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Effects of physical activity on delayed memory

measures in randomized controlled trials with
nonclinical older, mild cognitive impairment, and
dementia participants

Philip Gerard Gasquoine

To cite this article: Philip Gerard Gasquoine (2018) Effects of physical activity on delayed memory
measures in randomized controlled trials with nonclinical older, mild cognitive impairment, and
dementia participants, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 40:9, 874-886, DOI:

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Published online: 06 Mar 2018.

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2018, VOL. 40, NO. 9, 874–886

Effects of physical activity on delayed memory measures in randomized

controlled trials with nonclinical older, mild cognitive impairment, and
dementia participants
Philip Gerard Gasquoine
Department of Psychological Science, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, TX, USA


Introduction: Longitudinal studies have found that physical activity protects against Alzheimer disease, Received 20 December 2017
but the mechanism is unknown. The prevailing model derives from animal research and has physical Accepted 5 February 2018
activity directly affecting brain physiology by increasing brain volume, brain-derived neurotrophic KEYWORDS
factor (BDNF), and hippocampal neurogenesis with consequent gains in neuropsychological test scores. Aerobic exercise;
Supporting evidence has been mixed, with physical-activity-related gains across multiple neuropsycho- brain-derived neurotrophic
logical domains considered indicative of the protective effect. Hippocampal-mediated delayed memory factor; hippocampal volume;
functioning is the first neurocognitive skill to be impaired in the early stages of Alzheimer disease, and neurogenesis;
physical-activity-related gains on delayed memory measures would provide the strongest support for neuropsychological testing
the model. Results: Review of 26 randomized controlled trials with nonclinical older, mild cognitive
impairment, and dementia participants found only one with significant physical-activity-related gains in
delayed memory compared to controls. This evidence does not support the physiological brain change
model. Similarly, there is questionable support from those randomized controlled trials that have
measured physical-activity-related brain volume and blood BDNF levels (neurogenesis having no
valid labeling technique in living humans). Conclusion: Physical-activity-related protective effects
against Alzheimer disease are likely mediated through pathways outside the central nervous system.

Physical activity has been proposed as a nonpharmaceu- longitudinal, epidemiological studies conducted
tical method of dementia delay or prevention (e.g., Barnes between 2001 and 2008 found that MCI respondents
& Yaffe, 2011; Erickson, Weinstein, & Lopez, 2012). aged >65 years who self-reported a high level of physical
Primary support for this pathway comes from prospec- activity were 38% less likely to exhibit decline on neu-
tive, longitudinal, epidemiological studies of nonclinical rocognitive tests (most commonly the Mini-Mental
older cohorts that are followed over several years to State Examination) than those who self-reported being
determine the characteristics of those that develop sedentary (Sofi et al., 2011). For low to moderate physi-
dementia. Meta-analytic review of 16 such studies con- cal activity the risk reduction was 35%. MCI is concep-
ducted between 1990 and 2007 found that greater self- tualized as an intermediate stage between nonclinical
reported physical activity (optimal amount and type aging and dementia, although the likelihood of an
undetermined) reduced the risk of developing older person with MCI showing further neurocognitive
Alzheimer disease, the most common form of dementia, deterioration into dementia is far from certain (Mitchell
by 45%, but had no significant effect on the risk of & Shiri-Feshki, 2009).
developing Parkinson disease (Hamer & Chida, 2009). Regarding causation, it is unrealistic for longitudi-
Self-report measurement is subject to recall and reporting nal, epidemiological studies to be able to isolate the
biases, but the protective effect has also been found when protective effect of physical activity from other aspects
physical activity was measured objectively with wrist acti- of a healthier lifestyle (Plassman, Williams, Burke,
graphs (e.g., Buckman et al., 2012). Holsinger, & Benjamin, 2010). Initially it was consid-
Physical activity also reduces the risk of mild cogni- ered that physical activity acted in combination with
tive impairment (MCI), which involves neurocognitive associated lifestyle factors like better diet and reduced
decline in older persons in the absence of dementia alcohol and nicotine intake to increase cardiovascular
(Winblad et al., 2004). Meta-analysis of 15 prospective, health, secondarily lowering Alzheimer disease risk

CONTACT Philip Gerard Gasquoine Department of Psychological Science, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, 1201 W. University
Drive, Edinburg, TX 78541, USA.
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

