a + b + c =(9+135)/2root135 = 144/2root135
(B) ab + c = 8root15/5
(C) ab + d
(D) ac + d
(E) ac + e

1,2,3,4,5 / 2,4,6,8,10 (all even) / 1,3,5,7,9

(all odd) and got the following results:
a) Even/Even/Odd
b) Odd/Even/Even
e) Even/Even/Even.
Only Choice E using the 3 sets could Another Way
always produce an even result, so E is the
answer. r = a/2SinA
3) Selling 12 candies at a price of $10 SinA = Perpendicular/Hypotenuse
yields a loss of a%. Selling 12 candies at
a price of $12 yields a profit of a%. Here, Hypotenuse = 12
What is the value of a? Base = 6/2 = 3
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Perpendicular = root(144 – 9) = root 135 গ.8%

Therefore, 300000 – 279000 = 21000

r = 12/2(root 135/12)
Or, r = 144/2root135 21000/30000*100% = 7%
Or, r = 8root15/5
8) The average of a, b, c is 6 and a - b =
Another Way 4, ab = 21, what is the value of c?
r= abc/4*area of triangle b.7
Here, d.9
a=b= 12
c=6 a+b+c = 6*3 = 18
area = base/4 *root(4*144 – 36) ab = 21
= 6/4 * root540 Or, a = 21/b
= 3 /2*2root135
= 3root135 a-b = 4
Or, 21/b – b = 4
Now, Or, b^2 +4b – 21 = 0
r= abc/4*area of triangle Or, (b-3)(b+7) = 0
= 12*12*6/ 4*3root135
= 144/2root135 So, b =3, a = 7
= 8root15/5 And, c = 18 – 10 = 8
5) A jar contains milk and water in the 9) If x is an even number, what is the
ratio 5:1. If the quantity of milk is more difference between the smallest even
than that of water by 8 liters. then what number greater than (5x +6) and the
is the quantity of water? largest even number less than (3x +9) ?
A. 2x
5x –x = 8 B. 2x - 3
Or, 4x = 8 C. 7x +15
Or, x = 2 D. 2x +3
6) Sum of three different positive 5x+6 – 3x -9 = 2x -3
integeris the same as their product. Find
the smallest of these three integers? 10) A sum of money amounts to tk 460
a.5 in 3 years and to tk 500 in five years,
c.-1 2 years interest = 500-460 = 40
d.1 1 years interest = 20
3 years interest = 60
x+y+z = xyz
Or, 1+2+3 = 1*2*3 P = 460-60 = 400
Or, 6 = 6
Now, I = Pnr
7) What is the rate of discount if a car Or, 60=400*3*r
which cost Tk 3,00,000 is sold for Tk Or, 60/1200 = r
279000? Or, r = 5%
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