Lesson Plan: Sharks (Q)

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Lesson Plan

Sharks (Q)
To the Tutor:
Each student will move at a different pace through these lessons. Some may complete a lesson during one tutoring
session, while others may need two or more sessions. The amount of time you have for a tutoring session will
determine how much you can do. Keep track of student progress by placing a check in the box next to the part of
the lesson you complete each day and write the date next to the box. The tutor coordinator may also want you to
complete a Progress Report Form on your tutoring sessions; if so, complete the form found in the packet.

Part 2: Comprehension 15–20 minutes
Materials: Book Sharks, Vocabulary Cards, KWL Graphic
æ STEP 1
Part 1: Fluency 10–15 minutes Give the student a copy of the book. Read the title.
Materials: Fluency Passage, Graph, Blank Card Look at the pictures on the front and back covers.
Template, Vocabulary Cards, timing device, blue crayon Then ask:

æ STEP 1 What kind of animal is shown on the covers?

Give student the Fluency Passage and do a one-minute How do you think these photos were taken?
timed reading of the passage as the student reads.
æ STEP 2
Tell the student when to begin. Mark words read Provide the student with the KWL Graphic Organizer.
incorrectly on your copy of the passage. After one Explain that before reading, it is helpful to think about
minute, tell the student to stop and circle the last word what you already know about a topic. Ask: What do
read. Calculate the total words read correctly and have you already know about sharks? What have you read
the student use a blue crayon to color-in the graph or seen on television or movies about this animal?
showing the number of words read correctly on the Allow time for the student to record information in
first reading. the top left section of the chart. Explain that thinking
æ STEP 2 about what new information you’d like to learn helps
Use the Blank Card Template to make word and give purpose to what you are about to read. Ask: What
definition cards for any words the student had difficulty do you hope to learn about sharks in this book? Allow
reading and that are not already on the Vocabulary time for the student to record information in the top
Cards. Practice going over the difficult words with right section of the chart.
the student as well as the fluency passage vocabulary:
æ STEP 3
plankton, dorsal fin, camouflage, cartilage, and Using the Vocabulary Cards, take time to go over the
extinction, found on the pre-made Vocabulary Cards. vocabulary words the student will read in the book,
æ STEP 3 paying close attention to those not taught through
Model fluent reading by reading the Fluency Passage.
the passage with proper
æ STEP 4
pauses and expression. Read page 4 to the student using proper pauses
Next, echo read the and expression
passage by reading
a sentence and then æ GAME (optional)
having the student read If time allows, you can play a matching game using
the sentence. Continue the Vocabulary Cards. Separate the word cards and
to echo read all sentences definition cards and spread them out on the table.
in the passage. Have student draw and read a word and a definition
card. If the cards match, the student keeps the cards. If
not, turn them back over and try again. You can choose
Cards can be cut apart and to play with the student or have him or her play alone
used in card games, such as with your encouragement.
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Lesson Plan
Sharks (Q)

Part 2: Comprehension 20 minutes
Materials: Book Sharks, Vocabulary Cards, KWL Graphic
Organizer, Noun/Adjective Cards
æ STEP 1
Part 1: Fluency 5–10 minutes Begin by reading pages 4–5. Model fluent reading
Materials: Fluency Passage, Vocabulary Cards with proper pauses and expression. As you read, stop
and ask the following questions. (You may want to ask
æ STEP 1 other questions to help the student think about what
Use the Vocabulary Cards to practice pronouncing the
has been read.)
difficult words and understanding their meaning.
What did you notice about my voice as I read?
æ STEP 2 When did it get higher? Lower?
Choral read (read together with the student) the
Fluency Passage. Repeat if the student appears to When did I pause to take a breath?
need more guided practice. Then, have the student æ STEP 2
independently read the passage. Discuss any words Now have the student read pages 4–9. Encourage him
he/she has difficulty reading. Do not graph the results. or her to read with expression and proper pauses,
paying attention to the punctuation. If the student
struggles, take time to model fluent reading. You may
also try echo reading part of the text. (You read a
sentence or two and then the student reads the same
sentence or two.) Make a note of words missed and
go over these words after the reading. Have student
answer the following questions:
What is one way that sharks are different from
fish? (p. 5)
How is the shark’s body suited for survival? (p. 6)
How does a shark camouflage itself? (p. 8)
How do fins help a shark? (p. 9)
Ask the student to summarize what you have read.
æ STEP 3
Return the KWL Graphic Organizer to the student. Tell
him/her to record new information in the appropriate
area on the chart. Ask the student to tell how the
organization of the chart helps the reader to better
understand and remember what is read.
æ GAME (optional)
If time allows, engage the student in a noun/adjective
game. Review that an adjective is a word that describes
a noun or pronoun. Shuffle the cards and place
them face down in a stack. Play a game of Slap—First,
determine the target word type: adjective or noun.
Next, take turns flipping a card over. If the card that
is flipped is the target word type, the first person to
slap the card gets to keep it. If it is not the target word
type, the card is left untouched. Play continues until all
cards are flipped.