(e.g., Woo, 2000). Then it was argued that the protec- immediate memory capacity being relatively spared
tive effect resulted from direct changes in the molecular (Cermak & Butters, 1972). The actual mechanism
structure of the brain (Cotman & Berchtold, 2002). behind the delayed impairment, be it faulty encoding
This concept evolved from decades of research dating or rapid forgetting, is still unclear (e.g., Ally, Hussey,
from Krech, Rozenzweig, and Bennett (1960) that Ko, & Molitor, 2013), so the key clinical measures that
showed laboratory animals raised in enriched environ- pertain to Alzheimer disease onset are either delayed
ments developed heavier cerebral cortices relative to recall or recognition scores from tests of episodic
body weight and had altered brain chemistry in com- memory.
parison to their less stimulated peers. Similar physio- Following the well-known case of H.M. (Scoville
logical changes were demonstrated to occur with & Milner, 1957), impaired delayed memory is primarily
increased physical activity in older animals (e.g., van associated with hippocampal dysfunction, although it can
Praag, Shubert, Zhao, & Gage, 2005). also occur with damage to other regions within the medial
In the extension of this animal research to humans, temporal lobe. Alzheimer disease associated tau and amy-
physical-activity-related brain changes have been loid abnormalities begin in the lateral entorhinal cortex, a
considered to lower the risk of Alzheimer disease and region of the medial temporal lobe that is involved in
neurocognitive decline during the aging process by some “retaining hippocampal-dependent memories over brief
combination of: (a) increases in total or regional brain delays” (Khan et al., 2014, p. 309). Hippocampal atrophy,
volumes as measured by magnetic resonance imaging which precedes clinically evident memory decline, is an
(MRI: e.g., Colcombe et al., 2006; Erickson, Leckie, accepted biomarker for Alzheimer disease (Jack et al.,
& Weinstein, 2014; Ruscheweyh et al., 2011; ten Brinke 2013), but it also occurs in nonclinical aging at a lesser
et al., 2015); (b) increases in levels of brain-derived rate (1.6% yearly compared to 2.8% in MCI, and 3.5 to 4%
neurotrophic factor (BDNF), as measured by blood in Alzheimer disease: Jack et al., 2000).
serum or plasma levels (e.g., Barha, Davis, Falck,
Nagamatsu, & Liu-Ambrose, 2017; Chieffi et al., 2017;
Effect of physical activity on
Cotman & Berchtold, 2002; Groot et al., 2016; Head,
neuropsychological test scores in randomized
Singh, & Bugg, 2012; ten Brinke et al., 2015); and (c)
controlled trials
neurogenesis in the hippocampus (e.g., Barha et al., 2017;
Cotman & Berchtold, 2002; Groot et al., 2016; Head et al., Nonlongitudinal studies of physical-activity-related
2012; Lautenschlager et al., 2008; Maass et al., 2015; Pereira brain and/or neurocognitive change in older persons
et al., 2007; Reiter et al., 2015; ten Brinke et al., 2015) that can be divided into cross-sectional and randomized
has no valid measure in living humans. These molecular controlled designs. Cross-sectional designs can avoid
changes are considered to enhance neurocognitive ability self-reporting bias of physical activity levels by using
as evidenced by gains on neuropsychological test scores fitness (most commonly measured as maximal oxygen
with consequent delay or prevention of the neurocognitive consumption, VO2max), or objective recording devices
decline characteristic of nonclinical aging, MCI, and such as an accelerometer (Makizako et al., 2015), yet
Alzheimer disease. they are still considered the weaker of the two designs as
This physical-activity-related molecular brain results can be confounded by age, gender, or unmea-
change concept has generated a great deal of research sured factors (e.g., lifetime stress; body mass index:
interest with mixed results. This review attempts to Erickson et al., 2014). Randomized controlled trials
shed some light on the contradictory findings by whereby participants are randomly assigned to an exer-
focusing solely upon one central aspect of neurocogni- cise or more sedentary (or no) intervention with post
tion that is associated with Alzheimer disease, namely minus pre outcome measures avoid these confounds.
memory impairment, in terms of both its behavioral Such randomized controlled trials have been found to
manifestation and physiological underpinnings. achieve good levels of participation, adherence, and
Longitudinal studies have consistently shown that retention with older participants. Nevertheless, they
memory is the first neuropsychological domain to be are not representative of the aging population in that
impaired in the early preclinical stages of Alzheimer individuals deemed incapable of completing the physical
disease (e.g., Mickes et al., 2007). The memory impair- activity program and those who are already physically
ment is typically termed “episodic memory (i.e., the active are typically excluded from participation.
ability to learn and retain new information)” (Albert Randomized controlled trials with older participants
et al., 2011, p. 271), although it is also known as ante- have differed in the type and quantity of exercise pro-
rograde amnesia. On neuropsychological tests it is vided to the physically more active group. Both main
assessed by long-term or delayed measures with types of exercise, aerobic (e.g., walking; cycling) and

