Gifa Azria Abdurachman - 3C Akuntansi - Middle Test Peec TGL 1 Nov 2021 - Writing Test

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NAME: Gifa Azria Abdurachman

NPM: 022120082

CLASS: 3C Akuntansi.

Middle Test Tanggal 1 November 2021 (Writing Test)

I. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1.Margaret has got very long black( hair / hairs )

ANSWER: Margaret has got very long black hair.

2.We had (a very good weather / very good weather ) when we were on

ANSWER: We had very good weather when we we were on holiday.

3. Sorry I’m late. I had ( trouble / troubles ) with the car this morning.

ANSWER: Sorry i’m late. I had trouble with the car this morning.

4.I want something to read. I’m going to buy ( a / some ) paper.

ANSWER: I want something to read. I’m going to buy a paper.

5. I want to write some letters. I need ( a / some ) writing paper.

ANSWER: I want to write some. I need some writing paper.

6. Bad news (don’t / doesn’t) make people happy .

ANSWER: Bad news don’t make people happy.

7.The flat is empty. We haven’t got any ( furnitures /furniture ) yet.

ANSWER: The flat is empty. We haven’t got any furniture yet.

8.When the fire alarm rang, there was (a complete chaos / complete chaos ).

ANSWER: When the fire alarm rang, there was a complete chaos.

9.I had to buy (a / some bread )because I wanted to make some sandwiches.

ANSWER: I had to buy some bread because I wanted to make some

10. After spending most of his life travelling round the world, he is now writing
a book About his (experience / experiences ).

ANSWER: After spending most of his life travelling round the world, he is
now writing a book About his experiences.

II. Now you have to put in a / an or some or leave a space ( without a word )

1. Have you got a Camera ?

2.Would you like to be an actor ?

3.Bill’s got a big feet.

4.Do you collect Stamps?

5. Tom always gives Ann Flowers on her birthday.

6.Those are really nice trousers. Where did you get them ?

7.You need a Visa to visit a Foreign countries, but not all of them.

8.I’m going shopping. I’m going to get a new clothes.

9.When we reached the city centre, shops were still open but most of them
werealready closed.

10.Do you enjoy going to concerts?

III. Write an informal letters at least three paragraphs !

Dear fadhil,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits. Sorry, I have not been writing
as regularly as i should.

The fact is that i have just moved to sydney to do a short term course in fashion
designing. It will take about six months. I was wondering if you would also like
to do this course with me. After all, you have always been one of the most
fashionable among my friends. Wouldn’t it be great if you could turn that
passion into a rewarding career?

As you know fashion has become an integral part of our lives and as such there
is a huge demand for fashion designers. Because it is a highly competitive field,
you won’t be able to get a foothold in the industry if you are not armed with a
proffesional qualification. Although this is a short term course it is recognized
by the major agencies in the fashion industry. The institution that offers this
course also provides 100% placement guarantee. That means you won’t have to
worry about finding a job after doing this course. Let me if you are interested.

Hope to hear from you soon

Kind regards

Gifa Azria

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