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Design and Development of Close-

Coupled, High Performance Epicyclic Gear
Unit for Gas Turbines at 4600-HP Rating
and 10:1 Ratio


Chief of Gear Technology,

Solar Division of International Harvester Co.,
San Diego, Calif.

The new epicyclic gear unit for the large Centaur gas turbine at 4600 hp employs the proven
design features of the smaller epicyclic gear unit for the Saturn gas turbine. Hundreds of the
Saturn units (at 1100 hp, 22,300-1800 rpm) are now in service. The reliability has been
exceptionally good. Many units have now run more than 20,000 hr. The new gear unit is a
"star compound" arrangement instead of the star first stage, planetary second stage used
with the Saturn. The star compound arrangement is new to the gas turbine power field.
Certain unique arrangement details are involved. The resulting design has fewer parts and is
easier to assemble and disassemble than more conventional high-ratio epicyclic gear
designs used in steam and gas turbine applications. Perhaps more important, the new
design is very compact and it facilitates a much more integrated package of gas turbine,
gear unit, and generator than has been seen so far in the gas turbine industry at this power
rating. The testing of this unit reveals new insights into the internal dynamics of an epicyclic
gear system.

Contributed by the Gas Turbine Division of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers for
presentation at the Gas Turbine Conference & Products Show, Houston, Texas, March 2-6, 1975.
Manuscript received at ASME Headquarters December 6, 1974.
Copies will be available until December 1, 1975.

Design and Development of Close-
Coupled, High Performance Epicyclic Gear
Unit for Gas Turbines at 4600-HP Rating
and 10:1 Ratio

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Some years ago, the Saturn Gas Turbine was For either ratio the casings, carrier,
equipped with an improved design of heavy-duty bearings, and second stage are all the same design
epicyclic gear unit for continuous-duty applica- of parts. The only change made is in the first-
tions. Hundreds of these units are in service stage gearing.
now and many have more than 20,000 hr of operating The epicyclic gear unit is designed to meet
time (Fig. 1). the following rating:
The Saturn application made an interesting
comparison (1), 1 since a complete production de- • Power -- 4600 hp
sign and substantial field experience was obtained o Life -- 30,000 hr between overhauls
using both conventional parallel axis gears and o Service factor — 1.10 for generator
the smaller epicyclic gear unit to do the sane application; 10 short circuit.
History is repeating itself (at Solar) with
new Centaur continuous-duty generator sets. The
Centaur gas turbine was originally put into ser-
vice with a conventional parallel axis type of
double-reduction high-speed gear unit.
The new epicyclic design for the large
Centaur engine accomplishes the things that were
accomplished on the smaller Saturn when this en-
gine was equipped with a compact epicyclic gear
unit designed for long life.
This paper has been written to explain the
design concept and the engineering developments in
the new epicyclic gear unit.


The new epicyclic gear unit is designed for

an input speed of 15,000 rpm (approximately) and
output speeds of either 1800 rpm (60 Hz) or 1500
rpm (50 Hz). The ratio change is accomplished
in the first stage by having two sun pinion designs
and two star gear designs. For 1800 rpm, the sun/
star tooth ratio is 4+0/101, while for the 1500 rpm
the tooth ratio is 35/106. In either case, the
second stage star/ring has a tooth ratio of 38/125.

1 Numbers in parentheses designate References Fig. 1 Saturn continuous-duty unit, 800-kw

at end of paper. output, turbine speed 22,300 rpm

New Solar Centaur Gas Turbine Generator Set

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Former Solar Centaur Gas Turbine Generator Set

Fig. 2 Epicyclic gear unit supports turbine at Fig. 3 Comparison of the new GS- 11-000 arrangement
air inlet. Note accessory drive pads built into with an epicyclic gear drive to the former GS-
main drive gear unit 3000 with a conventional double reduction gear