resistance (e.g., lifting weights), have been studied often trials), “episodic” memory (11), and word fluency (12)
within a combined exercise program. Resistance exer- skills (Barha et al., 2017).
cises have also comprised the control intervention for
the aerobic group (e.g., Smiley-Oyen, Lowry, Francois,
Kohut, & Ekkekakis, 2008), but more commonly the MCI and dementia participants
control group receives stretching, balancing, and/or
Meta-analysis of 14 randomized controlled trials pub-
toning exercises, or no physically active intervention.
lished between 1966 and 2012 on “MCI” participants
Trial durations/intensity also vary widely, ranging from
(studies included those with formally diagnosed MCI
6 weeks × 30 min × 3 days per week (Scherder et al.,
and those with participant mean Mini-Mental Status
2005) to 2 years × 2 center-based visits plus 3–4 home-
Examination scores of 24 to 28) concluded: “the vast
based activities per week (Sink et al., 2015). Neither of
majority of outcomes (92%) were nonsignificant, provid-
these trials reported a significant effect of physical
ing no strong or consistent evidence that exercise of any
activity on neurocognitive abilities. The World Health
particular type significantly or robustly improves cogni-
Organization (2010) recommends a weekly minimum
tion” (Gates, Singh, Sachdev, & Valenzuela, 2013, p.
of 150 min of moderate or 75 min of vigorous intensity
1095). In contrast, meta-analytic review of 11 randomized
aerobic activity per week for adults >65 years of age.
controlled trials published pre February 2015 with MCI
Multiple recent reviews of randomized controlled
participants concluded that aerobic exercise significantly
trials with nonclinical older, MCI, and dementia parti-
improved global neurocognitive skills (no overall effect
cipants comparing physical activity to more sedentary
size was reported as study measures were deemed incom-
(or no) interventions using all manner of neuropsycho-
patible: Zheng, Xia, Zhou, Tao, & Chen, 2016).
logical test scores as outcome measures have been
A Cochrane review of 12 randomized controlled
conducted with decidedly mixed results.
studies conducted between 1997 and 2012 concluded
that physical activity did not significantly (p = .08)
Nonclinical older participants improve neurocognition in older (>65 years) dementia
patients of all types (effect size = .43: Forbes, Forbes,
A Cochrane review of 12 randomized controlled trials
Blake, Thiessen, & Forbes, 2015). In contrast, meta-
conducted pre 2013 concluded that aerobic activity has
analytic review of 18 randomized controlled trials con-
no effect on the neurocognitive abilities of nonclinical
ducted between 1960 and 2015 reported that aerobic
older (>55 years) participants (Young, Angevaren,
activity significantly improved global neurocognitive
Rusted, & Tabet, 2015). Similarly, a meta-analysis of 25
abilities that were typically (11 studies) measured with
randomized controlled trials conducted between 2002
the Mini-Mental Status Examination in dementia
and 2012 that isolated the effects of physical activity type
patients (effect size = .42: Groot et al., 2016). This effect
by specific neuropsychological skill found significant
size was similar in the six studies that were limited to
improvements in only 3 of 29 comparisons (resistance
Alzheimer disease participants. Nonaerobic physical
training vs. stretching/toning on reasoning measures; tai
activity interventions had no significant effect on neu-
chi vs. no exercise on measures of attention and proces-
rocognitive ability. Interventions that exceeded
sing speed: Kelly et al., 2014).
150 min of physical activity per week had a signifi-
In contrast, meta-analytic review of 39 randomized
cantly smaller effect than those of shorter duration.
controlled trials published pre October 2016 with non-
clinical older participants analyzed by gender (higher vs.
lower numbers of women/men) and exercise type on
Methodological differences across randomized
specific neuropsychological domains found: (a) all types
controlled trials
of exercise training improved visuospatial functions in
both genders (14 trials); (b) women were more likely to There are numerous difference variables across trials that
show physical-activity-related benefits in executive can potentially contribute to these conflicting review
functions than men (32 trials); (c) mixed (aerobic plus results. Those considered in reviews to date include exer-
resistance) physical activity programs improved “episo- cise type and gender (Barha et al., 2017; Kelly et al., 2014;
dic” memory (both immediate and delayed measures Zheng et al., 2016). There has also been wide variation in
were included in this definition) in both genders (4 the number of participants randomized, with as few as 29
trials); (d) aerobic was more likely than resistance train- institutionalized dementia (19 in the physical activity and
ing to benefit global neurocognitive (7 trials) and execu- 10 in the control group: Hokkanen et al., 2008) and as
tive (21) functions; and (e) mixed programs were more many as 1,635 nonclinical older participants (818 in the
likely than aerobic to benefit global neurocognitive (8 physical activity and 817 in the control group: Sink et al.,