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Lesson Plan
Sharks (Q)

Part 2: Comprehension 10–20 minutes
Materials: Book Sharks
æ STEP 1
Read pages 10–11. Model fluent reading with proper
Part 1: Fluency 5–10 minutes pauses and expression. You may want to ask other
Materials: Fluency Passage, Graph, timing device, questions to help the student think about what has
yellow crayon been read.

æ STEP 1 æ STEP 2
Choral read the passage. Then, have the student do an Have the student read pages 10–15, with proper
untimed independent read of the entire passage. pauses and expression. Model fluent reading if the
student struggles. You can also echo or choral read
Give positive feedback and encouragement. Next, do
with him/her. Make a note of words missed and go
a one-minute timed reading while marking any words
over these words after the reading. Have student
incorrectly read on your copy of the passage. Have the
answer the following questions after reading the
student use a yellow crayon to graph the number of
pages indicated:
words correctly read.
How is a shark’s mouth different from ours? How
does this add to the violent way a shark eats? (p.10)
What does prey mean? What are some examples of
a shark’s prey? (p.11)
Did anything surprise you about sharks on this
page? If so, what? (p.13)
Which animal is more dangerous to humans than
sharks? (p.15)
Ask the student to share his/her favorite part of
the story.
æ GAME (optional)
Repeat the Lesson 1 or 2 game.

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Lesson Plan
Sharks (Q)

Part 2: Comprehension 15–20 minutes
Materials: Book Sharks, KWL Graphic Organizer,
crayon or highlighter, Question Cards, Ocean Game
Board (optional)
Part 1: Fluency 5–10 minutes æ STEP 1
Materials: Fluency Passage Read pages 16–17. Model fluent reading with proper
pauses and expression.
æ STEP 1
Have the student read the passage independently æ STEP 2
1–2 times while you monitor the reading and give Have student reread pages 16–23. Encourage him or
positive feedback and encouragement. Do not do a her to read with proper pauses and expression. Praise
timed reading. good reading. Make a note of words missed and
go over these words after the reading. After reading,
æ STEP 2 have student answer the following questions after the
Check understanding of the passage by asking the
indicated pages:
student the following questions:
Is hammerhead a good name for this shark? Why or
Why were Nick and his dad in the ocean?
why not? (p. 17)
What was on the end of the fishing pole?
Why do you think these sharks were named the way
Why did Nick’s dad let his catch go? they are? What sense inspired their names? (p. 18)
Why had Nick been studying in school? What is the most interesting fact about sharks that
What does camouflage mean? you’ve learned? (p. 20)
What do you think can be done to help save the
shark species from dying out? (p. 23)
æ STEP 3
Return the KWL Graphic Organizer to the student
and guide him/her to note information in the proper
areas. Explain that this is one way that people take
notes as they read nonfiction books. It is helpful, then,
to review the notes to help readers remember and
understand what they have read.
æ GAME (optional)
Spread the Question Cards face down on the table and
have the student select a card. Read the card to the
student. If he or she answers it correctly, they move the
marker the number of spaces indicated on the card.
If the answer is wrong, place the card back onto the
table and mix them up. Continue drawing cards until
the student reaches the end of the game board. You
can have student roll a single die and move spaces
indicated rather than moving the number on a card.

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Lesson Plan
Sharks (Q)

Part 2: Comprehension 10–20 minutes
Materials: Book Sharks, Graphic Organizer,
Comprehension Quick Check, Question Cards and
Ocean Game Board (optional)
Part 1: Fluency 5–10 minutes æ STEP 1
Materials: Fluency Passage, Graph, timing device, red Have the student take out their KWL Graphic
crayon Organizer. Help the student complete the chart by
writing the answers to any questions they found while
æ STEP 1 reading and by recording any additional questions
Have the student read the passage independently 1–2
they developed. Remind the student that the KWL
times. Then do a one-minute timed reading. Graph
organizer is a tool that can be helpful to use to better
the number of correctly read words under #3 using a
understand and remember what is read.
red crayon.
æ STEP 2 æ STEP 2
Have the student complete the Quick Check. When
Check the student’s understanding of the passage by
he/she is finished, review the answers with the student.
having him/her retell the passage.
Help the student find the correct answer in the book
for any question missed.
If time allows, have the student describe things found
in and around sharks that they found most interesting.
Encourage them to use adjectives and details from the
book to describe a shark’s life.
æ GAME (optional)
Repeat the Question Card game from Lesson 4.
Unless otherwise directed by the coordinator, allow
the student to keep the book. Encourage him or her
to practice reading at home.