The unit has a built-in accessory drive

arrangement to handle a starter at 60.20 rpm, a pound configuration. In the epicyclic family of
lube pump at 2030 rpm, and a fuel pump at 2030 gear units, the planetary or star arrangements
rpm. Appropriate accessory pads are provided to are often used for single reduction drives. For
mount each of these accessories. high ratios, two planetaries may be used in series.
The epicyclic gear package has its own At high input speeds, a star first stage and a
housing and bolts to an oil tank built into the planetary second stage make a good combination ---
frame of the power package. The gear unit is and is the combination used on Solar's Saturn
close coupled to the end of the engine by a circu- units.
lar bolting flange. This arrangement provides a Fig. F shows the schematic arrangement of
ready means for obtaining -- and maintaining — the epicyclic gear types just mentioned. Note
precision alignment between the engine and gear that the epicyc?.ics all involve sun gears, planet
unit. (or star) gears, and ring gears.
Fig. 2 shows how the turbine is directly The choice of a star compound configuration
supported by the gearbox. This is the principal was reached after a thorough engineering study at
support of the turbine. The other turbine support Solar. Layouts and calculations were made for
-- at the exhaust end — is flexible in the axial several configurations. The reason that the star
direction and should be considered more of a compound arrangement came out best was due pri-
"steady rest" than a support point. marily to:
In the previously built GS-3000, a free-
standing double-reduction gear unit of conventional o The required ratio of up to 10:1 was
design was used. This gear unit weighed almost rather high to handle properly in a single-stage
twice as much as the epicyclic gear unit of the GS- arrangement like a single-stage star or a single-
4000, even though the previous unit was relatively stage planetary.
lightweight due to the fact that it used all case- • With a design power of 4-600 hp and an
hardened and ground gears. output speed of 1800 rpm, the carrier assembly is
Fig. 3 shows an arrangement comparison of fairly heavy and would develop rather severe
the new and old gas turbine generator sets. centrifugal loads if it were a rotating carrier.
Note how the small, close-coupled epicyclic gear This favors the star compound configuration and
unit helps to reduce the size of the overall tends to rule out the planetary compound configura-
power package. tion.
o A double reduction design such as a star
TYPE OF EPICYCLIC GEAR UNIT first stage and a planetary second stage or a
star first stage and a star second stage could
The new epicyclic gear unit is a star com- have been used with all design elements coming

1^ - r



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CAf Fig. 5 Details of gear arrangement used in star
compound unit for GS-14-000

trimetal bearings, relatively large in size,

mounted in the bore of the star pinion.
The floating sun pinion has a thrust runner
STAR COMPOUND about midway on the sun pinion assembly. The
Fig. 4 Schematic epicyclic gear arrangement pinion thrust bearing is mounted in a spherical
seat so that this bearing can adjust to suit actual
running conditions of the floating pinion.
The tooth combinations used are shown in
out well. The double reduction design, though, Table 1.
needs a minimum of 10 gear parts and two carriers. Fig. 6 shows a comparison of some of the
The compound style can do the job with eight gear typical gear parts for the Saturn units and the
parts and two carriers. The compound design thus Centaur unit. Note the similarity of the sun
represents an economy of material and number of pinions. The ring gears in each case are flexible
parts over a double reduction design. A ratio of (at the rim) and mounted on flexing splines.
10:1 is well within good practice for a compound Fig. 7 shows the carrier. Note the unusual-
style of epicyclic. If the ratio had been higher, ly rugged design. After much engineering study,
20:1, it probably would have been necessary to go a design was evolved to permit a one-piece casting
to a more costly double reduction style of arrange- with particularly generous sections where the
ment. highest load reactions would be carried. The
rugged one-piece design tends to minimize buildup
Fig. 5 shows the internal arrangement of the of machining tolerances and fits, and the twist
GS-x+000 gear unit. The input sun pinion is free of the carrier under full torque should have a
floating between the flexible coupling at the tur- negligible effect on gear tooth fit across the
bine shaft and the mesh with three star gears. contacting face width.
The ring gear is also free floating between a
large flexible coupling on the output shaft and ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF GEAR DESIGN
the three second-stage star pinions.
Three layshafts, fixed in the carrier, sup- The Centaur star compound epicyclic gear
port the three star assemblies. Thrust reactions unit has many similarities to the previously de-
of the star gear and star pinion are designed to veloped epicyclic gear units for Titan engines,
almost cancel each other so that there is essen- Spartan engines, and Saturn engines. The continu-
tially no thrust reaction from the star assembly ous-duty generator drive application makes this
to the casing. This makes it possible to mount the Centaur application very similar to the Saturn
star assembly with two small thrust bearings at Continuous-Duty units that have been in production
each end. The relatively large radial reactions for several years.
from the star assembly are taken by two special The Saturn epicyclic continuous-duty units