2015). Both these studies reported nonsignificant effects functioning in any domain with physical activity in
of physical activity on neurocognition. comparison to more sedentary (or no) control group-
Another variable that has not been properly consid- ings; (b) four additional similarly designed trials with
ered is how neuropsychological test measures within a nonclinical older participants were uncovered from a
given domain are analyzed within and across trials. Google Scholar search (conducted to form Table 2) on
Global, executive, processing speed, and memory are trials primarily reporting brain volume measurement
the neuropsychological domains most commonly outcomes (Jonasson et al., 2016; Maass et al., 2015;
assessed, but within those domains there is no agree- Niemann, Godde, & Voelcker-Rehage, 2014;
ment as to what neuropsychological tests to use or, Ruscheweyh et al., 2011); and (c) 36 similarly designed
more importantly, what specific measures from a trials with MCI and dementia participants were identi-
given neuropsychological test are the most clinically fied from five recent review studies (Forbes et al., 2015;
relevant. It has been an all too frequent practice to Gates et al., 2013; Groot et al., 2016; Hess, Dieberg,
analyze multiple neuropsychological test measures, McFarlane, & Smart, 2014; Zheng et al., 2016).
ignore those that are nonsignificant, and declare sig- This generated a total of 81 trials, 45 with nonclinical
nificant effects as proof of physical-activity-related pro- older and 36 with MCI/dementia participants. Within
tective effects without consideration as to how the these, 26 (14 nonclinical older; 12 MCI/dementia) had
overall pattern of significant/nonsignificant test results administered a delayed (≥5-min) memory measure, and
is clinically relevant (i.e., contributes to a reduced risk these are listed in Table 1. Measures of immediate or
of Alzheimer disease). working memory, combined immediate and delayed
As illustration, Brown, Lui-Ambrose, Tate, and Lord memory measures, and measures that used a delay of
(2009) randomly assigned 154 institutionalized, nonclini- <5 min were excluded. All studies in Table 1 used delayed
cal older participants to six-month trials of resistance/ measures taken from episodic memory tests with well-
balance, flexibility/relaxation, and no exercise groupings. established reliability and validity in the assessment of
Of the 11 neuropsychological measures that were analyzed memory disorders, except for the locally developed
post intervention, two showed significant gains for the Colour Slide Test (Molloy, McLaughlin, de la Querriere
resistance/balance versus no exercise groupings. These Richardson, & Crilly, 1988).
were the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale subtests of In Table 1 four trials recorded a significant phy-
Similarities and Arithmetic, classified within the fluid intel- sical-activity-related improvement in delayed recall
ligence domain. It was concluded that the: “exercise pro- compared to controls, but in three of these the
gramme can modify age-related declines in certain results were equivocal as to the effect being exclu-
domains of cognitive function” (Brown et al., 2009, p. sively physical activity related. In Klusmann et al.
613). Yet the study did not show any significant effect for (2010) gains by the physical activity grouping were
neuropsychological measures within domains most subject not significantly different from those of a computer
to age-related decline and the onset of Alzheimer disease, training grouping, although both differed signifi-
namely delayed memory and executive function. cantly from the sedentary control grouping.
Similarly, in Lam, Chan, Leung, Fung, and Leung
(2015) a mixed cognitive/physical intervention, but
Effect of physical activity on delayed memory
not the physical activity intervention alone, showed
in randomized controlled trials with nonclinical
significant post minus pre gains over the control
older, MCI, and dementia participants
grouping. In Mortimer et al. (2012) significant
Table 1 summarizes how delayed memory measures gains were recorded by the tai chi group, but not
have been affected by random assignment to physical the more physically active walking group, in compar-
activity trials in nonclinical older, MCI, and dementia ison to the control grouping. The results in Table 1
participants in comparison to more sedentary (or no) do not support a physical-activity-related benefit in
interventions. Trials were selected for inclusion in delayed memory over the duration of the trials
Table 1 from: (a) a literature search conducted in (<2 years) for nonclinical older, MCI, or dementia
October 2016 that followed Preferred Reporting Items participants.
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) Analysis by neuropsychological test measure explains
guidelines with keywords related to “physical activity,” some conflicting conclusions regarding a significant effect
“cognition,” and “aging” (Barha et al., 2017). That of physical activity on episodic memory reported in prior
search identified 41 trials with nonclinical older parti- reviews of randomized controlled trials. For example,
cipants in which neuropsychological measures were Barha et al. (2017) concluded that mixed physical activity
used to assess post minus pre neurocognitive interventions improved episodic memory, but this was

