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Experiment title:

Voltage Distribution and String Efficiency of a Model

Suspension Insulator

‫احمد محمد عبد الكريم‬ ‫االسم‬

‫نقل وتوزيع القدرة‬ ‫المادة‬

‫رابع محطات القدرة‬ ‫المرحلة‬

Group –A-

To Study the effect of voltage distribution on the insulator in three

phases, (insulators have been represented by capacitors)

The first case which is not real, but what is intended is to measure the
voltage difference at both ends of each capacitance, the insulator is
without a tower

The second case adding the tower to the insulator and that by connecting
the capacitors together (short)

The third case the scaling ring, adding a ring to the insulator by adding
two capacitors and linking them with the last two spaces in the model. 
And calculate the chain efficiency

2.     Equipment and components used

1- Capacitors

 Self-capacitance of units = 47 μf

Pin-tower capacitance = 10 μf

Grading ring capacitance =2.2 μf

2- Variac Transformer

3- Avometer

4- Laboratory model

5- pin wires

Conclusions and Discussions

VSelf-shunt-Grading ring
NO Vself Vself-shunt
1 4.1 1.2 1.3

2 4.3 1.5 1.7

3 4.3 2.2 2.3

4 4.1 3.1 3.3

5 4.1 4.2 4.5

6 4.2 6.5 6.1

7 4.1 10.4 9.8

Laboratory calculations

4.1 ×7
η self = × 100 %
7 × 4.1
η self =100 %

η self −shunt = × 100 %
7 × 10.4
η self −shunt =39.9 %

η self −shunt−Grading ring= ×100 %
7 × 9.8
η self −shunt−Grading ring=42.3 %
Theoretical calculations
I 2=I 1

V 2 ωc=V 1 ωc

V 2=V 1

V 3 ωc=V 2 ωc

V 3=V 1

V 4 ωc =V 3 ωc

V 4 =V 1

V 5 ωc=V 4 ωc

V 5=V 1

V 6 ωc=V 5 ωc

V 6=V 1

V 7 ωc=V 6 ωc

V 7=V 1

V T =V 1 +V 2+ V 3+ V 4 +V 5 +V 6 +V 7

V T =(V ¿ ¿1+V 1 +V 1 +V 1 +V 1 +V 1+ V 1) ¿
V T =7 V 1

η self =
n× V 7
η self = ×100 %
η self =100 %
I 2=I 1 +i 1

V 2 ωc=V 1 ωc+V 1 ωk c 1

V 2 47=V 1 47+V 1 10

V 2=1.213 V 1

I 3=I 2+i 2

V 3 ωc=V 2 ωc +( V ¿ ¿1+V 2)ωk c 1 ¿

V 3 47=(1.213 V 1 )47+(V ¿ ¿ 1+V 2 )10 ¿

V 3=1.684 V 1

V 4 ωc =V 3 ωc+(V ¿ ¿ 1+V 2 +V 3 )ωk c1 ¿

V 4 47=( 1.684 V 1) 47+(V ¿ ¿1+1.213 V 1 +1.684 V 1) 10 ¿

V 4 =2.513 V 1

V 5 ωc=V 4 ωc+(V ¿ ¿ 1+V 2 +V 3 +V 4 ) ωk c 1 ¿

V 5 47=(2.513 V 1 ) 47+(V ¿ ¿1+1.213 V 1 +1.684 V 1 +2.513V 1) 10¿

V 5=3.877 V 1

V 6 ωc=V 5 ωc +(V ¿ ¿ 1+ V 2+V 3+V 4 +V 5 )ωkc ¿

V 6 47=( 3.877 V 1 ) 47+(V ¿ ¿ 1+1.213V 1+1.684 V 1+2.513 V 1 +3.877 V 1) 10 ¿

V 6=6.075V 1

V 7 ωc=V 6 ωc +(V ¿ ¿ 1+ V 2+ V 3+ V 4 +V 5 +V 6 )ωkc ¿

V 7 47=( 5.63 V 1 ) 47+(V ¿ ¿ 1+ 1.213V 1 +1.684 V 1 +2.513 V 1+ 3.877 V 1+5.63 V 1 )10 ¿

V 7=9.23V 1

V T =V 1 +V 2+ V 3+ V 4 +V 5 +V 6 +V 7

V T =¿ ¿

V T =25.592V 1
η self −shunt =
25.592V 1
η self −shunt = ×100 %
7 × 9.23 V 1
η self −shunt =39.6 %