Table 1 Tooth Data for Solar GS-4000 Star
Compound Gear Unit

For 1800-rpm Output

1st Stage 2nd Stage

Number of sun pinion teeth 40 --

Number of star teeth

101 38

Number of ring gear teeth --- 125

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Normal diametral pitch 10 6

Helix angle 16°4' 10°

Input (rpm) 14,950

Pitch line velocity (fpm) 16,348 9,967

For 1500 rpm Output

Number of sun Pinion teeth 35 --

Number of star teeth 106 38

Number of ring gear teeth --- 125

Normal diametral Pitch 10 6

Helix angle 16054' 10°

Input (rpm) 14,944 ---

Pitch line velocity (fpm) 14,311 8,307

have a proven record of long life and high relia- all the gearing. The Centaur gears are being made
bility. At the end of 1973, there were almost to the same exacting metallurgical and geometric
200 of these units in service. The average unit limits used in Saturn continuous-duty gear units.
had already accumulated over 25,000 hr of service:
Premature overhaul of these units was very limited. RESUMM OF ENGINEERING TESTS
Less than a dozen instances had occurred.
The Solar philosophy in designing epicyclic An extensive development test program has
gear units has involved these changes: been carried on for the new epicyclic gear unit.
Since the configuration was a "star compound"
• Floating sun pinion rather than the more conventional planetary or
• Flexible and floating ring gears star designs, it was appropriate to fully investi-
• High geometric precision in the gearing gate the internal dynamics of the unit before put-
• Rigid control of metallurgical quality ting it into production.
of the gears Previous experience (2) with high-speed
• Special sleeve bearings for the planets epicyclic gears has shown that the bearings 2 are
• Carrier designs of unusual rigidity.
2 Solar experience with bearings being criti-
The Centaur epicyclic unit follows this cal in high-speed gears is similar to that reported

philosophy. Vacuum arc remelt steel is used in by others.



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Fig. 6 Comparison of saturn and centaur gear Fig. 7 Centaur carrier
Proximity probes, 90 deg apart, were in-
stalled to read the radial excursion of the float-
as critical as the gear teeth. For this reason, ing sun pinion at the thrust runner location.
the development of this epicyclic gear unit was Similar probes read the radial excursion of the
as concerned with achieving cool running, well- floating ring gear. In addition, probes read the
fitted bearings as it was in obtaining good fit turbine shaft excursion at the bearing adjacent
on the gear teeth and good load distribution in to the gearbox. Other pickups read vibrations at
the three branches. various casing locations.
The development test units were highly Probes were mounted to read the ring gear
instrumented. Data were collected continuously motion in vertical, horizontal, and axial direc-
with temperatures being automatically stamped on tions, readings being taken off the thick section
a removing roll of graph paper. The many vibra- of the rim (Fig. 8).
tion pickups had their signals continuously In spite of the proven success (3-6) of the
recorded on electromagnetic tapes. This made it epicyclic gear unit in all kinds of gear applica-
possible to analyze and plot vibration amplitude tions — including steam and gas turbine applica-
versus frequency at any time during a test run. tions — gear engineers have long argued and
Bearing temperatures were measured for oil theorized 3 about the problems of dividing the load
out of all six star bearings (three star assem- evenly through each branch of the system. In 1962,
blies, a first-stage gear bearing and a second- the writer commented (7) on the state of the art
stage pinion for each assembly). In addition, of that time and pointed out how precision and
thermocouples in the star pins themselves meas- flexibility were needed to make all planets work
ured temperature of the metal at the load reaction evenly. Incidentally, the prediction was also
points. made at that time that there would be a great in-
Temperatures were also measured at the crease in the usage of the epicyclic style unit
pinion thrust bearing, the output shaft ball in the high-speed industrial and marine fields.
bearing, and, of course, oil in and out tempera- The test results on this unit shed some new
ture for the gearbox was taken. light on how a good epicyclic gear unit really
In the initial testing, some changes were works.
made in the oil grooves and passageways to improve Fig. 9 shows vibration plots of amplitude
the oil distribution. Table 2 shows typical read- versus frequency for the floating sun and the
ings for the final design when running under
steady-state load conditions at 2800 kw. 3 The late Dr. H. E. Merritt, in his most
The temperature conditions all came out recent book (9), analyzes planetary gear charac-
well. The gearbox was highly efficient with teristics with unusual clarity. He points out the
relatively low temperature rises at all bearings. key effects of ring gear deflection and floating
Perhaps the most interesting test results of a long-shafted sun pinion. His analysis (on p.
had to do with vibrations measured by proximity 199) is particularly appropriate for this star com-
probes and observations of gear tooth contact. pound design.