Table 1. Randomized controlled trials on the effect of physical activity on delayed memory measures with nonclinical older, mild
cognitive impairment, and dementia participants.
Study N randomized/designation Physical activity Delayed memory measures
(age range or mean)
Alves et al. (2013) 56 nonclinical women (60– 24 weeks resistance Delayed (5-min) Recall Test of the Brief Cognitive Screening Battery.
80 years)
Antunes, de Mello, et al. 45 nonclinical (60–75 years) 6 months aerobic ROCF delayed (20-min) recall.
Antunes, Santos- 51 nonclinical women (60– 6 months aerobic WMS–III Logical Memory delayed (30-min) recall*; ROCF delayed (20
Galduróz, et al. (2015) 70 years) min) recall*.
Baker et al. (2010) 33 MCI (55–85 years) 6 months aerobic Story Recall delayed (30-min) recall; List Learning delayed (20-min)
recall; Delayed-Match-to-Sample (30 min).
Barnes et al. (2013) 126 nonclinical (≥65 years) 12 weeks aerobic RAVLT delayed (20-min) recall.
Cheng et al. (2014) 110 institutionalized 12 weeks tai chi 15-item word-list delayed (30-min) recall.
dementia (M = 82 years)
Eggermont et al. (2009) 97 institutionalized 6 weeks walking Eight Words Test delayed (15-min) recall and recognition.
dementia (>70 years)
Ferreira et al. (2015) 102 nonclinical (60–79 6 months aerobic WMS Logical Memory delayed (30-min) recall.
Hokkanen et al. (2008) 29 institutionalized (M = 81 9 weeks dance and CERAD Word List Memory savings [% delayed (15-min) recall
years) movement compared to Learning Trial 3].
Ijuin et al. (2013) 65 nonclinical (M = 74 20 weeks walking 5-Cog cued delayed (10-min) recall; WMS–R Logical Memory delayed
years) (30-min) recall.
Klusmann et al. (2010) 259 nonclinical women (70– 6 months aerobic/ RBMT Story Recall delayed (30 min).a
93 years) strength/flexibility
Komulainen et al. (2010) 1,335 nonclinical (57–78 2 years aerobic and CERAD Word List Memory delayed (15-min) recall and recognition;
years) resistance and diet CERAD Constructional Praxis delayed (15-min) recall.
Lam et al. (2012) 389 at risk for cognitive 12 months tai chi ADAS–Cog delayed (10-min) recall.
decline (>65 years)
Lam et al. (2015) 555 MCI (>60 years) 1 year aerobic/tai chi ADAS–Cog delayed (10-min) recallb.
Lautenschlager et al. 170 self-reported memory 24 weeks aerobic/ CERAD Word List Memory delayed (15 min) recall.
(2008) problems (>50 years) strength
Maass et al. (2015) 40 nonclinical (60–77 years) 3 months aerobic VLMT delayed (30-min) recall and recognition.
Maki et al. (2012) 150 nonclinical (>65 years) 3 months walking 5-Cog cued delayed (10-min) recall.
Molloy et al. (1988) 50 institutionalized women 3 months resistance/ Colour Slide Test delayed (30–45-min) recognition.
(73–90 years) balance
Mortimer et al. (2012) 120 nonclinical (60–79 40 weeks tai chi and AVLT delayed (30-min) recall and recognitionc
years) walking
Nagamatsu et al. (2013) 86 MCI women (70–80 6 month aerobic/ RAVLT delayed (20-min) recall.
years) resistance
Ruscheweyh et al. (2011) 62 nonclinical (50–78 years) 6 month walking/ AVLT delayed (30-min) recall minus false positives.
Scherder et al. (2005) 43 MCI (74–94 years) 6 weeks walking VLMT delayed (20-min) recall and recognition.
Sink et al. (2015) 1635 nonclinical (70–89 2 years walking/ HVLT–R delayed (15-min) recall.
years) resistance/flexibility
Suzuki et al. (2012) 50 amnestic MCI (65–93 12 months aerobic/ WMS–R Logical Memory delayed (30-min) recall.
years) resistance
van de Rest et al. (2014) 127 nonclinical (>65 years) 24 weeks resistance/ WLT delayed (20-min) recall, recognition, and decay (delayed recall–
protein supplement Trial 5).
van Uffelen et al. (2008) 152 MCI (70–80 years) 12 months walking RAVLT delayed (20-min) recall.
Note. ADAS–Cog = Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale–Cognitive subscale; AVLT = Auditory Verbal Learning Test; CERAD = Consortium to Establish a Registry for
Alzheimer Disease; FCSRT = Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test; HVLT–R = Hopkins Verbal Learning Test–Revised; MCI = mild cognitive impairment; RAVLT =
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; RBMT = Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test; ROCF = Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure; VLMT = Verbal Learning and Memory Test;
WMS–R = Wechsler Memory Scale–Revised; WMS–III = Wechsler Memory Scale–Third Edition; WLT = Word Learning Test; 5-Cog = Five Cognitive Tests.
Both physical activity and computer training groups showed significant pre to post improvement while the no intervention group did not. bA mixed
cognitive/physical intervention showed significant pre to post gains in comparison to a social control group but there was no significant difference with
the physical activity group. cTai chi group only (i.e., walking group had no significant effect).
*p < .05.

based on four trials that included Klusmann et al. (2010) Physical activity and brain volume
and two studies that did not administer delayed memory
Physical activity has been considered to lower the risk
measures. Similarly, Zheng et al. (2016) concluded that
of Alzheimer disease and neurocognitive decline by
delayed memory measures administered in 7/11 studies
increasing total or regional brain volume as measured
with MCI participants showed significant aerobic-activity-
by MRI (e.g., Colcombe et al., 2006; Erickson et al.,
related improvements (effect size = .25). However, the only
2014; Ruscheweyh et al., 2011; ten Brinke et al., 2015).
significant effect was in Hu et al. (2014) where the three-
An implicit assumption is that increased brain volume
word recall item from the Mini-Mental State Examination
equates to increased neurocognitive ability, but this has
was considered a measure of delayed recall.