Self-shunt-Grading ring
I 2=I 1 +i 1

V 2 ωc=V 1 ωc+V 1 ωk c 1

V 2 47=V 1 47+V 1 10

V 2=1.213 V 1

I 3=I 2+i 2

V 3 ωc=V 2 ωc +( V ¿ ¿1+V 2)ωk c 1 ¿

V 3 47=(1.213 V 1 )47+(V ¿ ¿ 1+V 2 )10 ¿

V 3=1.684 V 1

V 4 ωc =V 3 ωc+(V ¿ ¿ 1+V 2 +V 3 )ωk c1 ¿

V 4 47=( 1.684 V 1) 47+(V ¿ ¿1+1.213 V 1 +1.684 V 1) 10 ¿

V 4 =2.513 V 1

V 5 ωc=V 4 ωc+(V ¿ ¿ 1+V 2 +V 3 +V 4 ) ωk c 1 ¿

V 5 47=(2.513 V 1 ) 47+(V ¿ ¿1+1.213 V 1 +1.684 V 1 +2.513V 1) 10¿

V 5=3.877 V 1

V 6 ωc + ( V 6 +V 5 ) ωk c'1=V 5 ωc +(V ¿ ¿ 1+V 2+ V 3+ V 4 +V 5 )ωkc ¿

V 6 47+ ( V 6 +3.877 V 1 ) 2.2=( 3.877 V 1 ) 47+(V ¿ ¿ 1+ 1.213V 1 +1.684 V 1 +2.513 V 1 +3.877 V 1) 10 ¿

V 6=5.63V 1

V 7 ωc + ( V 6 ) ωk c'1=V 6 ωc +(V ¿ ¿ 1+V 2 +V 3 +V 4 +V 5 +V 6 ) ωkc¿

V 7 47+ ( 5.63V 1 ) 2.2=( 5.63V 1 ) 47 +(V ¿ ¿ 1+1.213 V 1+ 1.684 V 1+ 2.513V 1 +3.877 V 1 +5.63 V 1) 10 ¿
V 7=8.65V 1

V T =V 1 +V 2+ V 3+ V 4 +V 5 +V 6 +V 7

V T =¿ ¿

V T =24.567 V 1

η self −shunt−Grading ring=
n ×V 7
24.567 V 1
η self −shunt−Grading ring= × 100 %
7 × 8.65V 1
η self −shunt−Grading ring=41 %

 Comment on the results obtained.

In the first case we find that the values of voltages are equal and the
efficiency is very high because we did not connect the tower but in the
second case the voltage values increase and we note that the efficiency is
lower either in the third case when we connect this ring leads to a decrease
in voltage values and increases efficiency relatively and this is the usefulness
of the ring
 Give reasons for unequal potential distribution over the string.
Because the capacitor between the insulated discs and tower appear those
effect of total capacitor then effects of voltages across discs
 What is the effect of this UN equality on the insulators?
The dielectric equality affects the voltages and hence their string efficiency
 Can value of the string efficiency being equal to 100%. Explain your
This is not practically possible because if we want to have 100% efficiency
then the tower should be canceled as in case 1, this is not possible
 Outline methods used to equalize the potential across the units.
By making currents through all I Insulator same, voltage drop across all
Insulator becomes same. By using grading ring we have to induce currents to
all insulators which is equal to leakage current of corresponding Insulator
 Why an Insulator is represented as a capacitor C? What are the
assumption modes?
Because we need voltage distribution in the mathematical mode, we
assumed that because there is a difference in the voltages and the air is an
insulating layer, so it is represented in the form of capacitors

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