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Fluency Passage
Sharks (Q)

“Nick! I think I have something!” 6

It was a Saturday, and my dad and I were out fishing in 19

the ocean. 21

“What do you think it is?” 27

“It isn’t very heavy. I hope it’s not plankton.” 36

“Wow!” I said. “I think I just saw its dorsal fin come out of 50

the water!” 52

My dad struggled to bring it into the boat. We were positive 64

that we hooked a shark. When we brought the catch closer to the 77

boat, I noticed its skin blend with the ocean water. 87

“Nick, do you know what it’s called when an animal’s skin blends 99
with its background? It is called camouflage. It helps the animal 110
hide from predators.” 113

After ten long minutes, we brought the shark into the boat. 124

Then I remembered something I had just learned in school. 134

“I know why it didn’t feel heavy on the line. A shark doesn’t have 148
bones, but has cartilage instead.” 153

We ended up throwing the shark back into the ocean. We did our 166
part to help save the shark from extinction. 174

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Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

tiny plants and animals

plankton living near the
ocean’s surface

Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

the fin on top of

dorsal fin a shark’s body

Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

to blend in with
camouflage the surroundings

Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

an elastic tissue on
cartilage or in the body

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Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

extinction to die out completely

Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

a framework of bones that

skeleton supports an animal’s body

Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

an animal other
prey animals use as food

Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

an animal that
predator seeks another
animal for food

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Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

triangular in the shape of a triangle

Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

animals that travel on

parasites another animal using
it for food

Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

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Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

surroundings cartilage long slender

Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

dorsal fin triangular smooth shark

Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

prey shells sharp small

Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

humans boats strange flat

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Game Board Ocean

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Graphic Organizer
KWL Chart • Sharks (Q)
Name __________________________________________________________
What I know What I want to know What I learned
INSTRUCTIONS: In the first column, write what you already know about the topic. In the second column, write what you would like to know. After you finish
reading, fill in the third column with what you learned.
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Comprehension Quick Check
Sharks (Q)
Name ________________________________________Date _________________
Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the best answer.
1. Sharks are unlike most other fish 5. What is prey?
because sharks have no _________. the fin on the back of a shark
fins an animal hunted for food
gills tiny ocean plants
bones a small shark
6. Why do pilot fish swim with
2. Which fin is on the top of sharks?
the shark’s body? The shark likes to have them
caudal fin nearby.
pelvic fin They wait for food scraps
to come by.
dorsal fin
They hitch a ride on the shark.
pectoral fin
all of the above
3. How do you think the swell
shark got its name? 7. Sharks have differently shaped
teeth depending on _________.
It puffs up with air or water.
how old it is
It has camouflage patterns.
where it lives
It is a very good hunter.
its size and color
It swims very fast.
what food it eats
4. Why might a shark bite an
electrical cable? 8. Which is not a physical trait
of most sharks?
They think it is a living
creature and want to eat it. good eyesight in poor lighting
They are attracted to the powerful, streamlined body
electricity it produces. several rows of sharp teeth
They think it is a fish buried poor sense of smell
under the sand.
all of the above Comprehension Quick Check
continued on following page
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Comprehension Quick Check
Sharks (Q) continued

Name ________________________________________Date _________________

9. Which of these sharks would 12. Which statement would be

not be a danger to humans? the main idea for the section
whale shark of the book titled “Physical
great white shark
Even though there are many
cookie cutter shark
different kinds of sharks, they
all of the above share many similarities in how
they look.
10. What does extinct mean?
The thresher shark has a
being caught by a shark
long whip-like tail that it
the balance of life in the sea uses to kill or stun fish.
no longer anywhere on earth Sharks are known to be very
hiding by blending into the dangerous to humans, but
surroundings actually do not attack humans
11. Which of the following might Sharks eat many kinds of
a shark eat? sea animals and plants,
sea lion such as clams, crabs, sea
lions, and plankton.
plankton 13. Extended Response: Describe two
all of the above unusual sharks and what makes
them odd.
14. Extended Response: List two
reasons why sharks are in
danger of becoming extinct.

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Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)
5 4
Why did Nick’s dad
What is the setting of this
think he might have
caught plankton?
Possible answers: Saturday, in a boat,
Possible answer: Whatever he in the ocean
caught didn’t feel heavy.

Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)
6 3
What did Nick see come How long did it take to get
out of the water? the shark into the boat?
Possible answer: a dorsal fin Possible answer: ten minutes

Sharks (Q) Sharks (Q)

3 4
Why didn’t the shark Where had Nick
feel heavy? learned about sharks?
Possible answer: It had cartilage Possible answer: at school
instead of bones.

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Progress Report Form

Book Title __________________________________________________________

Student ________________ Grade ___ Level ___ Teacher ______________

Session Tutor Name Tutor Session Summary

Date: Part 1 completed: yes no
1 Part 2 completed: yes no
If no, last step completed ______
Time: Comments:

Date: Part 1 completed: yes no
2 Part 2 completed: yes no
If no, last step completed ______
Time: Comments:

Date: Part 1 completed: yes no
3 Part 2 completed: yes no
If no, last step completed ______
Time: Comments:

Date: Part 1 completed: yes no
4 Part 2 completed: yes no
If no, last step completed ______
Time: Comments:

Date: Part 1 completed: yes no
5 Part 2 completed: yes no
If no, last step completed ______
Time: Comments:

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Name ________________________________________ Book Title ___________




Words read per minute







1 2 3
Number of words: _____ _____ _____
1 2 3
Number of errors: _____ _____ _____
1 2 3
Date of reading: _____ _____ _____
1 2 3
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