only partially been supported by over a century of prior circumference in the lowest third of the sample who also
research. possessed the apolipoprotein E type 4 (APOE ε4) allele
The most well researched link between brain volume incurred an increased risk of developing Alzheimer dis-
and neurocognitive ability has involved total brain ease. Similarly, baseline gray matter volume in the medial
volumes and measures of general intelligence (g) with temporal lobe did not predict three-year memory decline
investigations dating from the 18th century. Prior to on delayed recall measures from the Rey Auditory Verbal
the advent of MRI technology, investigators correlated Learning Test among a sample of nonclinical older parti-
brain volume measures of weight, intracranial capacity cipants at genetic risk for developing Alzheimer disease
(postmortem skull volume), or head circumference (Lancaster et al., 2016). What did predict such decline was
with measures of g, like scholastic achievement or axial diffusivity in medial temporal lobe white matter
full-scale IQ. Typically, the correlations were small tracts. Axial diffusivity is a diffusion tensor imaging mea-
and usually confounded with other physical attributes, sure that is the primary correlate of axonal injury (Budde,
such as height (e.g., Passingham, 1979). Qualitative Xie, Cross, & Song, 2009), a likely predecessor of neuronal
review of studies primarily conducted between 1900 loss-mediated brain atrophy. Reduced hippocampal
and 1930 suggested that the best estimate of the corre- volume is not unique to aging/dementia, but has also
lation between head circumference and IQ was .3 (van been found in several psychiatric disorders, such as depres-
Valen, 1974). Clarke (1994) offered the predominant sive disorder (Campbell, Marriott, Nahmias, & MacQueen,
opposing view that: “there is little evidence for a rela- 2004; Mathias et al., 2016) and schizophrenia (Shepherd,
tionship between brain size and intelligence, and Laurens, Matheson, Carr, & Green, 2012). It has also been
instead, brain size seems to be closely tied to body reported in adolescents with low social standing (Ellwood-
height and body surface area” (p. 45). Lowe et al., 2017).
Research conducted in the modern neuroimaging
era has produced results consistent with earlier find-
Physical activity and hippocampal volume in
ings, as head circumference and MRI assessed intracra-
nonclinical older and MCI participants
nial volume are positively correlated (.56 for older
males and .68 for older females: Wolf et al., 2003). Recent qualitative review of 23 predominantly (19)
Meta-analytic review of 24 (McDaniel, 2005) and 88 cross-sectional studies conducted between 2003 and
(Pietschnig, Penke, Wicherts, Zeiler, & Voracek, 2015) 2012 that measured MRI-assessed brain volume in
MRI studies across all age groups reported correlations nonclinical older participants found that increased fit-
between brain volume and IQ of .29 and .24, respec- ness or physical activity was associated with greater
tively. Both reviews suggested these figures were likely hippocampal volume in four studies. Other brain
inflated by publication bias (i.e., nonsignificant results volume increases were reported in: total gray matter
being less likely to be published). (4 studies); total gray and white matter (4); the frontal
Such correlations fail to explain why males, who have lobe (3); caudate nucleus and nucleus accumbens (1);
much larger (about 11%) total brain volumes than and age-, lifetime-stress-, or postmenopausal-hor-
females (Ruigrok et al., 2014), score equally on measures mone-related reduction (3). Four studies did not report
of g. Similarly, within the clinical realm, some individuals any physical-activity-related brain volume effects. It
with congenital spina bifida and hydrocephalus develop was concluded: “the impact that greater gray matter
average g despite brain volumes that are about 5% of volume has on cognitive function remains largely spec-
normal (Lewin, 1980). These and similar anomalies led ulative” (Erickson et al., 2014, p. S27).
Pietschnig et al. (2015) to conclude that: “differences in Table 2 shows physical-activity-related brain volume
brain size among humans are only one of many inter- effects from randomized controlled trials among older
changeable and compensatory correlates of intelligence participants that were identified from a Google Scholar
differences . . . (albeit) a modest one” (p. 428). search that combined the phrases “older,” “randomized
controlled trial,” “brain volume,” and “physical activ-
ity,” or variants. All studies used nonclinical older or
Brain size and risk of Alzheimer disease
MCI participants with none being conducted on
No clear relationship between head circumference (treated dementia participants. Of the nine trials, six reported
as a proxy for total volume of intact brains) and risk of physical-activity-related volumetric increases in at least
Alzheimer disease has been uncovered. For example, in an one brain region with three of these reporting regional
epidemiological study that followed 1,869 nonclinical older increases in hippocampal (or medial temporal) volume.
participants over a mean of 4 years, Graves et al. (2001) Cellular changes responsible for physical-activity-
reported that only those individuals with head related gray matter volume increases are speculative.

Table 2. Randomized controlled trials linking physical activity and brain volume with nonclinical older and mild cognitive
impairment participants.
N randomized/designation
Study (age range) Physical activity Physical-activity-related brain volume effects
Best et al. (2015) 155 nonclinical women 1 year resistance No effect on cortical gray matter or hippocampal
(65–75 years) volume; less (0.8% vs. 2%) decrease in white matter
Colcombe et al. (2006) 59 nonclinical 6 months walking Increased gray matter in anterior cingulate,
(60–79 years) supplementary motor area, middle frontal gyrus, left
superior temporal lobe; and white matter in the
corpuscollosum. No hippocampal effects.
Erickson et al. (2011) 120 nonclinical 1 year walking Increased hippocampal (by 2%) but not thalamic or
(55–80 years) caudate nuclei volume.
Jonasson et al. (2016) 60 nonclinical 6 months aerobic No difference in cortical thickness or hippocampal
(64–78 years) volume.
Maass et al. (2015) 40 nonclinical 3 months aerobic No effect on hippocampal volume.
(60–77 years)
Mortimer et al. (2012) 120 nonclinical 40 weeks tai chi and Total brain volume was significantly increased in the tai
(60–79 years) walking chi and social interaction, but not walking, groupings
compared to the no intervention grouping.
Niemann et al. (2014) 91 nonclinical 1 year cardiovascular Hippocampal volume increased significantly in both
(62–79 years) and coordination cardiovascular (by 3.6%) and coordination (by 2.8%)
exercise groups.
Ruscheweyh et al. (2011) 62 nonclinical 6 months walking/ Increased gray matter volume in cingulate cortex
(50–78 years) gymnastics supplementary motor area, and middle frontal gyrus
but not in medial temporal lobe.
ten Brinke et al. (2015) 86 MCI women 6 months aerobic/ Hippocampal volume was increased (by 4%) in the
(70–80 years) resistance aerobic but not resistance training groups.
Note. MCI = mild cognitive impairment.