Table 2 Typical Steady-State Temperatures When
Running GS-4000 Epicyclic Unit at 2800 kW
Oil in - - - - 131 F Oil out - - - - 166 F Flow 34,5 gpm P i = 50 psi

Pinion thrust bearing 151 F Forward Aft

No. 1 Star bearing oil out temperature 157 F No. 1 Star pinion, pin 174 F 167 F
No. 2 Star bearing oil out temperature 156 F No. 2 Star pinion pin 186 F -----
No. 3 Star bearing oil out temperature 157 F No, 3 Star pinion pin 193 F 173 F
Output shaft ball bearing 185 F

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No. 1 Star gear thrust brg 162 F
No. 2 Star gear thrust brg 182 F
No. 3 Star gear thrust brg 184 F

floating ring gear. Chart A shows the sun's radial of "a" at No. 1 and imagining that at that instant
motion characteristic, as measured at the thrust in time there is no position error at Nos. 2 or
runner. Chart C shows the ring gear as measured 3.
on the outside diameter right over the gear teeth. The analysis of Fig. 9 shows that the mesh
The chart shown is for vertical motion. The at No. 2 would be deeper by about 0.67 a. Meshes
chart for horizontal motion (not shown) was almost Nos. 1 and 3 would be slightly shallower. The
the same. greatest misalignment would occur at mesh No. 1
The ring gear has its primary vibration at since the direction of motion of the pinion
30 Hz -- which is its rotational frequency. The center is almost perpendicular to the tooth side
amount is 0.0038 in. This movement is really not of this mesh. Misalignment effects at the other
a vibration -- even though it is measured with two meshes would be quite slight since the motion
vibration equipment. What is happening is that at the pinion center is close to being parallel
the ring is shifting as it rotates to accommodate to the tooth sides.
slight errors in the gear teeth and the bearings. The misalignment effect at No. 1 comes out
The sun pinion is executing several orbits to be approximately 0.67 a. Its severity is
simultaneously. At the ring gear frequency of equal to 0.67 a/L where "L" is the pinion length
30 Hz, the sun is orbiting 0.0015 in. At the from pivot point.
frequency of the star assembly, 95 Hz, the sun is The result just shown is quite favorable.
shifting 0.0012 in. At its own rotational fre- An out of position due to accumulated spacing
quency, the sun is shifting 0.002 in. Chart B errors has only a small effect in causing misalign-
shows an instantaneous oscilloscope trace of the ment. This means that precision tooth accuracy
motion pattern of the sun. Note the complex mo- in an epicyclic of these dimensions should cause
tion pattern. Note also that the pinion is spend- no serious alignment troubles.
ing most of its time within 0.001 in. of center. Inspection of these gears after load runs
The data just presented indicates that both bears out the validity of the Fig. 10 analysis.
floating members are indeed moving about to pro- The spacing errors and the amplitude of floating
perly divide the power between the three branches. resulting from these errors have no noticeable
What are the meshing conditions at the effect on the tooth bearing pattern across the
first stage? Possibly the teeth will suffer from face width. The tooth fit of this unit is governed
serious end loading due to alignment shifts of by lead accuracy almost exactly the same as would
the sun pinion. (The sun assembly must pivot from be the case of a simple pinion and gear on parallel
the flexible coupling at the end of the turbine axes. The inherently narrow face of the epi-
shaft.) cyclic, of course, makes it easier to get suitable
Fig. 10 shows an analysis of how a position lead accuracy for a good tooth fit.
error at No. 1 pin would shift the floating sun. With the pinion jumping around in various
The accumulated spacing errors of the gear teeth, orbits, there could be a worry that acceleration
plus bearing runouts and flexible spline runouts, forces required to move the pinion short distances
will constantly introduce and remove position very quickly would be great enough to disrupt the
errors at each of the three mesh points. The pinion's load sharing tendency. Calculations have
general nature of what is going on can be under- been made to see what the greatest acceleration
stood by taking a simple case of a position error force would be to move the pinion the distances

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9 .

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OF RIRJtf St v t3' 'l of
.i30i ....... M'O77t?,ir

Fig. 8 Centaur ring gear hub assembly installed tktlk7.a ^ ^ ^ I '

in output end casing. The ball bearing slips
into the carrier when the assembly is completed

required by the measured orbit amplitudes at vari-

ous frequencies. T e highest figure obtained was Fig. 9 Vibration patterns for sun and ring gears
40 lb.
Considering that load reactions at each
pinion mesh point are 2700 lb, it is obvious that
an acceleration force of 40 lb would have only a POSITION ERROR "a"J^

negligible effect on load sharing. N

The efficiency of the unit can be determined N
from the temperature rise of the oil going., through SHIFT OF
the box. (Most of the loss is picked up by the PINION pOT^ITION
oil; a relatively small amount of loss is dissipated /

by heat radiation from the gear casing.) The calcu- SHIFT OF LOAD
lations show that this epicyclic gear unit runs at (1R H INAL F ENTER

97.5 percent (or better) efficiency when at, or SHIFT OF PINION

\ER, ABOUT .07 a
near, full rated load.
1E►U ;i1 V^, p3 /

The epicyclic style of gear is very old (8) ^ r

in the gear art. A few decades ago, it was most --SHIFT OF LOAD,
noticeably used in gear applications like the REACTION AT #3

drive of an airplane propeller or in electric


In recent years, there has been a very sub- POSITION TO ACCCMMODATE CHANGE AT 1^1.