Thomas et al. (2016), who found hippocampal volume include: (a) induction of apoptosis; and (b) long-term
increases after just 6 weeks of aerobic exercise in young depression (forgetting).
and middle-aged adults, argued for increased myelina- In humans BDNF can cross the blood–brain barrier,
tion. In that study the volumetric changes were tem- meaning that concentrations in blood serum or plasma
porary, returning to baseline by 6 weeks post exercise. are thought to approximate those found in the brain.
In a meta-analytical review of 24 studies published
between 2003 and 2010 that related physical activity
Physical activity and brain-derived and BDNF blood levels, 69% of those with nonclinical
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) participants and 86% of those with clinical participants
(MCI; multiple sclerosis; major depressive disorder;
Animal studies have uncovered multiple enriched
spinal cord injury; obesity; panic disorder) showed a
environment/physical-activity-related brain chemical
significant transient increase in BDNF levels with aero-
changes including the increased presence of neurotro-
bic (but not resistance) training (Knaepen, Goekint,
phins, the most intensively studied of which in relation
Heyman, & Meeusen, 2010).
to physical activity in humans is brain-derived neuro-
trophic factor (BDNF: Mattson, 2012). In the intact
brain, BDNF is highly expressed in the hippocampus
BDNF levels in MCI and Alzheimer disease
and exists as both pro- and mature forms with the
former being a precursor for the latter. The two Studies on BDNF blood levels in living patients with
forms have contrasting positive and negative effects Alzheimer disease have produced conflicting results.
on neurons (Numakawa et al., 2010). Positive effects Levels have been significantly reduced (e.g., Laske
are mediated through the mature form at TrKB et al., 2007), no different (O’Bryant et al., 2009), or
(Tyrosine receptor Kinase B) receptors and include: significantly increased (Angelucci et al., 2010; Faria
(a) the survival and growth of neurons in both the et al., 2014) compared to those of nonclinical older
central and peripheral nervous systems; (b) dendritic controls. Meta-analytic review of 15 studies concluded
growth and branching; and (c) the maintenance of that BDNF blood levels in Alzheimer disease patients
long-term potentiation, the most commonly studied were lower than those in nonclinical older controls
process of synaptic structural alteration that is consid- (effect size = –.28: Ng et al., 2016). BNDF blood levels
ered to underlie delayed memory. Negative effects are in individuals with MCI did not differ significantly
mediated through the pro- form at p75 receptors and from those of nonclinical older or Alzheimer disease

participants. Low blood levels of BDNF are not unique cells (Colcombe et al., 2006). Altman (1962) was the first
to Alzheimer disease but are also found in drug-naïve to include adult neurogenesis among these physiological
and medicated patients with schizophrenia (Green, changes. In the extension of this animal research to
Matheson, Shepherd, Weickert, & Carr, 2011) and in humans, claims of neurogenesis have been limited to
depressive disorders (Molendijk et al., 2014). the dendate gyrus of the hippocampus and the olfactory
The reasons for the disparate results are speculative bulb (Kempermann, Song, & Gage, 2015), but they
but may be related to measurement issues, such as an remain controversial as there is no validated method of
inability to distinguish between pro- and mature forms of labeling adult-born neurons in living humans, although
BDNF (Lim, Zhong, & Zhou, 2015), or uncontrolled indirect measures (e.g., increased physical-activity-related
transient influences on BDNF levels from diet, sleep, cerebral blood flood in the dendate gyrus of the hippo-
and other environmental factors. In support of this campus: Pereira et al., 2007) have been proposed.
hypothesis postmortem studies that use mRNA (messen- In postmortem examinations, the seminal study of
ger RNA) measures have been more consistent, typically Eriksson et al. (1998) claimed evidence of neurogenesis
reporting decreased BDNF levels in patients with in the human adult hippocampus when a radioactive
Alzheimer disease. For example, a longitudinal study marker, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), used diagnostically
found that autopsy-derived BDNF expression in the dor- to identify new cancer cells, highlighted noncancerous
solateral prefrontal cortex was negatively associated with cells. Subsequently, it was reported that BrdU is a marker
neurocognitive decline, with the association being highest of DNA synthesis rather than cell proliferation, and it
for those individuals diagnosed with dementia of any type labels normally occurring cell processes like DNA repair
(Buckman et al., 2016). Research has also considered that and cell death in the same fashion as neurogenesis
only certain BDNF polymorphisms increase the risk of (Taupin, 2007). Several other postmortem labeling tech-
Alzheimer disease, but this has not proved fruitful. The niques have subsequently been proposed (Briley et al.,
most frequently studied polymorphism has been 2016; Knoth et al., 2010; Spalding et al., 2013), but none
Val66Met, a common (20–30% of the population) has been validated. Aside from the inability to identify
amino acid substitution of valine to methionine at adult-born neurons, the role of any new neurons in non-
codon 66 that decreases BDNF secretion. Recent neuroi- clinical aging and Alzheimer disease is unclear (Aimone
maging/genetic analysis in a large dataset found that et al., 2014).
BDNF genetic variation was not associated with an indi-
vidual being diagnosed with Alzheimer disease (Honea
Summary and future directions
et al., 2013). Similarly, meta-analytic review concluded
that the Val66Met polymorphism was not associated with Longitudinal, epidemiological studies have established
hippocampal volumes (Harrisberger et al., 2015). that physical activity protects against Alzheimer disease
but the causative mechanism is unclear. A prevailing
model has physical activity increasing total or regional
Effects of physical exercise on BDNF blood levels in
brain volumes, levels of BDNF, and hippocampal neu-
randomized controlled trials with nonclinical older
rogenesis with consequent gains in neuropsychological
test scores, thereby delaying or preventing neurocogni-
Three of the 33 randomized controlled trials in Tables tive decline.
1 and 2 measured blood BDNF levels as outcome Behavioral evidence supporting this model from
measures, all with nonclinical older participants. randomized controlled trials has been mixed with all
BDNF levels did not differ significantly between phy- manner of physical-activity-related neuropsychological
sically active and control groupings in two (Erickson test score gains being claimed as evidence of the pro-
et al., 2011; Ruscheweyh et al., 2011), and in the third tective effect. Memory is the first neuropsychological
(Baker et al., 2010) they were significantly reduced in domain to be impaired in the early preclinical stages of
the physical activity group. Alzheimer disease, and this impairment, which is
widely considered to result from hippocampal atrophy,
manifests as a reduction in the ability to retain new
Physical activity and neurogenesis
material over a delay. Thus, gains on neuropsychologi-
Research with laboratory animals has shown that cal tests of delayed memory would provide the stron-
enriched environment/physical-activity-related physiolo- gest support for the protective nature of physical
gical changes within the brain include regional increases activity stemming from physiological brain changes.
in the length and number of dendrites, more synapses per Previous reviews have uncovered 81 randomized trials,
neuron, increased vascularization, and more plentiful glia 45 with nonclinical older and 36 with MCI/dementia

participants, where physical activity was compared to a pertaining to gender, education, smoking, depression,
more sedentary (or no) control group with neuropsycho- type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, which may
logical test scores as outcome measures. Within these, 26 each confer a protective effect independently of each other.
(14 nonclinical older; 12 MCI/dementia) had adminis- In a different conception, the protective effect of phy-
tered a measure of delayed recall or recognition memory. sical exercise may be mediated through a single generic
Only one of these reported unequivocal, significant, phy- disease fighting pathway, with a strengthened immune
sical-activity-related score increases in comparison to system the most likely candidate. As humans age,
controls. This evidence does not support a physiological immune system dysregulation results in a chronic, gen-
brain change model for the protective effects of physical eralized, low-grade inflammation that is a significant risk
activity on Alzheimer disease. An important caveat is that factor in most age-related diseases (Franceschi &
the duration of the physical activity was limited to the Campisi, 2014). Regular physical activity reduces visceral
duration of the trial (<2 years), as studies typically fat mass and adipose tissue, which contribute to this
(Lautenschlager et al., 2008, excepted) selected partici- inflammation (Gleeson et al., 2011). The relative failure
pants who were currently sedentary. Therefore, results of antiamyloid treatment strategies has increased interest
do not necessarily extend to individuals who lead con- in the potential role of this inflammation in the patho-
tinuously physically active lifestyles into old age. genesis of Alzheimer disease (e.g., Heneka et al., 2015).
Similarly, physical-activity-related neurocognitive Postmortem studies show that reactive microglia
changes in nonmemory neuropsychological domains (immune system glia cells) colocalize with amyloid pla-
(e.g., visuospatial functions, Barha et al., 2017) were que pathology (Calsolaro & Edison, 2016). Immune sys-
reported across multiple trials, although how this relates tem dysregulation may be responsible for relatively mild
to protection against Alzheimer disease is unclear as neuropsychological test score impairments in delayed
impaired hippocampal atrophy-mediated delayed mem- memory and executive functions associated with chronic,
ory is the neurocognitive function that defines Alzheimer noncentral nervous system, medical conditions like
disease onset. hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and obesity (Gasquoine,
Evidence relating physical activity to direct outcome 2011), but the mechanism of causation and its potential
measures of brain physiology also provided questionable contribution to the onset of Alzheimer disease remains
support for physical-activity-related brain change protec- theoretical. Irrespectively, the protective effect of physical
tive effects. Cross-sectional and randomized controlled exercise on Alzheimer disease likely requires a much
studies have found physical-activity-related increases in longer duration than that covered by the randomized
volume in multiple brain regions including the hippocam- controlled trials reviewed here to manifest.
pus with nonclinical older and MCI participants, but brain
volume in general has historically been found to explain
less than 10% of the variance in neuropsychological test Disclosure statement
scores, and the physiology underlying these volumetric No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
changes is unknown. Studies of the effect of physical
activity on blood BDNF levels with older participants
have produced mixed results, possibly due to measurement
error, while its role in neurogenesis in the dendate gyrus of No funding has been received for this study and/or prepara-
the hippocampus cannot be confirmed as there is no tion of this manuscript.
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