stantial increase in the use of epicyclic gearing RESULTS: - TEETH MESH DEEPER AT S2
in the industrial field by steam and gas turbines. - CENTER OF PINION SHIFTS ABOUT .F7
At the present time, there is probably close to - GREATEST MISALIGNMENT EFFECT IS AT #I, THEORETICAL
30 million hp installed in turbine applications
Fig. 10 Error study of floating sun
around the world.
It has been amply demonstrated that the
dimensional precision and the metallurgical
quality -- now available for larger, high-speed described in this paper has been developed to
gears — make the industrial epicyclic gear unit take its place with other proven epicyclic gear
an excellent choice for compact, economical power units.
packages. Although only a small amount of engineering
The new star compound epicyclic gear unit data can be presented within the limitations of a

short technical paper, the results shown bring Life Epicyclic Gearing for Industrial Gas Turbines,"
out these things: AGMA 219.07, Oct. 1970.
2 Ehrlenspiel, K., "Statistical Investiga-
• The new star compound design functions in tion on High-Speed Gear Failures -- Possibilities
a manner similar to others, better known, planetary to Reduce Failures," ASME Paper No. 72- PTG -32, Oct.
and star arrangements. Its internal dynamics are 1972.
good, and it accomplishes a high ratio with a 3 Jones, T. P., "Fifteen Years Development
minimum number of parts. of High-Power Epicyclic Gears," Transactions of
• The efficiency of the star compound is the Institute of Marine Engineers, Vol. 79, No. 8,
good -- as is characteristic of the epicyclic 1967, pp. 273-303.

Downloaded from by guest on 18 March 2021

family. (The new epicyclic is over 1 percent 4 Elward, R. A., "New Caterpillar Heavy-
more efficient than the conventional parallel axis Duty 1200 -hp Planetary Design Marine Transmission,"
gear that it replaced.) ASME Paper No. 69- WA/DGP -4, Nov. 1969.
• The new star compound is lightweight and 5 Barwig, H., "Stoeckicht Getreibe,"
compact even though individual parts are very Konstruktion, Vol. 6, No. 10, 1954, p. 277.
rugged, (Note, in particular, the carrier in Fig. 6 Breuer, 0. K., "High-Powered Epicyclic
7 and the gear parts in Figs. 6 and 8.) The new Gears," Demag information brochure, Za 105 en MDG
epicyclic weighs one-half as much as the unit it 4 65 1000.
replaces. 7 Dudley, D. W., editor-In-chief, "Gear
o The small size of the parts, relatively Arrangements," Chapter 3, Gear Handbook, McGraw-
narrow face widths, and simplicity of design Hill, New York, 1962.
create the right situation for precision quality 8 Dudley, D. W., The Evolution of the Gear
and high reliability in the field. Art, American Gear Manufacturers Association,
Washington, D.C., 1969.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 9 Merritt, H. E., Gear Engineering, Pitman
Publishing, London, 1971.
The writer wishes to thank the Solar Division 10 Niemann, G., "Maschinenelemente," Band
of International Harvester for permission to II, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Gottingen, Heidelberg,

publish this paper on the new epicyclic gear unit 1960.
for the Centaur engine. 11 Dudley, D. W., and Winter, H., Zahnrader,

My gear design associates, Mr. Abraham Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Gottingen, Heidelberg,

Tucker and Mr. Joseph Villa, made significant 1961.

contributions to the design of this unit, and 12 Glover, J. H., "How to Construct Ratio

they deserve much credit for the development of and Efficiency Formulas for Planetary Gear Trains,"
the special design features mentioned in this presented at Semi-Annual Meeting of AGMA, Oct.
paper. 26-29, 1969, AGMA 279.01.
In preparing the paper, I am very much in- 13 Kasuba, R., and Radzimovsky, E. I., "A

debted to my staff assistants, Mr. Max Dunn and Multi-Purpose Planetary Gear Testing Machine for
Mrs. M. Irene Galarneau, for their good help in Studies of Gear Drive Dynamics, Efficiency, and
making illustrations and preparing the text. Lubrication," presented at ASME Meeting, San
Francisco, Calif., Oct. 1972, 72- PTG-33.

REFERENCES 14 Radzimovsky, E. I., "How to Find Effi-
ciency, Speed, and Power in Planetary Gear Drives,

1 Dudley, D. W., "The Development of Long Machine Design, June 11, 1959, PP. 144-153.

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